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Home Explore EU Digital Competence Framework | into action

EU Digital Competence Framework | into action

Published by williamdoust, 2020-06-11 18:23:07

Description: Examples and support into bringing the EU digital competence framework into action


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C14 101 • GREECE • ITALY • UK USEFUL LINKS Project website LINGUACUISINE: LINGUACUISINE.COM DEVELOPING DIGITAL This project creates a motivational way they develop digital, transferable and SKILLS WITH of learning digital skills together with language skills. DISADVANTAGED foreign languages, cultures and cui- PEOPLE sines, by making engaging technolo- The following DigComp competence gy available and involving users in the areas are targeted and LinguaCuisine A European project that uses design process with little or no digital provides a certification system based on cooking recipes to motivate experience, including migrants and ref- them for the acquired digital skills: digitally marginalised people ugees. to learn digital skills along 1.1 Browsing, searching and filtering with foreign languages, Firstly, project participants are asked data, information and digital content cultures and cuisines to follow an algorithmic approach in designing a cooking recipe and to use 1.2 Evaluating data, information and ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS & CONTACTS digital storytelling techniques for a mul- digital content Paul Seedhouse timedia presentation of its implemen- Professor of Educational and Applied tation. Then, they are trained to find 1.3 Managing data, information and Linguistics, School of Education, and retrieve relevant information online digital content Communication and Language (e.g. images of the ingredients, videos, Sciences, Newcastle University cultural aspects, etc.) and to select the 2.3 Engaging in citizenship through dig- [email protected] pieces they can use. At the same time, ital technologies they create their own digital resources, by using tablets to record the recipe 3.1 Developing digital content preparation and implementation phas- es (with narration and video editing). Certification is based on questionnaires Finally, with the online app developed and observation. Before the training, in the project they author and publish participants fill questionnaires to in- a multimedia social recipe for language dicate their prior digital competences; learning online. Participants work in their anxiety stemming from the lack pairs throughout the training process, of such competences is also measured. supervised by expert tutors. Through the During the training, participants are ob- online app, they also become members served and coached. In addition, they of an online community and communi- fill an intermediate questionnaire. After cate with others all over the world. Thus, the end of the training, the skills they acquired are evaluated both by filling a questionnaire (the same one used at the beginning) and by assessing the quality of the material they produced and published.

102 Pane e Internet (“Bread and the Internet”), PeI, start- PeI’s initiatives for digital competence development re- ed in 2009 as a pilot initiative of the Emilia Romagna volve around three main activities: C15 regional government (RER). It has been developed in collaboration with local administrations and several 1. Digital literacy for citizens with low or no digital • ITALY other public and private actors. PeI’s strategic goal is skills. RER redesigned its training offer with two cours- to enhance citizens’ digital competence and reduce es, called Digital literacy for citizens level 1 and 2, re- PANE E INTERNET: digital exclusion. The project’s main target groups are flecting DigComp three proficiency levels THE DIGITAL LITERACY AND citizens who do not use the Internet (mainly retired and INCLUSION PROJECT IN unemployed adults and housewives) and citizens who 2. Digital facilitation or “e-facilitation”. This service EMILIA ROMAGNA use the Internet, but ignore security aspects and lack provides citizens with continuous non-formal digital awareness and critical usage capacity (e.g. many high competence training and customised support to en- The Emilia Romagna Government used school students). hance Internet usage DigComp to design training courses and information initiatives for citizens In 2014 PeI adopted DigComp to overhaul its training 3. Digital culture programme. PeI organises work- in the digital competence action line activities and produce new learning resources. A learn- shops, conferences and other events aimed at develop- of its Regional Digital Agenda ing pathway was designed that gradually moves citi- ing personal and professional potential through digital zens away from a condition of digital exclusion. Once technologies and promoting their safe and creative use ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS & CONTACTS citizens have acquired basic digital skills, the next step among citizens. Grazia Guermandi is to encourage and support their autonomy, self-learn- Training expert at Regione Emilia-Romagna ing and problem-solving capability using technology. In 2014-17, 3,750 citizens attended digital literacy [email protected] courses and about 8,000 the e-facilitation service in over 60 municipalities; 7,700 citizens attended 175 digital cultural events; 110 teachers and 100 tutors

DigComp into Action - Get inspired, make it happen 103 Annex. inspiring DigComp examples: case studies and tools C15 delivered the training. •• it permits the organisation of activities in learning RELATED ITEMS P. 132 blocks and units PANE E INTERNET In all three-action lines, RER used DigComp to create a CURRICULUM AND common language and promote understanding of digi- •• it permits the measurement of various levels of diffi- tal competence, with some differentiations. culty of each competence T10 LEARNING RESOURCES FOR BASIC DIGITAL With digital literacy courses, DigComp was used as a •• it permits the benchmarking of projects and products LITERACY methodological tool to redesign existing training goals aimed at digital inclusion of citizens. and outcomes, learning resources and activities (see USEFUL LINKS T7). On the other side, RER found that DigComp does not Pane e Internet website consider the basic instrumental abilities and knowl- PANEEINTERNET.IT DigComp was used as a “knowledge tool” in the train- edge addressed at the start of PEI’s entry-level course, ing of e-facilitators (mostly public library staff and vol- which are a prerequisite to further learning. For this English version of Pane e Internet website unteers). The aim is to develop e-facilitators’ soft skills reason, RER defined a new competence area number TINYURL.COM/YB4MEZ5T and educational skills and to enhance their awareness zero, called “First Access”. of digital competence relevance for inclusion and full Video on the Pane e Internet project (select citizenship. DigComp is presented in a dedicated Learn- RER faced difficulties to “translate” some competences English subtitles in the bottom right corner) ing Unit and taught as the common language to un- as described in DigComp 1.0 at different proficiency lev- PANEEINTERNET.IT/PUBLIC/VIDEO derstand and describe citizens’ skills and the gaps to be els into specific training activities and content, because filled in facilitation sessions. sometimes the difference between one level and the next is small, whereas in other cases it can be a ma- In the Digital culture programme, DigComp is a source jor challenge. Also, DigComp competence descriptions of inspiration to design events and seminars and stim- were considered abstract and linked more to concep- ulate citizens’ curiosity about variuos information soci- tual rather than operational definitions. Some teachers ety topics. therefore find it difficult to relate a given training activ- ity to the corresponding DigComp definition. In these activities, DigComp was found useful for sev- eral reasons: RER used the three-level proficiency model of DigComp 1.0 and found it quite handy. The 8-level organisation •• it provides a common language between experts and of skills in DigComp 2.1 represents more clearly the citizens with respect to digital competence progression a person can make towards higher levels of mastery in a specific competence. However, there •• it allows to set standards in a training offer on digital is a concern that the framework will prove too com- skills for citizens plex and “artificial” to use when setting specific learning goals and outcomes. Besides, the three-level model is •• being technology-neutral, it is compatible with the well-known and appreciated by citizens and educators, “bring your own device” approach in training so a move away from it might prove problematic. •• it is also independent from operating systems and applications used by trainees and citizens •• it broadens the scope of training goals and outcomes

104 The eLene4work Erasmus+ project (2015-2017) has develop soft skills through MOOCs and OERs, as well as produced a framework for soft skills, including digital the possibility to select MOOCs to follow from a list of C16 soft skills, and proposes a series of actions and prac- over 200 selected MOOCs, classified according to the tical tools to help young talents better understand the eLene4work framework by the project partners. Advice • BELGIUM • FINLAND • FRANCE • GERMANY expectations of employers, assess their own level of is also available on how to get the most out of a MOOC • GREECE • ITALY • POLAND • SPAIN • UK competency and further develop these skills through experience, not forgetting that it’s not just the content open education initiatives such as MOOCs (Massive that can help them develop soft skills, but also many of ELENE4WORK: Open Online Courses) and OERs (Open Educational Re- the learning activities embedded in the more social and MAPPING DIGITAL SKILLS sources). The overall soft skills framework was based connectivist type MOOCs. OF STUDENTS AND on a European-wide study of policy, projects, initiatives YOUNG WORKERS FOR and literature, and on the results of focus groups car- During the project, 53 students and young workers EMPLOYMENT ried out in 9 countries to elicit the views of students, were involved in piloting the eLene4work-learning young workers, higher education teachers and employ- pathway. To support their learning, they kept a Person- eLene4work has produced a soft ers. For the specific digital soft skills, the project chose al Journal, which served the triple purpose of providing skills framework and open education to refer to the DigComp framework in order to align a structured space for reflexion and keep track of their initiatives to help young talents with this European-wide initiative. Discussions took learning, as well as a support for the monitoring team better understand the expectations place with JRC to reach common understanding of the who observed the process. The learning process is de- of employers, assess their level of two frameworks and to select the DigComp elements picted in the image (left). competency and improve skills to include in eLene4work. The benefits of using DigComp were most definitely ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS & CONTACTS The DigComp framework was used as a basis for the the opportunity to align with an existing and sound Eu- Deborah Arnold digital soft skills section of the eLene4work soft skills ropean-wide framework. All too often, European pro- Specialist in Digital strategy and communication, framework. This framework covers four areas of soft jects find themselves reinventing the wheel, and it was teaching and learning with technology skills - social, personal, methodological and digital. The a strategic decision on the part of the partnership to [email protected] framework is integrated into all stages of the learning avoid developing an alternative framework. Further- Matteo Uggeri pathway created by the project. more, it emerged during the Focus Groups that the eLene4work project coordinator, notion of digital soft skills was unknown or somewhat Fondazione Politecnico di Milano The first stage in this learning pathway is for students vague to many participants, including even employers, [email protected] to complete a Self-Assessment Questionnaire, in order and DigComp helped us enormously in defining such to identify their strengths and areas for improvement. skills. They are free to choose whether to continue working on their strengths or to fill the gaps in their soft skills The main difficulty was keeping up with the different profile, following the eLene4work commitment to sup- versions of DigComp to ensure that the initiative was porting autonomous learning. aligned with the latest version. This may continue to be a challenge in future, although the eLene4work The next step involves consulting the eLene4work Ori- framework exists independently. It was also not always entation Guide, which contains useful advice on how to easy to know where to find the different versions on the

DigComp into Action - Get inspired, make it happen 105 Annex. inspiring DigComp examples: case studies and tools C16 RELATED ITEMS web, between the various European Commission and ELENE4WORK P. 134 JRC websites which reference both working documents T11 ORIENTATION GUIDE and final versions. The only other challenge was more conceptual, concerning the common understanding of FOR JOB SEEKERS what is meant by skills (and soft skills in particular) and competences. ELENE4WORK SELF- ASSESSMENT TOOL FOR Regarding next steps, the eLene4work project partners T12 DIGITAL SOFT SKILLS P. 136 have created a Sustainability Plan for the project out- comes. This Sustainability Plan not only sets out the IDENTIFICATION commitment of all the project partners in order to keep the aforementioned tools and the whole learning path available after the end of the funding, but also includes a networking strategy to allow other individuals or in- stitutions to join the eLene network. USEFUL LINKS Elene4work project website (EN) ELENE4WORK.EU Self-assessment tool (EN) SA.ELENE4WORK.EU Orientation guide (EN, FR) OG.ELENE4WORK.EU

