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Home Explore February 2019 Building Connections

February 2019 Building Connections

Published by hbra, 2019-02-19 15:35:38

Description: February 2019 Building Connections


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THE E-MAGAZINE OF THE HBRA OF FAIRFIELD COUNTY - FEBRUARY 2019 UPCOMING FEATURES MEMBER BENEFITS Beyond The Blueprint February GMM Building Science NAHB Benefits Cyber Security PWB Meeting MunnCo Mold, Asbestos, & Lead

THE E-MAGAZINE OF THE HBRA OF FAIRFIELD COUNTY Building Connections is a monthly digital magazine produced and published by the Home Builders and Remodelers Association of Fairfield County. Inside you will find the latest association news, legislative updates, upcoming events, and featured articles about the industry. Editorial Staff Find Us On Social Media Jackie Bertolone [email protected] Executive Officer Sarah Iannarone Membership & Events Coordinator Clare Michalak Marketing & Graphics Coordinator Subscribe Advertise Got News? Sign up here to subscribe to have Advertise your business to a list of Exciting news to share? Send your Building Connections Magazine over +1200 recipients! Click HERE for press release or article to delivered to your inbox every month more information and opportunities [email protected] to be featured in the next issue

IN THIS ISSUE HBRA NEWS • Message from the Executive Officer p. 5 • Member Recruitment Challenge p. 7 • Upcoming Events p. 8 • Beyond the Blueprint p. 9 • February Breakfast GMM p. 10 • Building Science Seminar p. 12 • New Members p. 20 • Dear Sales Coach p. 32 • Member Benefits p. 33 BUILDER NEWS • New Real Estate Fee Proposed p. 16 • OSHA Relieves Contractors from Some Electronic p.16 Record Keeping • Millennials Struggle To Find Homes p. 18 • Value Of A Construction Career Is A No-Brainer p. 18 • Big Ideas for Small Lots NYC p. 19 • The Dotted Line: Modular project contract p. 19 • Final Rule on Injury and Illness Reporting Reqs p. 24 NAHB NEWS • Statement on Housing Finance Reform Proposal p. 24 • Hot Spots to Hit at IBS 2019 p. 25 • President Trump’s State of the Union Address p. 25 • ICC 2018 Codes Changes Largely Positive p. 26 • Home Prices Are the Barrier to Homeownership p. 26 STATE NEWS ON THE COVER • Legislative Update p. 29 Karp Associates Arnold Karp • Hbra Testimony On HB 5254 p.30 Robin Carroll • Greenwich Business Owner Says Tolls Will Cost p.31 Karp Associates Company $72,000 Per Year • Paid Family Leave And The Minimum Wage Top List p.31 Of Priorities For Democratic Legislative Leaders • Op/Ed: Optimism While Creating Common ‘Cents’ p.32 Advertisers: p. 6 United Bank p. 25 p.13 Interstate Lumber p. 26 Acadia p.16 County TV & Appliance p. 27 Stamford Musem p. 17 Tooher Ferraris p. 28 DiMatteo p.19 Fairfield County Bank p. 33 Ridgefield Supply p. 21 Ed’s Garage Door p. 34 First County Bank p. 23 CTC&G p. 36 Pella Windows and Doors p. 24 Ring’s End p. 37 Marlin Huber Engineered Woods

2018-19 OFFICERS 2019 VIP PARTNERS President HOME BUILDERS AND REMODELERS ASSOCIATION OF FAIRFIELD COUNTY Anthony DeRosa ELITE DeRosa Builders DIAMOND Sr. Vice-President Kim DiMatteo TITANIUM DiMatteo Group PLATINUM Vice President GOLD John Hertz MEDIA Hertz Construction Thank you to the following VIP Associate Members for their Secretary support in 2019. Due to their generosity the Association Rob Michaud greatly benefits - from developing new events and educational The Michaud Group opportunities for the membership, to keeping our lights on! Immediate Past President Chris Steiner Steiner, Inc. 2018-19 DIRECTORS Propane Pete Battaglio Hocon Gas Max Bender Bender Supply Steve Berko Four Square Build & Design Michael Church William Pitt Sotheby’s Ken DeLeo Doherty & DeLeo Brian Kurtz Interstate Lumber Steve LoParco LoParco Associates, Inc. Steven Roth Elevator Service Company Alex Shook Pella Commercial Michael Wood Wood Builders LIFE DIRECTORS Joanne Carroll Peter Fusaro JMC Resources Preferred Builders Jerry Effren Maureen Hanley The Greyrock Companies United Bank Gary Fanali Michael Palumbo City Carting ERI Building & Design Peter Gaboriault Bear Paw Builders

MESSAGE FROM THE EXECUTIVE OFFICER Members- I write to you from the International Builders Show in Las Vegas where we have a large contingent of members in attendance. It’s exciting to see the latest and greatest in products on the floor of the show. This week we will install the new Chair for the National Association of Homebuilders and for the first time, someone from Connecticut will be leading us on a national level. On Thursday morning Greg Ugalde from T&M Building will be sworn in and we are thrilled to have our state on the national map. The HBRA has many new events and seminars coming up in March. Please take a few minutes to read through our newsletter for details, important articles, rebates & discounts, as well as updates from the state legislature. I’m proud to report that we have surpassed 470 members which is a huge accomplishment. Our goal is to reach 500 this year. Please take a look at our membership challenge and help recruit new members. You can become eligible to win prizes at our May 1st brewery event! As always, if you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to reach out to me. All the best, Jackie L. Bertolone Executive Officer l-r Jim Parras, HBRA CT, Eric Person, HBRA Central; Greg Ugalde, NAHB Chairman; Sheila Leach, HBRA Eastern; Jackie Bertolone, HBRA Fairfield County Incoming NAHB Chairman Greg Ugalde of CT with Executive officers Check our Instagram story at @hbraffc for updates from IBS FEBRUARY 2019 | HBRA of Fairfield County 5

