FirstPhotossocfhtohoelClassfcohriltdhreenfirssttarttimineg THE IVYBRIDGE MAGAZINE ISSUE 30 114 | OCT 2020 News NEW LUKESLAND GARDENS - SEE PAGE 4 Puzzles Features CRAFT CORNER Local walk Craft corner First class photos
AUTUMN STOCK ARRIVING Tues- Fri 10-3pm [email protected] 01752 894562 Diana Boutique - Oct20.indd 1 16/09/2020 15:27 Natural soaps and Palm oil free | Plastic free shampoo bars handmade in Vegan friendly Ivybridge Made using the traditional Established 1997 cold-pressed method. Hair conditioners also now available. Available at Natures Larder, Glanvilles Mill, Ivybridge | Kenderdine - Oct20.indd 1 16/09/2020 12:30
3 WELCOME call: 07516 539573 | email: [email protected] web: | facebook: @theimag | twitter: @imag_tweets FIRST CLASS CHILDREN The October issue of the We are delighted to start a new } magazine is undoubtedly my ‘craft corner’ feature in this issue. favourite one, and has been since Each month, Jenny Pearce of The “We are delighted the launch of the magazine, as Ivybridge Crafters will share a to start a new ‘craft it is the issue in which we carry craft project you can do at home. corner’ feature in class photos from the local She starts with one that will be this issue” primary schools of the children fun for all the family – making a who started school for the very rag rug pumpkin (page 22) first time this term. Remember, the magazine is very While, of course, the children’s much here for you to share your experience of school is, at the news with the wider community. moment, somewhat different Whether it is something personal from previous years, I think – fundraising for charity, for you can see from the photos example – or you are a member (pages 14-15, 18-19 and 20) that of a club, group or sports club, the little ‘uns are nonetheless or involved in a campaign, let us enthusiastically embracing the know. start of their learning journey. The imag also offers local There is more good local businesses a great way to reach business news, with local people, with advertising Colourbridge and Erme Press starting from just £9.95 per issue. moving into bigger premises If you run a business, get in touch (pages 8-9). to discuss how we can help you. Steven Vincent Editor The imag is an independent magazine published and produced by Lily design, 6 Claymans Pathway, Woodlands, Ivybridge PL21 9UZ. © Lily design 2020. The imag has no affiliation to, nor official relationship with, any organisations or authorities. No part of this publication may be reproduced, in any form, without prior consent of the publisher. All information, advertised or provided, is accepted in good faith as being correct at the time of going to press. Opinions expressed in the magazine are not necessarily those of the publisher and editor. The publisher accepts no responsibility for products, goods or services that may be advertised or referred to.
4 BIN COLLECTION CHANGE AHEAD OF NEW RECYCLING SERVICE Natural handmade An all new ‘super recycler’ effect from 5th October 2020. been delayed due to the impact soaps and bathing service to help every household All properties impacted by of lockdown. products, pamper recycle more is being intro- the day changes should have The new service will introduce hampers and gifts duced next spring by South received a letter – if residents a new weekly separate food Hams District Council. have not received a letter and waste collection and weekly Facebook: The planned changes will add want to check if they have recycling collection. It will en- RTZEN SOAP glass and a wider range of plas- been affected they can use the able residents to recycle glass tics to the list of items collected ‘find my collection day’ feature and plastic packaging, such as at the kerbside. at yoghurt pots, margarine tubs, 07938574872 / [email protected] In preparation for the new ser- recyclingwaste meat trays and fruit punnets, at vice, a full review of collection The new recycling service was the kerbside. rounds has taken place and originally planned to come into Garden waste and refuse col- new routes are set to come into effect in September but has lections will remain fortnightly. RTZEN Soap - Sep20.indd 1 17/08/2020 21:57 We love to provide a range of pasties such as traditional steak, Facebook: @MainiesBakes We provide a range of treats specifically cupcakes, flavours, vegan and even gluten within Oggy Oggy Raleigh Street cream teas and, a personal favourite, brownies! Brownie stacks are a popular birthday item for free pasties - 15 Raleigh Street, PL1 1ET those looking for something a bit different than a During lockdown, we introduced frozen pasty birthday cake. deliveries, offering ‘buy-5-get-6’ We love to provide good quality, homemade goodies. and ‘buy-8-get-10’ deals, with free delivery for orders over Exciting items are being released for special events £25. This has proved so popular such as Christmas and we’re always taking on new we are continuing with this. We also now offer a pre-order challenges to provide the best quality treats. collection service for hot or frozen We deliver to the surrounding area and can’t wait to take the business further thanks to our pasties. We are delighted that our newly amazing customers. re-decorated cafe is now open to enable us to offer sit down eating as well as takeaway, with the correct safety measures in place of course. We continue to launch new menus and ideas. We are not affiliated with any delivery companies. We conduct all deliveries ourselves. Facebook: @oggyoggyraleighstreet Instagram: @oggyoggypasty Email: [email protected] Mobile: 01752 257 030 Mainies Bakes - Oct20.indd 1 20O/0g9g/2y0O20ggy2-1:O2c3t20.indd 1 20/09/2020 21:19 HARFORD, IVYBRIDGE PL21 0JF AUTUMN OPENINGS 13th September - 15th November Sundays & Wednesdays / 11am-5pm 01752 691749 24 ACRES OF TRANQUIL Find us on Facebook & Twitter WOODLAND GARDEN Fine autumn colour by a Dartmoor stream £6 adults / U16s free – please bring correct change Simple refreshments available Dogs welcome on a lead call: 07516 539573 | email: [email protected] | web: | facebook: @theimag | twitter: @imag_twLuekeetssland - Sep20.indd 1 18/08/2020 09:01