106 The aim of the project is to create a practical tool MapUs intelligent algorithm calculates the overall re- that could provide Danish citizens, students, staff, a sult. With MapUs various questions are weighted by im- C17 language to articulate digitalisation of their own life portance, combined to calculate a single judgement, or world and assess their own strengths and weaknesses. be set to have an impact on several skills. In this way, • DENMARK In this way, the respondent could be more accurate- a user can make his/her own targeted skills wheel easy, ly conscious about what to do to strengthen his / her cheap and fast. MapUs also contains a user’s adminis- THE DIGITAL digital competence. DigComp offered the project team trated tool that can group responses or extract reports. COMPETENCE WHEEL a language and a wide range of definitions and exam- ples of digital competencies, so that the project did not On next page is a description of the various skills The Center for Digital Dannelse have to start from scratch. From this starting point, the wheels that are produced or under development. used DigComp to develop a tool to project team set out to transform DigComp Framework map digital competence of citizens, to include more digital skills with the view of providing The next step is to develop even more skills wheels that students, and staff over specific an online tool that could measure these skills. DigComp are targeted to the participant. The closer the examples subject areas and provide feedback was the theoretical inspiration for the Digital Compe- to the participant’s daily life / work, the more he / she is and training services tence Wheel, especially for what concerns the defini- can get out from using the Digital Competency Wheel. tion of competence levels. After reviewing the DigComp ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS & CONTACTS documents, the project team produced a mind map Anders Skov with over 300 aspects of digital competence drawn Partner and consultant at Center for Digital from them. These have then been reduced to the most Dannelse relevant and measurable 54 aspects, which substan- [email protected] tiate 16 competencies under four main competence Jacob Brøndum Pedersen areas. Under each competence there are some aspects Medstifter af Center For Digital Dannelse related to each learning domain: knowledge, skills and [email protected] attitude. There are several skills wheels. The original compe- tence wheel was inspired by DigComp and targeted the general citizen. However, the project team has since developed some competence wheels in more specific subject areas. More specifically the project team has programmed an online survey tool called MapUs (avail- able at DIGITALEKOMPETENCER.DK) that, based on a number of questions, can produce a digital competence wheel for the respondent in a few seconds. It is MapUs that forms the visual frame setting of the competence wheel, and

DigComp into Action - Get inspired, make it happen 107 Annex. inspiring DigComp examples: case studies and tools USEFUL LINKS C17 The Digital Competence Wheel DIGITALEKOMPETENCER.DK title link audience purpose Teachers Digital Competence Wheel UNDERVISER.DIGITALEKOMPETENCER.DK The Digital DIGITALEKOMPETENCER.DK Adult citizen in Test and map own digital proficiency. Pro- Competency DIGITAL-COMPETENCE.EU Denmark vides an overview of which competencies Wheel UNDERVISER.DIGITALEKOMPETENCER.DK should be lifted, as well as concrete inspira- tion for how to improve them The Digital Competency English speaking Test and map own digital proficiency. Pro- Wheel in English The Digital adult citizens in vides an overview of which competencies Competency Wheel for the EU should be lifted. Teachers The Digital Teachers Test and map own digital competencies rele- Competency vant to a professional who would like to use Wheel for the learning potential of digital technologies Students in teaching The Digital Competency ELEV.DIGITALEKOMPETENCER.DK Students of age Test and map own digital competencies, as Wheel for Organisations 12-17 well as 72 training exercises ORGANISATION.DIGITALEKOMPETENCER.DK Employees of Test and map the organisations digital profi- both private and ciency level public organisa- tions

108 SmartiveMap is a proprietary tool developed by Smartive (SMARTIVE.COMPANY), an Italian company sup- C18 porting large organisations on change management and digital transformation. Large companies and pub- • ITALY lic organisations are facing to a huge transformation, generated by technology disruption and business inno- SMARTIVEMAP, vation. The larger the organisation, the more difficult it A DIGITAL COMPETENCE is to change. This is mostly related to a cultural issue: MAPPING TOOL employees, from management to lower levels, often do TO START DIGITAL not have the right mind set, skills and competences to TRANSFORMATION understand and react to this kind of innovation. The mission of Smartive is therefore to support these or- SmartiveMap is a self-assessment ganisations in increasing the digital skills of their peo- tool available online to map the ple in the view of a digital transformation. readiness of an organisation’s staff to a digital transformation process, To better accomplish this purpose, Smartive has de- evaluating openness to change and veloped SmartiveMap (available for free use online) a digital competence digital self-assessment tool to map the readiness of organisation’s employees to the digital transformation. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS & CONTACTS SmartiveMap uses 2 evaluation dimensions: openness Marco Mazzini to change and digital competencies. The user is asked Digital Transformation Expert, to answer several Likert-style and multiple-choice Managing Partner at Smartive Company questions during a 10 minute session, available in Eng- [email protected] lish or Italian and accessible from all devices (mobile, tablet or PC). The questions include multiple choices curated and updated regularly by means of consulting the experts of the Smartive network. At the end of the self-assessment, SmartiveMap sends a personal PDF report to the respondent with the as- signed SmartiveMap profile, scores, comparisons with benchmarks and general advises about the role the re- spondent can play in the digital change. SmartiveMap has 5 profiles: Embracers (ready to play a proactive role as change agent inside the organisation), Confi- dent (close to play the change agent role), Ally (ready

DigComp into Action - Get inspired, make it happen 109 Annex. inspiring DigComp examples: case studies and tools C18 to change, but it needs to improve digital competenc- These dimensions have been excluded by the assess- USEFUL LINKS es), Sceptical (digital proficient, but still conservative) ment of the digital skills because it is not possible to and Resistant. measure them with a quick online tool unless self-re- Mapping tool ported. This kind of analysis is conducted by Smartive SMARTIVEMAP.COM An illustration of the report is depicted in the image on with series of interviews and focus groups. previous page. Company website The Smartive team really appreciated the new 8 levels SMARTIVE.COMPANY SmartiveMap has 2 main outcomes: of the version 2.1, because it identifies the proactive role an advanced user can play to engage and support •• to get the respondent aware about his/her level of the beginners in a closed context such as an organisa- readiness to the digital transformation and tion. Unfortunately, even DigComp 2.1 does not have a specific adaptation for company/business use and it •• to let the company management (mainly the Human had to be integrated to this purpose. Resources department) understand the actual map of the digital competences (the Digital Champions and the Resistant). This kind of mapping is very useful for planning train- ing activities, change management and engagement across the whole organisation. DigComp has been a very useful framework for devel- oping a part of the SmartiveMap content. The project team identified 2 levels for the digital competences analysis: the general competences (the level of general knowledge and use of the digital technology for the daily life) and the functional competences (the level of competences required for specific organisation areas: marketing, It, finance, etc.). The project team has used the DigComp 2.0 to develop the content of SmartiveM- ap of the general competences, with some adaptations, considering the business context. In fact, it is a very useful framework to get the most important dimen- sions of the common digital awareness and proficiency of all people in whatever organisation. One of the most important SmartiveMap assumptions is measuring only how well people know (and use) the common digital technologies and the other crucial elements of the DigComp dimensions (such as security, privacy, etc.).

110 The Pathways4Employ project takes the DigComp stakeholders and e-facilitators of telecentres, using framework as a reference to define and assess the Surveymoz. The results served as the basis to define C19 digital competence of entrepreneurs and virtual of- both competence profiles. The second phase used the fice workers. The first step in the project was to col- basics profile elaborated in phase one and consists in • GREECE • INT • IRELAND • SPAIN lect information related to these profiles. Therefore, a validation process through a workshop with experts. the project elaborated two online surveys based on the 67 people answered the “Mobile office worker” survey PATHWAYS4EMPLOY: Surveymoz Web tool so as to understand what digital and 84 people answered the “Entrepreneur” survey. DEFINING AND competences were needed by anyone who would like All of them distributed throughout Europe. Data was DEVELOPING DIGITAL to work remotely or become an entrepreneur regard- gathered based on desk and field research and ques- PROFILES less of the activity field. Many survey questions took tionnaires and the competence needs assessment was into account the DigComp 2.0 and also the EntreComp focused on practical digital competence skills. The project used DigComp to define, conceptual model. assess, accredit digital profiles for Furthermore, the project team designed the “accredita- entrepreneurs and virtual office worker. The methodology for collecting data consisted of two tion” pathways for both competence profiles based on Assessment and accreditation will be main phases: in the first phase, a needs analysis was Open Badges. Each pathway allows the users to obtain ultimately implemented in an online carried out through a series of surveys with experts, an Open Badge per competence profile and in order to platform ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS & CONTACTS Iker Martínez de Soria Sánchez IT Consultant and Project Manager at TECNALIA [email protected] Juan Bartolomé Boloix Researcher on ICT & Education [email protected]

DigComp into Action - Get inspired, make it happen 111 Annex. inspiring DigComp examples: case studies and tools USEFUL LINKS C19 Project URL PATHWAYSFOREMPLOY.EU/WORDPRESS obtain this Open Badge the users need to obtain the the contextualisation of the digital challenges accord- 5 Open Badges linked to the 5 digital areas based on ing to the competence profiles. DigComp. The Open Badge of each area requires the user to obtain the digital competences and levels re- The e-assessment online web platform will be able quired for those profiles. to be used by all the people interested in assessing their digital competences. New profiles will be able to An example for the entrepreneur pathway is depicted in be designed by other organisations and be developed the image on the left. and integrated on the e-assessment platform (e.g an administrative, a commercial, etc.). People will be able Pathways4Employ will also develop an e-assessment to use the two profiles (entrepreneur and virtual office online platform that will implement the assessment worker) as inspiration, while being able to re-use, or and accreditation tool. The e-assessment platform will modify them according to their requirements. be designed implementing the assessment modules aligned with the 5 areas and 21 competences of the The main benefit of using DigComp is that it provides DigComp framework. It will assess the three key el- a common language and terminology. Moreover, the ements of digital competence: knowledge, ability and adoption of DigComp facilitated the design and devel- attitude. The platform will present different digital opment of the assessment modules providing clear cri- challenges to the users to assess their levels in the teria, which were easy to adapt to the needs of each 21 competences according to the DigComp framework. case. On the other hand, DigComp seemed the most Open badges will be issued and linked to the platform appropriate when talking about digital competence to guide people in their goal of developing the digi- as a transversal component that is necessary for a tal competence to become a successful virtual office wide variety of work profiles. worker or an effective entrepreneur. One of the most important goals of the project is to develop a prod- The next step is to finish the Pathways4Employ plat- uct (platform). On the platform, there will be a service form development and pilot it with as many users as where the users will be able to consult their digital possible at the beginning of 2018. profile (showing the levels obtained in the 21 compe- tences) and the progress in the accreditation pathways selected by them. The assessment modules for both profiles based on DigComp are being developed: Entrepreneur and ‘vir- tual office worker’. These modules will be integrated in the assessment tool platform. The assessment mod- ules represent situations and tasks that usually need to be overcome in usual situations in both competence profiles. Designing them in storytelling terms facilitates

