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Published by jani tavandikar, 2020-08-18 03:41:21

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The Galaxy Chronicles The Galaxy Chronicles Monthly Magazine 2020 - 21 RKL Galaxy International School Building,On S.No 149/5, Opp. Alankapurm Society, Wadmukhwadi, Alandi Road, Pune 412105 [email protected] +91 9637339988 / 8698360005 / 06 1

The Galaxy Chronicles CEO Message Dear all, I am delighted to present to you yet another successful edition of The Galaxy Chronicles. Our excitement is because of the great successes we have had over the last two years. I would like to take this opportunity to talk about our education system and reiterate the importance of schools and quality education. Schools exert great influence upon us. They shape our character, mould our mental attitudes and build the foundation for the basic principles of life. A good education is essential for every individual and collectively for the society. . It is a school of 21st century where everyone is inspired to learn and come there because they love it and not because they have to. That in brief is the genesis of RKL Galaxy International School that took its first baby step in 2017, safe and secure from day one; bubbling with energy, wonderful workable ideas and grit to make it through, The school will grown from strength to strength. It is committed to provide the best quality education to kids of Pune & PCMC area and mentor them to be versatile human beings by exposing them to various walks of life, global best practices and innovative initiatives thus get them ready to take up challenges of life. 2

The Galaxy Chronicles COO Message 3

The Galaxy Chronicles Miniature Pain ngs History In India Origin and evolu on of Indian Miniature Pain ngs Miniature paintings are beautiful and captures details precisely. They unravels stories The evolution of Miniature paintings in India captured with infinitesimal and intricate details. can be traced back to the 7th century AD under The world of Miniature Paintings is a the patronage of the Palas of Bengal. kaleidoscope of history, scriptures and spans Buddhist and Jainism Contribution to ages. Miniature Paintings Miniature paintings are colorful handmade Later Buddhist texts and scriptures were paintings of small size and thus the name illustrated on 3-inch-wide palm leaf 'Miniature' defines them. Delicate brushwork, a manuscripts, with images of Buddhist deities. spectacular blend of colours and graceful Pala art was defined by subdued colours and forms are characteristics of miniature sinuous lines, evocative of the murals in Ajanta paintings. The art is very delicate and need expertize precision. Artist even today uses the brushes made up of squirrel hair for this art form. Miniature paintings abounds minute photographic details, capturing even the hair on a character. Materials used for Miniature While it was Buddhism in the east, Jainism Pain ngs inspired the miniature artistic movement of the Western Indian style of miniature painting. This Artists over a span of eras used different form was dominated in the regions of materials like palm leaves, paper, wood, Rajasthan, Gujarat and Malwa, during 12th-16th marble, ivory panels and cloth. For colouring century AD. Jain manuscripts exhibits Organic and natural minerals like stone dust, exaggerated physical traits, vigorous lines and real gold and silver dusts have been used to bold colours. . create the exquisite colours. Even the paper used is not ordinary as it is polished with stone to render a smooth non porous surface. 4

The Galaxy Chronicles reign painters began giving importance to values and the changes introduced by kings for portraiture. Some of the well-known miniature the betterment of society. The background of artists of Shah Jahan's rule were Bichiter, Anup the paintings formed a special feature of the Chattar, Chaitaraman, Inayat, Mohammed Rajasthani school. Colors used were often bold Nadir of Samarquand and Makr. In addition to and contrasting in nature. Natural colors, portaiture, many paintings of the period depict extracted from plants, minerals, shells, gold, groups of ascetics and mystics and several silver and precious stones, were used. The illustrated manuscripts. preparation of colors itself would often take Rajasthani Miniature Art weeks and only fine brushes were used. Due to declined patronage during the reign of Aurangzeb, many artists proficient in Mughal Miniature Art migrated to other princely courts. Subsequently, Rajput miniature painting developed in the modern day Rajasthan in the 17th-18th century. Unlike Mughal miniature art, which depicted Pahari Era of Miniature Paintings royal life, Rajasthani miniatures focused Pahari Era of miniature painting encompasses around the love stories of Lord Krishna and the the 17th century A.D. These paintings mythological literature of Ramayana and originated in the kingdoms of North India, in the Mahabharata, created as manuscripts and Himalayan region. Influenced by the Mughal decorative paintings for palaces and forts. School and the Rajasthani School of miniature Many distinct schools of Rajasthani miniature paintings, the Pahari style of paintings art were established, like the schools of Mewar flourished in the Jammu and Garhwal regions School, Marwar School, Hadoti School, from 17th to 19th centuries. The Pahari School Dhundar School, Kangra and Kullu Schools of of paintings gave rise to various other art, Bundi-Kota, Kishangarh and Amber. schools.Some of the most important schools of Different Rajasthani kingdoms had their own paintings under Pahari paintings are Guler distinct style but the salient features were School, Basohli School, Garhwal School, common. Apart from the depiction of epic Chamba School and Kangra School. Each and stories from like the Ramayana and the royal every style of painting has its distinct features, lifestyle of kings and queens, Rajasthani but the portrayal of gods and goddesses is one miniature paintings often portrayed the legacy of present and past rulers. Along with preserving heritage they also portrayed social 5

