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Home Explore 2016 ANNUAL REPORT MOCK


Published by joep, 2016-12-15 11:12:00

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2016 ANNUAL REPORT 70 Farmington Ave. Hartford, CT 06105 Look for us on: 860.525.4510 Designed by: Fathom Printed by: GHP


The 2015-16 school year was truly remarkable.But it was also bittersweet as we said goodbye to former JA president, Lou Golden, who announced his retirement in December 2015.On behalf of the JA staff and board leadership,we thank Lou for his incredible leadership forthe past 14 years. This special insert highlights the great progress made by JA of Southwest New England during Lou’s tenure, an era wehave appropriately titled, “The Golden Years.”

President & CEO 2002-2016 2004 JA establishes New Haven board and brings back New Haven Hall of Fame dinner.2002Lou Golden is hired. 2004 JA holds its first statewide conference focusing on personal finance for high school students.20 200216 JA ends its fiscal year ANNUAL REPORT 650,000 Revenue 23,000 Students Served

2008 2014Groundwork is laid for JA Global Connection by JA Launches JA Career Connection for Youngtraveling to China to meet with JA China. Women and JA Career Walk.JA ends its fiscal year1,100,000 Revenue29,000 Students Served 2013 JA Global Connection with JA China is launched.2012 2016JA Entrepreneurial Academy is launched. Best year on record- total revenue andJA ends its fiscal year students served1,400,000 Revenue 2,600,000 Revenue34,000 Students Served 39,000+ Students Served 100,000+ The Golden Fund, a restricted fund, was established in honor of Lou Golden’s legacy and visionary leadership. Over $100,000 was raised to support special programs designed to help young people better understand lead- ership and help prepare and inspire the next generation of leaders.

BUILDING ONA STRONGFOUNDATIONBy every measure, 2015-16 was a record year. We served the Ray Sprague Jeremy Racemost students in the history of our organization, nearly 40,000,thanks to the efforts of JA’s incredible staff, board, donors, class- Chair Presidentroom volunteers and teachers.Not only did our student reach expand exponentially, but so did theamount of time (instructional contact hours) we spent with JA students.As compared to 108 other JA offices throughout the U.S., JA of SouthwestNew England continues to tout strong results.Our impact in this community has never been stronger, but the numbers only tell part ofour story. Most importantly we are changing the lives of young people in this region, empowering them toown their economic success through experiential programs that teach them to better understand the intri-cacies of financial literacy, work readiness and entrepreneurship. Don’t just take my word for it. Accordingto a recent JA alumnus, “Junior Achievement became my foundation. I wouldn’t be where I am today withoutJunior Achievement… I will be successful and anyone who believes in the power of Junior Achievementknows that they can help other students like me find their path.”It’s powerful testimonials like this that should remind each of us, JA staff and supporters, why we do whatwe do – student impact.Thank you to all of our community partners. We are building on a strong foundation that is only made pos-sibly thanks to the generosity of JA’s donors and volunteers. Our goal is to annually serve 50,000 studentsby 2020. And with your commitment to Junior Achievement, we are confident this goal is achievable.Highlights • awarded the prestigious 5-Star Award from JA USA – presented to JA offices that demonstrate program growth,• s erved 39,915 students in grades K-12 through our core in- financial stability and strong management. school, afterschool and out-of-school intensive program- ming (this included more than 6,000 students in Hartford; • 1 5.18% student growth (year over year), compared to 3,000 in New Britain, 3,000 in New Haven; and 3,000 in national average of 2.96% Waterbury) • 1 6th fastest growing area in the U.S. (up from 37th in FY15)• d elivered specialty programs to nearly 1,000 students • 15.69% growth in instructional contact hours, compared to• s uccessfully launched 11 student-run businesses through national average of 6.50% the JA Company program • 9.42% of student market served (up from7.95% in FY15),• s tudent company from JA Entrepreneurial Academy at compared to national average of 9.01% Stanley Black & Decker qualified and competed in JA USA National Leadership Summit in Washington D.C.• h osted 20 high school students from Shanghai, China through our one-of-a-kind JA Global Connection program

ENTREPRENURIAL ACADEMY The JA Entrepreneurial Academy was piloted in 2012 and brings urban and suburban high school students together at a cor- porate site to gain skills in entrepreneurism, leadership, teamwork, ethics and career development. The focus of the 15-week, 30-hour program is the development and launching of an actual business, using the JA Company Program curriculum. The program has run successfully for the past four years, expanding into a second site in New Britain at the Stanley Black & Decker headquarters in _(year). This year there were a total of 19 students from 8 different high schools participating in the JA Entrepreneurial Acad- emy. They hailed from New Britain, Plainville, Avon, South- ington, Newington, Berlin, Farmington and CREC Academy Aerospace and Engineering in Windsor. Stanley Black & Decker’s JA Entrepreneurial Academy students’ company was called “BraceLIT”, which are wearable phone charging cords that double as a bracelet.20 “The level of interest, collaboration, and16 dedication to the success of the company program by the students and Stanley ANNUAL volunteers was extraordinary” REPORT Lorraine Wicklund Business Teacher, Berlin High School BraceLIT was 1 of 15 JA student companies nationwide selected for a national competition in Washington DC for Junior Achieve- ment’s National Student Leadership Summit. BraceLIT’s lead- ership team was John Zapata (CEO) from Southington, Meghan

Rigney(COO) from Farmington, Nikhil Bhat(VP of Finance) from CREC Academy Aero- space and Engineering, Gabriella Colletti (VP of Supply Chain) from Avon, and Angelique Perrone (VP of Marketing) from Berlin. Five students from the group attended the JuniorAchievement National Student Leadership Summit in Washington DC. BraceLIT gave a200% return to their investors, and a portion of their proceeds was given to the AmericanCancer Society, which was matched by Stanley Black & Decker.“The JA Entrepreneurial Academy” experience was an amazing and unique opportunity for 19 students from 8 different high schools, with diverse socioeconomic status; and partnered with experienced volunteers from Stanley Black and Decker. The involvement of leadership from Stanley including speakers, Don Allan and Jim Loree and touring the Stanley Plant were above and beyond what the typical student would ever receive in a regular classroom. The level of interest, collaboration, and dedication to the success of the company program by the students and Stanley volunteers was extraordinary”, said Lorraine Wicklund, a business teacher at Berlin High school served as an on-site teach- er for her third years and led the academy students to the national competition in Washington D.C for two years in a row.

