-CO. LJ N IO I'J STEAM S H I P .OF N.Z. LTD. ' \\J Established lB75 - i l t f' I'r r: /) .:.'_ - ' {, 11 A GUID: io THE COMPANY',S SERVIGESi' \" i. ' -.- r. ?. October l9d4 ' : (New Zealand Edition) '
FLEET (63 vessels) PASSENGER VESSELS CARGO VESSELS-Contin ued Gross Dead-we ight Tonnage H.P. 'lonnage H.P. Wahine (bldq) .. 9,100 18,000 Forward ..150,t83 Maori 8,303 13,000 *Waimea.... 2,600 Hinemoa .. .... 6,911 13,000 *Waiana . 5,100 2,555 4,950 Rangatira *T:fua 6,152 13,000 .Kareoo 3,388 2,880 5,299 6,070 *Kareiu *Motua .... 4,250 5,550 *Karitane 3,388 2,880 3,4 t0 Ka imanawa 3 330 r ,600 Passenger -Vessels 40,01 5 Korowoi--u .i . 3,305 I ,427 t,700 _ Tolul purr\"ns\", 3,606 --\"*XX 5*t\"\" ]-3ffi ia+o- 7,t60 \"uE-.ity .-- -- CARGO VESSELS *Kokiri 3,219 I ,450 *Karoon Dead-weight *Kootara 3,145 r ,450 Tonnaqi H.P. ,}*Vraitaki .... .... 10,37C 7,100 *Kaiapoi .... .... 3:084 t,450 . .... 3,069 I ,450 fWa ten.ata . l0 ?\"5 2,250 *K6iidngata 3.059 1,450 *Kaitawa tWaihemo.. .. 10,270 2,250 .... .... 3,069 I ,450 t*Wairimu .... .... 8,875 4,442 *Kawat ri .... .... 3.069 I ,450 *Konui f*Wairata.... .... 7,786 4,150 *Koitoa 3,069 I ,450 Waipori ... .... 6,100 2,554 *Nqakuic .... ... 5,980 3,000 *Wanaka 3,038 t,500 *Ngatcro .. .... 5,980 3,000 *Koramu .... .... 2,95C 2,500 *Koroki 5,410 2,650 *Pateena .... .... 2,223 I ,475 ... r,500 *Katea 5,380 2,650 *Poolta 2,183 *Kaw-rroo.... .... 5,335 2,500 *Kaimai 2,183 t,500 *Kowhoi 5,325 2,600 'Konini 2,164 I ,475 2,164 I ,500 Kurow 5,325 2,440 *Kamora .... i,3rL,-- rKurutai 5,325 2.600 *Navua . .. 2, 150 3- *Koromi'ro .. .... 5,313 2,600 *Koonya 2,146 I ,4'r c ... .... I,974 *Kawercu .... .... 5,305 2,650 'Kunalla ... ... t,300 *Komara .... . 5,305 2,600 rTarawero 1,837 I ,450 *Kaimiro .... .... 5,290 2,550 *Kanna .. .... 1.825 2,400 *Kaituna .... .... 5,285 2,650 *Katui 1,280 800 *Koranui .... .... 5,285 2,650 Taioma 1,280 800 70a *Risdon .... 5,275 2,650 Tapuhi 108 700 *Kaitoke .... 5,188 2,600 108 *Waimate.. .... 5,154 2,950 *Wai*are.... .... 5,047 2,650 . Forward ... 150,183 Cargo Vessels .... 237,970 TASMAN IAN STEAM ERS PTY. Lli-l lrED /*. *Tatana.... rjaa; .... .... Deod-weight Tonnage 1,442 H.P. i,120 f\\ t timited oJ.r.ng\", accommodation. * Motor vessel k '. . 2
\\- 9oot*o\"L CJ urs BOOKLET is designed to portray the comprohgnsive J ,eruicu, and agencies of the Union Steam Ship Coripqny :':: i- of New Zealand-a maior Shippings&ignpany founded ;and unique in being managed in New ZealandjrffiElr- t;n\"\" I 875' has I ! operated passenger and cargo services to :€%untri\"s oncralccl bassenoer and caroo services to [€untries in bothin both t- hemispheres und'\"hut established a chain of offices and Agents throughout New 76aland, Australia and Overseas. The fleet com- prises 5 passengeruessels aggregating $0,9 15 gross tons and 57 cargo vessels aggregating 237,970 tons deadweight c.qpacity' The new tonnage on order includes, additionally, I passenger vessel o{ 9,100 gross tons with accommodation {or 900 passengers' Numerous complementary shippinq, air line and road and rail agencips have been developed providing facilities {or a world-wide travel service. The sum o{ these achievements totalling immeasurable experience, benefit ihe traveller and the shipper alike. -r4't^\\
ConLents Pa ge Fl eet 2 Foreword 3 New Zealand Branches Pacific lslands Eranches and Agents.... 9 Australian Branches 'and Aqents 9 Overseas Branches and Aqents.... 9-t I UNION STEAM SHIP COMPANY SERVICES N.Z. Coastal-Steamer Express Service .... t2-t4 Between New Zealand Ports t5 Carqo Services t6 Trans-Tasman-Carqo Services t7 Australian Coastal t8 Container and Pallet Service .. I9 New Zealand-Malaysia-lnd a-Pakistan-Ceylon .... 29 Pacific lslands Services 2t Trans-Pacific Services ... .... 2? Tours-Union Tours of Fiji .. .... 50=5r STEAMSHIP AGENCIES Australian National Line tb B.itish lndia Steam Nayiqation Co. Ltd. .. ... Canadian Pacific Steams-hios .... 28 i Cunord Line 29 Lloyd Triestino Line .... 30-3 I Matson Lines .32 i New Zealand Railways Rail-Road Ferry \"Aromoana\" ,,-. 33 i P & O-Orient Lines .... 23-25 35 Shaw Savill Line .. The N.Z. Shippinq Co. Ltd. ... 34 !. -\\ The Eastern and Australian Steamship Co. Ltd. 38 .... 36-37 AIR LINE AGENCIES t Airlndia.... 42 Airlines of New Zealand .... 49 Ansett-A.N.A. 4l British Overseas Airwavs Corooration .. 43 Canadian Pacific Air Li;es Limited ''.. 39 t Golden Coast Airways Ltd. .... 49 K.L.M. Royal Dutch Airlines.. .... 44 t N.Z. National Arrways Corporation 48 Pan American World Airways .... 45 t Phoenix Airways .... 49 Qantas Empire Airways Ltd. 46 Ritchle Air Services Ltd. 49
ConLtnLt conLinuel Page AIR LINES-Continued 49 Southern Scenic Air Services \" \" ... 40 Tasman EmPire AirwaYs Ltd \" ' 49 Tourist Air Travel ... 4l Trans-Australia Airlines 47 UTA-Air France ... \" ' 49 West Coast AirwaYs r TOU R AGENCI ES Ne* Zealand Tours-Group Travel N'Z' Ltd ' 55 uomrnion Rental Qars Ltd' 57 Aertz Rent-a-Cu Service 57 Mutual Rental Cars Ltd\" \" 57 Newmans Coach Tours 'r'- 68 New Zealand Government lourrst Bureau... 58 Tasman Rental Cars Ltd' \" 57 Austra a n'\"\" \"-0r\"\"}:{ti}Jir: :};\".\"#;:H 56 59 60 Rands Tours 54 United Kingdom-Europe Tours-Thos' Cook & Son ' Fourwavs Travel (London) Ltd' 53 Frame's Tours Ltd. .. 56 Mitchell's Tours 56 Polvtechnic Tourinq Assocratton 60 Rands Tours 60 6I iitchie's Conducted Tours Ltd' \" t Various Tours.... '''' 63 RAILWAY AGENCIES Canadian Pacific RailwaY Co' . .,.. ..., b4 N.Z. Government RailwaYs ii;? Z\"\"l;;i, ;;s[iiiian,'canaaian and U's A' Railways.... 70 MOTOR SERVICES AGENCIES 65 Hawke's Bav Motor Co. Ltd ' 66 Luxurv Landlines Ltd. .. ..,, o / MiJLdnJ Mot\",*uvs Services Ltd \"' .... 68 Newman Bros. Ltd. LONDON AGENCY The Trans-Paci{ic Passenger Agency Ltd' 69 GENERAL 70 -- i;;rr;\".. Passports, lmmigration, Health Requlations' etc' \"\" TABLES OF DISTANCES and MAP-Union Steam Ship Co' Services Tl-75
