WINTER & SPRING 2018 • 105 S. Spruce St., Washington, IL • (309) 444-9413
Your Park District Board of Commissioners President Vice President Secretary/Treasurer Board Member Board Member Lorelei Cox James Bremner John Foy Jeff Schultz Mark Heuermann lcox@ jbremner@ jfoy@ jschultz@ mheuermann@ The Washington Park District is an independent municipal corporation organized under the laws of the State of Illinois. It is governed by a five member Board of Commissioners elected to six year terms in biennial public elections. They receive no compensation for attending meetings. The terms of office are staggered so that no more than two Commissioners are elected at one time. The board establishes general policies, adopts the budget and appropriation ordinance, and appoints the District Attorney and Director. Park Board meetings are held on the third Monday of each month at 6:00 p.m. at the Park District Administration Building located at 105 S. Spruce St., Washington, Illinois. For more information, you may contact the Park District. Mission Statement - To provide quality recreational programs, facilities and parks that meet the leisure needs and improve the quality of life for the residents of Washington. Dear Residents, Hard to believe that 2017 is coming to a close. We were able to complete several large projects this year. Here is a recap of some of them: 1. Phase 1 of the Washington Park Parking lot improvement project was finished. Due to the size of this project, it will be completed in phases over the next few years. 2. Harry LaHood Park sidewalk extensions have been installed. This connects the existing sidewalk system to the city sidewalks on the west and east sides. Executive Director 3. Concrete pads have been poured under the bleachers at Washington Park Brian Tibbs Diamond #6. 4. Shelter roofs have been replaced at Bowen Lake, Sweitzer Park, and Candlewood Park. 5. Bowen Lake Park access road, parking lot, and recreational trail have all had improvements. 6. Repairs and sealing have been completed in various areas of the recreational trail. As you may have noticed on the front page of this brochure, 2018 is an exciting year for us. We will be celebrating our 50th year in existence. Ordinance #1 that established the Washington Park District was signed on March 19, 1968. Be on the lookout for some fun activities we have planned in celebration of this milestone. Thank you for your continued participation and support of our parks and programs. Brian Tibbs Ext. 102, [email protected] • 105 S. Spruce St., Washington, IL • (309) 444-9413
Park District Staff Small Town... BIG Fun! • 1 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Kim Hess Matt Suellentrop Brad Kanaga Jackie Hofer Dakota Bullard Finance Manager-Ext. 110 Recreation Mgr.-Ext. 103 Superint. of Parks-Ext. 130 Administrative Asst.-Ext. 100 Athletic Coord.-Ext. 107 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Jean Escue Bianca Mullen Julie Harper Tabatha Waid Janni Johnson Recreation Coord.-Ext. 104 Summer Camp Coord.-Ext. 108 Recreation Coord.-Ext. 106 Tumbling Coord.-Ext. 109 Pre-K Program Coord. [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Kathy Werstein Cassie Tracy Dan Graham Jeremy McMenimen Recreation Coord.-Ext. 104 REACH Coord.-Ext. 108 Building Maintenance Athletic Field Maintenance Supervisor Administration Office: 105 South Spruce St., Washington, IL 61571 Phone: (309)444-9413 | Weather Information Line: (309) 366-2413 Registration Office Winter & Spring Hours: M-Th: 8:30AM-8:00PM, Fri: 8:30AM-6:00PM, Sat: 8:00AM-12:00PM, Sun: Closed | e-mail: [email protected] Follow us on Instagram Office closed December 23, 25, January 1 and March 31. @WashILParks • 105 S. Spruce St., Washington, IL • (309) 444-9413
2 • Small Town... BIG Fun! Table of Contents BIRTHDAY PARTIES, FACILITY FITNESS CLASSES GENERAL INFORMATION RENTAL, SHELTER RESERVATIONS Pi-Yo ............................38 Board of Commissioners ..... Inside Cover Archery Tag/Bubble Soccer Birthday Power Pump ......................38 Director’s Letter............ Inside Cover Party Package .....................6 Bands and Balls ...................38 Park District Staff ...................1 Facility Rentals .....................7 Tai Chi Fundamentals ...............38 Hours of Operation ..................1 Shelter Reservations .................7 Step it Up ........................39 WPD Foundation....................4 Drawing with Joe Birthday Party........7 Sunrise Fitness ....................39 Living Tree Memorial.................4 Watercolor Painting with Fit over 50........................39 Washington “Bark” District............5 Joe Birthday Party ..................7 Fitness Punch Cards ................39 Youth Sports Sponsorship ............25 Gym Birthday Party at the Ballet Exercise for Adults.............40 Washington Park District Recreational Facility ................7 Hatha Yoga for Health...............40 Fitness Center Info. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41 PreSchool Birthday Party Ballroom Dance Lessons .............40 Heart of Illinois Special at the Recreational Facility ...........7 Line Dance .......................40 Recreation Association .............42 Park Matrix .......................43 SPECIAL EVENTS AND ADULT PROGRAMS Park Map...................... 44-45 COMMUNITY EVENTS Tae Kwon Do......................30 Class Registration Instructions ........46 Chamber of Commerce Events .........8 Joe the Art Guy ....................31 Registration Form ..................47 Good Neighbor Days.................8 Cake Decorating ...................33 General Park Information ......... 48-49 Daddy Daughter Princess Ball ..........9 Novice Photography Workshop........33 Mom and Son Night of Fun............9 Workflow Workshop ................33 Make-It Take-It Art Night..............9 2nd Act Chorus and Reader’s Theatre ...34 Easter Bunny Breakfast..............10 Ping Pong Open Play................34 Easter Egg Hunt ...................10 Adult Men’s Basketball ..............34 Take Pride in Washington Day.........10 Adult Softball .....................34 50 GO! Tap Classes.................35 CHILDREN AND YOUTH PROGRAM KASINO in concert..................35 PreK 3-5 Year Old Class..............11 50 GO! Adventure Treks .............36 REACH...........................12 Senior Events .....................37 Dayquests ........................13 Chess Camp ......................17 EARLY CHILDHOOD Joe the Art Guy Classes..............31 Full Day Pre-K 3-5 ..................11 NITSCH Theatre Art .............. 32-33 Building Blocks ....................14 Piano and Violin Lessons.............33 Stepping Stones ...................14 Novice Photography Workshop........33 Friday Free Time ...................14 Workflow Workshop ................33 Wee Play.........................14 Stay and Play .....................15 YOUTH ATHLETICS Kids in the Kitchen .................15 Bonker Ball .......................16 Easy Cooking for Kids ...............15 Parent-Tot Sports Mania .............16 Art Through the Five Senses ..........15 RC FastCat Fun Run Series ...........17 Tumble Tots.......................16 Volleyball Basics ...................21 Music and Motion..................16 Volley Tots........................21 Romper Roon .....................17 Soccer Academy ...................21 Pass, Dribble and Shoot..............21 TUMBLING Legends HappyFeet Indoor Soccer......22 2017-18 Tumbling Legends HappyFeet Spring General Information ................18 Outdoor Soccer ...................22 Preschool Tumbling.................19 Youth Soccer Program...............23 Beginning Tumbling ................19 Softball Clinic .....................24 Intermediate Tumbling ..............19 Open Hitting ......................24 Advanced Tumbling.................19 Batting Cage Memberships...........24 WPD Cheer Class ..................19 Tee Ball ..........................25 Tumbling/Cheer Class Schedule........19 Baseball Program ..................26 WPD Elite Competitive Softball Program...................27 Cheer & Tumbling .................20 Washington Youth Lacrosse ....... 28-29 Tae Kwon Do......................30 • 105 S. Spruce St., Washington, IL • (309) 444-9413
Small Town... BIG Fun! • 3 Thank you for 50 years of Parks and Recreation • 105 S. Spruce St., Washington, IL • (309) 444-9413
4 • Small Town... BIG Fun! Washington Park District Foundation Who We Are: Established in 2007, The Washington Park District Foundation (WPDF) is the private fund-raising division of the Washington Park District. WPDF is a not-for-profit philanthropic organization that is recognized under Section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code. What We Do: • Nurture financial support for WPDF projects • Pursue the acquisition of land and capital resources for active and passive recreation • Encourage community partnerships within the park system • Serve as a catalyst and partner toward civic and community initiatives • Foster community awareness and use of parks and recreation Most Recent Project: Harry Lahood Restroom/Storm Shelter Facility How to Support: Gifts to the Washington Park District or WPDF may be initiated by contacting our Development Director by emailing [email protected], visiting, or calling 309-444-9413. LIVING TREE MEMORIAL The Washington Park District is proud of the Living Tree Program. Through this program you can honor or remember a person, event or organization by having a tree planted in their name. Through your monetary contribution, a tree will be planted in the park of your choice. This program also benefits the community as a whole and the tree can be enjoyed for years to come. @WashingtonParkDistrict @WashILParks Washington Park District @WashILParks • 105 S. Spruce St., Washington, IL • (309) 444-9413
Washington “Bark” District Small Town... BIG Fun! • 5 The Washington Park District provides various places for residents to enjoy the outdoors and socialize with neighbors. And now part of Meadow Valley Park has gone to the dogs with the creation of the Washington “Bark” District Off-Leash Dog Park. Through a number of generous donations including fencing from Keystone Wire Red Brand Fencing, Honeywell Turbo Technologies, and Peoria Brick and Tile, the Park District has completed construction of the Off-Leash Dog Park. The Washington “Bark” District Off-Leash Dog Park Donations and brick purchases to the Washington “Bark” District may be made payable to the Washington Park District Foundation. Anyone with questions may contact the Washington Park District, 444-9413. @WashingtonParkDistrict @WashILParks Washington Park District @WashILParks • 105 S. Spruce St., Washington, IL • (309) 444-9413
6 • Small Town... BIG Fun! Bubble Soccer/Archery Bubble Soccer/ Archery Party Package Want to host an archery tag OR The Washington Park District has teamed up with Battle Orbs to bring archery tag and bubble bubble soccer party outdoors? soccer to Washington! Private parties run for 2 hours at the Mike Adam’s Gymnasium or Oak We are now able to use the Oak Ridge Park. All parties include archery tag OR bubble soccer arena, equipment for up to 6 at a Ridge Facility as an outdoor time, and a party attendant. Indoor parties include access to our birthday party room. Outdoor rental site. Included in the rental parties include park facilities, a large pavilion, and backup access to the Mike Adams Gym for are all the above men tioned inclement weather. Fun for players and spectators alike! details for the indoor laser tag Great for adults and children over 6; recommended target age of 8 or older. Recommended par- rental, but in addition we will ty size of 6-14 players. All parties based upon availability. Visit for further reserve the shelter at Oak Ridge game details and stop by the Washington Park District to book your party. and you will have access to the restrooms at the facility. In case Ages Day Fee-R/NR of inclement weather, your party 6 & up Fri, Sat, or Sun $250/$275 can be moved to the Washington typically* Park District Recreation Facility *Based on WPD Gym availability and this becomes an indoor party! This rental is based on facility and staff availability. Please call for further details. • 105 S. Spruce St., Washington, IL • (309) 444-9413
