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Published by jasonaeisner, 2017-05-06 06:33:01

Description: BQ2373 18 pg booklet_no trim_single pages HR 200616


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Q: Ask yourself these questions: Why are some businesses more successful than others, when their product or service isn’t that different? What is it that separates and differentiates one business from another? Why can a competitor overtake you when your product or service is comparable, if not better than theirs? How is it that a newcomer can enter your category and almost overnight erode your customer base with a product or service that has not yet stood the test of time? Why can some companies demand and receive a premium price for their product, when you are bending over backwards defending your pricing position? 2

A: The answers of course may be manifold. But increasingly, as products become more similar, imported copy-cats flood the market and competitive advantages become more difficult to gain, the answer is likely to be found in two words: Brand Strategy. But what exactly is a brand strategy and why doesn’t every business have one? 3

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When your product is perfected; 5When your sales team is as good as it can be;When your supply chain is in place;What else can you do and where else can youlook for improvement?The answer is the only place you have left:A BRAND STRATEGY.One of the most common marketing mistakes we witness almost daily,is companies who expend valuable time and marketing dollars onmarketing ‘tactics’ before they have a clearly defined and understoodmarketing strategy.“Tactics without strategyis the noise before defeat.” BrandQuest specialise in developing marketing strategies designed tohave you marketing more effectively in less than 8 weeks.With a fully developed marketing strategy, you can confidentlycommission and undertake marketing execution assured that the‘right message’ will be delivered to the ‘right target’ with a consistentpersonality and disciplined communications to ensure maximum impactand resonance of your marketing initiatives and investment.


THE BENEFITS OFINVESTING IN YOUR BRANDA BRAND INCREASES A BRAND IMPROVESSALES. PROFIT.Through generating leads by By converting increased and bettercommunicating a message that impacts qualified leads into increased sales youwith better-qualified customers and will improve profit. Reducing wastagedifferentiates you from your competitors. through more focused targeting and accuracy of delivering ‘the right message’A brand retains customer loyalty. to ‘the right customer’ segments results in improved marketing to sales ratio.Loyal customers become your best (andcheapest) sales force by extolling your A BRAND BUILDS VALUE.virtues to others. A values brand keepsthe customers coming back – easing the Increased profits as a result of increasedpressure on your marketing efforts and sales due to more efficient and effectivebudget – lowering your total cost of sale marketing will drive up value. Moreand increasing your profit margins. importantly, your brand’s value can demand higher multiples if, and when youA brand provides permission for are ready to sell or be acquired.premium pricing. Think and treat your brand as a tangibleRecognised and understood brands asset, and remember, like a child a brandcommand higher prices due to perceived needs to be carefully nurtured, caredbrand brand benefits and trust. for, protected and managed with great discipline to reach maturity and to realiseA brand differentiates you from your its full potential.competitors. 7Your product, company or service canstand out from the competition, imbuedwith special qualities and attributes thatare ‘yours alone’.

THE SECRET TOMARKETING SUCCESSThe secret is...there is no secret.There are no ‘smoke and mirrors’, althoughsome would have you believe in some kindof magical wizardry.The truth is that Marketing is no differentto any other business discipline, in that itrequires hard work along with some hardtruths to achieve the outcome you seek.The BrandQuest Marketing Program willclearly identify for all key stakeholderswithin your business:Q 1. WHERE DO YOU WANT TO BE?Q 2. WHAT DO YOU NEED TO SAY ?Q 3. HOW SHOULD YOU SAY IT?Q 4. HOW YOU DO WHAT YOU SAY?Q 5. WHEN SHOULD YOU SAY IT? 8

A FRAMEWORK THAT REMOVESSUBJECTIVITY & INCONSISTENCYFROM ALL FUTURE MARKETINGCOMMUNICATIONS WE CALL IT THE BRANDQUEST ‘BRAND CANVAS’TMThe Brand CanvasTM is ‘framed’ by the answers to two BrandQuestions.These answers provide the necessary discipline for the creative development andconsistent communication of all future marketing tactics. By framing (and assessing)ALL future marketing tactics through the lens of the agreed BrandCanvasThe discipline achieved through the Brand Canvas provides two important outcomes: 1. you avoid the behaviour of a schizophrenic marketer and, 2. it overcomes internal subjectivity, arguments and debateConsistency and discipline are fundamental to building a successful brand. 9Discovering the answers that frame the BrandCanvas will ensure all futuremarketing tactics are ‘on strategy’ and aligned to the objective.