Connecticut Home Builders & Remodelers Program AN INSURANCE PROGRAM CUSTOM DESIGNED FOR YOUR BUSINESS Acadia Insurance is proud to be the endorsed property and casualty insurance carrier for the Home Builders and Remodelers Association of Connecticut. As a leading provider of insurance for contractors throughout New England, Acadia Insurance understands the insurance and service needs of contractors from small to large. With a local office in Rocky Hill, Acadia Insurance has professionals that handle underwriting, claim, loss control and premium audit for its Connecticut customers. Acadia is working with a select number of its Independent Agents in offering this program to Connecticut’s Home Builders and Remodelers. The Right Policy for Your Business Acadia Insurance offers qualifying contractors a full array of necessary coverages including property, general liability, workers’ compensation, business automobile and umbrella. In addition, we can provide builders’ risk coverage, installation floater and equipment coverage. ✓ We have designed special coverage options just for home builders: Liability Coverage Enhancements: Property Coverage Enhancements: • Waiver of subrogation clause • Coverage for newly acquired property • Limited pollution coverage • Coverage for property while in-transit • Extended property damage coverage • Debris removal coverage ✓ Acadia Insurance can craft the coverage you need to operate your business. For a full listing of coverages and how they apply to an individual home builder, please see an Acadia Insurance agent who is equipped to analyze your current insurance program and provide you with recommendations.

HBRA EVENTS 2019 HBRA Member Recruitment Challenge New members can join at a reduced rate for their first year and in return you can receive prizes. Click below for more information. We have 470 members and growing, with 21 members joining within the past month! 2ME0M1BE9R 22001199 New Member InvR E C RU I T M E N T Why itation $595C H A L L E N G E CRgMHEToNChAoERidLseUMLfiInwoETvrMBNiytMEGoaENtuEiRTroenfmirisstbayveeaairrlaosbfhlemitepomnbReewarsmtheiepm:wb$ieth3rst9ohne5lHy How TSo PReIKcruEitBNIeGw |MWemIbNersBIG Join The HBRA? VALUE132...uapITbOunptrsehnvdiiweecnciAarntPigeHwentelrlmcicHtgaiBwnHnhzehpBeegaRaieB.evpbsRmlnwARtelrufewAhdlAboNniywmeilwmveglIAmdelnimeeerberfilHevTslldmassmelemhBvitfi,ptlpimarbboeiysbesfnrrreerrioipeetbonnkreiriritusvfsneckIeslesheynihdgeertwdwantetiactsptrporetthiaosopaeeiolrmrojbldaunndateioinnbnahtoeasnnkaiityventtevtsmeitts!iinhfywie5totcatoMrbege.h.nhrncar(ydaesTeReTaelodnceeosprtlhdmoeMeom,saaosHpBweeiancmrbnrtatlpunryeBduesmieyotaupicdtrhelRdswoaer1adiajsialPtemtorAinsetwniriwgmegcoltiibrHgiylosniraihsbMeppeettan’tBetroilhthalnecnSshse.ihttRtregdhiotmeOafevheeeonAenioFplcebbcniMnlriwHnyrrlgsoelweeHlpsyiueuaityzmrBBdipwrhebihn.nReePbtbMibeRceArdzeleslbrnemoLpeurmosoaecYAavis2rf2bsea@fx)•ossiiFmafmic•iw00eeaasfeubto•itlfiirnrii•ucn1rlma1VpteofdM•ertgiaibreP•ly2c9a.lh9daeeBerl•efrlodatuCblD•motfuot0iugSnueCNhMafolhnsisnf•bLepesriToiriald1ceEvenmceriisioeuntiNdoaokngrsMdwrfereienssnhoiegHiti9iupsuptD.eoEsetnnselmshee.frsnmsnryOcoathltnploouylfieWaopdiweeAhadrtdgbri|sgabpBnltsvercestpteyer2ewisiolcinbctogishRhiIbcvcyeao$evs2orWsdAobrooortctwAeeiino”pabeue2keneepehlofuneaBualoiihdscl3wfuo8rtiatjpastamriostntsaaaeoTcriunlnlyidimlybrassnroaBdayaplongnwrio2ai9pidmeh.vrdttuftorsliilaimtendRdceeMncrodneeaoycr.doebid0hsenunannetftoonucv5rg.euaeifcOa.saftainmorchdx3negneekusgeeheaerVidpnstpsphilgdrnombuedoetnrn-rl.RrcceRrvjtermtslecFyauaaebgs3ugreesfBsmymodttheoBme,ebo.AosmiriystlsseFtrmolbstui3arvscuHev.iueehrnoooibeihmtrtabveoks2ensufwri5neeinioueecolbitfdeeBfgsesueeetod&brTmsdntorfvr-rfvi0iiiefrsituta,ioynceso7Rcteueitccw$inoewcassabcaereehrgurkriffini2o0ietmagukentAneeniasnlogswssedrr7o3eMrrprdadn0,GtceCcnihmr.u0aowtsis0paiahliCllcnonn.ieka8eionununud9rnfplomeayituydevecioyudd:diidtd,docrfqdnylmeo,eruustpnobe2euiea5remSHqiuenammshp.nrtcusttt,ru0lapnsbretguoauehitoiteBimooirsnorlrey1nvtecnioaenyd,ormydlneeRetngimotri9hpreeisftrteshnc3ianeessmyepatA.itebNdheenag0ohMashsiocwolseosi7sdepetioMtHotrabifliineeepnhtfoovbgehetFomfmtuccyhinnnixseoeamnthcnttpe.baainionmoesoigtnriaellaete,fifmsmdisoeyidgldnrfq“Bseteifndrsoiedbtutarlsbaaudhdoosssouyiceynsinieiti,,r8aihiiteeYnnnsytrsgonc2ashauensodsgde5eptpoketnptuuwhttbReee|uetspbwsHeub2micerrtotlatosit0soehBmrhmesnsfeiy3cretneR,rdao.kooib-asesA3idmu,inntsps3nehiisdreol5latdoe-nthptit7rhneeats0egoicr0rAttlcp8aisBnorts|ddeUoohsuemcbItssiLroa,taDrtt@iyeoEb,nRuiMldfAEaiMSrfSiBeOlEdCRcIoAuTnCtEyl.iMccokmEtMbweBlooEmRwetmo wbeartscohfttehsetimHBonRiAals from Click the flyers above for resources on how to recruit new members. FEBRUARY 2019 | HBRA of Fairfield County 7