The Company's Head Office Building at ]6 CUSTOMHOUSE OUAY, WELLINGTON, A.'.,/ 4 /
UNION STEAM SHIP COMPANY OF NEW ZEALAND LIMITED HEAD OFFICE, WELLINGTON, N.Z. a BOARD OF DIR.ECTORS F. K. MACFARLANE, Chairmon and Managing Director. c. e. wHrTE, o.B.E. M. B. MILLER H. H. DOBIE SIR LEONARD WRIEHT Local Boards at SYDNEY, HOBART and LONDON A. T. WAUGH, General Manoger B. S. COLE, Assistant General Manager C. F. WATSON R. E. PIRANI General Traffic Manager Generol Passenger Manager J. R. MENCE G. R. EDMONDS Trans-Pacific ond lslands Services Secreta ry Manager A. C. CROSB|E R. A. STABLES Chief Marine Superintendent Chief Superintending Engineer
uNroN srEAM sHlP coMPANY I I AUCKLAND, 36-38 Quay Street G' H' Leop R. A. Johrson Mi.\"f,%\"ri city Passenger office, t07 Queen street I tl BLENHEIM, 29 High Street M. T' Madsen, Manager I tt,1H3I'J-c*'' 168 Hererord street ,. .i] n?;ni,lYlio,i M:l3f; I DUNEDTN, 38 water street ^\"]\"Y;!il,;iiYL'1,X\",: I Port Chalmers Office, Lower Georqe Street I GISBORNE, 16 Childers Road S. H' Robinson, Manager I GREYMOUTH,58-60 Mackay Street L. M. Fairweather, Manager I HAMILTON, cnr. Collingwood and AlexandrarStii\"ff,.n,\", passenger Munug\", I HASTINGS, 116 Russell Street R. J. Ross, Passenger Manager I l, The crescent 'nlYS*%I:J\"' R. E. HJ;,',1bli,:'11! M:l:8:l I NAPIER B. L' Russell, Manager I I H.B. Motor Company's Building, Dickens Street I t, R' Mander, Manager I NEW PLYMOUTH, 9 Devon Street I OAMARU, Thames Street R. A. Kearns, Manager I PALMERSTON NORTH, 52 George Street T. Mills, Passenger Mgr' I PICTON, 9 High Street G. G. Couling, Manager I TAURANGA, 65-67 Devonport Road *. flal;,.3i,1i,^Yi\"i,,X\",l I TIMARU,33 Strathallan Street C. E' Peagram, Manaoer I wELLINGToN, 38-48 customhouse Quav ,. *!\"3Cjl:XiJ,hYi..\"f,,nX\",: I Travel Bookinq Office, James Smith Ltd' I - Cnr. Cuba and Manners Streets Lower Hutt Office. Bank of N.Z. Buildinq, 185 High Street I I Porirua Office, Jarires Smith Ltd. Building, Lydney Place I WESTPORT, T Wakefield Street R' C' Stevens, Manager I JV\"- Z'oLool o4g.nLs I HOKITIKA, Revell Street Miss E' L' Knieht I PORT NELSON Anchor Shipping & Foundrv Co Ltd i WANGANUI' uv1.to,iu n\"\". Johnston q.. 8#:ttr\"oE\"\"Yio?,lll -& ltq. i Ii'v7i.l,L\"J Ft\"# c. F. Millward & Co' Ltd' !
UNION STEAM SHIP COMPANY 9)\"\"it'i\" lrLorlu B*roL.u onl. o$g\"olo SUVA-FIJ l, Thomson Street D. A. Graham, Manager for Fiji LAUTOKA, Vitoso Parade E. R. Horn, Sub-Manager APIA-SAMOA, Savalalo Bpildings, Main Beach Road J. W. St. Julian, Mgr. RAROTONGA-COOK ISLANDS. Wharf E. B. Houston, Manaser NUKUALOFA-TONGA. Burns Philp Bldq. R. J. O'Brien, Resident Asent VAVAU-TONGA Pursers m.v. \"Tofua\" and m.v. \"Matua\", Agents PAPEETE-TAHlTl, l0l Quai BirHackeim Agence Tahiti Poroi, Agent PAGO PAGO-AMERICAN SAMOA B. K. Kneubuhl lnc., Agents o{uttroLian Boooofr.u MANAGER FOR AUSTRALIA P. E. Trevella, Melbourne BURNIE, 9 Marine Terrace T. F. Casey, Manager DEVONPORT, Cnr. Rooke and Kinq Streets M. H. Learmonth, Manager - HOBART.2 Elizabeth Street N. E. Morqan, Manaqer LAUNCESTON. 137 Cimitiere Street W. F. Holmes, Manager MELBOURNE. Dominion Chambers J. E. Worrall, Manager 59 William Street C. J. Hood. Asst. Manager NEWCASTLE. 3l Watt Street S. G. Wells. Manaqer PORT KEMBLA. 66 Wentworth Street R. C. Edwards, Manager STRAHAN, The Esplanade J. H. Swete, Manager SYDNEY, Union House,247 George Street W. J. Holmes, Monager J. R. E. Hawson, Asst. Manager Passenger Office, Cnr. Martin Place dnd Pitt Street. o(utlzollon 4g.rto BRISBANE, l13 Eaqle Street P & O-Orient Lines of Australia Pty. Ltd. FREMANTLE, l9 Phillimore Street P & O-Orient Lines of Australia Pty. Ltd. PERTH. 56 William Street P & O-Orient Lines of Australia Pty. Ltd. PORT ADELAIDE P & O-Orient Lines of Australia Pty. Ltd. 33 Commercia I Road (Dor\"orou BonroL.u LONDON, Three Quays, Tower Hill, E.C.3 L. H. Gagen, Manager SAN FRANCISCO, 230 California Street l. F. F. Back, Manaser VANCOUVER, 810 West Hastinqs Street R. P. B. Barr, Manager i I
UNION STEAM SHIP COMPANY lM -.!! !!!t' vv!wvvvggwvYggvvvvw!v9,vv9'vvYvwvvwtvv!YYtYv!wvYv t U nion House, 247 George Street SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA
UNION STEAM SHIP COMPANY Oo.ot.oo o4g.ntt LONDON PASSENGER OFFICE W. H. Davies, General Manager The Trans-Pacific Passenger Agency Ltd., 39 Panton Street, Haymarket and at 25 Royal Opera Arcade, New Zealand House, London ALLEPPEY, South Bank Roqd Madura Co. Ltd. BALBOA, Ponoma Canal Zone Norton, LillY & Co. lnc. BANGKOK, 723 Siphya Road Louis T. Leonowens EOMBAY, 4 Ballard Road Mackinnon, Mackenzie & Co. Private Ltd. CALCUTT ,, 16 Strand Road Mackinnon, Mackenzie & Co. Private Ltd. CAPE TOWN, Pearl Assurance House, Heerengracht Foreshore Cory Mann George (S.A.) (Pty.J Lid. CHICAGO, 208 South La Salle Street Norton, Lilly & Co. lnc. cocHlN Madura Co. Ltd. COLOMBO, 4 Leyden Bastion Road, Fort Mockinnon, Mackenzie & Co. of Ceylon Ltd. CRISTOBAL, Panama Canal Zone Norton, Lilly & Co. lnc. DETROIT, 2010 Book Buildins Norton. Lilly & Co. lnc. DJAKARTA, Kalibesar Barat 50 Maclaine, Watson & Co. N.V. DURBAN, 30 Gardiner Street Cory Mann Georqe (S.A.) (PtvJ Ltd. HONOLULU, Davies