The brief for this project was asking to produce an annotated portfolio ofevidence of professional development activities, which I have undertaken, anda formally presented personal development strategy detailing aims andobjectives for the next 5 years. This is my portfolio of related work, which Ihave decided to start with a description of my specialism job role, which isgraphic design. This research has helped me understand what the role of agraphic designer involves, but also what skills are essential in order to becomea successful candidate within this area.“Graphic designers create visual concepts, by hand or usingcomputer software, to communicate ideas that inspire, inform, or captivateconsumers. They develop the overall layout and production design foradvertisements, brochures, magazines, and corporate reports” (,2018)Graphic designers are responsible for: • Meeting with clients to understand their expectations about the projects. • Advice client’s what methods and design is best for reaching certain audience. • Decide on the message the design should represent. • Develop images and typography which represents a massage. • Design illustrations, logos or websites for products. • Are responsible for choosing the right colours, images, typography, style and layout. • Submit the final designs to their clients. • Are open to suggestions and advice from their clients on their designs, and perform the necessary changes to the designs. • Double checking for any mistakes within the design, before sending it for printing.
What skills are required for Graphic Designers?Active Listening - Giving full attention to what other people are saying, takingtime to understand the points being made, asking questions as appropriate, and notinterrupting at inappropriate times.Speaking - Talking to others to convey information effectively.Critical Thinking - Using logic and reasoning to identify the strengths andweaknesses of alternative solutions, conclusions or approaches to problems.Reading Comprehension - Understanding written sentences and paragraphs inwork related documents.Active Learning - Understanding the implications of new information for bothcurrent and future problem-solving and decision-making.Social Perceptiveness - Being aware of others' reactions and understanding whythey react as they do.Operations Analysis - Analysing needs and product requirements to create adesign.Judgment and Decision Making - Considering the relative costs and benefits ofpotential actions to choose the most appropriate one.Time Management - Managing one's own time and the time of others.Complex Problem Solving - Identifying complex problems and reviewing relatedinformation to develop and evaluate options and implement solutions.Coordination - Adjusting actions in relation to others' actions.Monitoring - Monitoring/Assessing performance of yourself, other individuals, ororganizations to make improvements or take corrective action.Writing - Communicating effectively in writing as appropriate for the needs ofthe audience.Persuasion - Persuading others to change their minds or behavior.Negotiation - Bringing others together and trying to reconcile differences.Service Orientation - Actively looking for ways to help people.Systems Analysis - Determining how a system should work and how changes inconditions, operations, and the environment will affect outcomes.Instructing - Teaching others how to do something.Learning Strategies - Selecting and using training/instructional methods andprocedures appropriate for the situation when learning or teaching new things.Systems Evaluation - Identifying measures or indicators of system performanceand the actions needed to improve or correct performance, relative to the goals ofthe system.(, 2018)
Skills which the employers are looking for in successful candidates: o Excellent knowledge of Adobe Creative Suite (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign) o A strong portfolio demonstrating a wide variety of design o Ability to prioritise, schedule, drive projects, and meet deadlines o Ability to follow, interpret and build on brand guidelines o Being open to feedback and willing to make changes to your designs o Confident communication and presentation skills o A Degree in Graphic Design or a proven track record of experience within the Industry o Good reading / writing and communication skills o Accuracy and attention to detail o Artistic and creative flair o Willingness to learn new skills o Good team player o Ability to work on own initiative o PC literate, be able to work on a Mac o Experience within photography o Customer focused, with a desire to provide excellent customer service o Knowledge of design o Problem solving skills including the ability to innovate and develop solutions o Layout and print experience o Experience working to company style guides and branding o Experience of managing your own workload and identifying prioritiesBased on the above skills required for being successful within the graphicdesign industry, I have conducted a personal skills audit.