SPECIALTY PROGRAMS CAREER WALK This year we had two JA Career Walks; one in West Hartford and New Haven. The Career Walk in West Hartford took place at Blum Shapiro, Fidelity Investments, Lux Bond Green, Grants, Fathom, Charles Schwab, Toy Chest, Max’s Oyster Bar, Farmington Bank, PBI, Sight and REI. The JA Career Walk expanded into New Haven for the first time this year with particpating companies such as Comcast NBC, Omni Hotel, Shubert Theatre, Shake Shack, Claire’s Corner Copia, Citizen’s Bank, Carmody Law Firm, and Greater New Haven Chamber of Commerce. The New Haven Career Walk has students visit the job sites over the course of a morning and learn more about various job opportunities at each company. JOB SHADOW We also increased our JA Job Shadows by 9 programs. This year we held a total of 29 JA Job Shadows; these took place at Microsoft, YMCA, Bushnell, CT Science Center, JFD Tube & Coil, The Hartford, Stanley Black & Decker, Voya, NBC Comcast, Prudential and AT&T.2016 ANNUAL REPORT

JA GLOBAL CONNECTIONFourteen students from Lyman Hall and Mark T. Sheehan High School in Wallingford andone student from Cheshire High School went to China to participate in the landmark JuniorAchievement international exchange program, JA Global Connection, sponsored by Unit-ed Technologies Corporation. Through this program, the students learn first-hand about American and Chinese business, entrepreneurship, global trade, leader- ship and culture. This year’s JA Global Connection began in the summer of 2015 when a group of 20 students from China spent a week in Connecticut working alongside student peers from Wallingford and Cheshire. Throughout the school year, the students formed companies and have been importing and exporting prod- ucts. During this trip, students reconnected with their JA Global Connection business partners and completed their projects. The students also visited the U.S Embassy/Bei- jing American Center, Tiananmen Square, Temple of Heaven, The Great Wall, Fudan University in Shanghai and the Terra-cot- ta Warriors Museum in Xi’an. “The experience at Shanghai and being at Fudan University with the Chinese students was the best. We got to hear from a number of successful people in China, and they shared some of their stories and advice theyhad for us, which we really enjoyed. Another best partwas that we got a chance to connect in a way with theChinese students that I didn’t expect to”.Kairav Maniar12th grade student from Mark T. Sheehan High School, Wallingford

SPECIAL EVENTS Thanks to the leadership and support of the board, dedicated event committee members, corporate sponsors and generous individuals, JA special events in 2015- 2016 had near sellout crowds and collectively raised more than $760,000. Over 2,300 individuals participated in this year’s JA Golf Classic, Business Hall of Fame events, Partners in Achievement breakfasts, and Bowl-a-Thons. The proceeds from these events helped bring valuable JA programs to thousands of students. Bowl-a-Thons This year nearly 1,360 bowlers participated in one of JA’s Bowl-A-Thons, raising funds to help support over 3,300 students in Connecticut. The Hartford’s fourth annual Bowl-A-Thon in February had over 800 employees participate in four bowling sessions and helped bring JA programs to about 1,860 students. This year JA’s Bowl-A-thons reached a record-breaking amount raised of over $162,000! JA Classic Golf Tournament On June 6, we returned to Tumble Brook Country Club in Bloomfield where 42 foursomes enjoyed our 19th annual JA Golf Classic. This event has earned the reputation of being the best charity golf tournament in the state, attracting top business leaders and offering a high-end gift package, great customer service and opportunities for customer entertainment. The presenting sponsor was Marmon Engineered Wire & Cable LLC with Mohegan Sun as the tournament sponsor and Stanley Black & Decker as the apparel sponsor. Partners in Achievement Breakfasts Each year, JA proudly holds its annual Partners in Achievement fundraising breakfasts in Hartford and New Haven. These events celebrate JA’s impact in the community, showcase students who have experienced JA in their classrooms and highlight the critical need for financial literacy, workforce readiness and entre- preneurism programs in local schools. This year, roughly 550 people attended the 13th annual event in Hartford, contributing $212,736 for JA programs in central Connecticut. In New Haven, close to 150 people were in attendance for the 7th annual event, raising $45,490 to support our efforts in the New Haven region.2016 ANNUAL REPORT

Business Halls of FameJA’s Business Hall of Fame events were held in the spring. These events heldboth in Hartford and New Haven, honor remarkable current and past businessand community leaders who have demonstrated excellence in business andan outstanding commitment to our communities. We were honored to haveStanley Black & Decker as the dinner sponsor with Edible Arrangements asthe premier sponsor in Hartford. In New Haven we were privileged to haveMarcum LLP and Yale-New Haven Hospital as the dinner sponsors with Com-cast as the presenting sponsor in New Haven.The Business Hall of Fame in Hartford honored thefollowing laureates: Tariq Farid, Founder and CEO, Edible Arrangements International John J. Patrick, Jr., Chairman, President and CEO, Farmington Bank Mark E. Scheinberg, President, Goodwin College For the tenth year, JA presented the 2016 Corporate Award to Massachu- setts Mutual Life Insurance Company (MassMutual) for its strong commit- ment to financial education as demonstrated by its long-term support of JAThe Business Hall of Fame in New Haven honored thefollowing laureate: Paul A. McCraven, Senior Vice President, Community Development, First Niagara Bank Joseph Natarelli, Partner-In-Charge, New Haven Office, Marcum LLP The 2016 Spirit of Hope Award, which honors those whose dedication to improving the lives of others brings light into our communities, was pre- sented to Dr. Julia M. McNamara, President, Albertus Magnus College.


