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Home Explore TheQuill August 2022 Edition 01

TheQuill August 2022 Edition 01

Published by Sridevi Purushoth, 2022-08-23 18:06:40

Description: TheQuillEdition01 (4)


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THE EDITORIAL BOARD Tharshini K Akshaj J Gopal Thriptika S Editor-in chief Co-Editor Co-Editor Divya P Aathmika Rajith Joshika P Vaibhav Prem Sri Ram Sanjay Raghav Thanvi Bhanu Nanda Kishore Smriti T Arjun B TECHNICAL TEAM Pranav A Velvijitha S Rithanya C Madhumitha P Saran A Team Leader

Chief Editor's Page “Team work makes the dream work.” TWphemrifse,retsoqhimsemmuTtenuboHateodetgEtdeuerhinisQnrteai.aosttcUIs1tertatiiIsaorwaadLtucnlleLhsheeb,moodeiaosirinniicatcnsatiodroo,htcydnphwlnouheutrem.rahar ododirrocbdefelda2euusTmhs0swtcHtee.eb2tholEdp2eoeorr-eQfkaf2csdcnoUT3oardnHu.fIerLssebaEtLthtocapiQerfvtnroohiUotttrseyutsIsth,aLudhmaeLpetllpotohret honEpveeewrtsyolebctritteetatrhhtwaeetamswstoaeornnfedtfuiainn nrdtcahreneevdaefuteritnyxugctriiemttehaemen. sedcnhitno. cWorlee’sase Tharshini K, Chief Editor, THE EDITORIAL BOARD

August, 2022 Edition 01 INDEX Students' Articles Teachers' Prayer Drawings School News Social Media Note: Click on the title to go to the particular page.

August, 2022 Edition 01 STUDENTS' ARTICLES Heavenly Cakes I do not intend to say that you have to Blessy Bennit a S give away all your earned money but, XI Commerce do what you can for the people who are in need and do not give up passion at “Baking is done out of love, to share any cost with family and friends, to see them Finally, I would like to take this smile.” opportunity to express my gratitude - Anna Olson to my parents for giving me so much Everyone has a stressbuster, and mine freedom and space to enhance my is baking. I absolutely love baking. To baking skills and not letting me down me, baking is not just a profession, it’s at any point. I would also like to an emotion. I don't bake when I'm thank Subaranjana.E of class 11 bored or jobless, I bake when I'm science stream and Nandini Menon stressed or depressed and it of class 11 commerce stream for being such great friends and helping helps me keep calm and stay relaxed. me out in making this article. To me, baking is an art which has the power to bring to your mind, the Ponniyin Selvan book review sweetness that you add into your Ritvika.K recipes. I add more love than IX-B decoration to the baking process, as The first Tamil nove l I have ever read the person who gets the taste of my is Ponniyin Selvan. I came to know cakes will have a better gustatory about this novel through the internet satisfaction. But neither is decoration and I neglected as I want my cakes to attract people at the first glance. I've been baking since I was 9 years old. Baking is my passion and I aspire to be a Pastry chef. Not to brag about myself, but, I've taken a few orders in the past couple of years and I’ve donated the earned money to an orphanage.

August, 2022 Edition 01 would say reading this book was the Kalki has like something best choice I have ever made. This which came out of nowhere. I would book was written by Kalki and recommend everyone to read this book. published in the form of a weekly You can either read it in Tamil or read magazine for 5 years and later was the translated version of it. I am sure if published as a 5-part book. What lot you read it, it will be one of the best of perseverance ! decisions you will have ever taken. This book is all about Chozhas. When we hear the name ‘Chozhas’, we remember the great Raja Raja Chozha-I and yes, this book is about him. History has always made me feel The author makes you visualize sleepy but this book made me stay everything and takes you to the period awake even at, midnight. This book before 1000 years. He makes us get to portrays everything like trust, know our very own \"unspoken\" history. intelligence, friendship, revenge, affection, vengeance and what not? I A MEMORABLE DAY IN MY LIFE would have never believed that I would enjoy history. Kalki wrote this Bhavishya S book in a way that would make you VIII C feel like it is more of a vision, rather than history. On 6th November 2021, my entire family along with my aunt and uncle This story revolves around a few went to Valparai, a hill station. Valparai is famous for tea estates in Tamil Nadu. important characters like To enjoy the majestic morning view of the mountain, and the view of the forest Vandhiyathevan, who was a prince surrounded with little fog moisture, we started early in the morning. without a kingdom, Aditya Karikalan, There were many hairpin bends to the crown prince who was killed with reach the peak. The mountain is 3500 feet high from sea level. On the way to vengeance and Raja Raja Chozha I, the hill, many small waterfalls were flowing upon the rocks, and it made the who sacrificed his very own throne for tourists feel the vibes of the famous Niagara falls. The someone else and did many things for his beloved ones. You would fall in love with each and every character and the way