HBRA EVENTS MARK YOUR CALENDARS UPCOMING EVENTS March GMM Beyond the Blueprint March 6, 2019 Click Here to Register Cyber Security With DiMatteo Group at County TV & Appliance March 19, 2019 Save the Date Lead, Asbestos, Mold & Underground Storage Tanks Seminar With Big East Environmental March 28, 2019 Save the Date Upcoming Committee Meetings Associates Council February 26th, 4:30pm | HBRA Office Golf Committee March 14th, 3:00pm | HBRA Office Membership Committee February 27th, 10:30am | HBRA Office Professional Women in Building Council February 28th | Chloe Winston 8 HBRA of Fairfield County | FEBRUARY 2019

March 6, 2019 The Farmhouse 148 Scofieldtown Road, Stamford 6:00-8:30PM Panelists Julio DiBiase DIBICO CONSTRUCTION OF CT INC. Bob Sprouls & Darren Andreoli BLUEWATER HOME BUILDERS, LLC Ryan Fletcher FLETCHER DEVELOPMENT LLC Paul Harris ARCHETYPE & COLE HARRIS HOMES LLC Moderator: Diane M. Ramirez CHAIRMAN AND CEO OF HALSTEAD REAL ESTATE Hors-d’oeuvres, Beer, Wine, & Prosecco: $35 per person Join the HBRA of Fairfield County for a behind the scenes look to find out what it takes for these top builders to produce award-winning multi-million dollar homes in Fairfield County. R SVP For more information please contact the HBRA office 203-335-7008 | [email protected]| wAwRYw.2b0ui1ld9fa|irHfiBelRdAcooufnFtya.cirofmield County 9

HBRA NEWS February Breakfast GMM at J.M. Wright Technical High School Ben Fletcher attended our first breakfast at JM Wright in 2018 and immediately saw the passion and excitement of one particular carpentry student, Anthony. He gave Ben a tour of the program and Ben gave Anthony his business card with hopes he could hire him one day. That day came sooner than both of them thought and ever since Anthony has been working for Fletcher Development. No job is too small and all the site supers request him on the job sites. Anthony is loving the opportunity, giving him an appreciation for earning a good income and the value of hard work. He’s also blown away by the beautiful homes he is fortunate to help construct. At our February breakfast GMM, Anthony and Ben spoke about their experience to the general membership and we hope this message will encourage others to do the same. We are facing a labor shortage in the trades not only nationwide but right here in Connecticut. It’s important we find young students passionate about our industry and help train and mentor them for the future. 10 HBRA of Fairfield County | FEBRUARY 2019

Members also heard from the principal Dr. Bartoli, and were able to talk to other students and faculty in plumbing, electrical, blueprint drafting, digital media and facilities management. Then members were given tours to various departments to see the impressive machinery they are trained on. The HBRA looks forward to a continued partnership with the school to help lead the next generation of our industry. The HBRA thanks First County bank for sponsoring this breakfast. FEBRUARY 2019 | HBRA of Fairfield County 11

HBRA NEWS Building Science Seminar “Great presenters and Architect Steven Baczek and Green Builder Peter Yost presented an material covered informative and entertaining seminar on Building Science, presented and I learned a by Huber Engineered Woods. The three hour seminar covered the good deal; much envelope of building a house—how to fine tune design, materials enjoyed! I will and construction through building science. Architects were provided certainly attend 3 CEUs. Thank you to Will Contento and Mike Moriarty of Huber seminars more Engineered Woods for putting together a valuable educational program often as a result for HBRA members & guests. of today’s time spent.” - Richard Rosano 12 HBRA of Fairfield County | FEBRUARY 2019

New State Board of Directors Luigi Altamura of Altamura Homes The new board of directors for the Home Builders & Remodelers Association of Connecticut was sworn in on January 22, 2019. New to the board, Luigi Altamura of Altamura Homes, was officially sworn in along with several other returning members from the HBRA of Fairfield County. Fairfield County State Board Directors Kim Dimatteo of Dimatteo Inusrance Anthony of DeRosa Builders Pete Battaglio of Hocon Gas Steven Roth of Elevator Service Company Joanne Carroll of JMC Resources Michael Church William Pitt Sotheby’s International Realty Ken DeLeo of Doherty & DeLeo Development Stamfor&d MNautsueruemCenter A variety of distinctive indoor and outdoor settings for corporate, private, and social events. lmeaorrne203.977.6523 [email protected] FEBRUARY 2019 | HBRA of Fairfield County 13

H B R A E V E NHTSBRA OF FAIRFIELD COUNTY Builder Roundtable Legislative Briefing Friday, March 1, 2019 register here 10:30AM-11:45AM Shorehaven Golf Club 2nd Floor Board Room 14 Canfield Avenue Norwalk, CT 06855 Join us for the first in a series of Builder Roundtables where you can connect with fellow builder members. This meeting will be an update on pending legislation in the state that could impact your business and the building industry here in Fairfield County. Provide your feedback on the proposed legislation and share any regulations or challenges you may be facing. Please come listen, learn and participate so we can be your best advocates in Hartford. Facilitators: Jim Perras, CEO of the HBRA of Connecticut Robert G. Wiedenmann, Jr. of Sunwood Development Corp. Anthony DeRosa, DeRosa Builders Jackie L. Bertolone, Executive Officer of the HBRA of Fairfield County Coffee will be provided. Builder Roundtables will be provided throughout the year on different topics and with different facilitators. Should you want to host one, suggest an issue for discussion or a possible speaker, please contact our office Click the register button above to RSVP or please call the office at 203-335-7008 or email [email protected]. Click here to view the PDF. 14 HBRA of Fairfield County | FEBRUARY 2019