112 CODEMOB is an Erasmus+ project de- The values promoted in the course in- USEFUL LINKS veloped by All Digital (previously known clude: mobility, immediate access to C20 as Telecentre Europe) focused on teach- information, learning opportunities, Project URL ing digital skills and capacity building of communicate, interact and collaborate, CODEMOB.EU • CROATIA • GERMANY • HUNGARY e-facilitators. E-facilitators are volun- access to new services, opportunities for • SPAIN • INTERNATIONAL teers or contracted staff that support a revolution in education. The training Toolkit presenting the CodeMob citizens with limited or no digital capa- has been provided using gamification, curricula and learning platform CODEMOB: bilities in the use of digital technologies problem-based learning, flipped class- CODEMOB.EU/EN/CONTENT/TOOLKIT CURRICULUM FOR and services and the development of room, and project-based learning. All E-FACILITATORS their digital competence. Five past pro- the course material can be downloaded Four curricula for trainers and AND UNEMPLOYED jects run by Telecentre Europe mem- and tested. Between March and June end-users on coding and effective YOUTH bers have already created and tested 2017, 15 youngsters from 4 countries mobile use 11 training modules for e-facilitators. have been trained by facilitators as part CODEMOB.EU/EN/RESOURCES CodeMob used DigComp to The DigComp has been used as a base of the course. An important part of the design the curriculum for to design two more courses on coding project has been the training of trainers e-facilitators who should and effective use of mobile devices for in the effective use of the curriculum. In train young people at risk end-users and a training curriculum for fact, the curriculum has been designed of social/ occupational e-Facilitators. The two courses will be to be used to train e-facilitators who, in exclusion on mobile learning part of an existing training curriculum turn, should train young people at risk and coding already developed for e-Facilitators in of social or occupational exclusion. previous EU projects. The course on cod- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS & CONTACTS ing is made up of a total of 40 hours of To learn how to use the curriculum, Esther Subias teaching, 20 hours of studying/rehears- trainers have to register an account Project Manager at Associació als and 20 hours of group projects. The into the learning platform LEARNING.CO- per a Joves Teb (Teb Youth contents of the course are mapped on DEMOB.EU/ where they will find the step- Association (TEB) the DigComp competences: introduc- by-step plan. The Mobile e-facilitators [email protected] tion to web technologies (DigComp 2.0 draft curriculum is available at TINYURL. - 1.1), algorithms (DigComp 1.2), HTML COM/YCT67NO2), while the final version of (DigComp 1.3), CSS (DigComp 3.1), and the curriculum will be available soon at JavaScript (DigComp 3.4). The next steps of the project will be to The course on the effective use of mo- introduce CODEMOB curriculum to more bile devices consists in a curriculum for trainers so they know they can find in facilitators (40 hours of training) and a it a tool to deploy the DigComp frame- curriculum for young people comprising work. 170 pages in its final version. The cur- riculum follows the structure mini task + basic information + problem solving.

C21 Following the launch of the Digital Suc- IKER1 “The first steps into digital 113 cess Programme (2016-2020), Hungary world” addresses Europass A level • HUNGARY developed in mid-2016 the new Digital basic skills USEFUL LINKS Education Strategy that addresses the Project website (in Hungarian) BRIDGE THE Hungarian education and skills devel- •• operate the basic function of an in- TINYURL.COM/YA4965T8 DIGITAL GAP: opment system at all levels – including fo-communication tool: PC, tablet, note- e-Hungary website (in Hungarian) BASIC DIGITAL life-long learning. The main goal of the book, smart phone etc. TINYURL.COM/Y7G7FE39 TRAINING OF ADULT strategy is to equip everyone with the •• basic word processing skills POPULATION IN basic digital skills necessary for the la- •• “save” operations HUNGARY bour market. Hungary also launched its •• extract information from the Internet National Digital Jobs Coalition in De- •• use of electronic mail A project that translated cember 2016. DigComp and uses it to IKER2 “I use information tools on my develop training packages Part of this strategy, the project “Bridge own independently”, addresses Euro- on basic digital skills for the Digital Gap” (GINOP-6.1.2) aims to pass A level more advanced skills 260,000 people in Hungary provide training on basic digital skills to by 2020 260,000 people by 2020, in six regions •• setting functions on smart electronic of Hungary (except the Central Hungari- tools ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS & CONTACTS an region). The project also aims to test •• services of the operation systems on Tamás Jankó DigComp as a general, novel framework smart electronic tools Senior Consultant at Ministry for for digital skills. •• creation of short messages, e-mails National Economy with short word processing steps [email protected] The project included a pilot phase, •• process information gained on inter- which translated DigComp 1.0 in Hun- net - for problem solving garian language and developed a train- •• knowledge on spam mails, fraud mails ing package for the basic two levels of •• use of social portals (for registration, DigComp with study materials and a sharing, simple data security) self-assessment tool, approved by the National Office for Vocational Training By the end of 2017, almost 90,000 and Adult Learning in May 2016. Three people had already been trained by pilot groups tested the training package about 280 training providers (public IKER I-II before it went public. VET Centers, adult education providers, NGOs, for profit training institutions, IKER I-II (IKER is the acronym of Digital language schools and even some uni- Competence Reference Framework in versities). Hungarian) is a certified, 35-hour, adult As next steps, the project plans to devel- training course, open for low-skilled op higher level training packages (IKER working age population (16-65 years III-IV), and to reach out for teachers of old) and financed by the 2014-2020 general or vocational subjects, whose Economic Development and Innovation digital skills should be improved. Operative Programme (GINOP). The course content is the following (it refers to Europass digital proficiency levels based on DigComp):

114 In June 2015, the Polish Ministry of Development an- DigComp framework, ECDL Poland has succeeded in nounced new rules on EU funding for projects concern- achieving broad coverage of the framework with ECDL. C22 ing ICT training and defined a new standard for training Initially, using DigComp framework as an enabler, ECDL content – compatibility with the DigComp 1.0 frame- Poland defined a set of 21 ECDL Profile DigComp Cer- • POLAND work. According to new rules, originally, all ICT training tificates to cover different sets of competences. After- financed by the European Social Fund had to cover all wards, according to market needs, 54 certificates are ECDL PROFILE: 21 reference competences (all 5 competence areas) of offered – some of these covering all 21 DigComp ref- DIGCOMP CERTIFICATES the DigComp framework. ECDL Poland expanded ECDL erence competences (red and violet), some of these IN POLAND skillsets/DigComp mapping table, originally provided by covering 13 competences - first 3 competence areas the ECDL and developed some original test extensions (green) and some of these (blue) covering another set The international organisation ECDL to cover the entire DigComp framework on proficiency of reference competences (ECDL Poland toolset - see Foundation offers ECDL certification levels A and B. Through extensive engagement with the the image above). modules covering competences outlined in DigComp. The aim of this Polish project is to “translate/specify” the framework’s competences into particular/specific competences in order to choose which ECDL modules to be taught for ICT training ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS & CONTACTS Jacek Pulwarski ECDL Poland Country Executive Officer [email protected]

DigComp into Action - Get inspired, make it happen 115 Annex. inspiring DigComp examples: case studies and tools USEFUL LINKS C22 Tables showing ECDL modules/DigComp mapping and all ECDL Profile DigComp certificates (in Every certificate is a set of ECDL modules and it is with any existing specific competences, as a lot of spe- Polish) defined by a comprehensive set of ECDL syllabi, cor- cific competences can fit one reference competence in TINYURL.COM/YA3B82FM responding to these modules. All tables can be found the DigComp framework. This is most evident for the (in Polish) showing ECDL modules/DigComp mapping Digital Content Creation area where, for the reference and all ECDL Profile DigComp certificates at TINYURL.COM/ competence 3.1 Developing digital content, there is YA3B82FM. With this system, ICT training providers in Po- a large number of content types (text, spreadsheet, land, with experience in ECDL or planning to offer their presentation, database, webpage, digital image, video, students a valuable, internationally recognised certifi- project and so on). For eeach content type there are a cate, got a powerful tool to help design their training lot of software tools (for example for digital image de- sessions. When performing their activity, ICT training velopment Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Lightroom, Adobe providers have to define: Illustrator, Affinity Photo, Pixlr, Sumopaint, PicMonkey, Splashup, Picfull, Fotor, GIMP and so on). Therefore, for •• target group, this one reference competence there are hundreds of specific competences. •• purpose of the training, •• character of the training, •• set of DigComp reference competences they plan to cover, •• set of software tools to practice the competences, •• level of proficiency. Then – using the ECDL Poland toolset – ICT training providers should define a set of ECDL modules they have to teach and – basing on these modules sylla- bi – define the training content and programme. As it can be observed, DigComp helps to understand digital competences and therefore the perception of the ECDL concept is much easier. DigComp is a tool against which ECDL solutions can be mapped in order to understand these solutions using a common “language” and to compare solutions (ECDL to DigComp and ECDL to oth- ers). Therefore, the idea is to look at detailed compe- tences sets in the ECDL syllabus one by one - to match this to the description of the proficiency levels for the DigComp reference competences. This is probably the only method available to map the DigComp framework

