Unless otherwise noted, all images in this magazine are the property of their respective owners. There is no claim made on any of these and as such, we cannot be held liable. The articles and content in this magazine are the sole property of their respective authors. It should be noted that there are no plagiarisms in this edition. 1
2021-2022 Mission & Vision Of Our School MISSION VISION WE To make the students To prepare global CORDIALLY THANK mentally developed, citizens ,To provide physically strong, leadership for future. CHAIRMAN - MR. N.K. socially adjusted, RAMACHANDRAN MENON emotionally balanced, and technically VICE CHAIRMAN - MR. talented. SOORACH RAMACHANDRAN DIRECTOR - MS. DIVYA RAJESH RAMACHANDRAN PRINCIPAL - DR. BHAVNA GUPTA VICE PRINCIPAL - MR. THOMAS FRANCIS 6
CLASS TEACHER'S NOTE “ You cannot change your future, but you can change your habits, and surely your habits will change future” – A.P.J. ABDUL KALAM I have been blissful to see the creativity in our class magazine, and I honestly enjoyed it. Kudos to every student joined for this studious effort, and I am reasonably sure that the skills used behind this magazine will play your part in creating a better and sustainable 21st century in all aspects. I appreciate the collborative efforts put forth into the realization of the magazine, and this habit will change our future into brighter. MR. THEJUS 8 GEORGE THOMAS
A WORLD OF TECHNOLOGY For the past 50 years, technology has drastically grown and have enhanced and made a major impact in our lives. Technology has always ameliorated human lives. Communication, transportation, finance, satellites and even the video games that we are obsessed with are technology. From small headphones to biggest satellite is technology. The world is at our fingertip. Technology is most trending is commerce field. Tim cook, Bill gates, jack ma, Elon musk and Jeff Bezos are victorious in this field. One of the latest trend in technology is AI aka artificial intelligence. In today’s technological world AI and robotics are taking over. The question that is being discussed around is “Will AI replace most of the jobs???”. In brief, AI means extraction of information, analyzing and executing it in a way that we want. AI has helped human in innumerable ways. It has a major role in medical field and construction field. It has been created for the purpose of reducing human efforts. A machine can do better in executing the analyzed data than any of us. But we humans make mistakes. That’s what it makes us human. In the next 10-15 years the education and the professions as we know it will become meaningless because whatever we know till now, whatever was sacred till now is suddenly going to be there in a small gadget which will do better than any of the knowledge that we possess. For example: google mama. She is already smarter than any of us. When AI introduced, it will be a turning point for the country’s economy. In the next 10 years robotics will be introduced and will replace most of the jobs. Robotics has already replaced postal services, door to door delivery services, medical field, construction field, IT field, space research etc. But what AI lacks is cognitive thought. Cognitive thought means acquiring knowledge through observation, experience, senses, problem solving and judging which are human qualities. Sometimes AI can malfunction. They can’t always be controlled. For example, SOPHIA THE HUMANOID who can perform independent actions. This robot can’t be controlled. However, officials say that its safe. If we think too much, robots who malfunction can lead to robotic invasion. Movies like “The Terminator”, “Pacific Rim” and “Transformers” depict robotic invasion. Therefore, I conclude that AI is necessary to shape humanity’s future. But we have to take pre-caution if it goes in an uncontrolled way. We need to understand about the limitations to be given to AI. REUBEN MATHEW VARGHESE 9
