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Home Explore Magazine NOVIT MODELS KIDS™ №6/2022

Magazine NOVIT MODELS KIDS™ №6/2022

Published by NOVIT MODELS KIDS™, 2023-01-07 14:59:58

Description: En: FITNESS FOR MODELS: Exercise on a stationary bike. Dietetics: About the benefits of mandarines. BEAUTY & CAREER: Etiquette in Photo Studio. Opening new faces: Serena Shehu, Veronika Erokhova. PHOTO GALLERY "20 Hits": model - Anastasiya Lunina; photographer: Yury Ivanenko. NEWS.
Ru: ФИТНЕС ДЛЯ МОДЕЛЕЙ. Упражнения на велотренажёре. ДИЕТИКА: О пользе мандаринов. КРАСОТА & КАРЬЕРА: Этикет в фотостудии. Открываем новые лица: Серена Шеху, Вероника Ерохова. ФОТОГАЛЕРЕЯ "20 Хитов”: модель – Анастасия Лунина; фотограф: Юрий Иваненко. НОВОСТИ.

Keywords: novit models kids, Beauty, fashion, fitness, kids, kids fashion, Magazine, model agency, modelling, models, New Faces, novit film studio, photo, photography, Italy, Russia, Samara, Anastasiya Lunina, cover girl, mandarin


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In issue: 9 Fitness for models & Dietetics Treadmill exercises Exercise on a stationary bike. About the benefits of Mandarins. 35Beauty & Career Etiquette in Photo Studio. Opening new faces: Serena Shehu, Veronika Erokhova. 71Photo Gallery \"20 hits\". Model: Anastasiya Lunina. 100 News 5NOVIT MODELS KIDS NOVEMBER-DECEMBER 2022

Dear young models and their parents! Our magazine wishes you and your loved ones a Happy New Year! We wish you all happiness and prosperity, success and inspiration, and peace and confidence in the future! All the best and brightest in the New Year! Yury Ivanenko 6 NOVIT MODELS KIDS NSEOPVTEEMMBBEERR--ODCECTOEMBEBRER20220022

BUY PRINTED VERSION: ON THE COVER: MODEL: Anastasiya Lunina PHOTO: Yury Ivanenko EDITOR IN CHIEF: Yury Ivanenko [email protected] skype: novitfilm PR: Oxana Argutkina [email protected] POTOJOURNALIST: Larisa Bolonina [email protected] ADVERTISING SERVICE: [email protected] EXPANSION: ORDERING PRINTED VERSIONS: Magazine \"NOVIT MODELS KIDS\"™ is the corporate and produced in electronically in Internet. © 2022, NOVIT Ltd. All rights reserved. Reprinting of materials or fragments thereof is permitted only by agreement with editorial in writing. 7NOVIT MODELS KIDS NOVEMBER-DECEMBER 2022


Exercise on a Sstationary bikeports exercise on a stationary bike is the best way to constantly maintain the shape of the figure. Such a simulator perfectly replaces ordinary cycling, maintains health, and calms the nervous system. An exercise bike strengthens the body and helps burn excess fat. No muscle can resist before you pedal, especially if exercise is combined with proper nutrition and quality technique. The exercise bike develops the human muscular system, strengthens the immune system, and improves mood. For children, this type of exercise is the most favorite. Who refuses to ride a bike without leaving home? The element of play is important for children in playing sports, this will avoid psychological problems that cause a lot of harm. From this point of view, the exercise bike is convenient: children pedal and imagine competition with themselves or their parents, which keeps them interested in the activity. 10 NOVIT MODELS KIDS NOVEMBER-DECEMBER 2022


Advantages over a conven- tional bicycle. - Ready to work in any weather, because an exercise bike in a warm gym is not a hindrance. -Almost no injury. To get a bruise, a fracture, or just fall from it, you need to try very hard. - Train at the highest speed, nothing bad will happen. - No protective equipment required. Doesn't require constant transportation. - For young girls who are especially difficult to perceive excess body fat, an exercise bike can be a wonderful helper. The workout burns the calories you put on in the day. The children's exercise bike will help your child to maintain excellent physical shape from an early age. 12 NOVIT MODELS KIDS NOVEMBER-DECEMBER 2022