116 • SPAIN C23 EXTREMADURA DIGITAL LITERACY TRAINING PROGRAMME ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS & CONTACTS Marco Antonio Pilo García The Extremadura digital literacy-train- used as useful references to define the USEFUL LINKS Coordinator at the Extremadura ing programme, promoted by the re- content of the roadmaps that e-facilita- Digital Literacy Programme gional Employment Service and man- tors use for training actions. These also Website of the initiative (in Spanish) [email protected] aged by AUPEX, is implemented in over consider the regional digital strategy NCCEXTREMADURA.ORG Rosa Maria Mendez 80 NCCs (acronym in Spanish for New and specific needs of citizens, paying DigComp 2.1 translation in Spanish Mejias Project Advisor at FUNDECYT Knowledge Centres). Each centre is run special attention to improve employa- TINYURL.COM/Y6USGZ32 Scientific and Technological Park by an e-facilitator who promotes a re- bility and digital inclusion. [email protected] sponsible and effective ICT use by pro- viding different workshops and training In late 2017, the digital literacy pro- C24 actions for citizens, usually mapped to gramme of Extremadura made availa- DigComp categories. DigComp areas, ble an online interactive translation in ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS & CONTACTS descriptors and proficiency levels are Spanish of DigComp 2.1 main content. Antonio Jesús Fernández Cano Consorcio Fernando de los Ríos • SPAIN [email protected] DIGITAL COMPETENCE SELF-DIAGNOSIS TOOL OF THE ANDALUSIA REGIONAL GOVERNMENT The digital competence self-assessment and 21 competencies, measured as ba- USEFUL LINKS tool is available on the Andalusian Dig- sic, intermediate or advanced. The user ital Portal and is provided by the Minis- can then download the report as a pdf Access page to the self-diagnosis test try of Employment, Enterprise and Com- file and ask for training itinerary propos- DIGCOMP.ANDALUCIAESDIGITAL.ES merce of the Andalusian Government als to enhance their proficiency. Training in Spain. The tool requires the user to itineraries are designed following two go through different types of questions available options for the user: to deep- and simple tests about their knowledge en knowledge in one of the 5 DigComp or behaviour concerning all 21 DigComp areas and/or to gain higher proficiency competencies. As a result, the user gets across all areas. a final assessment report of their profi- ciency for each of the 5 DigComp areas

C25 • INTERNATIONAL 117 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS & CONTACTS UNESCO-PEARSON INITIATIVE FOR LITERACY: IM- USEFUL LINKS Steven Vosloo PROVED LIVELIHOODS IN A DIGITAL WORLD Initiative’s website Senior Project Officer, UNESCO Education TINYURL.COM/HAB5LGV Sector, Section of Youth, Literacy and Skills With the aim to inform digital solution rural and urban contexts in different Development providers, development partners and countries. DigComp 2.1 was applied to [email protected] governments, and in support of the categorize the minimum digital compe- SDGs, the initiative examined how in- tences and proficiency levels required to clusive digital solutions can help peo- use each digital solution within a pro- ple with low skills and low literacy use ject, hence to understand the proficien- technology in a way that supports skills cy level expected of users. Interestingly, development and, ultimately, improves most digital solutions reviewed require livelihoods. intermediate digital competences, not only foundational ones, despite being The report Digital Design for Low-skilled aimed at low skilled and low literate and Low-literate People: A Landscape users. Review presents 32 projects from both • GERMANY C26 BILDUNG IN DER DIGITALEN WELT. A STRATEGY TO EM- BED DIGITAL COMPETENCE IN THE SCHOOL CURRICULUM ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS & CONTACTS Dr. Isabelle Sieh In 2016, the Standing Conference of the In this context, DigComp was used along USEFUL LINKS Coordination of the Strategie “Education in a Länder Ministers of Education and Cul- with other frameworks first to develop digital World” at KMK, Germany tural Affairs (KMK) in Germany present- the “Competences in the Digital World” Competences in the Digital World [email protected] ed the “Education in the Digital World” framework (with 6 competence areas), framework (in German) strategy. It covers 6 main axes: from then to agree upon digital competence TINYURL.COM/Y978VVRM (1) changes in teaching and curricular development targets for students and developments, (2) the training of edu- their teachers in all levels and types of The strategy website (in German) cators and teachers, to (6) changes in schools and to start, in 2017, the long- TINYURL.COM/Y728SQKC legal framework. The strategy is split in term process of embedding digital com- two parts: schools and vocational edu- petence learning in the education disci- Short summary of the strategy in cation, and institutions of higher educa- plinary curricula. English tion. TINYURL.COM/Y7AP59FW

118 • SPAIN C27 TRAINING CIVIL SERVANTS IN SPAIN WITH DIGCOMP BASED E-LEARNING COURSES ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS & CONTACTS Laura Rodríguez In 2016 Grupo Euroformac, a training gan their training in a specific domain, USEFUL LINKS Directora Comercial in Grupo Euroformac company in Spain, were awarded by corresponding to one of DigComp 21 [email protected] the National Institute of Public Admin- specific competences. The student was Euroformac web site: istration (INAP in Spanish) for the de- then suggested a possible subsequent GRUPOEUROFORMAC.COM livery of a training program in digital training itinerary already with a higher competences based on the DigComp teaching load. This training model was 2.0 framework. They trained more than disseminated by INAP to other Spanish 1,300 public employees with eLearning Autonomous Communities (regional ad- courses classified in the five DigComp ministrations), and has since been repli- areas, at 3 proficiency levels, with a cated elsewhere. duration of 15 hours each. Through a self-diagnostic test, students be- C28 • PORTUGAL ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS & CONTACTS PORTUGAL INCODE.2030: AN INITIATIVE Margarida Lucas TO ENHANCE DIGITAL COMPETENCE Postdoctoral Researcher/Invited Assistant at University of Aveiro In April 2017, the Portuguese Gov- Education, Qualification, Specialisation USEFUL LINKS [email protected] ernment launched the strategy “Na- and Research. tional Digital Competences Initiative Initiative’s website António Moreira e.2030-INCoDe.2030”. A working group The initiative aims to enhance the popu- Associate Professor at University of Aveiro was set up to produce an adapted Dig- lation’s digital literacy and inclusion for TINYURL.COM/YDHUQYLR [email protected] ital Competence Framework for the the full exercise of citizenship, to stim- Portuguese context (DigComp_PT), by ulate greater business specialisation in making a few changes to DigComp, and digital technologies and their applica- submitting it for validation by different tion for the qualification of the work- stakeholders. The framework will shape force towards a higher value-added the activities for the development of economy. The development of an online digital competence in 5 axes: Inclusion, tool for assessing digital competence is foreseen.

C29 • BULGARIA • LATVIA • IRELAND • NORWAY • SLOVENIA • SPAIN • UK 119 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS & CONTACTS DIGITAL INNOVATIONS FOR GROWTH ACADEMY: USEFUL LINKS Lisa McMullan TRAINING ENTERPRISE TRAINERS AND EDUCATORS Main page of DIGA project The Women’s Organisation DIGAPROJECT.EU [email protected] The Digital Innovations for Growth framework. The interactive and practi- Access page to DIGA courses Academy (DIGA) Learning Programme cal learning (e.g. DigComp self-evalua- TINYURL.COM/YB5AAT6W has been developed by a European tion, video case studies, Business Model partnership with support from Eras- Canvas) provide tools to better under- mus+ 2014-2017, in response to the stand when, where, what digital tools widely recognised policy imperatives to to use and how to apply them across enhance the digital skills and compe- enterprise functions. The mix of knowl- tencies of entrepreneurs and Enterprise edge transmission, peer learning and Trainers and Educators (ETEs). practical experiential learning activities achieved the simultaneous benefits of Following extensive research, the DIGA acquiring digital knowledge and apply- Learning Programme was developed in ing it in an entrepreneurial context. line with and incorporating the DigComp C30 • INTERNATIONAL ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS & CONTACTS DEFINING DIGITAL COMPETENCE Ellen Durst TRAINING NEEDS FOR YOUTH WORK Policy Officer, European Commission DG Education, Youth, Sport and Culture, Unit The expert group on digitalisation and and ‘Planning, designing and evaluating USEFUL LINKS ‘Youth, Volunteer Solidarity and Traineeships youth, set up under the European Union digital youth work’- and by customising Office’ Work Plan for Youth 2016-2018, looked competence descriptors to the youth Publication “Developing Digital [email protected] at knowledge, skills and attitudes need- work context. The defined training needs Youth Work” ed to ensure an engaging and meaning- (‘competences’) can be used to inform ful digital youth work experience. After training programmes and develop new PUBLICATIONS.EUROPA.EU/S/FOUJ considering various competence frame- training methodology and issues, as- works for digital skills and for youth sess individual and collective compe- work, and focusing on what is expect- tencies and identify training needs. ed from every youth worker, DigComp was adopted and adapted: by adding two areas –’Digitalisation’ (of society)

120 1. FINDING, USING AND MANAGING This online course was developed RELATED ITEMS INFORMATION and run at ARU as part of its strat- T1 Information search, management, authenticity egy to enhance staff digital literacy. ANGLIA P. 78 Designed for teachers and other uni- C1 RUSKIN • UNITED KINGDOM Day 1 • Google – Advanced Search versity staff, it can be used by any Day 2 • Feedly – create your own newspaper! learner wishing to develop their dig- UNIVERSITY ANGLIA RUSKIN Day 3 • Blogs ital competencies. The course had UNIVERSITY: FIVE Day 4 • Google Scholar 468 registered users from ARU and USEFUL LINKS DAYS OF DIGITAL Day 5 • Accessible Documents 1,905 total followers including from LITERACY (5DODL) outside ARU. The table illustrates Course description 2. WORKING IN THE DIGITAL AGE the course content and its correla- TINYURL.COM/YA2HYMGR Bite-sized continuous Communication, nessaging others, collaboration, tion to ARU’s Digital Literacy Frame- professional development in networking, digital persona work, which is based on DigComp. Full course (Version 2016-2017) digital literacy: 5 minutes per The course ran for five days during 5DAYSOFDIGITALLITERACY.COM day, for 5 days in the first Day 1 • Working in the digital age (quiz with scenar- the first weeks of October, Novem- week of 5 months. Content ios) ber, December 2016, February and aligned to Anglia Ruskin Day 2 • Skype for Business March 2017. Every day during that University’s digital literacy Day 3 • Google Drive week, a new blog post was released framework Day 4 • LinkedIn to participants who were asked to Day 5 • Your digital identity read the post and complete an activ- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS & CONTACTS ity that took no more than five min- Jason Williams 3. CREATING DIGITAL CONTENT utes. The activity could be completed Media Specialist Artefact creation, intellectual property, at any time and anyone could join [email protected] data protection and catch up on previous posts. All of Uwe Richter the course’s blog posts can be navi- Academic Lead Day 1 • Open Educational Resources gated backwards from: 5DAYSOFDIGITAL- Distance and Online Learning Day 2 • How to search for a Creative Commons image LITERACY.COM. Everyone who completed [email protected] Day 3 • Classroom recording and data protection all 5 activities from any one month Dr. Jennifer George Day 4 • Using mobile phones for Podcasts via My- on the course received a digital Academic Lead: Learning Player badge for ‘Participation’ in the five Technologies and Digital Media Day 5 • University copyright policy and VLE categories of digital literacy. Badges [email protected] were issued using the digital creden- 4. DIGITAL RESPONSIBILITIES tial platform, Credly (CREDLY.COM). The Device security sustainability, health and wellbeing digital badges can be added to any LinkedIn profile, Facebook page, CV Day 1 • What are digital responsibilities? etc. to demonstrate continuous pro- Day 2 • Mobile crime stats fessional development. Day 3 • Mobile phone security Day 4 • Electricity consumption Based on feedback, review and re- Day 5 • 5 ways to stay healthy online flection of the course, the revised version 2017-2018 is now underway. 5. PROBLEM-SOLVING IN THE DIGITAL WORLD Troubleshooting, creativity, self-sufficiency Day 1 • Which ARU resources do you use? Day 2 • Incorporating Twitter into a Module – Com- m4comms Day 3 • What do you do if a technology isn’t working? Day 4 • Day 5 •

