WCLC 2016 INDUSTRY SATELLITE SYMPOSIUMImmuno-Oncology and Lung Cancer:Emerging Data andRecent DevelopmentsMonday, 5 December 2016 | 12:45–14:15Messe Wien Exhibition & Congress CenterHall D, Plenary RoomVienna, AustriaPresentations Include: Developments in the Use of I-O Monotherapy in Lung Cancers Enriqueta Felip, MD, PhD Vall d’Hebron University Hospital Barcelona, SpainMeeting Chair Rationale for Studying I-O Combo Therapies to Address Unmet Needs in Lung Cancer Matthew Hellmann, MD Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center New York, United States Clinical Lessons Learned for the Use of I-O Therapies Jürgen Wolf, MD, PhD University Hospital of Cologne Cologne, GermanyThis presentation was approved by the IASLC 17th World Conference on Lung Cancer ProgramCommittee as an independent activity held in conjunction with the IASLC 17th World Conference onLung Cancer. This presentation is not sponsored or endorsed by IASLC.ONCAT16NP06473-05 10/16 ©2016 Bristol-Myers Squibb Company
IASLC 17TH WORLD CONFERENCE ON LUNG CANCERTABLE OF CONTENTSSECTION WELCOME SECTION EXHIBIT INFORMATION 1 Welcome Message 4 Location, Events Conference Sponsors and Poster Information Conference Summary 5 Exhibitor Listing 40 7 Exhibit Floor Plan 42 8 Exhibitor Descriptions 43 44SECTION IASLC AND COMMITTEES 50 2 54 55 International Association 10 SECTION IASLC AND CONFERENCE AWARDS 58 for the Study of Lung Cancer 59 5 IASLC Distinguished Awards 60 Guests of Honor 11 IASLC Fellowship 60 Award Winners 61 Committees 12 IASLC International Mentorship Award Winners Regional Organizing WCLC 2016 Young Committee 12 Investigator Award Winners WCLC 2016 Developing Core Program Committee 12 Nation Award Winners IASLC/WCLC 2016 Patient Program Committees 12 Advocacy Award Winners WCLC 2016 Lectureship International Scientific 15 Award Winners Advisory Committee WCLC 2016 Communications Workshop Award Winners SECTION GENERAL CONFERENCE INFORMATION 3 Registration 18 Onsite Services 22 and General Information Press and Media 31 Information for Invited Speakers 32 and Abstract Presenters CME Accreditation 34 Vienna Information 36 WWW.IASLC.ORG | PROGRAM BOOK | IASLC 17TH WORLD CONFERENCE ON LUNG CANCER 1
IASLC 17TH WORLD CONFERENCE ON LUNG CANCERTABLE OF CONTENTSSECTION CONFERENCE PROGRAM SECTION POSTER SESSIONS 6 Program at a Glance 8 Monday, December 5 Sessions at a Glance by Day Tuesday, December 6 Sessions at a Glance by Track 64 Wednesday, December 7 144 Workshops, Hands-On 66 166 Training and Special Sessions 74 SECTION AUTHOR INDEX 188 Industry Supported Symposia Plenary Sessions 82 9 Author Index 210 Networking Opportunities 84 85 250 86SECTION DAILY SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM 7 Saturday, December 3 Sunday, December 4 Monday, December 5 88 SECTION MAPS AND FLOOR PLANS Tuesday, December 6 90 Wednesday, December 7 96 10 Maps and Floor Plans 112 130 CONFERENCE SECRETARIAT International Conference Services Ltd. (ICS) Suite 300, 1201 West Pender Street Vancouver, BC, Canada V6E 2V2 Phone +1 604 681 2153 Fax +1 604 681 1049 Email [email protected] www.icsevents.com2 IASLC 17TH WORLD CONFERENCE ON LUNG CANCER | PROGRAM BOOK | WWW.IASLC.ORG
SECTION 1WelcomeWelcome Message 5Conference Sponsors 7Conference Summary 8WWW.IASLC.ORG | PROGRAM BOOK | IASLC 17TH WORLD CONFERENCE ON LUNG CANCER 3
Members -piCnlaiamt your member theIASLC Booth!Special Offer for NEW Membersat WCLC – 2 years for 1 year dues!NEW Regular Members – US $250.00 (2017–2018)NEW Developing Country and Allied Health Members –US $50.00 (2017–2018)Join during the Conference to receive a member pinand tote bag.Member Category 1 Year Dues 3 Year Dues (2017) (2017-2019)Regular Member US $250 US $600Developing Country US $50 US $150or Allied ProfessionalMemberFellow/Resident/ ComplimentaryTraineeSurvivor Complimentary Ask about discounted mepmabretnrsehripsoocfiefetiress!for4 IASLC 17TH WORLD CONFERENCE ON LUNG CANCER | PROGRAM BOOK | WWW.IASLC.ORG
WELCOME MESSAGEDear Friends, Colleagues, Sponsors, Supporters and Exhibitors, WCLC 2016 PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS On behalf of IASLC and the organizers, I welcome you to the IASLC 17th World Conference on Lung • We are greatly pleased to welcome Cancer in Vienna. our Guests of Honor: Heinz Fischer, Alfred Gusenbauer, Tabaré Vázquez IASLC WCLC 2016 with the theme Active Preven- and Harald zur Hausen tion, Accurate Diagnosis, Advanced Care is a multi- disciplinary Conference and covers all scientific • More than 400 world renowned advances in prevention, early detection, diagnosis experts as speakers, session chairsand treatment of lung cancer and other thoracic cancers. Major topics of and abstract discussantsthe World Conference are tobacco control, early detection, the 8th TNMclassification, molecular analyses, novel therapeutic targets, immune • More than 300 oral and mini oralcheckpoint inhibitors, and results from clinical practice-changing phase abstract presentationsIII trials. These advances will be presented in plenary sessions, scientificsessions, oral and mini oral sessions as well as poster sessions. The Con- • More than 1,700 poster presentationsference will also provide updates on the state-of-the-art managementof lung cancer. • Workshops and Hands-On TrainingMore than 2,000 abstracts have been selected for oral or poster presen- • Young Investigator Sessiontations. Poster presentations will be an important part of the Confer-ence. Posters will be on display in the exhibition hall, just beside the • Workshop IASLC meets ESTIindustry exhibition, for the whole day with presenter presence at timeslots in the morning and afternoon. This should facilitate interaction • IASLC ESTS Joint Symposiumbetween presenters and participants. • Joint IASLC - Chinese Society forIASLC WCLC 2016 will provide you with a great opportunity to exchange Clinical Oncology - Chinese Alliancescientific advances and clinical experiences with colleagues from all over Against Lung Cancer Sessionthe world. It will be an excellent opportunity for initiating or strength-ening ongoing co-operations. This will benefit lung cancer patients from • Industry Supported Symposiaaround the globe. WCLC 2016Vienna is an international city in the heart of Europe and host to many NETWORKING OPPORTUNITIESinternational organizations including the United Nations. I hope you willbe inspired by the Viennese culture and way of living, make new friend- • Opening Plenary Session withships and become part of the global IASLC community. Welcome Reception on Sunday, December 4I warmly welcome you in Vienna. • Poster presentations and industryYours sincerely, exhibition in Hall B throughout the day • Morning and afternoon time slots when poster presenters will be present • WCLC 2016 Together against Lung Cancer on Wednesday evening at the HofburgRobert Pirker, MDIASLC WCLC 2016 Conference President WWW.IASLC.ORG | PROGRAM BOOK | IASLC 17TH WORLD CONFERENCE ON LUNG CANCER 5
