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Nu NarrativeChildrens’ BookCATALOGUE

KareativeInterludeK areative Interlude is a partnership created to inspire, empower and engage utilizing the arts to open eyes, readers from diverse backgrounds. The hearts, hands and ears to the Nu Narratives resource provides a path creative expressions that lay within your for youth to extend their voice, vision being. Accessing art as a medium we aim and representation celebrating culture, to inspire participants in the celebration developing confidence and telling their of new narratives and engaging works story. of art. Over the past fifteen (15) years we have implemented programs to empower, Kareative Interlude offers services through: engage and inspire children and youth to community programming, printing and reach their full potential. Through literacy products in the areas of: fashion arts, we engage young readers and future visual arts and literature. Kareative leaders through the arts to develop key Interlude provides services with access principles of purpose and self-awareness. to a distribution channel that serves as a system to enhance the circulation of Kareative Interlude has partnered with African-Caribbean-Canadian narratives eight (8) amazing fictional writers to form across North America and the world. The the Kareative Kollective to present the Nu resource provides librarians, educators, Narratives Children’s Book Catalogue. bookstores and organizations a chance to This catalogue serves as a chance to make a personal connection with diverse, recognize the great resources being quality children’s writers.

TAKE THE TIMETO READ TOGETHER.IT HELPS A CHILD TO BUILD THEIRConfidence Vocabulary Decision MakingReasoning Problem Solving Skills DesiresImagination Memory DreamsAbilities Communication Skills DestinyThrough our stories we honour the past children through literature it aids a childand present works that are empowering, through their developmental milestonesenriching and creative. Through the Nu with further motivation.Narratives catalogue it helps all involvedto move to the future, providing greater Reading serves as a chance to introduceopportunities for quality literature to a child into the world of literacy. Frombe recognized in within traditional and children learning to enjoy books they buildindependent markets. their vocabulary, develop their imagination and connect ideas to build up theirEducation is the great equalizer and identity. From young readers managingreading helps children to accelerate their texts, gaining confidence and connectingcommitment to learning. Through children to characters they learn the importance ofreading they explore the characteristics telling their story. Literature helps shapeof: integrity, honesty, responsibility and one’s character to become future builders,resilience. By parents bonding with leaders and achievers.As children read more engaging texts, they begin toconnect with reading on multiple levels from a physical,mental, emotional and spiritual purpose. Children willenhance their decision making skills and competenceon a personal and cultural level. Through young readersbeing exposed to African-Caribbean-Canadian resourcesthey will grow and mature in their personal power, self-esteem and sense of purpose. “The stories of tomorrow are written today” Karee | 416.724.1328 | [email protected]

Carolette& Sean LiburdKnowledge BookstoreA s the owners of Knowledge how things work.  Reading exposes a Bookstore we welcome the child to problem-solving techniques, Nu Narratives catalogue to our and helps create a fully roundedcollaboration and continued exposure person.  It is often said that throughof children to Black books and authors.  books, readers are able to go onWhy encourage your young child adventures without ever leaving theto read? Reading promotes greater comfort of their home.  Books withmaturity, increases discipline and lays Black individuals as the main charactersthe basis for moral literacy.  Reading provide concrete examples of whatsparks curiosity about people, places they could aspire to become, helpingand things and also satisfies a child’s to visualize pathways to success,curiosity by providing explanations of happiness, and health.

Nile ValleyBookstoreNosakhare IbrahimR eading and literacy helps children will expose them to ancient ancestors and to develop their confidence, self- current innovators who will serve as familial efficacy and empathy towards role models to encourage them to strive fortheir family members. I know that children excellence in any field they desire.who are exposed at an early age topositive, self-affirming ideas and images Perhaps the most important conceptof themselves will love and cherish their our children will learn while reading self-beautiful complexions, body types and affirming literature is the importance ofhair textures. Reading and literacy also family and the role of responsibilities whichpromotes self-introspection and idea are expected of each family member. Ourdevelopment across a broad spectrum noble ancestors have called the principleof inquiry. The reading materials which UBUNTU: I AM BECAUSE WE ARE.are available to children and their families

