WHAT WE DO: We report to consumers about local services. WHAT YOU DO:You provide consumers with practical, knowledgable & skillful advice, on a personal level, on Health, Home, Family, Finance, Legal and Technology. DIGITALPRINT SOCIAL DIRECTORY 469-518-0330 www.ConsumerWise.pro [email protected] Us • Advantages for You • Editorial Demographics • Ad Details • Rates
About UsYour ad and articles are mailed directly into the hands of residents, in multiple affluentcommunities, in Austin, Dallas, Houston, San Antonio, who WANT and NEED your expertknowledge and services EVERY DAY!The “motivation” behind creating CONSUMER Wise, is that we, With specifically targeted, demographic distribution, aimed atas consumers also, see the lack of truthful, direct, professional residents in the affluent communities of Texas, with an incomeinformation, when addressing topics that concern our home and of $80,000+, who have the authority and ability to make wisefamily life. We search here and there, Google this and that, leaving us purchasing decisions, any advertisement or editorial booked withlost in a pile of fluff and bluff. CONSUMER Wise provide the service CONSUMER Wise is a sure bet to reaching the targeted audienceof researching the “real”information you want and need, compiled in you desire.one place, from professionals directly in your surrounding area. As anordinary housewife/mom, that is what I want, and why CONSUMER Beyond print, we focus on digital and social. CONSUMER Wise isWise was established.“I”am your audience and so are our readers. always morphing to fit today’s… and tomorrow’s market.CONSUMER Wise provides qualified material, targeted to residents’ At CONSUMER Wise our strategic marketing approach focuses onwants and needs, addressed specifically byYOU, their local, professional creating and distributing your valuable, relevant and consistentexpert, in your field. We fully understand the value and necessity of content to attract and retain your clearly-defined audience,properly trained, skilled and, when applicable, licensed professionals. ultimately driving profitable customer action. Valuable contentIf your profession requires a license, we place that number in your ad from you, the professional, that our readers want to know. Brandand article. In these ways, CONSUMER Wise becomes an invaluable yourself through print, digital and social, mixing your contentcommodity for you and our readers, as we pair you together. This, marketing with ads, articles, photos, videos and posts. Let’s talk.along with a high quality look and fine tuned distribution, producesgreater readership, sustainability and good ROI. 3 SPECIAL POINTS ON CONSUMER Wise CONSUMER Wise limits our advertising to one professional, per specific field, per distributed area. Ex: One pediatric dentist, one residential realtor, one financial advisor, one plumber, one cardiologist, one alarm company, etc. This gives each advertiser exclusivity and NO competition in their chosen demographic area. CONSUMER Wise is specifically designed and laid out to catch the reader’s attention and offers informative editorial on topics that consumers want and need, each and every day. We are not just promoting quality businesses, we are looking for quality professionals who want to be involved in their marketing; providing precise advice to consumers in the fields of Family, Finance, Health, Home, Legal and Technology. CONSUMER Wise breaks up our areas into small print counts (5000) that are mailed into multiple affluent communities. Residents only. This allows all businesses to be involved regardless of marketing budget. Mailing to consumer’s homes puts your message directly in front of them. On the internet, you are waiting for them to come find you among the 1000’s of others in your same field.2 www.ConsumerWise.pro | 469-518-0330 | [email protected]
Advantages for YouWe are the experts in media. YOU are the expert in YOUR field. We put the two together andequip consumers with exactly what they expect from local professionals. We assure you theywill- “KNOW THE PRO!”Advantages to Promoting with CONSUMER Wise• Exclusivity. No Competition: You are the ONLY • Multiple Media Avenues to share your message with specialized professional, in your field, per distribution area. residents; print, digital, social.• Bull’s Eye Niche Marketing:You don’t simply advertise with • Consumers Are Encouraged to Share Testimonials: us, we highlight your knowledge and skills to the consumer.. These are printed and displayed in all our media outlets, for free.• Build Client Relationships: Show that you are theTRUE professional with your license # and other credentials • FREE Online Directory: Consumers find local in your ads and articles. Enlighten consumers by being professionals. No membership, no fees, no “getting involved with your marketing. nowhere” questions.