121 T2 RELATED ITEMS • SPAIN Ikanos self-assessment tool v2 has •• Multi-session: test can be completed C2 IKANOS P. 80 been designed to provide a personal in several sessions IKANOS - SELF digital profile to any user. The test con- ASSESSMENT TEST siders three areas that make up an indi- •• Suitable for Mobile devices vidual’s digital profile: Ikanos self-assessment •• Send reports by email test helps users to define a •• The potential to develop digital com- The test also includes an annex for the personal digital profile. The petence (available ICT equipment, Inter- interpretation of results. The user’s dig- test considers eight areas net access and how they are used) ital profile is presented based on the or- that make up an individual’s ganisational structure of the DigComp. digital profile, including •• Past ICT training and certification ex- The self-assessment tool is depicted in DigComp’s five competences periences the image above. areas •• Level of digital competence according USEFUL LINKS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS & CONTACTS to the DigComp model’s five compe- Ana Vitorica tences areas: Information, Communica- Access page to the Ikanos test in Ikanos director tion, Digital content creation, Safety and English (available also in Spanish [email protected] Problem Solving. and Euskara, Basque language) Roberto Lejarzegi First version Consultant at Ibermatica The test asks different types of ques- IKANOS.ENCUESTA.EUSKADI.NET [email protected] tions (yes/no, single or multiple choice, New version scoring etc.) for a total of about 32 ques- TINYURL.COM/Y8VJSKDG tions. Going through the whole ques- tionnaire should require 20-25 minutes. The test produces a personalised “Digi- tal profile report” with user’s name and date, and gives the overall assessment score (basic, intermediate, advanced); also visualises the results of the three components of the competence devel- opment potential, gives the aggregate result for each one of DigComp’s 5 are- as of competence and shows the results for each one of DigComp’s 21 digital competences. The main features include the following: •• Registration of user with password

122 A “professional competence profile” is the definition ifies the digital knowledge, skills and attitudes that a of a set of behaviours, skills, and abilities defining job professional must possess in order to adequately per- T3 performance in an occupation, which can be used to form the tasks that require the use of ICT in a range of evaluate the potential of a professional and their suit- equivalent occupations in different organisations. The • SPAIN ability to the requirements of an occupation, to detect structure of the Ikanos digital profiles establishes three needs and manage training plans as well as to eval- types of competencies: IKANOS - PROFESSIONAL uate performance. The “Ikanos digital profile” spec- DIGITAL COMPETENCE •• Core digital competences: ICT skills essential for PROFILES this occupation These competence profiles specify •• Complementary digital competences: ICT skills knowledge and skills that a needed in the sector professional must possess to perform tasks requiring ICT use in a range of •• Transversal digital skills: necessary in any work us- occupations in different organisations ing ICTs ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS & CONTACTS Not all DigComp competencies are necessary in all pro- Ana Vitorica fessional profiles; therefore, some competencies may Ikanos director be excluded. Some profiles consist of several compe- [email protected] tencies; because the job requires a variety of tasks and Roberto Lejarzegi skills, while in other profiles the digital competency can Consultant at Ibermatica be very specific (for a maintenance technician, their [email protected] core competency will be 5.1 Technical problem solv- ing). For each competence is established the appropri- ate level of performance and the type of knowledge and skills necessary for the specific digital profile are described. The descriptions for each competency are specific to each job profile so that the same competency may have different descriptions, as it covers different tasks. When the tasks of a job affect a small area of a DigComp competence, in Ikanos sub-competences are discussed, which is a group of professional tasks / operations de- picting specific and detailed aspects of a main compe- tence, and which acquires great relevance for a specific professional field. Sub-competences make it possible to define more precisely the tasks of any occupation. A

DigComp into Action - Get inspired, make it happen 123 Annex. inspiring DigComp examples: case studies and tools T3 RELATED ITEMS digital professional profile based on sub-competencies, •• SME Digital Transformation Manager IKANOS - NIRE is going to be more useful for personnel selection and GAITASUN DIGITALAK human resources management. Sub-competences help •• Computer numerical control technician C2 / MIS COMPETENCIAS P. 80 to maintain the integrity of the DigComp framework In the industrial area, the Ikanos model focuses on de- and the inter-operability among different competences fining digital competency profiles for positions based DIGITALES assessments. In the work carried out so far, “industrial on company activity, creating a tool to evaluate the digital sub-competencies” have been identified in the digital competency level of the employees and that USEFUL LINKS following areas: makes explicit existing gaps, and generating a tool en- Info of the project suring consolidation of the digital competency profile. in the Basque Government website •• monitoring of technological advances linked to life- WWW.IKANOS.EUS long learning and Personal Learning Environments Some type of dynamic management of digital compe- tences is required, because jobs are changing fast as •• information management methodologies such as digital technologies are incorporated. Digital compe- “Digital 5S” tences required by the occupation can vary in a very short time because engineering departments assign •• 3D design aspects for advanced CNC and Additive new tasks to jobs, which require new skills. Therefore, Manufacturing a Digital Competence Management Tool is needed that can respond to these requirements made by companies •• installation and configuration of industrial networks to the Ikanos test: and electronics linked to machinery •• Edit questions to suit business processes and oper- •• solving technical problems in the operation of Addi- ations. tive Manufacturing machines •• Create annual and level versions of test. Digital profiles are created by interviewing experts and workers belonging to the identified occupations to es- •• Carry out an annual review of profiles. tablish the digital aspects of their professional tasks as well as the content of their digital competences. The •• Supervisor can assess the competence level of each occupations selected in 2017 belong to the Industrial worker and enters the data on the tool and ICT sectors, strategic in the development of the Usually, companies have their own scales for assessing Basque Country economy: Industry 4.0, Automation, tasks that affect digital competency levels: CAD/CAM, Additive manufacturing, etc. The digital pro- fessional profiles that have been designed during the 1. Nothing, year 2017 include: 2. Only theoretical, •• Advanced Industry maintenance technician 3. Knows how to do it with supervision, •• 3D designer for additive manufacturing 4. Knows how to do it but cannot help, •• Collaborative Robotics technician 5. Can teach others. •• Additive Manufacturing machinery operator

124 Ikanos is about to launch the revision of the existing with the DigComp model. Citizens will be able to use ICT competence certification system in the Basque KZgunea telecentre sites and assistance to undertake T4 country. Over the last 10 years, the old system IT Tx- the free tests required for the certification. The new artela issued about 250,000 certificates (80,000 users system, called BAIT, is aligned with the strategic direc- • SPAIN 500,000 exams), following the traditional approach to tives defined in the European Digital Agenda, where key ICT skills development and certification focused on op- components of the digital competence are identified in IKANOS - THE NEW DIGITAL erational and application-related skills. More specifical- terms of knowledge, skills and attitudes (see image). COMPETENCE EVALUATION ly IT Txartela used to certify knowledge in computer SYSTEM solutions (+ of 50 different certifications): Microsoft and Timeline for the development of the system: Open Office, Web browsers, operating systems, Inter- Ikanos is revising the ICT competence net, email, etc. as well as certifications of the Basque • New platform development (v1.0) based on DigComp certification system IT Txartela by Institute of Public Administration (IVAP). and integration with IT Txartela - 2016 introducing validation methods and related certification procedures Ikanos is revising the system to introduce digital com- • Content development: more than 700 questions and coherent with DigComp petence validation methods (e.g. with the use of sim- exercises (knowledge, skills and attitude) - 2016 ulations) and related certification procedures coherent ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS & CONTACTS • Feedback meetings with Basque Country stakehold- Ana Vitorica ers: Osakidetza, IVAP, SPRI, KZgunea - 2016 Ikanos director [email protected] Roberto Lejarzegi Consultant at Ibermatica [email protected]

DigComp into Action - Get inspired, make it happen 125 Annex. inspiring DigComp examples: case studies and tools T4 RELATED ITEMS • New platform version (v2.0) - 2017 cate that is automatically sent to MetaPosta service. IKANOS - NIRE Evaluation with technological support: GAITASUN DIGITALAK • Assessment items improvement per competence – C2 / MIS COMPETENCIAS P. 80 2017 The tests are carried out through a web platform con- sisting of: DIGITALES • 8 digital competences aligned with IVAP needs and working hard with Mondragon University – 2017 • A web page for users to manage their registration USEFUL LINKS in the tests. Info of the project • digital competences assessment in real environ- in the Basque Government website ment with public workers – 2018 • A web page for tests, where the tests are performed. WWW.IKANOS.EUS • digital competences assessment in real environ- • An administration web, to manage the certification ment with public workers - 2018 platform. The development of a model and a platform for eval- Users automatically receive the results during the test, uation, certification and recognition of digital compe- being able to visualise their progress. Moreover, user tence, has been provided with the following character- history is updated automatically after the test is com- istics. pleted. Users interact with a series of programmes dur- ing tests such as office packages, browsers, etc. The Performance-based assessment following DigComp test items can be solved without a specific knowledge framework structure: of a particular tool. • Evaluation based on the user’s performance on a Evaluation Analytics: wide variety of digital challenges that have to be solved. • The information gathered from tests is used to im- prove the system itself. • Assessment is aligned with the competence descrip- tors of the European digital competence framework Adaptive Assessment: DigComp. • Test implementation is designed to provide the Exercises and real situations: same precision in the results with a shorter test to avoid boredom / frustration and reducing the time. • The evaluation reflects real situations that users will face in a professional context. Real tools (word IMS GLOBAL Learning Consortium Interoperability processor, spreadsheets) have to be used to resolve standards (Caliper, QTI, etc.): assessment tasks. • All the standards implemented in the platform to Summative Evaluation and Certification: standardise the interoperability between the servic- es accessed during the tests. • The test is carried out in a limited time, using the KZ- gunea telecenter network and other approved cen- tres associated to the service. Tests are taken under supervision to ensure compliance with regulations. • As a result, the user obtains digitally signed certifi-