Building, Bishop Street Theo. H. Davies & Co. Ltd. KARACHI, Mcleod Road Mackinnon, Mackenzie & Co. of Pakistan Ltd taUCHlNG, Overseas Chinese Banking Corp. Bldg. Boustead & Co. Ltd. LOS ANGELES, 530 West Sixth Street, l4 Williams, Dimond & Co. MADRAS, 7 Armenian Street Binny & Co. (Madras) Ltd. MALACCA and MIJAR Sime Darby & Co. Ltd. NEW YORK, 26 Beaver Street Norton Lilly & Co. lnc. PENANG, I Weld Quay Boustead & Co. Ltd. PORTLAND, TI0 U.S. National Bank Buildins,309 S.W. Sixth Avenue Burchard & Fisken lnc. PORT SAID The Tanta Shipping Agency PORT SWETTENHAM Boustead & Co. Ltd. RANGOON, 85-89 Sporks Street Mackinnon, Mackenzie & Co. of Burma Ltd. SAMARANG, Purwodinatan l/8 Maclaine, Watson & Co. N.V. SEATTLE, 314-19 Colman Building B. R. Anderson & Co. SINGAPORE, Union Building, Collyer Quay Boustead & Co. Ltd. SOURABAYA, Djalan Djembatan Merah Maclaine, Watson & Co. N.V. SUEZ (re{er Port Said Agents) Harrisons, Crosfield Ltd. TUTICORIN A. & F. Harvey Ltd. WALLACE BAY, TAWAU Bombay Burmah Trading Co. il
#, t.e.v\"'Moori\" (8303 tons) Alr* Zto!'ooL Coo'LaL Szzoics's STEAMER EXPRESS SERVICE WELLINGTON-LYTTELTON t.e.v. \"MAORl\" (8303 tons) t.e.v. \"HINEMOA\" l.il,i.',:ii(er,rr nA;i (or sz ton') ;\"i a'ii\"-on u\"\"\"i bu i I di n e' wA H I N'19 9 I b\\i'i]\"\", l' . \"* t,nlrf, servlce each way except t'ndu',t'., . (Ausmented tim-etables f\" H,:lA?,Y-i\"::\"1'^;:?: Holidav periods-see ' r dailv press or (Augmented tim-etables fot enquire at any ot the ,uompany's Offices or Agents') Er# Wutll\"dton to LYttelton: I I Steamers leave 8 P'm' From Lyttelton to Wellington: Steamers leave atter arrlval o{ Express Train trom and Dunedin. to Lyttelton bY 7'10 P'm' j;;* i\";;;;;'\" Christchurch Proceed :iout 'iruin . Connecting trains go alongside steamors at Lyttelton. in one class is prov'ded and-passengers Com{ortable accommodation f.\"*\" ria\".i\"i.e o{ one' two' three and {our-berth cabtns' Fares from 75/' b a]/6' tirir\"\"\"\"\"a\"r 4 years o{ age, {ree (no berth provided):4 years and under l5 vears' rt\"r+ +1\"\"' i;\"y:;;' and over' {ull fare' By arrangement, cots are avarlable without charge' t2
UNION STEAM SHIP COMPANY JV.ro ZrolorL Cootlol Szzoices aonlinuzl Wherev-er possible bookings should be made at any of the Com- pany's Branch Offices o; Agents or at any Officered Railway Station, but lor the convenience of passengers who have been unable to do so, the Company maintains imall ttket offices close to the steamers at Wellington and Lyttelton which are open {rom 7 p.m. PASSENGERS' MOTOR CARS: The Steamer Exoress vessels ',Maori,,, \"Hinemoa\" and \"Rangatira\" are designed io curry passengers' motor cars in large numbers. To avoid possible disappointment, hcw- ever, application for space should be made as early as practicable. This.may be done, shipping notes completed and payment of {reight made at any o{ the Company's Offices or Agenti. FREIGHT RATES (Examples) :- Motor Cars from f,5 l3s. 0d. each way. Caravans {rom !6 l4s. 6d. each way. l.e,v, \"Hinemoq\" (691I tons)
UNION STEAM SHIP COMPANY .Al .ro Z.o\\orrl CoooLoL S.wio.o conLinuztl ROAD AND RAIL CONNECTIONS: Wellington ls in direct com- munlcation by road and rail with all the scenic attractions of the North lsland, while in the South Island fine moton roads radiate from Lyttelton and Christchurch, giving easy access to a1l the beauty spots of ihe South lsland. For those not using the r own cars' motor and rail services afford com{ortable means of travel, particulars of which are available at any office of Union Steam Ship Company' CHECKING OF BAGGAGE: Passengers are recommended to check through to destination the baggage they do not require on their iorrn\"y. lnformation may be obtained, and checking completed' at any Offlcered Railway Station. Chrislchurch-Lytlellon Road Tunnel' Soulh Islond
.a:,. ::::'. :l m.Y. wqtrqrq JV.* Zro\\oorL CootLot Szzoiczt conlinuzcL SERVICES BETWEEN NEW ZEALAND PORTS m.v. \"WAIRATA\" m.v. \"WA|R|MU\" s.s. \"WAITEMATA\" s.s. \"WAIHEMO\" .v. \"WAlT,AKl\" Periodical opportunities for travel between two New Zealand ports are provlded by the abovenomed vessels which have limited but well-appointed spacious accommodation. FARES: (Direct) Auck./Well. 17 0 0 Well.,zLytt [2 l0 0 Auck./Lytt. t9 l0 0 Well./Dun t600 Auck./Dun. .... ll2 0 0 Lytt./D un. t3 t0 0 Auck.,/Bluff il3 0 0
UNION STEAM SHIP COMPANY Zro|onL CoouLol Srzuiort aonlinuzL \"Nt* CARGO SERVICES: BLU FF-DU NEDI N-EAST COAST-AUCKLAN D Regular Cargo Services are maintained between Bluff, Dunedin, Oamaru, Timaru, Lyttelton, Wellington, Napier, Gisborne, Tauranga and Auckland. ISLAND PORTS available on
iooou-iorman Szrviczr CARGO SERVICES: NEW ZEALAND-AUSTRALIAN PORTS Regular sailings of cargo vessels ensure ready shipment of cargo to and from Australian ports. SOUTH AUSTRALIAN PORTS and MELBOURNE to and from AUCKLAND and TAURANGA. SOUTH AUSTRALIAN PORTS to and {rom OTH ER N EW ZEALAND PORTS AS REQUIRED. MELBOURNE to SOUTH ISLAND PORTS and WELLINGTON. N.S.W. PORTS to and from NEW ZEALAND SOUTH ISLAND PO RTS- N.S.W. PORTS to and from AUCKLAND and TAURANGA. N.S.W. PORTS to and from WELLINGTON. N.S.W. PORTS to and from NEW ZEALAND OUTPORTS AS REQU IRED. BRISBANE and NORTH QUEENSLAND PORTS to and from NEW ZEALAND PORTS AS REQUIRED. WEST AUSTRALIAN PORTS to and from NEW ZEALAND AS REQU IRED. Freight rates and all information available on application. t7