ASK YOURSELFTHESE QUESTIONSCan you answer the following unequivocally– and as importantly, will the people whoare charged with ‘customer contact’ in yourorganization provide the same answers as you?What is the market that you Have you created a point ofcompete in? Why is this so? difference or competitive advantage for your product asHow are the customer segments distinct from your competitors?within that market defined anddelineated? Do your customers understand your distinctive point ofDo you know which segment difference that separates yourhas the most potential for your product or service from those ofproduct or service? your competitors?Within those segments who is What is the essence of youryour company’s key or core target brand? The ‘DNA’? What is it thatcustomer? really makes you ‘tick’?How does your Company position Can all staff simply explain; whatitself to this target customer? you do, why you do it, who you do it for and what the benefit ofWho else has or is likely to target your product or service is?the same customer segment?The BrandQuest Brand Strategy Program unlocks 10the answers to these questions (and more) inorder for your company to create a sustainable,competitive and robust Brand.

HOW IT WORKSThe proprietary BrandQuest Brand Strategy process consists of 4 steps:Step 1 Today APPROVAL TO PROCEEDAn initial background research project across Confirmation of approval andmanagement, staff and (if required customers) in setting of workshop date 7 DAYS PRIORthe form of an online questionnaire that can provide TO WORKSHOPcritical and important ‘information and intelligence’ Pre-Strategyfor integration into the brand marketing strategy Research FULL DAY STRATEGYStep 2 Online research questionnaire DEVELOPMENT for workshop attendees, WORKSHOPAn intensive, full day brand strategy development staff and selected clientsworkshop with the key stakeholders and managers 10 WORKINGof your business who are charged with taking the Strategy DAYS AFTERcompany into the future. Workshop WORKSHOPStep 3 Intensive full-day workshop ONGOING to be attended by key UNTIL 100%Presentation and inclusive debate of your proposed client stakeholders STAKEHOLDERbrand strategy including recommendations to AGREEMENTachieve your marketing objectives. Strategy Presentation 4 WORKING DAYSThe robust discussion on the strategy continues in AFTER FINALa collaborative manner until complete agreement BrandQuest present FEEDBACKis reached on the finalised Brand Strategy, at which research findings andpoint BrandQuest will prepare and finalise for comprehensive brandhandover. strategy with recommended tactics to take to market Client Strategy feedback Client response to BrandQuest for refinement (if needed) and updating of strategic document to final Final approved Brand Strategy Document handoverStep 4Once the Brand Strategy is agreed the implementation of the strategy into market isprepared either through existing internal capabilities or externally by BrandQuest or other. 11

ODEULRIVCEORRAEBLES At the conclusion of the BrandQuest Brand Strategy Program (usually completed within 4 weeks) you will have a clearly developed, fully understood and agreed brand strategy – aligned across the organisation – ready for implementation that will clarify: 1. Where are you headed? – future vision in metrics 2. What you need to say? – core message that will resonate with the target market/s a. What market are you in? – your market b. Who you need to say it to? – your target customer c. What makes you different - core competitive advantages 3. How you should say it? - brand essence to ensure consistent execution 4. How you do what you say? a. B rand audit once the above is agreed all current marketing assets can be audited b. B rand planning – actionable marketing recommendations required to achieve the future vision 5. W hen to say it? – prioritised tactics to reach the target market for increased awareness and acquisition The above will be delivered in a Brand Book in both hard and soft copy for internal reference and as a ‘work-in-progress’ management tool. 12

