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Home Explore Grade 6-8 Nov Weekly Newsletter

Grade 6-8 Nov Weekly Newsletter

Published by anjana.s, 2019-11-07 14:40:25

Description: Grade 6-8 Nov Weekly Newsletter


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DUNES INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL Volume 5 Issue 1 ACADEMIC SESSION 2019-2020 3—7 November 2019 Sneak Peek Reminders GLIMPSE OF THE WEEK  Islamic and Moral Science weekly test will be con- ducted on Sunday 10.11.2019  Writers Hub Activity - Persuasive Essay on “Conventional Learning should be replaced by e- learning “ will be conduct- ed from 12.11.19 to 21.11.19.  Children’s Day -”Be a child” will be celebrated on 13.11.19.  Carnival “Jamboree 2” will be conducted on 14.11.19 3rd November The Flag Day marks the anni- versary of Sheikh Khalifa Bin Zayed Al Nahyan becoming the President in 2004. The UAE Flag Day is a true symbolism and reminder of His Highness Skeikh Khalifa Bin Zayed Al Nahyan’s timeless efforts and his initiatives to keep the nation high and cherished. At Dunes International School the flag was hoisted sharp at 11:00 am by the school principal Mr.Paramjit Ahluwalia.

Animation, while often thought of as a more or less modern medium, has been being used in different forms since 1906! Throughout the last century, we have used it to entertain, as propaganda, and to tell stories that invoke emotion.Animated videos have become one of the most powerful tools for your marketing endeavors. Their power lies in the fact that they can tell the story of your product, in a matter of just a few seconds, and in a fun and en- gaging way!  Students from grade 6 to 12 participated in animat- ed video making competition and prepared enormous creative videos.

NUTS -Night Under the Stars 7th Nov, 2019 Dunes International School arranged a NUTS activity for the boys’ section from grade 3-12 on the 7th of Nov, 2019. The NUTS overall was an amazing experi- ence for students. Students gathered as per the time schedule shared and got engrossed in the fun filled activities throughout the evening. It not only helped them learn the art of living together but also provided another unique venue for growth, allowing kids to become independent and self-confident, while socializ- ing and making new friends through a variety of programs like, yoga, meditation, nature walk, movie, dancing and many more.

Dunes International school hosted UAE Social studies forum on 6th of November in which 7 CBSE schools of Abu Dhabi participated. The forum focused on the best practices and assessment strategies used in the school to impart UAE social studies. The participant teachers shared the best activities and assessment practices in the curriculum. The workshop overall proved to be highly productive. The core outcome of the workshop was to discuss the importance of AFL strategies to enhance students learning and realize the importance of the use of assessment data to enhance the learning outcomes. The teach- ers raised the concerns regarding the challenges like time constraint and inclusion of more number of lessons in the curriculum. It gave a scope for all teachers to share their views and experiences.

\"Tajneed- The capsule Learning Moves\" The Tajneed leadership team of Dunes con- ducted a friendly football match between the bus drivers and football team of DIS as a part of UAE fitness challenge. The goal of this activity was to create an awareness about the im- portance of physical activity to maintain a healthy life. It developed togetherness by en- couraging collaboration and teamwork. The participants had lot of fun and learnt the skills of team spirit, cooperation and motivation.

8 students from Dunes International School Participated in the Cheveron’s Readers Cup ,1st round held at Al Yasmina Academy Abu Dhabi on the 3rd of Nov, 2019. They read 6 books; 3 per senior and junior category. It did help the students to develop a strong love for extensive reading. Dunes International School is at it again. We are extremely thrilled to announce that two of our students bagged 2nd and 3rd places in the Inter-School Declamation Competition held at Mayoor Private School Abu Dhabi. Sharon Emaculate of Grade 11G1 secured Second Position in the senior girls category while Eric Biju Thomas secured Third Position in the Senior Boys Category. Congratulations to the pride of DIS.

A proud moment to announce the winners of the Interschool Drawing and painting competition held at Sunrise private school. All the eight par- ticipants of Dunes international school were at their best. Five among the eight participants were awarded in the competition.And the win- ners were awarded with the following trophies. Jibran Grade 4-Second prize Aeshesha Grade 5- Champion Parvathi Babu grade 6– Second Prize Hemanth Grade 6 -Champion Sai Rohan Grade 10 - First Prize

Our school handball girls team participated in the CBSE cluster UAE Handball tournament on 3rd November 2019. Our girls reached till quarter finals and played against Indian High school, Dubai.

