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Published by naeem.anwar, 2016-06-09 05:39:06

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TEACHERS A career in the classroom can be CHANGE very rewarding. You not only get the satisfaction of inspiring the next LIVES generation, but you’ll also have the opportunity to climb the career ladder relatively quickly and earn a competitive salary. You’ll gain a wide range of transferable skills and teach a subject you’re passionate about. Change a young person’s life Every child has capabilities and talents that they aren’t yet aware of. As a dedicated teacher, you can unlock that potential by helping children and young people discover their strengths and by working to improve areas where they show promise. Bring the best out of a child Building children’s confidence starts with giving them the encouragement and praise to show them they’ve done well. As a teacher, you’re in a position to build their resilience, transforming fear and inhibition into self-assurance and an aspiration to achieve. Know you’ve made a difference There are few careers that provide tangible rewards with the ultimate satisfaction – knowing you have made a difference. Teaching combines both.

A dedicated Everything youteacher can need to know.unlock thepotential in 1 G et the rewardsa child. you deserve.“I think the effect that 2 Climb the a teacher can have on career ladder. a student’s life is incredibly profound.” 3 Design your own career path. Ben Davies, Maths teacher 4 Bring your subject to life. 5 Get the funding you need. 6 C hoose the training that suits you. 7 Train to be a confident teacher. 8 Feel supported along the way.

GET THE REWARDS Enjoy up to 13 weeks’ “I would recommendYOU DESERVE holiday a year. teaching as a career. I absolutelyA newly qualified teacher begins on a salary of between £22,000 Teachers enjoy a balanced lifestyle love it. It’s hardand £27,000,* and a leading practitioner who shines in the work but Iclassroom could go on to earn up to £65,000.* If you’re ambitious Not only is teaching a fulfilling career, it also allows couldn’t imagineand want to progress in your career even further, as a headteacher for a great quality of life. With up to 13 weeks’ holiday a job that’s asyou could earn as much as £113,000.* a year, teachers have the time to pursue their interests, rewarding.”You can also qualify for extra payments if you take on additional travel and also spend time with family and friends.responsibilities that support teaching and learning. Some teachers also benefit from the opportunity to Dan Huxley, work flexibly, including on a part-time basis. Head of maths Laurel McIntosh Get the rewards you deserve. GCSE subject leaderWhy did you get into teaching?The main reason is because some of my heroes weremy teachers. The school I went to had some absolutelyincredible teachers and they really inspired me. I wantedto be able to do what they do.What’s the best part of teaching students?They’re so funny and so intelligent. I love the fact thatthey ask so many amazing questions. When they comeand say ‘I remember this’ or they get an A in an exam,they’re really excited. I love that feeling of knowingthey’re happy. See more online.An experienced teachercan earn up to £65,000.**Salary dependent on location. See further details. Disclaimer: all information correct as of September 2014.

CLIMB THE There are many “B eing given control ofCAREER LADDER opportunities to become the GCSE curriculum a leader in your school. is a big step for me.When you become a qualified teacher, you’ll have a number of ways I’m amazed at theto further your career, either in the classroom or in a leadership role. Progressing towards leadership opportunity I’ve beenAs you gain new skills you could jump up to head of department, given, and it justhead of year or even headteacher. In fact 41% of teachers serve in There are schemes that help talented teachers with ambition shows how quicklyleadership roles. progress faster in their careers and achieve leadership new teachers canSchools now have more freedom over how to pay their teachers, positions sooner. One example is the Future Leaders progress.”linking their salaries more closely to their performance with higher accelerated leadership programme, for current or formerrewards and faster progression for the most successful teachers. teachers with qualified teacher status who are able to lead Laurel McIntosh, in a challenging secondary school. GCSE subject leader Headteachers Becoming a headteacher means leading and managing the school community. Assistant and deputy headteachers combine senior management with classroom teaching. These are challenging, exciting and rewarding posts that require a broad range of skills. Tafari Leigertwood Climb the career ladder. Maths and physics teacher, head of maths What’s the best thing about teaching students? It feels really good to see them succeed. That’s what the goal is after all: to help them progress as much as they can. Everyone has potential. For some, it might take a bit more work, but when they do well, it makes me feel elated. Has teaching changed since you were in school? Before I started teaching, I went to a school just to see what it was like. I saw all these smart boards and all the interactive equipment they had and thought, actually, schools have changed quite a bit; it’s fun to be here! See more online.

