September 17 and 23 Congratulations! Abdrahimova Malika, Bolonina Mariya and Ubogova Nastya with getting annual season tickets to the children's model studio of the agency “Images of Russia”™! Nastya is just beginning to learn, while Malika and Masha continue their studies. We wish by our young models success in their studies and creativity! NM156 NOVIT MODELS KIDS SEPTEMBER-OCTOBER 2018
On October 14, a new issue of the magazine NOVIT MODELS KIDS™ (№4/2018) waspublished.The cover is decorated with a photo by Malika Abdrahimova (Samara, Russia).http://likiross.wixsite.com/novitmodels/novit-models-kids-4-2018http://online.pubhtml5.com/hbkl/ihms/https://issuu.com/yandex3985/docs/nm_kids4_2018https://www.yumpu.com/en/document/view/62146287/magazine-novit-models-kidstm-no4-2018You can order a magazine at: http://www.magcloud.com/browse/issue/1511750NM 115073NOVIЛT ИMКOИDРEОLSСKСIDИSИ SEСPTЕEНMТЯBБERР-ЬO-ОCКTТOЯBБEРRЬ 22001186
October 10 and 21Model Agency \"Images of Russia\" ® organized an autumn photo session for pupils ofthe Children's Model Studio of the Peshkova Alena, Ubogova Nastya, AbdrahimovaMalika and Bolonina Mariya.Photographer - Yury Ivanenko (http://likiross.wix.com/yury).You can see the best photos of our young models on the official Facebook page:facebook.com/kidsmodelstudio/ NM 15093NOVЛITИMКИOРDОELСSСKИIDИS SСEPЕTНEТMЯБBРEЬR-ОOКCТTЯOБBРEЬR 22001168
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