luuL.oliu' Co\"utol- 5z..oiozt CARGO SERVICES BETWEEN AUSTRALIAN AND TASMANIAN PORTS Frequent sailings are provided {or the carriage of cargo between Australlan and Tasmanlan ports as under: SYDNEY, NEWCASTLE AND PORT KEMBLA TO AND FROM HOBART. SYDNEY, NEWCASTLE AND PORT KEMBLA TO AND FROM BURNIE LAUNCESTON. BELL BAY DEVONPORT' MELBOURNE TO AND FROM HOBART. SYDNEY TO AND FROM HOBART. Freight rates and all particuLars are avallable at Union Steam Ship Company Of[lces, IB
UNION STEAM SHIP COMPANY SHIPNIENT OF CARGO BY MODERN l'/ETHODS BETWEEN WELLINGTON AND LYTTELTON ALSO AUCKLAND AND SOUTH ISLAND PORTS NEW ZEALAND AND AUSTRALIA AND BETWEEN AUSTRALIAN MAIN PORTS AND TASMANIA The handling o{ cargo by containers and pa lets is rapidly develop- ing and provide the shipper with speed and saving on cargo consignments. Containers and Pallets offer the {ollowing advantages: f, Freedom {rom damage f Freedom from Pillage f Saving in packag.ng f Saving in time on wharI delivery f, Saving in lnsurance * Qurcke. delivery at destiration f, Available for use wiihout charge. Full information is available {rom Union Steam Ship Company Offices whose Representative will qladly call and explain ihe advantoges o{ Containers and Palleis. Looding poper boEs inlo conioiner direct from produclion I ine. (Soarrow Pictures Lid.)
UNION STEAM SHIP COMPANY oN.r, Z.olorrl-l nclia SEuricEt N EW ZEALAND.MALAYSIA-INDIA-PAKISTAN-CEYLON In conjunction with British lndia Steam Navigation Co. Ltd. m.v- \"WAIRATA\" m.v. \"WAlRlMU' M.V. \"WAITAKI'' and B.l.S.N. Co. \"BANKURA\" (Carqo only) and other vessels as required PASSENGER AND CARGO LINER SERVICE Regular sailings are maintained between New Zealand, Singapore, Rangoon, Calcutta, Colombo and Bombay. There ls limited pas- senger accommodation in well-appointed cabins in \"Waitaki\", \"Wai- rata\" and \"Wairimu\". Refrigerated cargo spdce is available in all vessels- FARES: New Zealand to Singapore .... tNZl 14 O O Calcutta (not via Rangoon) tNZllg 0 0 Timetables and freight rates available on dpplication. m.v. \"Woiloki\" I \"1fiiil
UNION STEAM SHIP COMPANY {Poo$t\" 0 ulooLo 3 zzoicet AU CKLAN D-SUVA-N U KUALOFA.VAVAU-N I U E-PAGO PA6O. APIA-SUVA-AUCKLAND m.v. \"ToFUA\" (.5,??e- liltl m.v. \"MATUA', (4250 tons) m.v. \"TA,RAWERA\" (t825 tons) cargo only PASSENGER AND CARGO SERVICE m.v. \"Tofuo\" sailings {rom Auckland to Pacific lslands ports .B_EgUlAR by m.v. \"Tofua\" and m.v. \"Matua\". One class accommodation in com.fortable cabins is provided. Full particulars of timetable, fares and freight rates are obtainable upon application to any- Union Steam Ship-Company Office where att bookrngs may,,be ettected. lnclusive tours of Fiji and bookings lor 'Blue Lagoon\" cruises, etc. may be arranqed as desired. AUSTRALIA TO PACIFIC ISLANDS PORTS y:tlll !\":i.\" +,o. sra.\"l,iffisjlllL Adetaide {if justiied) to Ldutoka,5uva. Apia and Nukualofa. \".a 2t
s.s, _wqttemqlq'_ J ocit'ie 5 zzvicz: \"oor-9) NEW ZEALAND AND AUSTRALIA-PACIFIC ISLANDS-CANADA UNITED STATES OF AMERICA s.s. \"WAITEMATA\" s.s. \"WAIHEMO\" CARGO LINER SERVICES REGU LAR SAILINGS to Pacific Coast of North America via Paci{ic lslands ports. Cargo booked io lnland Canadian and U.S.A. points. Limited accommodation available for passengers. FARES: New Zealand to Rarotonga (direct) tNZ4l 0 0 Vancouver (direct) [NZl 34 0 0 San Francisco (dlrect) .. tNZl34 0 0 Sailings and rates of freight available on application.
UNION STEAM SHIP COMPANY SLro,oofril, 4genoizt P & O.ORIENT LINES WORLD-WIDE SERVICES VIA AUSTRALIA AND SUEZ The traditional way to Europe... by P & O-ORIENT LINES via Australia and Suez, is full o{ interest a fast and {abulous way around the world- Often, you can start off from Auckland in the same big ship which will carry you right through to Europe. After the exciting calls at the great Australian maritime cities, there are colour{ul calls at Eastern and Middle Eastern ports... Hong Kong and Singapore (occasionally), Colombo andlor Bombay, Aden and Port Said. Then a series of Mediterranean ports selected, {or varying voyages, from Piraeus {Athens), Naples, Marseilles, Barcelona and Gibraltar occasionally also Lisbon ... and then the most thrilling of all travel moments-the arrival off the {amous White Cliffs witti all that this means to travellers {rom British Commonwealth countries. The proud names of ihe stabilised and {ully air-conditioned First r and Tourist Class vessels, \"CANBERRA\", \"ORlANA\", \"ARCADIA\"- \"ORSOVA\", \"ORONSAY\" and \"lBERlA\" and the One Class - \"Oriono\"
\"Arcodio\" St.o*ofrt1, o(qeneier conlinuzL P & O-ORIENT LINES-Continued VIA AUSTRALIA AND SUEZ-Continued \"ORCADES\" and \"HIMALAYA\" all of which operate via Suez, are symbols of the best in British service and seamanship. P & O-ORIENT LINES' traditional Suez route servico from Australia to Europe links with the other great main trunk route of these Companies between the Far East and Europe; and conjoins also with the vast P & O-ORIENT services across and around the Paci{ic and via America and Panama to Europe. Ask any office of Union Steam Ship Company {or {ull details and personal service in all matters pertaining to your P & O-ORIENT LINES'travel' vrA PAcrFrc The tremendous development of passenger services by P & O- ORIENT LINES in the Pacific, employing a great modern fleet of 28/45,000-ton siabilised and {ully air-conditioned vessels opens up {or New Zealanders this whole great ocean of opportunity for travel to and through ports o{ highes( international travel interest. To Canada and U.S.A. direct; and with forwarding facilities extended for various means of travel across North America and the Atlantic to Europe.