Personal skill Audit:Skills required for successful My skillsgraphic designersExcellent knowledge of Adobe 2Creative Suite (Photoshop, Illustrator, I have a very good knowledge ofInDesign) Photoshop, but I don’t feel very confident with InDesign and Illustrator.A strong portfolio demonstrating a 2wide variety of design Throughout my higher education and level 3 art and Design courses, I have gathered an impressive portfolio which contains a wide variety of designs.Ability to prioritise, schedule, drive 2projects, and meet deadlines I have enquired those skills through my work experience within various jobs, but also through completing my course projects before the deadline, and managing successfully my workflow.Ability to follow, interpret and build 2on brand guidelines Throughout my work experience I have represented my employer to high standardsBeing open to feedback and willing to 2make changes to your designs Throughout my courses I was taking part in group critiques and responding to feedback from my module leaders.Confident communication and 2presentation skills I have conducted Power Point presentations throughout my studying time. I get nervous beforehand, though feedback from my module leaders has generally been positive.
A Degree in Graphic Design or a 3proven track record of experience Currently on my final year ofwithin the Industry Foundation Degree in graphic design. I have gained a little work experienceGood reading / writing and by working for GatleyUK.communication skills 1 During my courses I have completed all my projects to high marks.Accuracy and attention to detail 2 I have meticulously rechecked all myArtistic and creative flair course projects for minor and major mistakes, by listening carefully to myWillingness to learn new skills module leaders, making notes andPC literate, be able to work on a Mac asking relevant questions, to doubleExperience within photography check if I had it right. 2Customer focused, with a desire to Throughout my courses I haveprovide excellent customer service completed various projects, which involved creativity and I have manage to pass them with high marks. 1 I am constantly developing and obtaining new skills, either through education or work experience. 2 I am PC literate, but I haven’t work a lot on Mac computers, I am not as familiar with it as with a PC. 3 I have passion for photography and I constantly test my knowledge by undertaking photographic tasks, such as being a photographer for the end of year exhibition. 1 12 years of experience, working in a customer service environment.
Knowledge of design 2 I understand basic concepts in designProblem solving skills including the gained through my 2-year studying atability to innovate and develop a foundation degree art and designsolutions course. 2Layout and print experience During my work experience and my academic life, I had to face a varietyExperience in working to company of problems and I have successfullystyle guides and branding managed to solve them. 3Experience of managing your own I have successfully completedworkload and identifying priorities academic projects involving layoutsAbility to work on own initiative and printing, and satisfactory results. 3Good team player I have got experience in working in customer service companies, but I have a lack of work experience as a graphic designer. 2 I have successfully finished all my projects on a foundation degree course, which involved lots of self- directed studying. 3 12 years’ experience in customer service companies where I have worked as part of a team, I have also successfully completed group projects during my academic education.On a 4-point scale: 3 = a little experience 4 = no experience 1 = wide experience 2 = some experience
“A key piece of information anorganisation needs to improve isto know what skills andknowledge the organisationrequires and what skills andknowledge the organisationcurrently has” (Watson, 2018)Within a company skill audits areimportant task for getting toknow the strengths and weaknessof your employees and theupcoming job candidates. Asuccessful company runs frequentskill audits to get to know theirpeople.Personal skills audits are essential to frequently measure and record your skills.This process gives you a chance of working on developing your abilities andskills, to become more successful within your career/ specialism.