126 INTEF MOOC time that can vary from a minimum of 1 hour, to a maximum of 20 hours of estimated effort. A NOOC, run T5 INTEF MOOC is a new Teacher Training model more fo- by INTEF, focuses on working on a specific digital com- cused on the development of competences, especially petence of The Common Digital Competence Frame- • SPAIN those related to collaboration through the net, man- work for Teachers, and achieve a single objective that agement of autonomous learning and participation in can be evidenced in a single digital product, whose de- TEACHERS IN SPAIN: educational communities. This new model of Teacher sign contributes to the participant achieving a specif- MOOCS, EDUPILLS AND Training offered by INTEF intends to develop massive ic level of digital competence. In this way we hope to OTHER TRAINING RE- training processes based on open and social learning get participants to concentrate on achieving a single SOURCES through activities that generate interaction, aggregat- objective, to prove that they have achieved it through ed production, shared knowledge and the building of a significant and measureable digital product, and to A range of online tools such as professional networks. In this sense, the MOOC experi- hold a very specific digital open badge. The completion MOOCs and online instructed ence presented here is designed as a social event for of several NOOCs run by INTEF may lead to the issue courses, EduPills and open teachers who wish to share their learning experience. of a digital micro-credential that endorses the level of badges and other solutions The design of every MOOC created by INTEF will allow digital teaching competence that the participants have offered by INTEF for teacher us to achieve the objectives initially planned through a achieved following the recommended training roadm- digital competence development combination of tasks, activities and content to be ad- ap, according to the Common Digital Competence and recognition dressed in an established time frame. The goal of the Framework for Teachers, by INTEF. INTEF MOOC is for every user to be able to develop ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS & CONTACTS self-sufficiency regarding digital environments, connect INTEF SPOOC María Jesús García San Martín with professional communities and generate and share Ministry of Education (INTEF) valuable content for his or her own community regard- SPOOC stands for Self-Paced Open Online Course. IN- [email protected] ing the different topics covered in each MOOC. TEF SPOOC is an initiative of self-training oriented to the development of professional skills, such as the au- The completion of a MOOC will help teachers reach a tonomous management of learning. Each SPOOC cre- specific digital competence level and develop/acquire/ ated by INTEF has an instructional design focused on improve their digital competence in one or more are- allowing participants to reach, at their own pace, the as of the 2017 Spanish Common Digital Competence proposed learning objectives; to develop their autono- Framework for Teachers, which as has been previously my as apprentices in digital contexts, to improve their mentioned, is an adaptation of DigComp to the teach- digital competence and to demonstrate this through a ing profession. worthwhile digital product for the educational commu- nity. INTEF SPOOCs are open and free (anyone can ac- INTEF NOOC cess and participate, regardless of geographic location and professional profile). All that is needed is access to A NANO Open Learning Experience in Collaboration, a computer with an updated browser, an Internet con- INTEF NOOC, gives participants the opportunity to ex- nection, and, of course, the desire to learn. plore, learn and be evaluated on a key element of a competence, skill, or area of knowledge in a period of

DigComp into Action - Get inspired, make it happen 127 Annex. inspiring DigComp examples: case studies and tools RELATED ITEMS T5 TEACHERS IN SPAIN: INTEF Online Instructed Courses THE NEW DIGITAL The online instructed courses run by INTEF are part of C3 COMPETENCE COMMON P. 82 the Digital Culture Plan in Schools and transversally contribute to the development of the Digital Compe- FRAMEWORK tence of Teachers. Edupills USEFUL LINKS EduPills is a micro-learning app for teachers, aimed at enabling teachers to acquire and / or develop dig- Current Spanish Framework ital skills and competencies in a simple and fast way. APRENDE.EDUCALAB.ES/MCCDD The educational modules are categorised according to the Areas of the 2017 Spanish Common Digital Com- Digital Competence Portfolio Teachers petence Framework for Teachers, which as has been PORTFOLIO.EDUCALAB.ES previously mentioned, is an adaptation of DigComp to the teaching profession. You can download the EduPills INTEF MOOC free app on your tablet or mobile and start using it MOOC.EDUCALAB.ES anywhere. Each educational module you complete is an achievement you can share on your social networks. INTEF NOOC You can bookmark educational self-training modules NOOC.EDUCALAB.ES on the topics that interest you most and access them quickly. INTEF SPOOC Open Badge Backpack “EducaLAB Insignias” SPOOC.EDUCALAB.ES Manage, store and show your digital badges. EducaL- AB Open Badge Backpack is automatically connected INTEF Online Instructed Courses to various digital learning management systems. Addi- FORMACION.EDUCALAB.ES tionally, you can export and import your digital badges across other open backpacks. Share your badges on Edupills social networks (Twitter, Google+, Facebook, LinkedIn) EDUPILLS.EDUCALAB.ES or show them on LinkedIn to complete your profile in this professional social network. It is currently used by Open Badge Backpack “EducaLAB Insignias” several institutions, as well as INTEF, to issue profes- INSIGNIAS.EDUCALAB.ES sional open badges that endorse their holders’ digital competencies.

128 RELATED ITEMS T6 C3 TEACHERS IN P. 82 SPAIN • SPAIN The Digital Competence Portfolio for of professional works which illustrate USEFUL LINKS TEACHERS IN SPAIN: Teachers is designed to acknowledge and substantiate their digital compe- THE DIGITAL and improve the digital competence of tence. For example, badges, labels, cer- Current Spanish Framework COMPETENCE teachers through continuous self-as- tificates, degrees, projects, experiences APRENDE.EDUCALAB.ES/MCCDD PORTFOLIO sessment and the up-to-date recording inside and outside school with students of teaching, learning and training expe- and by students, prizes, awards, digital Digital Competence Portfolio Digital Competence Portfolio riences. It is developed by the National artifacts, OER, publications, etc.; Teachers is designed to assess and Institute of Educational Technologies PORTFOLIO.EDUCALAB.ES improve teachers’ digital and Teacher Training promotes the ac- •• Passport: The Digital Competence competence through quisition, development and improve- Passport shows the level of digital com- continuous self-assessment ment of digital competence of teachers. petence teachers have achieved and and up-to-date recording This Portfolio has the following struc- provides an overall perspective of the of teaching, learning and ture: evidences that endorse it, according to training experiences those they have included in their dossi- •• Biography: personal and professional er. As they update their biography and ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS & CONTACTS data; dossier, their Digital Competence Pass- María Jesús García San Martín port will also be updated. Ministry of Education (INTEF) •• Self-assessment: Self-assess your [email protected] level in the 5 areas of the Common Users can make it public and share it Digital Competence Framework for on social networks. In addition, users Teachers by INTEF (Adaptation from can download it in a printable format: DigComp); the most recent update date will be in- cluded. •• Dossier: The dossier offers the teach- er the opportunity to organise evidence

129 T7 Set up in a collaboration between four contains: entry requirements for the RELATED ITEMS pedagogical counseling services and module, basic competences to be devel- • BELGIUM the Flemish Support Center for Adult oped, recommended duration (depend- ADULT P. 86 Education (vzw Vocvo), this website ing on the student’s learning speed, C5 EDUCATION WEBSITE OF THE aims to facilitate the implementation starting point and aims), links to current IN FLANDERS ADULT EDUCATION of the 9 new ICT programmes based on “completions” of the module and to cur- IN FLANDERS: DigComp. rent authentic learning tasks shared by USEFUL LINKS THE NEW ICT The ICT programmes are made of 55 other teachers. PROGRAMMES modules, addressing over 365 basic “Completions” are additional interpreta- Website for supporting teachers digital competences extracted from tions of /specific learning contents sug- in adult education on the new ICT Crowdsourced online DigComp (see C5). The home page high- gested for a given basic competence. education programmes resources to support ICT lights the “Start to ICT” programme (2 For instance, the basic competence SVWO.BE teachers in adult education modules, 60 hours each), common to all “can create simple content in different make the transition from other 8 programmes on: ICT and office shapes” can be associated with different traditional ICT training to work, social media, in an educational word processors (Word, Google Docs, competence-based training context, and creativity, web content, app Writer, Pages etc.) or also mean using development, ICT operating systems simple calculations, formatting and ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS & CONTACTS and networks, and programming. graphs in a spreadsheet. Barbara Defreyne The website has two main types of con- The examples collected from teachers Pedagogical coach tent: are presented as not binding and intend- in Katholiek Onderwijs Vlaanderen ed as inspiration for other teachers. The BARBARA.DEFREYNE@ 1. presentations and detailed descrip- message to other teachers is: “Which KATHOLIEKONDERWIJS.VLAANDEREN tions of each programme and module; learning content you will use yourself Monique De Ridder will always depend on the target group Pedagogical coach 2. contributions by teachers of so called for whom you will give the module”. in Katholiek Onderwijs Vlaanderen “completions” and “authentic tasks”. Contributions on “completions” and au- MONIQUE.DERIDDER@ All IT teachers in adult education were thentic tasks are collected with ad hoc KATHOLIEKONDERWIJS.VLAANDEREN called from the start to help completing templates, which must be tagged by the interpretation of basic competences course, module and specific compe- and enriching the web site with concrete tence. examples of authentic tasks they use in The website also presents the refresh- their lessons. er courses for teachers, e.g. on compe- tence-oriented education based on the Each programme’s presentation (online 4C/ID-model (TINYURL.COM/YAHGDSUL) and and in attached pdf files) contains: de- other resources (newsletter, FAQ etc.). scription of the training; visualisation of the sequence of the modules including the duration of each moduel and the total; further vocational training facili- tated by the programme; a list of basic competences segmented by DigComp’s 5 main areas to be developed by the programme and a list of basic compe- tences to be developed by each module. Each module’s presentation, in turn,

130 What is needed RELATED ITEMS T8 •• At least one group of 3 to 5 children. C9 HAPPY P. 94 ONLIFE • INTERNATIONAL The Happy Onlife is a hands-on toolkit •• One Happy Onlife game per group – developed by JRC, which seeks to em- each game includes a game board, a USEFUL LINKS HAPPY ONLIFE power children, families and schools die, pawns, question cards and ‘anti-vi- TOOLKIT in the attempt to promote a safe and rus’ cards. Happy Onlife on EC website healthy life online and help prevent cy- WEB.JRC.EC.EUROPA.EU/HAPPYONLIFE Happy Onlife is a game to ber-bullying amongst teens. It includes •• An adult, a teacher or a parent, who build and develop safety and a project booklet with a collection of 17 will be the moderator and read the knowledge on Internet use, educational activities promoting digital questions. overuse and abuse competences development and shared experiences of the digital world among How to ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS & CONTACTS teachers, parents and children aged Rosanna Di Gioia, Monica Gemo 8-12. It includes a board game that The game can be played in the class- Stéphane Chaudron takes about 20 minutes inspired by the room or at home. It has simple rules and Cyber & Digital Citizens’ Security Unit traditional ‘Snakes and Ladder game’. is easy to play. Its dynamic is based on Joint Research Centre - European The toolkit activities and the game well-known games: snakes and ladders Commission quiz questions are designed to prompt and multiple-choice quizzes. Having an [email protected] discussion and allow the moderator to adult as the moderator of the game, [email protected] drive the actors towards a responsible although not essential, helps achieve STEPHANE.CHAUDRON.EC.EUROPA.EU and safe way of using digital media. the activity’s objectives of awareness Joint Research Centre European The toolkit is available both as paper and inter-generational exchange. Apart Commission version and an online application. This from these points, simply follow the [email protected] toolkit opens a path to empower teach- rules and enjoy learning. ers and parents in actively guiding chil- dren to become smarter, responsible, Suggestions and respectful when using media and help them understand the ethical con- •• Adults – play the game among your- sequences behind the decisions they selves first. You might be surprised by make online. Healthy digital children the questions. learn better and become healthy digi- tal adults enabling them to reach their •• Inviting parents into the classroom to potential. take part in the game has the poten- tial to both help the teacher during the activity (for example if there are many pupils) and promote exchange between teachers and parents on the game’s themes. •• For an outdoor school activity, it is possible to create a giant version of this game, using the players as the pawns. •• The children will most likely ask to play a second time or maybe even more! Feel free to enrich the game by writing your own questions.

