Table: MRA or Regression Analysis (SPSS) An example of how to properly report the Regression Analysis Table (done manually). Report Standardized Beta Coefficient cores and their t-values (from the raw output) 201
Hypotheses (Supported/Not?) H1: Visual packaging will be positively related to (a) consumer interest, (b) purchase decision, and (c) repurchase intention. H2: Informative packaging will be positively related to (a) consumer interest, (b) purchase decision, and (c) repurchase intention. H3: Functional packaging will be positively related to (a) consumer interest, (b) purchase decision, and (c) repurchase intention. H4: The positive relationship between all packaging attributes and consumer buying behavior (interest, purchase, repurchase) will be strengthened when product-personality congruence is high. H5: The positive relationship between all packaging attributes and consumer buying behavior (interest, purchase, repurchase) will be strengthened when consumer innovativeness is high. 202
You have 1 month to collect your data. Bring your data to our next Publication Workshop and we will run your data together! 204
Task 10 1. Prepare your data in SPSS (2 hours) 2. Run Reliability Analysis for each of your variables To thoroughly understand this • delete problem items, save your results Chapter and know how to proficiently complete these ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Develop a Syntax for your regression analysis tasks, please refer to GradEx Academy’s website and 4. Highlight your Syntax and run the analysis • in sequential order: step 1-2; step 1-4; step 1-7 search for workshop Video Recordings: Number 6. 5. Examine the regression results (Sig/Not sig) • How many stars*? Positive/negative direction? Hypos Supported/Not? How many hypos supported? • If less than half of your hypos supported, delete 1 or 2 control variables… results might improve slightly 6. Present your Correlation Matrix & Regression Analysis 7. Transfer your raw data to the given Table Templates 205
Task 11 1. Find 3 journal/book publishers for your paper… (1 hour) • journals: indexed in SCOPUS or Clarivate Analytics To thoroughly understand with Impact Factor < 1.50 this Chapter and know how to proficiently • books: research books (Orbit, UKM Press, etc.) complete these tasks, please refer to GradEx 2. Examine their Website and answer the Academy’s website and following… search for workshop Video Recordings: • Why is your paper suitable for the journal/book? Number 6. • How many issues do they publish a year? • What is the maximum word count for a paper? • Did they mention about turnaround time? ---------------------------------------------------------------- Note: Find a good journal blueprint for your paper write-up (any area in management/marketing, but NOT related to your topic) 206
Chapter 7 Publishing Your Work Stage 3: Publication Section 207
“Knowledge has no Value unless you Share it” It is through publication that your work is disseminated to others with similar interest. Publication also “records” your research permanently, hence you become a part of history.
Highlights of Understanding the Editor’s Mind (Major concerns) this Chapter Article Checklist (A comprehensive checklist) Designing your Cover Letter (The Key ingredients) Responding to Reviewer Comments (Stay calm) Sample of Comments (How to respond) Target Journals/Book publishers (Finding them) 209
Questions Going through the Editor’s Mind • Is there an important issue? (motivation) It’s the editors job to • Does the paper contribute to the literature? (gap) verify your paper is • Has someone else done it already? (originality) scientifically sound, • Has the study been put into context? (LR, model) complete, clear, and • Interesting set of hypotheses put fourth? (to prove) • Are the analyses compete? (methods) original. • Are the findings appealing? (implications) • Will it be read or cited? (relevance) Note: If the editor rejects • What about the story, flow, grammar? (write-up) your paper (desk rejected)… just accept the decision and send it to another journal. If not fulfilled, the paper will be rejected (reasons) 210
Refer to this Article Checklist This “self-assessment” checklist can help you organize your write-up, motivate you to complete your tasks, and minimize loopholes throughout your paper. 211 21 1
You can use this checklist to assess your drafts for a research proposal (up to methodology), journal paper write-up, or thesis. Scores ≤ 3 signifies that further improvement is needed. Note: Statements with the Asterisk* symbol should be given particular attention… they are often neglected. 212
The title is usually the Title first thing that readers • Reflects the paper, brief, and accurate will see, so it needs to be • Include main variables & their proposed linkages* • In a form of statements/questions attractive… it also “outlines” your study. Abstract (1 paragraph with 250 words) • To attract readers & highlight all parts of the paper Title & • State the research purpose, methods, main Abstract outcomes, significance of study Editors will normally form • Promote your strengths not weaknesses* an opinion of your research … only 5/11 hypos supported based on the “quality’ of … not a good moderator your abstract… first impression. Need to revise many times to get a precise version Note: Write your abstract after you have finished writing your full paper or thesis… it summarizes your study. 213