Guildhall Stafford Exhibition2015Level 2 art and design final year exhibition, taking place in the GuildhallShopping centre in Stafford. The exhibition was showcasing artwork andportfolios of Stafford college students, studying on different art levels andspecialisms in Stafford College.Skills acquired: - Ability to present my artwork in a professional way - Attention to detail, by choosing the most appropriate artwork to showcase in the exhibition - Organizational skills gained through helping in preparing the exhibition - Confidence in presenting my artwork to the public and communicating with the visitors - Time management skill, by completing my projects on time for the exhibition - Setting up and looking after the exhibition as a team, great team work - Motivation and commitment skills gained through attending designated days to look after the exhibition visitors
“A story of our time” Exhibition10/11th December 2015 College LibrarySuccessful first semester foundationdegree exhibition taking place in thecollege library. The exhibition wasorganized by my course group and thesecond year FD students. We have exhibita variety of our artwork ranging fromdigital design, photographs, wallpapers,silkscreen printing, painting and drawing,to ceramics and sculpting.Skill acquired: - Ability to work independently (creating artwork for the exhibition) and as part of the team (setting up the exhibition) - Ability to work under pressure and to deadlines - High work standards (showing my artwork through professional display) - Organizing and planning - Problem solving - Ability to handle criticism whilst maintaining enthusiasm and performance - High communication skills - Creative thinking
- Ability to work with different media (silkscreen artwork for the exhibition) - Self-promotion - Time management - Visual, written communication - Ability to create advertising materials/posters - Integrating visual messages within social media platforms “Happy thoughts” Workshop10th March 2015Gainsborough ArtworksWorkshop on monoprintingmixed with photomontage/collage.
A successful collaboration with Peter Bryan, the workshops was part of ourcourse project. We had 12 people attending the venue and discovering how toget creative with their own photographs, through collage and monoprintingprocesses. The workshop included a PowerPoint introduction to collage andphotomontage, followed by explanation of the monoprinting process. Basedon our end of day questionnaire, the participants feedback was satisfactoryand the workshop was a success.Skills acquired: - Ability to work independently and as part of a team - Creative thinking, working with various media - Communication and presentation skills - Ability to handle criticism whilst maintaining enthusiasm and performance - Ability to work under pressure and to deadlines - Ability to work with different media - Excellent Time management - Attention to detail - Ability to come up with visual solutions and communicate the right ideas or concepts to a variety of audience - Organizational skills - Confidence - Ability to create advertising materials/posters - Customer service - Estimating costs and decision making - Listening, teaching and multitasking - Taking and modifying photographsShire Hall Exhibition2016 – StaffordFoundation Degree, end of first year exhibition, takingplace in the Shire Hall in Stafford. The exhibition was acollaboration of students, who were currently studyingon various art courses within Stafford college.
Gatley UKWork experience2015 StaffordWorking for a Stafford based company - Getley UK. The company specialise inthe manufacture and supply of high quality cabinets and carcases. It was acollaboration with Peter Brayan and Matthew Fletcher, in producing abrochure for the company. Through successful team work and effectivecommunication with the client, we have managed to create a brochure for thecompany’s upcoming products.Skills gained: - Working successfully as part of a team - Gained more confidence in using Adobe Creative Suite - Organizational skills - Time management and working to deadlines - Knowledge about professional printing process - Estimating costs and decision making
- Attention to detail - Choosing most effective typography for graphic design project - Meeting deadlines and quality standards - Creating logo design - Decision making - Communicating with the clients about their design preferences - Modifying design based on feedback from client - Receiving constructive criticism about the design - Representing ideas visually - Strategic thinking - Verbal and visual communication - Working collaboratively but also independently 8ball competition2016 StaffordOne of the two winners ofthe Stafford College competition for at-shirt design. The competition was runby 8ball t-shirts company, an industry-leading culture hub delivering unique tshirt designs.Skills acquired: - Visual communication - Time management - Decision making - Gained more confidence in my designs - Creativity
Live brief: Gainsborough Artworks E-learning site2016 StaffordCreating advertising materials, for an E-learning site for GainsboroughArtworks. Through effective and successful communication with the client(Dawn Jutton) I have produced an infographic poster. The poster is anadvertisement for e-learning children workshops.Skills gained: - Visual, verbal and written communication - Time management - Attention to detail - Targeting visual communication to demographic groups - Gathering information and materials to meet the briefs guidelines - Expanding my knowledge on Adobe Creative Suite, working more in Illustrator - Meeting deadlines and quality standards
The National careers - skill testUKs national career service website provides a test, which can help identify thestrongest skills, and the ones which need improvement. After taking the onlineskills health check test, my results were as follow. One being the most able todo, and 9 the skill which I feel I do less. Planning and Focusing on Detail1 Plans own tasks and uses time effectively to produce high quality work. Solving Problems2 Spots problems and gathers information, making judgements based on facts. Creative Thinking3 Comes up with new ideas and different ways for approaching issues. Handling Change and Pressure4 Adapts to changes, remains calm and reacts positively to challenges. Showing Energy and Drive5 Shows energy and enthusiasm for meeting difficult goals and taking on new tasks. Learning and Technology6 Easily learns new information and quickly learns how to use new technologies. Convincing and Communicating7 Convinces others and deals well with conflict. Expresses self clearly when speaking and writing. Working with Others8 Works well with people by listening, understanding and helping others.9 Taking Responsibility Takes responsibility for own actions and for leading others.