HBRA SEMINARS Save the Date for these Upcoming Seminars March 28, 2019 Location & Time TBD Join the HBRA of Fairfield County and Big East Labs for a seminar on Lead, Asbestos, Mold & Underground Storage Tanks. See samples, hear tips and tricks to identify potential problems and we’ll end with a Q&A. Come listen, learn and ask your questions from an HBRA member and environmental testing firm. March 19, 2019 County TV & Appliance Time: 3:00PM Do you know that an accidental click of your mouse can get you a virus that can cost you $25,000 or more? Have you ever had a disgruntled employee? If so, do you know they have the potential to cost you $50,000 or more? Join us on March 19th to learn how to protect your company from Cyber Attacks and Employee Issues. FEBRUARY 2019 | HBRA of Fairfield County 15

HBRA NEWS New Real Estate Fee Proposed To Fund Open OSHA relieves Space contractors from some electronic Creating a new real estate fee to fund open space programs, cracking recordkeeping down on leaky gas pipelines, and stopping free ad flyers from being thrown on lawns and driveways were among the issues debated at a One of the biggest objections to legislative hearing Monday. the original rule, when proposed, was that the information included The first big hearing before the Environment Committee of the 2019 on the more detailed forms would General Assembly session drew a standing-room-only crowd in compromise both employee and Hartford. Here’s a look at some of the proposed bills that drew often employer privacy since the forms conflicting testimony from citizens, lawmakers and special interest would be available to the public. groups. Read More Real estate fee for open space funding: Environmental groups and local officials urged lawmakers to support a plan that would allow cities and towns to voluntarily set new fees on real estate transactions of up to 1 percent of the value of sales more than $150,000. The municipalities could then use that money to buy or maintain open space, clean up old industrial “brownfields, and other environmental projects. Read More 16 HBRA of Fairfield County | FEBRUARY 2019

DON’T JUST INVEST IN WINDOWS, INVEST IN THE CONTRACTOR. ANDERSEN DID. Even the best windows don’t perform well if they’re not installed properly. Andersen Certified Contractors are trained by Andersen to install Andersen® windows and patio doors. In fact, Andersen is so confident in their contractors, they offer a 2-year installation limited warranty.* When you’re ready to replace, Andersen contractors are here to help. You’ll not only be choosing someone certified by Andersen, you’ll be choosing the window company ranked #1 in quality and the one most trusted and recommended by trade professionals.** *See Andersen certified contractor limited warranty for details. For more information, visit **Based on 2016 survey of trade contractors. “Andersen” and all other marks where denoted are trademarks of Andersen Corporation. ©2018 Andersen Corporation. All rights reserved. 29 Prospect Street, Ridgefield, CT 06877-0519 203-438-2626

HBRA NEWS HBRA EVENTS As More Older Americans ‘Age In Place,’ For Generation Millennials Struggle To Find Homes Z, the value of a construction career is With more seniors than ever aging in place and choosing not to sell a no-brainer the family home, an estimated 1.6 million fewer properties are now available in a market already experiencing a critical shortage, according On top of the technology to Freddie Mac. disruption and skilled labor shortages already underway, the To put it in perspective, that is about the same number of new single- construction industry is entering family and multifamily housing units built each year. a demographic reshuffle as baby boomers continue to retire and a That stay-put trend is crashing into the rising demand for housing from new crowd of young people makes the huge millennial generation: fewer homes for sale will continue to its way to the industry. put upward pressure on already overheated home prices. Millennials have been, and “We believe the additional demand for homeownership from seniors continue to be, the target of aging in place will increase the relative price of owning versus renting, training and recruitment strategies making renting more attractive to younger generations,” said Sam for many construction firms. While Khater, chief economist at Freddie Mac, who estimates that the current the defined age ranges for this market needs about 2.5 million more homes to meet demand. generation vary, Pew Research carves out the years 1981 to 1996, The reasons more seniors are choosing to stay in the homes where they putting millennials at ages 23 to raised their families are manifold. 38 this year — well into adulthood and already on a career track, for “They love their homes, it’s their chief investment, they love their the most part. neighborhoods and their communities, and they love the control they get in their own house,” said 64 year-old Louis Tenenbaum, a housing To better attract the next up-and- advocate in Kensington, Maryland. “They decide when to get up, when comers, a number of organizations to go to sleep, what to eat, who to have as visitors.” are turning their focus to a newly defined group of young people: Tenenbaum is preparing to age in place himself. He is in the midst of Generation Z. They were born building an elevator into his three-level home. He has also widened between about 1995 and 2010 doorways, made a curbless shower and lowered his kitchen counters, (ages 9 to 24), and while the should he ever be in a wheelchair. He notes that 63 percent of the $383 research is early-stage, it looks billion spent on remodeling each year is among people over 50 years of like the financially prudent, age, according to Harvard’s Joint Center for Housing. The trouble is they entrepreneurial and hands-on don’t always add features for aging in place. aspects of construction will appeal more to these individuals than “If we can shift the remodeling industry to be doing those types of their millennial predecessors. things when they’re already remodeling, then we really start to change the housing infrastructure and we create this place where people can Read More enjoy living out their years in their home,” Tenenbaum said. That’s great for homeowners, but not so great for young buyers hoping to move into larger suburban homes. “There’s a stalemate,” said Jane Fairweather, a longtime real estate agent in Bethesda, Maryland. “We can’t get enough housing for the couples who want to put their kids in good public school systems.” Read More 18 HBRA of Fairfield County | FEBRUARY 2019

