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Design. Evaluate. Learn.

Published by kane.travis, 2020-07-16 02:18:43

Description: Design. Evaluate. Learn.


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Design. Evaluate. Learn. Evaluation design and implementation services

Our business Alluvium works across a broad range of science, social science and engineering disciplines associated with catchment, coastal and river health restoration. We specialise in natural resource management and the relationships between natural assets and our rural and urban communities. We work with government and non-government organisations, and with communities and landholders to facilitate program design and evaluate the performance of government and industry investment programs. Working nationally and internationally, we have provided leadership in evidence-based evaluation for over 12 years. We facilitate program design We work with our clients to facilitate the development of program logics and theory of change. Our program models are then used as a basis for developing an integrated monitoring and evaluation framework. We develop evaluation frameworks We help to clarify the program to be evaluated and together we explore activities and success factors, outcomes, and context. We advise on the audience, appropriate scale, evaluation questions, performance criteria, indicators, data sources and methods. We extend traditional frameworks to include cost effectiveness and other metrics to embed evaluations into mainstream decision-making and investment. We deliver evaluations and audits In a collaborative process we help our clients to determine the worth and efficacy of policies, strategy, projects, programs and services. We report on the effectiveness and appropriateness and legacy of projects and programs.

Delivery team

Our work in program evaluation extends to bio physical, economics and social elements. In order to develop comprehensive evaluation frameworks and program evaluation projects we team with the best economists and social scientists available to us. Our evaluation consortium leverages the skills and experience of Natural Capital Economics (NCEconomics) and Mosaic Insights. Alluvium NCEconomics Mosaic Insights Alluvium Consulting is a leader in the provision of Natural Capital Economics brings together leading Mosaic is at the heart of a revolution in the way we catchment to coast consulting services. economists and social scientists working in the think of interactions between communities and their management of our natural resources and environment. environment. Mosaic was established to apply unique, We support our clients in resolving issues, threats and We translate and blend science and economic thinking evidence-based approach to create resilient, liveable problems associated with the natural environment and to provide unique insights for our clients. landscapes that connect people, support ecological the communities that rely on healthy ecosystems for systems and increase economic opportunities. their wellbeing. Our business is focused on helping clients understand We apply the latest tools and approaches from around and resolve the most complex and pressing challenges the world, such as the National Park Cities concept and Our capabilities span the physical and social sciences, related to climate change, natural resources and our the Co-operative Research Centre for Water Sensitive engineering catchment modelling and strategic planning. natural environment. Cities Index. We bring together leading practitioners in landscape We have specialist skills in evaluation framework and Working across business decision making, planning, ecological landscapes climate adaption, water program evaluation as it relates to catchments, rivers, microeconomics and public policy, we provide senior and social science to provide actionable insights at a agriculture and rural communities. advisory services that bring unparalleled strategic landscape scale. thinking and real-world experience to bear on problem- solving and strategiy formulation. Social surveys and data collection Bio physical consulting services Economic and social impact assessment Community and social profiling Community engagement Economics resilience assessment M & E Frameworks Cost benefit assessment Social analytics and behavioural analysis Program Evaluation Economic evaluation Economic assessment frameworks Social landscape planning Evaluation framework design Alluvium Consulting along with Natural Capital Economics (NCEconomics), Mosaic Insights and Alluvium International belong to the Alluvium Group of companies.

Fully integrated evaluation service

We have been specialising in NRM and rural program evaluation for over a decade, extending from catchments and rivers down to coastal environments. Our evaluation team includes social scientists, economists and trained evaluation staff. We have been working across Australia and in the international space to help understand the performance and effectiveness of policy, strategy and program delivery.

