BROADEN News and Trends for Travelers of ColorJanuary 2017 Issue 01 / Volume 1
broaden editor in chief alison garner contributing writer karen saltos a publication of empire cruises & toursfor advertising inquiries [email protected] on the cover A breathtaking shot of an Antarctic glacier at sunrise. The stark white of the ice contrasts with the glow of the sunlight to create a bluish hue on the ice and a reddish glow on the water. Photograph by National Geographic/Lindblad
issue 01contents february 2017 EXPLORING ANTARCTICA This untouched continent of unmatched natural beauty is the latest destination on many travel bucket lists INCLUSIVE HOME STAYS FOR ALL How one man got fed up with home-sharing discrimination and decided to do something about it COMBINING WORK AND TRAVEL The world of remote work is making it possible to see the world while earning a living GALAPAGOS Darwin's discoveries on the island still amaze BLOGGERS WE LOVE Our favorite travel blogs are packed with amazing stories, vibrant photos and in- depth insights into the world of travel broaden
A MESSAGEFROM THEEDITOR Since the first explorers charted a new course, venturing into lands and waters unknown, man has been obsessed with travel. Here at Broaden, we're obsessed with travel too! From exploring the Northern Lights in Finland to touring ancient temples in Angkor Watt, we scour the earth for the most life- changing experiences and deliver them live and in living color. We understand that there is a gap between the needs of travelers of color and the resources available to us. We understand that the travel industry doesn't always consider us worthy of their attention. But what we do know is that black people can and do travel! From young digital nomads who call Bali their home and office to groups who take annual tours to Paris Fashion Week, travelers of color are claiming our rightful place in the world. We hope that we can be a resource in your journeys. Bon Voyage! Alison Garner, Editorial Director
photo credit: Monique WisePhoto credit: Erick Prince travel bloggers we lovePhoto credit Zim Ugochukwu Travelers on a budget will love Wanderlust Mybroaden Way, the brainchild of world traveler Monique Wise. Her travel stories and amazing photos make us want to dust off our passports and hit the road. Monique's blog features tales of her travels to Latin America, Europe and Asia, giving handy tips on how to travel the world for $500 or less. Erick Prince is on a journey to be the first African-American to visit every country on earth. A working travel journalist, he plans to travel to 15-20 countries each year until he hits his goal. We love how authentic his travel experiences are. If you've ever avoided traveling because you don't have a ton of vacation days or a huge crew of friends, Zim Ugochukwu has the solution. Travel Noire offers travel solutions with a social component that we love. She also conducts workshops on living abroad.
photo credit: Claire JohnsonExploring the White ContinentTHE LAST FRONTIER FOR ADVENTURE TRAVELERS BY ALISON GARNERWith more expedition ships offering trips According to the International Association of Antarctic Tourto the continent, travel to Antarctica is Operators, more than 34,000becoming increasingly popular. continues next pageWhile most people love to brag about their travels to theCaribbean, Mexico or Southeast Asia, some of the world's mostintrepid travelers go a bit farther. Actually, a lot farther. Thehottest (pun intended) new trend in travel is taking the trip tothe “White Continent.” Antarctica is fast becoming a soughtafter travel destination for world travelers of all ages.In the past, the select few who had the mettle to travel toAntarctica did so as the \"last frontier.\" It was often thecontinent they visited after they had seen all that the rest ofthe world had to offer.For Claire Johnson, Antarctica was the final continent on her photo credit: Claire Johnsonworld exploration tour.She was inspired to watch the trip after viewing \"A Year on Ice,\"on Netflix, and getting a personal recommendation from afriend stationed on the peninsula at McMurdo Station.Traveling to Antarctica, however, is no easy feat. The continentdoes not have an international airport, rental car terminals orhotels. As a matter of fact, it is the most sparsely populatedcontinent, home to only 5,000 full-time residents. These
