Body Systems Flipbook Carson Smith 3A Dr. Rod 1
Integumentary 3 System Musculoskeletal 4 System Nervous System 5 Special Senses 6 Cardiovascular 7 System Respiratory System 8 Digestive System 9 Urinary System 10 Reproductive System 11 Works Cited 12 2
Integumentary System 7. Lipectomy: Surgical removal of fat below the skin. Acts as a barrier to protect the body. Key Terms: 8. Debridement: Removal of damaged tissue to prevent infection. ● derm/o, dermat/o- Skin ● kerat/o- Hard, horn-shaped tissue, cornea 9. Vitiligo: Loss of pigment in 1+ areas of the ● xer/o- Dry skin ● xanth/o- Yellow, yellowish ● erythr/o- Red 10. P olyp: Small mushroom-like growth. ● pedicul/o- Fingernail, toenail 11. Nevus: Highly pigmented lesion of the skin ● onych/o- Nail ● myc/o- Fungus that's flat and raised. ● pil/o- Hair/ hair follicle ● lip/o- Fat Diseases and Disorders: ● rhytid/o- Wrinkle ● albin/o- White 1. Acne: Inflammatory disorder of sebaceous glands that produces pimples on the skin. Function: 2. Cicatrix: A scar left by a healed wound. 1. Protection: Acts as a physical barrier 3. Gangrene: Necrosis/death of tissue due to protecting the body from physical damage, ultraviolet rays, and pathogen invasion. loss of blood supply and infection. 4. Keloid: An abnormally raised scar. 2. Contains sweat glands that secrete fluid in 5. Burns: Injuries to the skin caused by the form of perspiration to maintain body temperature. prolonged contact with heat. 3. Flushes small amounts of waste composed Healthcare Careers: of water, salt, and organic compounds during perspiration. 1. Dermatologist: A physician who diagnoses and treats conditions and disorders of the 4. Allows for perception of stimuli with a large skin, hair, and nails. amount of nerve endings and receptors related to temperature, touch, pressure, and 2. Plastic Surgeon: A physician who performs pain. surgery to transer, repair or reconstruct Important Vocabulary: tissue. 3. Immunodermatologis: A physician that 1. Papule: Solid skin elevation with distinct specializes in how the skin and immune borders. system interact and treats skin conditions that involve the immune system 2. Ulcer: An open sore or an erosion of the like eczema. skin. 3 3. Wart: Small, hard, benign skin growth caused by a virus. 4. Tinea: A skin infection caused by a fungus. 5. Blepharoplasty: Plastic surgery of the eyelid; lid lift. 6. Cauterization: Destruction of tissue through application of heat, cold, or electric current.
Musculoskeletal System 7. Bones: A dense connective tissue composed of collagen fibers and minerals. Allow for movement and provide protection. 8. Ligaments: Connective bands of tissue that Key Terms: connect bone to bone. ● my/o- Muscle 9. Axial Skeleton: Consists of the bones along ● myel/o- Bone marrow; Spinal cord the central line of the body. ● oste/o- Bone ● cost/o- Rib 10. Appendicular Skeleton: Contains the bones ● crani/o- Skull in the appendages of the body, as well as ● -pexy- Surgical fixation the structures that connect the appendages ● chondr/o- Cartilage to the axial skeleton. ● arthr/o- Joint ● -plegia- Paralysis Diseases and Disorders: ● kinesi/o- Movement 1. Atrophy: Wasting away or shrinkage of Function: muscle size. 2. Spasm: Involuntary, sudden movement or 1. Holds body parts in position and allows for movement to be possible. muscular contraction of a muscle. 3. Scoliosis: The abnormal, lateral curvature of 2. Protect internal organs from taking physical damage. the spine. 4. Osteoporosis: Condition of small holes in 3. The skeletal system stores minerals like calcium and potassium, aids in blood cell bones with a loss of density. formation and acts as an anchor for 5. Sprain: Trauma to ligaments surrounding a muscles. joint, causing pain and sometimes disability. 4. The muscular system helps produce body heat, aids in digestion and blood flow. Healthcare Careers: Important Vocabulary: 1. Chiropractor: A physician who treats illness and injury of the neuromuscular skeletal 1. Automaticity: The ability of a muscle to system often by manual manipulation or contract without involvement of a nerve adjustment of the body. supply. 2. Orthopedic Surgeon: A physician that 2. Contractility: The ability of the skeletal specializes in the diagnosis and treatment muscles to contract and/or shorten. of spinal disorders, sports injuries, arthritis, and fractures. 3. Muscles: Type of body tissue made up of bundles of fibers that are held together by 3. Physical Therapist: Work with a patient's connective tissues. doctor to restore and maintain the patient's maximum movement and functional ability 4. Tendons: A band of connective tissue that through exercise. connects muscle to bone. 4 5. Elasticity: The ability of skeletal muscle fibers to resume their resting length when force is removed. 6. Skeletal Muscle: Voluntary muscle that is attached to bone and can be contracted or relaxed through conscious control.