August, 2022 Edition 01 beautiful land filled with greenery TIGERS had many big dams like the Sholayar Dharshiga Dam, the Aliyar Dam, and the Nirar VIII C Dam to supply water to the people in and around that area. What are tigers? Tigers are the largest living cat The pathway to the Nirar Dam was very zig-zag and sloppy and there was species and members of the genus no proper road to drive on. It was like Panthera. It is most recognizable for traveling with many ups and downs its dark vertical stripes on the orange up to the peak of the hills. fur with a white underside. As an apex predator, it primarily preys on We opened all the car windows and a ungulates, such as deer and wild lot of fresh air entered our car. We boar. It is our national animal too... also went to the Koolangal river, which was full of stones, and the How strong is a tiger? water there seemed to be very chill. Tigers have a bite force of around Then we went to Nallamudi viewpoint, which is a famous hill 1,050 PSI, which is about six times station. It has a view of the starting stronger compared to human point of the four waterfalls that later beings. So, tigers are known for their enters the dams. strength, fearlessness, and for their military powers. They are stronger I was so excited to see the water and more powerful than all other big coming just like fog from the clouds. cats and undoubtedly stronger than The serenity of the places made us human beings. very happy and we felt as though we visited the famous Niagara falls. I Where do tigers live? truly love nature, and on this trip, I Tigers are found in amazingly found beauty everywhere. “Live in the Sunshine, Swim in the diverse habitats like rain forests, grasslands, savannas, and uneven Sea, Drink the Wild Air”. mangrove swamps. Unfortunately, 93% of historical tiger lands have been disappearing primarily because of expanding human activities. Which tiger is the largest? Tigers are the largest cat species in the world. AMUR Tigers are the

August, 2022 Edition 01 biggest tigers, with males weighing exist, their coats are slate grey with up to 660 pounds & measuring up dark grey or black stripes & have a to 10 feet long from nose to tip of bluish cast. Currently, there are no the tail. Sumatran tigers are smaller blue tigers in zoos. One blue tiger was than all tigers. born in an Oklahoma zoo in the 1960s. But in the Jungle, the blue tigers live in What are tigers afraid of? China. These tigers are likely sub- Tigers are usually afraid of fire. One species of south Chinese tigers. of the reasons can be said to be the animal’s eyes which are set up to Why are tigers not the king of the see low light situations. If they go jungle? near the fire, that may hamper Tigers are solitary hunters. So, no their vision. matter how powerful the tiger is, it can't win a fight with two or more lions What are the tiger’s best abilities? at the same time. So, tigers are not Tiger’s sense of hearing is the most considered the king of the jungle acute of its senses and it is mainly used for hunting. Their ears are Save Tigers before they are Silenced capable of rotating, similar to a radar forever…. dish, to detect the origin of various high-frequency sounds produced by THE BLACK HOLE their prey around them. Glenn Maxwell VA What are the tiger's personalities? Don’t let the name fool you; A black hole is anything but an empty space. Tigers are respected for their Rather, it is a great amount of matter packed into a very small nobleness, courage, and area. Think of a star ten times more massive than the Sun squeezed into fearlessness, even by those working a sphere approximately the diameter of New York City. The against them. Tigers are daring result is that a fighters and are even capable of standing up to the better end for what they think is right. Although they could be selfish at times, they have great generosity in their duty. What is a blue tiger? Tigers which are the rarest of the colours would definitely be the Maltese Tigers. If these tigers still

August 2022 Edition 01 gravitational field is so strong that gamma-ray bursts, devouring nothing, nearby stars and spurring the not even light can escape. growth of new stars in some areas while stalling it in others. More there Most notably, black holes were to explore … predicted by Einstein’s theory of general relativity. When a star dies, it Digitalisation In Schools leaves behind a small, dense remnant core. If the core's mass is S. Theja more than about three times the VI A mass of the sun, the force of gravity over helms all other forces and produces a black hole. Digitalisation in school refers to the adoption of modern technological Scientists can’t directly observe tools of hardware like desktops, black holes. Telescopes that detect laptops, tablets, and mobile and X-ray, light, or other forms of software which will be facilitating the electromagnetic radiation need to usage of hardware. Used properly, be used. they combinedly support the We can, however, infer the presence learning process and running of of black holes by studying them, by schools efficiently. detecting their matter or other matter nearby. If a black hole passes Digitalisation is a modern-day through a cloud of interstellar enabler cum disruptor that matter, for example, it will draw the supplements the physical teaching matter inwards in a process known by a teacher. Though the physical as accretion. infrastructure of a teacher in a A similar process can occur if a classroom includes the use of normal star passes close to a black conventional tools such as textbooks, hole, in case the black hole can tear notebooks, pens, pencils, etc. the star apart as it pulls it towards introducing such technological tools itself. As the attracted matter accelerates and heats up, it emits x- rays that radiate into space. Recent discoveries offer some tantalizing evidence that black holes have a dramatic influence on the neighborhoods around them- emitting powerful