A well-written introduction A strong Introduction Engages the reader & Sets the allows readers to understand scene; so Build up your Case! your research: motivation for your work (issue), the status • Indicate your field of work: provide a brief background on your topic (usually your IV)* of knowledge in the field, and its significance. • Explain why the work/field is important* Introduction • Problem statement is critically argued* • Show the main gaps in the literature • State the specific objective(s) of study It also establishes the scope, Note: Your introduction should engage context, and background of readers… specifically, why your paper is worth your study, including how you intend to address your reading and why it deserves their attention. objectives. 214
Literature The LR needs to be Comprehensive Review • Discuss main concepts and definitions* • Indicate what has already been done (Background) • Synthesize the literature (show limitations in our present understanding/knowledge)* • Explain how your study will address the limitations • Relevant theories are used and explained • Justify how key variables were selected* A well-written LR helps to Note: The goal is to show develop trust and confidence reviewers that your study is different among readers… it shows that from what other researchers have carried out before, and this helps you have done your reviewers verifying why we urgently homework. need your study. It gives readers a sense of awareness as to which path your research is heading to. 215
You need to quickly notify Not only Adequate but should look Sophisticated your reviewers about the • Model needs to meet adequate academic theory(s) you adopted; how they relate to your variables standards (conceptual design, direct + and model development. moderator/mediator)* • All selected variables need to fall within the Conceptual context of study* Model • Some of the study variables are novel (appealing, not often used)* A conceptual model provides the boundaries for e.g., Multimarket competition, Conspicuous your study. It narrows down consumption, Relationship proneness, your field of research and Customer Indifference, Calculative sets the stage for empirical commitment. investigation. Note: At PhD level, your conceptual framework should convey to readers that it is authentic, in other words NOT a replication of an existing model. 216
Your hypotheses illustrates The Heart of Research lies in the Hypotheses to reviewers what you expect • Hypotheses are thought-provoking and critically written to find in your study… it (context specific)* maps out how the variables • Order of hypotheses are logical (direct then moderating) • Consistent with one another (sentence structure)* might effect each other. Additional Requirements (For Q1 Journals) Hypothesis • Diversity in the direction of hypothesized relationships Development (positive + negative)* • One or two hypothesis are not that obvious (competing hypos, challenges the norm)* Note: A research hypothesis is, in essence, a Note: Writing hypotheses for a paper or “formal statement” of your research question. thesis is an intellectual exercise… you need Without it, there is nothing to answer, hence no to critically argue each case by considering compelling reason to do research (i.e., takes out some form of evidence from the literature all the excitement). It objectively investigates new and use logical reasoning to infer possible areas of research, thus helps in theory-building. effects between two or more variables. 217
The methodology Methods Should Be Appropriate & Clearly Described section describes the specific procedures that • Provide justifications for the chosen methods you used to collect and (sampling, scope of study, etc.) analyze data. • Explain the data collection procedure (survey, process) Methodology • Inform the source of measurements (adapt/adopt)* • Display a list of measurement items with their respective constructs (CFA/measurement Table)* • Highlight main data analysis and statistical procedures (e.g., MRA, PLS-SEM: to support/reject your hypos) • Show statistical info on reliability, validity, model fit indices, CMB, correlation matrix, & sample profile* Explaining your Note: Research methodology is methodology helps readers important because it may have an to understand the reasons impact on your results. Therefore, why you did your research you should know what techniques are most effective for your study. in a certain way. 218
