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Home Explore Pamela Quintana Poems2

Pamela Quintana Poems2

Published by amy.e.q7, 2019-10-24 00:58:06

Description: Pamela Quintana Poems2


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Thc: @Ilcctcd chtry of My Life Then and Nov

PREFACE My firs‘l' poem was uni-Hen in WEI. A+ age 7 I used +he word aba'les because if rhymed no'f knowing i+ was award. Isen'f +he poem-lo Aun’r Elise of The Oakland Tribune, a childrens column, no+ knowing it would be prin‘l‘ed and Id receive a prize. This in5pired me +0 con‘l'inue poe‘l’cy. Rain,rain falling down Splashing. banging +0 +he ground filling rivers as if goes filling rivers as +2?! wind around +he +ops rnoun‘iains high flowing 45st ll‘fl'o lakes un’nl all of‘ihe mam aba‘ies.

index Then . TiTLe JrThe Black Horseman ”The Wanderer *The Rollin Sea *The Dese 5he Valley Sfill *Sunsei' «The RUSh *Jbrnado E’Ifii‘i’o Ana'i'her Nigh'l' ><The Hei h+s *To The eigh+s JrThou h‘l’s A(Hidden Meadow i\\The Grea‘r Canyon *Predic’rion Nevada ><Hidden E‘i'crni'iy ‘ AvSuPreme Sea *Tormen‘l' *Shafier it Hidden Evil

Imag ina‘hon

The Black l—lOTar/man The morning crisp, cod and brtqh‘l' made. +he vaLLeq somber. Birds Seemed no‘l 'lo noi'ice +he cold +ha'l’ +he dorm had. Las‘l' night The j wmcl did. howL +ha'i memonabie \"'5 \";:~*_~_;1-;mqh+ of Lone lonq , ; si‘Hing \\n my ago. I was \" 5 chair rocking rockm The house +o and-Fro. . Iconacadrn'hnlae’bad+relfibhame+RecerhkleA.siedb‘'erFlivr'lgmeghIghe‘‘gdlloew‘urrhlolo’ld'Euealp.'m\"p“faIrcaornmohdasdmsw.y\"a+olu0so'raleh’oIhAe+»ecu+Indhk‘Hhhl.ile’!oenaerhgn'rwssiHdsp'icmeirC+nhmi5duad1aCn'iirOong+rLnd.wdeho.dne spring. Eugenia, wrl'h gredl’ speed +he black- horseman rode G'p' +he valleg arddisappeared. behind some +rees. 1.1 was shaking more and more as]. lulled lieu-“law:

uddenl +he horseman reappeared From behind “lhe +rees. I heard a shrill neigh and +he black- horsernans horse reared high In +he air and galloped down +he valley in‘la +he moons glare. l~ ~—~— v-L‘V—mx li 5’ a1.451:;»1 _. e : g 3A\",: “ r- .‘i {as i _“ > ‘ i J-- 4;: .i K. ‘ , ,. sf‘ffiv yr a.“ )3 \\-._‘W3? A” ~_ I, , .V Never again did ‘ “all mL; _A_f-‘ \"s -I“ - a”uni-v 4;, .3; ‘— n1. 4/ 1g i g “a. _ horseman. Never again didI hear a horses shrill neigh. \\W n01. The be Tlmasadreatn. Ma be iiwas '1“? morning I awokegand. all was forgot ' l'iMec,,- 5, \"z -. '

De‘i‘tCA'he‘Q 1.01115 LAKQ TAhoE ‘lha'l’ “‘3 wqe'

‘_miaiiiflHamil tom .,n\" wafer whdtgsecro‘dlioson hold uh 0m :our y'bhsi your «MM15so 6lizard mothd snow and ‘ll’lMl ”(of méfli ovor hidden rochs Wito aflaheaon no on. he assion you hide rom llam 3331s*ur oundi is leanuad aloud wwood ino cos homilyeadho}wc?iagalmsdo7 . hdihgwgigilld Oh Whai greatness you Who flice from sorrow and hail our wdhrs fgglo . gigannThmelshaWroe k/Eh rocks and “76m whicliulghoruoavWher mso “h Tod‘ehmne d3isocom?vmdn how. 361' mouiilmns M mans

TO +hO$E 'EAr‘IY Morninq hours, PIPOH arisinq Id 6\\+ bfl +he blq window m ALbAnq on K-Ame Flue And LOOK 19H- Hi: bead-Y owornde+rh.e m9yk“! +Fkienal wean-map. a»: so odél.