Value proposition

Depth Of Content Matter Intelligent Skillful Experience Experts Evaluation Questions Communication We have been specialising in NRM We have been intimately involved in Over the past decade we have become The quality of an evaluation project is and rural program evaluation for landholder engagement, community very skilled at developing effective Key directly related to the communication over a decade, extending from capacity building, land management, Evaluation Questions and blending methods used. We lead a strong catchments and rivers down to coastal resource economics, catchment and quantitative and qualitative data engagement process with intended environments. river restoration planning and works. and analysis to explain outcomes in user groups. regard to; appropriateness, impact, Our evaluation team includes social Our experience allows us to efficiently effectiveness, efficiency, and legacy. We bring a very extensive toolbox scientists, economists and highly and accurately define the causal of tried and tested research tools, trained evaluation staff. mechanisms that link interventions We have become very good at using engagement methods, surveys, with intended objectives / outcomes. quantitative and qualitative analysis in interviews and data visualisation tools. Our experience allows us to thoroughly a fit for purpose way to tell a story. and effectively establish knowledge Most simply put - we bring real world of the policy problem, map linkages experience to NRM and rural evaluation and develop effective evaluation projects. frameworks.

KEY CONTACTS Amanda Wealands David Winfield Jim Binney Amanda provides strategic advice and evaluates David Winfield is a professional evaluation practitioner, Jim is a Director of Natural Capital Economics and a programs for the natural resource and water management with over 13 years’ experience leading development of resource and environmental economic practitioner with industry. Drawing on over twelve years of experience in evaluation frameworks for policies and programs that are around 25 years of experience. Jim is one of the most waterway restoration, management and assessment, large, complex, cross-jurisdictional and multi- disciplinary. experienced economists nationally in the integration Amanda provides senior leadership in the monitoring His evaluation experience builds on 20 years’ experience of environmental values into mainstream economic and evaluation practice area at Alluvium. Amanda has in policy and program development and delivery in water, decision making and investment. Cost benefit analysis, been instrumental in the design of the monitoring and environment and natural resources issues at state and cost effectiveness analysis, and non-market valuation are reporting plan for the Australian Government Biodiversity national level. With Alluvium since 2015, David has played tools used in most of his projects. Prior to commencing Fund, and completed numerous program evaluations for a leading role advising on frameworks for monitoring, his consulting career in 2006, Jim was the Director of both commonwealth and state government agencies. evaluation, reporting and improvement (MERI) and in Economics for the Department of Natural Resources in These projects include the review of progress to achieving undertaking evaluations for policies, programs and Queensland Australia. Jim has experience across a broad targets in regional river health strategies in East Gippsland projects for New South Wales, Victoria, the Australian range of resource and environmental management and the Glenelg Hopkins regions (Victoria), evaluation Capital Territory, Queensland, the Murray-Darling Basin issues including natural areas, recreation and tourism, of the impact of NAP/NHT investment in the Fitzroy Authority (MDBA) and the Commonwealth Department of water management, catchment management, climate Basin (Queensland), assessment of progress to NSW Environment and Energy. In 2016, he was appointed to an change, coastal management, vegetation management, state-wide targets and the review of current approaches Australian Water Partnership expert team providing advice biodiversity, sustainable agriculture, sustainable to managing water for environmental benefit in the on river basin planning and institutional reform to the development, waste management, development policy, Murray-Darling Basin. Government of India, including establishing frameworks impacts of resource development projects, and natural for evaluation. capital valuation. 0404 068 585 [email protected] 0433 642 9797 0407 032 552 [email protected] [email protected]

Agata Chmielewski David Barratt Fiona Chandler Agata is a highly experienced project manager and David joined Alluvium in July 2011 after 17 years Fiona is a water and natural resource management strategist, having led a range of complex social in environmental and agricultural agencies in the specialist with more than 20 years domestic and impact, social research, evaluation and stakeholder Australian Public Service. Initially joining the Australian international work experience in government, research engagement projects that have informed the delivery Nature Conservation Agency in 1995. At Alluvium, David and private organisations. She has extensive practical of public policy, programs and infrastructure. With over has led and managed many projects on the development experience in the fields of river basin and catchment 15 years of leadership in social planning and strategic of monitoring, evaluation and reporting programs, management; water quality and river health management; policy development, Agata’s experience spans across or auditing of environmental program performance. natural systems and water resources management; urban community, government and industry both within These include the development of technical guidelines water policy and integrated water management; science Australia and internationally. She is known for her for monitoring and reporting on the performance translation and research management; stakeholder and rigorous, evidence-based approach and embedding of the Murray Darling Basin Plan, the development community engagement; and capacity development the ‘human’ element into projects. As a passionate of a monitoring and reporting framework for the at individual, organisational, and institutional scales. collaborator, Agata uses her relationship skills to Commonwealth Biodiversity Fund, and the evaluation of Fiona is recognised for her excellent communication facilitate coordinated approaches to projects, engaging five year outcomes under the Commonwealth Caring for and interpersonal skills and brings extensive program key stakeholders across all sectors, including not-for- our Country Program. David also contributed to a review evaluation skills to the team. profits, social enterprises, State and local government, of risk management frameworks for the Commonwealth and community. Environmental Water Holder and an independent 0417 386 251 evaluation of riparian enhancement investment Fiona Chandler 0422 558 070 initiatives for the Lachlan CMA. David is currently the [email protected] Regional Manger of the ACT Office. 0407 488 933 [email protected]

