On May 1, a new issue of the magazine NOVIT MODELS KIDS™ (№2/2018) waspublished.The cover is decorated with a photo of the pupil of Kids Model studio of theModel Agency \"Images of Russia\"™ by Masha Bolonina.http://likiross.wixsite.com/novitmodels/novit-models-kids-2-2018http://online.pubhtml5.com/hbkl/uyms/https://issuu.com/yandex3985/docs/nm_kids2_2018https://www.yumpu.com/en/document/view/61382685/magazine-novit-models-kidstm-no2-2018You can order a magazine at: http://www.magcloud.com/browse/issue/1487527 NM78 NOVIT MODELS KIDS MAY-JUNE 2018
In early May, in Simferopol (the Republic of Crimea, Russia) began preparations forKids Models Show Autumn - 2018 with the support of the glossy magazine NOVITMODELS KIDS™.The purpose of the event is to help reveal, see new faces, show the peculiarity anduniqueness of every little person!The show will take place in one of the best places in Simferopol - Restaurant \"Garden\"- this is an excellent institution that harmoniously combines style, quality of service andexcellent cuisine!The general producer of the contest is Anna Burina ( vk.com/id40159667 ) , who is theofficial representative of Model Agency \"Images of Russia\"™ in Simferopol.Watch the news of Kids Models Show Autumn - 2018, on the official pages of the socialnetworks: vk.com/public165381907 , facebook.com/groups/958438574281255//NM 10739ЛИКИ РОNСOСVИITИMODСEЕLНSТЯKБIDРSЬ-ОMКAТЯYБ-РJЬUN2E0126018