My strengths Planning and Focusing on Detail Planning and Focusing on Detail is a skill area that you feel you are most able to do. This is about being able to plan and manage your own time, use your time effectively, focus on detail and produce high quality work.My areas for development Taking Responsibility Taking Responsibility is a skill area that you feel you can do less well. This is about being able to take responsibility for your own actions, take control of situations and lead others.(, 2018)
IntroductionAccording to Pablo Picasso, arguably one of the most significant and inspiringartists of our time, planning is essential on the path towards success. Hebelieved that: “Our goals can only be reached through a vehicle of a plan, in which we must fervently believe, and upon which we must vigorously act. There is no other route to success.” (The Masterpiece Within, 2014)In this development strategy, I will discuss the objectives of my short and long-term goals, which will help me in becoming a successful freelance graphicdesigner.Graphic design has always been my passion, hence why two years ago, Idecided to expand my knowledge and attend a university course in art anddesign. This helped me in gaining the necessary qualifications, but also it gaveme an opportunity to progress further into a graphic designer career.Once I have successfully completed my studies, my aim is to find a job for agraphic design agency, which will give me an insight of how it is to be workingamong other designers and with real projects. This experience will help me inachieving my final goal, to become a freelance graphic designer.Over the next five years I will need to work hard on expanding my abilities inPhotoshop, InDesign and Illustrator, by taking private lessons or onlinecourses. I will also need to work on my presentation skills. Although I amcapable of putting together a great presentation, with the relevantinformation, I am sadly failing in presenting it with confidence. I will gain thisconfidence by attending interviews for graphic designer’s job, and presentingmy design portfolio to potential employers. Communicating with clients andemployers will also help me in improving my confidence. My problem-solvingskills will also need a littleboost, as I sometimes don’tperform well underpressure. This skill will beessential when working aspart of a team, orindependently on variousprojects. I will need tolearn that Instead ofstressing and getting
nervous when facing a problem, the solution is to break down the probleminto small pieces, which helps in understanding the main elements of theproblem. Which would later lead into developing a step by step plan, whichhelps in solving the problem.As part of my personal development strategy I have completed a personal plantemplet and highlighted the following areas of focus: - Expand my knowledge on Adobe Creative Suite (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign) - Improve my skills of reflective practice, to be able successfully evaluate my work and understand what works and what doesn’t. - Concentrate on stimulating my creative thinking, by visiting art exhibitions and design festivals, run my own personal projects, read design and illustration magazines to keep up with the latest trends. - Develop better time management skills, although I am good in delivering my projects before their deadline, sometimes the lack of organization makes me rush and stress too much.Based on my reflections, I will compile my short and long-term goals in a 5-yearplan.Five-year planAt the end of this year I will have achieveda degree in my level 4 and 5 graphic designcourses, after which I will be moreconfident in finding a job within myspecialism. These skills and knowledge, Igained throughout this course, will play anessential part in understanding my industry and how to successfully apply forgraphic design jobs available on the market. Lisa Chu, CEO of Black N Biancobelieves that “Obtaining a degree in graphic design validates your dedicationand brings credibility to your occupation”. (College and College, 2018)