DESIGN YOUR Marnie Shipard “Career progressionOWN CAREER PATH in teaching is so Design and technology teacher multifaceted. I’m notAs a teacher you can take your career in the direction you want it to go, sure of any other jobmoving not just up but also across the management system. With so many What effect do you think your job has had on the lives of those where you get thatcareer options, you’re able to craft your own career path and specialise in you teach? and you get to pickthe areas that interest you the most. Because you’re teaching them from year 7-9, you can see the what you want to avenue that students are taking and you know they’re interested in specialise in.”There’s a variety of diverse the subject. It’s lovely when they come back to visit you and theycareer choices open to you. say ‘I’m doing this course’ - that they want to continue what you’ve Charlotte Wilde, taught them as a career. Physics and chemistry teacher,As your personal development continues, you’ll learn a curriculum director of sciencerange of different skills, from leadership to motivational What’s the best thing about working with young people?speaking. So, you could take on a variety of different roles, In my subject you can physically see the skill that you have shownsome of which you may not have thought of: them, and see them take it even further. The kids go away and• Head of department research a design and then come back with a better idea. It’s• After-school tutoring brilliant to see their skills and the fact that you’ve motivated them to• Pastoral care investigate further.• Mentoring• Special educational needs teaching See more online.• Extra-curricular lead Design your own career path.This could help you go on to manage a department ofpeople or determine the strategy for a school’s futuredevelopment. You could specialise in supporting pupilsacross the school by leading a year group, tacklingbarriers to learning, or working with pupils who are atrisk of being excluded.

BRING YOUR Charlotte Wilde “W hen I’m in theSUBJECT TO LIFE classroom I’m in my Physics and chemistry teacher, curriculum director of science element. I love it andWhen it comes to teaching, it’s all about inspiring passion and creating really enjoy teachingenthusiasm. This can come from you, the teacher, as well as the subject What’s the best thing about teaching students? my subject.”matter. There are many different subjects out there, but by teaching a The reaction you get sometimes from the students. Maybe it’s just asubject that you’re knowledgeable about, you’ll be able to inject genuine student who says, ‘Oh, that was a brilliant lesson, Miss’ or a student Laurel McIntosh,passion and excitement into your teaching. that has a difficult background and is smiling because he or she GCSE subject leader loved your lesson. “The thing I enjoy most What effect do you have on the students you teach? is when you’re teaching The effect that a teacher has on a student is profound. If your a new concept and teacher believes in you and shows you how to do something well, a student just gets it. then he or she is giving you skills for life. That ‘Aha’ moment is really awesome and See more from this you can tell the student teacher online. appreciates it as well.” Improve your subject knowledge Ben Davies, Maths teacher Don’t hold back from applying because of Bring your subject to life. your subject knowledge confidence. You may still be able to teach maths, physics, chemistry, computing, design and technology, or a language by topping up your knowledge with a subject knowledge enhancement (SKE) course. An SKE course can last from 8 to 36 weeks depending on your needs and can be offered as full-time, part-time, distance learning or as a combination. The courses are aimed at those who already have a place on a postgraduate teacher training course; so you should apply as soon as you can to discuss requirements with your provider or school. For more information, visit Get help learning more about the subject you want to teach.