August 2022 Edition 01 immensely supports the teaching personal interaction and and learning to produce the best results. enablement to learn. Whereas, Digitalisation enables the use of substitution with digitalisation modern tools to deliver content. This enables the teacher to would make learning and teaching communicate with more clarity and ease using pictures, audio, videos, much more effective and easier. 3D models, etc. For example, rather than trying to explain how bread is The covid pandemic has indeed baked, the teacher can run a video explaining the entire process, accelerated the adoption of making it much more clear to the students. digitalisation and post-resuming Schools are nowadays adopting schools, digitalisation has actually Smart school formats where classrooms are modernized with proved to be beneficial for the digital display units, audio, and visual aids, remote teaching via stakeholders. google Classroom, team app, and zoom Digitalisation enables both the app etc... teachers and the students to Complex subjects and their topics are covered and stored as video interact in the comfort of their snippets. In addition to textbooks, students can access subject-specific homes. Sometimes, the materials videos and learn them at the convenience of their home, time, can be prepared and uploaded so and pace. Schools are increasingly shifting to a hybrid model where the that students can go through them streamed video contents are clarified physically in class to ensure more than once and get better clarity of the concepts. clarity on the topic and learn it while As on date, complete digitalisation may not be possible as students being at home. require a great deal of Nowadays, along with the teaching, the functions of schools are also getting digitized. Below is a list of such areas: Online course delivery and testing using model appliances It supports efficiency and convenience in maintaining records of students. Monitoring performance of students. Communicating with students and parents including day-to-day homework and exam schedule. Online fee collection and maintenance.

August 2022 Edition 01 Salary payment for staff and The Garden City of India Samiksha G management of account for IX A Bengaluru is situated in the overall expenses. southeastern part of Karnataka. Bengaluru has numerous nicknames. Maintaining and monitoring the One of those is the “Garden City of India”.This city owes its name to transportation, real-time tracking Krishna Raja Wodeyar, the Maharaja of the Kingdom of Mysore. In the of each student’s movement by celebration of his silver anniversary, he beautified Bengaluru with lavish parents by tracking the vehicles. gardens, parks, and lakes. There are botanical gardens full of Facilitating online guest lectures exotic flora. Lal Bagh Botanical Garden, Cubbon Park, Lumbini by subject experts, and student Gardens, Bannerghatta National Park, Cariappa Memorial Park are exchange programs not only few parks and gardens all over Bengaluru. The garden city of India within the country but has always understood what trees mean to human life and civilization. internationally. However, this statement does not hold true anymore. Bengaluru has Exchanging details with governing lost its verdure. The city is now filled with concrete buildings, fully authorities like District Education polluted, and in a phase of modernisation. Bengaluru emerged Officer, CBSE and other such as the third city in India to be affected by air pollution. government authorities. The state of Bengaluru shouldn’t remain the same henceforth people In a nutshell, we can conclude that have to take measures to restore the beauty of Bengaluru. People have adoption of digitalisation is very now considered the seriousness of this destruction. The forest essential. It is not the question of department and a few citizens have taken steps to whether to digitize or not, but it is only a question of how far to digitize and how to use it effectively to maximise thhestakeholders like the students, teachers, school management, statutory Government authorities and other concerned authorities. Happy Digitalisation !!

August 2022 Edition 01 rejuvenate nature. Save Green NGO noisy crowds but I like to worship have now started protecting the gods and goddesses at home in trees in the city by removing posters, peace! ads, hoardings and concrete structures around the trees. “Every On the 21st of December, my mom flower is a soul blossoming in told us we are leaving on the 25th of nature”. Bengaluru will be a very December and we need to pack our calm and beautiful place full of things on the 24th December. On positive energy soon!! 24th December night, she told me the shocking news that I am the A MEMORABLE DAY IN MY LIFE elder one among the kids of 3 families. I was broken to hear this Lakshaya because I already did not have a VIII B good impression about temples and after hearing this I didn’t want to go Everything started on 12th of on this trip. November, 2021. My mom and dad told me and my sister at dinner that On the 25th of December, we “we will be going for a trip with our started our trip. It was a road trip. I family and friends”. I was shocked to just got a corner window seat and hear this. I have never gone on a trip my sister the center seat. My dad with people who are new to me. But, said that we will meet them within I was pretty excited. I asked my mom 15 minutes. I was pretty nervous. “who are the people we are going to travel with and where ?” We stopped our car near a cafe and My mom told me that we are going the other 3 cars also stopped. The to travel with 3 families who were kids from the car first opened the our father’s classmates and the door and came out and my father's place we are going to visit is some classmates also came out. They were temples and beaches. I was not so good to me. happy to hear that because temples always have long queues and And the kids were Aravind studying in 5th grade and Charu from 6th came out with happiness even though they were not of the same age. I myself enjoyed and was happier. We were close and we got to know each other. We visited a lot of temples and beaches. It was not a long trip but one of the most memorable days of my life!