Special Events Small Town... BIG Fun! • 7 Gym Parties at the Washington Park District Preschool Birthday Parties Bring your special celebration to the Washington Park District Recreation at the Washington Park District Facility. We have soft toys, scooters, parachutes, balls and more! The Have the special celebration of your preschooler’s birthday party package includes a 2 hour rental of the birthday room and birthday here at the Washington Park District. The gymnasium along with access to all the above mentioned activities/toys birthday boy/girl, and their friends, will have a blast to make your party a blast! This party is based upon gym availability. in our room specifically designed for this age group. Also included are lined tables in the birthday party room. There is a playhouse with a slide, big soft building Cost is $100 for 2 hours. blocks and rocking horses. Also included are lined Would you like someone to organize games for you? Our resident game tables in the meeting room. This party package is best suited for 12 guests, 4 and younger. Includes expert Kathy Werstein can be added to your birthday party package 90 minutes access to the preschool activity room and for $25. meeting room. Cost is $80 for 90 minutes. Drawing with Joe Birthday Party We have teamed up with our drawing and art instructor, Joe, for this birthday party offering. Joe will lead your birthday party attendees through a step by step process to create their very own color cartoon animal picture. Everyone will get to play the “Bosun Joe Drawing Game” and the birthday child will get a caricature drawn. All supplies will be provided. Included in the party are: 90 minutes with Joe and 30 minute access to our birthday party room*, lined tables, and a birthday party attendant to clean up. Ages Days Times Fee Location 4-13 Fri, Sat, Sun 90 minutes $150 Washington Park District *based on room availability Watercolor Painting with Joe Birthday Party Joe will lead your birthday party attendees through a step-by-step process to create their very own watercolor painting. The kids will paint an underwater scene and paint fish the color of their choice. All supplies will be provided and each participant will get to take home their watercolor creation. The birthday child will also get a caricature drawn. Included in the party are: 90 minutes with Joe and 30 minute access to our birthday party room*, lined tables, and a birthday party attendant to clean when you are done. Ages Days Times Fee Location 4-13 Fri, Sat, Sun 90 minutes $175 Washington Park District *based on room availability Both parties are best suited for children 4-13 years old and can be held on Friday evenings, Saturdays, or Both parties are best suited for children 4-13 years old and can be held on Friday evenings, Saturdays, or Sundays based on instructor availability. Our party room has tables and chairs for 30 people total. Sundays based on instructor availability. Our party room has tables and chairs for 30 people total. FACILITY RENTALS SHELTER RESERVATIONS Many of the rooms in the Recreation Facility are available for All park shelters may be used on a first come first served rental at times when not used for Washington Park District basis at any time during regular park hours. Persons wishing programs. This includes the gymnasium, the lounge and to guarantee a shelter must contact the administration office several classrooms. An Indoor Facility Rental Application will during regular office hours as to the availability of the desired be required at the time of reservation. dates and complete an Outdoor Facility Rental Application for Rates Residents Non-Residents approval. The Washington Park District will post notices the day of the reservation indicating the day/time and person/ Meeting Room/Lounge $15/hour $20/hour organization that has made the reservation. Only signs issued Full Gym $30/hour $40/hour by the Washington Park District will be honored. Meeting Room w/Gym $40/hour $50/hour Fitness Room $15/hour $20/hour Rates Residents Non-Residents Shelter Rentals $20 $30 Add $10/hour for after-hour rentals. Wenger Shelter & Weston Shelter $30 $40 • 105 S. Spruce St., Washington, IL • (309) 444-9413
8 • Small Town... BIG Fun! Special Events Washington Chamber of Commerce For more information about any of the below activities please visit the Washington Chamber of Commerce online at, on Facebook, or call (309) 444-9921. Trivia Night Date: January 20, 2018 Location: Countryside Banquet Facility Doors open at 6pm. Game starts at 6:45pm. A fun filled night with great food, interactive games, silent auction, 50/50 raffle, best dressed team and best decorated table prizes. Good Neighbor Days May 30 - June 3, 2018 Save the Date for the 2018 Good Neighbor Days Festival. The festival features the Carnival, Community Night, live entertainment, family night, family bike ride, Kidz Got Talent, Medallion Hunt, and much more. Visit for more information. • 105 S. Spruce St., Washington, IL • (309) 444-9413
Special Events Small Town... BIG Fun! • 9 DADDY DAUGHTER PRINCESS BALL Enjoy an evening out with your special princess at the 2018 Princess Ball. Dinner, dancing, food, and a lot of quality time Washington Chamber of Commerce await you. A DJ, photo booth, and professional photos will be provided. (Theme: Vintage Circus) Code Day Date Time Fee R/NR For more information about any of the below activities please visit the 1-0041-18 Sat Feb 3 6:00PM $60/$65 couple Deadline Washington Chamber of Commerce online at, on ($16 per additional person) Jan 26 Facebook, or call (309) 444-9921. (350 max) Location: Countryside Banquet Center, 659 School Street, Washington, IL 61571 REFUNDS WILL NOT BE ISSUED AFTER JANUARY 26TH SIGN UP ON-LINE TODAY! MOM AND SON NIGHT OF FUN Join us for the 8th Annual night of fun. We will be hosting the night of fun at the Washington Park District Recreation Facility. We are bringing the laser tag and party to Washington! Each person will be allowed to play several games of laser tag and much more! Pizza, soda, and snacks are included. Code Day Date Time Fee R/NR 1-0042-18-A Sat Feb 24 2:30-5:30PM $20/$25 per person 1-0042-18-B Sat Feb 24 5:30-8:30PM $20/$25 per person Location: Washington Park District Recreation Facility Age: 7 & up Min/Max: 20/40 REFUNDS WILL NOT BE ISSUED AFTER FEBRUARY 16TH MAKE-IT TAKE-IT ART NIGHT Join us for a night of creativity and community at the Washington Park District Recreation Facility. Local businesses and artists will be showcasing some of the many different forms of art. You get a chance to try them as well! Snacks and Drinks will be provided. Code Day Date Time Fee R/NR 1-0044-18 Sat Mar 10 6:00-9:00PM $15 per person Location: Washington Park District Recreation Facility • 105 S. Spruce St., Washington, IL • (309) 444-9413
10 • Small Town... BIG Fun! Special Events WASHINGTON PARK DISTRICT BUNNY BREAKFAST Code Day Date Time Fee R/NR 1-0043-18 Sat Mar 31st 9:00AM-10:45AM $5/person (age 2 and up) Location: Washington Five Points Banquet Rooms Join us for a continental style breakfast including donuts, rolls, bagels, juice, milk, and coffee. All people attending this event need to purchase a ticket (regardless of if you plan to eat or not). There will be open seating available throughout the entire time from 9am-10:45am. We may have some seats available the day of the event, but we cannot guarantee availability. Bring your own camera for a picture with the Easter bunny. Please purchase advanced tickets at the Washington Park District office or online at WASHINGTON PARK DISTRICT EASTER EGG HUNT Mar 31st • Starts at 11:00AM • This event will be held rain, snow, or shine! Rotary Shelter – Washington Park Age Groups for Egg Hunt 0-2 3-5 6+ HOPPY EASTER! TAKE PRIDE IN WASHINGTON CLEANUP DAY Mark your calendars for our annual cleanup day throughout the entire community. Meet at the Wenger Shelter in Washington Park for equipment pickup and to get an area to clean. No advanced signup is necessary. April 21, 2018 at 9AM Ages: 5 & up • 105 S. Spruce St., Washington, IL • (309) 444-9413
Pre-K Full Day Program Small Town... BIG Fun! • 11 Are you looking for something more for your 3-5 year old? Consider Washington Park District’s Open House Monday, March 12 4:30-5:30PM The tuition will be broken into monthly payments, which is due on the first day of each month, August-May. 4-5 year olds 10:1 ratio of students to teachers Like us on • 105 S. Spruce St., Washington, IL • (309) 444-9413
12 • Small Town... BIG Fun! REACH Washington Park District offers an excellent before and after school program for children Kindergarten through 6th grade. We offer a variety of fun activities ranging from playground and gym time to games and crafts in the classrooms. Children are divided by grade, Pre-K & K, 1st & 2nd, 3rd, and 4th–6th. Each room is arranged with grade appropriate activities. We have plenty of workspace to complete homework assignments if needed. An added benefit to enrolling your child in REACH is the availability and proximity to the many seasonal programs offered by the Washington Park District. In the past, we have had many programs available during REACH hours. We have had participants attend tumbling, basketball, volleyball, and drawing programs that occur at our facility. A great convenience for those working parents who are unable to be in two places at once. REACH registration requires payment for August/September and/or transportation fee and the completion of the required parent’s packet available at the Washington Park District office located at 105 S. Spruce St. Washington, IL 61571. After that, you will get an invoice for the upcoming month. The program runs August 15 – May 30, 2018. Dayquest days are not included in the REACH program, but are available on most full days off school and holiday break days. All early dismissal days are included in the REACH program fee. School sponsored snow CANCELLATION days are offered to current REACH customers free of charge. REACH is billed on a monthly basis. You will receive an invoice at our check in/out table and can make this payment in our main office. REACH plans offer a flexible number of days per week to accommodate every schedule. Transportation is provided to the Park District REACH program from Central Grade School, John L. Hensey, Beverly Manor, and St. Pat’s for a fee of $85. The Lincoln Grade School and Washington Middle School buses pick up and drop off in front of our building. Parents wishing to schedule children for the Park District Transportation service should register during his/her respective school registration. Grade: Entering Grades Pre-K-6 | Location: Washington Recreational Facility REACH Coordinator: Cassie Tracy: [email protected] Transportation Fee: $85 due at the time of registration for students attending Districts 50, 51 and St. Pat’s. Hours of operation: Before Care opens at 6:30AM and After Care closes at 6:00PM Enroll in our most popular summer program! Reserve your spot Program Code Jan Feb March April May now for this summer’s Camp Adventurers Day Camp! A AM/PM 5 Days 9-4300-17-A $204 $228 $204 $228 $228 lot of exciting things will be happening this summer. Campers will have the opportunity to participate in a variety of sports, AM/PM 4 Days 9-4300-17-B $168 $192 $168 $192 $192 crafts, and other various activities that follow the theme of the AM/PM 3 Days 9-4300-17-C $144 $144 $108 $144 $144 week! Campers will also enjoy fun filled trips outside of the Park AM/PM 2 Days 9-4300-17-D $96 $96 $84 $96 $96 District along with THREE visits per week to the Washington Park Pool! AM 5 Days 9-4300-17-E $85 $95 $85 $95 $95 Enrollment for Camp Adventurers will begin February 1st, PM 5 Days 9-4300-17-F $153 $171 $153 $171 $171 2018. A non-refundable deposit of $50 must be made on each AM 4 Days 9-4300-17-G $70 $80 $70 $80 $80 two-week session in which the participant will participate. This will be applied to your camp fee. PM 4 Days 9-4300-17-H $126 $144 $126 $144 $144 For more information or questions please contact Bianca Mullen. AM 3 Days 9-4300-17-I $60 $60 $45 $60 $60 Grades: Campers must be entering grades K-6th in Fall of 2018. PM 3 Days 9-4300-17-J $108 $108 $81 $108 $108 Camp Director: Bianca Mullen [email protected] AM 2 Days 9-4300-17-K $35 $40 $35 $48 $40 Camp Location: Washington Park District Recreational Facility, PM 2 Days 9-4300-17-L $63 $72 $63 $72 $72 105 S. Spruce Street • 105 S. Spruce St., Washington, IL • (309) 444-9413
REACH Small Town... BIG Fun! • 13 DAYQUEST ADVENTURES FOR FUN DAYS OFF SCHOOL! Washington Park District offers a fun day off school for children in grades Pre-Kindergarten through 6th grade. All children are welcome! You do not need to be a part of our REACH program to participate. Dayquest days will involve a field trip or special activity which is included in the price. While the children are in our building, we offer an exciting program filled with a variety of fun activities ranging from outside play on our playground, time in our gym, to games and crafts in the classrooms. The rooms are set up with age appropriate activities. We ask that you pre-register early so that we may plan our fun filled days and give our working parents confirmation that they have a safe yet fun place for their children! A lunch from home is needed unless notified otherwise. Our REACH fee is for the current participants in our REACH program. Resident fee is for residents of the Washington Park District taxing boundary. Non-Resident is for all other surrounding communities. We will make every attempt to open up for a full day off school during snow days. Please visit our Facebook page for an early morning update after the school has announced they will not be in session. These full days off are open to the public and you do not have to be a current REACH customer of ours to attend. Code Activity Day Date Time Fee – REACH/Res/NR 4-4310-17-G Christmas Fun Fri Dec 22 6:30AM-6:00PM $28/$33/$35 4-4310-17-H Monkey Joe’s Tue Dec 26 6:30AM-6:00PM $28/$33/$35 4-4310-17-I Five Points Wed Dec 27 6:30AM-6:00PM $28/$33/$35 4-4310-17-J Nick-N-Willy’s Pizza Thu Dec 28 6:30AM-6:00PM $28/$33/$35 4-4310-17-K New Year’s Party Fri Dec 29 6:30AM-6:00PM $28/$33/$35 1-4310-18-L Fun at WPD Tue Jan 2 6:30AM-6:00PM $28/$33/$35 1-4310-18-M Peoria Riverfront Museum Wed Jan 3 6:30AM-6:00PM $28/$33/$35 1-4310-18-N Jumpin’ Jax Thu Jan 4 6:30AM-6:00PM $28/$33/$35 1-4310-18-O Bowling at Plaza Lanes Fri Jan 5 6:30AM-6:00PM $28/$33/$35 1-4310-18-A Nick-N-Willy’s Mon Jan 15 6:30AM/6:00PM $28/$33/$35 1-4310-18-B Movie at Sunnyland Cinemas Mon Feb 19 6:30AM-6:00PM $28/$33/$35 1-4310-18-C Skating Rink Mon Mar 26 6:30AM-6:00PM $28/$33/$35 1-4310-18-D Children’s Discovery Museum Tue Mar 27 6:30AM-6:00PM $28/$33/$35 1-4310-18-E Face Painting Wed Mar 28 6:30AM-6:00PM $28/$33/$35 1-4310-18-F Uncle Buck’s Bowling Thu Mar 29 6:30AM-6:00PM $28/$33/$35 1-4310-18-G Fire House Pizza Fri Mar 30 6:30AM-6:00PM $28/$33/$35 1-4310-18-H Wildlife Prairie Park Mon Apr 2 6:30AM-6:00PM $28/$33/$35 1-4310-18-I Fun at Oak Ridge Fri Apr 27 6:30AM-6:00PM $28/$33/$35 1-4310-18-J Walk to Hollands Thu May 31 6:30AM-6:00PM $28/$33/$35 1-4310-18-K Peoria Zoo Fri Jun 1 6:30AM-6:00PM $28/$33/$35 • 105 S. Spruce St., Washington, IL • (309) 444-9413