NUMBER OF 15.6%STUDENTS SERVEDBY COUNTY CONTACT HOURS INCREASED OVER 2014-15HARTFORD 24,911 Contact hours represent the total timeNEW HAVEN 10,867 JA volunteers spent with students during the year.LITCHFIELD 1,864 VISIT JACONN.ORG TO LEARN MORENEW LONDON 1,248MIDDLESEX 965TOLLAND 43WINDHAM 17

DONORS20 JA Champion Hoffman Auto Group Thomas and Mary Goetter16 $50,000 and above Insurity Inc. Louis J. Golden and Peggy Buchanan Key Bank Goodwin College ANNUAL Aetna Foundation KPMG LLP Graybar Electric Company REPORT American Savings Foundation LAZ Parking Ltd. The Guardian Life Insurance Compa- Anonymous Lincoln Financial Group ny of America The Hartford Marcum LLP Guidant Group Harold P. Higgins Estate† Marmon Engineered Wire & Cable Guy Carpenter & Company, LLC Stanley Black & Decker, Inc. LLC Hartford HealthCare Travelers Olsen Construction Services, LLC The Hershey Company United Technologies Corporation PwC Stuart Hershman Robinson & Cole, LLP HYPE JA Leader RSCC Wire & Cable LLC David W. Keiser $25,000 to $49,999 Saint Francis Hospital and Medical Karl Krapek Center Landmark Partners LLC Bank of America Santander Thomas Lavalle Junior League of Hartford SBM Charitable Foundation Brendan and Mimi Lynch* MassMutual TD Charitable Foundation NewAlliance Foundation MetLife Foundation OFI Mohegan Sun President’s Club Oracle Pratt & Whitney $5,000 to $9,999 Otis Elevator Company Prudential Financial (Retirement) People’s United Bank Raymond and Linda Sprague* 3M People’s United Community Foun- Walmart Foundation Accenture LLP dation Webster Bank Jill Albertelli Gerald Plush Marilyn and Donald Allan Prime Materials Recovery Inc. Chairman’s Circle Asplundh Tree Expert Co. Quinnipiac University $10,000 to $24,999 Berkshire Bank The Simsbury Bank & Trust Company Kathy Bromage* Tomasso Brothers, Inc. Alcoa Matthew and Christine Bromberg Tom and Dougie Trumble* Alexion Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Capgemini United Bank Amazon Payments Carmody Torrance Sandak & Hen- The United Illuminating Company Anonymous nessey LLP UTC Aerospace Harsh Bansal Howard L. and Sue Ellen Carver* UTC Building & Industrial Systems Barnes Group Foundation, Inc. CBRE New England Anthony and Paula Viscogliosi* BlumShapiro Charter Oak Utility Constructors, Inc. Michael and Donna Waller Capital One N.A. Citizens National Bank Waste Management Comcast Sherry Ann Coelho and Keith Merritt Xerox Foundation Robert B. Dodds Estate Fund at The Cognizant Technology Solutions XL Catlin Community Foundation for Greater Colliers International Yale New Haven Health System New Haven Day Pitney LLP Edible Arrangements David Dietrich Investors ESPN, Inc. DLA Piper LLP $2,500 to $4,999 Eversource Energy Ensworth Charitable Trust Farmington Bank Robert Fiondella* 360 Federal Credit Union Chris Fuselier and Diane Boyce* Michelle Foint A/Z Corporation GE Foundation Paul Foody* Albertus Magnus College Goldman Sachs & Co. Fund for Greater Hartford The Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company

Althans Insurance Agency, Inc. Karen and Greg Alcorn The Heffernan FoundationAT&T Anonymous The Mabel F. Hoffman CharitableBohan & Bradstreet, Inc. Thomas J. Bailer and Susan Pet- TrustMatthew and Jennifer Cambi* ty-Bailer* Matthew and Monica Hoffman*The Elizabeth Carse Foundation Tom and Melanie Barnes Family Nancy and Jeffrey HoffmanMichael and Lynne Cefole* Foundation Horizon MediaCigna Becker’s Jewelry Corporation Hub Folding Box, Inc.CohnReznick The Bilco Company Dorrie and Kimball HuntDanella Construction of NY, Inc. William D. Bishop Infosys LimitedDime Bank Foundation, Inc. Beth Bombara Investology, Inc.David T. Doherty* Steven W. Bonnell Ion Bank FoundationErnst & Young LLP Francisco L. Borges Robin and Steven Johnson*David A. Foley Mary J. Boyd* Christopher Jones*Mr. & Mrs. William Foulds Family Ed Bradstreet Roger Joyce*Foundation The Buhl Press Inc. JPMorgan Chase & Co.Carlton D. Fyler and Jenny R. Fyler Gregg Burton* Bruce Kellogg*Fund at Northwest Connecticut burton & Burton Daniel Kelly*Community Foundation BYK USA Inc. Robert P. and Bonnie B. KreitlerWilliam C. Griffeth Casey Campbell* Roger† and Margaret LawsonCarlton L. Highsmith CCO LLC, Sam’s Food Stores John LegatoSusan D. Jackson Central Connecticut State Univer- Olga and Brian LevineKohl’s sity John and Julie Livingstone*Alan Lazowski* Chase Russell Lowry*Amy Lipper* The Cheryl Chase and Stuart Bear Jack and Cheryl MaherDavid and Beth Mercier Family Foundation, Inc. Ilene MalinaMusculoskeletal Clinical Regulatory Coastal Sunbelt Produce Kenneth and Sally McGovern*Advisers Richard G. Coffey* Julia McNamaraNorthwest Connecticut Community Michael Collins Richard Newell*Foundation The Community Foundation of David Newton*OneDigital Health and Benefits Greater New Britain Vincent NgRobert & Margaret Patricelli Family Connecticut Packaging Materials, David J. PapandriaFoundation Inc. Inc. Michael Polo*Pfizer, Inc. Cowan Liebowitz & Latman, PC Jeremy and Andrea RacePrime Technology Frederick A. DeLuca Foundation Rajesh Ramachandran*Sean Riegler Joseph DeSantis Rogers Benefit Group, Inc.Charles Nelson Robinson Fund Dominion Resources Services, Inc. Stephen Sack*The Rosen Group, Professional Dunbar Construction Company, Inc. Sam’s Club 6636Recruiting Consultant LLC Christopher Eberly* Sign Pro Inc.RSM US LLP The George H.C. Ensworth Memori- Richard Simon*The S/L/A/M Collaborative, Inc. al Fund David A. SmithSun Life Financial Flow-Tech, Inc. The Spencer Turbine CompanyTariq Farid Foundation James J. Flynn, Jr.* Mark and Tina St. PierreTaylor Freezer of Connecticut, Inc. Donald Frahm START Community BankUpdike, Kelly & Spellacy, P.C. FreshPoint Connecticut William and Jennifer SullivanUPS GenRe Charles SzilagyiViscogliosi Bros. LLC Oz and Kirsten Griebel Tata Consultancy Chelsea Groton Foundation, Inc. Tecton Architects, PCPartners Jason T. Gutcheon - Professional Olga Timofeyeva-Vogt*$1,000 to $2,499 Business Insurers Hallmark Cards, Inc.Acme-Monaco Corporation