Why is an exercise bike useful? - Strengthens muscles, improves body relief. - Strengthens the lung and heart systems. - Improves blood circulation. - Helps to strengthen the musculoskeletal system. - Improves endurance. - Cheers up, relieves stress. Everyone knows that playing sports allows the body to produce a huge amount of endorphins - the hormone of joy. - Strengthens blood circulation in the small pelvis. - Accelerates metabolic processes, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and digestive system. - People of all ages and levels of physical fitness can exercise on a stationary bike / Children can practice from the age of 3 on special children's devices. Exercise bikes are considered safe for health - exercise does not harm the joints. Correctly following the instructions of specialists, you will achieve the desired result with an exercise bike. Importantly! If you have knee pain, consult a sports doctor and a recumbent training program. Such a disease requires gentle exertion, so you should definitely focus on your well-being after class. If you feel pain and tension, the intensity of the exercises should be reduced. 15NOVIT MODELS KIDS NOVEMBER-DECEMBER 2022


What muscle groups work during exercise. - The gluteus maximus muscle. By pedaling, you engage your quadriceps in your legs and glutes and help you balance your body when exercising at home or in the gym. - Hip flexor.This is a very weak muscle area. It is necessary to listen to yourself and stop if painful sensations arise. - Abdominal muscles. - Front, outer, and back of the thigh. - Calf muscle. - Lumbar muscles. - Muscles of the arms, shoulders, chest. All training programs are divided into 3 types: beginners, advanced training, and professionals. For children, a program for beginners is suitable - this is lightweight stationary bike workout for half an hour, 4 times a week. The point of training: to prepare your body and muscles for more intense programs. The first stage of training is always a warm-up, the last one is a hitch. It is necessary to measure the pulse every 5 minutes. For beginners, his readings should be 60 - 70% of the maximum heart rate. If dizziness occurs, do not suddenly stop pedaling. Better to gradually slow down and stop. Water should be drunk in small sips. Eat one hour before and one hour after training. Before starting classes, you need to consult a doctor and clarify if there are any contraindications for training. 17NOVIT MODELS KIDS NOVEMBER-DECEMBER 2022

25-minute stationary bike workout for beginners. We slowly pedal for 3 minutes and accelerate to 20 km/h. We accelerate to 25 km/h, drive for 5 minutes. 3 minutes S - 20 km/h at 15% load. 3 minutes S - 25 km/h no load. 3 minutes S - 20 km/h with 20% load. 5 minutes S - 25 km/h. 2 minutes S - 20 km/h. 1 minute S - 15 km/h. You should train three times a week with a rest of 1 day. Helpful hints: - Do not bend your lower back excessively. She should have a natural, completely relaxed position. Round your shoulders slightly. It will be easier this way! - You should not transfer the key load to your hands; you will quickly get tired of this. - The feet must be parallel to the floor. Let your knees “look” forward. - Keep your head straight and look forward at all times - Be sure to adjust the exercise bike seat for your height to be comfortable. - Choose the right shoes and clothes. The exercise bike should be used in conjunction with other exercises and proper nutrition. For example, in the fight against belly fat, it is better to use abdominal exercises, and pedal only in addition to increasing overall energy consumption. After all, exercise on the simulator burns fat first of all on the hips, and only then in the rest of the body. NM 18 NOVIT MODELS KIDS NOVEMBER-DECEMBER 2022





Tangerines are a rich source of vitamins, antioxidants and other beneficial substances. And since the fruits grow on trees, they do not contain heavy metals and radionuclides that can accumulate in the soil. 24 NOVIT MODELS KIDS NOVEMBER-DECEMBER 2022

Tangerines are the most popular type of citrus fruit consumer, which, in our perception, is very closely associated with winter and the New Year holidays. Mandarin contributes to the strength of blood capillaries; reduces the risk of obesity; strengthens bones and restores tissues; removes the remains of heavy metals from the body; protects against type 2 diabetes and some chronic diseases; improves the condition of the teeth; avoids the absorption of cholesterol by the intestines; fights scurvy and so on. 25NOVIT MODELS KIDS NOVEMBER-DECEMBER 2022

Composition of tangerines (in 100 g) Fat: 0.31 g Proteins: 0.81 g Carbs: 13.34 g Water: 88 g Ash: 0.38 g Fiber: 1.9 g Vitamins: Vitamin C - 8.8 mg Vitamin B4 - 10.2 mg Vitamin A - 34 mcg Vitamin E - 0.2 mg Vitamin B9 - 16 mcg Minerals: Calcium - 37 mg Magnesium - 12 mg Phosphorus - 20 mg Selenium - 0.1 mg Sodium - 2 mg Potassium - 166 mg 26 NOVIT MODELS KIDS NOVEMBER-DECEMBER 2022