STRIVINGTWOELCOOMEUMETSSSAGEMARTCANCER.TOGETHER.LEARN MORE ABOUTTHE BONDS WE’RE BUILDINGAT BOOTH 2008.At AbbVie, we build bonds with oncologists, Together we can conduct research thatpatients, payers, advocacy groups, health deepens our understanding of the diseaseauthorities, and other pharmaceutical and its pathways, to ultimately develop newcompanies, because we know that molecules that make a transformationaladvancing the science of this devastating improvement in cancer care.disease is not something that one person,or even one company, can do alone. ©2016 AbbVie Inc. North Chicago, IL 60064 ATONC160990b-20102016 October 2016 Printed in U.S.A.6 IASLC 17TH WORLD CONFERENCE ON LUNG CANCER | PROGRAM BOOK | WWW.IASLC.ORG
CONFERENCE SPONSORSIASLC and the 17th World Conference on Lung Cancer gratefully acknowledges the generous support of its Conference Sponsors. DIAMOND SPONSORSPLATINUM SPONSOR SILVER SPONSORGOLD SPONSORSBRONZE SPONSORS IASLC and the 17th World Conference on Lung CancerSUPPORTERS would also like to sincerely thank the followingCONTRIBUTORS organizations for providing medical educational grants: WWW.IASLC.ORG | PROGRAM BOOK | IASLC 17TH WORLD CONFERENCE ON LUNG CANCER 7
CONFERENCE SUMMARY LOCATION All WCLC 2016 sessions will take place at the Messe Wien Exhibition & Congress Center, Messeplatz 1, A-1021 Vienna Exit U2 Station ‘Krieau’ Please exit at Krieau Station and not Messe Prater Station.Registration & Delegate Help Desk Hours IASLC Business MeetingFOYER D SCHUBERT 2, LEVEL ONE Light Refreshments will be provided.Saturday, December 3 14:00 – 18:00 14:30 – 15:00Sunday, December 4 07:30 – 20:45 Tuesday, December 6 Monday, December 5 07:00 – 16:30Tuesday, December 6 07:00 – 16:30 Poster Pick Up CounterWednesday, December 7 07:00 – 16:00 HALL B (EXHIBIT HALL)Exhibit Hours EXHIBIT INFORMATION BOOTH 20:45 – 21:45HALL B (EXHIBIT HALL) S unday, December 4 (Welcome Reception)All day refreshments and light snacks will be served Monday, December 5 09:00 – 15:45in the Exhibit Hall throughout opening hours. Tuesday, December 6 09:00 – 15:45 Wednesday, December 7 09:00 – 11:00 Sunday, December 4 20:45 – 21:45 Media RoomMonday, December 5 (Welcome Reception)Tuesday, December 6 BRASSERIE, LEVEL ONEWednesday, December 7 09:30 – 16:30 09:30 – 16:30 Sunday, December 4 09:30 – 16:30 Monday, December 5 Tuesday, December 6 Speaker Ready Room Hours 14:00 – 18:00 Wednesday, December 7 07:00 – 18:00HALL C 07:30 – 20:45 07:00 – 18:00 07:00 – 16:30 07:00 – 18:00 Saturday, December 3 07:00 – 16:30 07:00 – 18:00 Sunday, December 4 07:00 – 16:00 Monday, December 5 Tuesday, December 6 Wednesday, December 7 8 IASLC 17TH WORLD CONFERENCE ON LUNG CANCER | PROGRAM BOOK | WWW.IASLC.ORG
SECTION 2IASLC and CommitteesInternational Association 10for the Study of Lung Cancer Guests of Honor 11Committees 12 Regional Organizing Committee 12 Core Program Committee 12 Program Committees 12 International Scientific 15 Advisory Committee WWW.IASLC.ORG | PROGRAM BOOK | IASLC 17TH WORLD CONFERENCE ON LUNG CANCER 9
INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATIONFOR THE STUDY OF LUNG CANCER Conquering Thoracic Cancers Worldwide IASLC STAFF13100 East Colfax Avenue, Unit 10, Fred R. HirschAurora, Colorado 80011 USA Chief Executive Officer [email protected] 1-855-GO-IASLC [1-855-464-2752 Pia HirschFax [Membership] 720-505-2176 Director of EducationFax [Pia Hirsch] 720-325-2848 Corporate Relations and Governance [email protected] International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer (IASLC) is the Kristin M. Richeimeronly global organization dedicated to the study of lung cancer. Founded Director of Membershipin 1974, the association’s membership includes nearly 6,000 lung cancer [email protected] in over 100 countries. Murry Wynes Scientific Projects ManagerIASLC members work to enhance the understanding of lung cancer among [email protected], members of the medical community and the public. IASLC Jacinta Wienspublishes the Journal of Thoracic Oncology, a valuable resource for medical Scientific Projects Specialistspecialists and scientists who focus on the detection, prevention, diagno- [email protected] and treatment of lung cancer. Becky Bunn Projects Specialist The IASLC mission is: [email protected] John Skadow To embrace the study of the etiology, epidemiology, prevention, Director of Finance diagnosis, treatment and all other aspects of lung cancer and other [email protected] thoracic malignancies Michelle Martinez Data and Technical Analyst To provide education and information about lung cancer and other [email protected] thoracic malignancies to IASLC members, to the medical community Adam Mohrbacher at large, and to the public Content Specialist [email protected] To use all available means to eliminate lung cancer and other thoracic Carlos Ferreira malignancies as a health threat for the individual patient and Continuing Medical Education throughout the world Compliance Specialist [email protected] Michelle Gruver Fellowship Coordinator [email protected] Kristin Schultz Membership Coordinator [email protected] Karen Muth Executive Assistant to the CEO [email protected] Mary Todd Managing Editor JTO [email protected] Paul Silvey Education Programs Coordinator [email protected] Vengie Lau Asia Support [email protected] 10 IASLC 17TH WORLD CONFERENCE ON LUNG CANCER | PROGRAM BOOK | WWW.IASLC.ORG
GUESTS OF HONOR Heinz Fischer Tabaré Vázquez Former Federal President President of Uruguay of the Republic of Austria (2004–2016) Alfred Gusenbauer Harald zur Hausen Former Federal Chancellor Nobel Laureate of the Republic of Austria Germany (2007–2008)IASLC BOARD OF DIRECTORS Solange Peters, Switzerland BOARD OF DIRECTORS Robert Pirker, Austria 2015 – 2017 Michael Boyer, Australia Martin Reck, Germany Laurie Gaspar, USA Miyako Satouchi, Japan OFFICERS David Harpole, USA William D. Travis, USA Norihiko Ikeda, Japan Heather Wakelee, USAPresident Pasi A. Janne, USA Yi-Long Wu, China David Carbone, USA Keith Kerr, UK Francoise Mornex, France President Elect Yuichiro Ohe, JapanGiorgio Scagliotti, Italy IASLC FOUNDATION BOARDPast PresidentTony Mok, Hong Kong David Carbone, USA Tony Mok, Hong Kong Marc Braunstein, USA David R. Gandara, USA Fred R. Hirsch, USA Lauren Fisher, USAChief Executive Officer Giorgio Scagliotti, Italy Ivar Samren, Denmark Kathy Weber, USAFred R. Hirsch, USATreasurerDavid R. Gandara, USA WWW.IASLC.ORG | PROGRAM BOOK | IASLC 17TH WORLD CONFERENCE ON LUNG CANCER 11