August 2022 Edition 01 My Holiday in Malaysia The next morning, we went to Sunway Lagoon, an amazing water Roshhni M theme park. We played in water and VC swam in water it was so fun. Then we went to Badhu caves. I went to Malay sia, Kuala Lumpur There is God Muruga Temple in top for a trip. I went to Kuala lumpur in of 700 steps of hills. and there three summer vacations in 2015, would be monkeys wandering along 2016 and 2017. Since I can’t take steps it was amazing we spent some leave at school, I went on my time there. summer vacation then we started to Then we went butterfly park. The see the places in Malaysia. butterflies would come and sit on our hands. my sister is scared of First, we went to twin tower and butterflies. My father dragged her then to 3rd floor. I ate piece by into the butterfly garden it was so piece of broccoli, it was delicious funny. we went to bird parks and there and I ate pizza and bread and saw many varieties of birds it was jam and a lot of yummy things. so pretty. Then we viewed the city from the 84th floor of twin tower. we viewed How to prepare for your the complete city of Kuala Lumpur exams the best way? and it was beautiful. Then we went KL tower and then it Preetthika C V became night. we saw the fountains VII C in various colours that went like Splish splash. Are you figuring ou t the finest way to get ready for your upcoming exams? Then this article will help you! Exams are very crucial and are the most essential part of a student's life.

August 2022 Edition 01 Preparing for them is the most tiring the previous night, or 2-3 hours part. Here are a few steps that I before the exam. Just go through the follow when I get ready to gear up book, revise your notes, and read for my exams and tests. I hope this the most important points. will help you too. Finally, never be too worried or Step 1: Skimming - Skimming anxious to face your exams. They are means reading a material or a text just a part of a student's life. It helps fast, just to get a general idea of it. us to test our knowledge and shows You usually don't take notes or pay a what we have learned. Study hard lot of attention while doing this. Just and work hard. Give your 100%. skim through all that you have in Good luck with your exams! your book. This is to review the material before you deeply study it. MUSIC HAS HEALING POWER Harshitha Vidhyasekar Step 2: Focusing and IX 'A' Understanding- This step is the Lap-Tap, Lap-Tap….. the heartbeat most important one of all of the 4 Sszzzzzz… the sizzling of the butter steps. This is when you put your and Cokoooo… the beautiful chirping utmost focus and concentration of the birds are the gratifying sounds while studying the material. surrounding us in the habitual Understand the concept and take environment. Music has healing notes. Don't hesitate to ask your power, it has the ability to take doubts. You can clarify them by people out of themselves for a few asking your teachers, friends or your hours.- Elton John. People are parents. enamored with music. It touches our souls in profound ways that words Step-3: Testing - Testing yourself alone cannot equal. It stirs our on what you have learned is a very imagination, significant way to analyze yourself. The best method to test yourself is by writing or teaching. Writing is used for memorizing statements or facts like poem lines etc... Teaching means explaining the topic to yourself like a teacher. This is very useful and it clearly indicates how clear you are with the topic. Step- 4: Review - This can be done

August 2022 Edition 01 invigorates our bodies, and transforms and in time of care and sorrow, will our moods. It can lift us up or keep a fountain of joy alive in you.”. overwhelm us with emotion. It can “If I had my life to live over again, I make us feel down in the dumps or would have made a rule to read over the moon. It can pump us up, and some poetry and listen to some it can calm us down. Music is one of the music at least once every week.” most important boons of god for all “Music is the universal language of living beings. mankind.” Music pours through every part of “Where words fail, music speaks.” your body. It tingles your skin, the “Life is like a beautiful melody, only cheekbones, and even your hair. And the lyrics are messed up.”Music gives that's how Evelyn Glennie became one the soul to the universe, wings to the of the most renowned musicians in the mind, flight to the imagination and world. She encountered the biggest life to everything.“Life is one grand, challenge than any other musician, she sweet song so start the music.” was profoundly deaf… This validates that music is not just If I had three wishes about listening, it's about feeling and Jonathan Steve sensing it through your body….Billy Joel, V the famous American songwriter, and 1. I wish to have a bungalow because performer, once said. “I think music in I want a bigger place. There should be itself is healing. It’s an explosive two study rooms in it – one for my expression of humanity. It’s something father and one for myself. I want to we are all touched by. No matter what study and draw in my study room. I culture we’re from, everyone loves also want a separate room to dance music.” and another one to exercise, so that I There is no doubt: music can indeed can keep and heal. People with brain injuries such as a stroke, for example, have had success with music therapy. It can activate their brain in alternative ways. It often bypasses the damaged areas, allowing people to regain movement or speech. It gives people new chances to move and speak..“Music… will help dissolve your perplexities and purify your character and sensibilities,

August 2022 Edition 01 myself fit. The bungalow should also The job that you do has got to make have a big lawn for my Siberian husky you jump out of bed every morning to walk, play and sleep. and be excited to go to work every day. It has to be something that you 2. I want to be a designer because I never need a vacation from, and like to draw and design. I want to must not just enhance your existing design a new world and create skills, but also basically fuel you to various things. I want to design my perform better, both occupationally, own car, an airport, a harbor, palaces, and in your personal life. docks, castles, cargo, cameras, etc… I also wish to design robots. As long as your job is your soul motivator, you will keep soaring high 3. I want to have all varieties of betta in your field. You may even come up fish in my fish tank. I like to have a with new ideas to raise the job’s plakat betta, a moon betta, and a profile, and probably even end up galaxy betta because of their colours, matching your initial monetary beauty, shapes, and patterns. expectations. But a job with less satisfaction may not reward you as These are my three wishes. I hope much, because you aren’t it comes true. passionately connected to it. A career based on Ultimately chasing money instead of passion won’t get you far if you are Passion Vs Earning potential looking for self-improvement. The only way to do great work is to Smriti love what you do. If you haven’t XI Commerce found it, keep looking for it and don’t settle. After all, we only live once. A job that yields more income is not Why should you get into some job always something that is cherished just to satisfy someone else, or to run by a person. But a job with a after money ?\\ connection to our passion is much more fulfilling. We have to make sure to use our Though money might look attractive time wisely and explore all possible initially, in the long run, that is not avenues and keep ourselves going to give personal satisfaction. contented. At the end of the journey, you should look back and feel s