My long-term goals for this year are: - Apply successfully for an internship in graphic design - Gain essential graphic design knowledge and skills throughout a successful internship - Continue to expand my knowledge of Adobe Creative Cloud tools, by attending relevant workshops and taking privet lessons and online courses run by experienced graphic designers see Appendix A and AA) - Visit galleries, exhibitions and relevant events to keep up with the latest trends within graphic design - Gain relevant knowledge about web designing by privet tuitionsMy medium-term goals: - Create my portfolio in both formats, an online and a physical format, and continue updating it by adding new materials - Attend a photography course to be able to expand my skills within this filed and combine it with my specialism to broaden my abilities (see Appendix B) - Come up with my own projects and create them from start to finish completely by myselfMy short-term goals: - Look for the most appropriate internship within my skill levels and specialism - Expand my knowledge about typography and layouts, also about product design, branding and marketing - Practise in achieving various textures and effects in Photoshop, and experiment with drawing in Illustrator - Design my own graphic design brand identity and promote myself through entering various competitions. Which will help me in gaining more confidence in my abilities as a designer. According to Agora Gallery director, Angela DiBello: “Participating in art competitions takes courage and is an act of faith and belief in one’s own talent and strengths. Anyone who simply enters the competition is a winner.” (Experts, 2018)
Throughout the second year I will besuccessfully finishing my internship ingraphic design, from which I will gainexperience and new skills to expand mycareer further.My long-term goals for the followingtwo years are: - Continue working on a range of media and personal projects, which will help me in expanding my skills with Adobe Creative Suite. - During the third year I will successfully start a top up year in graphic design, achieving high marks and gaining BA (Hons) qualifications needed to continue my career path. - Boosting up my communication skills by seeking feedback from my clients and website/blog visitors. Engage them in interactive discussions and brainstorming sessions. - Expand my knowledge on creating and designing websites, coding, magazines and advertising through relevant work experience or workshops. - Slowly start developing a professional network with contacts at all levels of my industry. - Experiment with various designs, logos etc. - Consider developing my leadership and management skills as these are essential for becoming a successful freelance designer. As a good leader needs discipline I can develop it in my professional and personal life by keeping to deadlines, keeping appointments and ending meetings on time. I will also need to learn how to motivate and inspire those I work with to become a great leader.My medium-term goals: - Work on developing a creative cv and online portfolio of design, which will highlight all my skills and experience so far. Make it look original so it will stand out and it will show off my designing skills, this will give me a
higher chance to get hired, Veronique James, CEO of The James Agency says: “When I’m in a hurry, I don’t take the initiative to view a candidate’s portfolio unless their resume screams originality” (College and College, 2018) - Create my own website or a blog and continue self-promoting myself by entering various designing and illustration competitions.My short-term goals: - Apply for a job within a design agency, as this will give me the opportunity to work alongside experience designers and be able to learn and expand the needed knowledge about my industry. - Gain a graphic design software certificate of competency by successfully starting and finishing online courses related to Adobe Creative Suite. - Search for online courses to obtain multimedia training, to be able to keep up with new trends, technologies and boost my design abilities within my specialism. “The multimedia market moves at a remarkable speed – and the possibilities are limitless. Each day, new technologies bring enormous advances in how we interact, collaborate and do business” (, 2018)During the fourth and fifth year I will besuccessfully working for a well-established design agency/company,having a good income, which will allowme to continue my education. During the4th year I will be finishing my BA(Hons)and gaining the necessary qualifications.Straight after the Bachelor’s degree I will apply for a Master’s degree in graphicdesign, which I will continue through year 5, and finish it with minimum of highpasses. I will also start slowly preparing to enter the freelance world of graphicdesigners.