l—iidden Evil Dawn approches as a +in‘l‘ of shadows aPPGBf‘. leaves and branches s‘land. a’rill awai‘ling ‘Hie rising sun aforcefull. wind fies-m ou‘l of nowhere sun ool‘ of view, suddenlg blows +he rising shake of wispu while. clouds. covemng H‘ wi‘lh 'The wind howling and screchmg blows black -Pow| clouds inTo view engulfing everg corner of Jthe. skg. ‘ns goal he wind. suddenlg slaps leavmg Six‘pnosing mohonless a: +he sun, paol’ rising, everflnmg p‘mFaloda+s‘hiae+hasMnrkaoiglom.)gihTclsheaa'evipihegniagrnsapylaaanytdeec.rrhrveoaesfnrdgognfreao\\awgoruo>m\\*awu0ss'wr.lhahieplpgeeaawgrh.menas fig? roast Silva/mining a adobe homes any?) a . the and eo toitswO hsouyWreemheer(ewnioryw We e965 ’31-“

.éfir-‘fimfifiém.mfl A5 A child Iwae mused mhAinlyl+sh.WeeT.heO.AWKAbLeKnAeuMdl'.Qx,f 61491452. eqbeun.-pcaosusled experience ._

fimacl he af‘lernoon was warm as +he sun alowlu fl! 5M1 K +0 V” mat-The : . I hillS, 5% had. a, 3 ”mm uellou) . low nar I. g m r. ’ .5 j 3 'i',‘ “’ B “Elle lighi 0‘?‘H‘Eweer?I ch med loihecres‘l‘ o‘? ‘l'hehi l and we'lthed +he sonsd bewond Slade“! la'le aHemoon lurned 'lo evemni The evening was cold. The clouds were bnqh‘l‘ M a. and {be swede rags oiormqe aim-*5 uellow light We cmi’ ' swig avon‘lhe land, aa+heaon Oink filo +he sea Milling could. b¢ been U ' I‘ of ‘ light from ihe bun Very a lighl disappeared leaving c0013\" “I darkness, lwnq ihe roofless ra mnqstwearveeos. +0 splash anon

DechcAJresQ +0 CArmaL BY The '52::

Qupremc gee 8e and \"the blue lolue mountains, begand #wrolli hills 'lhere15 a sea shifting Jahl that lies so Very incls hlqw ree and light ains‘t The re in w (er rocks rise 1 h ins cl ar shy with . shining gliéfinirg wdl'ermrumnung over

When I Lama qouaq Isl $l‘l” teach I: hiLL +AAhn62a.l\\‘lc' iL+UA\\b'(llo'wC:bK e+liknoew.-5€m0To6h1+eh.ermq +ops 0-? «me. +r~eas were. only biscble,

Far-ever will +he on “has her- wnves qen‘l’ly aqains'l' +he rock ahcrl un‘l'ill ‘I'he seas 'Ploor jol 5 +0 supreme. Iqom'o ' The Why SDI‘I'H (While smog afar; a high hi h. cShtiailmlllea‘TtnwhdirrolluoohhairnouTncrdleaemlsi.kTeohrLetal’goggiaynngvge:mra‘l%yos garage/10Wround 3 as it hovered over lite/ground” Soon“Scaverecl ‘the Valle _ was nheaoyrlslgffhtirg‘thhiaglhewsta'st‘mbso.besem '‘

There was A creek behmol Mon‘l'erA TR Hmh <IBclioOL m -\\'ke. OAKLAn& A l—liLLe. 1+ was qua-*2- Esme-Hen ance burl“ 41: me. H- was pence-Fem Anal beAu‘l'rFol-o