UNION STEAM SHIP COMPANY Jt.o*tk1, 4guooi.u conlinuzrl P & O-ORIENT LINES-Continued VIA PACIFIC-Continued To the Far East, either via mid-Pacific and North American ports or {rom Sydney via the BJrrier Reef. Through Sea Services to Europe, via mid-Pacific and North American ports and thence in the same ship via Panama and West lndies to Europe; or via mid-Pacific and North American ports and thence in the same ship via the Far East, Singapore and Suez. Around the Pacific, commencing it Auckland or Sydney visiting ten top tourist ports. Holiday Traffic. You can take holiday trips to Fiji, or the special Hawaiian Excursion. Or, you can choose an o..asion when, aiter a brief holiday period in Hawaii, you can sail back via Japan, Hong Kong and Manila to Sydney. Apart from the normal concessions on return tickets for Sea travel both ways there are bargain Sea \"Excursion\" tickets such as those lor the Hawaiian Excursion and Pacific \"Boomerang\" voyages to North America and back. These show great reductiJns, to encour- age, holiday traffic by sea. Additional tt such two-way sea trips, a whole great range o{ possibilities extends {or combinations ol Sea and Air travel with return ticket benefits. Let any office.of Union Steam Ship Company with all its faciiities advise you and arrange your Pacifii and worlj trauels. \"Cqnberro\"
\" Princess of Tosmqniq\" 5trn,,'l)i1, 4gtnrie: eonLintLztL AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL LINE MELBOURNE, VICTORIA-DEVONPORT, TASMANIA \"Princess of Tasmania\" Overniqht passenger and vehicle ferry service between Melbourne, Victoria, and Devonport, Tasmania, which provides a convenient connection between ih\" Muinlund and Tasmania with drive-on and drire-off faci ities {or cars and caravans. SINGLE PASSENGER FARES: Lounge passengers in reclining seats !A3 l7 0 per person. Cabin accommodation, !A4 l2 0 per person upwards. Fares include Breakfast and Marine Board toll oI 2/- payable at Devonport, Return fares are twice the single {are. Full partrculars of timetable, tariff for accompanied vehic es, etc., are available at any Office of Union Steam Ship Company where bookings may be arranged and passenger fares and car freights I pa id. 26
UNION STEAM SHIP COMPANY -St.omrLt1, o{gzn\"izt continuecL BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION CO. LTD. CARGO SERVCES N EW ZEA LAN b- V,I TIYS I I,- I N D IA-PA K I STAN -CEYLON \"Bankura\" in conjunction with \"Wairata\", \"Wairimu', and ,,Waitaki,, AUSTRALIA-COLOMBO-BOMBAY-KARACHI AND GULF PORTS AUSTRALIA-UNITED KINGDOM via SUEZ PASSENGER AND CARGO SERVICES AUSTRALIA-SINGAPORE-STRAITS PORTS-RANGOON- MADRAS-CALCUTTA -,,,\"|?lpulu\"*, AUSIRALIAN TRADE FLEET ,,19..,S' \"Bonbala\"+,,,Bulimba,,*,,,Carpentaria,,, \"Chandpara\", \"Chakrata\", \"Chakdina\",,,Nuddea,,*,, Waroonga,,+ '.'Woodarra\"+, and extra vessels as required. (* cargo only.) EXArvpLEs oF sTNGLE FARES: ,,AB,, !vd.ey-!irgopore, Cabin Class tB6 Sto. Svdney-Calcutrd ,, €l t5 St<j. Sydney-Colombo :: ,: ,, frOs Sid. Sydnei-United K,ngdom f??( q+^ - Otre. I'ores and pari'cula.s'o,f ,ui;,n\";;i\";':re avoilaore o- app,icrtor. i!C^Y-T! !llLlfGS from lvdnev 1o *hiir,-po,i Jii\".ii\".\"\".ti,6's\"u uL'J arr possaqes con be arrdnoed. Ful information is ovlilable from Union Steam Ship Company Offices. m.s. \"Bulimbo\" : - - ::; : :.Ti1Y. :Tjlry:.'.- -7. ''.'
\"Empress of Cqnqdo\" (Canadian Pa c ific Photo) .5Lrn,rufrt1, lgznei\"s .onLinLLEl CANADIAN PACIFIC STEAN/SHIPS TRANSA:ILANTlC SERVICE MONTREAL.QU EBEC-GREENOCK-LIVERPOOL REGULAR SAILINGS between Canada and the United Kingdom \"Empress of Canada\" First and Tourist Classes \" Empress of En91and\" F rst and Tourlst C asses \"Empress o{ Britain\" First and Tourist Classes SINGLE FARES: First Closs, from lStq.l3l l0 0 Tourist Class from .. f,Ste. 84 l0 0 T'ave. oy a Caradian Poc I c wl^ite ' Erpress\" to Europe-six luxuri. I ous caref'ee davs placned to qive you Lhe nosr {or your money! * R\"turr rates uni o{-r\"uro. [arJs ara.lable upon apolication. Boo[- nnt may be made at any office of Union Steam Ship Company E where [are. can oe pa'd and t cket' ssued. '
UNION STEAM SHIP COMPANY 3L.o,rrufii1, 4g.roi., continttzcL , CUNARD LINE Regular^ Sailings across the Atlantic to and from American and Canadian Ports, the United Kingdom anJ Cbntinent. A wide variety o{ accommodation and {ares to suit all travellers from the famous \"Queens\" and \"Mauretania,,to the new look \"Carmania\" and \"Franconia\". The choice is yours. Getting there is half the fun. Bookings may be made at any office of Union Steam Ship Company where fares can be paid and tickets issued.