August 2022 Edition 01 atisfied with what you have done, Our future computers could be ready and not have any regrets about the to generate entire simulated path that you chose, especially with universes. And if we humans are ready regard to your profession, because to simulate complicated realities, how that is something that sticks with you can we be sure that our world isn't for quite a long while. simply a computer simulation designed by another advanced The best way to predict the future is civilization? to create it. So go out there, find your true self, follow your dreams, and Everything in this world we live in soar higher than the sky! appears to be based on mathematical laws. Even our genetic materials, like DNA and RNA, incorporate a mathematical model. A bit as if somebody had programmed our reality with a coding system. What If..? I’d say that we could be living in a massive computer game without even Deekshita R realizing it!!! However, the real question is, who would have designed What if I tell yoVuIIeBve rything around this matrix? An advanced alien civilization!? you could be a simulation!!!?? Perhaps not aliens, but maybe a Your favorite frozen dessert, the future iteration of humanity boring History lessons, your favorite simulating the lives of their ancestors. television star, literally everything To make this simulation, we would could be a simulation! need powerful supercomputers, which I mean, your WHOLE LIFE could be a is something extraordinary. If our life SIMULATION! Here's what would is a simulation, then it could go like happen if we were living in a this - “A simulation creating another simulation. simulation!!”. We humans, I mean ‘Simulations’ create VRs and Robots, which are also ‘Simulations’! Our creators would almost certainly turn out to be someone else's simulation. Then, this entire universe

August 2022 Edition 01 could be a simulation created by a Waste management simulation, which could again be a Nakshatra V.S. simulation! Sounds complicated IX-B right?! On seeing the title, you might have thought “what is there to write about If our world was a computer waste management?”. If you did, I am program, it may contain bugs. When sorry to say that you are wrong. our simulators choose to update us, things can occasionally go wrong. It How many of us are actually might be a glitch, such as meeting segregating waste into biodegradable your doppelgänger, i.e, someone and non biodegradable? Not many. who looks just like you but is not We may think that it doesn’t cause any related to you. It could just be a effect if we don’t segregate waste. mismatch in character appearance choices. If we ever discover that we All the waste that we don’t segregate are a program on someone's hard gets dumped in a dump yard. In the disc, it may be because they want us dump yard, it just gets accumulated to be. Escaping the simulation in there for years. such a situation would be well This is the global waste composition in simulated, perhaps finding our percentage. founders' identities will cause them to reset the system. Imagine how a 44% of the waste generated is food gigantic “Ctrl+Alt+Del” for the entire and green waste which is Universe would be!!! biodegradable and the other 56% of the waste is glass, plastic, metal, etc NOTE: EVERYTHING MENTIONED that is non biodegradable. ABOVE IS JUST AN IMAGINATION If seperated, the biodegradable waste can be made into compost in compost yards. From the 56% of the non biodegradable waste, most of the waste can be recycled. If all this is done properly, all the land required for dumping the waste will be saved for other purposes. It will benefit both the ecosystem and the economy.

August 2022 Edition 01 A PRAYER FOR OUR TEACHERS' Dear Lord, Bless the teachers mightily, as they seek to teach, enrich and guide your precious children. Grant them abundant resources to do their job, intelligence, wisdom, kindness, and the material things that make it possible to turn some of these tender green plants into the strong, stable trees, to lead our Nation. To transform some of these buds into brilliant flowers that will bring light, color, and happiness to all those around them. Give them the tools to be creative, productive and develop their own kind of success in this world. We pray that you will immerse them in your boundless, transcendent love. We pray that you will strengthen and soothe them when they have given so much of themselves that they need your extra attention & your extra care. We love, respect, and admire these teachers, Lord!! We pray that you will watch over them always, these special people who hold our children and our future in their hands.

August 2022 Edition 01 Art work Sowmiyalaxmi M Nilasha A Pranaya P VIII C IV A XII Pranaya P XII Smriti T XI Commerce

August 2022 Edition 01 Prithviraj R Pranaya P VI B XII Deekshita R VIII B Pranaya P Neha XII VIII C