COMMITTEESCONFERENCE PRESIDENT PROGRAM COMMITTEESRobert Pirker, Austria Advanced NSCLC Chemotherapy/Targeted TherapyREGIONAL ORGANIZING COMMITTEEOtto Chris Burghuber, Austria Lubos Petruzelka, Czech Republic Robert Pirker, Austria Robert Pirker, AustriaMartin Filipits, Austria Robert Pirker, Austria (Chair) (Chair)Christian Herold, Austria Helmut Popper, Austria David R. Gandara, USA Rolf Stahel, SwitzerlandWolfgang Hilbe, Austria Richard Pötter, Austria (Co-Chair) (Co-Chair)Walter Klepetko, Austria Herbert Watzke, Austria Tanja Cufer, Slovenia Oscar Arrieta, MexicoMichael Rolf Müller, Austria Christoph Zielinski, Austria Koichi Goto, Japan Filippo de Marinis, ItalyGyula Ostoros, Hungary Sabine Zöchbauer-Müller, Austria Cesare Gridelli, Italy Oliver Gautschi, Switzerland Jaroslaw Kuzdzal, Poland Roy Herbst, USACORE PROGRAM COMMITTEE Rogerio Lilenbaum, USA Pasi A. Jänne, USA Reza Malayeri, Iran Julian Molina, USARobert Pirker, Austria (Chair) Gabor Kovacs, Hungary Christian Manegold, Germany Kazuhiko Nakagawa, JapanHisao Asamura, Japan Christian Manegold, Germany Sergey Orloff, Russia Kenneth O’Byrne, AustraliaMichael Boyer, Australia Gyula Ostoros, Hungary Lubos Petruzelka, Czech Republic Qing Zhou, ChinaKarin Dieckmann, Austria Helmut Popper, Austria Elisabeth Quoix, France Shun Lu, ChinaWilfried Eberhardt, Germany Helmut Prosch, Austria Eduardo Richardet, Argentina Branimir Sikic, USAMartin Filipits, Austria Herbert Watzke, Austria Martin Schuler, Germany Jean Charles Soria, FranceKwun Fong, Australia Caicun Zhou, China Takashi Seto, Japan Kostas Syrigos, GreeceFred R. Hirsch, USA Christoph Zielinski, Austria Sumitra Thongprasert, Thailand Joachim von Pawel, GermanyRudolf M. Huber, Germany Sabine Zöchbauer-Müller, Austria Li Zhang, China Jürgen Wolf, GermanyWalter Klepetko, Austria James Chih-Hsin Yang, Taiwan Biology Caicun Zhou, China Martin Filipits, Austria Early Stage NSCLC (Chair) Roman Thomas, Germany Michael Rolf Müller, Austria (Co-Chair) (Chair) David Carbone, USA Glenwood Goss, Canada Balasz Dome, Hungary (Co-Chair) Ramaswamy Govindan, USA Frank Griesinger, Germany John Minna, USA Norihiko Ikeda, Japan Tetsuya Mitsudomi, Japan Miroslaw Kozlowski, Poland Leonhard Müllauer, Austria Thierry Le Chevalier, France Jacek Niklinski, Poland Bernward Passlick, Germany Kazuto Nishio, Japan Lubos Petruzelka, Czech Republic Rafael Rosell, Spain Giorgio Scagliotti, Italy Benjamin Solomon, Australia Suresh Senan, Netherlands Charles Swanton, UK Heather Wakelee, USA12 IASLC 17TH WORLD CONFERENCE ON LUNG CANCER | PROGRAM BOOK | WWW.IASLC.ORG
INFORMATION FORINVITED FACULTY AND ABSTRACT PRESENTERSInvited Speakers as well as Oral SPEAKER READY ROOMand Mini Oral Abstract Presentersmust include a slide with their All Invited Speakers and Discussants as well as Oral and Mini Oral Abstractfinancial disclosure information. Presenters are required to report to the Speaker Ready Room at least 24 hours prior to their scheduled presentation in order to upload their presen-Without a disclosure slide you tation slides or to check their previously uploaded slides.will not be allowed to present! NO FILE SUBMISSIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED IN THE SESSION ROOMS.REGISTRATION Computers are available to preview and upload presentations. Presenters should make sure all fonts appear as expected and all sound/video clips areFOYER D working properly. The final version must be submitted to the Speaker Ready Room, no presentation submissions will be accepted in the Session Rooms.Invited Faculty‘Invited Faculty’ Registration Counter Speaker Ready Room 14:00 – 18:00(Session Chairs, Invited Speakers, 07:30 – 20:45Abstract Discussants) HALL C 07:00 – 16:30 07:00 – 16:30Abstract Presenters Saturday, December 3 07:00 – 16:00‘Registered Delegate’ Counter Sunday, December 4 Monday, December 5 Registration Hours Tuesday, December 6 Wednesday, December 7 Saturday, Dec. 3 14:00 – 18:00 Sunday, Dec. 4 07:30 – 20:45 ORAL ABSTRACT PRESENTERS MINI ORAL PRESENTERS Monday, Dec. 5 07:00 – 16:30 Tuesday, Dec. 6 07:00 – 16:30 • You will have a total of 10 minutes; • You will have a total of 6 minutes Wednesday, Dec. 7 07:00 – 16:00 8 minutes of presentation, followed by (no Q&A). Time limits will be strictly 2 minutes time for questions from enforced. the audience. Time limits will be strictly enforced. • Please be in room for your session 10 minutes before the start time of the • You are asked to prepare a PPT Presenta- session. The Session Chairs will start tion with a maximum of 10 slides (not and end strictly on time. including title and disclosure slide). It is recommended to use the IASLC • You are asked to prepare a PPT Presenta- template in 16:9 format. tion with a maximum of 6 slides (not including title and disclosure slide). • Please be in room for your session 10 It is recommended to use the IASLC minutes before the start time of the template in 16:9 format. session. The Session Chairs will start and end strictly on time. • All presenters MUST include statement disclosing any conflict of interest related • All presenters MUST include statement to your abstract as the first slide of your disclosing any conflict of interest related presentation. to your abstract as the first slide of your presentation.32 IASLC 17TH WORLD CONFERENCE ON LUNG CANCER | PROGRAM BOOK | WWW.IASLC.ORG
POSTER PRESENTERS POSTER PRINTING SERVICESUPPORTED BY If you have ordered to have your poster printed by the Conference at an additional charge, you may pick upAll Poster Presentations/Boards are located in Hall B your poster onsite.(Exhibit Hall) and each Poster Board is identified by aprofessionally lettered sign with the assigned Poster Poster Pick Up CounterNumber. The Poster Board Number corresponds withthe pre-assigned Poster Number provided in your con- HALL B (EXHIBIT HALL)firmation letter and printed in the Abstract Book and EXHIBIT INFORMATION BOOTHthis Program Book. Sunday, December 4 P1: Poster Session 1 Monday, December 5 20:45 – 21:45P2: Poster Session 2 Tuesday, December 6 Monday, December 5 (Welcome Reception)P3: Poster Session 3 Wednesday, December 7 Tuesday, December 6 Wednesday, December 7 09:00 – 15:45 Poster Display Time 09:30 – 16:30 each day 09:00 – 15:45 09:00 – 11:00 Poster Presenters Present 10:25 – 11:00 14:30 – 15:45 on day of their poster session WWW.IASLC.ORG | PROGRAM BOOK | IASLC 17TH WORLD CONFERENCE ON LUNG CANCER 33