5 NEWS COMPUTERS STILL WANTED BY ROTARY ROTARIANS RHODA LLOYD AND PAUL FLETCHER PRESENTING IT EQUIPMENT TO ERMINGTON PRIMARY SCHOOL Ivybridge Rotary is continuing to help pupils access on- to collect, clean and refurbish line learning who otherwise PLANS TO REMOVE IT equipment for loan to local wouldn’t be able to. PARKING ON ROAD students to help with online So far, 27 laptops and five learning and research. tablets have been donated to A consultation on plans to Street and Clare Street, with Thanks to the amazing gen- three local schools, with more remove on-street parking along some widening of the pave- erosity of local people and in the pipeline to be delivered. Western Road, as well as install a ment on the southern footway to businesses to date 90 devices If you have any unwanted lap zebra crossing, is open. accommodate this, will improve have been donated. These tops or tablets that you want to The road, the main route into the environment for pedestrians, have been given a new lease of donate to an amazing cause, the town from the A38, currently with safe and convenient walking life thanks to Dans Computer which is being organised in suffers from congestion and is routes and crossing facilities. It is Services to get them cleaned partnership with Saltram Rota- an Air Quality Management Area hoped this will encourage people up and fit for purpose. ry Club, contact Paul Fletcher (AQMA) due to parked vehicles. to walk more for short distance They are now in the process – [email protected] or call The proposed scheme aims trips in the local vicinity. of being given to local schools 07730 651543. to alleviate these problems by The draft order, order being relocating the existing on-street amended, plans and statement of parking on Western Road to reasons can be viewed at http:// Wayside and introducing double Objections and yellow lines. This will remove the other comments, specifying the existing pinch point and enable proposal and the grounds on two-way flow of traffic along which they are made, must be Western Road. The smoother traf- submitted in writing to County fic flows and reduction in idling Solicitor, County Hall, Topsham engines it is hoped will address Road, Exeter EX2 4QD or via the existing air quality issues. to arrive by A zebra crossing between Park 22nd October, 2020. Meet Ivy, the Library Lady, WALK TO HEALTH who has been created by one of the (retiring) library The Walk & Talk group meets assistants – Angela. Ivy is Tuesday and Thursday, 9.45am for collecting any spare pen- a 10am start in Glanvilles Mill by nies you may have, which the bench between Rochelle’s and will support the library. the Post Office. Tuesday – grade So, if you do have any 2 walk, 30-60 minutes suitable for spare coins, perhaps people who are looking to increase you could visit Ivy in the their activity levels. Thursday – library and drop them into grade 3 walk for people looking her basket. for more challenging walks and increasing their level of physical activity. Generally 45-90 minutes.
System KBB - Mar15_Layout 1 13/02/2015 10:23 Page 1 Natures Larder - Feb15_Layout 1 15/01/2015 16:55 Page 1 6 INDIVIDUAL &DISTINCTIVE Nature’s Larder Health Store & Natural Health Centre FITTED KITCHENS, BEDROOMS AND BATHROOMS Health Foods • Supplements SHOWROOM AND HOUSE VISITS Beauty Products BY APPOINTMENT Complementary Therapies 10 Glanvilles Mill • Ivybridge• 01752 894197 INNOVATIVELY DESIGNED. BEAUTIFULLY CRAFTED. SPECIALISTS IN DELIVERING: FRESH FISH BOXES • Map and compass DELIVERED TO YOUR DOOR COUPLES BOX navigation training Four meals for • Outdoor and Everything in the two people - £33 boxes is filleted, ESTABLISHED 1987 workplace first aid packaged and suitable FAMILY BOX • Personal 1-2-1 for home freezing. Four meals for Visit our large showroom at: 3 Stowford Business Park, Filham Moor Industrial Estate training four people • Guided walks Fish variety changes daily - £66 Ivybridge, Devon PL21 0BE • Team building depending on market landings. Tel: 01752 896464 | A typical box may contain: Haddock, Whiting, Hake, Plaice, [email protected] Lemon Sole, Pollock, John Dory, Ling, Flounder and Gurnard 01837 516386 / 07719 857242 TO ORDER: email [email protected] or [email protected] or call 01752 266610 System KBB - Jul20.indd 1 07970 37685018C/0o6m/2p0a2s0sw2o1rk:1s3_General - Sep20.indd 1 13/07/2020 09:39 18M/0o8b/2y0N20icks09- :A1u2g20.indd 1 Supply & Installation of Bathrooms and Kitchens Including Plumbing, Heating and Electrical Work call: 07516 539573 | email: [email protected] | web: | facebook: @theimag | twitter: @imag_tweets
7 NEW SERIES WALK c I live in Ivybridge and run many miles over Dartmoor taking photographs along the way. This is part of a series of walking routes, of varying distances, starting in the Ivybridge area. Andrew Perry DARTMOOR WALK HARFORD MOORGATE TO PILES COPSE This map is indicative only and the route is Route distance: Approx. 6km (2.75 miles) undertaken at your own risk. Please use a further Elevation: Approx. 220 metres detailed map. For your safety, always use a Est. walk time: 1.5hrs (at 4km/hour) detailed map and take the appropriate kit/clothing for the open moors and weather conditions This month’s walk starts from Harford Moor- gate car park (1), situated on the edge of the 1 moors approx three miles north of Ivybridge. Follow the wall and path north, for a short distance, until the path splits. Take the right path leaving the wall. (You will be returning on the left path later). Descend and climb again in the direction of Piles Hill (2) until you reach a “crossroads” in the path towards the top (3 - view of Sharp Tor). Take the left path at this junction and contour 2 around to reach Sharp Tor (4). Beneath you is the Erme Valley and the boundary wall of Piles Copse conservation area. Follow the outside of this wall (5) all the way around and very steep- ly down to the River Erme (6). (Take extra care on the lower section near the river). 8 Enter Piles Copse, on the left, as you reach the river. Continue beside the river (7), until eventually finding a gate on your right, which overlooks the river. Without crossing the river, 3 begin the climb to the left, keeping Sharp Tor above you on your left. Find the gate, halfway up the boundary wall, leaving the conservation area and cross the stream (8 - view back of Sharp Tor). Keeping the stone wall on your right, continue in the same direction back to 7 find the car park. 4 Greeting Cards & Prints of Dartmoor available 5 6 via my website:
CLUBSI10 VYBRIDGE & DISTRICT CAMERA CLUB started its new season with a LONGTIMBER BY COLIN LENNOX-JONES short walk around Filham Park followed by its first email – ivybridgecameraclub@ January, 2021. possible, club meetings would evening meeting using Zoom – or by using the Zoom queries: Sheila Hirst 01548 restart in April 2021. – a “show your own work” ‘Contact Us’ page on the website. 532850. The flower club has been an session which was well The club is also on Facebook – integral part of the Ivybridge attended by existing and new IvybridgeCameraClub. I n these unprecedented community for a long time, members.. times, IVYBRIDGE celebrating its Emerald Another outing in Longtimber T ARTS SOCIETY is FLOWER CLUB has been Anniversary two years ago and Woods provided plenty of starting up again, with unable to meet since March. looking forward to reaching its practice with trees and water. meetings being held via However, the club managed to Diamond Anniversary in 2023. The club’s next meeting is on Zoom until it is safe to return squeeze in a committee meeting It would welcome more members 6th October with the judging of to its old venue. before the rules changed again! in order to make the club the Challenge Cups for prints Meetings, which will take place Obviously there was a lot to financially viable and ensure it and digital images, followed at 2pm, for the rest of the year are discuss and important decisions reaches this milestone. Please by a talk from Lake District public art by David Worthington to be made as to how the club support us when we do re-open – photographer Chris Sale on on 28th October, opera and moves forward. The AGM, due to members and non-members will 20th October. design by Simon Rees on 25th take place on 12th October will be given plenty of notice for future Photographers of any level are November and canal history and now be conducted by email and meetings, so please ‘watch this welcome to join, all you need is heritage by Roger Butler on 27th post. It was also decided that, if space’! an enthusiasm for photography. The club meets at 7.30pm, usually on the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month from September to May. At least until January 2021 meetings are being held using Zoom videoconferencing. You can find out more about Ivybridge & District Camera Club at its website www. You can contact the club via call: 07516 539573 | email: [email protected] | web: | facebook: @theimag | twitter: @imag_tweets
11 FEATURE HELPING HOUNDS ARE LIFE CHANGERS “We should look into that”. the normal things like learning And a year later, again nothing Famous last words, as they say sit, wait and down, walking nicely could have prepared us for the and a few weeks later a little on lead, recall – all the things any tears and heartbreak the day he bundle of black fur bounced into responsible dog owner would left; the pride seeing him pass our lives and we joined the ranks naturally teach their dog right? all his assessments; wearing his of volunteer puppy socialisers, Sounds simple? Well, nothing special jacket and going on to writes Lesley Andreassen. could have prepared us for live with his recipient. Everyone has heard of Guide the eight-week-old bundle of That was six years ago – our first Dogs and possibly Hearing Dogs mayhem that arrived. Having dog is still working, and we know For Deaf People but there are an never owned a dog before, we he is happy, well cared for and ever-growing number of other were not prepared for the sheer doing exactly what he was meant charities which all train dogs and energy, not to mention the sharp to do. But you never forget your the first step in their training is little teeth, that this beautiful little first – he will always be our very often with a socialiser. bundle brought with him. special boy. We currently socialise for Vet- We certainly had our moments in Since then we have continued to erans With Dogs, a South West those first few weeks, however, socialise puppies, have count- based charity who provide dogs the great thing about socialising less dogs to stay for holiday for veterans with a number of is that you are never alone. The cover from the odd day to a few differing needs but every one of charity allocates a trainer to weeks and along the way met them would agree that having support you so, along with all the some beautiful dogs... and some one of these dogs is life changing equipment the puppy needs, you amazing people of course. and often lifesaving. are given the best training – and Of course you have mixed feelings So what does a socialiser do? you meet fellow socialisers who when a puppy leaves and I cannot Well, it sounds very simple – you are invaluable in helping with count the times someone has said take a puppy into your home and any problems along the way and to me “I don’t know how you do gradually introduce it to all the have since become friends. it, I could never let them go”. But sights and sounds of everyday from day one, as much as you life, from the washing machine to } grow to love them, you know they the hairdryer, getting on a bus to are not your dog. They are simply travelling in the car,with the aim “Having one of lent to you while they get to know of producing a happy, well so- these dogs is life the world and prepare to become cialised, confident dog who will changing” amazing little life changers. then go on, with further training, And what a life changing experi- to support a person. Oh and a bit ence this has been for us. of training along the way – just Find out more If you would be interested in finding out more about helping Veterans With Dogs as a volunteer or puppy socialiser, please take a look at their website – – where you will find all the contact details, or give them a ring on 01626 798030.