g$ g.fi 8.X in.t t;* tr! tf, xffi {l I' I I Stto*tfrt1. 4genoizt LLOYD TRIESTINO LINE . conLinuzcl AUSTRALIA-ITALY.EU ROPE Regular sailings {rom Syd.ney to Genoa via Melbourne, Fremantle, Singapore, Bombay, Aden, Suez, Port Said, Messina, Naples. AUSTRALIAN FLEET: \"Galileo\", \"Marconi SINGLE FARES: From Sydney to Genoa- \"Galileo\", \"Marconi\" F.rst Class from tSts.250 0 0 Tourist Class {rom tSts.l32 0 0 Return rates and details of off-season and reduced {ares are avail- 3 able upon application. *, $ Special concessions are available on European Railways which offer Lloyd Triestino passengers disembarking at Naples or Genoa a f; I convenient way of seeing ltaly and Europe en route to the United ii Kingdom. l i
UNION STEAM SHIP COMPANY 3L'o,o'l)t1, 4g.r.i* conLintLerl r LLOYD TRIESTINO LINE continued wl OLher ad\"antages of trover ing Lloyd Tr,est.no are: -o w Stdy on board privite{es. t$. . 3 A r/Sea lnterchange u,iirh recogn;\"ed air carriers. #il The two new vessels, 'Galileo\" and ',Marconi,,, each of 27,g90 ffi. tons,. provide travellers with faster and more luxurious means of travel. These liners are in keeping. wrth the long standing tr\"J;ti.\" of service, comfort and economy iharacteristic.i Li.y'a ir;\"rii.. vesse ls. \"ti Full i.nfornat:on on Lloyd Triest.no Serv,ces may be obtained {rom any, Union Steam Ship Company Office where bookings may be 'New made and lares paid. Sea and Air connections beiween Zealand and Australia arranged. As. aqents {or CalJ. (an lta.liar Tour,st Organisation) Union Steam )hrp rvompany Uttrces dre able to arrange rail or road travel within Itaiy and to all principal European destinations. Noplesl lloly jil::\\::i:lii:
I1 UNION STEAM SHIP COMPANY tfi tfi Jt.o*tfr.i1, 4gzncizs conLLnuecl t{ i{ TSON LIN ES AUCKLAND TO SAN FRANCISCO AND LOS ANGELES VIA AUSTRALIA, NOUMEA. FIJI, AMERICAN SAMOA, HAWAII HAWAII-U.S.A. HONOLULU-SAN FRANCISCO.LOS ANGELES REGU LAR SAILINGS from New Zealand to the abovenamed ports, and io Sydney. First Class Only ,N/A R I POSA\" \"MONTEREY'' These vessels are specially designed for tropic voyaging and. for comfortable, in{ormal travel. Fiom Los Angeles Southbound to Auckland they call at Bora Bora, Papeete and Rarotonqa. ln addition to Mar.posa\" and \"Monterey\" the \"Lurline\" also provides regular sailings between Hawai, and California' Full deiails of {ares, etc., available from any office of Union Steam Ship Company. s.s. \"Moriposo\"
G.M.V. \"Aromoono\" 5L.orrufri1, 4gzncizt conLinuel. NEW ZEALAND RA,ILWAYS COOK STRAIT RAIL-ROAD FERRY Wellin gton- Picton Sailings Daily except Sunday Wellington dep. l0-.0 ,a.m.' Picton dep. 2.20 p.m. Extra Sailings as Required a The rail-road ferry \"Aramoana\", which has been specially designed for drive-on, drive-off traffic, provides excellent opporiunitiei for motoring holidays throughout the length and breadth of New Zea land. This well-.a.ppointed vessel has garage space for up to g5 cars, and comtortable_ passenger accommodation which includes observation lo.unges,, caleteria, lounge-bar, ladies' lounge and a limited number ot tour-berth cabins. lhe journey across Cook Strait takes 3 hours 20 minutes, mainly in sheltered waters. Single Fare (adult) fl26 Car Rates from t4 lp . 0 each way Full deiails of fares, etc., available {rom any office of the Union Steam Ship Company.
UNION STEAM SH!P COMPANY St.rrur-tfr.t1rlgenoies eonLintLzcL NEW ZEALAND LINE NEW ZEALAND TO UNITED KINGDOM VIA PACI FIC-PANAMA CANAL-CARI BBEAN CALLING TAHITI, BALBOA/CRISTOBAL, KINGSTON, MIAMI, BERMUDA REGULAR SAILINGS from New Zeoland to London. ON E CLASS \"Rangitane\" \"Rangitoto\" \"Remuero\" 'Ruahine' SINGLE FARES from New Zealand to United Kingdom- Season.. {rom f,Sig.l5O Off-Seoson from !Stg.ll5 Return rates and wayport {ares available upon application. \" RqnEilolo' '
s.s. \"Norlhern Slor\" St.o*tlt1, figznoiet continuecL SHAW SAVILL LINE NEW ZEALAND TO UNITED KINGDOM FIRST CLASS ONLY: \"ATHENIC\" .,CERAMIC\" \"CORINTHIC'' ,,GOTHIC\" Via Pitcairn Island, Panama and Curacao or Trinidad. Fare {rom lStq.250. ffir Details of return rates, off-season rates, etc., are available on ffi a pplica tio n. &. ONE CLASS ONLY: Round the World Services. ,,SOUTHERN ff CROSS\" Calling at Sydney, Melbourne, Fremantle, Durban, Cape Town, Las Paimas ffi en route to the United Kingdom. Fares from fStq.l6Z m; ,,NORTHERN t; STAR\" si To the Un ted Kingdom via Suva, papeete, panama, I: lrnrdad., 5ome..voyages Curacao and Trinidad are omitted and Curacao and ffi: cdtts mdde at Miami and Bermuda. Fares from [Stq.l50. n; MI gt gi
TRANS-TASMAN PASSENeER SERVTCE t964165 UNION STEAN/ SHIP CO. OF N.Z. LTD,-BOOKING AGEI NEW ZEALAND.SYDNEY SERVICE I v\"rr\"l ,\"\\i.,X!\",\"\" $f*; ^*ii\"\", 9 Monterey .... Oct. Oct. 12 Mariposa .r.. Nov. 3 - Nov. 6 Oriana Nov. 6 - Nov. 9 ' Orsova Nov. l0 - Nov. 13 Monterey .... Nov. 24 Nov. 27 Oronsay Nov. 25 Nov. 28 Mariposa Dec. 18 Dec. 2l Orsova Dec. 23 Dec. 26 Southern Cross Jan. 8 Jan. I I Monterey .... Jan. I Jan. ll Mariposa Feb. 2 - Feb. 5 Arcadia Feb. 7 - Feb. l0 - Orcades Feb. I 5 Feb. 19 Monterey .... Feb. 23 Feb. 26 Oronsay Mar. 4 Mar. 7 Mariposa Mar. 19 - Mar. 22 J9urnern Apr. 9 7 / Apr. 12\\Pr. APrr Southern Cross vrg!! Monterey .... Ap.. 9 Ap. 12 Mariposa Muy 4 - Muy 7 Chusan Muy 18 - Muy 2l Monterey .... Muy 25 Muy 28 TO AUSTRALIA BY SEA Vessels of P & O-Orient Li,nes, Shaw Savill Line, Matson Lines opportunities for comfortable relaxing travel to Australio in course of their world voyages between Europe or America Australia and New Zealand. Details o{ fares and sailings are available from any Union Ship Company Office.
