DUNES INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL Volume 4 issue 1 ACADEMIC SESSION 2019-2020 Reminders Sneak Peek 1st to 5th September2019 Registration for admissions to the next academic session 2020- Glimpse of the week 21 has been started. Parents can apply online through our school website. for their wards . Welcome Back To School- Students should wear id card everyday and come in a neat and A very warm welcome back to Dunes Inter- complete uniform, with a proper hair and nail trim. national School. We are very proud to serve and to be leading an ambitious school with ASSETexamismandatoryfromgrade3to9.Submit theconsent huge potential. These are exciting times for form and money to your class teacher latest by Tuesday 10th the school and for the Dunes Learning Trust September , 2019. and we are delighted to be taking the school into the next chapter in its history . Enrollyourselfforthe literary fest competitions . Teacher’s Day Celebration- Hindi weekly test will be conducted on 15 September, 2019 Children celebrated teachers day with great enthusiasm and to be thankful to all the teachers for all their hard work and efforts they have put in, for edu- cating . A teacher affects eternity; he/ she can never tell where his influence stops. we celebrate Teacher's Day be- cause teachers have been the architect of the society and without them no so- ciety can walk in the path of progres- sion. Dunes International School cele- brated 5th of September as Teachers Day with great enthusiasm.
Learning Knitting is really a life skill. It not only engages our body but also enforces mind fullness meditation .Knitting is calming, relaxing, and keeps us centered because of its repetitive rhythmic move- ments, which can help prevent and man- age stress, pain and depression, which in turn strengthens the body’s immune sys- tem. In early 2018, a group of ladies came to- gether to channel their knitting hobby into something more focused and useful. They started a knit-a-thon exercise, aim of which is to knit a specific number of blankets and distribute them to charities worldwide that look after young children. In parallel, the group has decided to compete for the Guinness World Record for the World's largest hand-knitted blan- ket. Apart from that, this Knit-a-thon will also seek to set two new Guinness World records viz. (i) blanket with the maximum number of knitted hearts and (ii) the world's heaviest blanket. The students, parents and teachers of Dunes International School also took ini- tiative and became a part of this great world record event.
Ice-Breaker Activities An icebreaker is a facilitation exercise intended to help members of a group begin the process of forming them- selves into a team. Icebreakers are com- monly presented as a game to \"warm up\" the group by helping the members to get to know each other. It’s a great way to boost morale. After a relaxing vacation grade 4 stu- dents were given icebreaker activities which helped them to strengthen their bond, stimulate better brainstorming and create an atmosphere of inclusivi- ty .
Assembly by the Teachers Teachers of grade 1 to 5 prepared a special Assembly for welcom- ing the students to develop a sense of unity and hope among the students and teach- ers. It gives an insight into school happen- ings as well as other events and communi- cates important information and announce- ments to the children and teachers. This al- lows children from different year groups to gather together and learn from each other about a variety and values of different top- ics and themes.
Team Building Activity Why is teamwork im- portant? It does not mean everybody can do each oth- er’s work, it is more about synergy whereby the sum is greater than the parts. If properly developed, teamwork maximizes strengths, bringing out the collective best out- comes. Just as it is one thing to join a team, but quite another to per- form as a team member, so it is that a team without teamwork does not work. This activity is all about team performance.
French Mes Vacances Getting back from the holidays into the classroom to work can be a challenging thing. The children have probably accu- mulated a lot of great memories about their holidays. Maybe some of them went on trips or visited their grandpar- ents. Getting back from the holidays into the classroom to work can be a challenging thing. The children have probably accumulated a lot of great memories about their holidays. Maybe some of them went on trips or visited their grandparents. Experience shows that this activity is really fun for the stu- dents because they are asked to share positive memories and tell the class about what they did during the holidays thereby learning new vocabulary in the language.
Science The key to healthy eating is to en- joy a variety of nutritious foods from each of the 5 food groups. It displays the 5 food groups on a plate, in the proportion that you should be eating them throughout your day. If you eat a variety of foods from each of these groups, your body will receive all the nu- trients and vitamins it needs to function Students of grade 4 were able to identify different food groups, its nutrients and were able to list out its functions.
Maths Finding Equivalent fraction by folding pa- pers: To become effective users of multiplication and division, students need to develop an under- standing of the role of factors in these opera- tions. The relationship between division and frac- tions is also an important one to identify. This practical activity helps students to start exploring such relationships. Prior to learning procedures for finding equivalent fractions, students should have an understanding of parts of whole, com- paring and ordering fractions and identifying and describing fractions. Students should be familiar with viewing pictorials of items divided up into equal parts and explaining how many parts are shaded in, and be able to identify equal parts of a whole. These experiences build background for the common denominator algorithm. Grade 4 students did the equivalent fraction activity by folding the paper.
Hindi Grade 4 students were learning about good manners what they have learnt from their parents . The objective of this activity was to make students know about good manners in Hindi language . All students have the knowledge about this topic . Most of the students has drawn about good manners and fill the color and after that they have written in Hindi language . Few of them spoken some sentences about good manners why its important in life . Moreover, some of them have spoken about their experience . All were excited to speak and share their knowledge about good manners.
Music Keeping a beat is very important, which is what the stu- dents are learning. Pace and patience go hand in hand and helps in mind and body, keeping control of motor skills.
Year Of Tolerance Counsellor Desk Tolerance is respecting, ac- Giving kids happy, healthy childhoods could set cepting and understanding them up for success in life. Raising happy kids isn’t individuals regardless of about giving them momentary pleasure or imme- cultural differences. With diate gratification. In fact, it’s quite the opposite. 2019 being declared as the Happy kids have a skill set that allows them to en- Year of Tolerance, our focus joy long-term happiness in life. They’re able to is directed towards learning pass up instant gratification in an effort to reach and teaching tolerance and their goals. respect. These values, when present, help create a Help your kids develop these skills by adopting peaceful multicultural com- healthy, lifelong habits. munity. Understanding and respecting other cultures is What's next a big part of becoming a tolerant person. When to- Sunday 08.09.2019 day’s youngsters become tomorrow’s leaders, it is Academic Enhancement vital that they have clear moral values – a sense of Sunday 08.09.2019 what is right and wrong, what does damage and Grand Parents’ Day what is beneficial, and they will need sufficient self- “Lights! Camera! Action!” esteem to be confident in promoting their values but Sunday 08.09.2019 To listening to the views of others. That way, we can be Thursday 12.09.2019 hopeful of peace and pros- perity for the maximum Literary Fest - number of people, wherev- er they live in the world.” . Preliminary round
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