ElderCollege NORTH ISLAND COLLEGE CAMPBELL RIVER Newsletter Winter/Spring 2018 Information Meeting Friday, January 12 Registration starts Monday, January 15 “ElderCollege plays an important role in the community by creating opportunities for people to develop and maintain social networks and to expand knowledge and thought.” Bob Haugen...Welcome to Campbell River Bob is the Manager of Continuing Education and was a very entertaining speaker at the ElderCollege Information Meeting in September.
Registration Courses and/or Workshops: Fees vary from free Membership: Must be age 50+ to join. and up + GST. You must be a member to register for Only $10 + GST for the year. courses and workshops. Registration begins 9 am Membership runs for a complete year from September 1 to August Monday, January 15, 2018. 31, allowing you to register for courses at the Campbell River campus and giving you access to the North Island College Library. NOTE: Course dates and times printed in this Memberships are renewable annually. newsletter will not appear on the North Island College website until registration begins. All courses are subject to change. Registration after the class has begun must be done in person. Register in person on or after Monday, January 15 at North Island College located at 1685 South Dogwood Street. The registration office is open Monday thru Friday from 9 am to 4 pm (until 6 pm Wednesdays). 10 Easy Steps to online Registration The ElderCollege Information session is at For administrative purposes, ElderCollege Membership 1:30 on Friday, January 12, 2018 at North is considered a course. You may want to complete your Island College membership as soon as possible as you will then receive all future online information. Registration for Fall and Winter ElderCollege Courses is available in September and Registration info: There will be help January and the registration process is the same. available to people who would like to learn how to register online. 1. In a browser (e.g. Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Safari), enter www.nic.bc.ca/eldercollege 2. Select ElderCollege Membership and Course For additional information please email all Registration (blue rectangle) inquiries to [email protected] or, if 3. Select Continuing Ed/ElderCollege (gold strip) you wish to speak to our North Island College (If you are already a member, select Log In here at top. liaison, Sandy Rose her contact number is Provide the information requested and select Submit. You 250 923-9728 or email her at: will be returned to this page. Select gold strip.) [email protected] 4. Select Register and Pay (very small blue letters, Note: North Island College closed: beneath ‘Registration for CE/EC’) Monday, February 12 - Family Day 5. At the arrow drop down menu for Course Type, select Friday, March 30 - Monday, April 2 Easter ElderCollege Monday, May 21 - Victoria Day 6. At the arrow drop down menu for Location, select the campus where you would like to attend courses (CV ElderCollege AGM - May 10th from 2-4 pm Comox Valley Campus or CR Campbell River Campus Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon May 24. or PA Port Alberni Campus) (N.B. Nothing is needed in ‘Course Code Number’ or ‘Search for Keyword’) 7. Select Submit. This will reach ‘Select Classes.’ 8. Select ElderCollege courses by checking to the left of your chosen courses. 9. Select Submit. 10. Provide the information requested and pay online. This is a secure site. Payment can be made with MasterCard, Visa or American Express. Confirmation and a receipt will be emailed to you. The receipt will include your permanent seven-digit Student ID number. Be sure to record/retain this ID number for future registration. 2 Curriculum Chair Wendy Samaroden