The Galaxy Chronicles The Mughal Influence Miniature Art flourished under the Mughal reign during 16th-18th century AD. During this period the art witnessed a rapid evolution and glorious history of Indian art. The Mughal style was an amalgamation of religion, culture and tradition. . During this period Persian and older styles blended with local Indian art to create a highly detailed and rich art form. Persian Influence During 15th Century A.D. the palm leaves were replaced by paper. This was during arrival of Persian influences in the 15th century. Also the hunting scenes and varied facial types started appearing along with the use of rich aquamarine blues and golden colour. Under Emperor Akbar, portraitures documenting palace life, hunting expeditions, wild life, war glory, emperor courts and the various achievements of royalty became a prominent feature. After Akbar, Emperor Jahangir's reign saw more refinement and charm in the style along with the introduction of many elements of nature. Introduction of European paintings techniques such as shading and perspectives was also witnessed at a later stage within these paintings. Since the Mughal rule saw various emperors, the style of miniature paintings differed with emperors. While Humayun and Jahangir encouraged paintings that portrayed events from their respective life, in Shah Jahan's 6

The Galaxy Chronicles of the most common features of the Pahari Few Miniature Paintings made by me School of miniature painting. The scenic beauty of the Himalayas was also often depicted in these paintings. While usage of bold and contrasting colors shows the influence of Rajasthani School of miniature paintings, heavily decorated frames and borders exhibits the influence of the Mughal School. Deccani Style The miniature art form evolved further during 1th to 19th Century in regions of Bijapur, Ahmednagar, Golkonda and Hyderabad. In the beginning, this style developed independent of Mughal influences. It was an art form that was an idiom of Islamic painting combining European, Iranian and Turkish influences. Paintings of this era revolved around text illumination and decoration of the Holy Quran and the Surahs. Later, more indigenous art forms, romantic elements and Mughal art were amalgamated into the art form. - Shruti Bisaria Today, a lot of the preserved miniature paintings are found in museums and in old forts of Rajasthan, Gujarat etc. The art is still practiced in a few regions in India, sometimes under the patronage of royal families, but not with the same level of detail as the original paintings. Though its practice may have waned, miniature art has a distinguished place in history, as a chronicler of knowledge passed through the ages. 7

The Galaxy Chronicles - Meghana barge 8

The Galaxy Chronicles History of Maharashtra Maharashtra is a state in the western region of India. It is India's second-most populous state and third-largest state by area, and includes the major cities of Mumbai, Pune, Nashik and Nagpur. The region that comprises the state has a long history dating back to the 4th century BCE, although the present-day state was not established until 1960 CE. From the 4th century BCE until 875, Maharashtri Prakrit and its Apabhraṃśas (dialects) were the dominant languages of the region. The Marathi language, which evolved from Maharashtri Prakrit, has been the common language from the 9th century. The oldest stone inscriptions in the Marathi language date to around 975 AD,[1] and can be seen at Shravanabelgola in modern-day Karnataka at the foot of the Bahubali Statue. Maharashtra was historically the name of a region which consisted of Aparanta, Vidarbha, Mulak, Assaka (Ashmaka) and Kuntala. Tribal communities of Bhil people inhabited this area, also known as Dandakaranya, in ancient times. There was also an ancient race called \"Rattha\" (र in Marathi), who referred to themselves as \"Maharattha\" (Maha is Great). The name Maharashtra first appeared in the 7th century in the account of a contemporary Chinese traveler, Huan Tsang. In the early modern period, the region of Maharashtra came under the rule of several Islamic dynasties, including the Deccan Sultanates and Mughal Empire. For part of 17th century and most of 18th century, the region became a base for the Maratha Empire, which conquered large parts of India before being defeated by the British. The British ruled parts of Maharashtra for more than a century until 1947. After independence from the British, the state of Maharashtra was formed in 1960 after a prolonged campaign to create a Marathi speaking state in the 1950s. - Vinayashri Mardhekar 9