Nervous System spinal cord which contains a rich supply of blood vessels that nourish the CNS. A complex system of nerves and cells that transmit 7. Neuron: The fundamental cell of the nervous messages throughout the body. system (AKA: “a nerve cell”) 8. Pons: The bridge that connects the cerebellum Key Terms: to the rest of the brain and helps transfer messages from the brain to spinal cord. ● neur/o- nerve, nerve tissue, nervous system 9. Midbrain: The passageway of electrical impulses ● encephal/o- brain traveling between the brain and spinal cord. ● myel/o- bone marrow; spinal cord 10. Medulla Oblongata: Connects the brain to the ● ambul/o- walking spinal cord via the pons. Regulates breathing, ● -esthesia- feeling; sensation heart rate, and blood pressure. ● mening/o- meninges 11. Frontal Lobe: Controls movement, reasoning, ● psych/o- mind; mental planning, problem-solving, speech, and ● concuss/o- violently agitated emotions. The seat of your personality. Function: Diseases and Disorders: 1. Sensory Input: Electrical impulses are sent 1. Stroke: Damage to the brain from Interruption of from sensory organs to the central nervous its blood supply. system which consists of the brain and spinal cord. 2. Paralysis: Temporary/permanent loss of movement or motor function. 2. Integration:T he central nervous system processes and interprets the information 3. Aneurysm: Localized balloon-like dilation of a received through the sensory organs. blood vessel. 3. Motor Output: A fter processing and interpreting 4. Bell’s Palsy: Unilateral paralysis of face due to a the information the central nervous system virus. sends messages to effectors that generate a response in the form of motor output. 5. Shingles: Eruption of a painful rash on the trunk of the body caused by the Varicella virus. Important Vocabulary: Healthcare Careers: 1. Central Nervous System (CNS): Composed of the brain and spinal cord. It receives messages, 1. Neurosurgeon: A physician who specializes in processes, and responds to stimuli. It functions the diagnosis and surgical treatment of disorders as the command center of the body. involving the central and peripheral nervous system. 2. Meninges: The three layers of protective tissue that protects the CNS. 2. Neurologist: A physician that treats disorders that affect the brain, spinal cord, and nerves 3. Brain Stem: Located on the distal part of the such as cerebrovascular disease or stroke. brain and is composed of the pons, midbrain, and medulla oblongata Governs vital functions 3. Physician Anesthesiologist: A doctor that like respiratory rate, cardiac rhythm, body administers general anesthetic to patients before temperature, and sleep patterns. surgery. Drugs that induce a loss of pain and sensation during surgery. 4. D ura Mater: Meaning “tough mother” is a thick sac of dense collagen fibers blood vessels that 5 protect the central nervous system from injury. 5. Arachnid Mater: Meaning “spider-like mother”, contains many thin fibers that connect to the pia mater below and is filled with protective fluid. 6. Pia Mater: Meaning “soft mother”, a thin tissue membrane that lies directly on the brain and the
Special Senses 11. Sclera: The fibrous outer layer that maintains the eye’s shape and protects the delicate inner Monitors stimuli and changes to the environment through layers of tissue. The white of the eye. neural receptors that transmit impulses to the brain. Diseases and Disorders: Key Terms: 1. Tinnitus: The sensation of noises in ears when ● irid/o- iris no sound is present. ● -cusis- hearing ● -opia- vision condition 2. Nerve Deafness: Deafness resulting from ● ot/o- ear damage to the cochlea, or auditory nerve. ● tympan/o- eardrum ● opthalm/o- eye 3. Conductive Deafness: Hearing impairment ● -metry- process of measuring resulting from inadequate sound wave conduction from the outer ear to the ossicles. Function: 4. Impacted Cerumen: Accumulation of cerumen 1. Involved in the nervous system’s function of (earwax) inside the ear that can lead to infection sensory input. or hearing loss. 2. Eyes: Provide the ability to receive and process 5. Meniere’s Disease: A chronic disorder of the visual detail and enables several photo Labyrinth of the inner ear that causes vertigo or response functions. the sensation of spinning. 