HIGH-END OUTCOMESAt the conclusion of the BrandQuest process you willhave an agreed Brand Strategy that will provide thefoundations to build a leading brand.At its most basic, the BrandQuest program willprovide you with the following:1. CLARITY: • A lignment across and throughout the company of your future direction (Brand Vision), who you are and what you will stand for in order to achieve your objectives as a brand • a clear understanding of your markets and target customer/s • a message that engages the target customer and articulates why they should buy from you2. CONSISTENCY: • a brand positioning/proposition, personality, tone and manner to ensure you consistently deliver your message across all mediums3. DIRECTION: • strategically lead marketing tactics to reach your customer for increased brand awareness and sales 13

TEN WAYS YOU’LL KNOW WHENBRANDQUEST HAS TRANSFORMEDYOUR BUSINESS INTO A BRAND:1. You’ll know exactly where to 6. New products that appeal tofind your best and most profitable current customer needs will gaincustomers and how you can identify traction and buy-in easier and faster.more just like them. 7. Your company becomes ‘better2. Your customers have a clear understood’ as a result of yourunderstanding of why they purchase ‘brand awareness’ and is thereforefrom you (as opposed to your more attractive to potential staff.competitors) and value the reasons. 8. All staff understand your brand’s3. All marketing communications positioning. The brand essence/DNAare totally integrated and consistent permeates the business, its products,to maximise effectiveness and communications, personality andrelevance at all and every customer staffing, look and feel.‘contact’ point. 9. Your company is more resilient to4. All marketing investment delivers competitive attack, while at the samea cumulative and compounding time your brand value builds equityeffect and return on your capital in the business which in turn createsinvestment. long-term value for shareholders.5. You can more easily ‘stretch’ your 10. Every staff member can tell theproduct or services with similar identical story about your businessproduct lines or sub-brands that cost - whether it be to friends, family,less to penetrate their target market. colleagues or potential customers. 14

YOUR BRANDQUESTSTRATEGY PLANNERSGraeme Gladman Jason EisnerGraeme is a founding principal and Jason Eisner is a founding principalcreator of BrandQuest. and creator of BrandQuest.Graeme has been Creative Director Jason has over 15 years of strategicfor such Australian icon brands as marketing and operations experienceMyer/Grace Bros, Beaurepaires, Amcal in both senior management andChemists, Composite Buyers, Mazda, consulting and advisory capacity. HeBP, OPSM, Katies Fashions, Bendigo has a strong mix of both online anBank, Commercial Union Insurance offline business experience havingand Optus Retail to name a few. worked extensively in Australia andFrom large multinational brands to the US.independent locally owned companiesGraeme has helped develop winning Over this time he has worked forstrategies and business building large corporates as well as numerouscampaigns with consistency. SME companies providing him with a unique business perspective.With 25 years experience as a Director,Managing Director and Creative He has gained extensive strategyDirector in multinational advertising and marketing consulting experienceagencies such as Young & Rubicam from both Andersen/Accenture andMattingly, George Patterson Bates, The Cambridge Group (Chicago andLuscombe & Partners – and as a New York based boutique marketingpartner and Managing Director of his strategy). Jason was also Viceown internationally-owned advertising President of Marketing and Businessagency, Batey Gladman. Development for a VC backed consumer promotions start-up basedGraeme has launched, extended and in New York City.created multi-channel brands acrossa diverse range of categories – from Jason has a Bachelor of Commerceretail to business-to-business across from the UNSW and an MBA fromthe spectrum of media and non-media the Kellogg Graduate School ofcommunication channels. Management in Chicago where he majored in Marketing, Organisational Behaviour and Entrepreneurship. 15

Level 26, 1 Bligh Street, Sydney NSW 2000 (61) 2 8226 8888 |

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