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Home Explore computer project

computer project

Published by Khwaish Adyani, 2022-05-26 15:15:03

Description: computer project


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Networking components Computer networks Components Comprise both physiCal parts as well as the software required for installing Computer networks, both at organizations and at home. the hardware Components are the server, Client, peer, deviCes. the software Components are operating system and protoCols. Networking Components: network Components is also Called the “network deviCe” or “network equipment” or “Computer networking deviCes” whiCh are used to need make CommuniCation and interaCtion between multiple Computers over network.  the following figure shows a network along with its Components −

b Types of Network Device Network interface card: (niC) is hardware Component that is used to link multiple Computers with eaCh other over the network. niC performs some aCtivates suCh as sending and reCeiving data as

well as Controlling data flow between linked all terminals over the network. niC is Capable to send and reCeive data on (10,100 to 1000 mb/s) transfer rate. all niC Contain unique id (maC address) that is programmed on Chip, and it is embedded on the network interfaCe Card. NIC has two variant such as –  Wired (NIC)- Cables and ConneCtors are ConneCted to wired niC, whiCh is embedded inside the motherboard.  Wireless (NIC)– wireless niC has small type antenna, it helps to make ConneCtion on the wireless network. HUB hub is also a hardware Component of Computer network that helps to split large network ConneCtions into small multiple network terminals. hub works as distribution point. when Computes try to

request for some pieCe of data from network (wired or wireless), then it has first priority to send request to hub via Cable. hub will transmit those requests over the network, and all linked terminal will determine that those requests are related to them or not. if not related then all requests will be trashed. MODEM modem stands for “modulator– demodulator“. main objeCtive of using of modem in Computer network is to move data from one Computer terminal to another Computer terminal via telephone line system. TYPES OF MODEM: 1.ethernet modem 2.wireless modem SWITCHES

switChes are used in the wired network suCh as ethernet network. switCh is a small hardware Component that helps to reCeive data from other different input ports and send this got data to appropriate output port, and finally destination terminal obtains data over the network. there are four types of switChes. ROUTER router performs all funCtions on the third layer of osi model. router helps to transfer data paCket in between multiple point over the network. router CheCks the destination ip (internet protoCol) address of reCeived data paCket, and it transfers those data paCkets on best path aCCording of headers and forwarding tables. BRIDGES

bridges is very important hardware deviCe of Computer network beCause it helps to make interConneCtion along with multiple bridge network on the similar protoCol. bridges are also Called of “layer 2 switChes”. bridges performs all funCtions on the data link layer of the iso model, and it helps to keep the maC (media aCCess Control) address table. TYPES OF BRIDGES: 1.transparent bridge 2.translational bridge 3.sourCe-route bridge REPEATER repeater performs all aCtivates on the physiCal layer of the osi model. it is very helpful to regain or repliCate analog or digital signals, whiCh are distorted by

transmission loss. so it is known as “signal booster”. repeater is Capable to relay messages between multiple sub networks in the data network. Gateways gateway is a speCial type of hardware Component of the network, and it performs aCtivities like “gate” between two networks. gateways provide proteCtion like firewalls from unwanted traffiC beCause it is plaCed at the edge of the network system so all data get in and out in the network through gateways. gateway works on the top layers of osi model suCh as transport, session, presentation, and appliCation layers. but, it is useless to make CommuniCation between two same network protoCols. types: 1. unidireCtional gateways

2. bidireCtional gateways Client Client is edge point of Computers whiCh are obtained the requests and reCeived serviCes from server side, and it uses Computer network resourCes suCh as printer, sCanner, plotter, and more. Server server is high level Computer whiCh are get high Configuration. it has responsibility to handle all resourCes of the entire network system. on the server, a speCial type of operating system is installed, it is known as network operating system. Software Components

Networking Operating System networking operating system is designed espeCially to network system. it is installed on the server then it delivers to some faCilitate to workstations on the network suCh as share files, database, appliCations, fax maChine, plotters, printers etC. Protocol Suite protoCol is set of rules or some guideline followed by every node of network for data CommuniCation protoCol suite is group of some. related protoCols whiCh are espeCially designed for Computer networks. Protocol in Computer Network network protoCols are groups of speCified rules that deCide how to swap data between in the multiple Computers with easy, reliable and trustworthy way.

main objeCtive of using of protoCols are to spread and reCeive data over a network. Connection Medium in Computer Network ConneCtion medium is the appropriate way over whiCh eleCtriCal signal flows as transfer from one terminal to another terminal over the network. (this is all for networking components)

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