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Home Explore Issue 4

Issue 4

Published by jenniferdurrans, 2021-06-06 13:40:26

Description: Issue 4 | Floraison Magazine


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Floraison Magazine 47

RENEWABLE SCULPTURE Renewable energy sculptures are a unique and fun way to help bridge the gap between artistic expression and renewable energy production. These sculptures harness renewable energy through the additions of solar panels and turbines. So this energy activates the communities around them, and can be on a smaller scale like driving an electric car. Elena Parocheva is one of the most popular artists known for her renewable energy sculptures. In her work she incorporates wind turbines in massive sculptures depicting women. It does this by strategically placing them along the neckline or in other areas where accessories are worn. Paraucheva created sculptures that made other crazy wind turbines, much more vibrant. A land of art Earth art, often referred to as earth or eco art, is a form of art that emerged from the conceptual art movement. It is the process of creating parts embedded in the natural environment using natural materials. \"Whether you are creating an environment inspired by an environment, or using environmentally conscious materials, all of this encourages conversations about sustainability.\" Studio Piet Boon 48 Floraison Magazine

Do we find ourselves questioningthe very core of our moral actions daily? To contribute to a better world doesn't mean sacrifice, it means absorbing and creating. Floraison Magazine 48

Thank you for reading our issue. We hope to see you for issue 5. fFLORAISON MAGAZINE ISSUE 4

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