12 Two, three or four wheels... Taking care of all your transport needs FRIEND’S GARAGE BEING A NHS RESPONDER HELPED MOTs / Servicing / Repairs Brakes / Tyres / Exhausts MY PERSONAL WELLBEING CYCLES FOR ALL THE FAMILY Kylie Nichols, a teacher of Food ing time with family and friends Servicing / Repairs Studies at Ivybridge Community as lockdown restrictions relaxed. Accessories & Clothing College, gives a very honest ac- The NHS Responder app sets count of her time away from the off an emergency alarm when a VISIT US TODAY college due to the lockdown. new request comes through. I “I saw the government advertise hadn’t logged in for over a week 8-10 Stowford Business Park for NHS volunteers and I imme- but the first time I went back on I Ivybridge, 01752 690584 diately enquired. I am not a ‘sit received 11 calls within the hour down’ type person and I need to and my heart was racing with all FRIEND’S SERVICE STATION be focused and occupied for my the sirens ringing. own wellbeing. “Now that I have returned to Petrol / Car wash “Although I was working from college, I won’t be able to stay Jet wash & Vacuum home, the working day was very committed to my role. However, I Premier convenience store different to being in college and plan to volunteer during holidays including wine, beers and always having someone waiting and at weekends when my work- hot and cold food to speak to me about something, load enables me to.” so having another focus and Deputy principal Kelly Olive said: VISIT US TODAY being able to support vulnerable “Kylie’s selfless contributions as people in my community gave an NHS Responder during this Leonards Road, Ivybridge me the pastoral role that I was challenging period should be 01752 690717 missing. commended and we thank her “As lockdown has eased, the for what she has given back to W G FRIEND & SON alerts as an NHS Responder have our local community at this time. Ivybridge become more frequent and have “Juggling the pressures of work- included calling people for a ing remotely and the commit- chat, collecting prescriptions and ment of volunteering must have doing weekly shops. been difficult, but she has clearly “I am honoured that I have been embraced this. able to support the NHS and “We believe passionately in step in for those who have been supporting the wider community shielding or are simply unable to and our Character Education go out and about themselves. programme teaches students “The month of August was about the importance of charita- exceptionally busy as an NHS ble traits; thank you to Kylie for Responder as many people had showing our students a real life returned to work or were enjoy- example of this in action.” Kylie Nichols call: 07516 539573 | email: [email protected] | web: | facebook: @theimag | twitter: @imag_tweets
13 Ellis Motor Services 01752 690020 [email protected] Specialists in Volkswagen, Audi, Seat & Skoda We are a family run, independent OPEN NOW workshop with over 30 years of combined experience in dealing with Unit 16 every aspect of vehicle maintenance in the Volkswagen Group. Westover Industrial Estate Whether it’s servicing, repairs Ivybridge or diagnostics that your vehicle requires, we are here to provide an PL21 9ES honest and competent service at a competitive price. Our skilled technicians use genuine parts and carefully selected aftermarket alternatives in everything we do, to ensure quality is not compromised. is Motor Services - Sep20.indd 1 Impeccable 18/08/2020 14:26 customer service Providing complete care Courtesy car & collection available Servicing Repairs MOT tests Tyres NEW Diagnostics MOT chassis repairs Bill Lomas Gearbox repairs Bill Lomas Motors Services Motors Services Blachford Road, Ivybridge 4-wheel laser wheel The Mews, Harford Road Tel: 01752 896 107 alignment Ivybridge Tel: 01752 894 517 BLACHFORD ROAD BLACHFORD ROAD BLACHFORD ROAD HARFORD ROAD RIVER ERME // [email protected] Bill Lomas - Jan20.indd 1 14/12/2019 11:48
FIRST CLASS14 The children starting local First Class schools for the first time Manor Primary – Robins class Cornwood Primary call: 07516 539573 | email: [email protected] | web: | facebook: @theimag | twitter: @imag_tweets
15FIRST CLASS Manor Primary – Dormice class The Erme Sparkwell School
2017CONTACT US NOW TO ACCESS OUR VIRTUAL TOUR OF OUR BUILDING AND OUTSIDE SPACES A FEW SPACES AVASITLIALLBLE Nurture, Develop, Cherish Equipping children for a world they will discover. • Forest School Days • Three Engaging Outdoor Spaces • Child initiated learning • 2 - 5 Year Olds [email protected] 01548 831 017 Check out our Facebook page to find some current parent testimonials. OPENING HOURS Monday - Fridays: 8.45* - 15.15** * Early opening from 8.00am available ** After school club available until 5.30 or 6pm
Baby Room spaces available from Jan 2021 Call us today to make an appointment Explore. Millswood Nurseries can meet Learn. all of your childcare needs. Grow. Together our Ivybridge nurseries o er your child the opportunity to learn and grow in both safe and stimulating environments. Why not come and explore our amazing outside spaces! Millswood Millswood Nursery School Day Nursery 2 – 5 year olds 0 – 5 year olds 8.00am – 5.00pm 8.00am – 6.00pm Term time only (7.30 starts available) Call 01752 894737 51 weeks a year Call 01752 698224
FIRST CLASS18 Woodlands Park – Woodmice class Woodlands Park – Dormice class call: 07516 539573 | email: [email protected] | web: | facebook: @theimag | twitter: @imag_tweets
19FIRST CLASS Ermington Primary Stowford foundation – Robins class Stowford foundation – Wrens class
FIRST CLASS20 Shaugh Prior Diptford Primary - Dippers class The Jays Nursery, Pre-School and Outdoor Learning Working together to make a difference • Weekly Forest and Beach school All year • Weekly creative workshops & term time • Monday to Friday 8am-6pm • Open all year except bank holidays contracts 2, 3 and • Set in 65 acres of beautiful countryside 4 year old • Stimulating age appropriate rooms funding • Links with all local schools accepted • Fresh homecooked meals, prepared on-site Please call to arrange your visit today Tel: 01752 894437 Email [email protected] Moorhaven Village, Ivybridge, Devon PL21 0TZ call: 07516 539573 | email: [email protected] | web: | facebook: @theimag | twitter: @imag_twTheeeJtasys Day Care - Feb20.indd 1 16/01/2020 18:25