20 Giovanni Tomasi* Cornerstone Energy Services, Inc. David Louden*16 Trimark United East, LLC Richard Costello Mary Jane Lund Ulbrich Stainless Steel & Special John Crawford Robert and Ann Lyons ANNUAL Metals, Inc. Laura A. Dambier* Jim Macdonald* REPORT University of Hartford Thomas Daugherty Philip Mahoney* Voya Financial Anthony DeBisschop* Joseph H. Manny III* Jean T. Walker Hendrik Deurloo* Bob and Carole Margolis* Walmart Store 2284 Thomas DeVitto* Shannon Mastrangelo* Walmart Store 2371 DHR International, Inc. Kelly McCabe Walmart Store 3545 Craig Douglas David McHale* Ronnie and Mitchell Weiss Patrick J. and Kathleen O. Duffany Brad Mendelson Keith Wetjen Michael Dury Lorenzo Mendizabal Brooke and Ted Whittemore Don and Jan Dwyer Monster The Zachs Family Foundation, Inc. Robert Eagen* Murtha Cullina LLP EBP Supply Solutions Joe Natarelli Shareholders Eder Bros., Inc. Okay Industries, Inc. $500 to $999 Marian Farese Leon Olivier Howard C. Fero, Ph.D.* Daniel O’Shea, Sr. Accel International Robert A. Ferreira and Amy Zinsser Samuel Pines* Accounting Resources, Inc. Steven Fetteroll Lindsey Pocock Jon Michael Adinolfi* Frontier Employees’ Community R.H. White Construction Co., Inc. McKinley and Justin Albert* Services Fund Dan and Gail Race Chad Alfeld* Robert M. Furek Brentley J. Radeloff* Jeff Allen Gargiulo Produce Katrina Redmond* Richard L. Alleyne* Gateway Community College William and Paula Reis Anonymous Chris Gent Raquel Rivera* Aramark Uniform Services, Inc. Jason Giulietti David Robinson Aspen Insurance Catherine F. Godin* Carin Salonia* Ramani Ayer Joseph and Caryn Golden Bill and Katie Samuelson* Gerald Boisvert Greater New Haven Chamber of Robert W. Santy* Bo Bradstreet* Commerce Matthew J. Scott Peter Breitstone Carissa Gross* Christopher Sears* Susan and Jack Brinegar Paul Guggina* Wendy P. Simoncelli* Eddison Buenaño Guilford Savings Bank Lynn St. James Burns & McDonnell Fernando Guimaraes Raymon S. Sterman Thomas Byrne* John and Paula Guy Kimberly Stuhr* Mary Cardin Hamden Hall School, Inc. Brian Thibeault Daniel Caron* Michael Harold United Way of Central & Northeast- Helena Carvalho* William MacKay-Heckles* ern Connecticut Catterton Management Company, Richard T. Hubbard* John Urankar LLC Jim and Marlene Ibsen Ron Uttenbeck Jay Chadwick Kenneth James* Martin Vaughan Chubb, Inc. John’s Refuse & Recycling LLC Darryl Wagner Kathleen Cloud* Lucas Karabin Brian Walker* James Cochran Joseph A. Kask* Walmart Store 2303 Jason Cohen* Benjamin Kille Waterford Group Charitable Foun- Melissa Coley Pierce Kupsche dation The Community Foundation for Susan Lach* Lindsley Wellman Greater New Haven Jennifer Latka* Wiggin and Dana LLP Katherine Conway Thomas Lofredo* Donald Wilson, Jr. Sarah Cook

Karl Flemke Scholarship WinnersKarl Flemke, a former President of Junior Angelique PerroneAchievement Inc., passed asway in 1994. Bryant UniversityHis family created a scholarship in hisname for a deserving Connectictut Dasha Pavlenkoscholar-athlete who has been active in UConnJunior Achievement during his or hersecondary career. Kristen Speaker University of DelawareWindstream Bristol-Myrers Squibb Foundation C.M. Smith Agency, Inc.Yale University Carrie Brodzinski* Zachary Cohen David Brown* Connecticut Bankers AssociationFriends of JA Janet Brunwin Joseph Coray$150 to $499 Lori Budnick Jeffrey Craig Steven Busch Lisette Crespo*Richard Adams*† Jennifer Bushey* Timothy B. Curtin*Tara and Michael Adomelis BVH Integrated Services Sharon C. DaltonMark A. Agnoli Michael Byam Eric DanielsMark Alexander* Susan Bysiewicz James DaveyAllan S. Goodman, Inc. Cal Business Solutions Chris Dickinson*Allied Universal Tony Camilliere* Dobla Group USA, LLCIan Anctil* Daniel Campany* Mark Doherty*Marc N. Andrukiewicz Richard Campbell* Robert DombiAnonymous Eileen Candels* Thomas DorionElizabeth Dugan Appelman* Albert Canosa Caroline Down-Lyons*David M. Audibert Diane Cantello Michael DunnEva Azoulay* Jesse Carabase Elaine DwyerMelissa Baribault* John Carbone* Jane EnglishKaren Bauer* Lawrence J. Carboni, Jr.* Michael J. Etes*Pam and Paul Beach Mary Beth Carey* F & F MechanicalSamuel Bergami, Jr. Ted Carroll* Jim and Martha Fanelli*Timothy D. Bergstrom Emily Ceballos* Gregory Fenn*Vincent Blea* Eapen Chandy David Fink*Kim Blomker Susan Chaudhary* Glynis Fitzgerald*Erin Bolduc D. Vincent Cherrone* Kristin FlyntzKerry Bonnville Angie Chirico Linda FournierAllan Borgersen Heather Chometa Jefferson RadiologyJeffery Bouchard Nicholas Cianci Fusco CorporationJolie Bouchard* Carol Clark Kevin and Amber FuselierPeter Bourque Cleaning Services Group, Inc. Marilda GandaraBenton Bowman*Hyang Won Breed