Demonstrated experience

Investment Program Evaluation Evaluation of Queensland Natural Caring for Our Country five-year Evaluation of the effectiveness of Resource Management Investment outcomes evaluation National Water Initiative Alluvium developed and implemented a unique Engaged to evaluate five-year outcomes under the Alluvium was engaged to undertake an evaluation of the influence of the National Water Initiative (NWI) collaborative knowledge assessment process to Commonwealth Caring for Our Country Program, on the health and condition of natural water systems. Through an extensive stakeholder engagement assess landscape scale change over a 15 year time this project delivered a comparative analysis of process we developed an understanding of the extent that the NWI has influenced the condition period for a number of NRM impact pathways across CFOC projects, with a focus on the effectiveness and and health of surface and groundwater systems and their ecosystems, and to what extent has the NWI the 14 NRM regions in Queensland. Eleven interactive appropriateness of actions funded at priority Ramsar improved efficiency and productivity of Australian water use. We also captured data on workshops involving more than 170 stakeholders and High Ecological Value Aquatic Ecosystem sites the improved capacity and resilience of Australia’s water management regime to deal with changes from federal, state and local government, and was supported by two site-based case studies. and shocks. landholders, indigenous and traditional owner The same evaluation questions and organisational groups, NRM groups, NFP and community-based data structures used for the comparative analysis action groups were delivered locally to ascertain were used for the case studies, but in addition a suite and analyse personal opinions, reflections and of information sources was interrogated in more experiences in relation to NRM achievements and depth using a range of methods, including in-depth outcomes linked to long term NRM investment. interviews with project proponents.

Monitoring and Evaluation Framework Development Evaluation framework for Environmental and reporting Evaluation framework and plan National Marine parks framework for environmental for the Bioregional Assessment watering outcomes Program Phase two In 2018, the Australian Government added 44 new The Office for the Commissioner for Environmental Alluvium worked with the Department of the marine parks to Australia’s national representative system of marine protected areas. Parks Australia Sustainability engaged Alluvium and National Capital Environment to develop a Performance Reporting engaged Alluvium to develop a Monitoring, Evaluation, Reporting and Improvement system Economics to develop a framework to evaluate Framework for the Commonwealth Government that establishes a nationally consistent process. The system consists of two key components. We and report on environmental watering outcomes Biodiversity Fund. The framework outlined the scope developed a National Framework that outlines the overall approach to monitoring, evaluation, in Victoria based on Sustainable Development and context of Biodiversity Fund monitoring and reporting and improvement for park management, and network-scale Monitoring and Evaluation Plans Goals. The framework provides the means for an reporting and described minimum expectations for that provide greater detail about the delivery of monitoring and evaluation ‘on the ground’ in each independent assessment of the Victorian approach the implementation of monitoring and reporting marine park network. to environmental water and commentary around its protocols. It was underpinned by a program logic, key effectiveness in meeting agreed objectives. This work assumptions and evaluation questions. affords transparency of outcomes and allowed the The framework guided more detailed design of Victorian government to advance its thinking and program and project monitoring and reporting approach to managing the environment. Additionally methodologies and was part of a package of the work outlined the approach to report against products that included guidelines, tools and systems environmental watering as part of the State of for monitoring, evaluation and reporting. Environment report.