Moorsway Federation Where learning is an adventure! Shaugh Prior The Erme Cornwood C of E Primary School Primary School Primary School 01752 839373 01752 892247 01752 837375 shaughprior theerme cornwood G Schools where each child is Moorsway Federation can offer: G An exciting weekly Forest valued and known to all the School programme in each staff G Small class sizes school G A broad and balanced G Experienced teams of G Residential opportunities in dedicated staff curriculum combining years 4, 5 and 6 excellence and enjoyment of G An inclusive, family ethos where learning G Outdoor adventurous activity everyone cares for each other opportunities Please contact us to arrange a personalised visit with our Head Teacher, Mr Hall, or Assistant Head, Mrs Baker, where we can share in your child’s journey
22 NEW SERIES CRAFT CORNER 56 HALLOWEEN 4 CRAFT FOR ALL RAG RUG c Why not try making a spider or ghost? PUMPKIN Most of all have fun. 1 Jenny Pearce Step 1 All you need to get started is: Polystyrene ball (tennis ball size) Scissors Paintbrush PVA glue Orange, black and green fabric Stick Step 2 Cut fabrics into small pieces not too small 2 Step 3 Using your paint brush, make a hole in the polystyrene ball with the end of brush, then turn it around and brush PVA glue into the hole you’ve created. Then push your first piece of fabric into the hole. Step 4 Continue all around the polystyrene ball until fully covered with fabric. Step 5 Pop onto a stick and add to a vase or a plant to add some Halloween fun. I added a face to 3 add a some spooky fun (6). By The Ivybridge Crafters Facebook: @TheIvybridgeCrafters Weekly workshops by Jenny Pearce (07706 317825) every Wednesday and Friday morning. See Facebook events for more details. Booking essential. call: 07516 539573 | email: [email protected] | web: | facebook: @theimag | twitter: @imag_tweets
IVYBRIDGE PODIATRY 23 WHAT TO EXPECT Jackie Thomas WELLBEING FROM YOUR FIRST APPOINTMENT BSC(Hons) Pod., MCPod. Your feet in safe hands Fungal nails / Corns & Callus @ Nature’s Larder Verrucae / Ingrowing toenails 10 Glanvilles Mill Ivybridge PL21 9PS Diabetic foot checks Thick/damaged nails 01752 426 075 Cosmetic podiatry Nail-friendly nail polish [email protected] & many more Jackie Thomas BSc(Hons) MC- Pod. HCPC reg no: CH33566 I was chatting to one of my consent for routine treatment.IIvtybisridge Podiatry - Jul19.indd 1 15/06/2019 07:58:58 new patients recently and she suggested that I write an helpful if you can fill out these as ONE-DAY FIRST AID COURSES article on what to expect from fully as you can, because many IN IVYBRIDGE your first appointment, because ailments can have an impact podiatry/chiropody is a new on your feet. I can often identify experience for many people; problems from your nails which All your beauty and nail obviously this will vary slightly can be referred on for further needs under one roof! depending on what issue you investigation. have. Located in the heart of Ivybridge, Podiatrists are foot specialists Only £50 per person BOOKING Hope’s Beauty & Nails offer a who are degree (or diploma) ESSENTIAL vast treatment list at extremely trained and HCPC registered in During the Covid pandemic I am Held at Nutrition at the Bridge competitive prices. treating many different kinds of trying to keep you as safe as pos- 22 Oct • 12 Nov • 3 Dec foot problems. There is a lot of sible, so a day or two before your Professional setup Free parking misunderstanding of the scope appointment I will phone to con- Covid-19 precautions in place Easy access for all of our practise with some people duct a Covid questionnaire and a not realising the wide range of foot health triage, so that we can problems which we can treat. We [email protected] Tel: 07816501569 cover nail care and corns and callus, wound care, diabetes, nail 07719 857242 and skin cancers, nail infections and ingrowing toenails to name agree on the best course of ac- SOUTH +09H/0o9p/2e0s2B0ea0u9ty:3-3Aug20.indd 1 a few. tion. A few appointments may be Some podiatrists specialise in suitable for conducting online to Clinic now14a/0t7/2020 21:04 biomechanics and gait, and H A M Savoid the Covid risk, but togetChoemrpassworks_FirstAid - Oct20.indd 1 56b Fore Street others are dermatology or skin specialists. We all have been we must make a risk assessment Ivybridge trained in the basics of all areas, PHYSIOto ensure that we are treating your with some going on to undertake extra training in certain areas to condition in the safest way. become specialists. At your appointment, I will con- Experts in duct a foot health assessment in Neurology and most cases, where I check the MusculoSkeletal quality of your circulation, the sen- Physiotherapy sation of your feet and the condi- tion of your skin. I use my hands, eyes and some instruments (doppler, 10g monofilament etc.) to check them out thoroughly, to- gether with discussing your medi- cal history where appropriate. Here at Ivybridge Podiatry, I All appointments will include Premier Physiotherapy Services Contact us am proud to be a “generalist” the treatment and/or advice you Clinic in Ivybridge – in other words I enjoy a bit of require as to how to manage your We offer a variety South Hams Physio everything. My main skills are condition and making a plan for We pride ourselves of physiotherapy 56b Fore Street, ingrowing toenails, fungal toe- how to address the issue going on providing quality treatments Ivybridge nails, general nail care and corns forward. physiotherapy when it PL21 9AE and callus, but I am happy to see is needed. • Manual Techniques people with any foot condition. I am happy to see people with foot • Treatment of pain 01752 691604 Your appointment will start with a problems and those without. You Contact us for your • Mobility Welcome Pack, which describes never know what a foot MOT will FREE telephone • Rehabilita�on info@southhams what to expect at your appoint- reveal! I look forward to seeing consulta�on with • Physiotherapy ment and two questionnaires you. one of our Expert being sent by email or filled out Physiotherapists. reports at the appointment. One covers i Ivybridge Podiatry the GDPR data consent and the 01752 426075 other is your medical history and [email protected] South Hams Physio - Feb19.indd 1 17/01/2019 13:13:40
