DUNES INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL Volume 7 Issue 3 ACADEMIC SESSION 2019-2020 19—23Jan2020 Sneak Peek Grade 12 students come pre- pared for Board Practical ex- am. Grade 9 & 11 students con- tinue with their revisions as final exams falls on 2nd Feb onwards. Circular for school picnic has been uploaded in the portal . Submit the acknowledge- ment slips along with the amount to the class teacher. Dunes International School believes in scrubbing the innate talents of the students and Annual Sports Day is a perfect occasion to achieve that. This year’s sports Day will be jointly celebrated with the 71st Indian Republic Day on the 26th January,2020. The students are intensely involved in making this day a memorable one. They are al into honing their sporting skills, showing their athletic prowess and getting ready with their floats for the republic day parade. The audience present will surely be mesmerized by some wonderful acts on that auspicious occasion. Here is a glimpse of how they are shaping towards making the day a memorable one.
The purpose of team building activities is to motivate people to work together, to develop their strengths, and to ad- dress any weaknesses. So, any team building exercise should encourage col- laboration rather than competition. Collaboration is much easier in an envi- ronment where there’s trust and good communication. When team members understand each other’s roles and re- sponsibilities and respect them, it’s fun to collaborate. The Tajneed leadership team of Dunes conducted team building games to the bus drivers.
The first game conducted was ‘Dodge ball’ in which they were divided into two groups and one team was to make circle and the other team was to run inside the circle. The team in the circle was to hit the ball to the runners below the knee. Second game was a penalty game where the participants had to hit the ball towards the goalpost and the opposite team member had to block it from getting into goal post The participants had lot of fun, played to win and learnt the skills of concentration and alertness. It developed a team spirit and unity among the partici- pants.
‘Morning assembly makes the Commit- students feel fresh, energetic ment is an with positive vibrations. It act, not a boosts the hidden talents of the children.’ Commit- ment is The morning assembly what trans- ,conducted by class 6 A&B, forms a Started with usual song of praise followed by health and If I am com- fitness. This had very enno- mitted there bling influence on the minds of students. To keep the students is always a updated about the current af- fairs the news reporters ren- dered the news about the hap- pening around the world. A special program was put up by the students based on the value-Commitment. A skit which performed by the class gave the audience an awareness on how individual commitment leads to a team work. The stu- dents were influenced by the explanation which stated when there is commitment towards
Students learn best when they are given a chance to think, brainstorm and share. The strategy is used to help students form individual ideas, discuss and share with the others in-group. Grade 11 students learned the elements of a complete essay and how to organ- ize and write a well developed essay meeting all the criterion while writing an essay. The activity helped them in boosting their creativity and collaboration.
The theoretical discussion is followed by a more practical part that deals with various approaches to the chemistry laboratory, the teachers ' behavior in the laboratory, assessment of students ' achievement and progress, and other related organizational and educational variables. Grade 11 and 12 students improve the practical skills in the laboratory to analyze and identify the reactions taking place be- tween chemicals and enhance the observa- tion and experimental skills.
CBSE Board Practical Exam preparations The Physics Practical For Class 12 CBSE is given here so that students can understand the experiments in a better way. Students are sug- gested to study the theory and law behind the experiment properly before performing the experiment. Grade 12 students are at the final rounds of their physics practical.
Students of Grade 10 are equip- ping themselves for their board exams by solving sample ques- tion papers in groups. This helped them to become confi- dent and recapitulate the con- cepts and it's application
**Ministry Exams Underway @Dunes *Grade 12 students who shortly are appearing for CBSE Board Exams, also appeared for Com- pulsory Ministry Exam for Arabic with utmost sincerity and diligence. Recently ADEK had made it compulsory for all students to appear for this exam without fail and therefore the students had been preparing for it with their fingers crossed.
Expo 2020 Dubai's theme, Most of us already know the importance of communication. By keeping an open line of “Connecting Minds, Creating the communication, you’ll have a better relation- Future”, will provide a platform to ship with your child and your child will come foster creativity, innovation, and to you when there’s a problem. collaboration globally. It is based But there’s another reason for communication on the belief that sharing innova- — you help your child integrate different tive ideas and building partnerships parts of his/her brain. Integration is similar to will inspire the way we shape our our body in which different organs need to co- future in the most positive way ordinate and work together to maintain a possible . healthy body. When different parts of the brain are integrated, they can function harmo- Expo Live is an innovation and part- niously as a whole, which means fewer tan- nership programme launched trums, more cooperative behavior, and more by Expo 2020 Dubai to fund, accel- empathy. To do that, talk through troubling erate and promote creative solu- experiences. Ask your child to describe what tions that improve lives while pre- happened and how he/she felt. serving the planet. Do not provide solutions. You don’t need to have all the answers to be a good parent. Just listening to them talk and asking clarifying questions will help them make sense of their experiences and integrate memories. Talk with your child and help their brains integrate. Regards Counselor Sports day and Republic day will be celebrated on 26.01.2020. Weekly test will be conducted on 27.01.2020
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