Big Ideas for Small Lots NYC The Dotted Line: Putting together the Big Ideas for Small Lots NYC is a two-stage design pieces of a modular competition for small-scale, urban infill housing. project contract The competition is organized by the New York City Department of Housing Preservation and Prefabrication in the commercial Development (HPD) and the American Institute construction world is nothing of Architects New York (AIANY), and seeks to new, Ron Ciotti, partner at law address the challenges associated with the design and construction of firm Hinckley Allen, told the affordable housing on underutilized City-owned land. Construction Super Conference in Las Vegas last month. Modular In November 2017, Mayor Bill de Blasio announced the Housing New building has been around in York 2.0 plan, which builds on the success of the original Housing various forms since the mid-1800s, New York plan and furthers the City’s bold commitment to increase but its big boom in recent years the supply of affordable housing by building or preserving 300,000 eclipses its long, steady history. affordable homes by 2026. In support of the plan, HPD has aggressively moved through its inventory of vacant and underutilized City-owned Read More land to create more affordable housing. Much of the remaining inventory includes lots that are challenging to develop due to their small size. Big Ideas for Small Lots NYC is a design competition to find housing solutions for these lots, and to explore their potential to contribute to citywide affordable housing options. Read More Getting Down to Business? Contact Brad Lupinacci, Business Banking at 203.462.4224 Equal Housing Lender Member FDIC NMLS# 411487 FEBRUARY 2019 | HBRA of Fairfield County 19

HBRA NEW MEMBERS Susan M. Corvo Susan Corvo Redesign LLC Susan Corvo, an award-winning interior designer is known for creating spaces that are both beautiful and functional for homeowners and businesses in Connecticut and New York. She believes everyone should love coming home and a beautiful home does not have to be expensive... READ MORE Maria Matluck Maria Matluck Construction Consultants (MMCC, LLC) I come from a family of masons and carpenters. But as I learned working for a construction firm at age 15, successful projects depend on business management as much as great design and quality craftsmanship. Today, I offer homeowners and businesses over 20 years of accounting and business experience combined with my consulting, design, and project management talents... READ MORE Susan Vogul SB Vogel Consulting I am Susan Vogel, founder of S.B. Vogel Consulting LLC. I am an active listener whose goal is to positively impact my clients both professionally and personally. I am tenacious in my approach, a creative problem solver, and an astute diagnostician. As an experienced leader and consultant, my goal is to consistently help people hone in on what is really important to them... and guide them on how to achieve it... READ MORE Candace Pereira Chloe Winston Lighting Design Lighting up homes around CT and NY for the past 32 years and dedicating her entire career to lighting design, Candace brings her easy style, passion and drive for the perfect customer experience to Chloe Winston Lighting. Her work as a designer, manager and buyer at a regional home design retailer gives her the background and expertise to handle any lighting design challenge... READ MORE Eric DeLaurentis DeLaurentis Developments DeLaurentis Developments is a building company with experience in constructing both residential properties and commercial facilities. We also offer commercial facility maintenance services throughout the New England & New York metropolitan areas. No matter the size of your project, the experienced professionals at DeLaurentis Developments will plan, design, construct, and maintain your project... READ MORE Amy Velez Safe and Sound Electric LLC For all your electrical solutions, trust Safe and Sound Electric LLC in Riverside, CT. We hire only the most skilled electricians to join our experienced team. Our electricians are proven to be consistent, friendly, and helpful. You can count on them for the best electrician services around and to look out for your best interests. All of our electricians are highly trained, background tested, drug tested, and fully licensed... READ MORE 20 HBRA of Fairfield County | FEBRUARY 2019

HBRA NEW MEMBERS Caroline Kopp Caroline Kopp Interior Design Caroline Kopp is the principal and founder of this Westport-based interior firm. A desire to find beauty in the world has guided the designer’s life from a young age, leading her to major in Art History at UC Berkeley and then on to New York to study interior design at Parsons School of Design. Later in her career Kopp continued her education with a sabbatical at Sotheby’s Institute of Art in London, where she studied decorative arts... READ MORE Mark Bordonaro GoTasker Our company is passionate about the construction industry and technology. Contractors and sub-contractors are at the core of everything we do. Improving work flow and the client experience drives our business. The software we create helps our community of home service providers do business better... READ MORE Tomasz Tesluk Lifetronic Systems Custom smart home technology for home or business. For over a decade, Lifetronic Systems has been designing and installing custom smart home technology systems for homeowners, builders and businesses throughout Connecticut, New York and beyond. We seamlessly integrate cutting-edge home automation, entertainment, lighting, security, communication and networking systems to enhance the lives of our clients... READ MORE Tina Anastasia Mark P. Finlay Interiors Mark P. Finlay Interiors, LLC was established in 2009 under the same roof as MPF Architects. Led by Tina Anastasia, MPF Interiors works collaboratively with architects and clients of both residences and businesses. The team oversees the specifications and materials throughout construction as well as furnishings and final layers. Whether working with MPF Architects or on a stand-alone project, MPF Interiors combines function with an immaculate aesthetic that reflects the daily lifestyle and personal taste of each client. ... READ MORE Welcome to our new affiliate members Patrick Moore Lee Jackson Steve Gulick Haynes Group Inc. Haynes Group Inc. William Raveis Real Estate 22 HBRA of Fairfield County | FEBRUARY 2019

HBRA RESOURCE Looking for a Member? Use the membership directory on our website to look up members by trade, location, alphabetically, or by housing category. This directory is available for all website visitors. Members - if you need to update your contact information you can log into your account and change your profile information - For assistance please call the office at 203-335-7008. FEBRUARY 2019 | HBRA of Fairfield County 23