Courses and Workshops 1 Please Note: You must be a current member of ElderCollege to register in any courses listed below. All courses, even FREE sessions, require pre-registration. A rt s and C r af ts J u s t for t h e Fun of i t ! Creating Beautiful Art Cards $60 Sudoku: Getting Started $10 CREC 1171 Instructor: Gayle Lindsay CREC 6010 Instructor: Barbara Wyatt 4 Thu, Apr 5 - 26 2:30 - 4:00 1 Thu, Feb 22 2:30 - 4:00 In this fun and easy class you will create beautiful A completed Sudoku grid is a special type of Latin art cards using watercolours, dye inks and square with the additional property of no repeated techniques that include sponging and stamping. We values in any of the nine blocks (or boxes of 3×3 will learn some of the newest trends or rediscover cells). Join Barbara while she unravels the mystery new ways of getting more out of tried and true surrounding the solving of these puzzles. techniques - either way this class will certainly get your creative mojo going! Participants must bring a tape runner but all other supplies are included. Sudoku: Learning Together $10 Tuition includes a $40 supply fee. CREC 6013 Instructor: Barbara Wyatt 1 Thu, Mar 8 2:30 - 4:00 Watercolour: Painting Arid Deserts & Lush Forests $30 Bring your book, or any of the puzzles that have you CREC 1529 Instructor: Marlyne Foos stumped. This is an interactive workshop where 3 Sat, Mar 10 - 24 1:00 - 4:00 together we will explore and share ideas and tips. In this course we will use a variety of techniques to create landscapes of contrasting environments. As in previous courses there will be demonstrations and lots of opportunities for practice. This course is intended for those who have experience painting with watercolours. A supply list will be made available upon registration. Flowers in Oil $50 CREC 1510 Instructor: Kim Marchant 3 Sat, Apr 7 - Apr 21 1:00 - 4:00 Learn new art skills using oil paints. Apply this new knowledge to the friendly subject of flowers. Tuition includes a $20 supply fee. Introductory Lapidary Skills $30 Introduction to Bridge $30 CREC 1240 Instructor: Steve Cooley CREC 6250 Instructor: Michael Moscovich 2 Tue & 2 Thu, Mar 13 - 22 10:00 - 11:30 4 Thu, Jan 25 - Feb 15 2:30 – 4:00 Learn how to safely use each piece of lapidary This course is designed for absolute beginners; those equipment in Ripple Rock Gem and Mineral club’s who have never played bridge. Not only will you learn shop. The shop has a large slab saw, 2 smaller the rules of play but you will get to practice your new trim saws, several grinder and polisher sets, drill skills. press, and several polish wheels. Goal is to start with a small slab of rock, use a template to mark a standard shape of a standard size on it, trim Bridge - Next Steps $30 excess material away with a trim saw, then grind it CREC 6249 Instructor: Michael Moskovich to the desired size and shape, then polish it. In the 4 Thu, Feb 22 – Mar 15 2:30 – 4:00 course of grinding and polishing the small slabs This series of four sessions will allow you to develop of rock, some rock properties and types will be some of the more advanced methods in bidding and learned. Basic collecting and identifying of rocks playing of bridge hands. Each session will have some will be learned. Classes will be held off-site at 246 didactic explanations and will be followed by play of hands Dahl Road Campbell River. Please bring your own related to the points discussed. The introductory course is safety glasses, hearing protection and apron to recommended for beginners before taking this series. class. 3
Courses and Workshops 2 Heart of the Matter $16 Canada in the World $30 CREC 6307 Instructor: Sandra Milligan CREC 6436 Instructor: Bob Hillier 1 Fri, Jan 26 2:00 - 4:00 4 Tue, Jan 23 - Feb 13 10:00 - 11:30 Know someone with heart problems? Curious A brief look at Canadian Diplomatic posts: about what is going on? Come out to dissect a their function and operations, including political fresh pig heart and see the inner workings of considerations and security. We will investigate our most indefatigable organ. Learn basic heart diplomatic cables as compromised by WikiLeaks anatomy, and then cut into fresh pig hearts to and Edward Snowden, the Gouzenko connection see all the structures and their functions. Learn plus a brief description of historic and current about how hearts beat so regularly, and listen to encryption methods. There will also be some personal your heart with high quality stethoscopes. Lub observations of the current situation. dup! The tuition includes all supplies and personal protective equipment to conduct the hands-on learning portion of the class. Tuition includes a $6 supply fee. Back Yard Beekeeping $20 CREC 7915 Instructor: Tom Kruesel 2 Fri, Mar 16 & Apr 13 10:00 to 11:30 This introductory workshop offers participants a brief introduction to the art of backyard beekeeping for beginners. Starting with a general history and the structure of the