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Home Explore A Bundle Of Sticks

A Bundle Of Sticks

Published by Thinley Dragon, 2022-01-22 17:56:36

Description: A Bundle Of Sticks


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A Bundle Of Sticks Illustrated by Tshering Dorji

Once upon a time,

there lived a farmer in a small village.

He had three sons. They were very hardworking but constantly quarrelled among themselves.

One day, the father got very ill, and he called his sons to teach them the last life lesson before his death.

He wanted to share the farm with his sons and work together,

but he knew his sons would continue to fight.

The farmer, therefore, decided to teach them a lesson.

He gave each son a stick and asked them to break it.

It was an easy task, and the sons broke each stick into two quickly.

Then the farmer gave the bundle of sticks and asked them to break it.

They tried hard to break the bundle of sticks, but they could not succeed.

They failed to break the bundle of sticks.

The father then explained to his sons that together, they were stronger, and if divided, they would be broken easily as those sticks.

Moral: United we stand and divided we fall.

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