Mandarin contains useful elements and minerals Like other citrus fruits, tangerines are loaded with vitamins, fiber, and beneficial plant compounds. Their regular and rationed use can benefit human health. Tangerines contain important minerals for humans. In large quantities - silicon, cobalt, and molybdenum. All these substances help many internal processes to function properly. Mandarin is a source of copper. Although it is less than 10% of the daily requirement, it is more than in many other fruits. Copper is essential for health as it aids in the production of red blood cells, the absorption of iron, and the transport of oxygen to tissues. 27NOVIT MODELS KIDS NOVEMBER-DECEMBER 2022

The benefits of mandarin for of \"bad\" cholesterol. And they also the body. have a lot of potassium: it removes Replenishment of lutein in the excess water, normalizes blood body. pressure, and strengthens the Lutein has two main functions in heart muscle. Vitamin C is no less the body: protection and filtration. useful for the heart. It makes the Lutein protects the body from the walls of blood vessels strong and effects of free radicals, which are elastic. In addition, ascorbic acid formed under the influence of helps iron to be better absorbed. aggressiveadverseenvironmental When it is deficient, the heart factors and UV radiation. Lutein has to work overtime to provide also works as a light filter, saving oxygen to the entire body. the lens of the eye from clouding Improving the condition of the and maintaining visual acuity. skin and hair. Tangerines strengthen the heart Thanks to the content of vitaminsA muscle. and C, this winter citrus improves Tangerines contain the alkaloid skin condition. Moreover, the pulp synephrine, which lowers the level of mandarin can not only be eaten 28 NOVIT MODELS KIDS NOVEMBER-DECEMBER 2022

but also used in the preparation Vision improvement. of natural cosmetics. Ascorbic Due to their high content of vitamin acid stimulates the synthesis of A, tangerines provide many collagen, which is responsible benefits for eye health, it improves for the health of bones, visual acuity, strengthen the tendons, hair, and nails. Regular cornea, improve night vision and consumption of tangerine juice protect mucous tissues. It is also has been proven to improve the worth mentioning that vitamin C is color and overall condition of the responsible for the blood supply skin, while antioxidants protect to the visual organs, reducing eye the skin from the aggressive pressure and thereby reducing effects of ultraviolet rays. Many the risk of developing cataracts.. cosmetologists recommend using Tangerines reduce anxiety. products based on tangerine juice Tangerines are effective in or zest to get rid of age spots and combating anxiety, worry, and wrinkles, and tangerine oil as a stress. And it's not just the bright means to accelerate the healing color of the fruit. The B vitamins of wounds and burns. included in their composition Strengthening immunity. protect the nervous system and Despite the fact that tangerines gently soothe, and vitamin C are not champions in the content of regulates the work of the adrenal vitamin C, their amount is enough glands, reducing the synthesis of to protect the body during the the stress hormone cortisol. In cold season. Vitamin C activates addition, the mandarin essential immune cells and helps the body oil is one of the best natural fight virus infections. remedies for insomnia and bad mood 29NOVIT MODELS KIDS NOVEMBER-DECEMBER 2022


Normalize bowel function. metabolism, and fiber causes The fruit contains fiber. And a feeling of satiety and satisfies both soluble and insoluble. The hunger for a long time. If you add first serves as a prebiotic and 10 g of soluble fiber to your daily stimulates the growth of beneficial diet, you can get rid of fat deposits bacteria that improve digestion in the abdomen and reduce the and restore the microflora of the risk of obesity. gastrointestinal tract. The second Help with colds. - helps intestinal motility. Due to Do not remove white veins when this, other nutrients are absorbed peeling fruit. They contain the better. One Medium Mandarin flavonoid nobiletin, which has a Replenishes 8% of Your Daily pronounced anti-inflammatory Value of Dietary Fiber. effect. For colds, it is also advised Reduce the risk of developing to drink tangerine peel tea: it neoplasms. treats dry cough well, things Flavonoids in citrus not only relieve sputum, and removes it from inflammation. They protect the the lungs. Ascorbic acid helps body from free radical imbalances prevent dehydration at elevated and oxidative stress, which can temperatures, and mandarin oil lead to tissue damage and cancer. prevents the growth of bacteria In addition, these antioxidants can and fungi. inhibit the growth of cancer cells. Moreover, it is not so much the pulp of tangerines that is useful, but their peel - there are most of the flavonoids. By their number, it overtakes the peel of lemon and grapefruit. Tangerines speed up the meta- bolism. НDespite the fact that tangerines are quite high in sugar, they are low in calories and promote weight loss. Potassium and calcium in their composition improve 31NOVIT MODELS KIDS NOVEMBER-DECEMBER 2022