TRANS-TASMAN PASSENGER SERVTCE t964/65 UNION STEAM SHIP CO. OF N.Z. LTD._BOOKING AGENTS SYDNEY-NEW ZEALAND SERVICE Leave Arrive Arrive Vessel Sydney Auckland Wellington xl Southern Cross Oct. l6 Oct. 23 Oct. l9 Orsova Nov. 16 Nov. 19 Willem Ruys Nov. I 6 Nov. 2O Northern Star Dec. 5 Dec. 12 Dec. 8 J Arcadia Jan. 2 Jan. 5 lberia Feb. l0 Feb. 13 Orcades Feb. 12 Feb. I 5 Northern Star Mar. 6 Mar. 9 - Oronsay Mar. ll Mar. 14 Oriana Apr. 9 Apr. 12 Northern Star May 29 Jun. I Orsova Jun. 4 Jun. 7 Oriana Jun. 22 Jun. 25 iI TO NEW ZEALAND BY SEA Vessels of P & O-Orient Lines and Shaw Savill Line offer oppor- tunities {or comfortable relaxing travel to New Zealand in the course of their world voyages. Details of fares and sailings are available from any Union Steam Ship Company Office. -
UNION STEAM SHIP COMPANY St.o*tLi1, 4gznoiet oonLinurrL THE EASTERN & AUSTRALIAN STEAMSHIP CO. LTD. ,AUSTRALIA-PHILIPPINES-HONG KONG-JAPAN PASSENGER AND CARGO SERVICES FLEET:'Arawatta\"* \"Eastern\"1 \"Nankin\"*, \"Nellore\"t (* Carqo onlv). (l These vessels usually terminate at Hong Konq Sailings from New Zealand occasionally, Adelaide, Melbourne Sydney and Brisbane to Manila, Hong Kong and Japan' FARES: (Norihbound) Cabin Class Single Sydney-Manila .... tAl l3 0 0 ,, SydneY-Hong Kong tA | 20 0 0 ,, SYdneY-JaPan ll4l 0 0 Convenient sea and air connections from New Zealand' Bookinqs may be arranged at Union Steam Ship Company Offices' s.s. \"Nqnkin\" t.
UNION STEAM SHIP COMPANY 4, n, .t ' oflrL -.!_LnE o-fgEnciEt CANADIAN PACIFIC AIR LINES LIMITED SYDN EY-AUCKLAND-FIJ I-HONOLU LU.VANCOUVER AMSTERDAM VANCOUVER-MONTREALT HONe KONG-TOKYO-MEXtCO CITY-SOUTH AMERICA; MEXICO CtTY-MONTREAL-LtSBON- MADRID-ROME FLEET: DC.8s, Eristol Britannias, DC-68s. FARES: (Examples)- First Class Economy Class Aucr.rano.Nadi. (Fiji) rst:ll?l\"o o rsr;.!Pl% o Aucktand-Honolulu .... [519:206 16 o tstq:t47 to o Auckland-San Francisco .... tst6.260 I O Auckland-Vancouver .... .... tst6.260 8 o iSt,i.ieS e O tst6.l85 8 o Auck. or Wgtn. or Chch.-London .. tSt6.39S O O (Other fares available up5n applicatior) iStq.Zt: O O Eookirgs to Canadian and U.S.A. lnland points and to United Kingdom and Europe. At Honolulu only Canadian Pacific offer 23 hours stop.over northbound and 24 h.ours soutlbound at Waikiki Beacr Hotels for New Zealand passenqers. Partrculdrs ol Timetables ond Fares for all Services and other details-are available at Union Steam Ship Company Offices where U\"-.i;rgi';\"y 6\" made and tickets issued. A CPA Douglos DC-8
UNION STEAM SHIP COMPANY 4io !.tr. clgencizt conlinuzL TASN/AN EMPIRE AIRWAYS LIMITED NEW ZEALAND-AUSTRALIA NEW ZEALAND-FIJI-SAMOA NEW ZEALAND-NEW CALEDONIA NEW ZEALAND-NORFOLK ISLAND Passenger and Air Cargo Services operated by Lockheed Jet-prop Electras and Doug,as DC-4 aircraft (Norfolk Service ) . FARES: (Examples)- Firsr Class Econo-v Class Single Srnqle Auck., Wgton. or Chch.-sydney LNZ44 t2 0 tNZ34 7 0 Ch ristch u ich- Me lbou rne [N249 15 0 tNZ38 5 0 Auckla nd- Melbou rne [N25290 tNZ4050 Auckland-Nadi (Fili) lNZ4300tNZ3l0o Auckland-Norfolk lsland tNz20 l5 3 - Auckla nd-Brisba ne tNz48 t0 0 tNZ37 | 0 Auckla nd-Nou mea tNZ45 t0 0 tNZ32 l0 o fflguo-h booIinqs arranged to Austrolian points and by overseas connecting Arrltnes- Part cu,la's of Timetables, Fares ( ncludrrg Retrrn Fa.es). Ai. Carqo Rates i]:,9-.1:, ceta, s dre,dvdilab.le. at Union Steam Ship Com'pany Officis, where uuu|ilg5 dy oe maoe dnd ttckets ,ssue.j Fomlly Trovel by Teol Electrq i' t
Vlew of Perlh from Kings Pork ot nighl 4tu /.trt 4geneizr continuzd ANSETT-ANA TRANS.AUSTRALIA AIRLINES SERVICES WITHIN AUSTRALIA CAIRNS.BRISBAN E,SYDN EY-M ELBOU RN E-ADELAIDE. ' PERTH-TASMANIA, and other points FLEETS include:-Lockheed, Prop-Jet Electras, Viscounts, Douglas Super DC-6Bs, Convair Metropolitan Aircra{t, Fokker FriendsEips r') d DC-3 Aircraft- First Class Fares Tourist Class Fares (Examples) (Examples) Syd ney-Brisba ne tAt3 2 0 tAto t4 0 Sydney-Melbourne f.4,1270[Ato40 Sydn ey-Adela ide LA22 6 0 [Al9 15 0 Syd n ey- Perth tA58 2 0 tA48ll 0 Sydney-Hoba rt lA23 il 0 tAtg t5 0 Sydney-Ca n berra 044 t4 0 Full information is available from Union Steam Ship Company Offices, where reservations may be made and tickets iriu\"d. T'runr'- Tasman connecting travel by sea or air can also be arranged. r
An Air.lndio Boeing 707 lnlerconlinentol Jel, fying over lhe Himoloyos At\" /.irt lgzncizt conLinuel AIR.INDIA Nadi-Sydney-singapore-Madras-Bombay-Rome-Londoni London'New York; Tokyo-Hong Kong-Bangkok-Calcutta-Bombay-European ca pita Is De I h i - Moscow r,l\"TlXI;5j,:\" i-Ad en-N a i robi ; and \"t FLEET: Boeing 707s. FARES: (Examples)- l-rrst Ulass Economy CIass Sin g le Slno le Auck. or Wgtn. or Chch.-London 1St9.395 0 0 rSts.zsi o o Auck. or Wgtn. or Chch.-Rome tStq.392 0 0 tSts.250 0 0 Auck. or Chch.-Delhi [Stg.258 0 0 lSts.l9l l8 0 Auck. or Chch.-Bombay [S19.258 0 0 0Sts.l9l l8 0 (ln conjunction with TEAL, QANTAS and BOAC) Full details o{ timetables, fares (including Return Fares), and Air Curoo Rates fo, all serui.\"s, ani other Information, are available ut- riii\"n- it\"\", it'ip Corpany Offices where bookings, may be .\"4.- tickets issued. Trans-fasman connecting travel by sea or \"\"a air can also be arranqed. 4? L
UNION STEAM SH!P COMPANY 4a lio. ;$gencizt eonLinuzr! BRITISH OVERSEAS AIRWAYS CORPORATION AUCKLAND-SYDN EY-DARWI N-SI NGAPORE-LONDON ; AUCKLAND-SYDN EY-SI NGAPORE-H ONG KONG-TOKYO; TOKYO-HONOLULU-SAN FRANCISCO.NEW YORK-LONDON; and other seryices to all parts of the world FLEET: Ro 1s Royce 707s, Boerng 707s Comet 4 Jetliners, Britannias DC-7Fs. FARES: (Examples)- First Class Economv Class Auck. or wstn. or chch.-London Istq.s];31\"0 0 [ste.?i;il\"o o Auck. or Wstn. or Chch.-Rome [St;.392 O O tst;.250 O O Auck. or Chch.-Colombo tst;.238 0 O [St;.t76 tg 0 Auck. or Chch.-Singapore . t:rtd.t77 O 0 tst;. t29 t8 O (ir co-jurcrion with TEAL and OANTAS) Otl^er Jores inc,uding oetails o, relurn {a.es a.e availab,e uoon aool catron , u r l ormdtron rs availoble rrom Union Steam Ship Compairy OFlices where 'ose\"val'o_s may oe rade a-o t c[ets ootaineo. A Rolls Royce 707 iust ofler lqke-ofi
n I I KtM DC-8 Aircroft 4i. /.tr, =Sqzncizt conLinuzrl K.L.IV. ROYAL DUTCH AIRLINES SYDN EY-AMSTERDAM-LON DON and other services to all parts o{ the world FLEET: D.C.8s, DC-7Cs, Lockheed Electras, Super-Constellations Viscounts, DC-68s, DC-6s, Convairs, etc. FARES: (Examples)- First Class Economy Class Auck. or wqtn. or chch..Amsrerdom r\".lrl3'i o rs*iii3r\"o o Auc(. q. Wqtn. or Chch..Loroon ... [Std.395 O O Aucl. or.wgt1. or Chch.-Brussels ... tStd.395 O O est6.2s3 0 0 Auck. or Wgtn. or Chch.-paris . [Std.395 O O tstd.253 O 0 tstd.253 O 0 (ln conjunction with TEAL, QANTAS and BOAC) Other fares including details of return {ares are available upon application. Full information is available {rom Union Steam Ship Company Offices where reservations moy be made and fares paid.'Connecting reservations by sea or oir can also be arranged both to and from New Zealand.