14 • Small Town... BIG Fun! Early Childhood Early Childhood Program BUILDING BLOCKS Help your 2-3 year old build a strong foundation for learning through play. This class emphasizes positive social skills such as sharing, taking turns, following directions, and classroom routines. Our daily schedule includes art, circle time and free play activities, encouraging independence and a desire to learn. Code Days Dates Time Fee-R/NR 1-3311-18-A Tue/Thu Jan 4-May 24 9:00AM-12:00PM 1 Payment $500R/$525NR 1-3311-18-B Tue/Thu Jan 4-May 24 9:00AM-12:00PM 2 Payments $262R/$275NR *No Class: Mar 27 & 29 – Spring Break Age: 2-3 Location: Washington Park District Recreation Facility Instructor: Julie Harper and the Early Childhood Staff Min/Max: 8/24 STEPPING STONES Is your 3-5 year old ready to make a smooth transition into his/her academic years? We can help. The Stepping Stones program focuses on socialization and the introduction of key early childhood skills including colors, shapes, numbers and letter recognition as well as following directions. Emphasis is placed on socializing with peers as well as building self-confidence and self-esteem. Code Days Dates Time Fee-R/NR SIGN UP 1-3321-18-A Mon/Wed Jan 3-May 23 9:00AM-12:00PM 1 Payment $500R/$525NR 1-3321-18-B Mon/Wed Jan 3-May 23 9:00AM-12:00PM 2 Payments $262R/$275NR ON-LINE *No Class: Mar 26 & 28 – Spring Break TODAY! Age: 3-5 Location: Washington Park District Recreation Facility Instructor: Julie Harper and the Early Childhood Staff Min/Max: 8/24 WEE PLAY Parents, are you looking for some free time? Drop your child off for playtime in a safe and nurturing environment where they will learn to socialize with their classmates through supervised free play, music and art. Feel at ease as you exercise or run errands while your little one has a great time with us. Code Days Dates Time Fee-R/NR 1-3331-18-A Mon/Wed Jan 3-May 23 9:30AM-11:30AM 1 Payment $331R/$356NR 1-3331-18-B Mon/Wed Jan 3-May 23 9:30AM-11:30AM 2 Payments $175R/$187NR *No Class: Mar 26 & 28 – Spring Break Location: Washington Park District Recreation Facility Instructor: Julie Harper and the Early Childhood Staff Age: 18 mo-2 years Min/Max: 6/12 FRIDAY FREE TIME Friday mornings are filled with fun in this playgroup which includes recreation, arts, crafts and social play. A perfect addition for children enrolled in our two day play groups or for parents looking for a free morning. Code Days Dates Time Fee-R/NR 1-3341-18-A Fri Jan 5-May 25 9:00AM-12:00PM 1 Payment $245R/$270NR 1-3341-18-B Fri Jan 5-May 25 9:00AM-12:00PM 2 Payments $130R/$142NR *No Class: Mar 30 – Spring Break Location: Washington Park District Recreation Facility Instructor: Julie Harper and the Early Childhood Staff Age: 3-5 years Min/Max 6/12 • 105 S. Spruce St., Washington, IL • (309) 444-9413
Early Childhood Small Town... BIG Fun! • 15 STAY AND PLAY This class is a little extension for our Stepping Stones and Friday Free Time group. Your child will bring their lunch to eat when the morning session has finished. After lunch we’ll spend a little time relaxing and wrap up our day being creative with arts and crafts and free-play. Your little ones will LOVE bringing their lunch box to school! Code Days Dates Time Fee-R/NR 1-3342-18-A Wed Jan 3-May 23 12:00-2:00PM 1 Payment $162R/$177NR SIGN UP 1-3342-18-B Wed Jan 3-May 23 12:00-2:00PM 2 Payments $87R/$95NR 1-3343-18-A Fri Jan 5-May 25 12:00-2:00PM 1 Payment $162R/$177NR ON-LINE 1-3343-18-B Fri Jan 5-May 25 12:00-2:00PM 2 Payments $87R/$95NR TODAY! No Class: Mar 28 or 30 - Spring Break Location: Washington Park District Recreation Facility Instructor: Julie Harper and the Early Childhood Staff Age: 3-5 Min/Max: 6/12 KIDS IN THE KITCHEN Come join us for measuring, mixing and creating delicious treats to eat. Each week we will don our chef’s hat and follow a different recipe. Please mention any food allergies during registration. This is a drop off program. Code Days Dates Time Fee-R/NR 1-3351-18 Tues Feb 6-Feb 27 1:00-2:00PM $24R/$27NR Age: 3-5 Location: Washington Park District Recreation Facility Instructor: Julie Harper and the Early Childhood Staff Min/Max: 6/12 EASY COOKING FOR KIDS Easy Cooking for Kids is a class for 6-8 year olds. We will be using recipes with simple steps that the kids can easily follow. Choose 1, 2 or all 3 sessions. The delicious results will leave them excited to cook again! This class will meet upstairs in room #202. Please mention any food allergies during registration. This is a drop off program. Code Day Date Time Fee R/NR Topic 1-3352-18 Thu Feb 8 3:45-5:15PM $12/$14 Breakfast 1-3353-18 Thu Feb 15 3:45-5:15PM $12/$14 Appetizers/Snacks 1-3354-18 Thu Feb 22 3:45-5:15PM $12/$14 Dessert Location: Washington Park District Recreation Facility Instructor: Julie Harper and the REACH Staff Ages: 6-8 Min/Max: 5/10 ART THROUGH THE FIVE SENSES This creative art class for 3-5 year olds will feature unique art projects using touch, taste, sight and smell. Within the spirit of exploration and play we will incorporate exciting everyday materials that are safe for little ones. Code Days Dates Time Fee-R/NR 1-3362-18 Tue Apr 3-Apr 24 1:00-2:00PM $24/$27 Location: Washington Park District Recreation Facility Instructor: Julie Harper and the Early Childhood Staff Ages: 3-5 Years Min/Max: 6/12 • 105 S. Spruce St., Washington, IL • (309) 444-9413
16 • Small Town... BIG Fun! Early Childhood TUMBLE TOTS Tumble tots is designed for the toddler with a bundle of energy. Children along with mom or dad will participate in beginning tumbling skills, dance and creative games focusing on improving motor and socialization skills. Don’t forget to bring a camera. Code Day Dates Time Fee-R/NR 4-4201-18-A Tue Jan 9-Feb 13 5:45-6:30PM $35/$40 4-4201-18-B Tue Feb 20-March 27 5:45-6:30PM $35/$40 SIGN UP 4-4201-18-C Tue Jan 9-Feb 13 11:00-11:45AM $35/$40 ON-LINE 4-4201-18-D Tue Feb 20-Mar 27 11:00-11:45AM $35/$40 Program Objective: Children will increase motor skills and further develop social and TODAY! transition skills through dance and physical activities Ages: 2-3 Location: Washington Park District Fitness Room Instructor: Kathy Werstein Min/Max: 5/13 MUSIC AND MOTION Let your child engage their musical tendencies in a fun filled class of singing and creative movement. Language and song are used as means of promoting active listening and focus on a weekly theme. Code Day Dates Time Fee R/NR 4-3350-18-A Fri Feb 12-Mar 9 11:00-11:45AM $35/$40 Program Objective: Promote body awareness as well as motor and social skills Ages: 3-5 years Location: Washington Park District Fitness Room Instructor: Kathy Werstein Min/Max: 5/10 BONKER BALL Can you imagine up to 6 t-ball games being played simultaneously? Bonker ball is a great way to refine eye-hand coordination and provide great fun for your 4-5 year old. The game is played with a team of 4 players and the batter hits the ball off the tee and must run between two cones before the fielders return the ball to the tee. Code Day Dates Time Fee R/NR 1-4101-18 Fri Feb 9-Mar 16 4:45-5:30 PM $30/$35 Program Objective: To prepare for summer t-ball Ages: 4-5 Location: Washington Park District Rec. Facility Instructor: Kathy Werstein Min/Max: 6/25 PARENT-TOT SPORTS MANIA Moms, Dads and Grandparents spend some quality time with your little one in this class that introduces your child to the wonderful world of sports. Your child will shoot hoops, hit a baseball off the tee, play badminton, or just run around the gym being a toddler. Parachute games will also be introduced!! Adults will participate with their youngster. Sign up today and join the fun! Code Day Dates Time Fee R/NR 1-5199-18-A Sat Feb 25-Apr 8* 9:00-9:45 AM $35/$40 *No Class 4/1 Ages: 2-4 with parent Location: Washington Recreational Facility Instructor: Kathy Werstein Min/Max: 6/12 • 105 S. Spruce St., Washington, IL • (309) 444-9413
Youth General Programs Small Town... BIG Fun! • 17 ROMPER ROOM This open gym time is a great way for your little ones to burn off some energy while making new friends. There are items such as scooters, parachutes, hoops, mats, balls, obstacle course typically available. This program is designed for 1-4 year olds and parents must attend. No advanced signup is needed, just stop by the office before heading to the gym. Days Dates Time Fee-R/NR Mon & Thu Nov 13-Mar 22 9:00-11:00AM $2 per child * No Romper Room Dec 25, 28, Jan 1 and 4. Location: Washington Park District Recreation Facility WINTER BREAK BEGINNER CHESS CAMP This camp is designed for both beginners and young players. All participants will learn will learn how to make strong opening moves, explore strategies used to control the board during the mid-game, and practice different ways to checkmate your opponent. Each class will consist of a fun interactive teaching period and guided practice time from chess coach Adam Stevens. Code Day Dates Time Fee-R/NR 4-4168-17-C Mon-Thu Dec 27-28 & Jan 3-4 10:00-11:30AM $75/$80 Ages: 7-13 Location: Washington Park District Recreational Facility Conference Room Min/Max: 6/12 RUNNING CENTRAL FASTCAT FUN RUN SERIES At Running Central, we want to see the youth of our community enjoy the healthiest lives possible! We invite your children ages 12 and under to join RC FastCat this spring for our 4th annual FastCat kids running series. As long as your child can walk or run, this is for them! Kids will run a distance ranging from 50 yards to a 1/2 mile depending on their age. So please gather your children to join in the FUN this spring at a FastCat run near you! Sundays – April 8, 15, 22, 29 and May 6 Time: 4:00PM each day Location: Washington Park Wenger Shelter (700 Stratford Dr. Washington, IL) Ages: 12 and under Cost: $25 per child ($15 per additional child in a family) Register online Packet Pickup: Saturday, April 21st at Running Central Questions? Contact [email protected] • 105 S. Spruce St., Washington, IL • (309) 444-9413
18 • Small Town... BIG Fun! Tumbling & Cheer The Washington Park District offers a variety of tumbling Parent Watch Policy: and cheerleading classes for kids of all levels ages 3 to high Please be aware that our tumbling rooms are small and school. We focus on having a fun learning environment where can get very warm. It can be very distracting for the kids to the kids can feel good about what they accomplish no matter have a lot of extra activity in the room. We ask that parents how fast or slow they learn the skills. Whether you’re hoping refrain from bringing any extra siblings or children into to learn skills for cheerleading or just to do recreationally at the tumbling rooms. Please feel free to utilize some of our home our staff will focus on making sure every student will common areas around the park district facility if you need be safe in doing their tricks both in and out of class as well as to bring other children with you. Parents may sit in the have fun and want to keep coming back for more. hallway for classes held in the downstairs tumbling studio. The WPD has a staff full of qualified instructors who are Parents may hang out in the “Parent waiting area” on the committed to giving the students a productive learning stage or other common areas for classes in the gym and the environment and positive experience tumbling cage. The W.P.D. Tumbling and Cheer classes are on a continuous Important session dates: school year session. All classes will run from September to Thanksgiving Break - 11/21-11/24 May. The season will conclude with an end of the year recital Winter Break - 12/20-1/7 showcasing everything the kids have learned throughout the Jan 8th - Classes resume from winter break year. Spring Break - 3/24-4/2 May 15th - 18th - Recital rehearsals - days / times TBD There will be an additional recital participation fee of $65 May 19th - WPD tumbling recital due by March 1st Important Information: Students should wear comfortable, Due to preparations for our annual recital, we will not accept tight fitting clothes, no jeans or jean shorts and bare feet. any new registrations after March 1st Socks or tights can slip on the mats. Hair must be in a ponytail, or pulled up out of their faces. Class availability is limited, for information on available classes or for questions about classes contact the main New Class Beginning in January - Daytime tumbling for office or our Tumbling Director, Tabatha Waid at twaid@ 3-4 yr olds. Class will incorporate age appropriate tumbling skills including: forward and backward rolls, cartwheels, Tumbling handstands. Students will work on skills to help improve bridge-ups, and will be introduced to backbends, muscle use and motor skills, and will get exposure to the concepts of following directions, taking turns, sharing, listening and working as a group. Students will participate in our annual recital (Class is available Mon, Tues, Wed or Thur) Contact the WPD main office or our tumbling director with preference of day, if interested in this program.The tumbling rooms can get warm during certain seasons. • 105 S. Spruce St., Washington, IL • (309) 444-9413
Tumbling & Cheer Small Town... BIG Fun! • 19 Class Descriptions>>>>>>>>>>>>>> WPD CHEER CLASSES This class is perfect for anyone interested in joining a PRE-SCHOOL TUMBLING competitive team, trying out for school cheerleading, or Tumbling designed for 3 and 4 yr olds new to our program. anyone just interested in cheerleading in general. Students Students will work on age appropriate skills including: will learn floor and sideline cheers, proper technique for forward and backward rolls, important positions in tumbling stunting and jumps, and some tumbling. Please note: white progression, cartwheels,bridge-ups, and will be introduced cheer shoes or tennis shoes worn indoors only are required to backbends, handstands. Students will work on skills to for this class. help improve muscle use motor skills, and will get exposure Class Schedule by day: to the concepts of following directions, taking turns, sharing, Monday: listening and working as a group. 4:15-5:00 Beginning – 2 4-4210-17-A TUMBLING – BEGINNING 1 5:15-6:00 Beginning – 1 4-4208-17-A Tumbling designed for students entering kindergarten or first 6:00-7:00 Intermediate 4-4214-17-A grade or 4 yr olds who have had at least 1 year of Pre-School 7:00-8:00 Advanced Tumbling 4-4216-17-A tumbling. Students will work on forward and backward rolls Tuesday: in all positions, cartwheels, bridge-ups, important positions 5:00-5:45 Advanced Beginning 4-4212-17-A in tumbling progression, handstands, backbends, and will be 5:00-5:45 Beginning – 2 4-4210-17-B introduced to kicking over from a bridge. 5:45-6:30 Cheer (4-6 yrs) 4-4213-17-A TUMBLING – BEGINNING 2 5:45-6:30 Pre-school Tumbling 4-4206-17-A Tumbling for students who are 6 years or older. For students 6:30-7:15 Beginning – 1 4-4208-17-B who have perfected cartwheels, forward and backward rolls 6:30-7:30 Intermediate 4-4214-17-B and straddle rolls, can do a backbend from a stand, can hold Wednesday: 1 leg up in a bridge, and have a good concept of handstands 4:15-5:00 Beginning – 1 4-4208-17-C and 1 handed cartwheels. Students will work on kicking 5:00-5:45 Advanced Beginning 4-4212-17-B over and pulling up from a bridge, handstands, handstand to 5:45-6:30 Beginning – 2 4-4210-17-C bridge and will be introduced to round-off’s, back-walkovers, 5:45-6:30 Cheer (7-11yrs) 4-4213-17-B and putting skills in a sequence. 6:30-7:30 Intermediate 4-4214-17-C TUMBLING – ADVANCED BEGINNING 6:30-7:15 Beginning – 1 4-4208-17-D Tumbling for students who have mastered cartwheels and Thursday: 1-handed cartwheels and can perform them in sequence, 4:30-5:15 Beginning – 2 4-4210-17-D and who can kick over and pull-up from a backbend, and 4:30-5:15 Advanced Beginning 4-4212-17-C have a good understanding of round-offs. Students will work 5:15-6:15 Intermediate 4-4214-17-D on front and back walkovers, round-offs for power, more 5:30-6:15 Pre-School Tumbling 4-4206-17-B advanced handstands and will be introduced to front and 6:30-8:00 Advanced 4-4216-17-B back handsprings. TUMBLING -INTERMEDIATE Tumbling for students who can perform front and back walkovers and limbers without assistance, have perfected the round-off for use of power, have a good understanding of a back-handspring and be able to execute independently or with little spotting. Students will work on perfecting front and back handsprings, as well as round-off back handsprings, and back handsprings in a series. TUMBLING - ADVANCED Tumbling for students already able to do a back-handspring from a stand and a round-off and be able to perform more than two in a row. Students will work on back tucks, aerial skills, and advanced skill sequences. • 105 S. Spruce St., Washington, IL • (309) 444-9413