My long-term goals: - Continue to develop my website/blog and build my own brand, which will help in establishing a reliable reputation as a graphic designer. - Start researching ways of becoming a freelance designer, by building my own brand and start working on client’s projects from my professional network. - Successfully apply for a Master degree in graphic design and complete it with minimum high passes.My medium-term goals: - Continue professional development through personal projects, which will help me work on my creativity, and my technical skills. - Actively contribute to design communities and seek out ways to meet other like-minded designers, to continue expanding my professional network. - Find a creative industry mentor to gain valuable feedback about my designs, and to help me progress further within my specialism. - Start developing skills connected with motion design and 3D, as those are the most in-demand skills within my industry. According to Max Ottingnon, co-founder and creative director of London- based studio Ragged Edge: “Brands designed for screens need to be built with motion in mind. So, designer who can bring some movement into their work are worth their weight in gold” Sagar,2018My short-term goals: - At the beginning of year four I will start taking driving lessons and finish by successfully passing my driving test. This will ensure that I will be able to freely travel to potential clients or workplace, without relying on public transport. - Continue visiting exhibitions, festivals and workshops related to the latest trends within the design industry, to boost my creativity and be able to come up with innovative designs and ideas.
AAPPENDIXSome of Adobe Creative suite courses available in my area:
APPENDIX AASuperprof is offering online tutoring from professionals from all over the world, which is agood alternative to local courses and workshops.
BAPPENDIXPhotography courses running in my area:
SummaryThis project was a great opportunity to measure my skills needed to succeedwithin the graphic design industry. By conducting a personal skill audit basedon the skills highlighted in various adds for the latest design jobs, I was able tounderstand more about how prepared I am for landing a job within myspecialism. The most essential skills I need to improve through one to onetutorials, or either online or local group workshops, is being able to use AdobeCreative Suite with confidence. Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign are thethree most important programs for graphic designers and without thisknowledge I wouldn’t even have a chance to become a successful interviewcandidate. According to Carey Dunne a Brooklyn-based writer: “(…) AdobeIllustrator is as crucial to designers as paints and brushes were to artists ofyore” (Co.Design, 2018)By coming up with a five-year career related plan, helped me to come up witha vision of what I want to achieve in the future. Instead of moving towards apurposeful direction, through this project brief I have managed to create anachievable aim to reach. By detailing all my short, medium and long-term goalsin the upcoming five years, I have created concrete plans which map out how Iwill get to my final destination- to become a successful freelance graphicdesigner.Dame Penelope Lively, a well-known British author believed that “Everythingthat happens to us is a disconcerting mix of choice and contingency.” (Stack andArchive, 2018), hence it is advisable to always have a backup plan if plan Adoesn’t work out. If I won’t be able to reach my final aim in my five years plan(becoming a freelance graphic designer), by successfully and efficientlycompleting my goals, I will have gained enough experience and knowledge toset up my own design agency. This will give me the freedom to develop myconcepts, express myself, but also stretch my abilities to the maximum. Toachieve this back up plan, I will need to invest in learning how to successfullystart up my own business, by attending relevant workshops and researching allthe available funds, bursaries and help I would be entitled to receive. One ofmy first options, would be to apply for a yearlong programme of support runby Staffordshire University, called “Be inspired”. This programme offers: • Ongoing Expert advice • Full initial training • A Business Network • Industry Mentoring
• Workshops • Grants (reimbursement)This option would help me in successfully set up my own design agency, andget it off to a flying start, and avoiding along the way the most commonmistakes start-ups make.Overall, by completing this project I have created a powerful tool, which willhelp me in achieving my future career plans. The crucial aspect of using thistool, is to use it often, by revisiting it regularly and frequently updating it. Theappropriate and persistent usage of this tool, will result in progress andpersonal growth. Nikos Kazantzakis, a well-known Greek writer andphilosopher believed that: \"In order to succeed, we must first believe that wecan.\" (Medium, 2018)
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