Democracy is a form of government which is chosen by the people to work for their welfare and can be changed by them
Democracy improves the quality of decision making. Democracy provides a method to deal with differences and conflicts. Democracy enhances the dignity of citizens. All people are equal in the eyes of the law, and every person gets a vote Democracy keeps check on the government so that they do not misuse their power.
KEY FEATURES OF DEMOCRACY A democracy must be based on a free and fair election where those currently in power have a fair chance of losing In a democracy, each adult citizen must have one vote and each vote must have one value
In a democracy the final decision making power must rest with those elected by the people. It should rule within limits set by constitutional law & citizens rights
In a democratic government people elect their rulers and have rights in decision making,In non-democratic government people do not elect their rulers and have no rights in decision making.
Difference between Democratic and Non-democratic countries In democratic countries- People have the right to freely express their opinions. Individuals nominate their leaders. People are allowed to replace their leaders if they are not pleased with them Elections are held periodically in fair and free manner.
In non-democratic countries- People do not have the right to elect their leaders in non-democratic countries. Applicants in non-democratic countries use misconduct to win. Citizens are at the mercy of the military rulers in non-democratic countries, which implies they can not openly voice their views.
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