CME ACCREDITATION INFORMATIONCREDIT STATEMENT FINANCIAL/COMMERCIAL RELATIONSHIPS & COI DISCLOSURESIASLC is accredited by the Accreditation The 17th World Conference on Lung Cancer (WCLC) is planned and implemented inCouncil for Continuing Medical Education accordance with the Essential Areas and Policies of the Accreditation Council for(ACCME) to provide continuing medical Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) through the International Association foreducation for physicians. the Study of Lung Cancer (IASLC).IASLC designates this live activity for a All official Learning Conference Sessions will be accredited except for the Postermaximum of 27 AMA PRA Category 1 Cred- Display Sessions, Hands-On Training Sessions, and Industry Supported Symposia.its™. Physicians should claim only the creditcommensurate with the extent of their All individuals able to influence or control content of any CME certified activity thatparticipation in the activity. will be presented were required to complete an electronic Financial Relationships/ Conflicts of Interest Disclosure Form prior to the Conference. In addition, abstractDelegates will only receive credits for the submitters will have to provide disclosure information for all co-authors at the timesession they actually attended and were of abstract submission.scanned for. Ensure that you get your badgescanned when going into a session! Individuals who refused to disclose relevant financial relationships were eliminated from presenting at the Conference.GOAL & PURPOSE A Conflict of Interest (COI) is created and exists when individuals are in a position toThe WCLC is an educational and scientific control the content of CME, or their spouses/partners, that have a relevant personalevent which, due to its multidisciplinary financial relationship within the past 12 months with a commercial interest thatnature, will cover all aspects of the manage- produces, markets, re-sells, or distributes health care goods or services consumedment of lung cancers, mesothelioma, thymic by, or used on, patients that benefits the individual in any financial amount, andand other thoracic malignancies. therefore may bias their opinions and teachings. This may include receiving a salary, royalty, intellectual property rights, consulting fee, honoraria, ownership interestParticipants will learn about tobacco control (e.g., stocks, stock options or other ownership interest, excluding diversified mutualand smoking cessation programs and how funds), or any other financial benefit. Financial benefits are usually associatedto implement them in their daily practice. with roles such as employment, management position, independent contractorParticipants will update their knowledge on (including contracted research and clinical trials), consulting, speaking and teach-early detection and screening. ing, membership on advisory committees or review panels, board membership, and other activities for which remuneration is received or expected.The Conference will provide lectures onaccurate diagnosis, including molecular diag- This IASLC CME educational activity was planned and developed to: uphold aca-nosis, state-of-the-art treatment of thoracic demic standards to ensure balance, independence, objectivity, and scientific rigor;malignancies, and recent diagnostic and adhere to requirements to protect health information under the Health Insurancetherapeutic advances. Participants will learn Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA); and, include a mechanism toabout palliative care and its implementation inform learners when unapproved or unlabeled uses of therapeutic products orin daily practice. agents are discussed or referenced.Participants will be informed about the pos- IASLC CME assures that the planners/reviewers/authors/faculty/peer reviewers et.sibilities for continuous medical education. al. conflicts of interest are identified, reviewed and resolved from all individualsThey will learn about clinical trial designs involved in the development or those able to influence and control the content ofand how to become successful investiga- a CME activity. IASLC CME assures that disclosure is given prior to an educationaltors of co-operative research groups. The activity being delivered to learners.Conference will also allow participants to bebetter informed about patient support and All commercial relationships and conflicts of interest were identified and thor-advocacy groups oughly vetted by the IASLC Ethics Committee, CME Subcommittee, and/or an independent reviewer. COI was evaluated by the Board of Directors of the IASLC forOverall, the participants of the WCLC will fair balance, scientific objectivity of studies utilized in this activity, and patient carebenefit in regard to learning the best clinical recommendations. IASLC CME is committed to providing its learners with high-qual-practice in the area of lung cancer and other ity CME activities and related materials that promote improvements or quality inthoracic malignancies. health care and not a specific proprietary business interest of a commercial entity.TARGET AUDIENCE All non-FDA approved uses of products must be clearly identified. Disclosures may be made in form of a slide, printed material, or oral statement. Each presenterThis CME live Conference is designed to should reveal his/her disclosure information during his/her presentation, preferablymeet the educational needs of healthcare with the visual aid of a slide.professionals who diagnose and treatpatients with lung cancer, including medicaloncologists, thoracic surgeons, pulmonol-ogists, radiation oncologists, radiologists,pathologists, advanced practice nurses, andphysician assistants.34 IASLC 17TH WORLD CONFERENCE ON LUNG CANCER | PROGRAM BOOK | WWW.IASLC.ORG
LEARNING OBJECTIVES OFFICIAL LANGUAGEAt the end of the Conference the attendee will be able to: The official language of the IASLC 17th World Conference• Identify effective global lung cancer prevention strategies. on Lung Cancer is English.• Improve their ability to participate in tobacco control DISCLAIMER and smoking cessation programs.