antarctica:pristine and untouched \"I was amazed at the abundance of wildlife - seals, Orcas, humpbacks - and the scenery is spectacular,\" said Johnson. \"When I planned on stepping foot on my last continent, I justimagined stepping on the peninsula, seeing penguins and leaving. It was so much more and all of the passengers agreed.\"continued BY ALISON GARNER Falkland Islands where you havetourists visited Antarctica in 2012. the opportunity to view whalingNinety-eight percent of the The smaller expedition ships often stations, see King, Chinstrap andcontinent is covered in snow and feature amenities like onboard Gentoo penguins and exploreice, and it is home to some of the wildlife experts and guest glaciers.oldest glaciers on earth. The lecturers. Johnson sailed on theterrain is pristine, and virtually MS Midnatsol on the Hurtigruten Voyages to the Antarctic peninsulauntouched by humans. The line which is known for sailings in often round Cape Horn at theAntarctic peninsula features Norway and the Arctic Circle. southern tip of South America,towering mountain peaks, continuing on through the Drakeicebergs and glaciers that date \"There were several Passage before making landfall inback to prehistoric times. lecturers/wildlife experts on board Antarctica. The Drake Passage is to provide us with information for the body of water where three\"I was amazed at the abundance all upcoming stops. They also oceans---the Indian, Atlantic andof wildlife - seals, Orcas, attended all tender cruisings Pacific converge, and are the mosthumpbacks - and the scenery is searching for wildlife with us and turbulent waters on earth. They liespectacular,\" said Johnson. \"When creating a list of all wildlife between Cape Horn and the SouthI planned on stepping foot on my encountered. We also had a Shetland Islands in Antarctica.last continent, I just imagined National Geographic photographystepping on the peninsula, seeing expert on board and an optional Cruise passengers refer to thispenguins and leaving. It was so photography class throughout the waterway as either the “Drakemuch more and all of the cruise,\" Johnson said. Lake,” or the “Drake Shake,” due topassengers agreed.\" its ability to be completely calm orThe best way to see Antarctica is Rounding the Cape and Surviving nauseatingly violent. While it canby expedition ship. Larger cruise the Drake be harrowing, most travelers findships do visit Antarctica, but that the experience does notbecause of conservation laws, they Most cruises to Antarctica sail detract from the experience.are not allowed to discharge from ports in South America, \"For our ship, the MS Midnatsol, itpassengers on the peninsula. For namely Punto Arenas in Chile, was a very smooth crossing,\" saidthe ability to “set foot,” in Montevideo in Uruguay and the Johnson.Antarctica, you will have to travel most popular, Ushuaia, inon an expedition ship that carries Argentina. Ushuaia is a destination \"We were lucky. The weather andbetween 13 and 500 passengers. onto itself, surrounded by the water was so great that we were Martial Mountains and Beagle able to stop at Cape Horn, ChileThe most popular Antarctica Channel. Nicknamed “The End of right before the Drake Passage,carriers the are Lindblad , Quark the World,” more Antarctica which is a beautiful site to see.Expeditions and Hurtigruten and travelers embark here than from Cruises to Antarctica usually lastUnCruise Adventures lines. Larger any other port. between 10-15 days, and farescruise lines like Celebrity and From there, you can take cruises start at around $5,500 per person.Holland America also make the that port at South Georgia and thetrip, but passengers are notallowed to disembark the ship.
DARWIN'S PARADISE: GALAPAGOSGALAPAGOS IS HOME TOSPECIES FOUND NOWHEREELSE ON EARTHby Karen SaltosThe Galápagos Islands consists of 13large islands, six small islands, and manytiny volcanic islets. They areapproximately 600 miles west ofmainland Ecuador.Many scientiststraveled to Galápagos Islands to studywildlife, but none had a greater influencethan Charles Darwin.Arriving there in 1835, he noted that theunique species of birds, marine life andtortoises were similar from island toisland, but had entirely adapted to theirenvironments.Finches remained isolated fromcompetition with other birds on theSouth American mainland hundreds ofyears. As a result the 14 species show anastonishing range of beak shapes. It wasthis that inspired Darwin to coin theterm “natural selection,” describing thephenomenon that genetic mutations arepreserved to aid in survival of thespecies.He argued that as random geneticmutations occur within an organism'sgenetic code, the beneficial mutationsaccumulate over time and evolve intoentirely different organisms.Visitors to the island chain can now visitthe Charles Darwin Research Station onSanta Cruz Island and see his workup close.