Authors& Titles

Angelot Ndongmo This award winning children’s author has always enjoyed writing and connecting with youth. As an author she wants to instill positivity in young Black children and have them find love for self. Angelot is the owner of Chocvirgo Publishing, a small press creating children’s literature that aids children to be empowered. She believes it is important to be inspired by literature in some way, shape or form. Angleot aims to fill the void of Black characters in literature as it is an opportunity to be visible and included in the human experience. Felicia JolyIs the founder of Power@Play. Together, with herhusband Clyveens Joly, she has created a seriesof game changing books to share the key andessential insights to engage and inspire youngminds to explore the concepts of wealth, successand power. Felicia believes children have anamazing capacity to learn and is committed topresenting them with ideas that will inspire themfor a lifetime. In her quest to improve financialliteracy amongst the next generation, Feliciahas co-created and written The ABC’s of Wealth.Through the themes, ideas and activities includedin this book, she encourages both children andparents to set goals, cultivate the right habits and systematically plan for multi-generational wealth. Nana Yaa Yeboaa Nana Yaa Yeboaa is an acclaimed author, spoken word artist/poet and storyteller living in Toronto. She has written two books of poetry, Lamentations by the banks of the Volta and the Roots of a Woman. Her most recent piece is for children, Anansesem is a collection of African folklore to ground families in their heritage. Nana Yaa Yeboaa born in Ghana carries her pride for her country in all that she does. In her engagement with community through cultural events, weekly literacy programs to her commitment to produce resources that reflect the greatness of her traditions.

Sheena Blake Sheena Blake is the C.E.O. of Discovering Diversity. She is also a writer and a speaker passionate about words. Her mission is to publish people of every age from 5 to 100 years of age in as many genres as possible. She believes that publishing written and spoken words is a way to have people share their wisdom and help change the world. She believes that everyone’s story can affect others positively and aid them to see life differently. Life is all about how one thinks. It is important to shift thinking; it can change a life. MakelBaye G-NShe is a woman, a mother, a daughter, a sister, arelative and a friend. Makelbaye is a global citizen,who is an artist. She practices her trades in the areasof fashion, visual arts, literature and the aesthetics ofhair. Through her creativity her voice is heard throughthe pieces she puts together and shares with others.Makelbaye believes there is enough for everyone andthat family is golden. Strong in her faith, she strivesto be the best person she can be as every bit countsto make the world a better place. Owner of YamodoPress, a publishing company focusing on searching the past to reveal the future. Janet Campbell Janet has carried the art of storytelling and sharing folktales into her own life. Her passion is to foster the human connection. She believes it is an essential ingredient in community building, maintaining traditions and teaching cultural practices. As a child she became the storyteller sharing the wise tales that have been passed down her families lineage. She loves the power to enter the world of those stories, get lost in her imagination and indulge in her curiosity. As an author, storyteller and advocate, Janet is committed and dedicated to helping children to develop a passion for reading, writing and storytelling.

Karee WalkerKaree is an artist that loves the power of art as it gives youthe freedom to express yourself. Through her creativity sheis able to bring forth worlds that allow you to be inspired,challenged and reflective. She creates to develop texturedmemories that spread the message of birth, life, healingand love. She aims to push the boundaries of art to inform,motivate, nurture and connect. Karee is the artistic directorof Kareative Interlude, a partnership utilizing the arts to empower the creative being that lays within. Robert Small Robert Small is an artist and social entrepreneur who has used his skills to educate those of African descent. For over 25 years, Small has created what most would describe as a poster, but can be more accurately defined as a “Legacy”.With more than 100,000 copies of this annual poster distributed across North America for over two decades, Small’s impact will be felt for an undetermined amount of time. Small uses the poster, bookmarks and STEAM resources as a vehicle to educate the world of the achievements of people of African descent. He is taking ownership of telling Black Canadian stories, on the many accomplished people who are more than their individual accomplishments. Desree CrooksThis is her debut Afrocentric Children’s novel. Desree Crookswas born in Birmingham England, to newly migrated parentsfrom Jamaica.  Desree has always had a love for writing evenas a young child, you would always find her doodling poetryor short stories.  With this creative mind, she has continuedwriting into her adulthood.  Not only does she write children’sbooks and poetry, but she is also a lyricist and enjoys writingmusic.  She had many stories locked inside and finally, this isher opportunity to share it with the world and walk her path.

The Bee Leaf Written by Karee Walker “In seeing our reflection, we need to reflect, we need to remember our true self.” ISBN 978-0-9947538-0-9 Picture Book Hardcover 9x12 58 pages $16.95 Marikeyta is a girl who lives in the city with her mother. She enters her rites of passage as she transitions from a girl into a young woman. Her mother falls ill and Marikeyta is challenged to seek what she must find. Through the symbolism of adinkra symbols readers are lead through a beautiful tale of love, hardwork and true blessings. Through Marikeyta staying motivated and determined to receive true knowledge of self, she acquires the gifts of the divine to become who she was always meant to be. Through the help and support of the wise old couple on the top of the hill. Marikeyta enters her quest to find the Bee Leaf.A Little Cute’n in that Hat Written by Karee Walker “He is so cute and that is a fact!” ISBN 978-0-9947538-4-7 Picture Book Paperback 9x 9 32 pages $12.95 A cute baby boy discovers a basket of hats in his home. With his curiosity he begins to explore the many hats he can wear. From different sizes, shapes, styles and culture. Wow! To the delight of his family they laugh and enjoy the blessing of his cute charisma and imagination. From different sizes, shapes, styles and cultures the illustration’s of Karee Shea Walker are beautiful, magnificent and vibrant. With simple, lyrical words the charm and humour of this adventure will have you remembering the precious moments of childhood.

