DUNES INTERNATIONALSCHOOL Volume 4 Issue 1 ACADEMIC SESSION 2019-2020 1 to 5 September Sneak Peek REMINDER Welcome back to School Registration for admissions to A very warm welcome back to Dunes Inter- the next academic session 2020- national School. We are very proud to serve and 21 has been started. Parents can to be leading an ambitious school with huge po- apply online through our school tential. These are exciting times for the school website. for their wards . and the Dunes learning Trust and we are delight- Students should wear id card ed to be taking the school into the next chap- everyday and come in a neat and ter in its history. complete uniform, with a proper hair and nail trim. ASSET exam is mandatory from grade 3 to 9. Submit the consent form and money to your class teacher latest by Tuesday 10th September , 2019. Enroll yourself for the literary fest competitions Teacher’s Day Celebration Children celebrated teachers day with great enthusiasm and to be thankful to all the teachers for all their hard work and efforts they have put in, for edu- cating . A teacher affects eternity; he/she can never tell where his influence .
Ice breaker activities conducted for stu- dents to feel a lot more enthused and comfortable about learning. Students enjoyed their inter- action and were en- gaged in the activi- ties.
Teachers prepared a special Assembly for wel- coming the students to develop a sense of uni- ty and hope among the students and teachers. It gives an insight into school happenings as well as other events and communicates important information and announce- ments to the children and teachers. This allows children from different year groups to gather together and learn from each other about a variety and values of different topics and themes.
Thapasya 3A Inaya 3B Shivani 3C
Laboratory and practical classes are an important opportunity for students to actively test experimentally the concepts and methods introduced in lectures and tutorials. Lab work help students learn scientific concepts and to enhance students' interest, motivation, practi- cal skills and problem solving abilities. Stu- dents of grade 3 went to biolab in order to learn about the skeletal ,muscular and circula- tory systems. They got an opportunity to see the models of each system and identify the different parts and explain its function in dif- ferent systems.
Activity : Complete the multiplication grid Knowing the multiplication tables supports mathematical learn- ing and und understanding. The activity helped students to learn ,revise, extend their understanding multiplication facts and to discover different types of patterns in multiplication. An empty multiplication grid had been given to the m to practice answering the questions, timing themselves to see how much they can com- pete in a given time period.
The objective of this activity was to make students know dry fruits name in Hindi language . The students learned about various dry fruits . All students have the knowledge about this topic . Most of the students has drawn dry fruits and filled the color and after that they have written name in Hindi language . They spoke some sentences about dry fruits and their favorite ones. All were ecstatic to do this activity.
Figure drawing Art is important because it encom- passes all the developmental domains in child development. It lends itself to physical develop- ment and the enhancement of fine and gross mo- tor skills Students learned to draw the basic shapes and figures step by step. They understood the proportions and parts of the body.
Students learned the lyrics and melody of the school song and practiced to sing properly and in tune. Students who have musical training will de- velop the areas of the brain re- lated to language and reason- ing. The left side of the brain is better developed with music, and songs can help imprint in- formation on young minds. An enjoyable subject like music can keep kids interested and engaged in school. Students learn the lyrics and melody of the school song and practice to sing properly and in tune.
Swimming keeps child's heart and lungs healthy, improves strength and flexibility, in- creases stamina and even improves balance and posture. Students glided as far as they could, kicked to maintain momentum and start- ed their full stroke once they broke the surface. They also learned other swimming techniques and practiced them.
Learning Knitting is really a life skill. It not only engages our body but also enforces mind fullness meditation .Knitting is calming, relaxing, and keeps us centered because of its repetitive rhythmic movements, which can help prevent and manage stress, pain and depression, which in turn strengthens the body’s immune system. In early 2018, a group of ladies came together to channel their knitting hobby into something more focused and useful. They started a knit-a-thon exercise, aim of which is to knit a specific number of blankets and distribute them to charities worldwide that look after young children. In parallel, the group has decided to compete for the Guin- ness World Record for the World's largest hand-knitted blanket. Apart from that, this Knit-a-thon will also seek to set two new Guinness World records viz. (i) blanket with the maximum number of knitted hearts and (ii) the world's heaviest blanket. The students, parents and teachers of Dunes International School also took initiative and became a part of this great world record event.
Year of Tolerance Counsellor Desk The announcement from the UAE’s wise Giving kids happy, healthy childhoods leadership of 2019 as the Year of Toler- could set them up for success in life. Rais- ance invited all people, organisations and ing happy kids isn’t about giving them mo- government entities to accept the values mentary pleasure or immediate gratifica- of tolerance in all aspects of their lives, tion. In fact, it’s quite the opposite. Happy actions and activities. It presents an op- kids have a skill set that allows them to en- portunity for the country to strengthen joy long-term happiness in life. They’re its role as a world model of harmony, re- able to pass up instant gratification in an spect and acceptance within a framework effort to reach their goals. that formally supports and consolidates these progressive values. Help your kids develop these skills by The UAE has established itself as a bridge adopting healthy, lifelong habits of communication between the peoples of the world and, since its establishment, has created an open, respectful environ- ment that rejects extremism and pro- motes cultural tolerance. What Next Sunday Academic Enhancement 08.09.2019 Grand Parents’ Day Sunday “Lights! Camera! Action!” 08.09.2019 Literary Fest - To Preliminary round Thursday 12.09.2019
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