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Home Explore cisco-umbrella-package-comparison


Published by krajewskik, 2018-01-31 14:22:24

Description: cisco-umbrella-package-comparison


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DATASHEETCisco Umbrella Package ComparisonUmbrella provides the first line of defense against threats on the internet by blocking requests to malicious destinations (domains, IPs,URLs) before a connection is established. All packages are cloud delivered with no hardware to install or software to maintain. TheUmbrella network provides 100% business uptime with 26+ datacenters around the world. Wireless LAN Professional Insights Platform (WLAN) best for small best for mid-sized best for advanced best for protecting companies companies security teams guest Wi-Fi usersLicensing by number of by number of usersReduce risk access pointsProtect any device on the corporate networkCover Windows and Mac OSX laptops and supervised iOSdevices on and off-networkPrevent malware, phishing, and C2 callbacks over any portStop acceptable use violations (80+ content categories), plusenforce SafeSearchEnforce policiesNetwork (egress IP) or network device (including VLAN or SSID)granularity1Roaming computer granularity2Active Directory group membership (including specific users orcomputers) and internal subnet granularity3DNS-layer visibility and control for domain requests and IPresponses per security and content settings or customizabledestination listsProxy risky domains with customizable URL blocking and fileinspection using Cisco Advanced Malware Protection (AMP) andanti-virus engineIP-layer enforcement for C2 callbacks that bypass DNS2Granular customizable block pages and bypass optionsVisibility reportsReal-time, enterprise-wide activity search & scheduled reportsAttribution by external IPAttribution by roaming computer and/or internal IP4Attribution by Active Directory user or computer3Identify targeted attacks with local vs. global activity reportCloud & IoT usage report shows risks on over 1800 services© 2018 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Wireless LAN Professional Insights Platform (WLAN) best for small best for mid-sized best for advanced best for protecting companies companies security teams guest Wi-Fi usersIntegrations see options for all packages purchased seperatelyDeployment: Cisco integrations (Integrated Services Router,AnyConnect, Wireless LAN Controller) and partner integrations(Aruba, Cradlepoint, Aerohive)Log retention: Amazon Web Services integration usingcustomer-managed or Cisco-managed S3 bucket5Threat enforcement: Partner integrations (Splunk, FireEye,Anomali) and custom integrations (using Umbrella API)Add-onsSupport Options — all packages include online & email supportMulti-Org Console – centralized management of decentralizedorganizationsUmbrella InvestigateAccess our threat intelligence for a complete view of the relationships between domains, IPs, networks, and malware. Enrich your incident responseand SIEM data.Investigate Console — threat intelligence on all domains, IPs, purchased seperately includednetworks, & file hashes. Easily pivot into data for investigation.Investigate API - bring contextual data into SIEM, or incident purchased seperatelyworkflow to quickly surface high-impact security incidents.Tier 1: 3 requests/secondTier 2: 12 requests/secondTier 3: 48 requests/secondInvestigate API also includes Investigate Console and can runstandalone without an Umbrella package.1. Requires network device integration with Cisco Integrated Services Router (ISR) or Cisco Wireless LAN Controller2. Requires endpoint footprint (Umbrella roaming client or AnyConnect roaming module)3. A ctive Directory (AD) policies and attribution requires Umbrella AD connector with network footprint (Umbrella virtual appliance) or endpoint footprint (Umbrella roaming client or AnyConnect roaming module)4. Internal IP attribution requires network footprint (Umbrella virtual appliance or Cisco ISR integration) or endpoint footprint (AnyConnect roaming module or Umbrella roaming client)5. No Amazon account required when using the Cisco-managed S3 bucket © 2018 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco and the Cisco logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Cisco and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and other countries. To view a list of Cisco trademarks, go to this URL: Third-party trademarks mentioned are the property of their respective owners. The use of the word partner does not imply a partnership relationship between Cisco and any other company. (1110R)

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