131 T9 TASK helps a student supported by a give detailed instructions about how RELATED ITEMS P. 98 teacher to assess his/her level in digital and when to perform the task, and will C11 TASK • EU + ES • FR • INT • IT • TR competence (and others). The perfor- observe the performance. mance and observation of execution of TASK TOOL: AN authentic tasks are the basis of the as- 5. Assess your performance once fin- ONLINE SYSTEM sessment procedure. ished the task, assess the quality of per- FOR ASSESSING Authentic assessment asks students formance by answering a set of ques- KEY COMPETENC- to analyse, synthesise and apply what tions on the screen. ES IN SECONDARY they have learned in a substantial man- SCHOOLS ner, by suggesting tasks such as mak- 6. Done! the system gives feedback on ing inquiries, writing, reviewing, debat- the competence level assessed in that Developed by the TASK ing, analysing, collaborating etc. It then domain project it helps students in verifies if the student is able to produce secondary school assess artifacts, to answer and act consciously, USEFUL LINKS their key competences with thoroughly and credibly. Authentic eval- teacher support uation fits well with competence evalu- TASK tool (in English, Italian, French, ation, as competence is “knowledge in Spanish and Turkish) ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS & CONTACTS action”. TINYURL.COM/Y9FFXMOZ Luciano Schiavone The TASK system offers the following Project coordinator of Task Project step-by-step guided path: [email protected] 1. Choose the key competence to be assessed (communication in the moth- er tongue or in a foreign language or digital competence). 2. Choose the mastery level that you think you have in that competence, by reading the descriptions associated with levels A, B, C, and D carefully. 3. Choose the domain (each compe- tence is divided into 5 domains) from which to start the assessment and read its description. 4. Read and perform the task pro- posed by the system. The teacher will

132 Within the Pane e Internet (PeI) digital literacy and in- •• The “Digital literacy project - Level 2 PC_TABLET” clusion project, in 2014 the Emilia-Romagna Region T10 overhauled its existing training offer and designed two •• The “Participant’s Guide to the course” (for level 1 new digital literacy courses level 1 and level 2, based and 2) • ITALY on DigComp 1.0. •• The “Mini Guide to the digital literacy resources” PANE E INTERNET In the course of re-design process, DigComp was used: These resources are in Italian and can be downloaded CURRICULUM AND from the PeI website here (TINYURL.COM/YCNSNWGY) LEARNING RESOURCES •• to map all previous PeI training activities and learn- FOR BASIC DIGITAL ing goals onto DigComp’s 5 areas and 21 competences RER also produced a set of learning resources based LITERACY in order to identify matching and overlooked aspects of on DigComp organised into: digital competence; Regione Emilia-Romagna used •• Books which introduce trainees to new concepts and DigComp to re-design its digital •• to decide the essential skills to enable citizens first to terms. They are aimed at increasing trainee knowledge literacy courses and produce a set access the Internet and its main services, and then to and are valid for both PC and Tablet users. In level 2 of learning resources organised into become more autonomous in using technology; courses, along with Books, trainees are recommended Books and Guided Practices to look at service provider user guides and video learn- •• to design and describe specific learning outcomes ing materials; ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS & CONTACTS and contents of each learning unit; Grazia Guermandi •• Guided Practices which lead trainees in carrying out Training expert at Regione Emilia-Romagna •• to design and categorise the learning resources pro- specific operations with a PC or Tablet. Guided practices [email protected] duced for the citizens. are available only for level 1 courses. These learning resources are written in Italian, The result is shown in the figure on the right which they are printable and downloadable for free here: highlights how the topics of PeI level 1 course (red bub- bles) and those of level 2 course (blue bubbles) map TINYURL.COM/Y84LCCEX onto DigComp’s 21 specific competences (rows) and three proficiency levels (A= basic, B= intermediate, C= advanced, columns on the right). The resulting partial coverage of DigComp’s full spectrum reflects two main factors: course duration constraints (about 20 hours) and what could be reasonably expected from PEI’s main target participants (adults and seniors with no or very limited digital experience). To support the deployment of the new courses, RER produced methodological documentation about the digital literacy courses including: •• The “Digital literacy project - Level 1 PC_TABLET”

DigComp into Action - Get inspired, make it happen 133 Annex. inspiring DigComp examples: case studies and tools T10 RELATED ITEMS PANE E INTERNET: THE DIGITAL LITERACY AND C15 INCLUSION PROJECT IN P. 102 EMILIA ROMAGNA USEFUL LINKS DigComp use to re-design PeI courses (presentation in English) TINYURL.COM/Y9YR69MT PeI digital literacy courses - methodological resources (in Italian) TINYURL.COM/YCNSNWGY Learning resources for digital literacy courses level 1 and 2 (in Italian) TINYURL.COM/Y84LCCEX

134 eLene4work Orientation Guide is a tool helping learn- cation, then they should first use the self-assessment ers discover (digital) soft skills wanted by employers, tool (see also T17). Users can come back to this guide T11 browse most inspiring MOOCs selected by project part- at any point and consult the different sections freely. ners, and learn how to study online and how to get the • BELGIUM • FINLAND • FRANCE • GERMANY most out of the experience. Concerning the main features: • GREECE • ITALY • POLAND • SPAIN • UK The tool can be used in the following ways: •• The section Studying online vs face-face gives an in- ELENE4WORK sight into what it’s like to study online and some useful ORIENTATION GUIDE •• Users can use this Orientation Guide independently tips from other students to help get organised. FOR JOB SEEKERS or as part of the overall process. •• The power of MOOCs helps you understand what Tool helping learners discover (digital) •• If the users already know which (digital) soft skills MOOCs are, and how they can help users to develop soft skills demanded by employers, they want to develop or highlight, then the user can (digital) soft skills, whether it’s through the content, the browse most inspiring MOOCs jump straight in and follow the next steps. activities or both. selected by project partners, and learn how to study online and get the •• If the user wants to evaluate (digital) soft skills first, •• The OER option explains what Open Educational Re- most out of the experience and then either identify what to work on further or sources are and how these can also help users develop what to include in the CV, ePortfolio or letter of appli- certain soft skills. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS & CONTACTS Deborah Arnold •• Browse by MOOC or skill enables users to select the Specialist in Digital strategy and communication, MOOC(s) they want to follow, access a short summary teaching and learning with technology via an ID card, and link straight to the MOOC on the [email protected] platform which hosts it. Matteo Uggeri eLene4work project coordinator, •• Here is a list of soft skills and digital soft skills users Fondazione Politecnico di Milano might want to develop and/or highlight in job applica- [email protected] tions. Social skills (inter-personal) •• Communication. The ability to transmit ideas, infor- mation and opinions clearly and convincingly both ver- bally and in writing, while listening and being receptive to the proposals of others. •• Teamwork. The ability to build relationships of par- ticipation and cooperation with other people. It involves sharing resources and knowledge, harmonising inter- ests and contributing actively to reach the objectives of the organisation. •• Conflict Management. The ability to manage conflict,

DigComp into Action - Get inspired, make it happen 135 Annex. inspiring DigComp examples: case studies and tools T11 RELATED ITEMS which means stimulating, regulating or resolving con- ematical or systematic operations and can be a gauge ELENE4WORK: MAPPING flict between two or more parties. of an individual’s critical thinking skills. SOFT DIGITAL SKILLS OF C16 STUDENTS AND YOUNG P. 104 •• Negotiation. The ability to argue clearly and co- Digital skills herently and conciliate different opinions to reach an WORKERS agreement that satisfies everyone with the aim of •• Information and data processing. The ability to iden- achieving the proposed goals. tify, locate, retrieve, store, organise and analyse digital USEFUL LINKS Personal skills (intra-personal) information, judging its relevance and purpose. Orientation guide (EN, FR) •• Leadership. The ability to motivate and guide others •• (Digital) Communication. The ability to communicate OG.ELENE4WORK.EU to get them to contribute effectively and adequately to in digital environments, share resources through online the attainment of the objectives. tools, link with others and collaborate through digital tools, interact with and participate in communities and •• Self-Evaluation. The ability to look at one’s progress, networks, cross-cultural awareness. development and learning to determine one’s strengths and which areas need improvement. •• (Digital) Content creation. The ability to create and edit new content (from word processing to images and •• Adaptability and Flexibility. The ability to redirect the video); integrate and re-elaborate previous knowledge course of action to meet the goals in a new situation and content; produce creative expressions, media out- Methodological skills puts and programming; deal with and apply intellectual property rights and licences. •• Learning to learn. The ability to provide a self-as- sessment of the knowledge needs (theoretical or prac- •• (Digital) Problem solving. The ability to identify dig- tical) and take measures to acquire and implement this ital needs and resources, make informed decisions on knowledge, while maintaining a flexible and open atti- most appropriate digital tools according to the purpose tude towards learning throughout the professional life. or need, solve conceptual problems through digital means, creatively use technologies, solve technical •• Analytical Skills. The ability to draw conclusions and problems, update your own competences and those of forecasts for the future by getting information from others. different sources and establishing cause and effect re- lationships. For each skill online training content can be browsed. •• Creativity and innovation. The ability to contribute The image on the left depicts the soft skills framework. with new ideas to develop improvements in the prod- ucts or services of the organisation as well as in the ac- tivities performed in the job, with the aim of responding to the needs of evolution of the organisation. •• Problem solving. The ability to work through details of a problem to reach a solution. It may include math-