GET THE FUNDING Trainee teachers can “I think a teacher can haveYOU NEED receive up to £25k a massive effect on every tax-free to train. young person’s life.Teaching has never been so rewarding. This year tax- Each student comesfree bursaries and scholarships of up to £25,000 are to school and takes Get the funding you need.available in certain subjects, whether you train on a something veryuniversity-led or school-led course.* It’s the perfect time to different away.”use your degree to begin training for a rewarding career. Luke Price, French teacherBursary amounts vary depending on your teaching subject anddegree class. To see what bursary you could be entitled to visit “I first worked for a and then in recruitmentIf you’re changing careers and are a graduate with three or and I realised an officemore years’ work experience, School Direct (salaried) is environment wasn’t foravailable exclusively for you. You’ll be based at a school and me. I didn’t feel like Iearn a salary during your training – and you can expect a job was making a difference.offer when you qualify. Trainees in maths, physics and computing But you can as a teacher.could earn £21,000 to £25,000 depending on location. It’s a cliché but it’s true.”For more information visit Samantha Webster, Luke Price Assistant headteacher French teacher *Bursaries are available for trainees on eligible postgraduate courses in England who are not employedWhat do you enjoy about being a teacher? as a teacher. Bursary amounts will vary depending onI really enjoy working with children and seeing them go from teaching subject and degree class. Additional paymentsnot really knowing anything to actually being able to have a may be available. See in French and thinking ‘I’ve done that’. for further details. For bursary information for courses inWould you encourage others to choose it as a career? Wales visit, I would because I think there are loads of people out there Disclaimer: all information correct as of September 2014.who have the potential to be fantastic teachers but have neverreally thought that it could be for them. See more from this teacher online.

CHOOSE THE TRAINING Get plenty of practical experience “Training and learning inTHAT SUITS YOU by teaching in a school. the classroom from day one gave me an immediateAs well as deciding which age group and What will I learn? Phillip Hall insight into what teachingsubject you would like to teach, you can choose involved, and I wasfrom various types of teacher training courses By the end of a teacher training course you should: Head of ICT thoroughly prepared asdepending on your qualifications, experience and computing a teacher.”and where you want to train. Courses are • know and understand the national curriculum in youravailable across the country; so you have chosen subject(s) and/or age group What makes you want to Sarah Fisher, School Direct traineeplenty of options when it comes to the location carry on teaching?of your training. • be able to plan and prepare for lessons and set pupils’ It’s inspiring to see them grow Choose the training that suits you. learning objectives and develop. Sometimes IBefore you decide which route into teaching get students that don’t knowyou want to take, you should find out about the • have strong classroom management skills, such as anything about a topic, but bycommon factors that apply across all teacher knowing how to promote good behaviour and the end of the year, the sametraining courses. minimise disruption students know it so well they can even teach it to someoneWhat does a teacher training • know how to teach pupils with special educational else; that’s amazing.course involve? needs and disabilities Are there many careerTo become a qualified teacher, you need to successfully • be able to assess pupils effectively opportunities for teachers?complete teacher training. By doing so, you’ll achieve Yes there are because I‘qualified teacher status’ – or QTS. University-led training started as a newly qualified teacher and progressed toAll teacher training courses include: Universities and colleges offer teacher training courses for key stage 4 manager. I was both graduates and undergraduates. Universities work with recently promoted to head of• a minimum of 24 weeks in at least two schools to give groups of schools to offer at least two school experience department. I could even go on you practical classroom experience placements as part of your training. to becoming deputy head and head of the school. So if you’re• academic study to give you the knowledge and If you want your teacher training to be based at a university, looking for career progression, understanding to teach successfully this is the option for you. there is so much you can do in teaching.• an assessment of your teaching skills (through being If you already have a degree, one option is to complete a observed teaching classes) postgraduate certificate in education (PGCE) at a university See more from this or college. A PGCE involves a course of academic study teacher online. that results in a professional academic qualification. It is normally a year-long, full-time course (or up to two years part-time) that, when combined with a programme leading to QTS, develops your understanding of the theory of education and teaching methods. A PGCE is available through university-led and many school-led training courses.