20 • Small Town... BIG Fun! Tumbling & Cheer Programs WPD TUMBLING AND CHEER PROGRAM HOLIDAY OPEN GYMS: Open Tumbling Sessions, with instructors, for kids 5 and up. These sessions are great way for kids to burn off some energy during the weeks off school, or for kids to keep up with their skills while our classes are on break. Come for 1 or 2 hours. Advanced sign-up is recommended, so we can provide Cheer enough instructors for each session. Schedule: Like us on Wed Dec 27 10:00-11:00 1-4201-18-A 11:00-12:00 1-4201-18-B 5:00-6:00 1-4201-18-C 6:00-7:00 1-4201-18-D Thu Dec 28 10:00-11:00 1-4201-18-E Tumbling 11:00-12:00 1-4201-18-F 5:00-6:00 1-4201-18-G 6:00-7:00 1-4201-18-H Session Fees and Payment Options: Tue Jan 2 5:00-6:00 1-4201-18-I For new participants beginning Jan 8th 6:00-7:00 1-4201-18-J Package 1: Full Payment Wed Jan 3 10:00-11:00 1-4201-18-K Resident/ Non-Resident $175/$200 - Total Tuition Jan - May 11:00-12:00 1-4201-18-L Package 2: 2 Payments ** E.F.T option ** 5:00-6:00 1-4201-18-M Resident / Non-Resident $350 / $380 6:00-7:00 1-4201-18-N Payment #1 due on Registration = $95/$100 Thu Jan 4 10:00-11:00 1-4201-18-O Payment #2 due Mar 1st = $95/$100 11:00-12:00 1-4201-18-P Package 3: ** E.F.T option ** 4 Payments 5:00-6:00 1-4201-18-Q Resident / Non-Resident $380/$400 6:00-7:00 1-4201-18-R Payment #1 Due on Registration = $70/$75 Payment #2 Due Mar 1st = $70/$75 Fri Jan 5 10:00-11:00 1-4201-18-S Payment #3 Due Apr 1st = $70/$75 11:00-12:00 1-4201-18-T Fees: 1hr session - $8 in advance / $10 day of Please note: It is your responsibility to cancel your tuition 2hr session- $12 in advance / $15 day of should you decided to discontinue with your class. Your 5 hour coupon - $35 account will still be charged for your tuition amount until 10 hour coupon- $60 you cancel and drop your class through the main office. WPD ELITE – Competitive Recreational Cheer & Tumbling Teams The Washington Park District now offers programs and opportunities for kids of all ages and levels to get involved in a cheer or tumbling team. These teams compete recreationally in cheer or tumbling competitions. This provides kids at any level who love to tumble or cheer the opportunity to do a little more within the sport. Our ELITE programs give kids that love to tumble and cheer the opportunity to be on a team and build self-confidence, strength, coordination, and a sense of accomplishment and team unity. Being a part of the competitive teams can be very challenging but also very rewarding. There is a strong focus on setting and accomplishing goals, and developing higher skill levels. Performing in front of large groups of people and receiving awards gives the kids a sense of pride in their accomplishments. Students are welcome to participate in the cheer teams, tumbling teams or both. Registration for our competitive teams begins in the summer and runs through August. Contact our Tumbling & Cheer Director, Tabatha Waid for information about joining next season. • 105 S. Spruce St., Washington, IL • (309) 444-9413
Youth Athletics Small Town... BIG Fun! • 21 VOLLEYBALL BASICS Bump, Set, Spike! Do you have a volleyball player in your house? If so, this is the perfect class for them. Class time will be spent on skill building, passing, digging and serving. The class is for all skill levels. The class is limited to 20 so register early. Code Days Dates Time Fee R/NR 1-1720-18 Wed Jan 10-Feb 14 3:45-4:45 PM $45/$50 SIGN UP Program Objective: To learn the fundamentals of volleyball ON-LINE Age: 10-12/boys and girls Location: Washington Five Points SIGN UP TODAY! Instructor: McKenna Crouch Min/Max: 6/20 ON-LINE TODAY! VOLLEY TOTS Is your child looking for a new sport to try? This is the perfect class for them. Volley tots introduces volleyball to boys and girls ages 7-9. Every activity has a volleyball instinct or movement involved. The program incorporates exercises and drills used to teach athletic skills. This class is limited to 12 so please register early. Code Days Dates Time Fee R/NR 1-1724-18 Wed Jan 10-Feb 14 4:45-5:30 PM $40/$45 Program Objective: Introduction to Volleyball. Age: 7-9/boys and girls Location: Washington Five Points Instructor: McKenna Crouch Min/Max: 6/12 WINTER SOCCER ACADEMY Academy sessions provide instruction in the fundamentals of soccer. The soccer academy will focus on fundamentals with drills and fun games stressing technique. The academy is open to boys and girls grades Kindergarten-6th grade. Code Grades Days Dates Time Fee R/NR 1-1340-17-C K-2 Sun Jan 7-Feb 11 2:30-3:30 PM $40/$45 1-1340-17-D 3-6 Sun Jan 7-Feb 11 3:30-4:30 PM $40/$45 Program Objective: To learn soccer fundamentals Grades: K-6 Location: Washington Park District Recreational Facility Instructor: William Hudson Min/Max: 5/20 PASS, DRIBBLE AND SHOOT Pass Dribble and Shoot is designed to teach boys and girls ages 7-9 the correct way to pass, dribble and shoot a basketball. Coach Bob Facker will be returning for a 10th year of quality instruction and bring over 40 years of experience to the court. Each participant will receive a t-shirt; please include shirt size when registering. Code Days Dates Time Fee R/NR 1-1420-18 Tue Jan 16-Feb 6 3:45-5:00PM $45/$50 Age: 7-9 Location: Washington Recreational Facility, Mike Adams Gymnasium Instructor: Bob Facker Min/Max: 10/22 • 105 S. Spruce St., Washington, IL • (309) 444-9413
22 • Small Town... BIG Fun! Soccer Programs HAPPYFEET PROGRAM HappyFeet Program includes 30 minutes of structured soccer activities with a ball and other fun props and a 15 minute game scenario at the end to showcase soccer skills. HappyFeet is designed to use its “kid friendly” curriculum to ensure kids are having an absolute blast while developing essential physical skills. Each session builds on each other and the children are grouped by age. The soccer activities incorporate classic nursery rhymes, songs and children’s games. HappyFeet is a perfect starting point for developing skills and it is non-competitive and uses fun techniques to train advanced motor skills, dynamic dribbling, shooting skills and fitness. INDOOR WINTER PROGRAM Code Days Dates Ages Time Fee-R/NR 1-1360-18-A Tues Jan 9-Feb 13 2-3 years 5:00-5:30PM $45/$50 1-1360-18-B Tues Jan 9-Feb 13 3-4 years 5:00-5:30PM $45/$50 1-1360-18-C Tues Jan 9-Feb 13 2-3 years 5:30-6:00PM $45/$50 1-1360-18-D Tues Jan 9-Feb 13 3-4 years 5:30-6:00PM $45/$50 1-1360-18-E Tues Jan 9-Feb 13 5-6 years 6:00-6:45PM $45/$50 Age: 2-6 Locations: Washington Recreational Facility Gymnasium Instructor: Happy Feet Staff Min/Max: 5/10 HAPPYFEET SPRING OUTDOOR LEAGUE 1-1360-18-F Wed Apr 11-May 16 2-3 years 5:30-6:15PM $45/$50 1-1360-18-G Wed Apr 11-May 16 3-4 years 5:30-6:15PM $45/$50 1-1360-18-H Wed Apr 11-May 16 5-6 years 5:30-6:30PM $45/$50 1-1360-18-I Wed Apr 11-May 16 2-3 years 6:30-7:15PM $45/$50 1-1360-18-J Wed Apr 11-May 16 3-4 years 6:30-7:15PM $45/$50 1-1360-18-K Wed Apr 11-May 16 5-6 years 6:30-7:30PM $45/$50 Age: 2-6 Location: Oak Ridge Park Instructor: Happy Feet Staff Min/Max: 5/15 SIGN UP ON-LINE TODAY! JOIN OUR TEAM! WE OFFER: • Free Uniforms/Profit Sharing/401K • Flexible hours/Discount at major retailers • Advancement opportunity • Discount on meals/Earn as you learn • Local employer Locally Owned & Operated by Paul and Mary Breznay Apply online at or in person 1400 W. Peoria St. 113 Eastgate Drive 901 W. Mt. Vernon 644 W. Main St. (across from ICC) An equal opportunity employer committed to a diverse workforce. Washington Washington Metamora El Paso • 105 S. Spruce St., Washington, IL • (309) 444-9413
Future Legends Small Town... BIG Fun! • 23 WPD RECREATIONAL SOCCER LEAGUES Registration: The program is designed to improve the player’s dribbling To participate, complete and submit the registration form ability and make him or her a tremendous goal scorer. This at the park office or online at www.washingtonparkdistrict. is done through the combination of 5 different elements of com by Friday, February 16th. All registrations received by learning: demonstration, repetition, correction, reinforce- the deadline are guaranteed to play. Registrations received ment, and experimentation. Each of the elements comes after the deadline will be placed on a waitlist and are not into play within the 45 minute program. The program is guaranteed placement on a team. Late registrants will be divided into three separate but related segments of activity assessed a $10.00 late fee. Team requests will be limited to with a logical progression: siblings. • warm-up fun soccer game • moves and fakes or shooting Recreational Soccer Leagues – Fee $50/$55 • micro soccer or fun soccer game -Includes team jersey, soccer academy, participation award and lots of fun Academy Sessions: We are working with Happy Feet Legends to provide six AGE BIRTH YEAR CODE BALL SIZE GOALIE academy sessions scheduled to provide instruction in 4 & 5 Jan 1, 2013- 2-1301-18 3 3v3 No the fundamentals of soccer. The academy sessions are in April 1, 2014 addition to team practices scheduled by individual coaches. 6 2012 2-1302-18 3 4v4 Yes Players are invited to attend the academy sessions that do not conflict with their games. The dates and times are as 7 & 8 2010 & 2011 2-1303-18 4 6v6 Yes follows: March 12, 13, 15, 19, 20 and 22nd. Times: 5:30-6:15PM for Ages: 4-7 years 9 & 10 2008 & 2009 2-1304-18 4 9v9 Yes Times: 6:30-7:15PM for Ages: 8 years & up 11 & 12 2006 & 2007 2-1305-18 4 9v9 Yes Required Equipment – Shin guards and water bottle & the WPD recommends each participant bring their own ball to practice. No jewelry is allowed during practices or LEGENDS TRAVEL (ICSL) games. The ICSL league is designed for the player who is looking for a higher level of competition. Typically, the ICSL games Uniforms - All players will receive a Washington Park are played on Saturday afternoons. The games are played District Soccer uniform shirt to be worn during the games. in communities such as East Peoria, Morton, Washington, Pictures are tentatively scheduled for April 21st, 2018. or Lincoln. Depending upon registrations, try-outs may be Practices and Games necessary and teams could be co-ed. Registration deadline Games will be played at Oak Ridge Park located at the end for ICSL may be different than Future Legends. Players will of North Cummings Lane. Games will begin the week of receive game jersey to keep. Please include shirt size when April 3rd and end May 14th. The coach will be responsible registering. Please visit the park office to register for an ICSL for scheduling practice times and every effort will be made League. Additional paperwork is required. Please bring the to allow the coaches to schedule practice times a maxi- player’s birth certificate, a recent photo and copy of proof of mum of two weeks prior to the first game. Games will be insurance. The following leagues will be offered: scheduled one weeknight (the weeknight each league will play will be determined after the registrations are complete U9 (born in 2009) and the number of teams are determined) and on Saturday U10 (Born in 2008) morning. U11 & U12 (Born 2006 & 2007 – Games will be played at the U12 level) Volunteer Coaches needed. Please consider volunteer- U13 & U14 (Born 2004 & 2005 – Games will be played at ing as a coach. Coaches are needed to make this a great the U14 level) program! We provide equipment, training, and resources. Please indicate on your child’s registration form if you are LEGENDS SOCCER CLUB interested in coaching and be sure to provide an e-mail The hallmark of all Legends teams is superb individual skill, address and shirt size. Unfortunately, if not enough coach’s notable deceptive dribbling and goal scoring. The Legends volunteer, the program is forced to have large teams, re- Soccer Club offers three to four practice sessions per week ducing playing time or limiting the number of teams within and game play in regional leagues and tournaments. The the leagues. The coaches’ meeting is tentatively scheduled season runs from April-June and is tryout-based. for March 20, 2018. • 105 S. Spruce St., Washington, IL • (309) 444-9413
