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Home Explore flip termination

flip termination

Published by s732318, 2015-08-14 14:00:45

Description: flip termination


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Kaiser Permanente August 2015 HR ProceduresIT-HR EXIT INTERVIEW PROCEDURESPURPOSEToday, National Functions HR does not have a standard exit interview process. Kaiser Permanente is competing for valua-ble IT resources across industries, especially in California. To retain our talent and continue be a recognized as a “BestPlace to Work”, understanding why employees voluntarily leave the organization is critical to KP’s success. This will ena-ble KP to gain feedback from employees to further improve aspects of management/employment practices, to better retainemployees and reduce turnover.OBJECTIVESThe IT-HR Exit Interview Process narrative, along with the Exit Interview process map, provides end-to-end process docu-mentation that explains the steps in the exit interview process. These documents clarify roles and responsibilities in order toensure that there is no duplication of effort or confusion regarding the process.ASSUMPTIONS* HR Consultants are notified of voluntary terminations in a timely manner by either the employee, manager or HR ServiceCenter, and the exit interview can be conducted no later than the final day of employment.* Employees consent to the exit interview processTARGET GROUPSNon-represented full and part-time IT employees who voluntarily terminate with a performance rating of successful or bet-ter.ROLES IN THE GROUPS* HR Consultant (HRC)* Transactions COE (TCOE)* Employees* VP IT-HR

PROCESS NARRATIVESTEP 1. HRC Receive notification of pending termination. Comments: May come from manager, employee or HR Service Center.STEP 2. HRC Contact separating employee to schedule exit interview prior to termination date (blind copy IT-HR Transactions COE). Comments: At that time, inform employee they will receive a survey to complete priorSTEP 3. HRC E-mail Exit Interview survey link to employee and date to be completed. Comments: Link resides on the HR Community SharePoint site or may be requestedSTEP 4. Employee Complete the survey. Comments: Survey results are stored in Survey Monkey database.STEP 5. TCOE Email survey results to HRCSTEP 6. HRC Review results, prepare additional questions, and conduct the interview. Comments: Ideally face-to-face. Gather responses to other questions asked during theSTEP 7. HRC Send responses to additional questions or other pertinent information to TCOE. Comments: Additional information added to data repository.STEP 8. HRC Facilitate action on information shared as necessary (e.g., policy violation, manager issue, etc.)STEP 9. TCOE Compile and analyze data Look for trends.STEP 10. TCOE Report findings on HR Community SharePoint.STEP 11. TCOE Prepare Executive Summary for VP IT-HR.STEP 12. VP IT-HR Share results and proposed actions with ITEC. Comments: Quarterly or as needed.Exceptions to Normal In step 8, HRC only facilitates action when there is a violationProcess Flow or an immediate action required. If not needed, send in em- ployee resources to TCOE and proceed to step 9.

PROCESS FLOW CHARTExceptions to Normal Process Flow: In step 8, HRC only facilitates action when ther e is a violation or an imme-diate action required. If not needed, send in employee resources to TCOE and proceed to step 9.

1. When should exit interview process flow be completed? Frequently AskedExit interview process should begin when the HRC is notified of employee’s ter- Questionsmination. It is important to conduct exit interview before or during the week of (FAQs)termination to ensure that all necessary actions with separating employee havebeen met.2. Who conducts the exit interview?The Human Resource Generalist conducts interviews and makes recommenda-tions to the management team for corrective action and continuous improvement.3. What should happen when employees delay or opt out exit interview process?Again, the IT-HR Exit Interview Process document is assumed that employeesconsent to exit interview process and perform necessary actions in a timely man-ner. However, if employees opt out of exit interview process, then steps do nothave to be taken. If employees delay the process by not responding, then kindlyencourage and remind them to do so.