colony, discover the physiology of the honey bee, the different types of bees in the colony, basic equipment, honey bee nutrition, swarming and control methods. We will also tour a backyard hive later in the spring (date TBD) H i story a n d Cult u re More History in Writing $10 CREC 2802 Presenter: Dr. Alana Gowdy Campbell River Museum Presents $30 1 Sat, Jan 27 10:00 - 1:00 CREC 6511 Instructors: Norm Lee & Danny Brown Using a somewhat light-hearted approach to 3 Wed, Mar 7 – 21 2:30 – 4:00 history, the course will discuss selected medieval Join two of your favourite presenters from the manuscripts. Documents to be presented will Campbell River Museum to explore the past, present include the Lindisfarne Gospels and the Magna and future of the protected Beaver Lodge Lands, the Carta. In a ‘life-and-times’ setting, both the Tyee Club and Desolation Sound. historical context and resulting impact will be addressed. Film, handout and hand-arounds will Te c h S a v vy be used to expand the information. Getting to Know Your Android Phone $30 Cree Culture and the Medicine Wheel FREE CREC 4014 Instructor: Bob Bray CREC 6239 Instructor: Daryle Mills, 6 Tue, Feb 20 - Mar 27 10:00 - 11:30 Elder in Residence You have an Android phone that lets you stay in touch 1 Mon, Feb 5 10:00 - 11:30 with your friends and family. Did you know that what The Medicine Wheel is found across the earth in you really have is a handheld computer? Come and various sites. Its ancient roots are still available for explore the power of your Android smart phone: who understanding human’s relationship to all things. provides service, which plan is best for your needs, It is the road map of our universe and the symbol how does cell technology work? Learn the secrets to of unity, balance and harmony. Connect with the speed texting, take/save/send those important photos, stories and teachings of the Medicine Wheel in adjust your phone settings, choosing from all of those a Traditional Circle and learn the basics of Cree culture and ceremonies. Pre-registration required. apps, and more. 4
Courses and Workshops 3 3D Printing $10 End of Life Conversations $30 CREC 4071 Facilitator: Roger Jennings CREC 5767 Instructor: Dr. Helen Hays 1 Thu, Feb 8 10:00 - 12:00 4 Tue, Feb 6 - 27 2:30 - 4:00 Come and see what 3D printing is about. See how it Join Dr. Helen Hays for informative discussions on works, what it does and see if there is anything in it for topics related to Palliative Care. Bring your questions you. Roger has learned enough to be dangerous and as you search for answers relating to new legislation in feels that this is something very interesting for seniors. Canada regarding Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD), This is more a show and tell but hopefully can build to marijuana in medicine, visiting the sick, approaching something bigger. friends that have received an upsetting diagnosis, and bereavement – what is normal? Impressive Presentations $30 CREC 4120 Instructor: Wendy Samaroden Spirituality: Reality or Myth $30 CREC 5853 Instructor: Murray Etty 3 Mon, Mar 5 - 19 10:00 - 11:30 This course is designed for new users who want 4 Wed, Feb. 7 - 28 2:00 - 3:30 to create electronic presentations using Microsoft What does the term “Spirituality” mean? How is it PowerPoint. In this course students will explore the similar to, yet different, from Religion? How does it basics of electronic presentations: how to add/modify help us deal with suffering, meaning, fear of death, climate change and other earthly problems? We will text, themes, music, graphical objects, animation and explore Spirituality in a post-modern world. special effects to create an impressive slide show. Ready-Set-Garden $10 CREC 7548 Instructor: Klari Varallyai 1 Fri, Mar 9 10:00 - 11:30 Spring is in the air and you know what that means! Get ready to activate your gardening skills, tidy up your flower beds, and watch your garden grow. Warm up those muscles and lift and bend in a manner that will keep you healthy and injury free. Spend your summer in the garden, not in the doctor’s office! Think About It Series $30 CREC 6425 Coordinator: Wendy Samaroden B et te r L i ving 4 Fri, Feb 9 to Mar 2 10:00 - 11:30 Tax Issues for Seniors $10 We invite you to come listen, think and discuss topics CREC 3526 Instructor: Susan McInnes, CPA, CGA presented in this