24 IVY COUNSELLING WELLBEING HAPPY TO BE SHARING OUR 9th ANNIVERSARY WITH YOU Yvonne and Diane IT’S IN THE BAG H ow lovely to be sharing W e often hear about is so dense and solid it holds the our ninth anniversary, to people referring to whole thing up. feel some positivity and ‘mental health’, but Understanding and making slight happy news and to be able to what exactly does this mean? shifts below the surface can have move into a new year of keeping In a nutshell, it is how we think, an immediate impact on behav- our promises of helping all those feel and behave. Feeling positive iour above the surface. who feel the need to access about yourself and able to cope Gaining access to the right counselling when they need it. with the pressures of everyday service can help identify, under- Tying in our anniversary with reo- life is a sign of healthy mental stand, healthier options, goal set- pening the doors of our counsel- health and wellbeing. ting and ultimate recovery which ling suite could not have come at Unfortunately, there can be is both helpful and essential to a better time and has given us the stigma attached to mental health, work towards a happier and boost we needed to reinstate our leaving some individuals reluc- more fully functioning emotional face-to-face counselling services. tant to face their illness and ac- and physical wellbeing. Since March 2020, many lives cess the help needed to address have been transformed unfavour- this debilitating situation ‘IT’S IN THE BAG’ – OUR FREE ably, however, by accessing our The reality is that one in four peo- GIFT TO YOU services here at Ivy Counselling, ple in England will experience a We know there are many of you your life can be transformed in a mental health problem and with who are struggling and this has positive way. the current uncertainties precip- become apparent since we re- itated by Covid 19, the likelihood turned to the office, so we would } Happy to is that this figure will rise. like to offer something back to be moving The complexity of mental health the community. We have made forward means that some people can up free goody bags for both adult be seen and also feel that they and children that feel they could Our team of fully qualified coun- are functioning in all aspects of do with a lift. sellors are totally focused on the their life, while, in reality, they If you would like to receive one issues that are pertinent to you, no are masking cognitive, emotional our goody bags, all you have to matter what you are facing. Our and social interactions, either do is email us at ivycounselling@ desire is to continue facilitating consciously or unconsciously. stating your telephone healing and healthy relationships Think of an iceberg – what is number and whether the bag is in your lives. consciously seen above the water for an adult, girl or boy. Whether you are experiencing is only part of the information, Hurry, we don’t want you to miss anxiety, stress, depression, there is an unconscious, larger out. loss, feeling unable to cope and mass underneath the surface that struggling on a daily basis, let us help you in order to help yourself. Contact us to arrange your free 30 minute consultation – it may give you hope and transform your life. i Ivy Counselling - 01752 891929 Yvonne and Diane / Ivybridge Counselling call: 07516 539573 | email: [email protected] | web: | facebook: @theimag | twitter: @imag_tweets
LOCAL EXPERTS26 HOWARD & OVER THE COURT OF PROTECTION & DEPUTYSHIPS T he Court of Protection is perhaps has suffered a brain Court of Protection to aid them in benefits and they will want to responsible for oversee- injury which has affected their their decision making process. know of any significant decisions ing the management and mental capacity. This will include obtaining an the deputy has made and who administration of the financial An application can be made by assessment of the individual’s the deputy consulted in making affairs, property, health and an individual or by two or more mental capacity to manage their those decisions, such as a social welfare of individuals who are persons, or it can be made by a affairs. The Court of Protection worker, accountant, solicitor, unable to manage their own professional such as a solicitor. may decide that they need further family etc. affairs due to a lack of mental There may be occasions where information and they may request Here at Howard & Over, we are capacity, writes Sophia Pettit. the Court of Protection decides a court hearing for all parties to experienced in making applica- If you know of an individual that a professional should be attend. tions to the Court of Protection on who no longer appears to have appointed, such as where there Unfortunately, it is a time con- behalf of prospective deputies. the necessary mental capacity is a dispute over who should be suming procedure and once We can guide you through the to manage their own finances, appointed or the financial affairs appointed, the deputy will need process and once you have been property or health and welfare are complicated. In situations to liaise with all asset holders and appointed we can also assist with and they do not have a Power where a professional deputy creditors. An insurance bond will the submission of the annual ac- of Attorney in place, then the is required, our own Katherine also need to be taken out and count to the Court of Protection. time may have come to make an Millman is an experienced annual accounts submitted to the To discuss deputy applications application to the Court of Protec- deputy and would be willing to Court of Protection to account further, contact Mrs Sophia Pettit tion to be appointed as a Deputy act. An application can take six for every penny that is under the who is based at Howard & Over, to look after their financial affairs. months to a year before a deputy control of the deputy. Plym House, 3 Longbridge Road, It may be that the individual is appointed and a vast amount The Court of Protection will ex- Plymouth PL6 8LT on 01752 concerned has been diagnosed of information has to be gathered pect the deputy to check that the 556606 or by email – sophia. with alzheimer’s, dementia or at the offset and provided to the individual is receiving the correct [email protected] By Sophia Pettit call: 07516 539573 | email: [email protected] | web: | facebook: @theimag | twitter: @imag_tweets