• Recognize the current approaches and strategies for The information presented at the IASLC World Conference on early detection and screening of lung cancer. Lung Cancer is that of the contributing faculty and does not nec- essarily represent the views of the International Association for• Demonstrate the best methods to implement multi- the Study of Lung Cancer and/or any named commercial entity disciplinary tumor boards into community practices. providing financial support. Specific therapies discussed may not be approved and/or specified for use as indicated by the faculty• Examine evidence-based therapeutic regimens for early presenters. Therefore, before prescribing any medication, please stage and locally advanced NSCLC. review the complete prescribing information, including indica- tions, contraindications, warnings, precautions, and adverse• Distinguish evidence-based therapeutic regimens for effects. metastatic NSCLC based on biomarker status and patient/ tumor characteristics. Participants have an implied responsibility to use the newly acquired information to enhance patient outcomes and their• Define best practices regarding the application of targeted own professional development. The information presented in therapies for metastatic NSCLC in frontline and then this activity is not meant to serve as a guideline for patient man- subsequent settings following acquired resistance to agement. Any procedures, medications, or other courses of diag- the targeted therapy. nosis or treatment discussed or suggested in this activity should not be used by clinicians without evaluation of their patient’s• Describe current and emerging immunotherapy strategies conditions and possible contraindications on dangers in use, in the context of clinical trials findings and patient selection review of any applicable manufacturer’s product information, in metastatic NSCLC. and comparison with recommendations of other authorities.• Integrate clinical data on maintenance therapy in NSCLC to determine which patients would benefit most from a maintenance regimen.• Review the clinical significance of optimal biopsy, specimen TO RECEIVE CME CREDIT flow and molecular testing for personalized medicine in non-academic settings. A Conference electronic evaluation form will be emailed to learners after the Conference. Participants that wish• Illustrate the molecular pathways that hold promise for to receive CME credit will have to complete the online therapeutic intervention. evaluation form in order to receive their CME certificate.• Outline current therapeutic approaches for limited and CME credits will only be provided for the sessions that extensive small cell lung cancer (SCLC). learners are scanned in for. The CME certificate will be ready for you to print or save upon completion.• Describe current therapeutic approaches for patients with mesothelioma and thymoma. Delegates will only receive credits for the session they actu- ally attended and were scanned for. Ensure that you get your• Predict optimal and best practice approaches for supportive badge scanned when going into a session! and palliative care of patients with thoracic cancers. This information is used not only to evaluate the present• Evaluate the support and survivorship resources available activity, but also to plan for future programs. for lung cancer patients and their families. Your opinion is very valuable!• Illustrate important aspects of clinical trial design and master protocols. Thank you for your participation.• Explain to more junior investigators and students on research and technology advances, and encourage them to initiate investigations in lung cancer research. WWW.IASLC.ORG | PROGRAM BOOK | IASLC 17TH WORLD CONFERENCE ON LUNG CANCER 35
VIENNA INFORMATIONVIENNA: FACTS AND FIGURES Austria’s capital offers a unique blend of imperial traditions and stunning architecture. Famous for its many cultural events, classical concerts, impe- Climate rial architecture, coffee houses, cozy wine taverns, and the very special The month of December is Viennese charm. characterized by gradually falling daily high temperatures, Vienna’s cityscape is characterized by the abundance of baroque buildings with daily highs around 4°C created mostly under the rule of Empress Maria Theresia and Emperor throughout the month. Franz Joseph who was largely responsible for the monumental architecture around the Ringstraße. Language German. Prime landmarks are the Schloss Schönbrunn (the former imperial summer English is frequently residence), the vast Hofburg (Imperial Palace), the gothic St. Stephen’s understood and spoken. Cathedral, the Giant Ferris Wheel in the Prater (Vienna’s old recreational park), and the Spanish Riding School with their world-famous Lipizzaner Population horses. 1.8 million Vienna owes much of its international fame to the many celebrated com- Altitude posers who lived and worked here including Strauß, Mozart, Beethoven 171 m above sea level. and Haydn. The Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra is one of the world’s best, the Staatsoper one of the world’s leading opera houses, and the Vienna Time Zone Boys’ Choir one of the world’s most famous choirs. Central European Time, CET In Vienna, old coffee houses and rustic wine taverns stand alongside with top restaurants and shops, time-honored events alternate with internationally-acclaimed extravaganzas to create a unique and very special ambiance.36 IASLC 17TH WORLD CONFERENCE ON LUNG CANCER | PROGRAM BOOK | WWW.IASLC.ORG
SECTION 4Exhibit InformationLocation, Events 40and Poster Information 42Exhibitor Listing 43Exhibit Floor Plan 44Exhibitor Descriptions WWW.IASLC.ORG | PROGRAM BOOK | IASLC 17TH WORLD CONFERENCE ON LUNG CANCER 39
LOCATION EXHIBIT EVENTS Welcome ReceptionExhibit Hall SUPPORTED BY 20:45 – 21:45HALL B Sunday, December 4 Sunday, December 4 20:45 – 21:45 Networking Opportunities (Welcome Reception) Monday, December 5 10:25 – 11:00 and 14:30 – 15:45Monday, December 5 Tuesday, December 6 10:25 – 11:00 and 14:30 – 15:45Tuesday, December 6 09:30 – 16:30 Wednesday, December 7 10:25 – 11:00 and 14:30 – 15:45Wednesday, December 7 09:30 – 16:30 Refreshments and snacks will be provided at no charge for all 09:30 – 16:30 delegates during Exhibit Hall Hours.EXHIBIT FEATURES Poster Sessions Presenter Attendance during morning and afternoonExhibit Information Booth with Networking OpportunitiesSUPPORTED BY Exhibit Showcase Sessions in the Exhibit Showcase Theater • Information Desk • Show Service Provider Desk MONDAY, DECEMBER 5 • Poster Pick Up Counter • Publication table for promotional materials from related Roche Tissue Diagnostics 10:25 – 10:55 events and organizations When H&E is not enough: Immunostaining & biomarker trends Internet Stations (attached to Showcase Theater) and EQA surveillance in lung cancer diagnosticsCharging Stations Modern approaches to staining lung biopsy samples and current EQA data on ALK and PD-L1 .SUPPORTED BY Food & Beverage Stations, including ‘Dietary Corner’Delegate Lounges TUESDAY, DECEMBER 6SUPPORTED BY Boehringer Ingelheim 10:25 – 10:55Exhibit Showcase Theater Giotrif: 10 Reasons to Use Afatinib in Lung CancerNot-for-Profit PavilionPublisher’s Corner Vargatef: Providing Benefits Even Where you May Not Expect It WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 7 Otsuka Pharmaceutical 10:25 – 10:55 Relevance and management of hyponatremia in lung cancer – current perspectives Hyponatremia is the most frequent electrolyte and body fluid balance disturbance encountered in hospital clinical practice1. It is considered an unfavorable prognostic factor in patients with cancer and differential diagnosis is challenging2,3. The objective of the “Exhibit Showcase Session” by Prim. Assoc. Prof. Doz. Dr. Marcus Säemann, Wilhelminenspital Wien, Austria is to discuss current challenges in the diagnosis and treatment of patients with hyponatremia, with emphasis on aspects of cancer patients.40 IASLC 17TH WORLD CONFERENCE ON LUNG CANCER | PROGRAM BOOK | WWW.IASLC.ORG