3. Ear: Transmits and transduces sound to the Healthcare Careers: brain through the parts of the ear. 1. Optometrist: Physician that specializes in 4. Nose: Serves as the entrance to the respiratory function and disorders of the eye, detects and tract and contains olfactory organs. Serves as treats diseases, conducts examinations, and the sense of smell and conditions the air by prescribes contact lenses and glasses. filtering, warming, and moistening it. 2. Otolaryngologist: Specialty that is focused on 5. Tongue: Title for chewing and swallowing food the ears, nose, and throat. They can diagnose, as well as speech. Allows for tastes like sweet, treat, and care for each sense. sour, bitter, and salty. 3. Oral Surgeon: Physician that performs surgery Important Vocabulary: on the tissues of the mouth to treat diseases, injuries, or defects in order to improve the 1. Phacoemulsification: Eye surgery performed to function or appearance of the mouth. restore vision in cataract patients. 6 2. Ageusia: The absence of the gustatory sense. 3. Anosmia: The absence of the sense of smell. 4. Enucleation:Surgical removal of the entire eyeball performed when the eye is irrecoverably damaged. 5. LASIK: A procedure in which an ultraviolet laser is used to correct refraction errors. 6. Audiometry: A test used to measure the ability to hear different sounds. 7. Papillae: Small raised areas on the tongue containing the taste buds. 8. Taste Buds: Tiny, sensitive, bulb-like structures that are able to distinguish different tastes and textures of food as it moves across the tongue. 9. Iris: The colored muscular layer that surrounds the pupil of the eye. 10. Pupil: The black circular opening that allows light to enter the eye.
Cardiovascular System 11. Pacemaker: An electrical device used to control abnormal cardiac rhythms with electrical Circulate oxygen rich blood throughout the body. discharges. Key Terms: Diseases and Disorders: ● cardi/o- heart 1. Angina: A condition characterized by severe ● angi/o- vessel (blood) constricting pain and pressure in the chest. ● hem/o, hemat/o- ● brady- slow 2. Bradycardia: Condition of a slow heart rate (less ● tachy- fast than 60 beats per minute). ● thromb/o- clot ● -emia- blood condition 3. Tachycardia: Condition of a fast heart rate ● leuk/o- white (greater than 90 beats per minute). ● erythr/o- red ● arteri/o- artery 4. Atherosclerosis: The condition of thickening, hardening, and loss of elasticity in arterial walls. Function: 5. Thrombus: Blood clot that is attached to the 1. Provides the propulsive force required for anterior wall. circulating oxygen and nutrient rich blood to the organs, tissues, and cells of the body. As well as Healthcare Careers: elimination of carbon dioxide and metabolic waste products in the blood. 1. Cardiologist: Physician that specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of heart diseases and Important Vocabulary: conditions. Extremely competitive career that is very demanding. 1. Endocardium: The innermost layer of the heart that lines the four chambers and covers the 2. Cardiovascular Technician: Provides assistance valves of the heart. to doctors in diagnosing and treating heart diseases and conditions. 2. Myocardium:The layer of cardiac muscle that makes up the middle of the heart. 3. Telemetry Nurse: A nurse that monitors patients heart rhythm with sophisticated equipment. They 3. Epicardium: The thin and watery layer that forms work with Physicians to develop treatment plans the innermost layer of the pericardium, the sac for patients with cardiovascular diseases and surrounding the heart. other serious illnesses. 4. Blood Pressure: The pressure exerted on blood 7 vessels when blood is flowing through them. 5. Pulse: Rhythmic throbbing generated by contractions of the heart detected over the major arteries of the body. 6. Stress Test: A procedure that tests how efficiently the heart pumps blood. 7. Angiogram: A radiographic test that uses dye and an X-ray to take photos of blood flow in arteries or veins. 8. Cardioversion: A procedure in which controlled electrical shocks are sent through the heart to restore normal cardiac rhythm. 9. Heart Transplant: The graphing of a living heart to a patient from a donor who was clinically brain dead. 10. Thrombolytic: A type of medication that helps dissolve blood clots.