SOUTH WEST ASSET PROTECTION 27 WHY ARE FUNERAL PLANS LOCAL EXPERTS SUCH A GOOD THING? F irstly, let us not confuse Here are some of the main changed if you move home to this with those TV adverts advantages of a pre-paid funeral another town. The quality of coffin, which can give the plan, and although they are the number of limousines and impression that for a cheap termed pre-paid, they can usually all the detail has been decided monthly premium you have be paid for by a small deposit and with just one call to make to the paid for your funeral, because the balance by monthly payments appointed funeral director. generally these are just an over several years. 3. In addition to the funeral plan insurance policy that pays out a 1. Funeral costs are rocketing – a covering your funeral director’s fixed sum on death – if you live typical funeral today will cost costs, there is a sum of money long enough you may find that about £3,700 but this is estimated which increases with inflation with funeral costs rocketing the to rise to as much as £8,500 within every year to pay for cremation pay-out does not come anywhere eight years. A funeral plan bought costs, for a minister etc. near paying for your funeral, today is at today’s cost, so there For further information phone South writes David Richardson. is nothing more to pay when the West Asset Protection (formerly We choose the best genuine time comes. Richardsons Legal Services) funeral plan, at the best price, for 2. A funeral plan saves your on 0800 014 8031. Fully insured, our clients from the whole of the nearest and dearest a lot of regulated, approved by trading market and for peace of mind stress when the time comes as standards under their “Buy with all our funeral plan suppliers are your local funeral director has Confidence scheme” and full members of the Funeral Planning been appointed when the funeral members of the Leaders Council of Association. plan was taken out; this can be Great Britain and Northern Ireland. IVYBRIDGE ACCOUNTANTS By David RichardIvsyobnridAgSeWAWccountants - Oct16_Layout 1 09-Sep-16 7:52 AM Page 1 IS AN APPRENTICE RIGHT FOR YOU? A s we attempt to the second 12 months Your local firm of qualified accountants brush ourselves afterwards. off and look This all sounds good if Our ServiceS include ahead, we might be you’re looking to take new business advice and registrations thinking of taking on someone on, but it is vital Sole trade & partnership accounts an apprentice. In light things are done in the right preparation of recent events, the order. Before you take on corporation tax and company accounts government have looked at the an apprentice you need to create Personal tax returns apprenticeship scheme, making an online account with the Digital capital gains and inheritance tax planning some changes, which I will Apprenticeship Service. You Bookkeeping and vAT returns summarise below, writes Simon will also need to engage with a Payroll processing Jilks. training provider, who sometimes 1) 95% funding of training course also have a recruitment service to For a free, no obligation chat please costs for apprentices; at least 20% help you find the right apprentice. contact us on 01752 895648 of the apprentice’s time must be It is vital you look to do this before training. taking on an apprentice to qualify or email [email protected] 2) For apprentices over 25, a cash for the incentives. Your training incentive of £1,500 for employers. provider should be able to send 3) For apprentices under 25, you a link to the relevant site to 15 erme court, leonards road a cash incentive of £2,000 for create your account and help you ivybridge, Pl21 0SZ employers. through the process. The above is in addition to the Once set up you can apply for the Director: Simon Jilks FCCA original scheme for apprentices funding up to three months ahead aged 16-18 being a further of needing it, so it is “earmarked” cash incentive of £1,000. So, for you. Once your apprentice for example, if you take on an starts their scheme the training apprentice aged 18 then you provider applies for the course receive £3,000 initial incentive. funding, but you must remember The above incentives are paid in to apply for the incentive two equal instalments, one three payments yourself via your Digital months after the apprentice starts, Apprenticeship Account.
LOCAL EXPERTS28 SOUTH WEST ASSET PROTECTION Will your children FREE inherit your home? HOME CALLS For a limited period Do you fear that they may not? Would you like to do something about it? THEN TALK TO US NOW! Think of it as an investment in your children’s future. OVER A full home protection trust package gives the ultimate protection and includes your: Home Protection Trust 60’S A Complimentary Will SPECIALIST Lasting Power of Attorney David Richardson 0800 014 8031 Plymouth - Exeter - Taunton Moving Home? Moving house is a well-known source of 08/07/2016 12:46 stress, but SWLaw are here to help you. Reasons for choosing us are: • Our fees are competitive • We will progress your matter quickly and efficiently • We will keep you updated at all times • Our service is accredited to a high professional standard • You have direct access to our specialist team 01752 205202 • Our key services: Lasting Powers of Attorney • Wills • Business & Employment Debt recovery • Trust & Estate administration • Litigation Tax Planning & Wealth preservation • Family inc Divorce Kingsley Close • East Way • Lee Mill Ivybridge • Devon • PL21 9GD SWLaw Solicitors Ltd. This firm is regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority. Registered in England No. 7505634 callP:r0op7e5rt1y 6ad5Iv3y9br5id7g3e 19|0xe13m4.ainidl:[email protected] | web: | facebook: @theimag | twitter: @imag_tweets