PlEC i—llalzlcn Meadow fire slood apon a hill an old has made of bay. The leaves were yellow, +he bark a dark gray. When +he wind blew 3+ bowed. +0 +he qround. There were menu a‘lher +rees bul' na'l' of fie same kind. Thou were all in all made of pine. waowsFboawahrosesa:v-dela+.q‘hwrac1eaTors;sewhembeHkaimqreRqdlbrasaaoebdmuolohoen+o'wechlwala'’q.vwrrwehaa1fenanarls+sadeeqw+dhrwiohaoaqneAcmhsebkp.+soe,aTruxsehcmtmeeeascums‘esr ‘I ',\".~.‘ a: .— i I '. I‘iVraar-3i

v. . A- -;—- V _ -__‘ fl ' ~;‘ —, ;-‘-._‘_ _ - \" _.\"_i< _;;;.:- -‘- u . :' \"A - ~‘H -“ ‘A F}. ‘ ' -M <‘ 7- j“: < :: “‘5‘ '~:_AI\\ 4;- a? 43,. ‘ H H ...'e IV “A”! He' \"H _ y, T” ”A: .\" 5V 1‘ i\": __ r4 “VA ,, L . R l ‘4 <L 4’ 1 h w M” h“- A A . Aww“ “ “‘m.‘ “—i‘flk »- A 4A ‘4 ‘ ”f - . --_:u_ “-y\" ‘ < j ‘ A\" v Ty” A!“ ‘A‘ A A A H“ A - <v - .3 Sl-H’m up on A hH-L 60 hlq , ALI-novl' 6*an m fine. 90/, Id prop queLf nqams'l' n-h-ee And). LDA'TCH ‘l’he $un qo down.

lnlo Another Night As the sun dimlnisheclfrom sight, f] Witchecl the hills grow dark andglwma. Egg shadms cree ecli‘rfld View and 5 l3 consum the scene about me, soon to leave me ln camyle‘te darkness. EMUlad/zed beyond the hills 5m amt “tuge (j) ”the (Image, fi-EEMQ9O0-wells9un as it disceyywrecl harlzan. llll beyond is amilher world, wine er 51m.

I 2 manna-bl «um-ur‘JAJ—‘nu ‘ \" ' ‘ lVlANY 'l'IME5 when I wag fin-.9» < 5\" \\(ounq MY MOM, dad And 9l$+€P$ AM. we. +00% +HD$ +0 Lnlee TAhoE. Neunaln. UIC Win-led (Sm-son cal-y And 'mo—yerrFsed-mher NeAuLnUcJlAnYS aunasle‘lo +Alée us -lo bee ‘l'ke. uns‘l’ ho-l- Mexndln Desert ' g: _. - .. - av 31’ec*u._wim}‘hfi“3§?fiu .3 V- .

.Prodiction Nevada Grey black clouds cnqulf‘ «Hue deser'l‘ sky as +hey 'lravel. swrP-l-ly 'loward 'l'hc mountains To brinq snow 'l'o +h¢ir qlis‘lemnq peaks and haul. +o +he cold streams and lakes. .. ~:Vi.‘ .5 _ ‘ =r- .5. “ .3“.v F $3.; > ’2 >4 .1 ‘ Ih ' , l.fififififi £7 . I Shadows deepen as clouds posh one another aslde brmqlnq on a deep qray sky. No ram wlll-(‘aLL here for hey “travel. lomard unknown w'slds of fin slerra's beyond.

Dec‘l‘ch‘led ‘lo U'oaqwm mum Ont-K tn The oAkanl. hILLS. |_\\umq m 'lhts area ALL “Ml qounq lL-FQ. 11 learn and love -H\\ +n0a-lr-uersepeMctJ~ WWW 06‘ A”.

Flllc l—lcighles “J lode :rm. Htts sobroad one-the 0' its blastflh’etnes so high 3and‘twhiindlee, 93‘ kmnomw,thaerewiunmdlilovuess smrarss. as myasses b .Uhe‘tms above sivg such ascn as the wind blavos through flash-us but does not die. on) that’dwoun is hi mm wind dies mfiBims utter in mm inthe arau .Uaufiumsblw Lalo/m round‘llrry «.17?an g rass nd 50¢ ,wlth noufind so through.

WM) that darhhess is comin on the blades 9“ rass do blow. CT umliytus 1’ le in‘lthe wind 99 so veg hi h. Uhe Stars ‘twihhle as dark- ness les on ’J'hteeigh'ts so broad. Uhebircls fl To their high hes‘ts my 1.37 in 'the Jgees. 80 as 7 watch The J'leigh'lls grow darh/ and'the wihdgrow sTrorg, 7 will always remember The flights as ‘they 30 on and on and, on.