CHOOSE THE TRAINING “I went to visit the universityTHAT SUITS YOU and fell in love with it. I got onto the course andSchool-led training If you’re successful in your training, Teach First Training options had two placements and lots there is a government expectation that Teach First is an education charity that of university-based tutorials.If you want your training to be based you will get a job offer in one of the runs a two-year course for outstanding Use the table to see which postgraduate course would be most suitable for you: It’s very full on, but it’s soat a school where you can be fully schools when you qualify. graduates where you can earn while you worth it.”immersed in the life of a teacher from train and work in a challenging school inday one, a school-led training course Just like SCITT courses, with School a low-income community. Laurel McIntosh, GCSE subject leaderis for you. You’re selected by the Direct you get practical, hands-onschool and are based there during training and education based in Visit to learn more University-led School-led trainingyour training. good schools across the country. about its vision and its leadership training School Direct courses are designed by development programme. School-centred School Direct School Direct * Bursaries are availableAcross the country there are school-led groups of schools – with a university or University initial teacher training (salaried) for trainees on eligibletraining options for both graduates and a SCITT – based on the skills they are Armed forces training (SCITT) postgraduate coursescareer changers who want hands-on looking for in a newly qualified teacher. If you are ex-Service personnel, find out programme in England who are nottraining in a school. The schools recruit you as a trainee onto how the invaluable skills and experience employed as a teacher. their School Direct course with a job in gained in the armed forces can Selected by the school in Bursary amounts will varySchool-centred initial teacher training mind just for you. enable you to become an outstanding partnership with an accredited depending on teaching(SCITT) teacher through the Troops to Teachers training provider subject and degree class.Schools are taking on more control of School Direct courses generally last a programme: Additional payments mayteacher training. Some have been given year and all result in QTS. Many also teaching/troops-to-teachers. Selected by an accredited be available.government approval to run their own award you a PGCE and/or Master’s- training providertraining, called SCITTs. They provide level credits, but you should check Academics See, hands-on teacher training individual courses for more information. Academics who have completed Tax-free bursary whilst you train* teachpgfunding for furtherdelivered by experienced, practising or are finishing a doctorate can details. For bursaryteachers, based in their own school or Career changers – get paid while you become qualified to teach through the Employed during training and information for coursesat a school in their network. train with School Direct (salaried) Researchers in Schools course. salary paid in Wales visit www. If you’re a graduate and have three or educationcymru.orgAll SCITT courses generally last a year more years’ work experience,* School Visit Fees payable by candidate Choose the training that suits you.and result in QTS. Many also award Direct (salaried) is available exclusively for more information. ** On the School Directa PGCE from a university – check for you. You’ll be based at a school and Expectation of employment at (salaried) scheme you willindividual courses for full details. earn a salary during your training – *Schools can decide to accept applications from candidates end of training in host school not need to pay fees to and you can expect a job offer when with less work experience in hard-to-fill subjects, especially partnership cover the cost of training toSchool Direct you qualify. in maths, physics, chemistry, design and technology, achieve qualified teacherMany SCITTs and schools also run computing and modern and ancient languages. Minimum of 24 weeks spent status (QTS). However, youSchool Direct courses. This is a popular Often the school covers the cost of your in school*** should enquire with thechoice for those who hope to secure a training to achieve QTS. Check with the school whether you wouldteaching post in the network of schools school you are applying to whether this Open to new graduates be expected to pay for anywhere they are training. also includes a PGCE. academic qualifications, Open to graduates with 3 or such as PGCE, beyond this. more years’ work experience ***Secondary teaching You may have the opportunity only (minimum in primary to achieve a postgraduate – 18 weeks). qualification**** **** Many school-led You will have the opportunity providers also offer the to achieve a postgraduate chance for you to achieve a qualification postgraduate qualification. Please contact your chosen school for further information on academic awards. Disclaimer: All information correct as of September 2014.

