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Home Explore AI BRAIN BOTS


Published by casmaronline, 2023-07-29 05:09:19

Description: AI BRAIN BOTS

Keywords: AI robots brain bots memory


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AI BRAIN BOTS Casmaronline Top News Our government has developed AI regulations and monitors those who are developing it. Why now? We have developed the idea of making smaller memory chips that will be working simultaneously and smaller power grids inside a robot brain. Our brains work 24/7. There has been a breakthrough in this technology thanks to our transistors. It is obvious that by next year robots will have an advanced AI that will be part of our lives and workplace. I have great ideas but don’t have the capital to fund them. I am glad, because I could have created a monster robot ten decades sooner. I will work on AI software that will protect humankind. I have figured out how a robot can become more like a human. AI current creation on robots does not mean we do not have the technology to make them better. It is a memory system that has millions or billions of memory bots where the codes and algorithms will work together in one. It’s like having a controlling brain that analyzes its bot operations and decides what to do next. Humans can only do one task at a time so a robot must do the same. There is core bots’ system being develop as you read this article but trust me it’s not the U.S.A. or Area 51. It is probably developed in a garage somewhere in the world. There are only two ways to succeed in AI and this is much as I can tell you; a software learning to creating itself code or learning it from thousands of people writing codes. There are downfalls in software creating itself and writing the code. I call it human error. AI will be the same as it will develop an error. It is human nature. AI needs nerve sensors just like a human (electrical of course) so if we calculate how many nerves sensors and muscles takes just to take one step, the rest will be easy to accomplish. For now, When I am analyzing and logically getting close to the secret of creating a human robot, it can be done sooner than another decayed. I always wanted a company to hire me or my husband, but I am glad that I did not stick to regulations and protocols by the company or government. It is better to be an independent contractor. Women and Men are smart, but women are smarter no offense gentlemen. By patenting our designs anyone can see them and copy them. The idea will get stolen. I remember doing a program for guiding system and I wanted to sell it to a company and guess what the CEO told me, “OHH! we wait for someone to build it and still the idea” Yes, I call it reverse engineering which then you can modify the idea. This is one of the reasons why the U.S.A does not progress in technology. A train container is supposed to be protected from a disaster, so it won’t explode. A train should already be using magnetic railroad lines which is safer than iron rails. There are a lot of things that can be avoided but without the progress of technology investing will never get there until the next one hundred years. There is a way to clean the air like a terraformed. Remember Apollo 13 where they had to figure out a way to make the air breathable because of their own carbon monoxide and they succeeded. We can build a bigger model to clean the earth’s air. It is going to be an AI machine that will clean our air on this planet. We can create water without rain so why don’t we build underground basins and fill them up for emergencies. We need senators and congressmen to have a shorter term so the children of the 22nd century could make the United States of America the number one country in advance technology. Google has invented a program called LaMDA by their engineer and one of them got fired for saying that the program is sentient. The only way to find out if this program is sentient is analyzing its algorithms and raw data. Google has collected a lot of raw data for decades that the program is saying what it has collected. I am sure when an AI asks this first question; Who am I? and Who are you? I am sure that is the first sign of an AI human consciousness. Does consciousness start at an early age or older age? Its consciousness is when a human learns from right and wrong. They say

consciousness is within us from the day a human is born. Why is it important to have consciousness and have awareness of being a human? I can write about my feelings or record millions of feelings but how will an AI determine which is the best feeling for it to response? A soul is who am I? What am I doing here? A human consciousness is interconnected to its soul because it becomes aware that you’re a human or an AI as a robot. I write this post not open minded but why does my consciousness know the functions of my body to survive every day. Let’s do a test, if you raise your hands Infront of you, suddenly they start to get tired and shaking. Our brains do not keep our body steady and that is the difference between a robot and a human. A robot can have the best automatic control system but never the ability to be unsteady like a human. I wish China, Japan or other companies call me to develop a new AI system which I have an idea that is structure to come close to a consciousness. I hope you guys can help or invest with me in building a new AI system. A programmer has a limit in developing and structuring a program but a person who might not have any education or education must see AI analytically and logically and tell a programmer on how to direct its automatic relationship with all the memory bots and power source so it can think through independent and nondependent functions. Example: a baby went down a ramp, they picked up the ramp then he turned around and went feet down first to get off the ramp without showing him or training him that is how advance our memory can solve problems. In a robot, you must program it for that situation. I the baby falls then it learns an error and won’t do it again. A robot does not fix its own errors, we fix its programming not to do the error. I feel that quantum memory or quantum bots are the future. These bots will be organized broken down into sections so memory will evaluate the situation. AI bots are working within all the parts of the robot but at a low frequency and then when a robot encounters a situation it will be able to solve the problem faster without waiting for any signals, commands or orders. It’s like boosting a signal to the parts that are going to be used at one time. I have nerve pain when my bones push against my nerves. I feel heat and feel electricity traveling all over my spinal nerve system straight to my brain saying that those nerve signals stop and resetting. It takes a split second when I feel numb because my signals are resetting. It’s awful because I feel strange like an out of body feeling before my body starts to function back again.

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