IT'S TIME TO TREAT YOURSELF You give so much to everyone else --- isn't it time you give some of that energy back to yourself?Treat yourself to a Bloom Beautifully box. These self-care boxes are filled with 5-6 beauty and wellness items sourced from black-owned businesses, designed to help you relax while you give back to the community. Get 15% off your first box with code BROADEN. Free shipping on every order. ORDER TODAY AT THESELFCAREBOX.COM
INNCLUSIVE:AN ANSWER TO AIRBNB'S \"RACE PROBLEM\"By Geneva LongWhen Airbnb burst onto the scene, travelers were One traveler who experienced #Airbnbwhileblackecstatic. Finally there was a platform that allowed was Rohan Gilkes. The young serial entrepreneur wastravelers to book home stays, saving on the cost of planning to visit friends in Idaho and attempted tohotel rooms. For a few travelers, however, the rent a cabin for the trip.excitement was short-lived. It soon became evident The cabin's owner canceled his booking, stating thatthat booking home stays would be a bit more of a she was expecting friends that weekend. Gilkeschallenge for travelers of color. simply asked a white friend to attempt to book theAirbnb requires users to attach a photo to their same trip. The friend was accepted and the ownerprofile, which made it easy for hosts to simply deny sent a friendly note welcoming him to the property.their homes to travelers of color. Gilkes filed a complaint with Airbnb and the companyTravelers would book a home stay only to have the responded with a boilerplate form letter and thoughthost cancel it immediately, sometimes without the matter closed. Not so for Gilkes. He used theexplanation. The problem is so rampant that the experience to launch his own home-sharing site,hashtag #Airbnbwhileblack started trending Innclusive. The site welcomes guests of all races, andon Twitter. his marketing reflects that. Before Gilkes started hisAll over the country, travelers of color describe using venture, Airbnb's ads did not feature any people ofpseudonyms, fake profile photos and white friends book home stays. continued next page
LIFESTYLE FEATURE BUSINESSES WE LOVE continued But how does Innclusive combatHOME STAYS discrimination? Well, it's a simple fix. If aFOR ALL host cancels a traveler's booking, theTRAVELERS host cannot book another guest for that date. So if they say the place is booked for the traveler's dates, they lose their profits for that date. “We’re challenging our competitors to be better,” Gilkes said. “They have to make the call as to whether or not they’re comfortable with a significant part of their user base considering an alternative service.” Innclusive operates across the globe and is open to travelers of all races, ethnicities, religions and sexual orientation. To book a hoNmO MeAsDtaI Cy or t2o4 | list a property, visit
more europe withmore ashoreExperience the nightlife with port calls thatdepart late evening or even stay overnightWith More Ashore offerings in select Europe ports, you’ll have the opportunity to see a side of a city that you mightmiss on other cruises. Experience a port by day and also enjoy the nightlife with departures at 9:00pm or later,overnight calls and even 2-day experiences for more in-depth exploration.Here’s just a sample of the things you can do after dark on itineraries featuring More Ashore port calls:SCANDINAVIA & RUSSIACOPENHAGEN OSLOEvening Canal Cruise & Tivoli Gardens — Tour the Deep into the Ice — Learn about death-defying expeditions“Venice of the North” on an evening canal cruise that sails of the Fram, the 123-year-old three-masted schooner thatpast Amalienborg Palace and St. Savior’s Church and visits has the distinction of sailing further north and furtherthe colorful old Nyhavn waterfront. Then behold stunning south than any other wooden hulled ship. Enjoy a privateTivoli Gardens, the second oldest amusement park in the lecture and tour of the Fram and enjoy a drink on deckworld, which at night is a wonderland of over 100,000 legendary ship—and keep the replicatwinkling colored lights. enamel cup as a souvenir!
BRITISH ISLESDUBLIN GLASGLOWAn Evening of Irish Song and Dance — Journey to an Edinburgh Tattoo with Private Seating & Reception —authentic Irish pub located in a farmhouse for a rollicking Head to Edinburgh Castle, a UNESCO World Heritage Site,evening of song, dance and humor accompanied by a to experience the sheer spectacle of the Tattoo, combiningdelicious, four-course dinner. drums and bagpipe performances, with displays of marching, fireworks andMEDITERRANEAN precision military routines.SANTORINI VENICEWinery & Oia Village at Sunset — Drenched in golden Evening Gondola Ride — The quintessential Venicelight at sunset, the red cliffs and blue-domed churches experience, as you glide through the famous canals andof Oia serve as the iconic backdrop to Mother Nature’s under the charming bridges to the sounds of serenadingsplendor. Complement the experience with a visit to a gondoliers. You’ll soon discover why this Renaissance citylocal vineyard for a guided tour and a tasting of wines has held us under its spell for centuries.produced from Santorini’s sun-soaked grapes.©2016, Princess Cruise Lines, Ltd. Ships of Bermudan and British registry.