August 2022 Edition 01 SCHOOL NEWS Aquaponics at the Kalaiarangam, Dr NGP Arts & Smriti T Science College. The program was XI Commerce attended by the students from grade 7 to 12. Mr A K Saravanan, Organic Have you heard of soil-less plant Farmer, cum Trainer on Aquaponics., MD Aquaponics India, Coimbatore, growth? Is that even possible? Well, had joined us on that day to walk us through this exciting new avenue of yes it is! With aquaponics, agriculture farming. The students had an interactive session, where they were has been redefined. able to not only learn a great deal about aquaponics, but also enjoy Aquaponics is a cooperation themselves and have a lot of fun. The program was followed by an between plants and fish. The term interesting Q&A session, where all the students actively participated and originates from the two words grasped a lot of information from our resource person. This workshop “aquaculture”, the growing of fish in a organised by the future teenpreneurs of NGP, was surely an inspirational closed environment, and and moving experience for all the students. Together let’s all join our “hydroponics”, the growing of plants hands to bring this voguish form of agriculture into regular practice in all usually in a soil-less environment. our homes! In aquaponics, the waste produced by the fish feeds the plants, and the plants clean the water for the fish, producing a continuous cycle. This system is based entirely on the nitrogen cycle. When the fish produce waste (ammonia), bacteria break it down into nitrates. We had a live workshop with regard to this, organised by our school’s commerce students of class 11 and 12

August 2022 Edition 01 Storytelling; Grow to be Tellers Ms. Prathiba A Department of English “Storytelling brings learning alive We the teachers of ‘The NGP School’ and creates a participatory and thoroughly enjoyed Ms. Lavanya immersive experience that allows Prasad’s humor and the exquisite the young learners to enjoy hearing delivery of the stories. We learned a the language or the concepts in a lot of newer techniques to integrate dynamic and entertaining way.” storytelling not only in language teaching but also in the other Teachers are storytellers, and the subjects. With fascinating insights into storytellers have been teachers for the integration of storytelling, we ages. In reality, teachers think refurbished the storytellers in us. storytelling is a theatrical, exaggerated show more akin to Ofcourse, the session was didactic. acting. But being a teacher definitely Her ideas for engaging children in and involves acting and theatrics. And through storytelling were utterly that’s the sole purpose OF organising captivating and imaginative, yet really a workshop on “Storytelling”. accessible by teachers. Various The workshop titled “Grow to be activities were conducted to enhance Tellers”, organised by our school, was our storytelling skills. held on 4th June 2022. The workshop We learnt all the nuances of was conducted by Ms. Lavanya storytelling and were inspired to go Prasad, a professional storyteller, and straight out to meet our children and Founder of Telescope, based in do some excellent storytelling! Bangalore. She truly believes that a story that is told with complete honesty is sure to create the desired ripple, living up to the adage - ‘I am the story itself.’

August 2022 Edition 01 21st Century Skills for students Ms. Shanthi English Department We're in the 21st century! A century accomplish and empower the 21st that is transparent and connected to century skills in students. a fast-growing world. The future belongs to those who acquire more In connection with this, the Capacity skills and deliver them in creative Building Program on ‘21st-century ways. It's incredible when skills and skills was conducted by the faculty passion come together. members from the Department of English and also a workshop was With the onset of this challenging hosted by the CBSE Resource Person century, the entire world is witnessing Mr. Satish Kumar P, Teacher- an era of intense transformation in all Educator, Centa Level III -Certified areas, be it education, technology, Teacher, Certified Trainer & ELT global trade, and economy or society. Consultant in the month of June 2022. During such a transformation students should be empowered with The session illuminated the the skills that are required. This would significance of implementing 21st- enable him/her to face the challenges century skills in students and how that are globally active, digitally they could be incorporated into t our transforming, collaboratively moving regular teaching and learning forward, creatively progressing, process. seeking competent human-resource, and quick in adopting changes. The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) was initiated to

August 2022 Edition 01 The session guided the teachers STEM PROGRAM with a lot of eye-openers to self- introspect and build stronger Ms.B Agnes Latha teaching and learning platforms. Physics Teacher The workshop identified the Department of Science necessary ingredients to learn to be a better communicator by exploring ‘Learning is a treasure and it the communication skill. It also threw accompanies its owner forever’ light on the usage of age-appropriate curriculum and teaching. Yet another milestone ! The NGP School proudly moves forward with zeal, into the new academic year 2022- 23 - strongly holding the \"STEM of learning\". Having a proven track record in the online sphere of Teaching - learning pedagogy, the school aims to motivate students in their scientific, technological, mathematical, and engineering skills, in par with the National Educational Policy. As a first step to facilitate the STEM approach, teaching faculties of the Science department at The NGP School attended a week long training program conducted by ON MY OWN Technologies Research Lab. On My Own Technology is a dynamic, innovative research centre that brings STEM learning to children.

August 2022 Edition 01 The capacity-building program has enriched the faculties and is reflected in the confidence and enthusiastic participation of our students in the STEM classes. Students handle the aurdino kits confidently and explore their engineering skills. We now offer a wide range of We, the Teachers and Students of educational, robotic, and electronic The NGP School are proud and programs for young minds from grateful to our Management for this Grade 4 to 9 of our school. enthralling teaching - learning opportunity provided for us to shape the future of our children. Happy Learning @ The NGP School The dynamic teachers of The NGP School attended a week-long training session in April 2022. They equipped themselves in the STEM teaching- learning activities, by OMO tech faculties and had hands-on training. To expose our children to a whole new world. Also, follow-up sessions were held periodically and equipped us to handle bread boards, multimeters, arduinos and so on.