WHERE AM I Where am I Am I in the fields of the blooming Bougainvilleas, As the fragrance banquets across the air along the breeze; Am I in the dreams of Stranger, As he desperately waits for the grades of hard work; Am I in the paramount palace of the Tsars, As they serve me with grand Largesse; Am I in the Sapphire Sea, DID YOU KNOW? As I welcome the warmth of Water. 20% of earth’s oxygen Am I in Me, In my Mind, In my Soul, is produced by Waiting for a new Delight and Amazon rainforest. Surprise; -AARON D.V I would never be knowing until, The time I am finally told to wake up; Whilst, the Sun is shining yellow stubbornly in the Sky. ABHISHEKH J.S 10
1)What is cyber security in simple words? Cyber security is the application of technologies, processes and controls to protect systems, networks, programs, devices and data from cyber-attacks. It aims to reduce the risk of cyber- attacks and protect against the unauthorized exploitation of systems, networks and technologies. 2)Some common cyber-attacks are: ·Malware · Adware · Ddos ·Botnets etc. 3)Best cyber-security protection softwares ·McAfree ·ESET ·Kaspersky ·Webroot etc. 4) The Top 10 Personal Cyber Security Tips 1.Keep Your Software Up to Date. 2.Use Anti-Virus Protection & Firewall. 3.Use Strong Passwords & Use a Password Management Tool. 4.Use Two-Factor or Multi-Factor Authentication. 5.Learn about Phishing Scams – be very suspicious of emails, phone calls, and flyers. 6. Protect Your Sensitive Personal Identifiable Information 7. (PII) 8. Use Your Mobile Devices Securely 9. Backup Your Data Regularly 10.Don’t Use Public Wi-Fi 11 LEVIN BINOY BABY
يوجد عدد كبير من المساجد في اإلمارات العربية المتحدة ،حيث تستضيف أبو ظبي نفسها حوالي 1500مسجد للحج اإلسالمي في المنطقة .لكن يوجد مسجد واحد هو األفضل بين أكبر ثمانية مساجد في العالم وهو معروف باسم مسجد الشيخ زايد الكبير. يشتهر مسجد الشيخ زايد في أبو ظبي بحجمه وتخطيطه المعماري. ومع ذلك ،فقد وصف المسجد بأنه جميل للغاية بسبب جدرانه المكونة من الرخام األبيض واألعمال الحجرية الدقيقة باإلضافة إىل الثريات الرائعة المصنوعة من الكريستال والتي تعتبر جميلة للغاية. ?DID YOU KNOW our stomach acid is strong enough to dissolve stainless steel. FAYYAS MANSOOR FATHALU 12
THE BOY Ramu was a porter . He was a very honest boy . One day , an old man hired him to carry some luggage’s to his house . On reaching his house , the old man gave RS 100 and some rotis for his labour . Ramu said no to the money but , the old man said him to keep it . The old man thanked him and Ramu walks back home . On the way back , Ram realises that he was lost , He rome here and there to find the way but he couldn’t . He got scared as he was not been in this place before . Suddenly , He heard some sounds from the bushes , He got scared as he thought it was an animal , But for his surprize , it was a boy . Seen ramu the boy ran towards him and hugged him , He told ramu that he had lost his way and didn’t know how to get back , Ramu and the boy walked together to find the way , After sometime , The boy asked for some food. Ramu gave him one roti and continued walking together . Finally , after hours and hours , They got out of the woods , Ramu was happy to see some people out there , But when ramu looked around the boy has disappeared , ramu described all the incidents happened , to a man in the village . The man told – Ohhhh , You are lucky to be coming out safe from animals , When ramu told about the boy , The man told – Some months back , A boy got lost in the woods and his body was later found to be attacked by an animal , Ramu was shocked by hearing this . 13 ANJANEY BAIJU
महात्मा गां धी महात्मा गांधी, मोहनदास करमचंद गांधी के नाम से, (जन्म 2 अक्टूबर, 1869, पोरबंदर, भारत- मृत्यु 30 जनवरी, 1948, दिल्ली), भारतीय वकील, राजनीतिज्ञ, सामाजिक कार्यकर्ता, और लेखक जो अंग्रेजों के खिलाफ राष्ट्रवादी आंदोलन के नेता बने। भारत का शासन। इस प्रकार, उन्हें अपने दे श का पिता माना जाने लगा। गांधी को अंतरराष्ट्रीय स्तर पर राजनीतिक और सामाजिक प्रगति हासिल करने के लिए उनके अहिंसक विरोध (सत्याग्रह) के सिद्धांत के लिए सम्मानित किया जाता है। अपने लाखों साथी भारतीयों की नज़र में, गांधी महात्मा (\"महान आत्मा\") थे। उनके दौरों के दौरान उन्हें दे खने के लिए इकट्ठी हुई भारी भीड़ की अकल्पनीय आराधना ने उन्हें एक गंभीर परीक्षा बना दिया; वह मुश्किल से दिन में काम कर पाता था या रात में आराम नहीं कर पाता था। उन्होंने लिखा, \"महात्माओं की व्यथा, के वल महात्मा ही जानते हैं।\" उनकी प्रसिद्धि उनके जीवनकाल में ही दुनिया भर में फै ल गई और उनकी मृत्यु के बाद ही बढ़ी। महात्मा गांधी का नाम अब पृथ्वी पर सबसे अधिक मान्यता प्राप्त नामों में से एक है। AMIN CHOWDRY 14