The Galaxy Chronicles Being Honest..!! Swami Vivekananda said that we must follow the way of truth. He was so adorable by his voice from childhood. Everyone kept hearing him whenever he used to speak. One day in School, Swami and his friends were gossiping in the class. Swami was telling them a story and everyone in the group was busy listening him so carefully that they didn't notice when teacher came. As their teacher started teaching, he heard some gossip. Then he saw that some students including swami were gossiping in each other. He got angry and asked them questions from chapter. No one gave the answer then he asked Vivekananda and he answered very well so teacher thought he wouldn't be the one gossiping with them so he told him to sit and rest of them to stand up on the bench. Then Swami said that he was also the one gossiping with them and telling them a story. So, it's his fault that he was talking during the class. Everyone including teacher in the class got surprised seeing this obsession of Swami Vivekananda. 10

The Galaxy Chronicles पचं तं क कहानी: मखू ा ण और तीन ठग कसी गांव म एक ा ण रहता था. एक दन वो दावत म गया जहां उसे यजमान से एक बकरा िमली. वो ख़शी ख़शी उसको लेकर अपने घर जा रहा था. रा ता लंबा और सुनसान था. आगे जाने पर रा ते म उसको ठग ने दखे ा और सोचा क य न इससे यह बकरा हिथया िलया जाये. तीन ठग ने ा ण के कं धे पर बकरे को दखे कर उसे हिथयाने क योजना बनाई. जसै े ही ा ण आगे गया एक ठग ने ा ण को रोककर कहा, “अरे पिं डत जी यह या अनथ कर रहे ह? आप अपने कं धे पर या उठा कर ले जा रहे ह? आप तो ा ण ह और ा ण होकर कु े को कं ध पर बठै ा कर ले जा रहे ह.” ा ण ने ोिधत होकर उसे िझड़कते ए कहा, “पागल है या? या अंधा हो गया ह?ै दखाई नह दते ा यहकु ा नह बकरा ह.ै ” पहले ठग ने फर कहा, “खरै मरे ा काम आपको बताना था. अगर आपको कु ा ही अपने कं ध पर ले जाना है तो मुझे या? आप जान और आपका काम.” थोड़ी दरू चलने के बाद ा ण को दसू रा ठग िमला. उसने ा ण को रोका और कहा, “पंिडत जी या हो गया है आपको? ा ण होकर मरी ई बिछया को कं धे पर लादकर ले जा रहे ह? उ कु ल के लोग को या यह शोभा दते ा ह?ै ” पंिडत उसे भी िझड़क कर आगे बढ़ गया. आगे जाने पर उसे तीसरा ठग िमला. उसने भी ा ण को टोका और कहा क इस गधे को कं धे पर य ले जा रहे हो? ा ण अब घबरा गया. उसको लगा क ये ज़ र कोई मायावी जीव ह,ै जो बार बार प बदल रहा ह,ै वरना इतने सारे लोग झूठ य बोलग?े थोड़ी दरू जाकर, उसने बकरे को कं धे से उतार दया और आगे बढ़ गया. इधर तीन ठग ने उस बकरे को हिथया िलया और उस ा ण क मूखता पर उनको हसं ी भी आई. सीख: कहते ह क कसी झठू को बार-बार बोलने से वह सच क तरह लगने लगता ह,ै इसिलए अपने दमाग से काम ल और अपने आप पर िव ास कर. 11

The Galaxy Chronicles POEM First Day In School I am excited for my first day in a school. I want to meet my classmates and make a new friends. I want to draw and write, sing a song, love to dance and play with my friends. I hope my teacher and principal is a kind. I have lots of think in my mind. But I am excited as well as worried but I have to fun in my lovely school. LIFE ZLife is short enjoy it, Life gives mo va on follow it, Life is goodness aquire it, Life is love spread it, Life is health take care of it, Life is mother nature nourish it, life is just being yourself, just live it. - Divya R Pise mother of Lavanya R Pise 12

The Galaxy Chronicles Painting PRISHA KHALKAR GRADE 3 LILY Avani Amit Tanksale SAARTH POTDAR LKG JASMIN Grade 5 JASMIN 13

The Galaxy Chronicles Painting SAARTH POTDAR GRADE 4 SAEE CHIMEGAWE GRADE 4 14

The Galaxy Chronicles Painting - POOJA DAREKAR Aarvi Ughade GRADE 4 15

The Galaxy Chronicles Annual Day 16

The Galaxy Chronicles Annual Day 17

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