NAHB NEWS OSHA Issues Final Rule on Injury and Illness Statement from NAHB Reporting Requirements Chairman Randy Noel on Sen. Crapo’s The U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Housing Finance Administration (OSHA) late last week issued a final rule eliminating Reform Proposal a requirement that establishments with 250 or more employees electronically submit information from certain OSHA forms. Randy Noel, chairman of the National Association of Home These companies will no longer be required to electronically submit Builders (NAHB) and a custom information on OSHA’s Log of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses form home builder from LaPlace, La., (Form 300) and Injury and Illness Incident Report form (Form 301). They issued the following statement are, however, still required to electronically submit information from on Senate Banking Committee the Summary of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses form (Form 300A). Chairman Mike Crapo’s housing The final rule becomes effective Feb. 25, 2019. finance reform proposal: Collection of 2018 information from the OSHA Form 300A began on Jan. Read More 2, 2019. The deadline for electronic submissions is March 2, 2019. OSHA noted that by preventing routine government collection of information that may be quite sensitive, including descriptions of workers’ injuries and body parts affected, the agency is avoiding the risk that such information might be publicly disclosed under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). Read More IT’S NOT A TREND. IT’S A REVOLUTION. Visit to learn how easy it is to make the switch. © 2017-2019 Huber Engineered Woods LLC. ZIP System, the accompanying ZIP System logo and design are trademarks of Huber Engineered Woods LLC. Huber Engineered Woods’ ZIP System® products are covered by various patents. Please see for details. HUB 81860 REV 1/19 24 HBRA of Fairfield County | FEBRUARY 2019

Hot Spots to Hit at Statement from NAHB IBS 2019 First Vice Chairman Greg Ugalde on The NAHB International Builders’ President Trump’s Show® (IBS) is the premier home- State of the Union building industry event, featuring Address the latest products, education sessions and key networking Greg Ugalde, first vice chairman of opportunities. In addition to the National Association of Home great events and workshops, IBS Builders (NAHB) and a builder features more than 1,500 exhibitors encompassing more than 600,000 and developer from Torrington, square feet — which is a lot of ground to cover in just three days. Conn., attended tonight’s State of the Union address and issued This video provides a quick rundown of everything you won’t want the following statement regarding to miss, from exciting construction demos and events to informative President Trump’s remarks: sessions and networking hubs. Read More Read More Personal Banking Mortgages Commercial Banking Personal and business solutions for your life. As a community bank, United Bank is dedicated to helping you reach your goals. So whether you’re looking to save money, manage your business finances, buy a new home, or save for retirement, you can count on us to provide the solutions and service you need. To learn more about our full line of personal, mortgage, and commercial banking services, talk to us today. SM Call 866.959.BANK (2265) Click Come on in To any branch NMLS ID 430007 | Member FDIC | Equal Housing Lender FEBRUARY 2019 | HBRA of Fairfield County 25

NAHB NEWS HBRA EVENTS ICC 2018 Codes Changes Largely Positive Home Prices Are the Thanks to NAHB Members Principal Barrier to Homeownership The results of the ICC Group A 2018 model codes vote have been finalized, and NAHB got many of the changes it was hoping for – and As revealed in a previous post, blocked many undesired changes – thanks in large part to member 58% of buyers actively searching mobilization. for a home to buy in the fourth quarter of 2018 have been looking Overall, NAHB saw favorable votes on 87% of the codes proposals, – unsuccessfully – for three including 92.5% of high-priority proposals. months or longer. Why is it taking these buyers that long to pull One notable win was a code that will allow tall buildings – up to 18 the trigger? The most important stories in height – to be built using mass timber framing. This may reason is they can’t find a home be a cost-effective way for builders to construct mid-rise multifamily at a price they can afford (49%), housing. followed by not being able to find a home with the features they A notable disappointing result also involved taller buildings: Mid-rise want (44%), and not finding a multifamily buildings will need to have commercial-type sprinkler home in the neighborhood of their systems (NFPA 13) installed rather than the traditional residential choice (43%). sprinkler systems (NFPA 13R). Read More NAHB produced a voting guide highlighting the proposals that were most impactful on home builders. NAHB members who signed up for the One & Done campaign were encouraged to share the guide with at least one voting code official in their area. Read More 26 HBRA of Fairfield County | FEBRUARY 2019

COUCNOTUYNHTAYSHAALSL YAOLLUYROAUPRPLAIAPPNLCIAEN&CSEM&ASRMT AHROTMHEONMEEEDNSEEDS FromFroKmitcKhietcnhAepnpAlipapnlciaensces to HtoomHeomAuetoAmutaotmioant.i.o. nW..E. WHAEVHEAIVTEAILTLA! LL! BESTBSEESRTVSICEERVAITCETHAET GTUHAERGAUNATREAENDTBEEESDTBPERSITCEPRICIEn-StorIen-ASntodreOAnlnindeOnline w w w.wcwo u. cnot yutnvt.yctovm. c o m 27702S7u7m0 mSuemr SmtreereStt•reSetta•mSfotardm,fCorTd,0C69T0056•902503•-322073-2362370-2630 STORE HSTOOURRES:HMOOUNRS&:TMHOUNRS&:T9HAUMR-9SP: 9MA|MT-U9EPSM, W| TEUDE,SF,RWI &EDS,AFTR: I9&AMS-A6TP: 9MA|MS-U6PNM: 11| ASUMN-5:P11MAM-5PM FEBRUARY 2019 | HBRA of Fairfield County 27

