DUNES INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL Volume7 Issue-4 ACADEMIC SESSION 2019-2020 Sneak Peek 26—30January2020 Reminder Glimpse Of This Week: Students will not be al- lowed to attend the exam without ID card. Submit the acknowledge- ment slips for School Pic- Annual Sports Mania -2020 was not less than a fest as Dunes International nic to the respective class School pioneering once again to innovate and excel. teachers. Final exams for grade 9 and 11 starts from 02.02.2020. Grade 12 will have Minis- try exam for Arabic on 02.02.2020 The day commenced when the tricolor Indian Flag was unfurled by the Principal along with the eminent guests to mark the 71st Republic Day paving way to a resplendent Republic Day Celebration with patriotic fervor and zeal. Students are one of the most common victims of stress. ... When built over time, stress can give rise to a host of serious problems such as depression and anxiety. Managing stress in its early stages can help maximize the college/university experience and opportunities for students .
Annual Sports Mania’ 2020 was truly mesmerizing where in the Dunites’ agility and sporting skills were full of competitive spirits. Students’ zeal knew no boundaries as they were time and again being informed with house points. The grade 1 and 2 novelty races truly stole the show as they were thematically based on the evaluations of caterpillar, the kings and Queens. It was all chasing and cheering during the athletic events of the senior grades. There is always ONE awarded but there are so many competitors and winners. The Blue House bagged the champion house title during an enchanting award ceremony.
The Republic Day commenced when the tricolor Indian Flag was unfurled by the Principal along with the eminent guests to mark the 71st Republic Day paving way to a resplendent Republic Day Celebration with patriotic fervor and zeal. The four houses’ float’s presentation comprising of INDIAN MILITARY, INDIA’S ACHIEVEMENTS, THE NORTH-WEST and THE SOUTH-EAST states of INDIA had everyone captivated to the brim. India’s Military artistry was depicted with astonishing parades and for- mations by the Yellow House. It was followed Green House float displaying the enchanting natural beau- ty and rich cultural heritage of South and East Indian states. The Blue House Float displaying an aura of the North and Western states of India comprising of some spellbinding traditional dances and a depic- tion of the Freedom Fighters. India’s enormous achievements were gallantly portrayed by the Red House floats act. Each float act followed by the primary students’ special parades, cultural and traditional dance performances was a sight to behold. Parental insolvent is a key to our progress and hence a unique float act thematically based on “Dunes our Pride” along with some eye catching performances by our enthusi- astic parents truly made the event meet the peak.
Biology Physics Practical exams test students' practical skills and techniques usually in laboratory, clinical or field settings. They can be administered individually, in pairs or small groups. These types of performance exams require you to demonstrate your skills, capabilities and knowledge in a practical or field setting. Practical examination for various subjects conducted for grade 11 students to evaluate their practical skills. Computer Science
Chemistry Practical exams test students' practical skills and techniques usually in laboratory, clinical or field settings. They can be administered individually, in pairs or small groups. These types of perfor- mance exams require you to demonstrate your skills, capabilities and knowledge in a practical or field setting. Practical examination for various subjects conducted for grade 9 students to evaluate their practical skills. Physics
Making a commitment involves dedicating yourself to something, like a person or a cause. Before you make a commitment, think carefully. A commitment obligates you to do something Grade 11B students conducted class assembly with a special programme which emphasized the importance of commitment and the need for being stress free during examinations.
De stress The Classroom: Bringing Mindfulness To Students And Teachers. ... But mindfulness does much more than just create a positive classroom culture. Some of the purported benefits of mindfulness include decreasing stress and anxiety, improving self- esteem and self-regulation, and increasing calm. School councilor Ms. Sadhna conducted a de stressing session with grade 10 students in order to make them comfortable and stress free before appearing for the CBSE board examina- tions.
Expo 2020 Counsellor Desk The Expo theme is 'Connecting Most of us already know the importance of com- Minds, Creating the Future', which munication. By keeping an open line of commu- recognizes that generating sustaina- nication, you’ll have a better relationship with ble solutions to global problems de- your child and your child will come to you when mands collaboration across cultures there’s a problem. But there’s another reason for and regions whilst the subthemes of communication — you help your child integrate Opportunity, Mobility and Sustaina- different parts of his/her brain. Integration is bility define the principal drivers of similar to our body in which different organs progress. need to coordinate and work together to main- tain a healthy body. When different parts of the Representatives of almost the brain are integrated, they can function harmoni- entire world will gather and discuss ously as a whole, which means fewer tantrums, the measures against global issues, more cooperative behavior, and more empathy. which will be a great opportunity to To do that, talk through troubling experiences. find solutions for universal prob- Ask your child to describe what happened and lems. After all, the ultimate theme how he/she felt. Do not provide solutions. You of Dubai Expo 2020 is Connecting don’t need to have all the answers to be a good Minds, Creating The Future parent. Just listening to them talk and asking clarifying questions will help them make sense of Participating in an Expo allows their experiences and integrate memories. Talk countries to create a fleeting minia- with your child and help their brains integrate ture world, a microcosm of global progress and dialogue. Expos pro- Regards vide a unique and international stage to engage in cultural diploma- Counsellor cy and interact with the host coun- try, other participants, potential What Next tourists, trade partners and inves- tors School Picnic _ 15.02.2020 In short, the colossal value Annual examination for grade 9 and 11 that Expo 2020 provides will sup- port diversification and further en- begins — 02-02-2020 hance existing sectors within the UAE. Its positive impact will serve Graduation day – 06.02.2020 not only the domestic economy but also the wider region and will last for decades to come.
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