HYPERLOOP WHAT IS HYPERLOOP? A Hyperloop is a proposed high-speed mass transportation system for both passenger and freight transport. The term was invented to describe the modern open-source project. WHO INVENTED HYPERLOOP? Elon Musk proposed the Hyperloop in 2012, but it has yet to be executed. In 2018, The BBC reported that student tests of the track last year reached a top speed of 290 miles per hour. India is expected to have the first completed Hyperloop project in 2029 between Mumbai and Pune. BENEFITS OR ADVANTAGES OF HYPERLOOP TECHNOLOGY: ➨The technology offers very fast speed of transportation which is twice that of aircraft. ➨It has very low power consumption. ➨It is low cost transportation system on long run. ➨It is immune to bad weather conditions. ➨It is resistant to earthquakes. ➨It is safe mode of transportation system. What is better than hyperloop? Maglev, but is too costly. Unlike Hyperloop, the technical feasibility of maglev has been demonstrated. Its electromagnetic levitation also eliminates a train's rolling resistance, yet at high speeds this is a tiny fraction of the aerodynamic drag and is comparable with the energy required for levitation. DID YOU KNOW? Mars constantly makes a humming 15sound. LEVIN BINOY BABY
إكسبو 2020هو أحد المعارض العالمية ،تستضيفه دبي حاًليا في دولة اإلمارات العربية المتحدة في الفترة من 1أكتوبر 2021إىل 31مارس . 2022وكان من ًال في 20أكتوبر 2020إىل 10المقرر أص أبريل ، 2021وتم تأجيله بسبب وباء COVID-19. عىل الرغم من تأجيله ،احتفظ المنظمون ألغراض التسويق Expo 2020باسم والعالمات التجارية .اختارت الجمعية (BIE (العامة للمكتب الدولي للمعارض في باريس أن تستضيف دبي في . 27نوفمبر .2013 ?DID YOU KNOW Father of science is Galileo Galilei. 16 FAYYAS MANSOOR FATHALU
LOVE OUR PARENTS We all have a little but joyful family. Like our father and mother there was a couple named lajo and Mingo . They were very sad because they did not have a child for years . They would pray for a child everyday. Six years later they had a child. They named him Shijo. They were very happy. They send him to a the very best school in the city. They brought him everything he needed even though they had a shortage of money. He became very rude and disobedient. He started back talking to teachers and his parents would be called to the school every single day. He always fought with students. Years later he got a very nice job with a very high amount of salary. He got married to a very rich woman named Loum . One day Shijo said to his mother and father that they were going to a place. Shijo took them to an old age telling them that\" You are always alone so I thought that I will bring you here so that you will not be alone anymore. I will wait until you are done talking with them. Lajo told \" But we are not alone if you would spend time with us\". \" But I have job.\" \"Ok\" They said. After Balu sent Lajo and Mingo in the old age home he left them there. He did not even care to ask about his parents to the old age home caretaker. Two years later a child was born to Shijo and Loum. They named Jinn. When Jinn 5 years old Lajo passed away, hearing this Mingo fell down never to get up. Even though the old age home care taker called Shijo and told about this he did not even go over there and told he was in Bangalore and cannot come over there. Years later when Jinn was 24 he said to Shijo the same thing Shijo said to his father many years before. Jinn left them at the same old age home. Two years later Jinn came and piked them up. Shijo was happy that he came. he cried and said please take me out of here. To this Jinn replied \" you did this to my grandfather and grandmother. They felt the same way father. You did not care to do the last rituals a son should after his father and mothers is dead. You lied and stayed away from it.\" Shijo knew it was too late to relies his mistake. Some children are given all the love and care from their parents but after their ready to stand on their own feet they force and send them to old age homes and then they won't even come if the die. We must love our parents because they take care of us. When grow old we must not send them somewhere, we must take care of them because a parent is happy when their children are beside them. 17 JAYADEVAN M.K.