Jonathan G. Gengras* Josh Martin Proft* Donna Glenn* Pullman & Comley, LLC David and Ann Golden Susan Martinelli* Kari Ratajczak Stephen Goldman* Ricci Construction Group Liz Gorgoglione* Leonard Matteo Fontaine Richardson* Green & Sklarz LLC Sue Rickard Gary Griffin Thomas May R.J. Rigney Marion D. Griffin RLD Electric LLC William Guerrero* Maggie and E. Merritt McDonough, Thomas Robison* Genevieve Guilmette* Jr.* Jaume X. Rodriguez* Paul Guiney* Andrew and Tricia Rose Bruce Hale Kelly McGurk* Lynn Rossini* Melanie Hallenbeck* Douglas Rothmann Halloran & Sage LLP Sam McKnight Basel W. Saad, BMW of North Haven Kim A. Healey* Patrick and Emily Safino* Jonathan and Michelle Helitzer Milone & MacBroom, Inc. Christian and Jennifer Sager* Kim Hessler* Peter Samson* G. Christopher Heyl Theresa Milone* Joe Santos* Highcrest Elementary School PTO, Paul Savino* Inc. Devi Mohanty* Pamela Sawyer David Higley Peter Scalaro* Kathleen M. Hines* Donato Monaco* Lisa Schwartz Larry Hosey* Sheli Seguin* Turab Hussain Laurie Morgan Nancy Serio Kitz* AnnMarie Jensen Chuck and Chris Shivery Scott and Tricia Jezierny* Tom Morgan* Simsbury Granby Rotary Club, Inc. David Jorgensen* Simsbury High School FBLA Jonathan Kaplan and Julie Krug Brian and Sarah Morin Mark and Judy Sklarz Gnan Karthikeyan* Mark Socha Dennis Kegan Kevin Morrison Ann Marie Sokol Richard Keough Space-Craft Manufacturing Matthew Kirk Venkata Natarajan Patricia Ruma Spence Amy Konowitz Kyle Sprague Eileen and Hal Kraus Sarah Needham Bryan Steigerwald* Christy Kunz Carin Stepeck Kenneth Kupec* Casey Neff* Dale Stewart Emma I. Ladd* John Suchecki Lynn Kennedy Lagram* Beth Nesteriak* Jane Sullivan-Klett Annette and Jonathan Larabee Joseph Sylvestro* Andrew Lattimer* Laura Nigro Wayne Syrek Troy LePage John T. Szeghy* Peter Lescoe NIXS Anthony J. Taddio* Jim Levine Carl Taggett Matthew and Maria Clayton Northgraves* Loitz Mitchell Taylor Kathy Luria* John Nussbaum Michael A. Tedone Madison Rotary Foun- Stefanie Thibeault* dation Daniel P. and Angela G. O’Shea* Truist Hugh and Nancy Man- John Turgeon ke* Monica Oswald UBS Eugene Marinelli Brian Palmatier Pearce Real Estate Pellegrino Law Firm Hap Perkins Colleen Pernerewski Thomas Phillips* Leslie Pierce Planet Fitness Jason and Brenda Poriss Carl Porto* Susan Powers* Matt Poznar Mark2016 ANNUAL REPORT

In- USI Robert Aresti Kim ChamberlainServices LLC surance Dannika Kemp Avent* Xunchi Chen Jeffrey Bache Carol Chometa*Sajid Usman Patricia Baker* Peter Chometa* Bethany Ballard Connor CipollaMell and Linda Vaughan Katy Bannister John R. Ciulla* Susan Barnes* Anne T. ClubbViabella Holdings, Inc. Diane Barry Jennifer Cody John Bau, Jr. Carleen Coelho*Tricia Villamil Jeffrey Beecher Manuel Coello Margaret Beers Chimia ColemanViola Group Nicole Belding Donna Collins* Jennifer ComesDonna M. Violante Robert Benzinger Chris Conley Michael Berard Connecticut Pediatric DentistryCorbin Walburger Judith L. Bigda Amina Connelly* Matthew Birney and Sharon Sir- Penelope ConnerGeorge P. Waldeck, Jr. agusa Sergio Contreras William Bloom Linda Y. CoteWalmart Store 2719 John Boccuzzi, Jr. Tracey Cournoyer Michael Bonelli Marissa Crean*Walmart Store 2854 Ronald W. Bonofiglio Erik Crespo* Karen Booth Rosemarie CriscuoloWalmart Store 2899 Rebecca Borovsky Tobias Cushing John Bourget* Daniela CzerwinskiWalmart Store 5095 Thomas Bowley Stacey Daley Catherine A. Boyes* Paul D’AndreaThomas E. Walsh, Jr. Doug Bray and Francine Austin* Nicole Daniels Tamara Braz Matthew Davis*Stephanie Walter Robin Breen Darrin DellaVecchia Elizabeth A. Brisco Chris DelphaJennifer Whaley Suzanne Broderick Charles DelVecchio Larry and Alice Brown* Stevanie DemkoF. Perry Wilson, Jr. Stephen Burlingame Dr. and Ms. David D’Eramo Melissa Cahill John T. deVecchisTony Wood Elizabeth Calabrese* Amanda Devitt Jose Carlos Cale Shari and Seth Diamond*WorldBusiness Capital, Inc. Dave Calibey* Joshua Dickinson* Jane Callanan Kevin DolanAndrew and Kathleen Worthington* Adam Canosa Scott Dolch Jody Capirchio Catherine P. DonerYale University Office of Diversity & Kevin Carnale Patrick D. DoolingInclusion Rita Carrier Erin Dorman Elaine C. Carroll Kristin DowgiewiczRobert Zirlis Julia Casey Marianne Downie John Cassidy Amanda L. DownsJA Supporters Anthony H. Castellon Gary Doyens*$149 and below Lindsay Castonguay Hany Theresa Dragen Domenic CessarioJoseph A. AcetoWystan M. AckermanJohn AdamoSteven AlexandreAna AlfaroAmazon SmileAmphenolAnonymous