• Costs Much Less presenting your message to residents, in • We Believe in Informing Consumers through articles your targeted areas, with us, than you would spend with provided by their local professionals. other marketing avenues or doing it yourself. As little as a 1/2 cent to 30 cents (cover and 2 inside pages) per mailed • Work With a 25 Year Media Expert: We know business magazine. and professional licensing laws. We believe in educating the consumer on the integrity of local professionals, not• Mailed Directly to Residents Only: We place YOUR giving fluff. ads in THEIR hands. Residents in affluent communities. • We Are Talented, easy going, accommodating, friendly• We Have Low Overhead, to keep your marketing costs and pretty much awesome! That’s a good advantage, I’d low. say! :) BONUS ADVANTAGES!!We give warm handshakes, friendly hugs and chocolate…. Well maybe on your birthday!www.ConsumerWise.pro | 469-518-0330 | [email protected] 3
DemographicsWe base our distribution on dense areas of $80,000+ incomes. (Homes only, no businesses)We reach affluent residents in the Metroplex areas of:• Bedsford • Southlake• Colleyville • Southland• Dallas • Westlake• Flower Mound • Westover Hills• Frisco • University Park• Highland Park• Mansfield … and more• Plano• Prosper - Growing into Austin, Houston and San Antonio Ask for our list of demographic areas you may choose from4 www.ConsumerWise.pro | 469-518-0330 | [email protected]
EditorialEditorial Topics Overview• FAMILY • FINANCE • HOME • HEALTH • LEGAL • TECHNOLOGY• Men • Taxes • Contractors • Medical • Family • Home• Women • Real Estate • Builders • Personal Injury • Communication• Couples • Insurance • Home Services - Men • Elder • Digital• Children • Personal • Lawn / Garden - Women • Estate Planning • Auto• Seniors • Business • Luxuries - Children • Civil• Elderly • Investment • Decor - Seniors • Bankruptcy• Pets - Elderly • Business - Pets • Criminal • Preventive • Traffic • Alternative • Real Estate • Beauty You are the expert behind these editorial topics. Your years of experience and honed skills are what drives our informative and enlightening articles that residents love.www.ConsumerWise.pro | 469-518-0330 | [email protected] 5
Ad Specs and Rates QUARTER PAGE MAX. AD DIMENSIONS (W x H) HORIZONTAL 1/4 page...................................................................3.625” x 4.875”FULL PAGE 1/2 page H..............................................................7.375” x 4.875” 1/2 page V...............................................................3.625” x 9.875” BACK COVER Full page...................................................................7.375” x 9.875” Full page/bleed.................................................8.875” x 11.375” HALF PAGE Back Cover...............................................................7.375” x 8.875” HORIZONTAL Double Truck (2 pages side by side)....17.75” x 11.375” Resource Directory...............................................2.53” x 1.643”HALF PAGEVERTICAL DEADLINES RESOURCE QUARTER For advertisement, artwork, articles and payment, DIRECTORY PAGE deadline is the 25th of each month. IMAGE FORMATS ACCEPTED CMYK • 300dpi at 100% print size Format: PDF, JPEG, TIFF or PSD E-mail: [email protected] Please keep file size under 10MB (All magazines are delivered the 15th of each month)2 PAGE 2 PAGE At roughly a 1/2 cent to 30 cents per magazine ad, you go directlySPREAD SPREAD into the hands of residents, at their homes. No businesses. Not only that, but you will be the only specific expert, in your field, offering your expertise, in the area(s) you have selected. Did you catch that?! Inexpensive, involved AND exclusivity!Ad pricing by size Single Issue 6 Issues 12 Issues NOTE: Front Cover with 2 internal pages is and frequency reserved for 12 month contract, 1/2 page or 1/4 Page $300 $250 $200 larger, advertisers only. May reserve one issue 1/2 Page per year. Deposit of 1/2 total amount required Full Page $400 $350 $300 at time of reservation. Inside Covers Back Cover $500 $450 $350 NOTE: Receive a FREE Resource Directory or Double Truck Social Posts with each full page or doubleCover w/2 Pages Min. 3 Issues $600 $500 $400 truck ad, with a year contract. Resource Dir. Web Directory Min. 3 Issues $700 $600 $500 NOTE: Graphic design charges for newly built Web Banner ads: Social Post $800 $750 NA 1/4 page - $35, 1/2 page - $50, full page - $75, $1500 NA NA double truck $125, NO EXTRA CHARGE for cover plus 2 interior pages. NA $100 $80 NOTE: 6 issues and 12 issues column print $80/6 mo. $100/year rates are per issue. NA $75/mo, 1 mo. min. $40/mo, 3 mo. min NA $20/wk, 1 mo. min. $10/wk, 3 mo. min.6 www.ConsumerWise.pro | 469-518-0330 | [email protected]