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LEGISLATIVE UPDATE FROM THE STATE CEO The 2019 session of the Connecticut General Assembly is in full swing. The Capitol is buzzing with activity. There’s a cacophony of special interests surrounding issues like sports betting, more casinos, paid medical leave, increased minimum wage, tolls and legalizing marijuana. All these issues, however, take a back seat to a four-billion-dollar deficit built into our biennium budget. Understanding traditional funding streams may not be available to them, Legislators who seek to fund pet projects are looking for alternative sources of funding. An example of this is HB 5254, An Act Establishing A Pilot Program Authorizing Municipalities to Impose A Buyer’s Conveyance Fee on Real Property to Fund the Purchase and Stewardship of Open Space. This bill, if enacted, will create a pilot program that would allow any interested municipalities to place a buyer’s conveyance of one percent on the cost of real property above $150,000.00. See our testimony here. This is a double whammy for our industry. First, as this tax is levied on each transaction (Once when the developer purchases the raw property, again when the builder purchases the lot and lastly when a home is sold to the home buyer) it will intrinsically increase the cost of a new home. Second, funds generated from this pilot program will then go towards purchasing land for preservation making developable land scarcer and more expensive. The HBRA-CT along and those organizations we are aligned with such as the Connecticut Realtors and the Connecticut Bankers Association hard at work convincing legislators this bill is bad policy. However, for everyone one of us lobbying in opposition to this bill there are a half a dozen, land trusts, towns and environmental groups lobbying in support of it. We need you help on this. Our Fairfield members are uniquely situated to make a difference. Several legislators from your district have leadership positions on key committees such as Rep. McCarthy-Vahey of Fairfield and Senator Hwang who represents Easton, Fairfield, Newtown, Weston, Westport. I encourage you to reach out and let your legislators know that open space is valued by all residents and as such its costs should be shared by all. Let them know that we have some of the highest housing costs in the country and this is not the time to exacerbate the problem. If you’d like assistance getting in touch with your local legislators on this or any other matter, please reach out to me or your local Executive Officer Jackie Bertelone as we’d be happy to assist. FEBRUARY 2019 | HBRA of Fairfield County 29

STATE LEGISLATIVE NEWS The 2019 Connecticut HBRA Testimony on legislative session is open. HB 5254 We have a new Governor and a largely new legislature. Please Oppose HB 5254, An Act Twenty percent of the 151- Establishing A Pilot Program member House Chamber Authorizing Municipalities to are freshmen legislators and Impose A Buyer’s Conveyance 7 of the 25 member Senate Fee on Real Property to Fund the Chamber are freshman. Purchase and Stewardship We must take extra care to of Open Space meet and educate our local legislators, especially the The HBRA-CT respectfully newly elected officials, on requests that the Environment Committee oppose HB 5254. Land issues affecting our industry. conservation is a laudable goal. The benefits of which are enjoyed by our entire state. Therefore, it is only appropriate that the cost of such Please reach out to us if benefit be spread evenly across our state as well. Municipal or state bonding is a much more fair and equitable method by which to acquire there are state regulations open space. A small minority of land owners should not be made to shoulder the cost of preservation to the benefit of everyone else. The or codes that are impacting State’s open space program, both for its own open space purchases and in issuing grants to municipalities and land trusts, generally ensures your business so that we are that land purchased is environmentally deserving of protection. But this new local “sales tax” on real estate has no such criteria. Consequently, aware of any challenges and this legislation could be used by municipalities to intentional thwart development in direct contradiction of Governor Lamont’s stated can advocate effectively on objective of promoting fair and affordable housing. This new tax may unwittingly assist towns which actively seek to shirk their obligations your behalf. Your membership under the CT Fair Housing Act. We should not give unscrupulous actors yet another tool to further discriminatory, anti-growth policies. supports lobbyists in Hartford This new tax will reduce the availability of land and raise the price of what’s left. Connecticut already has some of the highest land prices to be your voice but we need in the country and developable land is incredibly scarce. Additionally, Connecticut has one of the oldest housing stocks in the country. Our to hear from you. industry has been producing new residential units at recession levels since 2009. New residential construction is being produced at only a fraction of what is needed to maintain Connecticut’s current housing stock numbers. If enacted, HB 5254 will exacerbate our affordability problems and only serve to boost the trend of outward migration and economic malaise. Read More Click here to find your legislator Click here to follow along with our legislative alerts 30 HBRA of Fairfield County | FEBRUARY 2019

Greenwich Business Owner Says Tolls Will Cost Paid Family Leave And Company $72,000 Per Year The Minimum Wage Top List Of Priorities If you buy heating oil in Connecticut, expect prices to go up once the For Democratic Department of Transportation installs tolling gantries on the state’s Legislative Leaders highways and roads. HARTFORD — Democratic leaders “If the tolls go in, trucking companies aren’t going to take that expense rolled out their agenda for the on,” said Frank Cortese, operations manager for Greenwich-based New current session of lawmaking, England Total Energy. “Everything in the state is going to go up.” Monday. A bill introduced by Greenwich senator Alexandra Bergstein calls for Some familiar campaign topics the state Department of Transportation to implement electronic tolls in top the list of priorities. “It focuses Connecticut. Last November, the CT DOT released a study that outlined on establishing paid family and 82 toll gantries on I-95, I-84, I-91, the Merritt Parkway, and other heavily medical leave program as our trafficked roads. number 1 priority for the session,” said Sen. Martin Looney. Cortese and his mother Yolanda, who owns New England Total Energy, are clear about who will be paying for the tolls: the end-user of anything Democrats say the paid family that travels on Connecticut roads. medical leave bill would be 100% funded through employee payroll “It’s a pass-down tax,” said Cortese. “Prices are going to go up on deductions. “Have the ability to everything we buy in the state, on every product we can possibly take care of a sick family member imagine.” without the fear of losing your job or going so far into depth that New England Total Energy buys heating oil from wholesalers and then you may never come out of it,” distributes it to customers. Cortese’s 15 trucks drive to Bridgeport, fill explained Speaker of the House, up with oil at the terminals on Admiral Street and Eagle’s Nest Road, Rep. Joe Aresimowicz. then distribute the oil to houses and businesses in the Greenwich area. According to Cortese, in the winter the company delivers 50,000 to But CBIA, who looks out for small 60,000 gallons of heating oil daily. businesses, says just because it’s employee funded, doesn’t mean During the cold weather months, each truck usually makes two round- businesses won’t take a hit. “But trips daily between Greenwich and Bridgeport, six days a week. At employers are still on the hook to an approximate rate of $0.198 per mile (an average of the CT DOT’s pay for non-wage benefits for all proposed off-peak and on-peak rates for heavy trucks with Connecticut these employees who are absent E-ZPass), each leg of the 28.8-mile journey would cost $5.70 or $11.40 from the workforce for up to 3 round-trip, for a total of $2,052 per week for the 15 trucks. months every single year,” said Eric Gjede, the Vice President for Both Frank and Yolanda are say they will have to pass that cost on to CBIA Government Affairs. House their customers. Republican Whip, Rep. Jason Perillo says the devil is in the “I don’t see how we could possibly absorb that,” said Yolanda. “It’s not details. “I’ve seen three or four going to be a couple of dollars a day. It’s going to be too much of an version about how house and expense for us.” senate Democrats want to roll that out,” he said. Frank explained that because their business is close to the border, they often sell oil in New York. While there isn’t a tax on heating oil in Read More Connecticut, New York does have such a tax, which is simply charged to the customer. Frank likened the cost of tolls to the New York tax, and said he would be forced to pass it to his 5,000 customers. Read More FEBRUARY 2019 | HBRA of Fairfield County 31