20 Joe Drake Lianna Jackter* Eddie Mandhry*16 Anne Dranginis Jade Jakubson* Cindy and Luis Martinez* Karen DuBois-Walton* Keith Janson Kathleen McCarthy* ANNUAL Stephen Durocher Carl A. Johnson Marcus McCraven* REPORT John Durso Diane Kallaugher Paul A. McCraven* David Eddy Patricia Kane Brandon McGoldrick Mishawna Edwards Barret Katuna and Benjamin Kehl Jeff McMeans Anne L. Elvgren Monica Katzen Sandra Meda Joe Enright Gil Keegan* Sean and Julie Meehan Jeff Euting Kristina Keegan Dorothy Meggie Jessica Evangelista* Brian Kelaher Mary Meggie Cate Evans Philip Kent Cora Mercer* Yuchen Fama Jeff Klaus Nitin Mhatre* Carol and Doug Farwell Linda Knierim Brian Mik Garfield L. Fellman II Kay Knight Clarke Amy and Marc Miller Lee Fernandez Knock Media Christian D. Miller Vincent F. Ferrucci* Wendy Knopf Viktoriia Mills* Kurt A. Filosa Roza Kogan Kristina Miner James Flanders Chinmay Kommuru Nabil Mishriky Shawn Fongemie* Andrea E. Kovacs Yvonne Mitto* Stephen Fordyce* Diane Kozel* Karraine Moody Tabitha Freeman* Kreitler Financial, LLC Laura Moreira Donny Frost* Kai Kuczaj Maria D. Moreira Jack Frost* Yaroslava Kulaga-Busch Seila Mosquerra Mark Fucci Michael P. Kulas Jonathan Musoke Anna M. Fusari AnnMarie LaBreck* Rebecca Nolan* Robert J. Gagne Joe Laffin Jim Norton* John A. Genther II Noel Langerman Donald P. Nowill Jon Gice* Walter Lappen David O’Brien* Anton E. Goff Brenda Larkin Gail M. Ogden Kate Gold Laurel Laster John O’Keefe David Gridley Chris Laurence Kathleen O’Leary Richard Griffin David G. Lauretti Laura Olsbo Alyssa Griswold Gail Lebert Christopher Remo Pagano James Hajjar Brady Lee Christopher Palumbo Denise Hall Ivan Leibin April Paterno Heather Halotek Michael Leone* Rachel Pattison Jocelyn Hawkins Tim Lewis Michael Pelletier Richard J. Heffernan, Jr. Brian Liss Karen L. Perham-Lippman Kenneth Height Nicholas Lombardi* Mark A. Perkins Beth Higgins David Longworth Joseph Perucki Arthur C. Hill Julie Lopes Paul Peterson Alecia Hogan Brian Loretz John Phillips Bernadette Holodak* Rebecca Lowry Samuel Pieniadz Ted and Maura Horan Joseph Lucy Paul Pita Howard K. Hill Funeral Services Brendan Lynch Tom Pizzo* Jack Hubert Francis Lynch Thomas W. Poitras Charles Hunt Thomas Makuch David Polk* David Jackson Bonnie Malley Melinda Polson

Cheryl Poryanda Ellen Skinner* Andrew WolfGregory Porydzy John Slattery Peter ZezimaDan Post Smith & Wesson Corp. John A. Zinno, Jr.Lou Proto Christina SmithDonna Ptak Solo Mechanical Maintenance Gifts In-kindPeter Rahe John SotoLisa Ramaglia Edward Spinella* 1st and 10 Sports BarSalvatore Rapisarldi Michael Stanczyc A Special PlaceCarolyn Redding Dennis J. Stanek Arthur Murray Dance Studio- Ver-Logan Reed Peter J. Stevens* nonRichard Rendeiro James Stockman Avon Old Farms Hotel & SeasonsJames Rice* Marianne Stowell RestaurantSteve Rippel Meghan Sweeney Back East BrewingNitza M. Rivera* Nicole Teasley Becker’s Diamonds & Fine JewelryMeredith Robert Pat Tempestilli Stacey BenvenutoMelissa Rodriguez Robyn and Jeffrey Teplitzky Between Rounds Bakery & Sand-Tom Roh Amanda and Stephen Teti* wich Café Shannon Tetreault* Big Sky FitnessNorman H. Roos George Thomas Black Bear SaloonStephen Rosenberger Peter Thomas Blue Plate KitchenDavid Rosenthal Lavell Thompson Bob’s Discount FurnitureJohn Rossley William D. Thompson Jr. Steven BonnellMartha Royston* Sarah Thrall The BowerbirdLaura Rubino Jason Tirado Charles F. BunnellJoseph Santoro* Rosanne M. Trapani Camera BarRobert H. Saunders, Jr. Nicole Tung* Victor and Jennifer CarnaleAmeli Sawyer Tracy Tyree Carrabba’s Italian Grill, ManchesterAndrew I. Schaffer* Barbara Ulrich Citizens BankDuane Schwartz Julie Unsal City Steam BreweryPatricia Scussel Frank Vaccaro* Club Fitness EnfieldJeffrey Simon Ana Valentin-Jackson* Connecticut Old State House Sumakshi Vali Connecticut Tigers Samantha Van Zilen The Cookhouse Wendy A. Veerapen The Corner Pug Restaurant Hipolito Vega* The Country Club of Waterbury Bernadine Venditto Christopher Dadlez Michelle Vigue East Side Restaurant Thomas Villandry Effie’s Place, West Hartford Tom Voorhees Elmo’s Dockside Restaurant Robert O.Y. Warren, IV Farmington Miniature Golf and Ice Carol Wasserman Cream Mary Lee Weber First & Last Tavern Jake Wein Flemings Steakhouse James Widman Flight Trampoline Park Kevin Wilkins FootPrints Christine N. Williams Fred Astaire Dance Studios, Canton Dantaya Williams* Fred Astaire Dance Studios, Mid- Diane L. Wishnafski* dletown Fred Astaire Dance Studios, West Hartford Chris Fuselier and Diane Boyce

