Burial, Memorial and Thanksgiving Service for the Late KOFMIR.TALEBETRTTEY (March 1940 - September 2022) REMEMBERING MR ALBERT KOFI TETTEY 1
“It is grace at the beginning, and grace at the end. So that when you and I come to lie upon our death beds, the one thing that should comfort and help and strengthen us there is the thing that helped us in the beginning. Not what we have been, not what we have done, but the Grace of God in Jesus Christ our Lord. The Christian life starts with grace, it must continue with grace, it ends with grace. Grace wondrous grace. By the grace of God I am what I am. Yet not I, but the Grace of God which was with me.” - Martyn Lloyd-Jones 2 REMEMBERING MR ALBERT KOFI TETTEY
Burial, Memorial and Thanksgiving Service for the Late I MR. ALBERT KOFI TETTEY BURIAL SERVICE: SERWAH OWUSUSaturday 29th October, 2022 @ Global Evangelical Church, Adonai - Madina THANKSGIVING SERVICE: AGED: 74 Sunday 30th October, 2022 @ Global Evangelical Church, Adonai - Madina REMEMBERING MR ALBERT KOFI TETTEY 3
SOREDRERVOIFCE . OFFICIATING 4. SELECTION/PRAISES PART II MINISTERS Church Choir AT THE GRAVE SIDE 1. Rt. Rev. P. S. Dzormeku 5. BIOGRAPHY 1. INVOCATION 2. Rev. Dr. Y. K Ahiabu 3. Very Rev. Dr. Edem Tettey 6. PRAISES AND WORSHIP 2. HYMN - EWE 448:1, 3 – Anyigba ∂e le 4. Rev. P. Y Tefe Praise Team didiƒe.... 5. Rev. F. M. Q Akator 6. Rev. Dr. Setri Nyomi 7. SERMON 3. COMMITAL Rev. Prince Y. Tefe PART I 4. BENEDICTION 8. PRAISES/OFFERTORY 1. CALL TO WORSHIP Mr. Selah Gunu Praise Team (Liturgist) 9. LITURGICAL READING 2. HYMN : EWE 472: (Eng.286) 1, 4 – Mawu nanø kpli mi ..(God be with you ….) 10. PRAYER FOR THE FAMILY 3. PRAYER 11. VOTE OF THANKS 12. ANNOUNCEMENTS 13. PRAYER AND BENEDICTION 14. CLOSING HYMN – EWE 473: (Eng: 408); 1, 3 – Kpløm dedie..(Guide me O…) 4 REMEMBERING MR ALBERT KOFI TETTEY
It is grace at the beginning, and grace at the end. So that when you and I come to lie upon our death beds, the one thing that should comfort and help and strengthen us there is the thing that helped us in the beginning. Not what we have been, not what we have done, but the Grace of God in Jesus Christ our Lord. The Christian life starts with grace, it must continue with grace, it ends with grace. Grace wondrous grace. By the grace of God I am what I am. Yet not I, but the Grace of God which was with me. Martyn Lloyd-Jones
EARLY YEARS, EDUCATION AND PROFESSIONAL LIFE the teaching job, Albert applied to the Public Services Commission to become Albert Kofi Tettey was born Ghana Police Service – a decision his a district physical education organizer on Friday, 15th March 1940 father strongly objected to as he rather in 1969. To his joy, the application at Ahamansu in the Kadjebi impressed on young Albert to take over was successful and he was appointed Asatu district of the Oti the operations of the U.A.C business and posted to the Ho District Office in region to Mr. George Doe Tettey, a from him because he was due to retire January 1970. Albert applied himself prosperous United Africa Company that year - December 1961. to the job at the District Office working (UAC) merchant and Mansavi Christiana hand in gloves with his boss, the late E.B. Agbemenya a trader, all of blessed Albert, uninterested in his father’s Zaney who was then the Volta Regional memory. His father had five wives and proposal struck a compromise with him Organizer of Physical Education with twenty-five children. Chronologically, to join the field of education by joining great zeal and enthusiasm. It was Albert was the twenty-first child of the Ghana Education Service where therefore not surprising that his boss his father. At the age of six years, his he started his career in education as recommended him to the Director mother died tragically during the birth a pupil teacher at the Okadjakrom E.P. General at the Headquarters in Accra of his younger brother and had to be Middle School in 1962. to be his successor. Albert recalled that taken care of by his older siblings and a number of his colleagues and officers step mothers. In September 1963, he sat and passed protested that he was too young to the entrance examination and entered take up such a responsibility, but he Albert had his primary and middle the Specialist Training College (now did not give in to their threats and school