Monitoring and reporting framework Evaluation plan for the fourth Basin Plan Evaluation Framework for the Biodiversity Fund tranche of the Environmental Contribution Levee Alluvium led the development of the Basin Plan Alluvium worked with the Department of M&E Framework as a background document to the the Environment to develop a Performance Alluvium was engaged to review the evaluation legislative instrument of the Basin Plan. Over a period Reporting Framework for the Commonwealth plans for eighteen initiatives funded under the of 5 years we continued to advance the framework Government Biodiversity Fund. The framework fourth tranche of the Environmental Contribution and evaluation thinking and techniques. As part of outlined the scope and context of Biodiversity Levee in Victoria and develop a whole-of- this work we developed the Technical Guidelines to Fund monitoring and reporting and described tranche evaluation plan and program logic for aid in the implementation of Chapter 13 of the Basin minimum expectations for the implementation the combined initiatives. This project required Plan, and in particular, to help agencies understand of monitoring and reporting protocols. It was a substantial amount of synthesis to develop a the requirements for monitoring and reporting underpinned by a program logic, key assumptions program logic and evaluation plan that accounted against Matters listed in Schedule 12 to the plan. and evaluation questions. The framework guided for the diverse range of initiatives that varied in We worked with the MDBA to develop a consistent, more detailed design of program and project terms of space, time and purpose. best practice, evidence based approach to monitoring and reporting methodologies and monitoring, evaluation and review for; water quality was part of a package of products that included and salinity, ecosystems, groundwater, trade and guidelines, tools and systems for monitoring, socio economic data. evaluation and reporting.

Water Management Program Evaluation Stormwater capacity needs analysis Port Phillip Bay Environmental Victorian State Environmental Management Plan Planning Policy Draft MER Plan The Stormwater Needs Analysis was an assessment of Alluvium was engaged to develop a MERI Strategy for Alluvium led development of a draft Plan for the capacity in each of 38 councils within the Melbourne the Port Phillip Bay Environmental Management Plan monitoring, evaluation and reporting of the revised State Water region to undertake stormwater management. (EMP). The purpose of the MERI strategy was to help Environmental Planning Policy (SEPP) (Waters). The Plan Alluvium was engaged to manage the delivery of the ensure ongoing commitment to the coordination needed to be fit for the purpose of the new SEPP (Waters). online survey, facilitate workshops, undertake data of MERI and embed adaptive management. We It was developed in parallel with the evolution of the analysis and report on the findings of each assessment. ran a series of workshops with the EMP agencies SEPP (Waters) reform itself, so needed to be adaptable (Melbourne Water, EPA, and DELWP) to map and principles based. The Plan was developed through The Needs Analysis tool is designed to identify the outcomes and indicators from existing programs. A engagement with DELWP and EPA key staff. Alluvium areas of stormwater management in which individual key assumption of this strategy is the dependence developed the Plan to assess and report the achievement councils have improved in capacity and the areas in of the EMP on these broader frameworks for of beneficial uses against the associated environmental which capacity can potentially increase. The results of monitoring, evaluation and reporting. Specifically, quality standards (water quality assessment), assess the process are used by Melbourne Water to prioritise the MERI Strategy proposes not to duplicate these compliance with obligations and decision rules set resources for urban stormwater management. Many programs and instead to incorporate and co-opt outlined in the draft SEPP and to evaluate the effectiveness councils indicated they intend to use the findings of them for the purposes of monitoring, evaluation and of implementation in contributing to the policy object (for their assessment to assist the development of their own reporting outcomes in Port Phillip Bay. which the MER Plan used a program logic to investigate Stormwater or Integrated Water Management Strategy. evaluation questions and identify indicators).

Rural Industries Program Evaluation Evaluation of disaster recovery Evaluation of Gippsland Lakes Evaluation of Cane Changer Program program in QLD Rescue Package Alluvium undertook an independent evaluation of a The Gippsland Lakes are a network of lakes, marshes Alluvium was engaged to undertake an independent evaluation of Project Cane Changer Program which $2.1 million NDRRA Category D Economic Recovery and lagoons in east Gippsland, Victoria, Australia was designed and delivered by Behaviour Innovation Pty Ltd, on behalf of The Office of Great Barrier Reef Package. The evaluation was commissioned by the covering an area of about 354 square kilometres. and Canegrowers. Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (DAF) to Over the years catchment land use has changed The Cane Changer program was based on a partnership with the agricultural industry to assess the overall project’s governance arrangements, with the result that nutrient exports and loads to the develop a large-scale behaviour change program the activities undertaken in the specified period, the Lakes have increased, water quality has deteriorated to encourage farmers to adopt specific actions, by immediate outcomes of these activities, and evidence and other impacts on the aquatic ecosystems of the better understanding their motivations and the that these activities have achieved the project goals Lakes has occurred. associated benefits. The Cane Changer program and objectives. Multiple lines of evidence were used focussed on six cane districts across the Wet Tropics. to inform the evaluation and answer key evaluation Alluvium was engaged to evaluate the success questions and included document review, structured of the Gippsland Lakes Rescue Package. Our role and unstructured interviews, focus groups, on- line was to review program governance, planning and survey and the development of case studies implementation with a focus on understanding the level of investment and the environmental and community benefit gained.

