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Home Explore Lean Manufacturing Explained

Lean Manufacturing Explained

Published by nelson, 2015-01-25 09:53:11

Description: There are various management approaches that focus on boosting and speeding up a company's operational viability and sales.
It is for this reason that companies all over the world are seeking unique strategies to improve their corporate environments and well-being, some of which have been so successful internally that other firms have taken to adopting the same or similar programs in their own realms.


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Lean Manufacturing ExplainedThere are various management approaches thatfocus on boosting and speeding up a company'soperational viability and sales.It is for this reason that companies all over theworld are seeking unique strategies to improvetheir corporate environments and well-being,some of which have been so successful internallythat other firms have taken to adopting the sameor similar programs in their own realms.

One of such is the much talked-about leanmanufacturing approach.Lean manufacturing explainedWhat lean manufacturing basically aims to achieveis enabling corporations to raise theirprofitability and competitive edge. It seeks tointroduce and adopt management and productionimprovements via the identification andelimination of behaviors and practices deemedunproductive and wasteful.Lean manufacturing has been found to be right forall kinds of organizations and business set-ups,whether in the trading, service, manufacturingsectors, or any other types of industries around.It can even work in a small business setting thatinvolves just a number of housewives with ahome-based cookie baking venture.

Getting the right things done at the right timeis what lean manufacturing is focused on. Asidefrom that is getting tasks completed at the rightplace and at the right quantity, while alsolowering activities that are considered wastefuland time-consuming and boosting boosting workerproductivity and flexibility. This concept isbelieved to have been espoused by mogul Henry Fordand further developed by the Japanese car maker,Toyota.All about wasteIt will not take rocket science to figure out thatthere are certain activities in business thatlead to a waste of energy, time and resources. Thephilosophy that is lean manufacturing paysparticular attention to the reduction and/orelimination of seven major wastes commonlyidentified by international companies.Eradicating these said seven wastes promises to

boost production quality, turnaround times and,eventually, lower expenses. The seven wastesinclude:1. inventory2. scraps and defects3. over-production4. motion5. over-processing6. waiting7. transportationLean manufacturing places a prime on time. That'swhy this strategy is bent on improving workefficiency. Transportation, for instance, is animportant part of production because through itgoods and services and delivered to and fromproducers and consumers. What lean manufacturingdoes to address the waste that is transportationis seek maximum ways to lessen the travel time andequipment costs, particularly at a time of risingoil and energy rates.

Constant motion or movements must be kept to aminimum, therefore, not just to save on gas butalso to save on energy. Unproductive employeehours and procrastination are some of the topthings lean manufacturing aims to scrap from thelist of tasks.Once motion is significantly reduced toappropriate levels, then the waiting time willalso be significantly lowered or maybe eliminated.Turnaround times become faster and more outputwill be delivered.In addition, lean manufacturing also aims toeliminate the needs for constant repairs, whichtakes up precious time. That's why it is importantfor this strategy to keep all nuts and bolts inplace and in check at all times, to eliminate thetime inappropriately consumed by making repairsand the money wasted by always purchasing littleimplements.

To make it short, if an equipment needs to bereplaced, then replace it. Don't just fix onesmall part and then pray that the other partsdon't fall apart at some other time. Nip theproblem at the bud.Overproduction also presents a risk. Yes, youheard that right. Just because you went beyondyour goal doesn't mean you've done better.Instead, you might actually have created aproblem by introducing a glut to your inventory.Stockpiles take up space. And if left unused fora time, get destroyed or supplanted by more recentversions. That's money wasted and space consumed.In sum, what lean manufacturing does is take outwasteful activities in the workplace andreplacing common practices with anas-is-where-is approach. Some companies mightfind it a little costly at the beginning, but,

rest assured, the benefits will stay for a far,far longer term.

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