DID YOU KNOW? REUBEN MATHEW VARUGHESE Frogs have a 360 degree visual range. 18
In 1868 the Tokugawa shôgun (\"great general\"), who ruled Japan in the feudal period, lost his power and the emperor was restored to the supreme position. The emperor took the name Meiji (\"enlightened rule\") as his reign name; this event was known as the Meiji Restoration. The Reign of the Meiji Emperor When the Meiji emperor was restored as head of Japan in 1868, the nation was a militarily weak country, was primarily agricultural, and had little technological development. It was controlled by hundreds of semi-independent feudal lords. The Western powers — Europe and the United States — had forced Japan to sign treaties that limited its control over its own foreign trade and required that crimes concerning foreigners in Japan be tried not in Japanese but in Western courts. When the Meiji period ended, with the death of the emperor in 1912, Japan had · a highly centralized, bureaucratic government · a constitution establishing an elected parliament · a well-developed transport and communication system · a highly educated population free of feudal class restrictions · an established and rapidly growing industrial sector based on the latest technology · a powerful army and navy. Japan had regained complete control of its foreign trade and legal system, and, by fighting and winning two wars (one of them against a major European power, Russia), it had established full independence and equality in international affairs. In a little more than a generation, Japan had exceeded its goals, and in the process had changed its whole society. Japan's success in modernization has created great interest in why and how it was able to adopt Western political, social, and economic institutions in so short a time. One answer is found in the Meiji Restoration itself. This political revolution \"restored\" the emperor to power, but he did not rule directly. 19
He was expected to accept the advice of the group that had overthrown the shôgun, and it was from this group that a small number of ambitious, able, and patriotic young men from the lower ranks of the samurai emerged to take control and establish the new political system. At first, their only strength was that the emperor accepted their advice and several powerful feudal domains provided military support. They moved quickly, however, to build their own military and economic control. By July 1869 the feudal lords had been requested to give up their domains, and in 1871 these domains were abolished and transformed into prefectures of a unified central state. The feudal lords and the samurai class were offered a yearly stipend, which was later changed to a one-time payment in government bonds. The samurai lost their class privileges, when the government declared all classes to be equal. By 1876 the government banned the wearing of the samurai's swords; the former samurai cut off their top knots in favour of Western-style haircuts and took up jobs in business and the professions. Resistance and Rebellion Defeated Although these changes were made in the name of the emperor and national defence, the loss of privileges brought some resentment and rebellion. When the top leadership left to travel in Europe and the United States to study Western ways in 1872, conservative groups argued that Japan should reply to Korean's refusal to revise a centuries old treaty with an invasion. This would help patriotic samurai to regain their importance. But the new leaders quickly returned from Europe and re-established their control, arguing that Japan should concentrate on its own modernization and not engage in such foreign adventures. For the next twenty years, in the 1870s and 1880s, the top priority remained domestic reform aimed at changing Japan's social and economic institutions along the lines of the model provided by the powerful Western nations. The final blow to conservative samurai came in the 1877 Satsuma rebellion, when the government's newly drafted army, trained in European infantry techniques and armed with modern Western guns, defeated the last resistance of the traditional samurai warriors. With the exception of these few samurai outbreaks, Japan's domestic transformation proceeded with remarkable speed, energy, and the cooperation of the people. This phenomenon is one of the major characteristics of Japan's modern history. 20 AADHI HANIN
HAZARDS PHYSICAL HAZARDS: These are occupational and environmental hazards which can cause harm with or without contact. Objects that are hard or sharp such as glass, metal, plastic, stone, pits, wood, bone etc. are considered as physical hazards. Physical hazards can lead to chocking, cuts, bleeding or broken teeth. These physical hazards include ergonomic hazards, radiation, heat, cold stress, etc. BIOLOGICAL HAZARDS: Biological hazards are also known as biohazards which refers to biological substance such as bacteria’s, viruses, yeasts, molds, parasites, medical wastes, etc. that gives threat health of a living organism specially humans. A pathogenic microorganism causes diseases and can vary in degree of severity. CHEMICAL HAZARDS: These are type of occupational hazards which is caused by the exposure to a chemical in a workplace. Being exposed to chemicals can cause acute long-term or short-term healthy problems. The most common chemical hazards are pesticides, DID YOU KNOW? herbicides, fertilizers and insecticides. Cockroaches can survive without a head. REUBEN MATHEW VARUGHESE 21