24 • Small Town... BIG Fun! Youth Athletics SOFTBALL CLINIC The ICC softball team will be hosting a softball clinic at the CougarPlex on the Illinois Central College campus on Sunday March 4 from 11:00 AM - 3:30 PM. Girls in grades 3-5 are invited to work with the ICC players from 11:00 AM - 1:00 pm and girls in grades 6-8 from 1:30 - 3:30 pm. Instruction will include pitching, throwing, fielding and hitting. The clinic is free. To register please visit or the park office located at 105 South Spruce Street. Registrations for the clinic fill quickly, please register early. HITTING MEMBERSHIPS FOR BASEBALL AND SOFTBALL PLAYERS Are you looking for an indoor hitting facility for your baseball or softball player? Sharpen your skills and improve your game in the off season by purchasing a hitting membership. The memberships are offered at a very reasonable cost that will allow teams or families to buy into a membership and then hit frequently over the course of the winter. The park district has two full length cages. The cages can also be used for pitching if desired. Both the individual and team membership fee schedule is shown below: Individual Membership (Good thru March 31, 2018) Membership Purchase Date Fee Dec 1-Dec 30, 2017 $160 Jan 1-Jan 31, 2018 $135 Feb 1-Feb 28, 2018 $100 Mar 1-Mar 31, 2018 $55 Team Membership (Good thru March 31, 2018) Membership Purchase Date Fee Dec 1-Dec. 30, 2017 $480 Jan 1-Jan 31, 2018 $420 Feb 1-Feb 28, 2018 $300 Mar 1-Mar 31, 2018 $150 Membership fees will be prorated accordingly based on the day of the month the membership is purchased. The operating hours of the hitting facility are Friday 8 am – 8 pm, Saturday 8am – noon. Friday after 6:00 pm, Saturday after 12 pm and Sunday hitting times are by appointment only. (Not open on holidays) Please contact Jean Escue, Washington Park District Athletic Coordinator, at 444-9413 ext. 104 to purchase a membership or for further information. The winter hitting session is December 1 – March 31, 2018. @WashingtonParkDistrict @WashILParks Washington Park District @WashILParks • 105 S. Spruce St., Washington, IL • (309) 444-9413
Youth Athletics Small Town... BIG Fun! • 25 TEE BALL The Washington Park District will be accepting Tee Ball registrations for the 2018 summer season thru March 3. Tee Ball is open to boys and girls ages 4-5. Players must turn 4 before May 1, 2018 The league is a co-ed instruc- tional league stressing sportsmanship and the development of baseball/softball fundamentals. Two leagues will be formed based on age. Show your community support by coaching young athletes. It takes 2 - 3 hours per week to coach in the Tee Ball league. Please consider volunteering to coach. Team requests will be limited to siblings. Coaches’ meeting is tentatively scheduled for April 5, 2018 Code Ages Days Dates Time Fee-R/NR 3-1601-18 4 yr. Sun May 6-Jul 1* Varies $50/$55 3-1602-18 5 yr. Sun May 6-Jul 1* Varies $50/$55 *No games Sun May 13 Age: 4-5 Location: Washington Park and Central Baseball Fields League Coordinator: Jean Escue SPONSORING YOUTH SPORTS IN THE ATHLETICS DEPARTMENT Are you interested in sponsoring your son or daughter’s soccer or baseball/softball team? Contact Matt ([email protected]) more information. SPONSORSHIP BENEFITS BRONZE SILVER GOLD PLATINUM Name of business on the team page of Website a a a a Tournament Sponsorship a a a a Business name on the house team jersey a a(x3) a (x5) a (x12) Title Sponsorship on the youth athletics front page a Ad in Park District brochure a($200 a($200 (over 14K copies go to the community) value) value) Sponsorship Fees $200 $500 $1,000 $2,000 SIGN UP ON-LINE TODAY! • 105 S. Spruce St., Washington, IL • (309) 444-9413
26 • Small Town... BIG Fun! Youth Athletics RECREATIONAL BASEBALL LEAGUES Volunteer to Coach Volunteers teach, coach and administer the youth athletic leagues that play on Park District fields. This partnership of public facilities and volunteer administration provides cost-effective recreation programs with direct parental control. Show your community support by coaching young athletes. If you are proficient in any sport or are willing to learn, donating three to five hours of your time each week is all that is needed. For more information or to volunteer, please call (309)444-9413. In-House League In house league includes Pinto (kindergarten), Farm (1st & 2nd grade), Mustang (3rd & 4th grade), Bronco (5th & 6th grade) and Tap (7th & 8th grade). Each team will play approximately 12 games, 2 games per week. Games and/or practices could be scheduled Monday thru Sunday (after 1:00PM). Important dates pertaining to the in house league include: (all dates and times are SIGN UP tentative and subject to change) ON-LINE Dec 2, 2017 – April 4, 2018 – Registrations at Washington Park District or online at TODAY! April 7th – Player Evaluations. Times and locations to be determined later. Week of April 16 – Draft for teams (all leagues Pinto through Tap), days to be determined. Wash- ington Park District 6 PM (During the draft coaches will pick their team and receive equipment. Parent requests are limited to siblings) April 30 and May 14th – Baseball clinics May 1 – Team practices begin May 19 – Uniform Distribution – coaches only / WPD Recreation Facility 8:00 AM May 29 – In-house baseball season begins; team and individual pictures dates vary July 11 – Last day of in-house baseball regular season July 16 – July 20 - In-house post season baseball tournament July 22 – Pool Party Fundraiser All travel and in-house baseball, basketball and softball will participate in a program wide fundraiser in 2018. Each player will be asked to sell 5 - $5.00 raffle tickets. The tickets will be distributed with the uniforms. The player fee reflects an increase of $25 to cover the purchase price of the tickets. Families are encouraged to sell the tickets and recover the purchase price or keep the tickets and par- ticipate in the raffle. The funds raised will be used to maintain and upgrade the facilities, equipment and other expenses incurred by the leagues. All grade levels are grades completed as of May 2018. Code League Pitching Grade Fee 3-1900-18 Pinto Coach Kindergarten $95 3-1901-18 Farm Coach 1st-2nd $95 3-1902-18 Mustang Kid 3th-4th $105 3-1903-18 Bronco Kid 5th-6th $105 3-1904-18 Pony Kid 7th-8th $105 Deadline to register: April 4, 2018 Grade: Kindergarten through 8th grade Location: Washington Park, Central Grade and Sunnyland (NTRA) baseball fields/Bronco and Mustang leagues may travel to Metamora. • 105 S. Spruce St., Washington, IL • (309) 444-9413
Youth Athletics Small Town... BIG Fun! • 27 RECREATIONAL SOFTBALL LEAGUES Volunteer to coach Volunteers teach and coach the youth athletic leagues that play on Park District fields. This partnership of public facilities and volunteer administration provides cost-effective recreation programs with direct parental control. Coaches are needed. Show your community support by coaching young athletes. If you are proficient in any sport or are willing to learn, donating three to five hours of your time each week is all that is needed. For more information or to volunteer, please call (309)444-9413. In-House League The in house league includes Pee Wee (Kindergarten) Pixie (1st & 2nd grade); Junior (3rd & 4th grade) and Intermediate (5th & 6th grade). Each team will play approximately 12 games; 2 games per week. Games and/or practices could be scheduled Monday through Sunday (after 1:00 PM). (Important dates pertaining to the in house league include: (all dates are tentative and subject to change) Dec 2, 2017 – April 4, 2018 – Registrations at Washington Park District or online at www. April 7 – Player Evaluations. Times and locations to be determined later Week of April 16 – Draft for teams (all leagues Pee Wee through Intermediate), Washington Park District 6 PM (During the draft coaches will pick their team; parent requests are limited to siblings) May 2, 9, 16, 23 – Softball clinics May 1 – Team Practices begin May 19 – Uniform Distribution – coaches only / WPD Recreational Facility 10:00 AM May 29 – In-house softball season begins; team and individual pictures dates vary July 11 – Last day of in house softball regular season July 16 – July 20 – In-house post season softball tournament July 22 – Pool Party Fundraiser All travel and in-house baseball, basketball and softball) will participate in a program wide fundraiser in 2018. Each player will be asked to sell 5 - $5.00 raffle tickets. The tickets will be distributed with the uniforms. The player fee reflects an increase of $25 to cover the purchase price of the tickets. Families are encouraged to sell the tickets and recover the purchase price or keep the tickets and participate in the raffle. The funds raised will be used to maintain and upgrade the facilities, equipment and other expenses incurred by the leagues. All grade levels are grades completed as of May 2018. Code League Pitching Grade Fee 3-1905-18 Pee Wee* Coach Kindergarten $95 3-1906-18 Pixie Coach 1-2 $95 3-1907-18 Junior Kid 3-5 $105 3-1908-18 Intermediate Kid 6-8 $105 *If registrations numbers do not support a league of a minimum of 4 teams of 12 players per team the Pee Wee registrants will be combined with the Pinto league @WashingtonParkDistrict @WashILParks Washington Park District @WashILParks • 105 S. Spruce St., Washington, IL • (309) 444-9413
28 • Small Town... BIG Fun! Youth Athletics WASHINGTON LACROSSE Be a part of the fastest growing sport in the Midwest! Washington Park District invites all boys & girls to sign up and play this fast-paced, exciting sport. Washington Lacrosse participates in a conference which includes games played against Dunlap, Morton, Springfield, Champaign, Peoria Notre Dame, Bloomington and other lacrosse clubs throughout Illinois. You will quickly learn why this is the fastest growing sport around! Game Play: Games are played on a field about the same size as soccer. Lacrosse is a very fast-paced sport for both boys and girls; both are played with lacrosse sticks. Boys’ lacrosse also requires a helmet, chest protector, gloves & elbow pads. Girls’ lacrosse requires goggles for eye protection. Visit the website to learn more about the rules of the game and to watch videos. Washington Invitational Lacrosse Tournament: May 19th & 20th Mark your calendars! All boys (10U-HS) and girls (Youth-HS) will play in the Washington Invitational Lacrosse Tournament. This is a very large club lacrosse tournament held in Washington. Each year, 70+ teams participate with trophies going to the winner of each division. In 2017, the Washington High School Boys’ Varsity Team won their division of this tournament! Practices/Coaching: Indoor skills training & practices will be held on various days at EC Sluggers and other facilities beginning in late February. In mild weather, the WCHS turf is used on Sundays for optional practices. Regular, outdoor practices will begin in mid-March (weather permitting) at Oak Ridge Park in Washington. Anticipate 2-3 practices per week, times and days TBD. Practices should be welll-organized to maximize time to achieve age-appropriate player development goals including player safety, stick handling, game IQ, etc. Former lacrosse players are part of the coaching staff, however, more coaches are always needed; please consider being involved, it is an easy way to learn the game much quicker! Washington Lax even has a Coaching Coordinator to help plan/orchestrate skills needed at each level. Games: Games may begin in late March, or early April, and end at the Washington Tournament (high school boys and youth/hs girls may go longer). Most games are played on Saturdays (occasional Sunday games may occur). Anticipate 12+ games in a season (weekly game/round-robin setting/tournament play). SIGN UP ON-LINE TODAY! • 105 S. Spruce St., Washington, IL • (309) 444-9413
Youth Athletics Small Town... BIG Fun! • 29 Equipment Rental: (see codes below) Uniforms are included in the registration fee and will be issued to all players (boys/girls) at all levels. Uniforms must be returned on the scheduled uniform/equipment return date(s). Equipment rental will be available for first-year players, 10U, 12U, 14U players and goalies ONLY. Rental equipment includes helmet, gloves, elbow pads & chest protector. Cost for rental equipment is $50, plus a $100 deposit, which will be returned when all equipment is turned in at the end of the season. Anyone registering for rental equipment should watch for emails regarding equipment rental pick-up date and location. Returning 14U and high school boy players, or youth/HS girl players, needing to rent equipment should contact: [email protected] Please note: sizes/ equipment for boys 14U, HS levels are very limited. Equipment Rentals codes: U10 - player – 1-2130-18 $150 U12 - player – 1-2131-18 $150 U14 – player – 1-2132-18 $150 Registration*: Online registration and walk-in registrations are available now thru February, 16, 2018 *Returning players: Register by January 12, 2018 to receive a $10 discount. *NEW! First-time-ever players register in person at the park district office by February 1, 2018 to receive a $20 discount! Age Groups Code Fee 10U* Boys Only (3rd/4th grade) 1-2102-18 $110 12U Boys Only (5th/6th grade) 1-2103-18 $185 14U** Boys Only (7th/8th grade) 1-2104-18 $185 High School Boys *** 1-2105-18 $195 Youth Girls 4-8th Grade 1-2106-18 $170 High School Girls*** 1-2107-18 $185 *If your son is younger than third grade and would like to participate, please email [email protected] to discuss practice structure and games. **If a boy is in high school, he will play at the high school level regardless of his age. ***High School Boys and Girls: Boy/Girl high school lacrosse players should anticipate weekday games and possible travel beyond central Illinois and possible tournaments which could be additional costs. Parent Volunteers: Parents will be required to volunteer time during the 2018 season, watch for sign-ups at parent meetings. Fundraising: Lacrosse will participate in a program-wide fundraiser in 2018; each player will be asked to sell (5) $10 meal tickets. Follow us on Facebook (Washington Lacrosse -CILAX) and at START SMART LACROSSE Prepares children and their parents for organized lacrosse without the threat of competition or the fear of getting hurt. Children will be taught the skills of shooting, passing, catching, cradling, stick handling and running and agility. Code Day Date Time Fee-R/NR 1-2210-17 Tue Feb 13-Mar 13 4:00-5:00PM $40/45 Ages: 5-7 Location: Washington Recreational Facility, Mike Adams Gymnasium Instructor: TBA Min/Max: 6/8 • 105 S. Spruce St., Washington, IL • (309) 444-9413