August 2022 Edition 01 Ecotopia A month full of planning Thanushhri M activities/competitions, preparing Grade 12-Science circulars, giving oral invitations, conducting the activities, and \"One green goal, five amazing hosting an Environment Day Event minds\"- Team Ecotopia was done skillfully by these five people, also known as, Team The Earth, a beautiful planet with Ecotopia. breathtaking landscapes, peaceful environments and a variety of life Competitions and activities were forms, is in need of immediate conducted for the students of protection. various classes to create awareness In this fast paced lifestyle, we are and instill a sense of respect unable to give back a little love and towards our planet. In addition to care towards the planet that gave us that, Team Ecotopia, along with life. But as students of today and the their fellow students took part in workforce of tomorrow, it is our the ‘Save Soil Movement’ by responsibility to contribute towards the protection of our planet. Five students of grade 12, under the guidance of their teachers, played their part in saving the environment. The month of June was all about saving the environment and taking a step towards sustainable development.

August 2022 Edition 01 sending handwritten letters with their concerns related to the environment to the Prime Minister of the country. Small steps by a large crowd create a dynamic change. As students, let’s take small steps to save the Earth and as a whole, a wonderful planet will be restored. “Better environment, better tomorrow. Save the Earth!”

August 2022 Edition 01 Yoga Divas 2022 The word 'yoga' is derived from That was a great time invested to Sanskrit which means to join or to understand and tone our body and unite. mind to stay fit and healthy. Yoga is a symbol of universal The chief guest at the closing aspiration for health and wellbeing. It ceremony, Dr.S.SUGANYA DEVI is health assurance in zero budget\". Physiotherapist, Dr.M.G.R Medical From 21st June 2015, every year is University, Chennai, and a celebrated as World Yoga Day. The Postgraduate in yoga therapy declaration was made after the call by appreciated the initiative and efforts our Prime Minister, Mr.Narendra taken to practice yoga and make it Modi to the United Nations General our way of life. Assembly on the 27th of September, 2014. 21st June was chosen as the day for observance since it is the longest day in the summer solstice and is believed to have a significant effect on the bodies of the people living in the Northern Hemisphere. Adopting this practice is believed to provide significant relief from physical ailments and mental tension that plagues our daily life. We had a week-long “Yoga Divas”-2022 was celebrated @ the NGP School from June 13th to 17th,2022. The students of grades 5 to 8 practiced yogasanas.

August 2022 Edition 01 WWF: MCoP - 3 On Day 2, of the conference, the most-awaited Shahrin Jahana JS & session, the delegates were Akshaya K : X A split into teams of 6 states in different board rooms and The MCoP-3 (Model had the opportunity to Conference of Parties) hosted strongly participate in the by the World Wide Fund for discussions. Nature (WWF) from June 20th to July 5th, 2022. It was an epic On Day 3, the delegates platform for 72 student representing 36 states and delegates personally chosen union territories came from all States and Union together to discuss the action Territories of India to put their plan of their particular team. heads together and come up There were affable and with practical as well as radical interactive debates taking solutions to save our only Earth place, innovative ideas coming with its varied biodiversity. We up, were expected not only to unfold ideas but also to effectively implement them. We appreciate and support the work undertaken by WWF and the delegates. The four days of the MCoP-3 were extremely informative and productive in terms of action planning. On Day 1, An orientation session for Students & Teachers was held and it proved to be welcoming and exciting.

August 2022 Edition 01 practical thinking on progress, and while taking part in the event was what not! the session where we spoke with On Day 4, a couple of esteemed experienced and eminent people personalities shared their knowledge from across the globe. I on this day and proved the entire expressed my views and raised conference to be a huge triumph. many questions. I really found the Action plan that me and my My Learnings! group created to be one of the The four days of experience in the most practical and revolutionary ones. pre-MCoP-3 had taken me on a reflective journey toward nature. I I learnt many new key elements learned the art of negotiating and of negotiation, time building consensus. I got the hang of management, speaking, logical 'SMART goal' and its features. I also thinking, participation of youth to came in the light of having safeguard the environment, and commitment throughout the journey many more! I think this whole till we reach our destination. It also experience made me realise that gave me an insight into time taking a decision or making a management. I also got a complete plan requires so much effort and picture of how conventions work. practical thinking. I am determined and passionate I learnt how to formulate an action about contributing to mother plan not only theoretical but nature. something that is pragmatic as well. Things like keeping stakeholders in mind, and paying attention to the duration of the plan were some of the things I hadn't thought of earlier while planning for activities at school. My Takeaways! I thoroughly enjoyed the whole conference, mainly because it was something that motivated me and grew my passion for conserving the environment. One of the most important things that encouraged me