POSTER SESSIONSSUPPORTED BYAll poster presentations have been assigned a consec-utive publication number for locating the abstract/poster in this Program Book, the Abstract Book andthe Poster Boards in Hall B (Exhibit Hall).P1: Poster Session 1 Monday, December 5P2: Poster Session 2 Tuesday, December 6P3: Poster Session 3 Wednesday, December 7Poster Display Time: 09:30 – 16:30 Posters Online each day SUPPORTED BYPoster Presenters Present: 10:25 – 11:00 In addition to the printed posters, each presenter is 14:30 – 15:45 required to submit an electronic version of their poster to be made available in the Virtual Meeting library. (Afternoon Networking Opportunities) each day A link to the ePoster library is available on the Confer-Poster Pick Up Counter ence website. The online ePoster library is searchable by posters, keywords, topics as well as authors.HALL B (EXHIBIT HALL)EXHIBIT INFORMATION BOOTHPoster Presenters who had their poster printed by theConference, can pick up their poster at the Poster PickUp Counter at the Exhibit Information Booth in theExhibit Hall during the following times: Sunday, December 4 20:45 – 21:45 (Welcome Reception) Monday, December 5 09:00 – 15:45 Tuesday, December 6 09:00 – 15:45 Wednesday, December 7 09:00 – 11:00 WWW.IASLC.ORG | PROGRAM BOOK | IASLC 17TH WORLD CONFERENCE ON LUNG CANCER 41
EXHIBITOR LISTINGBy Exhibitor By Booth NumberEXHIBITOR NAME Booth # Booth # EXHIBITOR NAME3D Systems Healthcare 2718 1400 Roche LtdAbbVie Inc 2008 1408 Guardant Health, Inc.ARIAD Pharmaceuticals 2611 1409 Panagene Inc.AstraZeneca 3219 1425 Roche Ltd. Business LoungeBayer Healthcare Pharmaceuticals, Inc. 1808 1508 Myriad Genetic Laboratories, Inc.Boehringer Ingelheim 2424 1705 Bruker microCTBristol-Myers Squibb 2000 1706 MEDIAN TechnologiesBruker microCT 1705 1707 MeVis Medical Solutions AGCelgene Corporation 3215 1708 Rocket Medical PlcElsevier 3806 1709 Novocure GmbHEpigenomics AG 2227 1805 Roche Tissue DiagnosticsESTS 3813 1808 Bayer Healthcare Pharmaceuticals, Inc.Global Lung Cancer Coalition 3823 1811 OncoDNAGuardant Health, Inc. 1408 2000 Bristol-Myers SquibbIASLC 2714 2008 AbbVie IncIncellDx 2311 2227 Epigenomics AGLilly Oncology 3208 2305 MSDMEDIAN Technologies 1706 2311 IncellDxMedtronic 2412 2400 Novartis OncologyMerck/Pfizer 3204 2412 MedtronicMeVis Medical Solutions AG 1707 2424 Boehringer IngelheimMSD 2305 2611 ARIAD PharmaceuticalsMyriad Genetic Laboratories, Inc. 1508 2714 IASLCNational Lung Cancer Forum For Nurses 3808 2718 3D Systems HealthcareNovartis Oncology 2400 2719 Scanlan International, Inc.Novocure GmbH 1709 3200 Pfizer OncologyOncoDNA 1811 3204 Merck/PfizerPanagene Inc. 1409 3208 Lilly OncologyPfizer Oncology 3200 3215 Celgene CorporationPolish Lung Cancer Group 3809 3219 AstraZenecaRoche Ltd 1400 3804 Thermo Fisher ScientificRoche Ltd. Business Lounge 1425 3806 ElsevierRoche Tissue Diagnostics 1805 3808 National Lung Cancer Forum For NursesRocket Medical Plc 1708 3809 Polish Lung Cancer GroupScanlan International, Inc. 2719 3813 ESTSThermo Fisher Scientific 3804 3819 Wisepress Ltd.Wisepress Ltd. 3819 3823 Global Lung Cancer Coalition42 IASLC 17TH WORLD CONFERENCE ON LUNG CANCER | PROGRAM BOOK | WWW.IASLC.ORG
EXHIBIT FLOOR PLAN ENTRANCE EXHIBIT 3200 BMS INFORMATION PATEIENT 1400 2000 2400 ADVOCACY BOOTH LOUNGE AND POSTERPICK UP COUNTERPOSTERS 1705 DELEGATE 3204 15081706LOUNGE 1808 1805 3806 2714 38041408 17082008 2305 1409 1707 DELEGATE 1709 1811 2311 2412 2611 3808 LOUNGE 3809 3813 3208 3215 RESTAURANT 2718 2719 3819 DELEGATE 3823 LOUNGE 3219 1425 2227 2424 Showcase Theater INTERNET CAFÉ WWW.IASLC.ORG | PROGRAM BOOK | IASLC 17TH WORLD CONFERENCE ON LUNG CANCER 43
EXHIBITOR DESCRIPTIONS3D SYSTEMS HEALTHCARE 2718 BAYER HEALTHCARE PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. 1808 3D Systems is a leader in 3D Bayer is committed to delivering SCIENCE FOR A modeling, simulation training BETTER LIFE by advancing a portfolio of and 3D printing of personalized innovative treatments. Bayer’s oncology franchisemedicine. Training simulators include the BRONCH Mentor™ and now includes three oncology products and severalthe BRONCH Express portable desktop simulator, co-developed other compounds in various stages of clinicalwith CHEST. These platforms guide trainees through flexible development. Together, these products reflect the company’sbronchoscopy procedures, offering designated skill tasks approach to research, which prioritizes targets and pathwaysalongside complete clinical procedures. with the potential to impact the way that cancer is treated.3dsystems.com bayer.comABBVIE INC 2008 BOEHRINGER INGELHEIM 2424 AbbVie is a global, research-based Boehringer Ingelheim is committed to biopharmaceutical company formed in delivering novel anti-cancer agents2013 following separation from Abbott Laboratories. The that address unmet needs across acompany’s mission is to use its expertise, dedicated people and broad range of solid and haematological malignancies. For lungunique approach to innovation to develop and market advanced cancer, Boehringer Ingelheim has two agents approved in manytherapies that address some of the world’s most complex and countries for specific NSCLC sub-types. The oncology portfolio isserious diseases. Together with its wholly-owned subsidiary, supported by a strong early pipeline and an active partneringPharmacyclics, AbbVie employs more than 28,000 people strategy to further strengthen our presence in this keyworldwide and markets medicines in more than 170 countries. therapeutic area.For further information on the company and its people, portfolioand commitments, please visit www.abbvie.com. Follow @ inoncology.comabbvie on Twitter or view careers on our Facebook or LinkedInpage.abbvie.com BRISTOL-MYERS SQUIBB 2000ARIAD PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. 