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Home Explore Activus Transport 2016 Annual Report

Activus Transport 2016 Annual Report

Published by Activus Tranport, 2016-10-03 18:34:57

Description: Activus Transport 2016 Annual Report

Keywords: Activus Transport 2016 Annual Report,Annual Report


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ACTIVUS TRANSPORT ACTIVUS TRANSPORT OUR PHILOSOPHY What do we believe in? The right of people to make choices in their own lives The right of people to dignity, respect, privacy and confidentiality The right of people to be valued The right of people to access services on a non-discriminatory basis The right of the community to access accountable and responsive services – 01 –

ANNUAL REPORT 2016 THE 2016PRESIDENT’S REPORTThis year has seen another year of growth for Activus will be in the community. We are also happy to be partTransport as we have invested in new technology, new of the Travel Training project for South East Sydney,staff and new vehicles. Our biggest change was the which will provide support for people, who are unable,move from the Trips database and scheduling system to use public transport with a support person to assistto RouteMatch. This change was at the direction of them navigate their way around the public transportTransport for NSW, our funding body, and it is to our network. This project is being run in partnership withcredit that we were selected to trial the various systems Holdsworth Community, Randwick Waverley andand the first Community Transport in NSW to roll out the St. George Community Transport and is a great examplenew system. of working collaboratively with other services like ours.As with any change, the organisation had to cope Our fleet now consists of 21 vehicles: 7 buses, 2 smallwith significant issues, however, I am proud to report vans and 12 cars which enable us to provide directthat our staff and volunteers rose to the occasion and services to over 3500 clients and to support otherwithin weeks, had the new system fully operational. community groups who hire our vehicles to transportThanks to Transport for NSW for their confidence in our their own clients to a range of venues.organisation and to RouteMatch for providing ongoingtraining and support. I would like to thank the hard working team of volunteers who make up the Board of Activus. All are dedicated toOur restructure last year proved valuable in being able making the service run well, meet our contact obligationsto cope with other changes in the sector such as the and prove the best community transport to the people ofMy Aged Care assessment as we now have a dedicated Sutherland Shire. Thanks should also go to our wonderfulteam who can take direct bookings as well as download team of Volunteer drivers and bus assistants who,referrals from the My Aged Care assessment system. provide such a great service to the community.All of these new systems take time to implement and Ithank the staff and Volunteers who have adapted to the On behalf of the Board I would like to thank the hardchanges and been able to adjust their work to cope. working team of paid workers who have coped admirably with all the changes and who remain dedicated to theOne area which has become more obvious is the wellbeing of our wonderful clients.challenge which changes to our funding will make, tohow we provide services in the future. In order for Graham Warethe Board to make the correct decisions about ouroptions, we have a Business planning team working on Presidentresearching what the area of highest transport needs – 02 –

ACTIVUS TRANSPORT THE 2016 GENERAL MANAGER'S REPORTWelcome to our 2016 Annual Report. As in previous changeover has been a challenge as the system isyears, we have much to celebrate and be thankful for. completely different than what we were used to, however,Over the past 12 months we have seen the benefits our staff rose to the challenge and have proved to beof our name change unfold, so many people are now very successful in managing the changeover.commenting on how active we are in the local community– many people are asking ‘How many extra vehicles have One of the long term benefits of this new software isyou purchased?” In fact, it’s none - it’s all the result of that it will remove a lot of the paper and printing we usegreat marketing. in providing the run sheets to drivers, under the new system, the drivers all have a small Samsung tablet withOur clients continue to be the reason we come to work. all the client details installed in the car, this informationWe are now servicing more people than ever before updates regularly so changes can be made ‘on the run’.and we hope to increase this number over the comingmonths. Comments from clients in our annual survey Some other changes are the upgrade of our website,show that they value our service which allows them to more use of social media and our electronic newsletterremain connected to their community, through direct which is now published several times a which we provide in transporting them tosocial outings, shopping centres, medical or personal The Aged Care reforms by the Commonwealthappointments. This year we have provided over 50,000 Government mean that all of our clients aged over 65trips and hired buses to other organisations for their are required to be assessed by the My Aged Care team.clients. These additional 22,000 passengers brings our This involves phone assessment and if required, a faceyearly total to over 70,000 trips. to face assessment by the Regional Assessment Service. This intake process has delayed the intake of new clientsThe year has also seen great changes in the operations and has added further administration requirements forof the organisation, with our new scheduling system, our staff.RouteMatch, finally being installed in May. We had beenchosen by Transport for NSW as the Proof of Concept As well as these changes we are also at the beginning ofsite to trial several different client databases which had the implementation of the National Disability Insurancescheduling capacity. These trials took place in October Scheme which will affect those people aged under 65of 2015 and by May 2016 the selection had been made who have a functional disability. Our region will beginand the contracts signed. We were then invited to be work under this scheme in July 2017, however theone of the initial sites to roll out the new software. The planning and training is already underway.– 03 –