30 • Small Town... BIG Fun! Youth Athetics TAE KWON DO The Washington Park District is proud to have Master Steve Craft’s Martial Underground operating out of our building. Master Craft has been involved in martial arts for over 30 years and is a 5th degree Tae Kwon Do black belt. He was previously owner and instructor of New World Martial Arts and has trained numerous state and national champions. These classes will challenge you both physically and mentally. It doesn’t matter if you are 7 or 70 years old, you will benefit from these classes. What you can expect out of a class: • A workout that pushes you • Individualized training in a controlled atmosphere • Power and satisfaction from training Who is taekwondo for? Everyone. We ask that students be over the age of 5, but beyond that there are no age or physical limitations. We teach physical fitness, respect, self-confidence, discipline, and more. Taekwondo is known for its emphasis on kicking techniques, which sets it apart from other martial arts. It is believed that the leg is the longest and strongest weapon a martial artist has and kicks have the greatest potential to execute powerful strikes. We offer both youth and adult classes. When you sign up for the youth or adult class, you will be allowed to attend all 3 classes per week. Payment is done monthly and must be made by the 1st of the month before attending. We will not pro-rate for classes missed and there will be no family or multi-student rates available. Youth Class will be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6:00-7:00PM and Saturdays from 8:30-9:30AM. Code Month Days Fee-R/NR SIGN UP 1-4199-18-A January Tue, Thu, Sat $30/35 1-4199-18-B Febuary Tue or Thu, Sat $30/35 ON-LINE 1-4199-18-C March Tue or Thu, Sat $30/35 1-4199-18-D April Tue or Thu, Sat $30/35 TODAY! 3-4199-18-A May Tue or Thu, Sat $30/35 Location: Washington Park District Martial Arts Rooms (Room 203 & 205) Ages: 5-12 Adult Class will be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6:30-8:00PM and Saturdays from 9:30-10:30AM. Code Month Days Fee-R/NR 1-4198-18-A January Tue, Thu, Sat $30/35 1-4198-18-B February Tue, Thu, Sat $30/35 1-4198-18-C March Tue, Thu, Sat $30/35 1-4198-18-D April Tue, Thu, Sat $30/35 3-4198-18-A May Tue, Thu, Sat $30/35 Location: Washington Park District Martial Arts Rooms (Room 203 & 205) Ages: 13 & up @WashingtonParkDistrict @WashILParks Washington Park District @WashILParks • 105 S. Spruce St., Washington, IL • (309) 444-9413
Art Programs Small Town... BIG Fun! • 31 ACRYLIC PAINTING WITH JOE Learn acrylic painting with Joe McGuire. Joe has a fun, friendly painting style that works for any level painter. All supplies are provided. This class is ideal for ages 14 and up. Come ready to learn and have a great time painting! We will be creating a 11”x14” beautiful mountain lake scene. This 2 session class series lasts between 1 ½ to 2 hours each Wednesday evening. Code Days Dates Time Fee-R/NR Min/Max 1-4142-18 Wed Mar 7-14 6:00PM $28/$33 5/15 WATERCOLOR PAINTING WITH JOE Learn to paint a wonderful waterfall scene from the Adirondack Mountains in New York with Joe McGuire. Joe will take you through the process. All supplies are provided for this 10”x13” painting. This class is ideal for ages 14 and up. Come ready to learn and have a great time painting! This 2 session class series lasts between 1 ½ and 2 hours each Wednesday evening. Code Days Dates Time Fee-R/NR Min/Max 1-4143-18 Wed Apr 18-25 6:00PM $25/$30 5/15 WATERCOLOR WORKSHOP WITH JOE – WINTER SCENE This is a one session, two hour workshop where Joe will work with you to create a beautiful 8”x10” winter creek scene. This will be a fun, quick painting for any level student, best of ages 13 and up. All supplies are provided. Code Days Dates Time Fee-R/NR Min/Max 1-4144-18 Sat Jan 27 10:00AM $23/$28 5/15 ACRYLIC WORKSHOP WITH JOE – GRANDVIEW This is a one session, two hour workshop where Joe will work with you to create a beautiful 12”x12” spring Grandview Drive scene. This will be a fun, quick painting for any level student, best of ages 13 and up. All supplies are provided. Code Days Dates Time Fee-R/NR Min/Max 1-4146-18 Sat Feb 10 1:30PM $23/$28 5/15 KID’S DRAW IN COLOR WITH JOE Let’s have fun drawing! Joe is a longtime artist who is great teaching kids drawing cartooning! Kids will learn how to use color to create cartoons and landscapes, utilizing color pencils and markers. Kids will also play the famous Bosun Joe drawing game. Joe has a friendly, easy going style that he developed from his days on the Captain Jinks Show. This workshop is best for kids 6 to 13. All supplies are provided. Code Days Dates Time Fee-R/NR Min/Max 1-4145-18 Sat Feb 17 10:00AM $15/$18 5/15 2136 Washington Rd. Washington, IL 61571 @WashingtonParkDistrict @WashILParks Washington Park District @WashILParks Phone: (309) 745-9513 • 105 S. Spruce St., Washington, IL • (309) 444-9413
32 • Small Town... BIG Fun! Art Programs NITSCH THEATRE ART PROGRAM The mission of Nitsch Theatre Arts, NFP includes, but is not limited to: providing performance and technical theatre opportunities for adults, youth and those persons with special needs, providing emerging playwrights a platform for new works, providing arts travel opportunities, providing arts education in schools and communities at low or no cost to participants or attendees and to partner with other organizations in order to create arts programs and events that have a positive impact on the community as a whole. ALL CLASSES WILL TAKE OFF March 27th and April 24th STAGE KIDS PRODUCTION: “Learn by doing” production-based program. Spring 2017 performance will be Disney’s Mulan Jr. NTA’s Stage Kids offers musical theatre performance opportunities for students in their communities. The Stage Kids philosophy is “learning by doing” so acting, movement, and vocal fundamentals are taught through the production process. Students participate in a 6-12 week workshop that results in a musical production celebrating their efforts. Code Days Dates Time Fee 1-4160-18 Tues Jan 16-May 8 6:00-6:45PM $150 SIGN UP Age: 5-16 Location: Washington Park District Recreational Facility, Room 209 ON-LINE Performance: TEC rehearsal Tuesday, May 1st and 8th 5:30-7:15pm Pritchard Theatre – Eureka College Performances will be the week of May 14th Pritchard Theatre – Eureka College TODAY! RISING STARS COMMUNITY GROUP NTA’s Rising Stars is a group of talented young people who give back to the community through song and dance performance. It offers participants a wide variety of opportunities for continually work on their performance skills and represent their schools and communities with pride. Members are required to attend regular weekly rehearsal class, practice on their own time and have fun while doing so. Code Days Dates Time Fee 1-4161-18-A Tues Jan 16-May 8 6:45-7:15PM $80 Age: 5-16 Location: Washington Park District Recreational Facility, Room 209 @WashingtonParkDistrict @WashILParks Washington Park District @WashILParks STAGE TOTS – CREATIVE DANCE, MUSIC & DRAMA Preschoolers will have a blast singing, dancing and acting out stories in this pre-musical theatre program designed just for them. They will be introduced to the “fun” dementals of dance (ballet, jazz and tap), vocal singing and acting through silly warm-ups, games and play. Plus students will have the opportunity to perform onstage at the end of the program at an area event. Code Days Dates Time Fee-R/NR 1-4166-18 Tue Jan 16-April 17 5:00-5:30PM $80/$85 Age: 3-5 Location: Washington Park District Recreational Facility, Room 209 Instructor: Kelleen Nitsch Min/Max: 5/10 BROADWAY DANCE Ballet, Jazz, Tap, hip-hop and other Broadway styles are all touched upon in this musical theatre preparation dance class. Learn how to “wow” the directors at auditions while having fun experiencing different styles of dance. Code Days Dates Time Fee-R/NR 1-4164-18 Tue Jan 16-April 17 5:30-6:00PM $80/$85 Age: 5-13 Location: Washington Park District Recreational Facility, Room 209 Instructor: NTA Artistic/Education Director Kelleen Nitsch Min/Max: 4/20 • 105 S. Spruce St., Washington, IL • (309) 444-9413
Music, Cake Decorating & Photography Small Town... BIG Fun! • 33 Music Lessons are offered by the Washington Park District in conjunction with the Nitsch Theatre Arts Program! Instruments must be provided by the student. VIOLIN Beginning students will have fun learning the fundamentals of playing the violin. Attention will be given to learning how to care for the instrument, tuning, reading music and finger technique. Code Days Dates Time Fee-R/NR 1-4162-18 Wed Jan 17-April 18* 4:00-4:45PM $80/$85 *No class March 28th Age: 6-16 Location: WPD Recreational Facility, Art Room Instructor: NTA Teaching Artist Mina Vogel Min/Max: 4/10 PIANO/KEYBOARD Beginning students will have fun will learning the fundamentals of playing the piano. A solid foundation of hand/finger technique and reading music will be done while students learn notes, chords, and simple songs. Code Days Dates Time Fee-R/NR 1-4163-18 Wed Jan 17-April 18* 4:45-5:30PM $80/$85 *No class March 28th Age: 5-13 Location: WPD Recreational Facility, Art Room Instructor: NTA Teaching Artist Mina Vogel Min/Max: 4/10 CAKE DECORATING FOR BEGINNERS In this beginner’s class you will improve your baking skills and learn recipes for great frosting. Learn to decorate your own cakes with borders, flowers, leaves, side drapes, roses, cartoon designs, script writing and more! And the best part: you take home your own finished cakes! A supply list will be handed out at the first class. Code Days Dates Time Fee-R/NR 1-5170-18 Mon Feb 5-Mar 5 5:30-8:00PM $40/$45 Age: 12 and Over Location: Washington Recreational Facility Instructor: Lisa Williamson Min/Max: 6/12 LEVEL 2 – LEVEL 2 CAKE DECORATING: Are you ready for the next step? Learn several flowers and borders, theme cakes, holidays, baby and wedding showers. Most tools are from the Code Days Dates Time Fee-R/NR 1-5171-18 Wed Mar 14-Apr4 5:30-8:00PM $32/$37 beginner class. Ages: 12 and Over Location: Washington Recreational Facility Instructor: Lisa Williamson NOVICE PHOTOGRAPHY WORKSHOP We’ve teamed up with Kara Kamienski Photography for this offering! This class will introduce you to the ins and outs of your DSLR camera/lens choices. Learn what your camera is capable of and how to control your lighting, speed, and more! Code Days Dates Time Fee-R/NR 1-5120-18-A Tues Jan 9 5:00-8:00PM $99/$109 Minimum age for this class is 10 years old. 1-5120-18-B Tues Feb 27 5:00-8:00PM $99/$109 Location: Kara Kamienski Photography Studio, 117 Peoria Street, Washington Instructor: Kara Kamienski Min/Max: 5/30 WORKFLOW WORKSHOP Do you love to take pictures but have always wanted to learn how to edit them? This workshop is for you! We will show you the ins and outs of Adobe photo processing - using Lightroom and Photoshop. It is NOT NECESSARY to own these programs to attend! Instructions for how to download the trial software for the class will be sent out prior to the course! Learn how to make your photos perfect with the editing software the pros use! Code Days Dates Time Fee-R/NR 3-5121-18 Tues April 15 5:00-8:00PM $99/$109 Age: 10 and Over Location: Kara Kamienski Photography Studio, 117 Peoria Street, Washington. Instructor: Kara Kamienski Min/Max: 5/30 • 105 S. Spruce St., Washington, IL • (309) 444-9413
34 • Small Town... BIG Fun! Adult Programs & 50 GO! ADULT SUMMER SOFTBALL LEAGUES Summer will be here soon and our summer softball leagues fill up fast. Make your calls early and get the best players on your team. Leagues will be filled based on the first PAID teams. Team packets are available at the park office or by calling 444-9413. Code League Days Dates Fee 3-1520-18 Co-Ed Thu Apr 19-Aug 16* $350 3-1540-18 Men Sun Apr 22-Aug 19** $350 3-1510-18 Men Wed Apr 18-Aug 15 $350 Min/Max: 6/8 *No games July 5 and July 12 **No games May 28 Program Objective: Provide adults the opportunity to play softball ONGOING: Registration Deadline: March 31, 2018 PING PONG OPEN PLAY Monday & Friday 1:30-3PM. Stay active, Location: Washington Park Baseball Fields SIGN UP make new friends! Two tables will be set up ON-LINE in the Washington Park District main floor TODAY! Fitness Room for easy access. ADULT MEN’S BASKETBALL Mon & Fri • Ongoing • 1:30-3:00PM Check out our Adult Men’s Basketball Leagues starting in January. $1.50 drop in or $10.00 punchcard* For more information call the office at 309-444-9413 *Punchcard is good for 10 visits with no expiration date. Location: Washington Park District Fitness Room 50 GO! Winter/Spring 2018 Special Events & Classes Performing Arts 2nd Act Chorus and 2nd Act Reader’s Theatre are open to adults age 50 and older and to residents and non-residents of Washington. No previous experience is required, there are no participation fees, no auditions and all will participate. Accom- modations are made for those with movement or standing restrictions. 2nd Act Chorus: Music is good for the heart and soul. Laughter and fun with new friends is healthier yet. Join this wonderful group and enjoy singing and performing a variety of music from all eras. Rehearsals: Tuesdays 10:15-11:00AM Start Date: Anytime Director: Julie Christian Location: Senior Room (main floor) at 5 Points Washington 2nd Act Reader’s Theatre: (New day and time) Open to adults age 50+. A creative and fun activity to bring out your inner actor with comedies, dramas, mysteries, short plays and skits to perform. In Readers Theatre you read your lines so no mem- orization is required and performances can be done standing or seated. Check out a rehearsal or join in the fun! Rehearsals: Tuesdays 11:15 – 12 Noon Start Date: Anytime Director: Robin Meredith Location: Senior Room (main floor) at 5 Points Washington 2nd Act Reader’s Theatre, 2nd Act Chorus and 50 GO! ON TAP are available to entertain your group or organization with fun and lively performances of Acting, Singing and Dancing. For more information or to schedule a performance for your organization, contact Gloria Phelps 309-532-6683 or [email protected] • 105 S. Spruce St., Washington, IL • (309) 444-9413