“Well started implies half done”-Every assembly is a good beginning for each day. A theme based assembly is not just a drive to update us with news and other events it acts as a stimulant in enhancing moral values and citizenship. Students of Grade 7 A conducted the Assembly on 4 November 2019 based on the theme Coop- eration in the auditorium. Cooperation and its importance was conveyed by a small skit “An interview with Feet” in which they explained the cooperation of each body part in the proper functioning of the body.

“November 3 dunes International School ob- served as UAE flag day. On this grade 6-8 stu- dents conducted various activities like finding out the perimeter of UAE flag, ratio of measure- ments, collage with UAE Flag as a theme and drawing and coloring UAE flags. Students drew the flag with 1:2 ratio and calcu- lated the perimeter of the flag individually. Also they represented different colors on flag by the various pillars in the growth of UAE. The celebration was collaborated with learning and memorizing the importance of the flag.

Le jour du Drapeau: The students wrote a few lines about the Flag Day of the UAE in French. This activity helped to introduce the coun- try’s history to the students and also to encourage them to demonstrate the details in French. This was one of the most important days celebrated all over UAE which was well explained by the students themselves.

Grade 7 students did the activity on cast system in India during early period. They presented the cast system through the graphic organizer. Through this activity students learned about the different cast based on the occupation.

An adaptation is a way an animal's body helps it survive, or live, in its environment. Animals have learned to adapt (or change) so that they can survive. Animals depend on their physical features to help them obtain food, keep safe, build homes, withstand weather, and attract mates. Through visual learning students of grade 6 discuss the adaptations of camel, Arabian oryx and falcon. Adaptation is essential in order to survive and move ahead in the world. They con- cluded that we have much to learn about these animals' temperature tolerances and their strategies to avoid extreme climatic changes. These animals stand for the values of tolerance, coexistence and diversity.\"

Students of grade 7 build on their personal expe- riences and prior knowledge of light to explain light interactions. Students used hands-on activi- ties to extend their understanding of reflection, explore the Law of Reflection. This activity allowed students to experience the Law of Re- flection for themselves, as well as connect the lesson to a real-world product.

Reading spinner activity: The Reading Spinner activity is designed to help the students gain a deeper understand- ing of the text they are reading. In grade 6 English classes the students were involved in the reading skill activity: Read- ing Spinner. The spinners suits for all fiction text. The activity helped the students with a quick, fun way to check comprehension after reading.

A portrait drawing is study of human face it is an artistic representation of a person, in which the face and its expression is predominant. The intent is to display the likeness, personality, and even the mood of the person. For this reason, portrait is generally not a snapshot, but a com- posed image of a person in a still position. Lean about portrait drawing is an improvement topic in art. Students want to understand the proportion and features of human face . It will help them to develop observations of character studies and human emotional feelings.

Grade 6 students learned the concept of perime- ter of a regular polygon by using geoboard. They learned the general formula for finding perimeter of a regular polygon by doing this activity in

Students were writing about River pollution. They have written, we think of Earth's water re- sources, we think of huge oceans, lakes, and riv- ers. Water resources like these are called surface waters. The most obvious type of water pollution affects surface waters. For example, a spill from an oil tanker creates an oil slick that can affect a vast area of the ocean. They have written how to solve water pollution. They were speaking, there are three different things that can help to tackle the problem—education, laws, and economics—and they work together as a team. Making people aware of the problem is the first step to solving it.

Counsellor Desk Children insist that playing endless hours of video games makes them happy. But too much screen time is bad for their psychological well-being. Study shows that children who spent less time on their digital devices and more time on non-screen activities, like sports, homework, religious services, and other in-person activities are happier. Limit access when doing family activities, riding in the car, or when playing outside. And set clear guidelines about how much time child can spend watching TV and using the computer. Establish clear limits on your child’s screen time. Regards Sadhna 13.11.2019– Children’s Day 14.11.19—Carnival Jamboree 2 28.11.19—UAE National Day