Roslyn Morton, General Manager with Carmello Pesce, Sutherland Shire Mayor at thisyears Volunteer Week Function, held at Audley Weir CaféAll of these changes have had an impact on the Business plan will be ready to roll out over the comingorganisation and during this time several of our staff months and we look forward to sharing this informationhave decided to move on to other adventures. We said with you. Thank you to all those who have participatedfarewell to Kingsley, Elizabeth, Jenny and Marge who had in our focus groups and consultation sessions to providebeen with us for over 11 years, Renee who had handled information for the Business plan.our finances so capably for 10 years and Rhonda and Jimwho both had new grandchildren to play with. We thank Special thanks must go to the dedicated team ofthese outgoing staff members and wish them well in their volunteer drivers and bus assistants who have providedfuture endeavours. support to enable our service to run so effectively. Many of the volunteers have expressed their satisfaction inNew staff members who have joined our team include playing a key role in helping people to stay independentJovanka, Chele, Tony, Jan, Rick and Neil. They have all hit and engaged in the community. The work of ourthe ground running and have proved a great addition to volunteers can never be overestimated as they provideour team. a vital service in keeping local people from becoming socially isolated. Thanks again.I would like to take this opportunity to thank our Boardmembers, Graham, Gary, Chris, Phil, Alan, Jan, Ted and As mentioned previously, we have a wonderful teamMoya who give their time to take on the governance of staff in the organisation. People who continued torole of the organisation. During the past year they provide service to our client base whilst dealing withhave proved capable of making difficult decisions, new systems, having staff from Transport for NSW andthinking strategically for the future of Activus Transport RouteMatch looking over their shoulder and still findingand have been of great support to me in my role as time to provide evaluations and suggestions for systemGeneral Manager. changes. During this time we continued to provide a safe and reliable service with little interruption to theThe challenges for the future of the Community Transport client’s transport. I would like to thank them for theirsector, with changes to our current funding model, professionalism and dedication.mean that having a clear direction for the future willbe what makes us stand out as a transport provider of We look forward to continuing working with you now andchoice. With this in mind, the Board have begun work into the future.on a Business plan to scope where we have come fromand where we will be in the future. We hope that our Roslyn Morton General Manager– 04 –

ACTIVUS TRANSPORT INTRODUCING OUR BOARD MEMBERSGraham Ware Chris Bentley Ted Ashton Gary RichardsGraham retired from a career Chris has over 30 years’ Ted worked for many years Gary began his career asspanning forty years with the experience practicing law in the building industry a Chartered AccountantNSW Department of Public in a social welfare context. culminating in the position (England & Wales) withWorks. He specialised in As a result, he has held of Manager, Quantity and Pannell Kerr Forster. Hebuilding construction and several positions as a senior Tenders Branch for the relocated to Canada wheremaintenance, specification legal officer within various Department of Housing NSW. he qualified as a Canadianwriting, contract supervision, government departments Chartered Accountant. GaryWHS, and supervision of including NSW Health. Additionally Ted has made a career change intomulti trade teams in heritage community links as a member Management Consulting whilebuilding and stonework Chris has been an active of the Hurstville APEX club in Canada joining Ernst andrestoration projects. member on the Boards of for 15 years, assisted with the Young Consultants. Engadine District Community Youth Club movement as aHe has extensive experience Aid & Information Service, football manager and coach, He accepted an offer to joinin all areas of project Sutherland Hospital Local manager of tennis teams Price Waterhouse Consultantsmanagement and supervision, Community Advisory and organiser of Dancesport first locating in Brisbane thenand facilities maintenance Committee and Sutherland competitions for youth Sydney. Gary has operated hisand has completed training Eastern Sydney Illawarra Area club members. own Management Consultingin financial management, HR Health Advisory Council. practice for the past 20+and IT. Ted contributes to the Activus years specialising in project He joined the Board of Board in the position of directing the planning ofHe is President of a local Activus Transport in 2008 and Secretary and has been on health related services andServices and Citizens Club currently holds the position of the board for 7 years. facilities mainly for the NSWand he currently holds the Vice President. Health Department.position of President on theActivus Transport Board of Gary is a past President andwhich he has been a member active member of Rotarysince 2007. Engadine. He is Treasurer on the Activus Board and is its newest recruit – joining the board in July 2015. – 05 –