series. Each session will have a 1 Wed, Jan 24 11:00 - 12:30 different speaker who will present their topic. There will Susan will explain the Disability Tax Credit, how it be time allowed for discussion in each session. works, and the procedure to apply for it and backdate it. Feb 09: Climate Change - Peter Schwarzhoff There will be information regarding medical expenses Feb 16: Environmentally Sensitive Areas - Terry Martin - what you are able to claim, attendant care and nursing Feb 23: The Solar Project - Bob Haugen home expenses and discussion on the sensitive topic of how to ease the tax burden when you die. Mar 02: Sustainability & Self Reliance on Vancouver Island - Janet Thony Self-Hypnosis for Chronic Pain $20 Life in Poetry $30 CREC 5320 Instructor: Sharon McCann CREC 2350 Instructor: Nicole Girard 2 Thu, Feb 15 & 22 2:30 - 4:00 8 Mon, Jan 29 - Mar 26 No class on February 12 1:00 - 4:00 Self-Hypnosis provides deep mind and body relaxation. Explore your inner poet! Learn various poetry forms It can also be used to alter your perceptions of pain. such as Sonnet, Villanelle, Rhyme Royal and more! In two sessions, Registered Clinical Counselling Students will receive two handouts per week; one Hypnotherapist Sharon McCann will facilitate an outlining each form with a step-by-step technique for experience of hypnosis and teach techniques to writing it and another about the craft of writing poetry. decrease your discomfort without side effects. Learn This course gives students time to write and share how to be in charge of your well-being! their work and to begin the editing process. 5
Courses and Workshops 4 Discover the Joy of Lifelong Learning at NIC! Day Planner Monday Students, 55 and up, access exceptional NIC faculty, facilities Cree Culture and the Medicine Wheel and more than 80 academically focused arts, science, creative Impressive Presentations writing and fine arts courses at reduced rates. Visit www.nic. Tuesday bc.ca/students/joy-of-lifelong-learning.aspx for additional Canada in the World information. End of Life Conversations Getting to Know Your Android Phone Campbell River ElderCollege members are eligible to receive Introductory Lapidary Skills a $50 bursary (30 available) for each class you register for and Wednesday attend. Send your inquiry to [email protected]. Tax Issues for Seniors Spirituality: Reality or Myth Note: Campbell River Museum Presents The last day to register for Academic classes is January 11, 2018. Thursday Introduction to Bridge 3D Printing Self-Hypnosis for Chronic Pain Relief Sudoku - Getting Started Bridge – Next Steps Sudoku Learning Together Introductory Lapidary Skills Creating Beautiful Art Cards Friday Heart of the Matter Backyard Beekeeping Think About It Series Ready-Set-Garden Saturday More History in Writing Watercolour: Arid Deserts & Lush Forests Flowers in Oil What is 3D printing? dimensional solid objects from a digital file. New Course The creation of a 3D printed object is achieved using additive processes. In an additive process an object is created by laying down successive layers of material until the object is created. 3D printing or additive manufacturing is a process of making three This Term! Each of these layers can be seen as a thinly sliced horizontal cross-section of the eventual object. 3D printing is the opposite of subtractive manufacturing which is cutting out / hollowing out a piece of metal or plastic with a milling machine. 3D printing enables you to produce complex (functional) shapes fossils in paleontology, replicating ancient using less material than traditional manufacturing methods. artifacts in archaeology, reconstructing bones and body parts in forensic Applications include rapid prototyping, architectural scale models pathology and reconstructing heavily & maquettes, 3D printed prosthetics and movie props. damaged evidence acquired from crime Other examples of 3D printing would include reconstructing scene investigations. 6