Despiteallthebenefitsoftangerines,theyarecontraindicated for some people. Citruses are prohibited in acute nephritis, hepatitis, and cholecystitis. It is also better to forget about them for those who suffer from a stomach or duodenal ulcer. Doctors do not advise getting involved in tangerines with enteritis, colitis, and gastritis with high acidity. The fact is that the fruit acids contained in mandarin irritate the mucous membranes of the intestines and stomach. For the same reason, fruit should not be eaten on an empty stomach. In addition, like other citrus fruits, tangerines are a strong allergen. They can cause rashes, swelling of the mouth, and even anaphylaxis. In addition, tangerines can harm people with diabetes, as their pulp contains a large amount of sugar. They should use this fruit with caution or completely remove it from their diet. And because of the abundance of fiber, tangerines can cause bloating and flatulence. Pediatricians do not recommend giving citrus fruits to children under three years old. Adults, according to nutritionists, can eat no more than five fruits a day. At the same time, after each use, it is worth rinsing your mouth with water. If you doubt whether you can eat tangerines, consult a specialist. LR. 33NOVIT MODELS KIDS NOVEMBER-DECEMBER 2022




In a photographer's studio, you must behave exactly as if you were going to his house. Don't forget that when people invite you to their home, they expect you to respect them. Your visit is business, and no matter how casual the atmosphere, remember: you came to work. - Carefully prepare for shooting: your clothes should be clean and ironed, the model's bag is always with you. Do not expect that you have forgotten or missing accessories will be found at the costumer, make-up artist and hairdresser. - Do not turn on the player - do not immerse yourself in the sound of music, waiting for a call to the set. Better to read. - Be in the Studio at exactly the right time. If you are short with a photographer, you can be taken out of turn, but always call and warn about the time of your arrival. - When you arrive at the Studio, introduce yourself to everyone present. Keep yourself at ease. Shyness often seems to be arrogance. Write down the names and occupation of those you met here: the photographer and his assistant, makeup artist, hairdresser, art Director. customer, other models. - Never take anything else's, never use anything without asking permission. - Don't give the photographer's assistant personal assignments. But if something is urgent, ask the master 37NOVIT MODELS KIDS NOVEMBER-DECEMBER 2022

if his assistant can be absent on your business. - Changing clothes, do not stain the makeup of the clothes you are advertising. Take it off and put it on as quickly as possible. After removing the suit, hang it carefully. - Do not sit down or eat in the clothes on display. Remember: often a thing exists in one instance, and it will take time to put it in order. - If you like the outfit you're wearing, ask if you can buy it. Do not imagine that it is yours... just because it suits you, and do not demand it as a gift. You will make a very bad impression on the customer. - Often look at your feet on the set, so as not to trip over wires, lighting and other equipment. - Do not chat with other models on the set - it distracts the photographer and prevents you from focusing, and besides, you will not hear his instructions. Rampant chatter is always a sign of bad manners. - If you can't do without chewing gum, remember: this habit is not for the Studio. - If you accidentally spilled or spilled something, clean up after yourself, put everything in order. - Call by phone, including mobile, only in case of emergency and always with permission. Don't talk long. !!! Affability, politeness, tact-mandatory qualities of a professional model. The continuation of a career depends largely on whether you have them or not. NM 38 NOVIT MODELS KIDS NOVEMBER-DECEMBER 2022




SERENA SHEHU, 8 years Country: Italy. City: Altamura (Bari) growth - 122 cm clothing size - 8 shoe size - 32 eyes: brown hair: brown Serena model. She participated in various competitions, in which she won 2 times. The first prize at Miss Baby Influencer 2021 and the second prize at Miss Baby Fashion a Face for TV on November 20, 2022, was awarded to Rai1 host Beppe Convertini. Serena participated in the Milan Fashion Week show and took part in photo shoots for various brands. She studied at the course of the actress with casting director Giusy Marrone (director of the film “Me Against You”). Serena is engaged in modern dance, and when she grows up, she wants to become an actress and model. 43NOVIT MODELS KIDS NOVEMBER-DECEMBER 2022








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