ANNUAL REPORT 2016Phil Hayes Moya Turner Allan Humbley Jan ForshawPhil started his career as a Moya has over 30 years’ Allan was the Managing In 2004 Jan was elected toprimary school teacher in experience in general and Director of his family business the Sutherland Shire Council,Victoria. He then pursued a midwifery nursing. Following running oyster farms in the re-elected in 2008, andcareer with Abbott Australia on from a strong background Sutherland Shire area for became Deputy Mayor in a Pharmaceutical Industry in nursing, Moya continued over 30 years. On selling the During her 8 years on CouncilSales and Marketing her career as Community business in 1998 he moved Jan chaired the Communityrepresentative for 20 years. Health Nurse, Welfare into property investment, Services Committee and Worker with the homeless owning and managing worked to improve servicesPhil moved into driver training and Credit Line Councillor for commercial properties and facilities to aged carewith Trent Driving School Wesley Mission. across NSW. and community centres,for 4 years followed by over upgrades to shopping centres15 years as a WorkCover Moya’s commitment to the During this time Allan has and Surf Clubs, and the firstaccredited OH&S trainer community is demonstrated by maintained a strong interest Men’s Sheds in the Shire. Janand consultant. her involvement in Community in the local community as also served as a member Opera Choir (since 2008), a volunteer driver before of the Board of HazlehurstCurrently Phil actively Bushcare with Sutherland moving onto the Board Regional Gallery.contributes to the community Shire Council (over 15 years), of Activus where he hasas demonstrated by his role Toastmasters (since 1999) remained a strong member for Jan retired as a Councillor inas a volunteer driver and and Council of the Ageing – over 13 years. His commitment 2012 but has continued toBoard member for Activus, presenting health talks to over to the community has seen be active in the communitywhich he joined in 2014. As 55s at Calvary Hospital. him involved with the local serving as a volunteerwell as his work for Activus Police & Citizens Youth Club and board member with ahe also sits on the boards of Moya has been a member on for over 30 years. number of local organisationsRotary, Lodge Gymea and the Activus Board since 2006. including Activus TransportWoolooware Golf Club. and Dunlea (formerly Boystown, Engadine). – 06 –

ACTIVUS TRANSPORT REPORT FROM THERISK MANAGEMENT COMMITTEEIt is my pleasure to present the Fourth Annual Report for using a traffic light dashboard to measure performancethe Risk Management Committee (RMC) and its second status. The Risk Management Committee Awarenessunder the Activus Transport banner. Survey was undertaken with very positive results. A RMC Performance Appraisal has been developed and will beThe RMC is a sub committee of the Management undertaken annually. A Fraud and Corruption PreventionCommittee. Its role is to review and make audit was undertaken and passed with excellent results.recommendations on management systems, practicesand procedures, to ensure the effectiveness of risk On a personal note I would like to thank all the membersidentification and minimisation and compliance with of the RMC for their dedication and expertise throughoutinternal guidelines and external requirements. It is the year. I believe that we have an appropriate mixan operationally-focussed committee established to of management, staff and volunteers to enable us toenhance and improve existing practices in the interest of tackle any workforce issue. The RMC recognises thestaff and volunteers’ safety and wellbeing. need to develop a reporting culture. Members agree that the Committee of itself cannot decrease reportableAt each meeting, the RMC routinely considers reports incidents. Its role is to ensure that incidents are reportedregarding training and development of staff and and reviewed and that recommendations are actioned,volunteers and reports from the Management Committee, monitored and implemented, if warranted.the general manager, the volunteer’s representative andfrom other RMC members. It also analyses incidents Thank you also to the Management Committee. Riskusing the Organisational Risk Management Plan Management continues as a standing agenda Item forand discusses the release of relevant Best Practice all its meetings and the RMC minutes are provided toGuidelines and legislative directives. all Management Committee members and indeed to all members of Activus Transport, upon request. TheIt has been a year of great change particularly in the RMC would not exist without its endorsement andmove from funding agreements to services contracts. encouragement. Special thanks to Trish Deen, theThe organisation has spent a lot of time trying to RMC Secretary and fellow Committee member. Lastunderstand, plan and prepare for the many implications year was particularly challenging for all Staff, and manyof “individualised care funding” in an environment challenges lie ahead, but despite this, the effectiveof moving goalposts and political uncertainty. The functioning of the RMC was largely due to Trish’s“Centralised Trip and Booking Allocation System (CTABS)” dedication and professionalism.proof of concept trial was a major disruptor and change,of itself, brings many risks to any organisation. Thanks again to all Staff and Volunteers for their commitment to the organisation. We all need to ensureDespite this environment, the RMC continues to focus that it is as safe, efficient and effective as it can be.on effectiveness, efficiency and safety at all levels ofthe organisation. Throughout the year, the RMC began Chris Bentleyto use performance reports which use Key Indicators Chairman, Risk Management Committee– 07 –