THE RISE OF Kristen Noelle wakes up every morning, hasTHE BLACK breakfast and heads to the office. Her office thisDIGITAL week happens to be in her home city of Chiang Mai,NOMAD in Thailand. Next week it might be in Bali, or in Dubai or in Buenos Aires. She is one of the many peopleBy Morris Hayes who are traveling the globe as \"digital nomads,\" a movement of people who work remotely from anywhere in the world. While digital nomads can be found in locations across the globe, some of the more popular ones feature the right mix of what makes the digital nomad lifestyle attractive. There are a few must-haves for the digital nomad---an inexpensive cost of living, good Internet access and the right environment. Chiang Mai in Thailand is one of the most popular cities for digital nomads. \"It's inexpensive, laid back, has great food, lots of things to do, and most importantly to the digital community -- it has great wifi, coffee shops, and coworking spaces,\" said Noelle. She made the trek to Chiang Mai in 2015 from her home in Los Angeles. Her blog, \"Peaches, Beaches and Urbanistas,\" chronicles her life on the road. The idea of the digital nomad is not a new trend, but the proliferation of the Internet has made it more accessible--- continues next page
THE NEW BLEND OFWORK AND TRAVEL IS TAKING SPEEDcontinued Their occupations run the gamut, from graphicto people who are interested in the lifestyle. design to copywriting, photography to onlineDigital nomads often practice \"geoarbitage,\" or boutiques. Some work as travel writers, like Erickthe practice of earning currency from a first-world Prince, the working journalist who has visitedcountry and using it to finance a lifestyle in a more than 80 countries and runs the blog,third-world country where the money stretches \"Minority Nomad,\" or Stacey Herbert who runs afurther. small boutique marketing company.Many digital nomads choose Thailand for its low What does it take to become a digital nomad?cost of living. Most live on less than $1,000 amonth. The average one-bedroom apartment in Before you turn in your resignation letter and buyChiang Mai rents for about $300, much less than a plane ticket, there are a few things to consider.a similar place in the U.S. First, you will need to decide how long you want toSo what kind of work do they do? live the lifestyle. Do you plan to travel abroad for a few months or live in another country indefinitely?photo credit: Stacey Herbert Can you continue your career completely online? Do you have a business that you can run remotely? The people who are best cut out for the digital nomad lifestyle are those who can work independently and have experience freelancing or running their own small businesses online. There are great resources available to help you to decide on a career path that allows you to travel the world. The book \"Vagabonding,\" by Rolf Pott, and \"The Four-Hour Workweek,\" by Tim Ferriss are good places to start. The black digital nomad community is small but growing. \"It’s true that there aren’t many black men or women roaming the world living like I do, at least not that I’ve met,\" said Herbert. \"But there’s a positive black presence forming in Bali. The other night I went to a get-together by a dreadlocked Jamaican American living in Bali, selling soul food and DJ’ing Afrobeat. I left with a full belly. There are not nearly enough of us, but we’re there!\" EXPEDITION | PAGE 2
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WHERE TO GO NEXTby Karen Saltos The Jumeriah Hotel is the world’s onlyDubai is the most modern and 7-star hotel. Architects built it in theprogressive city-state of the United distinctive shape of an Arabian yacht’sArab Emirates. It has become a popular sail and it stands a whopping 1,053 feettourist attraction in recent years tall. There is a helipad on the 28th floorbecause of its amazing infrastructure and the lobby resembles the interior ofand liberal policies. Tourists can enjoy a palace. This all-suite hotel has nineshopping, sunbathing, dining, partying, restaurants a private beach and threeand even an indoor ski slope. Dubai outdoor swimming is characterized by a tropical Just a few steps away is Ski Dubai, thedesert climate. The best time to visit is first indoor ski resort in the Middlefrom November to March because the East. It is a breathtaking 3,000 squaredaily temperature highs range from the meter snow wonderland where visitorsupper 70s to the low 80s. continues next pageDUBAI
A DESERTADVENTUREcontinued than 1,000 guest rooms and welcomescan ski, snowboard, toboggan, and participate thousands of visitors each other snow events. There are five runs of No trip to the United Arab Emirates is completevarying difficulty, from the bunny slope to the without the highly sought after camelblack run, along with a freestyle area. It is also excursion. Owning camels is an ancient Arabthe only place in the world where you can tradition. The oil-rich natives pay millions ofexperience the desert, ski slopes and penguins dollars to own the desert beasts and someat the same time. The resort features resident owners take them out for walks like dogs. Enjoygentoo and king penguins and a daily riding tours across sand dunes and visit anpresentation of an up-close “March of the authentic camel farm.Penguins.” Dubai is considered one of the safest cities inAnother not to be missed attraction is the the world. It is no surprise that it has become aAtlantis the Palm Dubai resort. Atlantis features hot tourist Mecca for travelers of all ages.the Aquaventure water park, several nightclubs, Whether it is shopping, clubbing, boating, a shark safari, spa services, and yacht tanning on the beach or simply relaxing Dubaiexcursions. The 23-story resort features more has something for everyone. With so manythan 1,000 guest rooms and welcomes cheap flights to the region, there is no reasonthousands of visitors each year. not to go.
Grab Your Copy At WanderlustMyWay.comWanderlust My Way: HOW TO TRAVEL ON AS LITTLE AS $500 BY: MONIQUE WISE
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