education at Ahamansu. He thus University of Education), Winneba pressure. So in 1979, he was appointed completed his middle school education to pursue a Diploma Programme in as the Volta Regional Organizer for P.E. at the E.P Middle School Ahamansu Physical Education. After his graduation programmes. On this appointment he in 1956 and proceeded to pursue his from the Specialist Training College, he said; If God's mark is on you, no human secondary school education at the Zion was posted to Zion Secondary School, force can erase it. God's favour cannot College of West Africa, Keta from 1957 Anloga in September 1967 where he be wished away by man. to 1960. After his secondary school taught for three years. Realizing that education, Albert decided to join the he was not getting satisfaction from REMEMBERING MR ALBERT KOFI TETTEY 7
After six years of stewardship, Albert School Volleyball and Table Tennis Committee. God being so good, he was was transferred from the Volta Region Championship, supported by Cadbury elected with overwhelming majority; to the National Headquarters, Accra Ghana Ltd, the famous Milo U’12, U’15 a position which was endorsed in in 1985 as the Executive Secretary of Basic School Soccer Championship for subsequent congresses of 2001 and the Ghana Schools and Colleges Sports Boys and Girls – sponsored by Nestle, 2005. Albert’s work at the Ghana Federation. By dint of hard work, he Ghana Ltd, National Basic Schools Olympic Committee took him around was appointed as the Acting Director of Sports Festival – supported by Nestle the globe spanning the five continents the Physical Education Division in 1987. Ghana Ltd.; VALCO Inter-School Soccer and over 30 countries. After his last During his tenure of office, Schools and Championship – sponsored by VALCO, four year term at the Ghana Olympic Colleges Sports became a house hold Ghana among many others. Committee, Albert decided to take a name in Ghana sports, mentioned only well-deserved rest by not contesting in reference to the “Inter-Collegiate” His organization skills were also the subsequent election. of the late 60’s and the early 70’s. His leveraged during national celebrations unique communication and negotiating such as Independence days, Ghana at FAMILY LIFE skills made it possible for him to 50 and many such occasions where broker youth development sporting he coordinated activities with the programmes for the Schools and Security Services and the participation Colleges Sports Federation. of first and second cycle schools in such events. He was also a good Albert Tettey’s sense of judgment speech writer and wrote speeches for and effective programming facilitated Directors and Ministers of Education / his success in sourcing for adequate Sports. funding, sponsorship and, with other relevant support packages for the In 1999, Albert retired voluntarily from successful implementation of the the Ghana Education Service, a year in many school sports programmes which he took up another challenge he organized such as: Cadbury to stand for the position of Secretary General of the Ghana Olympic 8 REMEMBERING MR ALBERT KOFI TETTEY
Albert met Philippine Abla Tettey (Nee up from school. He was the rallying Albert had to contend with his newly Kwawukume) whilst at the Specialist point of the family. found freedom and the inner battles Training College in Winneba where she of what to do with it. He recalls in one was also a student of the Winneba Albert was also a celebrated uncle of his numerous penned down notes Teacher Training College at a Scripture who impacted the lives of a number that he had a void which he thought Union event. They struck a friendship of his nephews and nieces. He was hanging with the wrong crowd could that later blossomed into marriage principled, gave good counsel and fill - women, drinking, and smoking. on June 6, 1970. They had a great imparted strong values to the young These were not my nature, he wrote. marriage based on Christian values ones. When he lived at Ho in the Volta His brother Ben Tettey who was at and principles that produced three Region, his home was virtually an “Inn” the time studying at the University of children, Norkplim, Enyo and Enam. for family members and close friends Ghana ‘pursued’ him with the word of He always had great praise for his