Company: Schnabel Eng Consultants IncWorkflow Contact: Kortney BrownDate: Aug 14, 2018 Workflow Healthcheck
Workflow HealthcheckThe Workflow Healthcheck is 3 step process broken down into 3 areas; 1) Discover and Document, 2) Score andSummarize, & 3) Recommend and Review.Discover and Score and RecommendDocument Summarize and ReviewSelect a workflow to Score the workflow based Review scoring and providediagnose: on industry standards: helpful recommendations on increasing efficiency Typical (i.e. day-to-day) Design efficiency Incorporates multiple Collaboration and products Coordination Based on new or old Simulation and Analysis releases Industry Standards Communication andDocument the workflow Delivery
Discover and DocumentBusiness and workflow-related information and notesDiscovery QuestionnaireQuestion Responses / NotesWhat industry or industries does your Public sector: State parks, municipal reservoirs, serve?Where do you find the most success? Staying at the cutting edge of your industry - for example, the use of 3D PDFs and drones. 3D modeling is paramount to your business.What is the largest obstacle facing your Time and effort required to create 3D models and develop 3D PDFsbusiness today?What is your group’s role in your Dam engineering including risk assessment, structural assessmentbusiness?What does today’s selected workflow The 3D PDF is viewable by anyone and is interactive - a user can click on objects to getprovide to your customers? more information.What does this workflow NOT provide Rebar scheduling must be done manually and current solutions lack the precision andthat you wish it did? accuracy of a true design product.
Discover and DocumentDiagram of the current workflow state
Score and Summarize Assessment of the existing workflow relative to best practicesCurrent Workflow Score Broken Poor Average Good Innovative Design Efficiency NA NA Design and data creation and accuracy Collaboration and Coordination Workload sharing and load balancing Industry Standards Conformance to industry protocols Simulation and Analysis Data generation, metrics and interpolationCommunication and Delivery Proficiency in production of deliverablesBroken: Loss of work and or dataPoor: Manual intervention, rework and or recreation of design or dataAverage: Features and capabilities yield desired result with minimized risks to performance and dataGood: Efficient by industry standards, leverages BIM or model-based approach to data sharingInnovative: Best in class, incorporating cloud-based solutions and collaborative load balancing
Score and SummarizeInclude observations of benefits and risks or issues of existing workflowCurrent Workflow SummaryBenefits Risks / IssuesRebar Schedules: Current workflow produces the desired result Manual data entry can become time consuming, a duplication of effort, and can lead to errors and omissions.Spillway dimensions: Hand calculations have been proven and Exporting can cause for a disconnect in data transfer when dataare repeatable. AutoCAD Lisp routines allow us to get a starting is changed.point for 3D designs in SketchUp.3D Design: SketchUp allows for an easy to use tool to create, SketchUp does not provide a path to automated rebarcapture, and communicate the design intent. scheduling or detailed documentation.
Recommend and ReviewDiagram of proposed workflow changes
Recommend and ReviewDiagram of proposed workflow changes
Recommend and Review Assessment of proposed workflow relative to implemented best practices.Proposed Workflow Score Broken Poor Average Good Innovative Design Efficiency NA NA Design and data creation and accuracy Collaboration and Coordination Workload sharing and load balancing Industry Standards Conformance to industry protocols Simulation and Analysis Data generation, metrics and interpolationCommunication and Delivery Proficiency in production of deliverablesBroken: Loss of work and or dataPoor: Manual intervention, rework and or recreation of design or dataAverage: Features and capabilities yield desired result with minimized risks to performance and dataGood: Efficient by industry standards, leverages BIM or model-based approach to data sharingInnovative: Best in class, incorporating cloud-based solutions and collaborative load balancing
Recommend and ReviewFeedback and propose next stepsReview RecommendationsObservations RecommendationsModeling done with current program lacks accuracy and Use Revit to model spillwayengineering level of detailRebar design is done manually Use Revit to design rebarRebar scheduling is done manually Use Revit to automatically generate rebar schedulesRebar design and scheduling must be manually adjusted when By using Revit and a BIM approach, design changes anddesign changes scheduling are tied togetherReliant on hand calculation to generate spillway designs. Using a Parametric equation based model can increase your speed and enhance repeatability and increased efficiency of the design process. Dynamo can be considered as a future enhancement to automate the calculation of dimensions.Hand calculations must be manually applied to model as Revit constraints can automate dimensionsdimensionsNext Steps Owner ResourcesDevelop Revit training curriculum and Schnabel/ASTI/Autodesk ASTI - Caren and Bridgetundergo training ASTI- Caren and Bridget ASTI- Caren and BridgetDevelop BIM 360 workflow to create and Schnabel/ASTI/Autodeskshare online modelsDevelop Dynamo workflow to automate Schnabel/ASTI/Autodeskspillway dimensioning
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