136 The self-assessment tool aims to help 7. Adaptability and Flexibility RELATED ITEMS young learners (students prior to en- T12 tering the job market / young workers) Methodological C16 ELENE- P. 104 identify their soft skills and digital soft 4WORK • BELGIUM • FINLAND • FRANCE skills, set their own learning agenda by 8. Learning to Learn • GERMANY • GREECE • ITALY identifying their strengths and areas for USEFUL LINKS • POLAND • SPAIN • UK improvement, and decide what gaps to 9. Analytical Skills fill in their skills profile. This self-assess- Self-assessment tool ELENE4WORK ment is the first step in the eLene4work 10. Creativity and Innovation SELF-ASSESSMENT learning pathway. TINYURL.COM/Y9AFJBL2 TOOL FOR DIGITAL 11. Problem Solving SOFT SKILLS IDEN- How does it work? TIFICATION Digital •• After rating their own level of soft The tool helps learners skills via a declarative questionnaire, 12. Information and Data Processing identify their soft skills and the user decides which areas are the digital soft skills, set their most important. 13. (Digital) Communication own learning agenda by identifying their strengths •• Then the user can then set his/her 14. Digital Content Creation and areas for improvement, own learning agenda by analysing the and decide what gaps to fill results of the questionnaire. At the end 15. Digital Problem Solving of this process a pdf document can be For each skill, there is a set of corre- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS & CONTACTS created in order to have a trace of this sponding statements that can be rated Deborah Arnold initial self-assessment in later stages. in terms of proficiency, while the over- Specialist in Digital strategy and all skill can be rated in terms of impor- communication, teaching and learning •• Once the user has decided which soft tance. with technology skills to work on, he/she can use the Ori- [email protected] entation Guide to select MOOCs or other Taking for instance Information and learning solutions Data Processing, the statements are as Matteo Uggeri follows: eLene4work project coordinator, •• The user is also strongly advised to Fondazione Politecnico di Milano keep a personal journal of his/her learn- •• I adapt search strategies to a specific [email protected] ing and to do the self-assessment a search engine, application or device second time to check progress. •• I search for words that limit the num- Skills are decomposed in 4 different ar- ber of hits eas: •• I follow information presented in a hy- Social per-linked and non-linear form 1. Communication •• I recognise the usefulness, timeliness, accuracy and integrity of the informa- 2. Teamwork tion 3. Conflict Management •• I compare, contrast, and integrate in- formation from different sources 4. Negotiation •• I distinguish reliable information from Personal unreliable sources 5. Leadership •• I select the information on the basis of my searching aims 6. Self-Evaluation The system finally provides a self-as- sessment.

T13 • SPAIN 137 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS & CONTACTS DIGITAL COMPETENCE SELF-DIAGNOSIS TOOL USEFUL LINKS Antonio Jesús Fernández Cano OF THE ANDALUSIA REGIONAL GOVERNMENT Access page to the self-diagnosis test Consorcio Fernando de los Ríos DIGCOMP.ANDALUCIAESDIGITAL.ES [email protected] The digital competence self-assessment and 21 competencies, measured as ba- tool is available on the Andalusian Dig- sic, intermediate or advanced. The user ital Portal and is provided by the Minis- can then download the report as a pdf try of Employment, Enterprise and Com- file and ask for training itinerary propos- merce of the Andalusian Government als to enhance their proficiency. Training in Spain. The tool requires the user to itineraries are designed following two go through different types of questions available options for the user: to deep- and simple tests about their knowledge en knowledge in one of the 5 DigComp or behaviour concerning all 21 DigComp areas and/or to gain higher proficiency competencies. As a result, the user gets across all areas. a final assessment report of their profi- ciency for each of the 5 DigComp areas • ITALY T14 ABC DIGITALE: SELF-ASSESSMENT TEST AND DIGITAL LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS & CONTACTS Monica Campion Open Group is the largest social coop- ment test, with 20 questions in 5 sec- USEFUL LINKS Digital educator at Open Group erative in Bologna (IT). ABC Digitale is tions, corresponding to DigComp’s main cooperativa sociale OG’s main educational initiative on dig- areas. Users can only give one answer ABC Digitale website [email protected] ital competence, targeting people of to the multiple-choice questions. Some all ages, especially children, youth and answers are wrong, others reflect differ- ABC-DIGITALE.IT their parents. OG offers over 20 digital ent digital proficiency levels. learning experiences, from workshops Self-assessment test in Italian for adults to labs with younger people. Both developments aim to enhance In 2015, OG mapped these experience the website users’ awareness of digital TINYURL.COM/YC73X52A onto DigComp, and presents them clus- competence and DigComp and to high- tered accordingly on its website. It also light the coherence of OG’s digital initia- designed a simple online self-assess- tives with them.

138 • SLOVENIA T15 THE STUDENTS COMPETENCE FRAMEWORK BY THE SLOVENIAN EDUCATION INSTITUTE ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS & CONTACTS Radovan Krajnc ZRSS supports teachers in the defini- to what level, therefore the frame- USEFUL LINKS Consultant for computer science at the tion of students’ digital competence work helps teachers to realize which Indicators describing individual National Education Institute Slovenia development from kindergarten to digital competencies should have digital competences [email protected] high school by mean of indicators students in particular class, and TINYURL.COM/Y7UGVMN6 helping teachers plan activities to moreover each school can adapt the develop digital competence. All 21 indicators to their special situation. USEFUL LINKS digital competencies from DigComp Next step is to start a project with Test website (multilanguage) model are used to prepare indica- schools where teachers support SKILLAGE.EU tors. Team of teachers that work in students’ digital competence every Telecentre Europe DigComp one class can use indicators to coor- year in every subject. Guidelines dinate who will develop which of the TINYURL.COM/YCWSE9NH competence in DigComp model and • INTERNATIONAL T16 SKILLAGE: ONLINE SELF-ASSESSMENT TOOL ON DIGITAL SKILLS FOR THE JOB MARKET ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS & CONTACTS Ekaterina Clifford Skillage is an online test developed other options, making it a formative All Digital, Communications Manager in 2012 by Telecentre Europe (now experience about digital technology [email protected] All Digital) to assess young people’s in the workplace. At the end of the understanding and readiness for test, users receive an overall score ICT skills in the workplace. Availa- on ICT skills level. Skillage questions ble in over 20 languages, the test fall into 5 competence areas, orig- consists of 15 questions random- inally identified in an employabili- ly chosen from a set of 100. Each ty perspective. In 2014, questions question has several possible an- were increased from 40 to 100 and swers that explore a given IT skill aligned to DigComp. The 5 five origi- from different angles. Immediate nal competence areas remained un- feedback tells if the answer is cor- changed, to guarantee longitudinal rect, explains why and discusses the comparability of collected data.

T17 • SPAIN 139 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS & CONTACTS TUCERTICYL: THE NEW DIGITAL COMPETENCE USEFUL LINKS Graciela Parrilla Ramirez CERTIFICATION SYSTEM IN CASTILLA LEON Access to digital competences Digital Information Society Service, certification tool Department of Telecommunications, Junta The new certification service TuCertiCyL and in other recognised centres. The TUCERTICYL.ES de Castilla y León is based on DigComp 2.1 and offers two test involves randomly generated mul- [email protected] certifications of digital competences for tiple-choice questions, simulations and citizenship, at basic and intermediate challenges to assess the user’s knowl- level. Both are certified by the Ministry edge and skills in different DigComp of Development and Environment of the competence areas and proficiency lev- Junta de Castilla y León in Spain. els. The certification tests can be booked online by any citizen and are held in the Espacios CyL Digital (Digital spaces of Castilla y Leon), run by the regional gov- ernment in each provincial capital city, T18 • GERMANY ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS & CONTACTS DIGITAL SKILLS SELF-ASSESSMENT TOOL FOR Walter Lieberei EMPLOYEES AND MANAGERS OF THE DACH REGION Managing Director at Forum “Digitale, interaktive Didaktik” The Forum “Digitale, interaktive In addition, the demographic data USEFUL LINKS [email protected] Didaktik” is implementing a self-as- of all participants are recorded. sessment tool based on DigComp Each participant then receives a Forum 2.1. for employees and managers short report on the results at the in companies and organisations of level of the five DigComp 2.1 com- FORUM-DID.DE the DACH region. In 2017 the tool is petence areas. Then participants open to member companies, while can carry out an online evaluation Tool “DigComp 2.1” (in German) in 2018, the tool will be open for all of the DigComp tool based on 11 interested companies in the DACH open and closed questions. So far, FORUM-DID.DE/DIGCOMP region. the Forum has developed a Self-As- sessment Tool DigComp 2.1, and an How does it work? The 21 DigComp Evaluation of DigComp tool. competences are rated by every participant at the click of a mouse.

140 • ITALY T19 SAFE ONLINE: A BOOK TO TRAIN THE NEW DIGITAL CITIZENS AT SCHOOL ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS & CONTACTS Sandra Troia Sicuri online: Formare i nuovi cittadini (in the importance of authentic and mean- USEFUL LINKS Secondary school teacher Italian only) is the first teaching aid and ingful learning experiences at school, to [email protected] exercise book for students in first-lev- develop digital citizenship. Then 6 learn- Presentation of the book el secondary school that was published ing paths are suggested, each one with in Italy and entirely based on DigComp. starting and final self-assessment tests, TINYURL.COM/YCP4223N The author, Sandra Troia, is a teacher reflection questions, tasks to perform who knows DigComp as she promoted it etc. The paths illustrate and address widely and uses it herself at school. The issues drawn from DigComp’s main ar- first part of the book presents safety as eas, e.g. digital footprints, online safety a digital competence, DigComp, the on- and privacy, digital content production going Digital School National Plan and and others. T20 • NORWAY ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS & CONTACTS NORWEGIAN PROFESSIONAL DIGITAL Marijana Kelentrić COMPETENCE FRAMEWORK FOR TEACHERS Senior Adviser Norwegian Directorate for Education The Norwegian Centre for ICT in Educa- defining competence boundaries and USEFUL LINKS [email protected] tion (under the Norwegian Ministry of content; matching with national steer- Education and Research) used DigComp ing documents and discussion with The framework for teachers and other frameworks in a structured stakeholders to adapt it to the nation- design process that involved: a litera- al context. The resulting framework, TINYURL.COM/Y7CL3DFW ture review and meta-analysis of over launched in May 2017, aims to provide 40 national and international docu- a point of reference and further guid- ments on digital competence to gain in- ance for policy developers, heads of sight into objectives, approaches, imple- department, teacher educators, teach- mentation strategies and extract best ers, student teachers and others in their practice to be adapted to the Norwegian work on improving the quality of teach- context; the grouping of these elements er education and continuing profession- as the basis for a first framework draft, al development.

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KJ-NA-29115-EN-N doi:10.2760/112945 ISBN 978-92-79-79901-3

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