Mommy and Daddy Said Written by Karee Walker “We can see that taking the time to nurture a healthy mind, body and spirit will help make a good and balanced home.” ISBN 978-0-9947538-3-0 Picture Book Paperback 12x 9 28 pages $12.95The elements of Mommy and Daddy Said provide an example of the key ingredientsthat empower a family to grow. It enables the family to accomplish their purposethrough achieving unity, communication, unconditional love and honesty. For childrento be connected to their family, culture helps them to share their greatness and buildon the experiences they have learned through life. The story encourages treating eachother positively. Life improves when using your higher self to accomplish your goals. Heights Written by Karee Walker “ I am always going to rise above the doubt that may exist around me” ISBN 978-0-9947538-2-3 Picture Book Paperback 9x12 28 pages $12.95A baby turtle is born on a beach alone. He grows and gains the strength to face hisfears to find the power of believing in himself. The story Heights gives parents theopportunity to share the message of building confidence and resilience in their child.This uplifting literary work explores the importance of identity, to be proud of who youare and confident in where you are going.

Loving Me Written by Angelot Ndongmo “Girls from all walks of life can all be inspired by the main character’s high level of self-esteem” ISBN 978-0-9809175-0-5 Picture Book Paperback 10x10 16 pages $13.95This best selling book is about a cheerful little girl who shows us the joy that comesfrom loving who you are. Her catchy rhymes express how much she loves her hair, themelanin in her skin, her creativity and so much more! This uplifting literary work, willleave a positive imprint of self-worth, as readers can grow with self-acceptance and lovefor their unique abilities. When it comes to self-discovery, there is fun to be had! Fromhead to toe and from the inside out, she loves who she is without a shadow of a doubt! Boy! I am Loving Me! Written by Angelot Ndongmo “ It engages young boys in a special way that has never been done before” ISBN 978-0-9809175-3-6 Picture Book Paperback 10x10 16 pages $13.95Boy I am Loving Me! This award winning book is about a playful little boy who beamswith confidence as he triumphantly demonstrates the joy that comes from lovingwho you are! Whether it’s his courage to dream big or the enjoyment of his hair’sversatility, the fun he has just being a boy is wonderfully infectious from the beginningof the story, right to the end! Using bold eye catching illustrations that practicallyjump off the page, the content of this story is so powerful and uplifting. No matterwhere he is, one thing doesn’t change. He loves who he is and inspires others to dothe same.

yGoouPr lOayrawnigthe Written by Makelbaye G-N “A book about fun, family and proper conduct!” ISBN 978-14783081-0-2 Picture Book Paperback 9x12 32 pages $12.95 Inspired by true events this book was written to tell a story of sharing, caring and finding one’s place within the group. It is fun with a purpose as this book was made to keep the young and the young at heart entertained while engaged in true matters of social conduct. This book is filled with fun and interactive activities for children to build their interest and extend their learning through crosswords, word searches and key lessons from the story. The ABCs of Wealth Written by Felicia Joly and Clyveens Joly The first book of this educational series– “The ABC’s of Wealth”–is designed to creatively begin and continue the conversation about wealth between grown-ups and children. ISBN 978-14783081-0-2 8.5x8.5 28 pages $11.95With the alphabet as the cornerstone, this series shares essential key words andinsights in easy to remember rhyme to engage young minds in learning the coreconcepts of wealth, success and power. Each book serves as the perfect starting pointfor introducing the important ideas all children need to fully grasp for a lifetime ofadvanced achievement. Children have an amazing capacity to learn so why not present them with ideas thatwill inspire them for a lifetime? The more information we share with our childrenthe more opportunities they will recognize throughout their lives– including wealthbuilding opportunities!