Respiratory System 7. Diaphragm: A dome-shaped structure between the thoracic and abdominal Helps your body absorb oxygen from the air for the cavities that helps inflate the lungs. organs. 8. Inspiration: The breathing in of air. Key Terms: 9. Expiration: The breathing out of air. 10. Respiration: The process of gas exchange ● bronch/o- bronchus; bronchial tube 11. Ventilation: The process by which air moves ● cyan/o- blue ● laryng/o- larynx; voice box in and out of the lungs. ● -oxia- oxygen ● oxy- oxygen Diseases and Disorders: ● pleur/o- pleura; serous membrane that 1. Hyperventilation: A condition in which enfolds the lung breathing is faster and deeper than normal. ● pneum/o- lung; air ● pulmon/o- lung 2. Orthopnea: A condition in which breathing ● thorac/o- chest becomes easier when the patient is sitting ● trache/o- trachea; windpipe up straight. Function: 3. Coup: A childhood disease characterized by “barking” cough and high pitched breathing. 1. Inhaling: Allows for breathing in fresh air for oxygen. 4. Asthma: Sudden, periodic attacks of dyspnea accompanied by wheezing. 2. exchanges harmful carbon dioxide gas for Caused by a spasm of the bronchial tubes oxygen between the tiny air sacs in the or swelling of mucous membranes. lungs and bloodstream. 5. Pneumonia: Inflammation of the lungs 3. Exhaling: the breathing out of old stale air. caused by a bacteria, virus, fungus, or chemical irritant. Important Vocabulary: Healthcare Careers: 1. Pharynx: The roof of the nasal cavity, connects smell and taste, and serves as a 1. Respiratory Therapist: A physician that passageway for air food and liquid that treats patients suffering from conditions or travels behind the nasal cavity. diseases that affect breathing. Often provide emergency care for asthma attack, heart 2. Larynx: Located in the neck, holds vocal attack, stroke, or drowning victims. cords and cartilage that forms the Adam's apple. 2. Pulmonologist: A physician that diagnoses and treats conditions or diseases of the 3. Epiglottis: The flap that closes the larynx to lungs and cardiopulmonary system. block food and drink from entering the lungs during eating and opens when breathing. 3. Thoracic Surgeon: a physician that performs surgery on organs in the chest as 4. Bronchi: The major air passage that well as treating respiratory diseases like branches off the trachea and into the five lung cancer. lobes of the lungs. 5. Lungs: The cone-shaped major organs of the respiratory system. 6. Alveoli: The small air sacs inside the lungs where gas exchange occurs. 8
Digestive System 8. Pancreas: Produces many different enzymes that aid in digestion (amylase, lipase, Responsible for taking in food and turning it into protease, insulin). energy and nutrients for the body. 9. Cirrhosis: The scarring of the liver due to Key Terms: alcohol, drugs, or a virus. ● cholecyst/o- gallbladder 10. Obesity: Having too much body fat from being ● enter/o- intestines (usually the small intestine) overweight. ● col/o, colon/o- large intestine; colon ● hepat/o- liver 11. Hernia: Protrusion of an organ or structure ● gastr/o- stomach through muscle that normally contains it. ● or/o- mouth ● -pepsia- digestion Diseases and Disorders: ● chol/e- gall; bile ● proct/o- rectum; anus 1. Peptic Ulcers: Gastric/duodenal ulcer usually caused by helicobacter pylori bacteria. Function: 2. Anorexia Nervosa: Self deprivation of food 1. Ingestion: Involves mastication or chewing and pathological weight loss, a psychiatric and swallowing of food. condition. 2. Digestion: The physical and chemical 3. Bulimia Nervosa: Gorging on food and then breaking down of food. purging (by vomiting, exercise, or laxatives) a psychiatric condition. 3. Absorption: Where nutrients are absorbed by the small intestine. 4. Hepatitis: Inflammation of liver from viral infection (types A, B, C). 4. Elimination: Waste just contacted into a solid form and removed out of the body. 5. Celiac Disease: Malabsorption syndrome causing weight loss and diarrhea from Important Vocabulary: absorbing gluten. 1. Mouth: the beginning of the digestive Healthcare Careers: process. Where food enters and is broken down by teeth and enzymes. 1. Gastroenterologist: A physician that specializes in diseases and conditions of the 2. Tongue: The muscular organ attached to the digestive system. floor of the mouth that helps break down food contains taste buds and eat and speech. 2. Registered Dietitian: Supervises the preparation and serving of food in a variety of 3. Salivary Glands: Total of three glands that settings including hospitals, long-term care secrete amylase (the enzyme that breaks facilities, and schools. down starches). 3. Dentist: A physician that specializes in the 4. Esophagus: The food tube that passes diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of through the chest cavity past the diaphragm diseases of the mouth and gums. and into the stomach that controls the flow of substances. 9 5. Stomach: Sac-like organ composed of the fundus, body, and atrium. 6. Liver: Allows for storage of nutrients infiltration/removal of chemicals, waste products, and old blood cells from the bloodstream. 7. Gallbladder: A sac-like organ that contains bile, a fluid that aids in digestion of fatty foods.