20 GEM Advertising David Preleski Matthew and Christine Bromberg16 Gouveia Vineyards Puerto Vallarta Restaurant Matthew and Jennifer Cambi John and Paula Guy Quassy Amusement Park Kevin Carnale ANNUAL Hallmark Cards R& B Sports World Howard L. and Sue Ellen Carver REPORT Harry’s Bishop’s Corner Radisson Hotel Cromwell Anthony H. Castellon Hartford Business Journal Rave Cinemas CT Post 14 The Cheryl Chase and Stuart Bear Hartford Courant Media Group Real Art Ways Family Foundation, Inc. Hartford Restaurant Group Rein’s Deli Laura A. Dambier Hartford Symphony Orchestra Residence Inn by Marriott, Avon Craig Douglas Hartford Yard Goats Lynn Rossini Elaine Dwyer Hermitage Club Sacred Rivers Yoga Robert A. Ferreira and Amy Zinsser Terrell Hill Saint Francis Care Robert Fiondella Hill-Stead Museum Saybrook Point Inn & Spa Robert M. Furek Home Restaurant Sensations Day Spa Chris Fuselier and Diane Boyce Dorrie and Kimball Hunt Seven Angels Theatre Thomas and Mary Goetter Imagine Nation Museum Shady Glen David and Ann Golden IRIS Photography Shahla Day Spa Joseph and Caryn Golden J. Gilbert’s Wood Fired Steaks & ShopRite of Manchester & East Seafood Hartford Oz and Kirsten Griebel Kidcity Children’s Museum Sky Zone, Wallingford Hoffman Auto Group KidsPlay Children’s Museum Sliders Grill & Bar Jim and Marlene Ibsen Kramer Portraits The Simsbury Inn Kenneth James Landmark Community Theatre Stanley Black & Decker Robin and Steven Johnson LAZ Fly Airport Parking Stone Age Rock Gym Kristina Keegan Richard and Joyce Leibert Super Cellar Warehouse Liquors David W. Keiser Lary Levitts Charles Szilagyi Kay Knight Clarke Loon Mountain Theatreworks New Milford Karl Krapek Becky Lowry Thimble Island Brewing Company Christy Kunz Mary Jane Lund Thomas Hooker Brewery Roger† and Margaret Lawson Lux Bond & Green Tumble Brook Country Club Alan Lazowski The Mark Twain House & Museum Turkey Hill Mary Jane Lund McKinnon’s Irish Pub Turtle Café Brendan and Mimi Lynch Samuel McKnight UCONN Athletics Ilene Malina Metro Bis Restaurant Wampanoag Country Club Bonnie Malley Amy Miller Warner Theatre Miranda Vineyard White Silo Farm & Winery Mohawk Mountain Willimantic Brewing Co. Mohegan Sun Yale Peabody Museum of Natural Muse Paint Bar, West Hartford History Mystic Seaport New England Air Museum Gift in Honor of The New Children’s Museum Lou Golden Noah Webster House & West Hartford Historical Society Karen and Greg Alcorn Okemo Mountain Resort Marilyn and Donald Allan Old Sturbridge Village Anonymous On20 Thomas J. Bailer and Susan Pet- Panera Bread ty-Bailer Peppermill Country Deli & Bakery Tom and Melanie Barnes Family Pond House Café Foundation Gerald Boisvert Francisco L. Borges

Hugh and Nancy Manke Cornerstone SocietyEugene Marinelli Recognizes supporters whoKenneth and Sally McGovern have included JA as a benefi-Sam McKnight ciary of their estateJulia McNamaraDavid Newton AnonymousDavid J. Papandria Howard L. and Sue CarverLeslie Pierce Robert B. Dodds†Gerald Plush Ryan HeringtonMichael Polo Harold P. Higgins† 1932-2015Jeremy and Andrea Race Scott and Tricia JeziernySean Riegler John LegatoR.J. Rigney Mary Jane LundSaint Francis Foundation Brentley J. RadeloffPamela SawyerWendy P. Simoncelli † DeceasedDavid A. Smith *Recognizes individualsRaymond and Linda Sprague who have made multi-Stanley Black & Decker, Inc. year gifts and pledgesWilliam & Jennifer SullivanCharles SzilagyiTom and Dougie TrumbleUnited Way of Central & Northeast-ern ConnecticutBernadine VendittoMichelle VigueAnthony and Paula ViscogliosiMichael and Donna WallerWebster BankRonnie and Mitchell WeissLindsley WellmanBrooke and Ted WhittemoreGifts in Memory ofJames S. LundMary Jane LundJeremy and Andrea RaceGifts in Memory ofJimmy StockmanJames StockmanGifts in Memory ofJosephine MercierHoward and Sue CarverCarol and Doug Farwell