Ribbon-cutting ceremony for the start of the inaugural “Convoy to Cronulla” performed by the Member for Heathcote, Lee Evans MP, Rotary Club of Engadine President Greg Mokeef and President of Activus Board, Graham Ware.– 08 –

2016TREASURER'S REPORTI am pleased to present the Financial Reports for the year ongoing further education and on the job training. Weended 30th June 2016 for Activus Transport Incorporated. are committed to a multi-skilled staffing environment.The financial health of Activus Transport remained strong Total operating expenses increased to $2.151 millionin 2015/16 with the organisation owning assets worth in 2015/16 from $1.926 million in 2014/15 (+11.7%). This$2.609 million which represents an increase of 2.5% cost increase is directly related to delivering growingcompared to assets worth $2.545 million in 2014/15. and evolving services to increasing client numbers in Sutherland Shire which has the highest aged personsTotal Government funding subsidies increased to $1.855 population in NSW as a proportion of total population.million in 2015/16 from $1.631 million in 2014/15 (+13.7%). There has also been a cost incurred by Activus TransportIncome from all other sources including customer during the year responding to enforced change includingcharges increased to $0.520 million in 2015/16 from Route Match, Aged Care Reforms, National Disability$0.506 million in 2014/15 (+2.7%). Insurance, Business planning and changes to how our organisation will be funded in the future.Expenses incurred throughout the year were wellmanaged resulting in an operating surplus of $0.233 Finally it is important that I thank Renee Turner who leftmillion. All of this surplus was transferred to Asset Activus Transport this year after handling our financesReplacement and Project Reserves to ensure that Activus well for 10 years. We wish her all the best for the future.Transport can replace our primary assets as this becomesnecessary. Overall there was a 22.7% Employee Gary RichardsBenefits cost increase in 2015/16 related to salary andstaff increases, a broadening list of work commitments, Treasurer– 09 –

SOCIALENTERPRISESOver the last 12 months, due to ongoing uncertainty Recognising this need, Activus developed a commercialwith future government funding, a considerable amount proposition which was presented to and subsequentlyof effort has been placed in identifying ways in which adopted by a number of RACFs in the Sutherland Shire.Activus can generate revenue streams independent of This has provided a satisfactory outcome for the clientgovernment funding. (their family/carer) and the RACF. This has also generated a valuable revenue stream for Activus which shouldFor Activus to be able to continue to provide the continue to grow.high level of service provided to its current andfuture clientele, it will be essential for us to remain In addition to the above initiative, a much simpler andfinancially viable. cost-competitive platform has been developed in relation to the private hire of Activus buses to the communityWith the introduction of The My Aged Care Portal and commercial groups at weekends – when the buseson 1st July 2015 it became apparent that there was would otherwise remain idle in the car unmet demand to provide Individual Transportfor important appointments for persons residing in a In the future we will continue to identify and researchRetirement Aged Care Facility (RACF). Many of these other commercial opportunities which are consistent withpeople had previously been clients of Activus but Activus’s philosophy and areas of expertise.since moving to the RACF they had become ineligiblefor funded transport. – 10 –

ACTIVUS TRANSPORT 8 SEPTEMBER 2016 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: The following snapshot of financial information has been produced from the audited financial statements of Activus Transport Incorporated of which we signed an unqualified audit report on 25 September 2016. A copy of the full financial report is available on request. Yours faithfully Benjamin Fock Registered Company Auditor – 11 –



ANNUAL REPORT 2016“Thanks to Activus Staff for the day out on Friday 18th March tocelebrate my 98th birthday. The day was celebrated by a lunch at the Tradies and sightseeing to the Apple Orchard followed by a wonderful birthday cake. I must say, the organisation of the day by your staff is to be congratulated.”- Frank – 14 –