Catchment and River Health Program Investment Evaluation of Water Sharing Plans Capability assessment and GBR Reef Rescue Program evaluation for Basin Plan Alluvium conducted an evaluation of the inland Alluvium was engaged to assess and document the The Australian Government Reef Rescue Programme regulated river Water Sharing Plans in NSW. This monitoring, evaluation, and reporting capabilities of provided grants to individual landholder projects included evaluation of the appropriateness of all those responsible for implementing the Basin Plan and industry wide projects that aim to improve water Plan design, efficiency of implementation and monitoring and evaluation program. This extends to quality from sugarcane and grazing production effectiveness towards achieving objectives. We also the MDBA, the Commonwealth Environmental Water systems. Alluvium was engaged by Terrain NRM to developed a summary of evaluations for the major Holder, the Department of Agriculture and Water analyse 8 years of data to evaluate the success of inland regulated rivers, as well as inland groundwater Resources, and Basin State governments (the Basin the GBR Reef Rescue Program in driving sustained WSPs. We completed these comprehensive jurisdictions). change in farming practices in GBR catchments. evaluations within a compressed timeframe of Our role required a comprehensive analysis and less than two months, including sourcing data, The project assessed the current state (maturity) of interpretation of collected data to draw conclusions consultation with DPI Water officers and addressing MER capability and to identify the target state of on the extent of practice change and trends in water review comments. MER capability needed to jointly deliver the program quality outcomes, and report on the influence of from 2018 to 2026. This process documented the gap incentives and tools used by the program. between current and future needs.

Performance measures Monitoring , Evaluation, Reporting Performance objectives framework for Review of the Queensland Water and Improvement Framework for the Yarra Strategic Plan Water Modelling Network the Healthy Waterways Strategy Alluvium worked in collaboration with Melbourne In 2018 Alluvium worked with Melbourne Water The Queensland Water Modelling Network Water and the community to develop the inaugural to develop a monitoring evaluation reporting established in 2017 fills critical research gaps in framework for the monitoring, evaluation, reporting and improvement plan, including the strategic Queensland’s water modelling capability and and improvement program for the Healthy identification of performance objectives and targets support greater use of water modelling by policy Waterways Strategy. The MERI framework will enable for the Yarra Strategic Plan.The Yarra Strategic Plan makers. This is being achieved through providing regional partners to track progress of performance performance objectives were developed with the tools, information and collaborative programs to objectives, waterway conditions and values targets Yarra Collaboration Committee and project team. support best practice use of water models, and outlined in the Strategy. Development of the MERI The performance objective were guided by the promoting the uptake of results by policy makers framework included co- designing elements of the draft community vision and aligned with Healthy and managers.Alluvium were engaged to complete a framework with catchment collaboration forums and Waterways Strategy performance objectives. They formal stocktake of the first four years of the QWMN the regional leadership group. considered future scenarios including a climate covering effectiveness and efficacy in project design change and population growth scenario for 2030 and delivery, governance and outreach to justify and based on current best practice and included a degree inform the design of the next phase of the network. of flexibility to support emergent activities such as The project provided initial evidence of the QWMN community initiatives. impact as well as a comprehensive and strategic monitoring and evaluation framework for its future.

CONTACT US Melbourne 03 9421 2532 Canberra 02 6249 7475 Sydney 02 7201 8414 Brisbane 07 3257 1628 Newcastle 02 7201 8414 Townsville 07 3257 1628 Byron Bay 0401 048 241 New Dehli +91 98119 30902

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