Urinary System 8. Enuresis: The involuntary discharge of urine. Filters and removes waste from the body. 9. Polyuria: A condition characterized by Key Terms: excessive urine production. ● -cele- hernia; swelling; protrusion 10. Urinary Retention: The inability to ● -lysis- breakdown; separation; loosening completely empty the bladder do to a ● cyst/o- cyst; fluid sac; bladder urethral blockage or neurological disorder ● nephr/o- kidney ● ren/o- kidney 11. Nocturnal Enuresis: Involuntary discharge of ● -uria- urination; condition of urine urine that occurs during sleep. ● -pexy- surgical fixation ● -ectasis- dilation; expansion Diseases and Disorders: ● pyel/o- renal pelvis 1. Cystitis: Inflammation of the bladder. Function: 2. Cystocele: Herniation of the bladder through 1. Filtration:The kidneys filter waste products the vaginal wall in females. from your blood inform urine to be expelled 3. Cystolithiasis: Calculi of the urinary bladder; from the body. bladder stones. 2. Waste Storage & Excretion: Urine is 4. Renal Failure: Condition in which kidney produced in the kidneys, carried to the urinary bladder then it is discharged from disease/damage results in impaired filtration the body. of the blood 5. Pyelonephritis: Inflammation of the lining of 3. Hormone Production: Kidneys produce the renal pelvis and the functional tissue of essential hormones such as the kidney. erythropoietinWhich stimulates red blood cell production. Healthcare Careers: 4. Homeostasis: Kidneys monitor blood 1. Urologist: A physician that specializes in pressure, control pH, and regulate the diseases of the urinary system and the balances of fluid in the body. male's reproductive tract. Important Vocabulary: 2. Dialysis Technician: A technician that operates machines to remove metabolic 1. Kidneys: Bean-shaped organs that filter waste products for patients whose kidneys waste products from the blood. are dysfunctioning. 2. Urination: The release of urine from the 3. Case Management Nurse: A nurse that is urinary bladder through the urethra to assigned to a patient with a chronic outside of the body. condition with a full understanding of the patient’s condition. 3. Ureters: Two narrow tubes that transport urine from the kidneys to the bladder. 10 4. Urethra: The tube that transports urine from the bladder to outside the body. 5. Urinary Bladder: A hollow, muscular organ that serves as a reservoir for urine. 6. Anuria: The absence of urine production. 7. Diuresis: An abnormal increase in production of urine.
Reproductive System Key Terms: ● Function: Important Vocabulary: Diseases and Disorders: Healthcare Careers: 11
Works Cited Oral%20and%20Maxillofacial%20Surgeons%20%3 A%3A%20Job%20Description&text=Perform%20su rgery%20and%20related%20procedures,to%20imp ticlekey=4940 rove%20function%20or%20appearance. respiratory-system#:~:text=Your%20respiratory%2 ents/picture-of-the-skin 0system%20is%20the,include%20allergies%2C%2 0diseases%20or%20infections. 12 dermatologists Previous Med Term Notes G-W Introduction to Medical Terminology Textbook nts-centers/neurosurgery/what-is-a-neurosurgeon.a spx y/neurologist.php re%20organs%20of%20the,electro%2Dchemical% 20impulses%20in%20neurons. an ongue#1 h/types-of-eye-care-professionals-5981/#:~:text=An %20optometrist%20is%20a%20health,treats%20ey e%20diseases%20and%20disorders. ngology cial-surgeons/description-29-1022.00.html#:~:text=
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