( 63 Te waves ApON 111a rollluq see how «why “my do rolL. lhe cLouds {er AbOVE +na sn how qeuflv may do bLow. A boa-l rocks up and down as qeu-lLy as can be. The sun Sl'llNIS rays APON fine 30qu rolLinq SEA. '12; The lidCghlcs Winn\" +he heiqh‘ls so broad And +cshtlheilmlael-r,dpdoauoowulvnlede‘urlo'efl+svhdsebauiyqlsr’1e/blnledmllh'’epmleoada'nclJed''-lhoF$nuelllellwsqishhni+mdl.alisil.s-IBnniocrt;ds

To The OAklnnd haLLs And. can/yous.

llic Wanderer Uhoagh like a wanderer; iclreeeuy5m1om.veflroatnwheeldewosawsrnm,assh‘oaldvioeewarsm.i.i.g night has alien. j'he moon and stars men brightl above. (airy arounce are the ~ji‘eoclas 9‘ dove. \"lllC @fll the sail haall)an(9a.lajhnel‘eybihridlslas gird cheer eel everyw ere in the tall and m filumremLds graanffThis{ar1e04}? we 15ml .sa ayon the hue wading allThe rush.

\\\\x3“. “a. .' I. ‘ s 1 .,... 1. r V. \\ll‘lI l. ;\\\\;\\ ’7AV.

Tornado W hen earth horn wind and blade clouds collide,on a clear .su‘miy 5‘75} There is a starm to come and many men to die. (The colcl swift wihcl anal coal blade clouds have been mans enemy since earth was molten clay. Clouds and wind meet hand in hand and auxijullfuhmls lower to Shae all eye on the earths laor. fie is not a more righnnilg and threateniy th' n the ‘ ftarhado’s wi TOCL .

The Great Canyon IS LmOCAOTAEKDLAOmni tNldaryk-L\\-meAbboLVuCel 'l'he crestmonT Llhe of homes. You can ‘oTAnée on the edqe 0'? \\‘l' A'l— the roads edqe And $22. DlAbLO Moon-lam ’A‘l’ H5 end. 'I spent many A summer dAY thmq Alonq rte edqe. :3 go horsebAcK Ncilnq +U1J1L2‘l’Kqmuqie\\‘tlns esdsepotfh 9,rt€.“.)°“l““l

he _ llfl .2 Grail Calt/on *l Below the glaring hot sun .I the crevasse lag empty, baren and still. Wlnd and. rain beaten mounts of rock rise up t‘rom the depths below and protrude far up and. beyond. the glare 01° the sun. n the crevasse -Fa.r below Stands roe s, cl'rl‘ts ,hllls and valleys of CV83 form. ‘15le torests cover the rim of the canyon below. n the deaths of nothingness Lag cold. and. damp hollows_.'T-_ew shadows showen where the sun sets t‘or‘l‘h her hot rays of glaring ligh+.'T5e only shadows seen are those under rocks and those continuing down the slopes of rocks and hills who the canyon towards the tricking Creek cdthe bo‘l‘l'Qm of the canyon.

Weeds and. tlowers are Spo‘lled here and there close to the creeks edge. The creek ls (pole'l' except tor the chorprng 01’ birds as theg scold a. mountam llon ler‘klng near the waters edge. Beyond the cangon stands aw'lcle, ho'l’, hazy horizon. Blue and purple moon‘l’aJns and. hlgh hILLg sectlons stand. high and proud. in the cll stance. Here and. there choppy clouds are seen as theg slowly clrrt‘t Past. 5 darkness comes apon the 'ttggtcdohrhllarreeeos’noaawrgwtthwoso{inrcCsbmLaallpflneecngooggdgnlTooldgc.rnhnc)lg.t‘oeoFlhbturdrmlohSdo,oonomsehuulc,lgngakuseethCdnulaatLdnoovihtnelmwnlhndlrsndsgeg.qigrmoSrotolvnschoona‘llkccllgmosldnksn,'skstllhnlhnnlebegogearlsvtt'liectrooblnrrbo'neg.yebegmlheetyfinl.tkhogrnhintgdendomg- heard. l5 the silence ofthe deep canqon.