50 GO! Small Town... BIG Fun! • 35 50 GO! ON TAP BEGINNER Class: Tap Dance is guaranteed fun and great exercise for the mind and body. Terrific variety of music. Tap shoes or hard soled shoes required. No experience required. 6 classes per session. Code Days Dates Time Fee 1-5190-18-A Mon Jan 8-Feb 26 10:00-10:45AM $32 1-5190-18-B Mon Mar 5-Apr 23 10:00-10:45AM $32 1-5190-18-C Mon Apr 30-May 21 10:00-10:45AM $16 1-5190-18-D Fri Jan 12-Mar 02 5:15-6:00PM $32 1-5190-18-E Fri Mar 9-May 4* 5:15-6:00PM $32 1-5190-18-F Fri May 11-May 25 5:15-6:00PM $12 *NO CLASS 3/30 Program Objective: To learn to tap dance Location: Washington Park District Fitness Room Instructor: Gloria Phelps 50 GO! ON TAP II: Take your dancing a step further with new skills and choreography. Tap shoes or hard soled shoes re- quired. Should have previous tap experience or completed a 50 GO! session for beginners. Performance opportunities with the 2nd Act groups are available for those who are interested. Code Days Dates Time Fee SIGN UP 1-5191-18-A Mon Jan 8-Feb 26 10:45AM-11:45AM $32 1-5191-18-B Mon Mar 5-Apr 23 10:45AM-11:45AM $32 ON-LINE 1-5191-18-C Mon Apr 30-May 21 10:45AM-11:45AM $16 1-5191-18-D Wed Jan 10-Feb 28 5:30-6:30PM $32 TODAY! 1-5191-18-E Wed Mar 7-Apr 25 5:15-6:00PM $32 1-5191-18-F Wed May 2-May 23 5:15-6:00PM $16 1-5191-18-G Fri Jan 12-Mar 2 5:15-6:00PM $32 1-5191-18-H Fri Mar 9-May 4* 5:15-6:00PM $32 1-5191-18-I Fri May 11-May 25 5:15-6:00PM $12 *NO CLASS 3/30 Program Objective: To enjoy and perform tap dance. Location: Washington Park District Fitness Room Instructor: Gloria Phelps Everybody Dance Now !!! Community Dance Friday April 20, 2018 Featuring Live Band Kasino • “Classic Variety Rock Band” Music from the 50’s/60’s/70’s/80’s/90’s/00’s Friday, April 20, 2018 7:00-11:00PM Five Points Washington Banquet Rooms $7.00 per person cover charge at the door $6.00 per person - Pre-purchase tickets Light snacks included in cover. Cash bar with soft drinks, wine and beer Purchase tickets at Washington Park District office 105 S. Spruce, Washington, IL or online at Must be 21 years of age or older to attend. • 105 S. Spruce St., Washington, IL • (309) 444-9413
36 • Small Town... BIG Fun! 50 Go! Treks ADVENTURE TREKS! SHEDD AQUARIUM Come with us as we explore one of the world’s largest aquariums. Shedd Aquarium is home to 32,000 animals to meet and dozens to touch! Snacks, bottled water, and a sack lunch will be provided. Dinner will be on your own at SafeHouse, one of Chicago’s most fun and unique restaurants. Code Day Date Time Fee 1-5195-18-B Sat Feb 10 7:00AM-9:00PM $65 Age: 50+ Location: Depart from Washington Park District Group Guides: Gloria Phelps and Cassie Tracy Min/Max: 8/13 Registration Deadline: Friday, February 2 SIGN UP BURLESQUE ON-LINE A little bit of naughty, a little bit nice, and a whole lot of fun! Join us at TODAY! Circa 21 in the Quad Cities for an old time Burlesque show and dinner! Code Day Date Time Fee 1-5195-18-C Sat Mar 3 4:00PM-12:00AM $35 Age: 50+ Location: Depart from Washington Park District Group Guides: Gloria Phelps and Cassie Tracy Min/Max: 8/13 Registration Deadline: Friday, February 23 ROUTE 66 TOUR Take a trip down historic Route 66 to beautiful Pontiac, IL. With 9 museums in their Museum complex including the 1940’s museum, Route 66 museum and more, it will be a fun day of touring, checking out shops with lunch at the historic Log Cabin Restaurant. Snacks and bottled water will be provided. Lunch is on your own. Code Day Date Time Fee Save 1-5195-18-D Sat Apr 7 9:00AM-3:00PM $35 the Date: Age: 50+ Location: Depart from Washington Park District June 9 Group Guides: Gloria Phelps and Cassie Tracy Min/Max: 6/13 Registration Deadline: Friday, March 30 Horseback Riding July 21 MATTHIESSEN STATE PARK HIKE Kayack Obstacle Take a 1.5 or 3.2 hike around Matthiessen State Park. This park located near Starved Rock is home to canyons, streams, prairie Course Race and forest. After our hike, we will be headed to Utica to explore and grab lunch. Snacks and bottled water will be provided. Lunch is on your own. Code Day Date Time Fee 1-5195-18-E Sat May 5 8:30AM-3:00PM $25 Age: 50+ Location: Depart from Washington Park District Group Guides: Gloria Phelps and Cassie Tracy Min/Max: 5/13 Registration Deadline: Friday, April 27 • 105 S. Spruce St., Washington, IL • (309) 444-9413
Mature Adult Social Opportunities Small Town... BIG Fun! • 37 Sponsored By: BINGO Villas of Hollybrook When: First Tuesday of every month Where: Five Points Senior Room Safe Haven Hospice Time: 10:30AM Cost: FREE Heartis Village Peoria Morningside of Washington LUNCHEON Riverview Senior Living Community When: Last Wednesday of every month Where: Five Points Banquet Room Washington Christian Village Time: 11:00AM Cost: $4.00 Transitions Hospice Snyder Village Call Washington Park District at (309) 444-9413 to sign up! Fondulac Rehabilitation and Health Care Coordinator: Tara Panek Helping Hands Home Healthcare MYSTERY LUNCH Grab a friend and be surprised as we take off and try different restaurants in the area. Our goal is to go to non-chain restaurants and possibly a place that you have never been to before. Transportation is included, but lunch is on you! We will be traveling in Big Blue so plan accordingly. Code Days Dates Time Fee 1-5180-18-A Wed Jan 10 10:30AM $5 1-5180-18-B Wed Feb 14 10:30AM $5 1-5180-18-C Wed Mar 14 10:30AM $5 1-5180-18-D Wed Apr 11 10:30AM $5 SIGN UP ON-LINE TODAY! • 105 S. Spruce St., Washington, IL • (309) 444-9413
38 • Small Town... BIG Fun! Adult Fitness PI-YO East meets west in this combination of tai-chi, yoga, floor exercises and pilates. A combination of pilates and yoga is perfect for anyone interested in starting an exercise program. Participants should wear comfortable clothes and bring a large towel or mat. Code Days Dates Time Fee-R/NR 1-0121-18-A Mon & Wed Jan 3-Feb 7 12:00-12:50PM $36/$42 1-0121-18-B Mon & Wed Feb 12-Mar 21 12:00-12:50PM $36/$42 2-0121-18-A Mon & Wed Apr 2-May 9 12:00-12:50PM $36/$42 1-0121-18-C Mon & Thu Jan 4-Feb 8 6:45-7:45PM $36/$42 1-0121-18-D Mon & Thu Feb 12-Mar 22 6:45-7:45PM $36/$42 Program Objective: Pi-Yo is designed to improve posture, flexibility physical awareness and reduce stress. Age: 13 and Over Location: Washington Park District Fitness Room Instructor: Kathy Werstein Min/Max: 5/20 POWER PUMP Working with body bars and light weights to fun music leads to strength gains quickly. Targeting each muscle group with good body alignment and technique will lead to a successful workout. Code Days Dates Time Fee-R/NR 1-0131-18-A Mon & Thu Jan 4-Feb 8 5:45-6:45PM $36/$42 1-0131-18-B Mon & Thu Feb 12-Mar 22 5:45-6:45PM $36/$42 Program Objective: The purpose of this class is to increase muscle endurance so we can perform everyday tasks easier Age: 13 and Over Location: Washington Park District Fitness Room Instructor: Kathy Werstein Min/Max: 5/15 BANDS AND BALLS Looking for some variety? We will use a stability ball to strengthen “core” muscles and promote balance as well as using rubber bands to tighten up the arms, legs and glutes. A great class to add on to your cardio training or just by itself... you will feel the difference. Code Days Dates Time Fee-R/NR 1-0172-18 Sat Jan 6-Mar 17 10:00-10:50AM $36/$42 Program Objective: This class promotes, “core” stability and strengthens muscles. Age: 13 and Over Location: Washington Park District Fitness Room Instructor: Kathy Werstein Min/Max: 5/20 TAI CHI FUNDAMENTALS Some claim that Tai Chi figures among the oldest group exercise forms on the planet. Kathy Werstein shares with you a balanced adaptation of the yang short form of Tai Chi. You should feel more balanced from this natural choreographic flow of movements. Code Days Dates Time Fee-R/NR 1-0181-18 Fri Jan 5-Mar 16 12:00-12:40PM $25/$30 Program Objective: These exercises will address both stability and mobility through moving, balanced meditation. Age: 13 and Over Location: Washington Park District Fitness Room Instructor: Kathy Werstein Min/Max: 5/15 • 105 S. Spruce St., Washington, IL • (309) 444-9413
Adult Fitness Small Town... BIG Fun! • 39 STEP IT UP This step class intervals cardio training and weights to get the results you want. Easy cardio step routines get the heart pumping while the weights tone muscles. Like us on Code Days Dates Time Fee-R/NR 1-0001-18-A Tue Jan 2-Mar 20* 4:30-5:30PM $36/$42 1-0001-18-B Fri Jan 5-Mar 16 9:00-10:00AM $36/$42 Program Objective: The purpose of step aerobics is to increase the heart rate for health and to burn calories for weight control Age: 13 and up Location: Washington Park District Fitness Room Instructor: Kathy Werstein Min/Max: 5/15 *NO CLASS 1/23, 1/30, 2/6 FIT OVER 50 Easy cardio combined with balance and strength routines keep seniors healthy. Come get comfortable with your body in a non-competitive environment . . . friendships are bound to happen. Code Days Dates Time Fee-R/NR SIGN UP 1-0141-18-A Tue,Thu & Fri Jan 2-Feb 9 10:00-10:45AM $25/$30 1-0141-18-B Tue,Thu & Fri Feb 13-Mar 23 10:00-10:45AM $25/$30 ON-LINE 2-0141-18-C Tue,Thu & Fri Apr 3-May 11 10:00-10:45AM $25/$30 TODAY! Program Objective: Gain balance and strength. Form friendships and healthy habits Age: 50+ Location: Washington Recreational Facility Fitness Room Instructor: Kathy Werstein Min/Max: 5/15 SUNRISE FITNESS Wake up! Warm Up! Get a jump start on the day. This 45 minute class offers cardio and strength opportunities using steps, weights, balls and bands. Code Days Dates Time Fee-R/NR 1-0161-18-A Tue, Wed, Fri Jan 2-Feb 9 5:35-6:20AM $36/$42 1-0161-18-B Tue, Wed, Fri Feb 13-Mar 23 5:35-6:20AM $36/$42 2-0161-18-C Tue, Wed, Fri Apr 3-May 11 5:35-6:20AM $36/$42 Program Objective: To tone muscle and increase heart rate for a healthy body Age: 13 and up Location: Washington Park District Fitness Room Instructor: Kathy Werstein Min/Max: 5/15 FITNESS PUNCH CARDS Mon Tues Wed Thu Fri Sat Are you not sure what class to take or if the times 5:35AM Sunrise Sunrise Sunrise will work with your busy schedule? You can 9:00AM Step purchase a punch card for $42 which allows you 10:00AM Fit Over 50 Fit/50 Fit/50 Bands to attend any of Kathy Werstein’s fitness classes 12:00PM Pi-Yo Pi-Yo Tai Chi 12 times. They never expire so use them when you can! Fitness has never been so convenient. 4:30PM Step 5:45PM Power Power 6:45PM Pi-Yo Pi-Yo • 105 S. Spruce St., Washington, IL • (309) 444-9413
40 • Small Town... BIG Fun! Adult Dance & Fitness BALLROOM DANCE Is learning to dance something you have always wanted to do? It is fun with our professional dance instructor Larry John- son. Get ready to learn the steps for the Foxtrot, Waltz, Rumba, Swing and many more. BEGINNER’S BALLROOM DANCE Code Days Dates Time Fee-R/NR 1-5101-18-A Wed Jan 17-Mar 7 6:30-7:30PM $39/$43 1-5101-18-B Wed Mar 14-May 16* 6:30-7:30PM $39/$43 INTERMEDIATE BALLROOM DANCE Code Days Dates Time Fee-R/NR 1-5102-18-A Wed Jan 17-Mar 7 7:30-8:30PM $39/$43 1-5102-18-B Wed Mar 14-May 16* 7:30-8:30PM $39/$43 *NO CLASS 3/28 & 4/4 Location: Lincoln Elementary School Instructor: Judithe Rexford Min/Max: 4/25 BALLET EXERCISE FOR ADULTS Always love to ballet as a child? Always want to dance, but time and life took other paths? This class will develop coordination, build strength & balance, and improve posture. These 1 hour classes will consist of ballet/barre’ slow stretches & bending, and centre floor moving to classical music. There are no pre-requisites for this class, but please wear comfortable clothes including workout pants or leggings. Smooth soled shoes or ballet slippers are the most important thing to remember to wear. This class is taught by our dance professional Judithe, from Rexford Dance Studios. Code Days Dates Time Fee-R/NR SIGN UP 1-5105-18-A Tue Jan 16-Mar 6 1:30-2:30PM $39/$43 ON-LINE 1-5105-18-B Tue Mar 13-May 15* 1:30-2:30PM $39/$43 TODAY! *NO CLASS 3/27 & 4/3 Ages: 13 & up Location: Washington Recreational Facility Fitness Room Instructor: Judithe Rexford Min/Max: 4/16 HATHA YOGA FOR HEALTH Come learn and enjoy one of the fastest growing exercise programs in the nation. Hatha Yoga is great for anyone new to yoga or for those with previous yoga experience. Our instructor has a master’s degree from the University of Southern Florida and is certified yoga instructor. Participants will want to wear loose fitting and comfortable clothes and bring a large towel or mat along with a theraband. Code Days Dates Time Fee-R/NR 1-0101-17-A Tue/Thu Jan 16-Mar 8 12:00-1:15PM $30/$35 1-0101-17-B Tue/Thu Mar 13-May 17* 12:00-1:15PM $30/$35 *NO CLASS 3/27, 3/29, 4/3 & 4/5 Location: Washington Recreational Facility Fitness Room Ages: 13 & up Instructor: Judithe Rexford Min/Max: 4/25 LINE DANCE This class will be a potpourri of line dances including: Country, Latin Line, and show tunes. You will learn the intricate parts of line dancing and how they combine into routines. There are no pre-requisites for this class. Code Days Dates Time Fee-R/NR 3-5104-18 Thu Apr 26-Jun 28 1:30-2:30PM $39/$43 Ages: 13 & up Location: Washington Recreational Facility Fitness Room Instructor: Judithe Rexford Min/Max: 4/16 • 105 S. Spruce St., Washington, IL • (309) 444-9413
Fitness Center Small Town... BIG Fun! • 41 WASHINGTON PARK DISTRICT FITNESS CENTER The Washington Park District Recreation Center features a fitness center that includes Nautilus equipment for an effective cardiovascular workout. Equipment includes two treadmills, two ellipticals, one upright bicycle and one recumbent bicycle as well as a set of dumb bells (5-50 lbs). Come try out our quiet center for a day, month or save when you sign up for the year! WINTER FITNESS CENTER HOURS Monday-Thursday 6:30AM-8:00PM | Friday 6:30AM-6:00PM Saturdays: 8:00AM-12:00PM | Sundays: Closed FITNESS CENTER CLOSED ON THESE DAYS: Closed December 23, 25, January 1, March 31 | e-mail: [email protected] FITNESS PASS RATES UNLIMITED ANNUAL PASS: $150R/$175NR DAILY PASS: $5 | MONTHLY PASS: $20R/$25NR Per month 4-MONTH PASS: $65R/$72NR Fitness Center Sign up for a 4 month or 1 year membership and receive 15% off any fitness class during your membership! • 105 S. Spruce St., Washington, IL • (309) 444-9413