STATE LEGISLATIVE NEWS DEAR SALES Op/ed: COACH Optimism while creating Dear Sales Coach, common ‘cents’ I have a team of 21 people that report to me and State Rep. Terrie have an open door policy. I probably get at least Wood is a Republican 10 drop-in visits from employees a day. Only representing Rowayton about five minutes, at most, of this time is useful and Darien. for business purposes. The rest is socializing. There is nothing wrong with this but the problem We are four weeks into the legislative session and occurs when I have multiple drop-in visits every as is typical for this time of year, we have been busy day, by the end of the week I feel like I lose hours reading over numerous bill proposals — many that to socializing. make sense, and many that are head scratchers. How can I remain accessible to my team and Many proposals from the Democratic legislators recapture time back in my day? feature large tax or fee increases for Connecticut residents hidden under the guise of “regionalism.” ~ Lloyd G. Their proposals are to regionalize schools, health departments and vehicle property taxes, along with Dear Lloyd, a one mill statewide property tax increase on each and every property owner in the state (S.B. 431). If you want to recapture this time for business purposes, then consider changing your meeting posture – meet people This regionalization would ultimately cost taxpayers standing up. The biggest initial problem with standing up more money because, for example, if we send our while meeting with people is that if you have been a “sit vehicle taxes to the state Department of Revenue down” person in the past, it will take awhile for people to get Services — instead of to our local municipality as used to the “new” you. is currently done — the DRS will take those funds and redistribute them throughout the state as they People will come in and head straight for the chair, choose, instead of sending it directly back to our regardless of whether you are standing or not. They do this towns. It is likely that they would focus on towns because they are trained from past encounters. You have to that are historically mismanaged, or bigger cities, break their training. like Hartford and Bridgeport, so that smaller and more organized towns, like Darien and Norwalk, The simplest solution to keep them from sitting is to create would not get back even close to the amount we a large pile of books and papers on the chairs. When they originally sent in; forcing us to further increase realize they can’t sit, say “Bill, what can I do for you? Let’s property taxes just to make up for the lost revenue. stand and talk.” Don’t say you’re busy. If you do, people will hear that you have no time for them, and you will develop a If passed, these proposals would surely further stall reputation as being inaccessible. our efforts to build economic growth in our state. According to a recent mailing that all legislators After five or six meetings like this, you will have retrained received from the Connecticut Business and the person to meet standing up. Stand up meetings are, 99 Industry Associates (CBIA), our state’s lead business percent of the time, short and to-the-point. The best part is advocacy group, Connecticut is already the second that people will enjoy meeting with you because you don’t most taxed state in the country, per capita and dead waste their time last in comparison with our New England neighbors on job recovery. -Ed Read More Ed Schultek 32 HBRA of Fairfield County | FEBRUARY 2019 Ed began Sandler/PEAK with focus on medium and small size firms to Corporate organizations who must lift their Management and Sales competency to Win, improve their ability to lead others to change their future, and position themselves as the Trusted Advisor to their Clients above all others. Have a sales question? Email Ed at [email protected].

MEMBER BENEFITS A Great Offer for NAHB Members YOUR BUSINESS DESERVES Home b GROUND-BREAKING BENEFITS. most fro FCA US LLC is pleased to announce a always special $500 cash allowance toward the 2019 RAM FLEET VEHICLE LINEUP Use yo purchase or lease of many of the most trucks a popular vehicles in our lineup. Optional equipment shown. to with Between Chrysler, Dodge, FIAT®, Jeep® D and Ram®, there’s something for everyone. NAHB members and their employees 1 Available on s can combine this stackable $500 cash members and allowance with most current retail program rules, incentives and choose an On The Job Inquire about e program allowance. Plus, same household in the same ho family members receive a $500 cash and Ram are re allowance, stackable with most local and national retail incentives, toward the purchase or lease of a vehicle. More Information 592_NAHB-ToolkitAds_HalfPG_v01r00.indd 1 Financing some of the top builders in Fairfield County. People you trust, service you expect, and products to fit your financial needs. • Construction Financing • Commercial Mortgages • Term Loans • Revolving Lines of Credit 877.431.7431 • NMLS ID MEMBER #516624 LEQEUANL HDOUESINRG FDIC

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