UNION STEAM SHIP COMPANY o4iu !.ir. 4gzneies aontinuzcl PAN AMERICAN WORLD AIRWAYS SYDNEY AND AUCKLAND-FIJI-HONOLULU- SAN FRANCISCO-LOS ANGELES-SEATTLE connecting wlth Pan American's world-wide network CLIPPER FLEET: Boeing 707s, DC-8Cs, DC-7Cs, etc. FARES: (Examples)- Economy C ass ''!1.t\"S5\" Sing le Auck ard.Nadi (Fiji) tstq.4j O 0 rSts.3l 0 0 A-clland Honolulu ... t5tq.206 16 0 tStq.l47 l0 0 Auckland-U.S. West Coast.... .... tstq.260 I O rStq.l85 8 0 Auck. or Wgtn. or Chch.-London .. tstg.395 0 0 tStq.253 0 0 (Other fares ovailable upon application) Particulars of timetables and other details ore available at Union Steam Ship Company Oflices, where bookings may be made and {ares paid. Refreshmenls being served in Economy Closs on q Ponqm flisht {P.A.A. Photo.) I
Qonlos V Jel 4h /.ir, <4gznciet eontintLect OANTAS EIVPIRE AIRWAYS LIMITED Sydney-Fiji-Honolulu-North America-London; Sydney-Norfolk lslandt Sydney-Noumea; Sydney-Singapore-London; Sydney-Hong Kong- Japan; Sydney-South Africa; Sydney and Melbourne-New Zealand FLEET: Boeinq 707s, Lockheed Electras, Super-Constellations, and Douglas DC-4s, etc. FARES: (Examples)- First Class Economy Closs Auck. or Wstn. or chch.-London lsts.:{5q1\"0 o rstq.it:nr\"o o (via Middle East) Auck. or Wqtn. or Chch.-London tSig.395 0 0 tStg.253 0 0 (via North America) Auck. or Chch.-Johannesburg ISts.335 0 0 tSts.255 l8 0 Auckland-San Francisco .... tStq.260 8 0 tStq.l 85 8 0 (ln conjunction with TEAL) Other fares including details of return fares are available upon Fur inrormation is avaitable ,rJo,i,li::ti:J;, ship company offices, where reservations may be made and tickets obtained.
UNION STEAM SHIP COMPANY 4t. -/'i,r. 4.1enciet eontinLLz,L UTA-AIR FRANCE ROUND WORLD SERVICE VIA TAHITI OTHER SERVIOES TO ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD FLEET: DC-8s, Boeing 707s, Caravelles. FARES: (Examples)- First Class Economy Class Single Single Auckland-ParistStg.39500[Stq.25300 Auckland-London[Stg.39500[Stq.253OO Auckland-Papeete tStg.l l4 l0 0 0Siq.9l l2 O Auckland-Los Angeles [Stg.260 8 0 tStq.185 8 0 (ln conjunction with TEAL/QANTAS) Particulars of timetables and other details are available at Union Steam Ship Company Offices where bookings may be made and fares pa id. BoeinE 707 Jel
UNION STEAM SHIP COMPANY 4t. Lur 4gzncizt conLinuzrl NEW ZEALAND NATIONAL AIRWAYS CORPORATION Passenger and Freight Services WITHIN NEW ZEALAND Daily Services are maintained to all principal cities and towns FLEET: Viscounts, Friendships and Douglas DC-3 aircraft. FARES: (Examples)- Wellington-Auckla n d rNZT l0 0 tNZ6 4 0 Christchurch-Dunedrn . LNZ4 t2 0 INZT 0 0 Ch ristchu rch-l nverca rgi I I Union Steam Ship Company Offices will be pleased to reserve accommodation, issue tickets and supply full pa rticula rs o{ Time- tables, Fares, and Baggage ullowance, \"ic. Jel-Prop Friendship
iI ll ll Trout fishinE in New Zeolqnd 4u /.to. lgeneizs contintLetL AIRLINES OF NEW ZEALAND NEW ZEALAND-WIDE NETWORK GOLDEN COAST AIRLINES LTD. N ELSON-KARAM EA-WESTPORT-G REYM OUTH PHOENIX AIRWAYS LTD. GREYMOUTH-CHRISTCHU RCH SOUTHERN SCENIC AIR SERVICES LTD. QUEENSTOWN-MILFORD SOUND TOURIST AIR TRAVEL AUCKLAND-WAIH EKE AUCKLAND-KAWAU I NVERCARGI LL-STEWART ISLAND WEST COAST AIRWAYS HOKITI KA-GLACIERS-HAAST-M I LFORD RITCHIE AIR SERVICES LTD. TE ANAU-MILFORD Scenic and Charter Flights The above companies operate scheduled services over the routes indicated, scenic flights to and over points within their territories, and charter flights to most parts o{ New Zealand. Full in{ormation is available from any Union Steam Ship Company Office.
UNION STEAM SHIP COMPANY UhI!ON TOURS OF FIJI (Operated by Union Steam Ship Co. of N.Z. Ltd.) Regular tours of FlJl by air from AUCKLAND allow the tourist the opportunity of experiencing to the full the beauty o{ the lslands ano the customs of the native inhabitants. With the choice of four leisurely itineraries the visitor can see {or himself many o{ the traditions ond dances, the feasts, ihe kava drink_ ing ceremonies, the industries and the ways of life of the people from ihis part of the Pacific lslands. Duty free shopping, comfortable travel by car with English-speaking drivers and good hotels ensure the maximum pleasure from a part of the South pacific that has so much to offer. (ovo Ceremony, Fiii