42 • Small Town... BIG Fun! HISRA Heart of Illinois Special Heart of Illinois Special Recreation Association | 8727 N. Pioneer Road • 691-1929 HISRA provides inclusion services to people of all ages with a disability to participate in Washington Park District programs Recreation Association and camps. Are you a person with a disability? Do you have a child with a disability? Have you seen programs in Washington Park District that you or your child would be interested in, but wondered if participation was possible? Well, stop wondering! 8727 N. Pioneer Road • 691-1929 A S������� �� ��� P�������: For School-aged kids Steps to access HISRA’s Inclusion Services • After School Program 1) Register for the Washington Park District Program or Camp HISRA provides inclusion services to people of all ages with a disability to • Holiday Camp 2) Go to and fill out an Inclusion Request parti cipate in Washington Park District programs and camps. Are you a • Spring Break Camp 3) Call HISRA at 309-691-1929 to schedule an assessment person with a disability? Do you have a child with a disability? Have you • Summer Camps seen programs in this catalog that you or your child would be interested • Summer Daze Upon reviewing the participant’s needs, HISRA’s professional staff will work with the Washington Park District staff to in, but wondered if parti cipati on was possible? Well, stop wondering! • Camp Free to Be in Peoria and integrate participants, adapt activities, and provide support staff to the Washington Park District if necessary, so that you or Call HISRA at 309-691-1929 to schedule an assessment. Upon reviewing Washington your child can have the most successful experience possible in an inclusive setting. HISRA provides all inclusion services at your or your child’s needs, HISRA’s professional staff will work to integrate • Camp Connections in Peoria no cost to residents of the Washington Park District. parti cipants, adapt acti viti es, and even provide additi onal staff if neces- and Washington sary so that you or your child can succeed in an inclusive setti ng. HISRA • Afternoon Fun in Washington As a cooperative network of four area park districts, HISRA has proudly provided quality recreation programs and inclusion provides all inclusion services at no cost to residents of the Washington For Adults services for more than 20 years. All programs and activities are supervised by trained staff who have received a thorough Park District. • FOCUS Program (runs Monday orientation including specifics on disabilities, leadership, safety, program adaptation, first aid and much, much more. through Thursday from 9:00 AM So give us a call – HISRA can get you involved! As a cooperati ve network of four area park districts, HISRA has proudly to 3:00 PM) • Overnight Trips SIGN UP provided quality recreati on programs and inclusion services for more than • Dances A Sampling of our Programs: 20 years. All programs and acti viti es are supervised by trained staff who For Ages 2+: Parent’s Night Out have received a thorough orientati on including specifi cs on disabiliti es, • Day Trips ON-LINE Center-Based Programs (Ages 15 - Adult): leadership, safety, program adaptati on, fi rst aid and much, much more. • Pizza and Bowling TODAY! • Wii Mania, Wii & Wings, Karaoke, Dances, etc. So give us a call – HISRA can get you involved! • Dinner and Games at HISRA So give us a call – HISRA can get you involved! • Dinner and a Movie Community-Based Programs (Ages 19 - Adult): • • Sunday Cinema • • Pizza & Bowling, Peoria Chiefs Game, Peoria Rivermen Game, Burgers at Brasky’s, etc. • Bingo at HISRA Camps • • • Camp Free to Be (ages 4-21) • Strikes and Spares Bowling in Washington • Summer Daze (ages 13-21) • Strikers Bowling in Peoria • • Holiday Camp (ages 4-21) F Adaptive Sports For Ages 2+or Ages 2+ • • Parents Night Out • Peoria Wildcats Wheelchair Basketball Adapted Sportsted Sports Athletics Adap • Peoria Wildcats Wheelchair • Special Olympics Softball, Bowling, Track & Field, Golf, Basketball, • Basketball Aquatics Special Olympics Strickers Bowling Program Special Olympics • HISRA Health Club • Softball • Golf • Basketball Heart of Illinois Special Recreation Association (HISRA) • Track and Field A cooperative extension of the Chillicothe, Morton, Peoria, • Aquatics and Washington Park Districts • Bocce Ball 8727 N. Pioneer Road, Peoria, IL 61615 | Phone: (309) 691-1929 Heart of Illinois Special Recreation Association (HISRA) A cooperative extension of the Chillicothe, Morton, Peoria, and Washington Park Districts 8727 N. Pioneer Road, Peoria, IL 61615 Phone: (309) 691-1929 • 105 S. Spruce St., Washington, IL • (309) 444-9413
Matrix Small Town... BIG Fun! • 43 WASHINGTON PARK DISTRICT PARKS, OPEN SPACE & FACILITY MATRIX Like us on 1 1.40 1 T 1 4 2.5 1 11.52 @WashingtonParkDistrict @WashILParks Washington Park District @WashILParks • 105 S. Spruce St., Washington, IL • (309) 444-9413
44 • Small Town... BIG Fun! Check us out on the web at • 105 S. Spruce St., Washington, IL • (309) 444-9413
Map Small Town... BIG Fun! • 45 CR UGER ROAD Washington Community High School Washington Community High School John L. Hensey Grade School Check us out on the web at • 105 S. Spruce St., Washington, IL • (309) 444-9413
46 • Small Town... BIG Fun! Ways to Register Three Simple Ways to Register . . . Online Registration Register online at Mail-In Registration Washington Park District 105 S. Spruce St. • Washington, Il 61571 Note: Please include signed registration form and check payable to the Washington Park District Like us on Walk-in Registration 105 S. Spruce Street • Washington, Il 61571 Monday-Thursday 8:30AM-8:00PM Friday: 8:30AM-6:00PM Saturday: 8:00AM-12:00PM REGISTRATION INFORMATION members of you family are registered and history of Registration for all programs may be completed in one of programs and payments. the following methods: 1. Online Registration-Use your user name and password to 2. Mail In- Complete a Program Registration Form available log in and register at online, in the brochure, or in our office. For mail in If you have ever registered for one of our programs and registration we prefer a check made payable to Washington used an email address, you may already be in our system. Park District. Mail the completed form and payment to: If you do not know if you have an account, but are a regular Washington Park District participant in our programs, you may already have an 105 S. Spruce St., Washington IL 61571 account and just need to get a password. 3. Walk In- You may register in person during regular office hours at the Washington Park District Administration Office 1. Click on create your own account. & Recreation Facility located at: 2. In Step 1.2 on the new screen you will be able to: Link Washington Park District, 105 S. Spruce St., Washington IL your account or recover account information. 61571 3. Enter any email addresses, one at a time, which you may We do not accept telephone or faxed registration. have used and still have access. The system will confirm All program registrations are on a first come, first served you have an account and will email you a new temporary basis. Unless notified otherwise by park personnel, you password. Once you are logged in, review your family will be automatically registered for the classes and the information and you may begin to review our programs times you indicate. If you are not admitted to the class you Online. You are also able to review the programs in which requested, you will be called and with your approval placed in an alternate class or receive a full refund. • 105 S. Spruce St., Washington, IL • (309) 444-9413
Registration Form Small Town... BIG Fun! • 47 Program Registration Form PRIMARY GUARDIAN’S LAST NAME FIRST NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP ( ) ( ) ( ) HOME PHONE WORK PHONE CELL PHONE ( ) E-MAIL ADDRESS EMERGENCY CONTACT NAME/PHONE Check this box to receive emails from the Washington Park District. You will receive interesting articles and information about programs, events and classes at the Park District. We will not share or sell your email address. It is for park District use only. Check this box for Special Accommodations if needed. See “Statement of Accessibility” on the reverse side of this form. Please include a description of the type of special accommodation needed for successful inclusion so that we are better able to serve you. I have read and fully understand the policies and the Washington Park District Waiver and Release on the reverse side of this form. I understand my signature, or my primary guardian’s signature if I’m under 18, is required to take part in Washington Park District programs. SIGNATURE DATE REGISTRATION INFORMATION Participant’s Name (First, Last) Age Grade Birth Date Sex Code Program Name Fee Athletics/Camps T-Shirts (If Applicable) Total Amount Due: $ Select programs receive participation shirts. If so, please indicate the shirt size next to the participant’s name using the following sizes. Cash Check # Discover MasterCard Visa YS(6-8) YM(10-12) YL(14-16) AS AM AL AXL Card # Exp. Date Coaches/Volunteers Select programs require volunteers/coaches. Please indicate your Cardholder Name: interest in assisting us with this program by giving us the following information: Authorization Signature: Name: To submit this Program Registration From: E-Mail: • Fax to: 309-444-3849 (Discover, MasterCard or VISA payment only) Shirt Size: Phone: • Mail of Drop off in person: Washington Park District, 105 S. Spruce St, Washington IL 61571 • On-line registration is also available at • The REACH and Summer Day Camp Program also require additional information and forms to be completed. Please inquire with staff for a Registration Packet. This form is not applicable for Washington Park Pool passes. • 105 S. Spruce St., Washington, IL • (309) 444-9413
48 • Small Town... BIG Fun! General Information STATEMENT of ACCESSIBILITY “To err is human; to forgive divine” The Washington Park District encourages participation by We make every attempt to provide you with a correct and everyone! If you or a family member have special needs and accurate program brochure. However, errors may occur would like to participate in a program or use a facility, we and in some circumstances, changes may be made to the will be happy to make reasonable accommodations to meet program. We appreciate your understanding. your needs. Please indicate on the registration form or call if any accommodations are needed for successful inclusion FEE PAYMENT POLICY into a program or service in accordance with the Americans All programs are to be paid in full at the time of registration, with Disabilities Act. We are cooperative partners with unless a payment plan feature is offered. We do offer Heart of Illinois Special Recreation Association (HISRA) to Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) as a payment option on some provide recreation and inclusion services to individuals with payment plan programs. Fees can be paid by check, cash disabilities. or credit card (VISA, MasterCard, or Discover). Please make checks payable to: Washington Park District. PHOTO & VIDEO POLICY Photos and video are periodically taken of participants in a NSF CHECKS & AUTO-DEBIT class, during a special event or at Washington Park District A $25 service charge will be assessed for all checks returned parks and facilities. Please be aware that these photos and due to insufficient funds. video footage are for the Washington Park District’s use only and may be used in the District’s publications and website. WAIVER & RELEASE All photos are the property of the Washington Park District. I understand and agree, by participating in programs, Please contact the Washington Park District at 309.444.9413 services, activities, facilities and events provided by the or [email protected] for more information. Washington Park District that such activities have certain CODE OF CONDUCT inherent risks that can and do result in injury that can be All users of facilities are expected to exhibit appropriate serious, life limiting, and life threatening. behavior at all times while participating, spectating or I further agree to release Washington Park District, its attending any program, event, service and/or facility provided elected officials, employees, independent contractors, by the Washington Park District. This includes programs, partners or volunteers from all claims resulting from events, services or facilities that may or may not require any and all injuries sustained while participating in any an admission fee, spectating at athletic events, concerts programs, services, activities, facilities and events, barring or attending special events. The following guidelines are these resulting from the sole negligence of the Washington designed to provide safe and enjoyable facilities for all users. Park District, its elected officials, employees, independent Users shall: contractors, partners or volunteers. • Show respect to all users and facility staff/supervisors. • Take direction from facility staff/supervisors. REFUND POLICY • Refrain from using abusive or foul language. Participants will receive a full refund for any programs • Refrain from causing bodily harm to self, other users cancelled by the Washington Park District. or facility staff/supervisors. Individuals requesting refunds/transfers/account credits • Refrain from damaging equipment, supplies and must fill out our refund/transfer/account credit form and turn facilities. it in to our office two business days prior to the first class A written or verbal warning shall be given to users/ meeting or practice in order for any action to be considered. spectators if the Code of Conduct rules have been violated. If this is done, a 100% refund minus $10 administrative fee If there is a second occurrence, users/spectators shall be will be issued or 100% account credit. withdrawn from the facility without a refund. No refunds/transfers/account credits will be issued for any programs after the first meeting of the program, unless POSSIBLE CHANGES IN LISTING a physician’s excuse is presented. Refunds requested for Washington Park District reserves the right to cancel, medical reasons will be prorated from the time the request is combine or divide classes; to change time, date or location received. of classes; to change instructor assignments; and to make A refund will not be given for programs that cost less than any other changes that may be necessary. We apologize in $15. The amount will be applied as a credit to your account advance for any inconvenience this may cause. for future use. • 105 S. Spruce St., Washington, IL • (309) 444-9413