on anyVwAoNTrkO ROOFLINE 29 MAINTENANCE ALL NEW WORK GUARANTEED Soffits Fascias Guttering BUSINESS ONLY The Best in The West LOGO / NAME £9.95 PVC-U WINDOWS Mon-Fri 9am-4pm, & DOORS Sat 9am-1pm Contact us today – 07516 539 573 Fitting and Repair Tell local people: About yourself DOES YOUR What you do CHIMNEY NEED Special offers ATTENTION? Delivery Call us today! Contact details - tel / email / web address etc Yinousrafperohpaenrdtsy Providing a professional and Phone us now for a free, reliable service covering all no obligation estimate or visit our website and see what we can do for you aspects of garden works From designing, to planting the last plant. Over 20 year’s experience. WARE & TARE PROPERTY CARE For a free quote contact us on 07979615660, via our website 01752 473528 or 07769 974152 Alternatively book a free appointment via our Facebook page TRADING STANDARDS APPROVED ybridge GS - Aug20.indd 1 22/07/2020 08:21 Ware and tare - Aug18.indd 1 17/07/2018 08:15:18
PUZZLES30 PYUoZurZLPEuSzzle Challenge QQuuiizz Of The Day DDiiaalllliinnggcCooddeess 1. Which former member of the Cabinet was born 6. Fictional diarist Bridget Jones usually drowns in Rochdale and is the son of a bus driver? her sorrows by drinking which wine? 123 [ ] ’ – ABC DEF 2. What is the name of the stretch of water which 7. Which 13-letter word, beginning and ending in separates Iceland from Greenland? L, means lacking enthusiasm and 4 5 6 Spaces and any determination? GHI JKL MNO punctuation 3. In drama, what are Vladimir and Estragon marks are doing? 8. American actor Chris Pratt played a velociraptor 7 8 9 represented by 1 trainer in which 2015 film? PQRS TUV WXYZ 4. What was the stage name of Jewish comedian Leonard Schneider, who appears on the cover Chris Pratt – see 9. Igor Sikorsky is noted as a pioneer in which Telephone dialling pads combine several of Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band? Question 8 form of transport? letters on one key. Here we have encoded six London landmarks by using numbers 5. Which comedy actor plays the voice of Buzz 10. The adjective renal refers to which part of the rather than letters. Then we have divided Lightyear in the Toy Story films? human body? them into groups of three characters and run all the names one after another to make QQuuiicckk cCrroosssswwoorrdd your task a little more difficult. Can you crack the code? 1234567 869 371 274 343 163 576 671 Across Down 89 1. Increased in amount (5) 1. Collector’s book (5) 4. Small falcon (7) 2. Old-fashioned (5) 265 866 146 873 716 317 275 8. In the interval (7) 3. Aspiration (5) 9. Emissary (5) 4. Arouse (6) 10 11 12 13 13 14 15 16 426 368 176 925 125 237 814 10. Computer 5. Perfume (5) device (5) 6. Watercourse (5) 17 17 255 128 254 644 261 725 223 13. Sideways (7) 7. Faithful (5) 17. Annoy (3) 11. Oily fruit (5) 18 19 174 222 345 591 247 287 18. Mix (6) 12. Rowing crew (5) 19. Association (6) 14. Wheel shaft (4) 20 21 20 21 20. Frozen water (3) 15. Dodge (5) 22. American port (7) 16. Bright blue (5) 22 23 24 25 26 27 WWord pPyramid 25. Harass (5) 17. Bride’s headgear (4) 28. Giraffe-like 21. Stops (6) 28 29 A animal (5) 22. Plump (5) 29. Cassock (7) 23. Die away (5) 30 31 MN 30. Lattice (7) 24. Ribbed cloth (5) 31. Hot and moist (5) 25. Shrub (anag.) (5) AAO 26. Convulsive action (5) 27. Tendency (5) NTBF SSuuddookkuu MMaaggicicsSqquuaarere ECSUS There is just one simple rule. Each row and each column RENTED MAIN Spell out a 15-letter word or phrase by must contain the numbers 1 to 9, and so must each 3 x 3 MIRROR moving from one chamber to another within box. This is a logic puzzle, and you should not have to guess. the pyramid. You may only enter each of the Using all 16 letters of the sentence chambers once and may only proceed 4 18 15 above, form four words each of four through openings in the walls. The first letter 72 6 letters which will form a magic may appear in any of the chambers. square in which the words can be 98 7 read both horizontally and vertically. TTrain of tThhoouugghhtt EEqquuaallisiseerr What word links the following? 86 7 2 Place the four signs (add, subtract, 67 ___E____ multiply, divide) one in each circle 7 so that the total of each across and 10 1 4 1. substance; down line is the same. 2. cloth; 21486 3 22 3. composed of physical matter; 4. relevant. 5 21 Perform the first calculation in each line first 222 and ignore the mathematical law which says 21 you should always perform division and multiplication before addition and subtraction. 59 6 SSoolulutitoinosns 8 43 10 Modem; 13 Lateral; 17 QUIZ OF THE DAY: SUDOKU: Vex; 18 Mingle; 19 League; 1 Sajid Javid; 2 The TTrraannssffoorrmmeerr DIALLING CODES: TRANSFORMER: 20 Ice; 22 Seattle; 25 Beset; Denmark Strait; 3 Waiting 245618937 hurricane; thunder; sleet; Boomer + L = Bloomer. 28 Okapi; 29 Soutane; 30 for Godot (as in the title of 637249815 Add the given letter or letters to the first word to make a sunshine; snow; gale; Trellis; 31 Humid. Samuel Beckett’s play); 4 198357246 new word. Clue: Make a kangaroo blunder. anticyclone; cold front; MAGIC SQUARE: Down – 1 Album; 2 Dated; Lenny Bruce; 5 Tim Allen; 6 386975124 depression; rain; heatwave; trim; rare; iron; mend. 3 Dream; 4 Kindle; 5 Scent; Chardonnay; 7 954132768 ______ +L=_L_____ typhoon; hail. 6 River; 7 Loyal; 11 Olive; Lackadaisical; 8 Jurassic 721486593 EQUALISER: 12 Eight; 14 Axle; 15 Evade; World; 9 Helicopter; 10 563821479 WORD PYRAMID: Clockwise from top left – 16 Azure; 17 Veil; 21 Kidney. 472593681 A man of substance. divide; subtract; add; Ceases; 22 Stout; 23 Abate; 819764352 multiply. Total: 6. 24 Twill; 25 Brush; 26 QUICK CROSSWORD: TRAIN OF THOUGHT: Spasm; 27 Trend. Across – 1 Added; 4 Material. Kestrel; 8 Between; 9 Envoy; call: 07516 539573 | email: [email protected] | web: | facebook: @theimag | twitter: @imag_tweets
BUILDING SUPPLIES new range of OX SPECTRUM DIAMOND blades NOW in stock! Satisfaction is not just promised, it's guaranteed! Blair Road Ivybridge PL21 0UR tel 01752 896140 fax 01752 892996 [email protected] Higher Union Road Kingsbridge TQ7 1EQ tel 01548 852792 fax 01548 856600 [email protected]
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