An ElderCollege Family Dora reads English, Dutch and German newspapers, and those three languages were spoken in their home. Annemarie’s continued interest Curiosity: A strong desire to learn or know something. in language has been satisfied by ElderCollege courses in French with Josette Pernu, German with Gunter Mundschutz, Japanese with Mitzi Curiosity is a trait occurring naturally in children that often diminishes with age. However, if you want to meet Ogasawara, and Italian with Tony Fantillo. adults who have maintained their curiosity and interest in Third age learning should open doors to new subjects, and as such, life, ElderCollege provides that opportunity. Annemarie has been able to participate in art courses taught by Jeanne Ralston and Laurel Cormack. Elsie Anderson’s series featuring local Let me introduce an ElderCollege family: Dora van der artists was inspiring. She would never have contemplated writing Heide, her daughter Annemarie Rodger, and son Rick van poetry but for Nicole Girard. Dora found herself “gathering clouds” der Heide. They originally settled in Ottawa but now call in Ed Cooper’s Tai Chi class. Campbell River home. Annemarie and her husband, John, were the first to arrive in 2005, and joined the fledgling Campbell River ElderCollege that fall. Annemarie loved the concept of retired people sharing lifetimes of knowledge and experience with each other and the idea of continued learning in new disciplines. She volunteered for the Curriculum Committee and a year later took over the chair of that committee from Tony Fantillo, and held it for two years. Some years later, she would co-chair that committee with Jeanne Ralston. She has also taught a grammar course and co-hosted the annual spelling bee. Three years later, upon her arrival, Dora also dived into the ElderCollege courses. She started with the travelogues organized by Sue Vickery. Because of her interest in world affairs and politics, she likes the courses taught by Erik Mairs and Bob Hillier. At age 91, she still continues to learn, and looks forward to the ElderCollege calendar each term. As the youngest, Rick was happy to learn that he qualified to take Campbell River ElderCollege courses Annemarie and Dora would like to mention all the volunteer like Sandra Milligan’s Invasive Plants workshop. He instructors. “Both as an ElderCollege member and during my time as highly recommends Mike Naish’s Strata course. chair and co-chair of the Curriculum Committee, I was blown away by the generosity of the instructors and presenters. It takes a lot of time Now, to get back to curiosity. and commitment (and plain hard work) to present a course, and here Rick and Annemarie say they have inherited their natural were these people who freely shared their passion and knowledge,” curiosity from Dora. They remember going for hikes, says Annemarie. “ We are so lucky to have these people in our lives.” where she would identify natural features for them. Perhaps that is where Rick’s interest in geography and There is no end of new things to know and discover and including landscape architecture started. On other outings, there ElderCollege in their lives has enriched each member of the van would be historical facts. She introduced them to classical der Heide family. The great variety of courses offered through music, and yes, even opera. They found that every ElderCollege is an opportunity to learn new things and explore person, every occasion, is a learning experience, and that different interests. As Rick pointed out, “Innate curiosity never you should never be afraid to ask questions. stops.” The van der Heide family are voracious readers and, The Portuguese writer Saramego said, “Old age starts where curiosity throughout all of their lives, books have fed their desire to ends.” Use the example of our ElderCollege family and continue to learn more about the world and to satisfy their interests. follow your curiosity wherever it leads you. 7
Kathleen Haggith with recipient Alaysha Michalenko Pat Dennison with recipient Rupert Love R e c e n t B u r s a r i e s f r o m E l d e r C o l l e g e P r e s e n t e d t o N I C S t u d e n t s The opportunity to share opinions on current events and learn different perspectives from others • Concise logical description of •Hands-on learning - excellent instruction•The instructor is very generous with her time ,very encouraging • Public Information Meeting From Fall 2017 History in Writing Watercolour events•Variety of topics / wide ranging coverage of topics•Instructor was very confident, informed and personable•Very timely topics – felt like a “safe” environment to share concerns and issues•Something completely new for me
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