TRAIN TO BE A Ben Davies “M y tutors were excellent; theyCONFIDENT TEACHER made the course fun. And Maths teacher when I was given my firstDevelop your speaking, How to apply What do you like most about teaching? class, I felt excited rather thancreativity and leadership skills I really enjoy the energy of working with children. When they’re enjoying their daunted because the training Application and learning, it’s such a fantastic job and they bring a lot of energy and enthusiasm prepared me for it.” statement support as well. What inspired you to become a teacher? Tafari Leigertwood, Maths and Get help with the personal I will always remember my physics teacher from school. He was fantastic. So I physics teacher, head of maths statement for your teacher think teachers have a real influence over your life. Maybe I can have that kindWhichever course you choose, you’ll receive rigorous training application plus tips your undergraduate degree of profound impact on someone and help steer them in the right to help you become an effective teacher. and online tools to help and be offered a placeThis includes strategies for managing pupil behaviour and prepare for your interview pending your degree results. See more from thiscomprehensive guided preparation. The training options at teacher online.have never been better. In fact, over 90% of newly If you have a degreequalified teachers highly rated the overall quality of When you’re ready, submit from outside the UK you You’ll get dedicated support totheir training. your application through the should consult your chosen help you develop as a teacher. UCAS teacher training portal training provider or referYour training will cover: at to the equivalency table at• Curriculum knowledge • Educational issues and Academic teachpgfunding. pedagogy (the method qualifications• Methods to develop and and practice of teaching) School experience engage learners To be accepted on to any • Planning lessons and teacher training course, you School experience is essential• Academic, professional schemes of work with will need to demonstrate if you are interested in and ICT support clear learning objectives a standard equivalent to a becoming a teacher. Before GCSE grade C (or above) in you apply for teacher training,• Strategies for managing • Presenting topics English and maths. you’ll need to gain as much pupil behaviour and using effective experience in the classroom as questioning strategies Visit possible in order to strengthen• Teamworking and teachentryrequirements your application and prepare collaboration for more information. you for potential interviews. Our school experienceWhen you start teaching after you qualify, you won’t be To train as a teacher, you’ll programme offers prospective Train to be a confident teacher.thrown in at the deep end. You’ll get dedicated time and need a UK degree (or an secondary trainee teachers thepersonal support to help you develop as a teacher. equivalent qualification). chance to see what it’s like to be a teacher.For more information on teacher training providers visit You can apply for, which will help you make training in the third year of Visit informed choice on where and how to teach. There’s for more information aboutalso detailed information on the routes into teaching. the programme, or alternatively how to gain your own experience.  

FEEL SUPPORTED “I used to work in the mediaALONG THE WAY industry, but I get more satisfaction from what I do now as a teacher.” Nwanneka Okwuosa, Design and technology teacherWe offer a comprehensive Follow us online Feel supported along the way.programme of support to provideyou with guidance all the way Visit our social media sites to ask a questionthrough the application process. about getting into teaching, find accounts of teacher training or have your say onFor more information, talk to a the issues that matter to you. We’re onteacher, call the Teaching Line Facebook, YouTube and Twitter.on 0800 389 2500 or events run regular events where you Premier Pluscan talk to experienced teachersand teaching advisers. Premier Plus, our enhanced service, is available to those who hold, or areTo see what’s on where, visit predicted to hold, at least a 2:2 degree, wish to start training in the academic year 2015/16 and who would like to teachProfessional skills tests maths, physics, chemistry, computing, design and technology or modern andCandidates starting a teacher training ancient languages. If this is you, you couldcourse from September 2014 must be eligible to access exclusive benefitshave passed the professional skills tests including your own personal recruitmentin numeracy and literacy before adviser, help in securing school experiencebeginning training. and invitations to exclusive events.To find out more and use practice See more information atmaterial to help you prepare for your tests, exclusive benefits likepersonalised one-to-one advice.

USEFUL www.educationcymru.orggetintoteaching Higher Education Funding Council for Bilingual website with information aboutDepartment for Education site where you England (HEFCE). Responsible for supporting teacher training opportunities in Wales.can access resources and support for your teaching and research in universities andteacher training application. colleges in England. Welsh government. Develops and implements education policy in Wales through theAssociation for Science Education (ASE). Higher Education Funding Council Department for Education and Skills. for Wales (HEFCW) Responsible for the funding of higherHer Majesty’s Inspectorate for Education education, including teacher training The Future Leaders Trust. Offers anand Training in Wales. Includes reports and the accreditation of teacher training accelerated leadership programme, forof inspections of schools and teacher providers in Wales. current or former teachers with qualifiedtraining providers. teacher status who are able to lead in a Programmes of study for Wales are at challenging secondary schoolshome/curriculuminwales. Department for Education (DfE).Responsible for education and Teach First. An education charity thatchildren’s services. runs a two-year course for outstanding Ofsted is the inspectorate for children and graduates where you can earn while learners in England. Includes inspection train and work in a challenging school reports on all aspects of education, including in a low-income community.Universities and Colleges Admissions Service schools and teacher training providers.(UCAS). The central organisation thatprocesses applications for most graduate www.teachersupport.infoteacher training courses in England. The Teacher Support Network. A national, independent charity providing free support services to teachers and lecturers from training to post retirement.

For further information visit call the Teaching Line on 0800 389 2500The Teaching Line, St James House, Moon Street, Bristol, BS2

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