ACTIVUS TRANSPORT VOLUNTEER PROFILE COLIN DAVIDSONAfter a fulfilling career Colin Davidson, or as he is Col was married to Norma in 1964 after meeting andaffectionately known by his colleagues –Col; became falling in love when he was a driver and Norma was aa volunteer on the Endeavour Replica, joined the Army clerical officer at the Water Board. They were blessedreserves and was a speedway motorcycle rider. As if that with a son and daughter and 5 grandchildren – four girlswasn’t enough, he also became a volunteer driver with and one boy. Col is a local identity in Engadine as he hasActivus – or Sutherland Shire Community Transport as it lived in the same house for 46 years!was known in those days, in mid-1998. For Col, his number one priority is that of his clients.He says he recalls there being just 4 staff members and He said, “Many of them are in the 80’s and 90’s and foraround 20 volunteers and John May was the General most of them this is their only way to shop, go on tripsManager. He remembers the current building housing and socialise with others. Without this organisation, manya large fuel stove and shower recess and the vehicles would find it difficult. That’s why I’m here and I get a lot ofparking on grass unlike the bitumen that now exists. Col self-satisfaction from helping them”.was a member on the board for 8 years and says he wasinstrumental in having air conditioning installed for the Thanks Col for your volunteer contribution, without which,comfort of the staff after monitoring temperatures which our service could not survive.were reaching up to 40 degrees in the height of summer. – 15 –

ANNUAL REPORT 2016 FUN FACTS DID YOU KNOW?We currently have 2,967 The number of new clients 77 referrals from My Aged clients on our books. in 2015/16 was 1,094. Care (average per month).In 2014/15 Activus completed We average 4,840 trips every In 2015/16 financial year we a total of 52,294 trips. month with an average of completed over 250,00kms! 220 trips per day.Time2Enjoy: 15,544 group 20,419 trips to and from Living Activities: 12,570activities, caring centres or medical, health and well- shopping trips. social visits. being appointments. – 16 –

ACTIVUS TRANSPORT STAFF PROFILE LORRAINE BOYLELorraine Boyle, Transport Supervisor, has worked at and proceeded to plant 1200 red grape vines! TheyActivus Transport for almost 20 Years. She was part have since built a house on the site and enjoy spendingof the organisation, then known as Sutherland Shire time there with their 3 adult children and their partnersCommunity Transport from its early days when the and 3 grandchildren.organisation was located at the Sutherland Multi-Purpose Centre in 1996. Fast forward to 2016 – Activus now employs 26 staff and is helped by 80+ volunteers. Lorraine has beenLorraine was looking forward to retirement after working there through all its many changes: building renovations,for 10 years as a Hostel Supervisor; working extremely technology implementation, a restructure, changes tolong hours in a high pressure work environment. compliance and government funding and a rebrand.Little did she know that only a few short months after‘retirement’ later in Dec 1996, she would be asked to Throughout all these changes Lorraine has remainedhelp out two days a week coordinating the individual car a consistent and integral part of the organisation.transport (as it was then known) in a job share position I asked her – ‘what keeps you coming back?’ andwith Sutherland Shire Community Transport . without hesitation she said ‘The clients’. Knowing that she plays a part in the lives of over 3000 clients, whoIn those days the organisation consisted of a are able to get to appointments, visit family and friends,Management Committee, five staff, 2 buses and 1 car. attend social functions and generally ‘get out and about’One of our long term employees George Kandris (over makes it all worthwhile.20 years’ service), actually used his own car to transportthe clients on the days he was not working. Thankyou Lorraine for all that you do, for your loyal service and for the difference you make.The office space at the multi-purpose centre soonbecame too small as the business grew by word ofmouth and advertising through the Sutherland ShireLeader. Staff and vehicles needed to find a new home toaccommodate this continually growing business.In 1998 The Sutherland council made available thepresent site at Engadine which was the old RTA building.At first transport co habited with Sutherland Shire Tourismand says Lorraine ‘the toilets were all unisex’. The placeis hardly recognisable to the old days, due to its manyrenovations which now accommodate 12-15 staff on anyday of the week and a fleet of 21 vehicles.By 2000 Lorraine’s job had grown and expanded somuch that her role became fulltime. In 2002, with herhusband Sean, she bought a 280 acre farm in Braidwood

ANNUAL REPORT 2016 THANK YOU TO OURFUNDERS & SUPPORTERS Thank you to our funders, partners and supporters. Activus Transport relies on a varied range of support and funding sources. It is this generosity that allows us to provide transport services to clients across the Sutherland Shire. Funding Bodies Transport for NSW Commonwealth Department of Health NSW Health Supporters Sutherland Shire Council Sutherland Food Services Home Modification Solutions Gymea Community Aid and Information Service Ink Signs Cliff Hanger Restaurant Rotary Club of Engadine Club Heathcote Engadine Bowling Club Acknowledgements Brendan Lucas – Hopscotch Accounting Louise Kibble – HLB Mann Judd Adam Lawdor – Vanguard House Steve Lunham – Motorcycle Escorts – 18 –