The write-up for results Find interesting Results & link them to Practice should include your • Display main statistical results in a Table (complete, statistical analysis, and self-explanatory)* whether or not your hypos • Reported results in a clear manner (consistent with are supported (sig). table, hypos, objectives)* Results & • Compare findings to previous works Discussion (similar/contradict, make clear what findings are new) Your discussion section should explain what you • Provide rational justifications for insignificant found and show how it relates results (also refuted ones)* to scholarly work in the extant literature… don’t • Critically discuss research implications to theory forget to come back to your and practice (in detail, based on results)* research questions and Useful Questions for Writing your Discussion objectives. Are your findings similar/different from other studies? If different, why might this be? How will your research results shape the path of your area of study? How does your study build on the knowledge within the existing literature? How meaningful are your findings to practice? 219
Acknowledging your Express your Constraints and How to Improve limitations demonstrates • Describe the shortcomings of the study (but do not honesty and credibility. over exaggerate)* Limitations & • Suggest future research directions Conclusion • Provide a brief summary of major findings and It also strengthens your implications study because it shows that • Addresses the problem statement/aims put forth you are aware of them… it’s earlier in the introduction (…aims were achieved)* better to point out your • Reiterate that the study has contributed to the limitations before reviewers body of knowledge (insights), but needs further find them. work Note: Do not simply state that more research needs to be done… give solid ideas for how future empirical research can help build on the areas that your research was unable to tackle. End with a strong note. 220
All journals have a specific • Meets the aim & scope of the target journal* aim and scope. They also • Satisfies the writing format of the journal (e.g., word have a preferred style of writing… so go to their count, referencing, table, etc.)* Although Lots to Say, say it with Fewest Words website and find the • Reduce the length of your paper (if exceeds words)* information. : shorten sentences; stop when you get your points Overall across; cut those that are not related; cut older & Write-up multiple references; avoid repetition • Referencing is current & cite the target journal* Journal manuscripts should be • Interesting story with convincing argumentations submitted with good English • Good English and grammar (error free)* and grammar… if needed, find a trustworthy English editing Note: Most journals have a limited word count; typically ranging from 6,000 to 8,000 words. Word company and have it count is important because it will influence your proofread. decision to include or exclude certain parts of your manuscript (e.g., paragraphs, tables, figures). 221
Cover Letter to the Editor 222
Receiving “critical” You received the But how should I reviews are good for reviews from the respond to the you… coz now you know Journal and the editor comments made exactly what needs to be has asked you to revise & resubmit your by the reviewers? done. manuscript… Responding to Reviewer “A response to reviewers’ comment is a Comments critical part of the publication process. The response document is submitted alongside your revised manuscript; highlighting the changes or upgrades that you have made based on their concerns or suggestions.” After going through the editor’s decision and reviewers' comments, take a break for one day to allow yourself to process what they have said. Note: Before responding, compose yourself first and stay clam… having the “right attitude” will increase your chance of getting your work published. 223
Responding to Journal Reviewers (or PhD Examiners): The “Easy-going” Approach If the editor feels that your paper • Good news… for a resubmission, you already have can be improved, though with a your “right foot” in their door. “major revision” decision, you will be offered the opportunity to • You just need to carefully address their comments so that ALL reviewers will be satisfied. resubmit… A reviewer might have a concern • Do not consider the absence of a criticism from the with a particular aspect of the other reviewer to be adequate. paper but the other reviewer did • In other words, always respond to each reviewer not see anything wrong with it … independently, and respond to every point. Sometimes a reviewer did not • A reviewer can be wrong, but never express to the completely understand your reviewer that he or she is wrong. message and starts to criticize or • Remember, though the reviewer appears to be question your claim… wrong, that does not mean you are right. Perhaps, you did not explain your massage clear enough, or forget to include some vital information. 224