2611 Bristol-Myers Squibb is a global biopharmaceutical We are ARIAD, an orphan oncology company company whose mission focused on transforming the lives of cancer is to discover, develop and deliver innovative medicines that help patients with breakthrough medicines. patients prevail over serious diseases. Our medicines are helping millions of people around the world in their fight against cancer, cardiovascular disease, hepatitis C, HIV and rheumatoid arthritis. bms.comariad.com BRUKER MICROCT 1705ASTRAZENECA 3219 Bruker microCT develops and produces microCT scanners with unparalleled AstraZeneca is a global, innova- resolution and performance both in-vivo tion-driven biopharmaceutical and ex-vivo. Fast GPU reconstruction and business that focuses on the comprehensive analysis software is discovery, development and standard, with versatile volume of interest selection,commercialisation of prescription medicines, primarily for the morphometric and micro-densitometric parameters,treatment of cardiovascular, metabolic, respiratory, inflamma- customizable batch operations and 3D visualization-animation.tion, autoimmune, oncology, infection and neuroscience For more information, please visit bruker.com.diseases. AstraZeneca operates in over 100 countries and itsinnovative medicines are used by millions of patients worldwide. bruker.com astrazeneca.com44 IASLC 17TH WORLD CONFERENCE ON LUNG CANCER | PROGRAM BOOK | WWW.IASLC.ORG
CELGENE CORPORATION 3215 GUARDANT HEALTH 1408 Celgene Corporation (Nasdaq:CELG) is a global Guardant360 is the most biopharmaceutical company that is helping comprehensive biopsy-free tumor healthcare providers turn incurable cancers into sequencing test. Measuring ctDNA chronic, manageable diseases, as well as via a simple blood-draw, the test identifies clinically relevant manage serious inflammatory conditions SNVs, CNVs, fusions and indels to provide real-time tumor through innovative therapies. This dedication response across all active disease sites.to medical progress goes hand-in-hand with our industry-leadingpatient support and access programs. Together, these aspects guardanthealth.comform the core of our commitment to patients worldwide.celgene.com IASLC 2714ELSEVIER 3806 The International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer Elsevier is the world-leading (IASLC) is the only global provider of scientific, organization dedicated to the technical, and medical study of lung cancer. Founded in 1974, the association’s member-information solutions, and publisher of world-class journals. ship includes nearly 6,000 lung cancer specialists in over 100Elsevier Health Solutions is keen to offering Healthcare countries. IASLC members work to enhance the understandingProfessionals comprehensive Resource Centres to help educate of lung cancer among scientists, members of the medicaland improve patient outcome. Visit the Elsevier stand (#3806) community and the public. IASLC publishes the Journal offor more information. Thoracic Oncology, a valuable resource for medical specialists and scientists who focus on the detection, prevention, diagnosis and treatment of lung cancer.elsevier.com iaslc.orgEPIGENOMICS AG 2227 INCELLDX 2311 Epigenomics is a developer of a novel IncellDx, Inc. is a single cell diagnostics blood test for the verification of company committed to advancing positive lung cancer imaging tests. Precision Medicine by offering Epi proLung utilizes two methylated transformative diagnostic and prognostic clinical patientDNA markers (SHOX2 and PTGER4) to minimize unnecessary information based on an innovative technology platform thatinvasive diagnostic procedures and potential complications. enables simultaneous cell classification and single cell analysis ofStop by booth 2227. proteomic and genomic biomarkers. epigenomics.com incelldx.comESTS 3818 LILLY ONCOLOGY 3208 ESTS is the largest international general For more than 50 years, Lilly has thoracic surgery organization with over 1450 been dedicated to delivering members from all Continents. Our mission is life-changing medicines and to improve quality in our specialty: from support to people living with cancer and those who care for clinical and surgical management of patients them. Lilly is determined to build on this heritage and continue to education, training and credentialing of making life better for all those affected by cancer around the thoracic surgeons worldwide. world. To learn more about Lilly’s commitment to people with cancer, please visit www.LillyOncology.com. ests.org lillyoncology.comGLOBAL LUNG CANCER COALITION MEDIAN TECHNOLOGIES 1706 The Global Lung Cancer Coalition promotes Median Technologies develops global understanding of the burden of lung advanced medical imaging cancer and the right of patients to effec- software and provides services tive early detection, better treatment and dedicated to cancer screeningsupportive care. Serving as the international voice of lung cancer programs, oncology clinical trials and clinical practice. As regardspatients, the Global Lung Cancer Coalition is committed to CT lung cancer screening, Median targets regional programs,improving disease outcomes for all. develops and implements ad-hoc regional solutions, collectively monitored, using its CE-Marked/FDA-Cleared Lesion Manage- lungcancercoalition.org ment Solutions (LMS) as its core engine. mediantechnologies.com WWW.IASLC.ORG | PROGRAM BOOK | IASLC 17TH WORLD CONFERENCE ON LUNG CANCER 45
MEDTRONIC 2412 MYRIAD GENETIC LABORATORIES, INC. 1508 As a global leader in medical Myriad Genetics is a leading molecular technology, services and and companion diagnostics company solutions, Medtronic improves dedicated to making a difference in the lives and health of millions patients’ lives through the discovery andof people each year. Let’s take healthcare Further, Together. Visit commercialization of transformative products that assess abooth #2412 to learn more about how our innovative solutions person’s risk of developing disease, aid in a timely and accurateare being used to aid in the diagnosis of Lung Cancer. diagnosis, determine the risk of disease progression and recurrence and guide personalized treatment decisions. medtronic.com myriad.comMSD 2305 NATIONAL LUNG CANCER FORUM FOR NURSES 3808 Today’s Merck is a global healthcare The NLCFN is a registered charity (charity leader working to help the world be number 1160011) providing networking and well. Merck is known as MSD outside support to nurses specialising in the care of the United States and Canada. Through people with lung cancer and/ mesothelioma.our prescription medicines, vaccines, biologic therapies, and The organisation aims to support its membersconsumer care and animal health products, we work with