BOARD OF Eric Galvin (1) DIRECTORS Senior Vice President Chief Financial Officer Jill M. Albertelli (7) Lawrence Carboni (1) ConnectiCare Vice President, Quality Partner Pratt & Whitney Whittlesey & Hadley, P.C. Jason Giulietti (2) Vice President of Business Recruit- Donald Allan (6) Sherry Ann Coelho (10) ment Chief Financial Officer Managing Director, Key Accounts Connecticut Economic Resource Stanley Black & Decker, Inc. Prudential Retirement Center Marc N. Andrukiewicz (11) Matthew Desfosses (5) Thomas A. Goetter (19) Vice President Operations Actuary Senior Vice President Eversource Energy Sun Life Financial Simpler Consulting Francine Austin (6) Joseph DeSantis (6) Anton Goff (1) Owner Partner Athletic Director Francine’s Salon and Day Spa Deloitte University of Hartford Thomas J. Bailer (15) Thomas A. DeVitto (8) Jason T. Gutcheon (12) Principal Chief Marketing Officer Partner Executive Support Services, LLC BlumShapiro Professional Business Insurers Steven Bonnell (5) David Doherty (2) John L. Guy (5) Vice President, Internal Audit EVP, Director of Business Banking Scott H. Boutin (4) Webster Bank Vice President, Global Claims Oper- Patrick J. Duffany (7) ation Partner Chris Heyl (1) MetLife CohnReznick LLP Vice President of Operations CiDRA Corporate Services Christine E. Bromberg (10) Christopher Eberly (4) Partner Head of Insurance Solutions IT Terrell M. Hill (6) Robinson & Cole LLP Voya Financial Assistant Superintendent Windsor Public Schools Charles Bunnell (2) Anne S. Evans (19) Chief of Staff for External and Gov- Connecticut District Director Matthew Hoffman (2) ernment Affairs U.S. Department of Commerce Inter- Vice President Mohegan Tribal Nation national Trade Administration Hoffman Auto Group Sharon Burns (7) Glynis Fitzgerald (1) Susan D. Jackson (12) Market Human Resources Manager Dean, School of Graduate Studies Partner Walmart Central Connecticut State University KPMG LLP Matthew Cambi (6) Paul J. Foody (9) Kenneth James (7) Principal VP – Strategic Business Solutions PwC Group Peter Kozodoy (2) Waste Management Chief Strategy Officer GEM Advertising Brian Levine (1) Vice President Commercial Lending Department People’s United Bank2016 ANNUAL REPORT

David Louden (9) Thomas L. Phillips (9) Raymond J. Sprague (6)President Executive Vice President, PersonalFathom Michael G. Polo (5) Lines President & CEO/Founder The HartfordIlene A. Malina (7) ACMT, AdChem Manufacturing Tech-Principal & Founder nologies, Inc. Charles Szilagyi (2)IAM Marketing by Design Senior Client Manager, Government William Reis (13) BankingKenneth H. McGovern (1) Vice President, Administrative Services Bank of AmericaPartner UIL Holdings CorporationDHR International/Jobplex Bala Thiru (5) Sean Riegler (7) CognizantSamuel McKnight (16) PartnerRetired Ernst & Young LLP Thomas R. Trumble (10)AT&T Director Partner Lynn Rossini (8) Private Capital Group, LLCDavid P. Mercier (4) Chief Development OfficerSVP and Chief Underwriting Officer Saint Francis Foundation Michelle R. Vigue (6)The Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection Career & Technical Education Depart-and Insurance Company Pamela Sawyer (13) ment Head Outreach and Legislative Assistant East Hartford SchoolsNitin Mhatre (2) Access Health CTExecutive Vice President, Consumer Edward B. Whittemore (11)Finance Wendy P. Simoncelli (17) Partner Webster Bank Client Executive, Insurance Industry Murtha Cullina LLP IBMVenkata Natarajan (8) *Resigned or board term ended.VP, Chief Information Officer Paul Singer (4)Prudential General Manager, Engineering GE Industrial SolutionsEMERITUSGregory J. Alcorn (11) Retired Retired Vice President & General Manager Managing Partner Travelers Life & AnnuityCommercial HVAC Systems Ernst & Young LLPUTC Building & Industrial Systems Hugh I. Manke (16) Chris S. Fuselier (19)Neil H. Blinderman (16) Retired Partner-New Haven OfficeGHP Media GE Consumer Industrial Updike, Kelly & Spellacy, PCJames P. Bolduc (24) R. Nelson “Oz” GriebelRetired President Lindsley Wellman (41)Connecticut Resources Recovery MetroHartford Alliance PresidentAuthority Wellman Consulting Group Margaret W. Lawson (32)Larry C. Brown (26) Retired (Number in parentheses indicatesManaging Director The Hartford Steam Boiler Inspec- years of service to JA)Horton International tion and Insurance Co.Howard L. Carver (16) Brendan M. Lynch (14)

NEW HAVEN BOARD Helene Augustine (2) G. Christopher Heyl (1) Yale University Vice President Vice President of Operations Wells Fargo CiDRA Corporate Services Lynn St. James (2) Finance Manager Edward B. Bradstreet (12) Beth Higgins (5) Comcast Cable Communications President Director of Business Develop- Bohan & Bradstreet ment Brian Walker (7) BlumShapiro President Sharon Burns (6) Walker Training & Consulting Market Human Resources Man- David W. Keiser (7) ager Retired President and COO, (Number in parentheses indicates Walmart Director years of service to JA) Alexion Pharmaceuticals Gregg Burton (1) Partner Peter Kozodoy (2) Carmody Torrance Sandak & Chief Strategy Officer Hennessey, LLP GEM Advertising Stephen J. Carbery (1) Brian Levine (2) Vice President, Facilities Design, Vice President, Commercial Construction & Real Estate Lending Department Yale New Haven Hospital People’s United Bank Anthony Castellon (1) Joseph F. LoPresti (7) Senior Vice President Vice President, Human Resources Citizens Bank EBP Supply Solutions William Creaser (9) Susan Martinelli (1) Senior Vice President, Northeast Assurance Partner Middle Markets RSM US, LLP Chase Samuel McKnight (15) Matthew DesFosses (4) Retired Director & Actuary AT&T Director Sun Life Financial James Miller (2) Dr. Howard C. Fero, PhD (1) Director Director, Graduate Leadership Marcum LLP Programs Albertus Magnus College Amy Shah (<1) The Leadership Doc Associate Director for Student Relations and External Affairs2016 ANNUAL REPORT

STAFFSumayya AyoubEducation ManagerJessica CorreiaSenior Special Events ManagerNicole DiorioSr. Specialty & Digital EducationMan-agerElaine DwyerChief Administrative OfficerLakeisha HoustonEducation ManagerJoshua P. KellyEducation ManagerJacqueline LombardiEducation ManagerMary M. McGoldrickDevelopment Operations AssociateMichelle NahasEducation ManagerTeena ParameswaranMarketing & Events ManagerJeremy D. RacePresidentMargaret ShapiroDevelopment AssociateSarah E. ThrallSenior Volunteer Engagement Man-agerShayla CookEducation AssistantMario ChiappettiDirector of EducationAmanda TetiGrants Coordinator

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