Final Words DIGITALPRINT DIRECTORY SOCIAL FINAL WORDS:CONSUMER Wise is extraordinarily different than any other consumer service media. We concentrate on providing the consumertrustworthy, professionals and informative reports, that provide them with researched local business experts, for the needs and wantsthey are seeking on a daily basis. “Know the Pro! No fluff, no bluff!”FREE professional business search for visitors at www.consumerwise.pro/directory. (no memberships, no fees, no nonsensequestions)When a consumer has pinpointed the information they need to make a wise decision, because YOU are the one standing above allothers in the media pile, due to your excellent credentials and knowledge, then you know why it is important that we do what we do.We match consumer to proper professional; providing a great service to one and protecting the integrity of the other.www.ConsumerWise.pro | 469-518-0330 | [email protected] 7
Advertising AgreementContract Information Contact: City: Email: Title: Advertiser: City: Email: St: Zip: Address: Fax: Phone: Contact: Title: Agency (if applicable): St: Zip: Address: Fax: Phone: Cost of Ad Type of Ad Size of Ad Length of Ad Area of Ad(print, web, social)Total monthly: $_________ (due by the 25th of each month for the following issue)Total of contract: $_________ Paying by: CC _____ Check _____ C. A. ____Cash _____Cover Ad Reservation: Reserve Date_________ Deposit Amount $________ Amount due 30 days before advertising duedate $________* Cover must be paid, in full, 30 days prior to reserved print date deadline or reservation will be cancelled. Cancelled reservations by publisher, due to nonpayment, 30 days or less, do not receive deposit back. Cancelled reservations by client, 60 days or less, before print due date, do not receive deposit back. I HAVE READ, UNDERSTAND AND AGREE TO THESE RATES AND TERMS Sign: ___________________________________________ Date: _____________8 www.ConsumerWise.pro | 469-518-0330 | [email protected]
Terms and Conditions1. Advertiser (and its agency, if any), is solely responsible d) distribution or deadline changes.for and assumes full liability for the contents of youradvertisement. Advertiser (and its agency, if any), warrants e) claims for defamation of character or libel. Advertiser willand represents that nothing contained in your advertising hold Publisher harmless and indemnify the Publisher for anymaterial infringes upon, in whole or in part, any copyright, and all costs of the claims.trademark or right of privacy of any third person, firm orcorporation. In the event of claims for unfair competition 6. The Publisher, in its sole discretion, may accept or reject allor copyright infringement, Advertiser will hold Consumer materials submitted for advertising. Publisher reserves theWise (Publisher) harmless and indemnify for all legal costs. right to refuse to publish any material not in keeping with the style and standards of the publications.2. Advertiser acknowledges that Publisher reserves theright to place advertisement(s) wherever Publisher deems 7.Advertiser will be responsible for charges for additionalappropriate; unless otherwise agreed upon. prep or production work required to publish the ad.3. Advertiser agrees to the rates set forth in this contract. 8. Advertiser, (and its agency, if any), are jointly and severallyAdvertiser further agrees to send payment with advertising liable for all monies due for ads placed or contracted for, inorder and contract. accordance with, the Agreement.4. Minor changes, in writing, in copy may be made up to the 9. Credit Card Charges: Advertiser agrees to have theirclosing date. credit card charged each period agreed upon, in order to fulfill the obligations of this contract. Advertiser’s credit card5.Advertiser recognizes and agrees that the Publisher shall account will be charged on the 5th of the month precedingnot be liable for: publication. All advertising must be prepaid.a) delays in publication of the magazine, failure to publish 10. Skipping Months: With this agreement you are agreeingthe magazine; to run the full tenure of your agreement for consecutive issues. If, for reasonable reason, you need to skip a monthb) defects in quality (i.e. errors or omissions)* where such there will be a charge of 10% of your contracted monthlydefects are not solely the fault of Publisher; but, where they rate. This does not lessen the term of your agreement. Oneare the Publisher’s liability in no event shall be more than month only may be skipped.running a replacement advertisement (or comparable); orrunning another ad at a reasonable discount, which discount 11. Early Termination: If, for whatever reason, Advertisershall be proportionate to the degree of error or extent of the terminates or cancels this contract before it is fulfilled,defect. Advertiser agrees to pay the difference between the achieved rate and the contracted rate for the ads run. Shouldc) suspension of the publication by the Publisher. this become a collection I HAVE READ, UNDERSTAND AND AGREE TO THESE TERMS & CONDITIONSSign: ___________________________________________ Date: _____________www.ConsumerWise.pro | 469-518-0330 | [email protected] 9
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