wife who visited the town. In his later God finally culminating in his encounter for her support in raising their children years, he acted as the Head of family with the Holy Spirit and conversion at and managing their home since by the directing, counselling, settling disputes a Scripture Union (SU) Easter House nature of his job he was quite often and looking after the welfare of the away from home on work-related larger family. Party in Kumasi to which he was travels. invited. Albert subsequently went on FAITH to hold the position of secretary to the Albert and Philippine as expectant “For what will it profit a man if he gains Union, travelling to various regional grandparents had great plans for their the whole world, and loses his own soul?” capitals on missions. He was also at future grandchildren, but on February Mark 8:36 one time a very active member of the 17, 2008 death painfully took his wife Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship, from him. He however carried the Albert credits his late elder brother, Airport Chapter. In Accra, Albert and mantle alone as a doting Grandpa, Rev. Ben Kwaku Tettey (who passed his family worshipped with the Global giving gifts, arranging sleep overs, away last year in the UK) as having a Evangelical Church, Bethesda Chapel, attending PTA meetings, school events big influence on his life, especially in the South La before moving to Adonai and sometimes picking grandchildren matters of faith. As a young man at the Chapel in Madina. Specialist Training College in Winneba, REMEMBERING MR ALBERT KOFI TETTEY 9
He brought his planning, organizing the Great Sea toward the going down of TRANSITION and execution skills to bear in various the sun shall be your territory. On the 3rd of August, 2022 he fell ill and capacities in church programmes and 5 No man shall be able to stand before was admitted at the Cardio Thoracic events he was involved in. you all the days of your life. Just as I was Centre and treated for a week and released with Moses, so I will be with you. I will to go home and come back after a month Albert’s desire was to do God’s will and not leave you or forsake you. for review. Even though he was physically one of his favorite scriptures is Joshua 6 Be strong and courageous, for you fine, he had lost the will to continue to be 1:1-8 and for those who knew him, shall cause this people to inherit the around having been put under a regime his lifestyle, principles and values were land that I swore to their fathers to give of daily cocktails of medication which deeply rooted in God. them. sometimes had adverse effect on his 7 Only be strong and very courageous, mood and thought patterns. 1 After the death of Moses the servant of being careful to do according to all the the LORD, the LORD said to Joshua the law that Moses my servant commanded On the morning of September 9, 2022 son of Nun, Moses' assistant, you. Do not turn from it to the right hand after having his breakfast, he told his Carer 2 \"Moses my servant is dead. Now or to the left, that you may have good “This is my last meal” This, the Carer took therefore arise, go over this Jordan, you success wherever you go. lightly because Grandpa sometimes made and all this people, into the land that I am 8 This Book of the Law shall not depart statements of such nature. He asked giving to them, to the people of Israel. from your mouth, but you shall meditate to go for his usual morning walk around 3 Every place that the sole of your foot on it day and night, so that you may the house. Whilst doing that suddenly will tread upon I have given to you, just be careful to do according to all that is did not feel well and while being rushed as I promised to Moses. written in it. For then you will make your to the hospital he passed on peacefully, 4 From the wilderness and this Lebanon way prosperous, and then you will have returning to his Maker in whom he trusted as far as the great river, the river good success. and leaned on all his life. Euphrates, all the land of the Hittites to Joshua 1:1-8 “Death is but a transition from this life to 10 REMEMBERING MR ALBERT KOFI TETTEY another existence where there is no more pain and anguish. All the bitterness and