Dec‘l'lcated to The Nevada Desert. was Pr Lonq There hrqh way thAt strlqlnt went unto the Desert. I4LchtOmoUo-oDtlcaAuLnrsaéhlqblaleewl.nd-bq'e1sahAeorrdeLnloLneqoesnecramm'itlut.leosla-optWmpheeeen..grmq

the Deéefi. *\"\\ know a desertJ not-Fan away, just over the mountam thats where it lag. Al\" night the wind blows apon the and as the dark mqht settles down. The stars twrnkle high above as the Lornds blow the sand about. There Is no sound. except the moan at the wlnd that blows the sand about urrl'iL the desert rs smooth and. slick And then the wind dies clown, Wren the sun rlses rn the early morn the wmds are dead. it and; gone. There us no sound that re to be heard m the deserts sllent hrqh up m dawn. As the sun creeps lon and the sky the dag grows the evenlng when he sun hot but m and evergthmg grow: my COLd’ goes down

Lifecs Qtrucgéle \\L TO MY HUSBAND LUClO AND THE HUI‘T OF DEVOPGE. WHEN MAN HA5 LOST HIS POWER To Bwo or HAS BEEN TOSSED, ruunowu 9v PM- MANKlNo, He Looses GTRENTH or THE w'rLL to COPE WITH L'wr'uq AND LOWET‘S I-umsau: to true campus—r 0? ways. 13 HIM There rs no owner WAY TO CW5.) 7051' Day To DAV couture-r or: WOPKqu TO support WHAT O“CE WAS HlS. W'l'rulu. OHFEHTEisN5trHiMEv'elDsNoOTEiOSsNTKBELCEAPANKr,eHiNsoor:aTLsTOpHVSE.nap DR‘NK, eteag‘-mrquesmoovwe,THES.TRUHTUMNGO'$TouDNrHAAPTPINESS HE HE $TPlKE$ r-us om: Loos. OF Deep To Hor'r BUT ANYONE For Hor‘th HrmseLF. Ou-r wmniuq wmrln onLY

lTO My Love T0 MY XSBAND Lucw My love for you shall OQVEf‘dIE nor shall it lose 'lts life. :EF tears and pulls atme even; day of my li-Fe. Sometimes 1+ I'rFts me ofi“ the qround and hurls me about: then unto a sleep-

Wt)CFC Did R Go Quite lonq aqo when I was qoonq id take a hike ontwo. Into the \"Forest of green id qo Each deaniogirdnqfinnadtunreews aroo'l' an streams id never? Known. ALL this time the sky was clear blue Thgterelaantmtadhhsneodwuragaotihsnhrtestuw.‘nrastetisehloleegufngcrcwreeh’.osrehutd(lnh.yd0bg6a5gsl3boelnfh'Sotlu,wu'

’4 1‘ l“ swe:l «}a? ’at is it 1:51 .‘fl'l , Htthe A see - I5' 1 days a-( a my If?\" Birthd‘é'l! I. became CsPpHl‘nIACLA t1 ILL wiTH Memn ”'05 UbuAllq A {A disensé'.

BCWCaCndH L11”c Death Once I. lay open a bed \\mth ‘people millinq around my head. ached with pain and sweat My badg get how cold I was. densa y but were blurredmg head was eyes to come. of what was My this was the end, sences tOld me ASsoYwtaabhssreImIhao..rgetno'tflhuwd'hiohiesaeeutatgsherg-doha1soilt'3tsnsdo0teetrwr0na,omyio2lsnte?dedg)0emttelmea%oshnitdaouvrhmtue“eangadg€nnownh1ttqtmrh3deko3yteoaoidCnnndoKstld\"ntiiefgeiwideh,gno.mtth.ngatctst,ohaunl\" wn'H his E'Vll- “qu

‘33 I pt'‘?htrtOeolhctleRqebLisL[rfitdltsm{“hwE8ohwlumehtWereree1dnwI5teoifg{tthh-oteon]“gummpaethQem poem ‘l'l/W: in l‘OUD fl(”ogaettedAs

End Cheer firgetWthe sleikeed e99 shells bv'l‘lEr is all wCeornneberdead, and. peanut dCooernsbnrteLaetdtah.isttttch-eaesbatrwseeisangdd)o,.uoswdbthlaeosawt“»-. of us fiobrnicbkb.lbei.lronvdiebsb,tlehsaphtairtcrogroflnwlbstrgee,andd.s“

? . @uotantly @o Eocent child, understand gour rn ther founda lovung man she loved. with all her heart whom to sacrofi‘ce anything from willing the start. fin one gear in Seventg-Tmo . She {bond she was pregnant and ' had you. all her ohSeuhaerr.'lm'hoatdbhnu'etlr'dlemoeeveptd.b“yuHotiuldlewo,ivteSrhhe wished. start- at the