Choose to be your Vision Written by Sheena Blake “A creative and innovative work of fantasy and celebration of life.” ISBN 978-0-9936986-1-3 Picture Book Hardcover 11.5 x11 30 pages $16.95Choose to Be Your Vision is a tale about knowing yourself and living your goals andmaking the choice to overcome obstacles. Life can certainly bring challenges, butthis book reminds both children and elders to push through tough times in order tobecome the greatest version of ourselves. Dim the lights! Raise the curtain!The school play is ready to begin. After giving himself a pep talk, Sun – a costumedboy suspending from the ceiling by wires – feels pretty darn good about himself. Butwhen a bossy thundercloud appears and tells him the animals and people belowneed her more than him, self-doubt creeps in and he disappears into the far reachesof the galaxy. Can he choose to be the vision of the strong, confident Sun he knows hecan be? More than That Written by Sheena Blake “This splendid book tells every child - and every parent - you are loved- and loved more magnificently than is imaginable.” ISBN 978-0-9936986-0-6 Picture Book Paperback 8x9 12 pages $9.95“More Than That” by Sheena Blake is a sweet night time read of love and family.Your preschoolers will feel cared for and loved before they head off to sleep. ‘The simple reading style will have you reading it over and over again.More than That tells every child they are loved and more magnificent than amazing.

Kafiya meets the Moon Written by Janet Campbell “Whenever you see a full moon child, remember that you have its full attention. The moon sees and hears everything.” -Grandma Etta ISBN 978-162086-042-7 Picture Book Hardcover 10 x 8 38 pages $14.95There is always room to believe.Imagination comes to life in “Kafiya”, the story of a little girl fascinated with the moon.When her Grandma Etta and Auntie Yaya tell her that the full moon has eyes, a nose,lips and talks, Kafiya goes in search of the moon with a face.Kafiya’s story will warm every mother’s heart while inspiring their sons and daughtersto believe in the impossible. Enter Kafiya’s world where everything imaginable is withinyour reach. Purpose Finds His Gift Written by Janet Campbell “Your special gift does not exist outside of yourself. It exists within you.” --Father Universe ISBN 978-14836945-3-5 Picture Book Hardcover 8.5 x 11 44 pages $19.95Purpose Finds His Gift is a heartwarming tale about finding that special person insideof you. As Purpose, the son of the Universe sets out on a journey to discover hisspecial gift; he learns that he has carried it with him all along.A coming of age story, Purpose Finds His Gift will teach children about finding theirown special talent and listening to the voice within.

Anansesem Written by Nana Yaa Yeboaa “Storytelling is a medium used by the young and old to inspire the next generation.” ISBN 978-0-9918961-2-7 Picture Book Paperback 12x9 24 pages $14.95This book of Akan folklore: Anansesem explores the spider stories of Ananse in theirauthentic form. Children reading this book will learn about how these stories told inAkan folklore came to be named after Ananse the spider. Amongst Ghanaians in WestAfrica, storytelling was the channel through which knowledge was transmitted fromone generation to the next by the use of the oral tradition. As a medium storytellinghas been utilized by both old and young to share their values, wisdom and connectionto their heritage Nzingha Written by Desree Crooks “This remarkable book for both children and adult tells the true story of a courageous princess who grew to be a military leader and hero.” ISBN 978-0-9951913-0-3 Non-Fiction Book Paperback 9x6 160 pages $24.95This is a beautiful story that follows the path of a young Nzingha into adulthood.This story captures the happy times as a child and continues to reveal the destructionof her homeland and people by the Portuguese who’s only intentions were driven bygreed. Nzingha was a determined and fierce warrior princess, only later to becomequeen and united her people from different villages to fight as one against the foreigninvaders. They held them off for 30 years. Not only was she a force to be reckonedwith, but she is an inspiration to all children.

An Afrocentric activity bookletfocusing on S.T.E.A.M. for $2.00 “Let’s go full STEAM AHEAD” in an engaging activity booklet that is “Afrotastech!” Where youth and adults can learn about science,technology, engineering, arts and math while learning about the history of people of African descent. word searches | word scrambles hands on activity | word box activities Posters for $15.00 International Women’s DayThe Art Project FULL STEAM AHEAD Art’s Dawn Messages of the Whirlwind Forever Majesty of the Mountains Powerful 20 Years! Millionaires Dedication to Tomorrow Birth of Change History’s New Day Dedication to the EarthBookMarks for $1.50 African Canadian Women Viola Desmond African American Astronauts Carter G Woodson African American Aviators Freedom of the Storm African American Athletes Michelle Jea Barak Obam Michelle Obama African American Inventor Nelson Mandela

Make the time,to make a positivedifference,through readingThe reading experienceaids a child to besupported by family,be empowered whileconstructively utilizingtheir time.• Provide a fundamental activity for parents to show high levels of love and support• Explore a new environment, make connections and explore healthy relationships• A child develop a sense of value in their abilities, perceptions, feelings understanding and explanation of the world around them• Develop creative activities for their personal achievement and enrichment to foster confidence, care and consideration

NILE VALLEY BOOKS 647-802-6039 [email protected] St E. @Woodbine Ave | Toronto , ON, Canada

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