through innovative education programmes,customers and operate in more than 140 countries to deliver professional development support, promotion of research andinnovative health solutions. We also demonstrate our audit and providing a voice for lung cancer nurse specialists.commitment to increasing access to healthcare through far-reaching policies, programs and partnerships that donate and nlcfn.org.ukdeliver our products to the people who need them. merck.comMERCK/PFIZER 3204 NOVARTIS 2400 Immuno-oncology is a Novartis Oncology is a global top priority for Merck leader in improving outcomes for and Pfizer. The global patients. We seek to transform strategic alliance cancer care through distinctivebetween Merck and Pfizer enables the companies to benefit scientific and clinical strategies focused on developing targeted,from each other’s strengths and capabilities and further explore immuno-oncology and combination therapies to create morethe therapeutic potential of avelumab, an investigational effective options for patients.anti-PD-L1 antibody initially discovered and developed by Merck.The immuno-oncology alliance will jointly develop and novartisoncology.comcommercialize avelumab and advance Pfizer’s PD-1 antibody. Thealliance is focused on developing high-priority international NOVOCURE GMBH 1709clinical programs to investigate avelumab, as a monotherapy, aswell as combination regimens, and is striving to find new ways to Novocure (NASDAQ: NVCR) is antreat cancer. oncology company pioneering a novel therapy for solid tumorsMEVIS MEDICAL SOLUTIONS AG 1707 called Tumor Treating Fields, or TTFields. Headquartered in Jersey Isle, Novocure’s US operations are based in Portsmouth, NH and New York, NY. Additionally, the company has offices in Switzer- land, Germany and Japan and a research center in Haifa, Israel. MeVis Medical Solutions AG develops novocure.com software for medical imaging with the aim to improve quality and efficiency in lung ONCODNA 1811cancer detection. MeVis` portfolio includes image readingsoftware for lung cancer screening programs, PACs integrated OncoDNA, The Cancer Theranos-lung CAD, as well as a web-based interactive radiological training tic Company, is the Europeanplatform for healthcare professionals. leading oncology company providing solutions for cancer mevis.de treatments, at the same time contributing to the knowledge applied to the fight against cancer. OncoDNA’s team is fully dedicated to help oncologists worldwide developing services to enable better treatment choices and treatment efficacy monitoring. The reports and the results from both services are displayed in a dynamic way through the web platform OncoSHARE in order to allow an easy and fast reading. oncodna.com46 IASLC 17TH WORLD CONFERENCE ON LUNG CANCER | PROGRAM BOOK | WWW.IASLC.ORG
PANAGENE INC. 1409 ROCKET MEDICAL 1708 PANAGENE is the exclusive PNA UK based, award winning and PNA based molecular designer and manufacturer diagnostic reagent provider. of single use medical devices.Real-time PCR based PANAGENE kits facilitate more reliable MDx Specialising in chest drainage, we continually develop our rangetests in short time in your site directly PANAMutyper™ R series of established and create new products to help improve patients’(EGFR, KRAS, NRAS, BRAF) provide you multiplex genotyping lives:information in high sensitivity (0.1%) with plasma and tissuesamples. Ambulatory Pneumothorax Device, Chest Drainage Bottles & Bags, Chest Drainage Catheters & Kits, Indwelling Pleural Cathe-novartisoncology.com ter, Portable Suction rocketmedical.comPFIZER ONCOLOGY 3200 Pfizer Oncology is committed SCANLAN INTERNATIONAL, INC. 2719 to pursuing innovative treatments that are helping to Highest quality surgicalredefine life with cancer. As an oncology leader with one of the products designed andmost robust oncology pipelines in the industry, we are focused manufactured by the Scanlanon translating scientific breakthroughs into clinical application. family since 1921. Titanium andAdditionally, we are dedicated to working collaboratively with stainless steel instrument designs including Scanlan® LEGACYthe community to make a positive impact on people’s lives. needle holders and forceps, and Super Cut™ Scissors. Full line Scanlan® VATS instruments including D’Amico Clamps, Suctions,pfizer.com/research/therapeutic_areas/oncology Biopsy Forceps, SCANLAN® Gonzalez-Rivas Dissector, Lung Grasper, and Khan Decortication Grasper. scanlaninternational.comPOLISH LUNG CANCER GROUP - POLGRP 3809 Polish Lung Cancer Group – THERMO FISHER SCIENTIFIC 3804 PolGRP multidisciplinary association established in 2002. Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. is the world leader in serving sci- Its primary role is didactic and ence. Our mission is to enable our customers to make the world educational equally spreading healthier, cleaner and safer. We help our customers acceleratelung cancer knowledge in Poland. Every year in November life sciences research, solve complex analytical challenges,organizes annual conference with IASLC accreditation also improve patient diagnostics and increase laboratory productiv-awarded to “Best of WCLC” meeting. Its Lung Cancer Registry ity. For more information, please visit www.thermofisher.com.contains above 30,000 records. thermofisher.compolgrp.org.plROCHE 1400 Roche is a global pioneer in pharmaceuticals WISEPRESS LTD. 3819 and diagnostics focused on advancing science to improve people’s lives. The combined wisepress.com strengths of pharmaceuticals and diagnosticsunder one roof have made Roche the leader in personalizedhealthcare – a strategy that aims to fit the right treatment toeach patient in the best way possible. roche.comROCHE TISSUE DIAGNOSTICS 1805 Roche is the world leader in in-vitro diagnostics and tissue-based cancer diagnostics, and a front runner in diabetes management. The combined strengths of pharmaceuticals anddiagnostics under one roof have made Roche the leader inpersonalized healthcare. roche.com WWW.IASLC.ORG | PROGRAM BOOK | IASLC 17TH WORLD CONFERENCE ON LUNG CANCER 47
Stay up to date with the WCLC 2016 MOBILE APPIntroducing theWCLC 2016 Meeting App!Get 24-hour access to allConference related informationAccess to full scientific programinformation including abstractsAvailable for iPhone,iPad and AndroidSUPPORTED BYDOWNLOAD THE APP ONGOOGLE PLAY OR THE APP STORE JOIN THE WCLC 2016 CONVERSATION! FOLLOW US ON TWITTER @IASLC #WCLC2016 FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK.COM/IASLC48 IASLC 17TH WORLD CONFERENCE ON LUNG CANCER | PROGRAM BOOK | WWW.IASLC.ORG
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