«um—1' .'-/_._—, ‘7 ‘— 41.1;:7 M:r.~u_-::_.—-:' —-.:3‘ helm qued and Wottm belch to MoSl'. 1}! i'-.-'-.'-\" . -' ‘-'.-.%-.‘;,.__I\"\" f“ ‘9‘ '- . . “ream?“seaweed?\"i“.asm-afifl‘hm. fiifi,.t_ t. ;.fiv‘£M§flh&¢iP:-u4

”media silo Once open a time whenI ‘500W} and Spry..The Heights were “fills of ucalrptus reaching toward the 5kg. P131 winds blew strong through- Out the trees and blades of grass tossed their leaves. while birds perched high in the trees survived each passing Sunset. the. ' his are herein spots oodfww.emlahl.onposens,thwehiaslnleodpmePasMn?tso){Ttbaearrne because ucahptus plane of “09‘3“th 9% ‘lo dear W5 ardeofrnmd. TE magma \\:S\\\\.\\. never \\OOKthe asnadmeViWne havemtoaskten“G“5YnMa“me.are 9°“?- \"lir'e heights are smile reignsto ile and the; will live on lino eta‘nltq.

(be: mow/4 ”Them 0 e» .,‘- -e_v‘aw\";A,,,r_el;.“\"«f:#‘w-’..vcn;‘§l..;.t..‘l~2--'g~ \"m:.uezf.ult.e-'eA1:.\".... -—._'- a.-,‘.._''n\"..\",‘._.V..;.\"91.«.L95\"--.3I\"_I...5,%.“.‘‘.,‘-~.u:‘,W”1'. ,_-. -. . 1xv’‘ 1‘,-..A.,;.--.3\".- .1m- iA.l- .l... -.\".«.-.l1.--. h . ,s.-p.-.._ -.-xn--'- - . . ‘-‘ \"-\" .zea.....-.'.s.-...' .M- 5433,. <.~v‘ - .. .' .‘ ..-‘ ' “r“““l r m' am\" ; «‘I in '

before mg @326. New 1 am married,a rho-Wet~ of mo and. m‘\\s\\'\\ flag coukl know We beau-h) I knew. 50 with a \\H-He imaginafion ad. 8 Lunch \\6\\' of _dagclreawvwiha< 00V; Vitus g$m~ “SM f same 00 “RE 3 baaufi'é‘ulg peace‘FyJiK/g) 2, I m 02% .kmwmil‘r/fzv’z/ '.T Imy : . ' y x; , I. 2 (fl..y‘ ';

Oc’fobev \\.93 JG I:1CCI[WY“S'nEo31hAI9ovTgf.TPt%Nu&e?gCd60W8IhmWe2IwmQSdQ.L\\6Pfid‘mmafi5i16Sg\\nmuhe‘Id)W€9TvUaJw&a€5reah,mmoaob&modepx?ohmne'kooruJs+nlmnean’npef'C0€e,reenah‘\"+rCa’rdq\\ebhaczh‘-qJ%oneeamaro\\‘omF,hgreiomfQveb‘Prrhsoqeaeaeo0nhds.nP:d‘dhkfgmqado9rojeeb‘)om9qwaoceo“edboU_Q\"hur:fiéa,iKe.ranrab,Qmx+0fsnadq0‘&d%,d“k.§aaye\\mhm€aeQxoelfio',,lc'an3P?’p.hen‘e‘.fd‘:. ‘

Wen YOll've Grown X TO ANY AND Reseccns. Task 31' +he 1°lowers and +he +rees fed ‘H‘Ie colors w'fih gour ages +here mag no+ be he mang of +hese when gouVe grown , li-Hle one. F91 +he grass how saH-and green hear We buzz of a bee . birds flufier ancL sung . math +he no? he mang af-l-hese +hmg$ were nag once gou've grown. \\\\ eel. -\\-he wind. apon fqoor 'Face sFrn-elL +he flowers attic-1 +he +raes ‘ n+ owe a Tmfhede.mMjm1aa2gwena-arEtthbmewsaamra;mndo.afn+dh+.ehiesrsosfL+e+ahv'megss when gouVe grown. ‘ cal-ores g'wi {on each ficflh‘f Loosing and. hungmnifijs winning. uw‘m\\LL*bh¢cW9WWmaasnudn..abbeocvaem.e.9 of humans Uumg

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