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Home Explore PCB_MF


Published by Tab Nttf, 2017-11-29 02:45:45

Description: PCB_MF


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Layer Display: displays allrequired in construction ofbottom, silkscreen, nets, buvalues, etc.Move: The move tool is uobjects around in the worksCopy: The copy tool is usevarious objects in the schem

l the layers which are a PCB, namely top,uses, symbols, names,used to move variousspaceed to make a copy ofmatic.

Mirror: The mirror toolimage of any object in theRotate: The rotate tool icomponents in anti-clockwGroup: The group tool isof components/objects ancommands on the group o

is used to make a mirrore workspaceis used to rotate variouswise directions used to make a groupnd to apply specificor move them as a block.

Delete: The delete toolobjects from the workspaAdd: The add tool is usecomponent library and adschematics.Replace: The replace tothe already present compschematic with other dev

is used to removeace.ed to access thedd components to theool is used to replaceponents in thevice from the library.

Name: The name tool inames of different compoValue: The value tool isvalues of different compocapacitors, ICs etc.Smash: The smash toolname and value form theto move them freely

is used to change theonents.s used to change theonents like resistors,l is used to separate thee component and allows

Text: The tool helps youtext on the schematicBus: A collection of parNet: To connect compowireJunction: A junction is amore wires meet

u to write supportingrallel wiresonents with a singlea place where two or

Label: The label tool is usbus connectionsERC: Electrical Rule Checchecks for logical errors podesigner during the constrErrors: The ERC tool checon a rule set defined by theschematic and also some blogic

sed to label the wire orck, this is a tool whichossibly made by theruction of the schematiccks the schematic based e components in thebasic circuit connection

1.4 CONSTRUCTING SCExample: IR Sensor circu


Step 1 – Select and Ad The add tool opens a list o

dd your Componentsof components

The schematic symbols are avversions

vailable in US and Europe

Choose your packagePackage is how the device is puse. For example, an LED is av10mm sizes. An IC can be avaipackages

physically available for yourvailable in 3mm, 5mm andilable in DIP, SMD, BGA, TQFP

The packages of the compogoing to use are:•IR LED (5mm)•Photodiode (5mm)•Resistors 1/4Watt (0207)•Potentiometer (CA6V)•Male Header (MA03-1)•LM358 (Dual Inline Packag

onents which we arege or DIP)

Step 2 – Arrange andComponents Use move and rotate tool

Name your

use the value tool to entercomponents Example:enter the value 330E (33

r the values to the30Ω) to R1 resistor

Step 3 – Make Conne use the net tool


Final Schematic


Step 4 – Check youryour circuit by running the Ele

Circuitectrical Rule Check tool

Step 5 – Export your S go to File > Export > Imag schematic as an image

Schematic (Optional)ge and save your

UNProperties of Copper

NIT 2 r clad laminates

2.1 Manufacturing oflaminates:It is manufactured by electropA thin film of copper metal isElectrolyte is copper rich soluPure copper as the anode and

copper cladplating method used as cathodeutiond immersed into the solution

The rolls of foil as removed frocommonly called RAW FOILThe purity of raw foil is 99.3%and 9µmCopper foil thickness toleranc• 1 ounce/sq.ft. = 0.0014±028.33 gm / sq.ft.= 35µm±5µ

rom the plating machines are% with the thickness of 5µmces are0.0002 inches (OR)µm

2.2PROPERTIES OF COLAMINATES Copper clad lampressing layers of filler materesin under heat and pressuThe main ingredients are:•Filler•Resin•Copper foil

OPPER CLADminates are prepared by erial impregnated with ure.

1.Filler: These are continuouspaper, glass cloth etc.

webs of materials such as

2.Resin:These are different types.1. Amino resin2. Epoxy resin3. Polyester resin4. Phenolic resin5. Silicon resin6. Telephone resin7. Polyimide resin

3.Copper foil:It is manufactures by tdeposition.These are different thic70µm.

the process of electrockness i.e., 17.5, 35,

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