disagreements will vanish, and the only thing that lives forever is love.” — Elisabeth Kubler-Ross Albert, very well known for his planning and organizational skills documented his own funeral celebration, long before his demise, stating the procedure from the morgue to the Church, duration of the service and how he did not want neither tributes nor wreaths. Here lies before us the gentleman, prim and proper, affable, kind and generous Albert Tettey, absent from the body, but present with the Lord. Fare thee well, Daddy, Grandpa, Albert, Bertie, Uncle Albert. Rest well in the bosom of the Lord. Dzudzor le nutifafa me REMEMBERING MR ALBERT KOFI TETTEY 11
EWE 472 3. Mawu nanø kpli mí, míagakpe! Nakpløm le nye møwo dzi! HYMNS 1. Mawu nanø kpli mí, míagakpe! Ne agbehiã tu mí hã la, Îela sesê, ∂ela sesê Eya ŋ’tø nalé mí ∂’a-si, Akpla lølçsi kø na mí. Wòe nye nye akpoxønu! Akplø mí dedie gbe sia gbe Mawu nanø kpli mí, míagakpe! Mawu nanø kpli mí, míagakpe! Míagakpe, míagakpe 3. Ne me∂o Yødantø la nu, Míagakpe, míagakpe Míagakpe le Yesu gbø Nya vøvøwo le menye! Míagakpe le Yesu gbø Míagakpe, míagakpe Køm to tsi ƒe liblawo me, Míagakpe, míagakpe Mawu nanø kpli mí míagakpe. Be ma∂o Kanan dedie! Mawu nanø kpli mí míagakpe. Kafuhawo, kafuhawo 4 Mawu nanø kpli mí, míagakpe! Madzi na wò ŋkø tegbee! 2. Mawu nanø kpli mí, míagakpe! Atsyø lølçflaga mía dzi, A≈la mí ke eƒ’a-si me, A∂e ku ƒe ŋødziwo ∂a. EWE 448 Ana mana mí gbe sia gbe! Mawu nanø kpli mí, míagakpe! 1. Anyigba ‘∂e la didiƒe, Mawu nanø kpli mí, míagakpe! Míagakpe, míagakpe ‘Fi si fu mele o; Míagakpe, míagakpe Míagakpe le Yesu gbø Mawudølawo le ha dzim Míagakpe le Yesu gbø Míagakpe, Míagakpe Xlã ƒom fiazikpui la. Míagakpe, míagakpe Mawu nanø Kpli mí Míagakpe. O, dzidzø gã ka wòanye ma, Mawu nanø kpli mí míagakpe. Ne míakpø mía nøewo EWE 473 Le ŋutikøkøeteƒe ma, 1. Kpløm dedie, wò nye Yehowa; I: Si keli mavø le! :I Møzøla menye l’a-fi. Megbødzø, wòe nye ŋusêtø, 2. Møzølawo míenye l’a-fi, Îem kple wò ŋusêsi la! Møzø≈i hã le kpuie; Dziƒobolo, dziƒobolo Gake míakpø ‘nyigba keklê Nànam ma∂u a∂i ƒo. Le bali sia megbe. O, dzidzø gã ka wòanye ma, 2.◊u agbetsivudo la nu, Ne míakpø mía nøewo Ne døyøtsiwo nasi; Le ŋutikøkøeteƒe ma, Na dzolilikpo keklê la REMEMBERING MR ALBERT KOFI TETTEY 21
I: Si keli mavø le! :IHYMNS God be with you till we meet again. 3. Lord, I trust Thy mighty power, 3. Fia∂uƒe sia me dzi dahe 3. God be with you till we meet Wondrous are Thy works of old; Kpøa lølç mavø le, again; Thou deliver’st Thine from Yayradu nyui sia me míakpø Keep love’s banner floating o’er you; thralldom, Aƒe mavø la le. Smite death’s threat’ning wave Who for naught themselves had O, dzidzø gã ka wòanye ma, before you. sold: Ne míakpø mía nøewo God be with you till we meet again. Thou didst conquer, Thou didst Le ŋutikøkøeteƒe ma, conquer I: Si keli mavø le! :I Eng: 408 Sin and Satan and the grave, 1. Guide me, O Thou great Sin and Satan and the grave. Eng.286 Redeemer 1. God be with you till we meet Pilgrim through this barren land; 4. When I tread the verge of Jordan, again; I am weak, but Thou art mighty, Bid my anxious fears subside; By his counsels guide, uphold you; Hold me with Thy pow’rful hand. Death of death and hell’s With his sheep securely fold you. Bread of heaven, Bread of heaven, Destruction, God be with you till we meet again. Feed me till I want no more; Land me safe on Canaan’s side. Feed me till I want no more. Songs of praises, songs of praises, 2. God be with you till we meet I will ever give to Thee; again; 2. Open now the crystal fountain, I will ever give to Thee. When life’s perils thick confound Whence the healing stream doth you, flow; Put his arms unfailing round you. Let the fire and cloudy pillar God be with you till we meet again. Lead me all my journey through. Strong Deliv’rer, strong Deliv’rer, [Chorus] Be Thou still my Strength and Till we meet, till we meet, Shield; Till we meet at Jesus’ feet, Be Thou still my Strength and Till we meet, till we meet, Shield. 22 REMEMBERING MR ALBERT KOFI TETTEY
'THANK YOU' The Tettey and allied families will like to express their sincere appreciation to you for your presence, prayers, expression of sympathy, words of comfort and encouragement and generous donations. Thank you very much for helping us get through this difficult time. God bless you all 24 REMEMBERING MR ALBERT KOFI TETTEY
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