Investiture Ceremony With a grand gesture, one by Divya P one, the leaders marched Grade 12-Science forward to receive their badge in As the sun rose on the glorious front of the audience. Soon, on the stage, filled with pride and morning of June 24, 2022, a new honor the new team stood. There were the two SPLs along with the council of leaders declared their oath Assistant School Pupil Leaders, Smriti and Ashwin. Next to them in front of the school. was the Sports Captain, Caven and all the house captains and Every year, The NGP School has a new vice captains. The Editorial Board, Cultural Team, and student council to guide the students Carnival Coordinators were also present. and uphold the principles of the institution, while also working towards improving the communication between the students and teachers. This year, 2022-23, the elected and recruited members of the council are committed to restoring the old practices at the school that prevailed before the pandemic. The Investiture Ceremony for the With great compassion, the Student Council happened at the NGP student council declared the oath College, Coimbatore. The chief guest to all the onlookers. Later, of the programme was Dr. Captain Shravya and Jai gave their Ramanikumar, an inspiring role Acceptance Speeches. The vote model for all. Dr. Thavamani D. of thanks was done by Smrithi Palaniswami, our honorable and Ashwin. correspondent mam, also graced the occasion. Both of them gave inspiring speeches to all the young leaders. The School Pupil Leaders of the years 2021-22, Chandramouli M and Prithika Narayanan were also present to officially hand over their duties to the new rising SPL’s, Shravya and Jai Niranjan.

The MOC for the whole programme was done remarkably by Harshitha B of grade 6. The event came to a fulfilling end, but for the Student Council itself, the journey had just begun.

August 2022 Edition 01 கல்வி வளர்ச்சி நாள் திரு. அறிவழகன் D தமிழ்த்துறை நம் என்.ஜி.பி பள்ளியில் தமிழ்த்துறை பாரதிதாசன் இலக்கிய மன்றத்தின் சார்பாக ஜூலை 15.07.22 ஆம் நாள் அன்று கல்விக்கண் திறந்த காமராசர் பிறந்த தினத்தை முன்னிட்டு கல்வி வளர்ச்சி நாள் கொண்டாடப்பட்டது. அதில் மூன்றாம் வகுப்பு மாணவர்களுக்கு ஓவியப் போட்டியும், நான்காம் வகுப்பு மாணவர்களுக்குப் பாட்டுப் போட்டியும், ஐந்தாம் வகுப்பு மாணவர்களுக்குப் பதாகைகள் உருவாக்குதல் போட்டியும் நடைபெற்றன. மாணவர்கள் அப்போட்டிகளில் கலந்து கொண்டு தங்கள் திறமைகளை வெளிப்படுத்தினர். வெற்றி பெற்ற மாணவர்களுக்கு முதல்வர் அவர்களால் சான்றிதழ்கள் வழங்கப்பட்டன.

August 2022 Edition 01 SPORTS DAY - VIGOUR '22 Tharshini K XI Science “One man practicing sportsmanship is far better than 50 preaching it.” —Knute Rockne Sports are very necessary for the development of mental and physical health, and at The NGP School we acknowledge it. On July 23, 2022 “The annual sports meet-Vigour ‘22” was conducted. It was yet another fabulous event conducted by the school. Chief guest Shri M.G. Arun, Assistant Commissioner of Police, delivered a speech that was both inspiring And thought- provoking to the parents and the students. The synchronized march past by the students of grades 7-12 The children of Pre-KG to was a feast to the eyes. The final events for sprint events brought grade 6 had put on a wonderful out the sports prowess of the NGPians! Our parents actively performance showcasing their participated in the events conducted for them. amazing dance moves in the It sure was a magnificent event and we look forward to more mass drill which was most such events in the future. appropriate for VIGOUR ‘22 ‘s theme- “Sports for Development and Peace”.

August 2022 Edition 01 UN Activities 22-23 With IYAFA - The International Year Ms. Poonam of Artisanal Fisheries and Aquaculture Coordinator -UN Activities 2022 being our first UN Observance theme which commenced in June \"Great things are done by a series 2022 at our school with a variety of of small things brought together interesting activities, was culminated and these small actions in turn with students having enriched their make big differences.\" knowledge on Life and Creatures Below Water. And We at THE NGP SCHOOL believe in making those big differences. The wonderful activities across grades were sponge dabbing, Our constant effort of unveiling the origami, making of wall hangings, themes of the UNO has taken the water free model aquariums, fish NGPians to a more granular themed bags, videos and poster understanding of where we are, our making, a very delightful Fish Fair contributions towards a better society, and the actions critically Aquaponics Workshop by needed to achieve the sustainable Mr. Saravanan, hosted the workshop development goals. organised by our emerging future entrepreneurs of grade XI Commerce stream. The students enthusiastically participated and gathered lots of ideas to set up their Aquaponics farm. The little opportunities that fly at us each day shall leave their biggest impact one day.

August 2022 Edition 01 SOCIAL MEDIA Our Latest Student Talk Series & Expert's Talk... International Left WORLD BIOFUEL DAY | Students Talk Series #2 - Life Skills handers' Day | August Amoha S | Grade 8 | :Communication skill | 13th | The NGP School The NGP School Harshitha B | The NGP Posted on 1 3/08/22 Posted on 1 0/08/22 School Posted on 01/08/22 Students Talk Series #1 - Investiture Ceremony Value Based : Patience | 2022-23 Jai Rakshanaa | Grade 6 | The NGP School Posted on 04/07/22 Posted on 25/07/22 Visit us @ Youtube: Instagram: Our Website: Face Book :

August 2022 Edition 01 THE NGP SCHOOL's E-Newsletter

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