Continue… The “Easy-going” Approach Reviewers may ask you to reduce • Take up the reviewer's suggestions favorably. or remove some of your write-ups, • Try your best to make an effort to help the editor. even drop a table or figure… It’s also common for a reviewer to • Even if you feel that the request is unnecessary, you ask you to revise your paragraphs should still consider revising the text. or discussion… • It is better for you to go ahead with the advise; to show that you have listened. After all, your goal is to publish your work. Some comments may sound a bit • Reviewers are also authors like you; they may have harsh or shocking… been “bothered” with some grammatical error or typo but still offer advise to improve your paper. • So always be grateful for their time, be polite with your words and respond with a scientific argumentation if you disagree with a comment. 225
Sample Response to Reviewers 226
Sample Response to Reviewers 227
Let's Discuss Task 11 3 potential journal/book publishers for your paper… • Why is your paper suitable for the journal/book? • How many issues do they publish a year? • What is the maximum word count for a paper? • Did they mention about their turnaround time? -------------------------------------------------------------------- If we decide to go for Book Chapter Publication… • Which Publisher to target? (Orbit, UKM Press…) • How many chapters do we need? • Concerns for book publication (not too academic) • Refer to published research books (preface, table of content, etc.) 228
Task 12 1. Find one journal article with a good write-up; (30 minutes) intro is clear & story flows nicely. Make sure its NOT related to your research topic. To thoroughly understand this Chapter and know how 2. Based on the journal article… to complete these tasks, • Can you find their research problem? please refer to GradEx • Can you identify their research gap(s)? Academy’s website and • What about their research objectives? search for workshop Video • How did they write their literature review? Recordings: Number 7. • Did they introduce a theory? 3. Present your findings ------------------------------------------------- Note: This article will be your main blueprint for writing your intro and story. Find 3-5 others like this (at least one with a similar model structure to yours). 229
Task 13 1. Produce a draft for your research paper (journal article/research book chapter) 2. Rate your manuscript using the Article Checklist 3. Focus on items with a score of 3 & below and improve the write-ups 4. Check the flow and grammar throughout your draft 5. Submit your final draft to your targeted journal… … ONE MONTH from now! ---------------------------------------------------------------- Congratulations! You have completed the Novel Research & Publication Workshop! 230
Join our Preview & Novel Research (NRA) Workshop… Focus on HOW to do research – interactive task-based learning Within a group atmosphere – group of 3s or 2s Limited to 20 pax per workshop – for effective learning High quality research – Q1 & Q2 journal standards Holistic research process – covers A to Z Target to PUBLISH – research book or journal paper For details about the Preview & NRA Workshop (fee & dates) *contact GradEx Academy at 013-3341 353 or email to [email protected] Let’s help others – share this information with your friends & other PhD students! 231
Join our Publication Workshops… (1) Actual Data Analysis & Publication Workshop (Empirical Papers) entering actual data you collected from NRA Workshop in SPSS – and data cleaning how to create Syntax for your regression analysis – the hidden application in SPSS testing direct & multiple moderation effects – including hierarchical regression analysis interpreting results from your statistical analysis – to support or reject your hypotheses tabulating and reporting the results – according to WoS/ISI journal format (2) Crafting Conceptual Papers Workshop (Conceptual Papers) transforming your thesis into a conceptual paper – distinguishing which parts to use how to effectively write & structure a manuscript for publication – the key components how to minimize overlap with your empirical piece – strategizing your write-ups understanding what editors look for in a conceptual paper – to increase acceptance rate selecting a suitable journal for publication – based on certain indicators For details about the Publication Workshops (fee & dates) *contact GradEx Academy at 013-3341 353 or email to [email protected] Let’s help others – share this information with your friends & other PhD students! 232
For Thesis Consultation & Coaching… Do you need advice in structuring your proposal or thesis, or want to gain knowledge of how to publish in prominent journals? Through personal coaching, we will work with you to clarify priorities and set the needed milestones to ensure you progress and succeed. With a realistic work plan, we will put you on the right track and make your research journey a smart and enjoyable one. For details about our consultation service (terms & fee) *contact GradEx Academy at 013-3341 353 or email to [email protected] Let’s help others – share this information with your friends & other PhD students! 233
The End. 234
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