I was 7 years old at the time so I had no idea what was going on, but I was about to live my life forever after that loud cry erupted from the hospital room. As if I was in a deserted island, all the attention and care shifted suddenly towards my brother, just like a sin(x) graph. They told me, “he is your brother there is nothing wrong in giving up to him”, but did I know that adorable boy who was the size of my palm with reddish pink cheeks would become a cunning fox, just seven years later. Now I am the same boy who has turned fourteen, apparently waiting for his English marks, in the back left corner seat of my class room. I had to beat my brother in the marks to gain back respect in my house. It was now or never for me. From the day my brother got the highest mark in his class he has become such a bossy bulldozer. My English teacher, a fairly large and obese body for a man in his thirty’s with a shrill voice, came up pushing the door so roughly that it banged to the wall creating a noise of two cars colliding. As usual I got 15 on 30 in English but this time I just could not settle to the point that my teacher had reduced 1 mark for writing ‘2’ instead of ‘two’. When I asked him he replied, “It is all a part of English” and ended the conversation. The English teacher was as typical as they come. But there was Goosebumps waiting for my one and only arrival at my home. When I passed into my home, my mom came and glared at me as dad went to his workplace, else he would have joined the glare too. Every mischief I made gave a second visit to my mind. “Was it the broken vase, oh no! Or was it the ten rupees I took from my mom’s handbag or damn! Was it my last exam’s report card which I hid under my cupboard?” “Well, well look who’s here”, Started my mom, “you have indeed forgotten about your brother’s birthday, sweetheart.” It was the most gravelly and gruff ‘sweetheart’ I have heard. And now I thought “or…. Was it the b-b-bulldozers’ b-b-birthday? \"Well, forgetting my blood brother's birthday is never okay, but it happens. So, I went, wished that bossy bulldozer and on for another round of lecture in minding my behaviour by her. 23
My mom addressed all my mistakes together as if she would never get a second chance. By this time, I am literally used to this. Just like me, he too had got his English marks but this is incredible. He got a 30 on 30, this is impossible because firstly it was an English test and secondly, he was just seven years old. I did some research and investigation on his English paper, according to the principles of my role model, Sherlock Holmes. After minutes of research, I realised, I can’t disprove him. Later that day, the bulldozer wrote me a letter: Dear brother, I am sorry I actually cheated in my test. Please don’t tell it to anyone. Yes !.. This one letter is enough to gain back my respect and take my revenge. I ran with all the energy I had, in the speed of light and took the letter to my parent’s eyes. They read it aloud and then came a slap, which turned my cheeks reddish pink. Seems like bulldozer had a sent a letter to my parent’s said: Dear mom, Max doesn’t like me and is planning to write a fake letter to you. It is all a well-planned trap by the bulldozer. He will plan to do something now or later and maybe it could be a kidnapping plan, I know it doesn’t make sense, just like phrases and here is a clause – he was really up to something. 24 ABHISHEKH J.S
SLEEP DEPRIVATION Sleep deprivation as the term suggests is a lack of or deprivation of sleep. This happens when a person does not sleep for the required amount of hours (8 hours). Sleep deprivation is more than just daytime drowsiness; lack of sleep affects judgement, coordination and reaction time. Sleep deprivation causes fatigue, lack of motivation, difficulty in concentration and makes you more irritable. It can also cause physical health issues such as cold, infections, weight gain and many other health problems. Lack of sleep also causes many mental issues such as difficulty coping with stress, mood swings, depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, ADHD and even psychosis. AEGIS GINO 25
MY TRIP TO EXPO 2020 Getting to Expo 2020 was quite smooth and comfortable as there was adequate road signage throughout the journey. It took us about 1 hour 40 minutes to reach there. There are 3 major pillars that Expo 2020 is built on: Sustainability, Opportunity and Mobility, which are also the three major sub-themes of the event. Each pillar has its own parking area and entrance guarded by a massive gate at every entry point, with the Sustainability pillar having the largest parking station. Conveniently, each parking location has a bus station nearby to take us to the main gate, which can be the Mobility, Sustainability or Opportunity gate according to the pillar of entry. Wherever your car is parked within these three parking venues, remember to scan the location at any scanning pillar around the parking slot. This helped us to easily identify our parking location when we were ready to leave. Once we reached the main gate, we kept our phone ready to show our Al Hosn green pass, as entry is restricted to only fully vaccinated individuals or individuals who have tested negative for COVID-19 within 72 hours. One of the major highlights of Expo 2020 was the Al Wasl Plaza’s Dome, as it lit up in green featuring beautiful white birds flock across the dome screen. Expo 2020 site is massive. Spanning 4.38 square kilometres with 192 participating nations, 200 plus pavilions, along with up to 60 daily shows and 200 dining venues serving more than 50 cuisines, it’s practically impossible to fully explore it within a day. I went to many pavilions but that was not enough. I even went two times but I couldn't even get close to entirely completing one section. 26 FAYYAS MONSOOR FATHALU
PHYSICAL EDUCATION Physical education, also known as Phys Ed., PE, or gym is a subject taught in schools. It is taught during primary and secondary education and encourages psychomotor learning in a play or movement exploration setting to promote health and physical fitness. In addition, physical literacy is a 21st- century term that first emerged in the sport literature before also being applied to physical education. The concept of physical literacy covers a variety of conditions for a student. Whether the class produces positive effects on students' health, behaviour, and academic performance depends upon the kind of program that is taught Physical Education programs vary all over the world. However, there are worldwide organizations that allow for a better understanding of how much exercise a child should be getting daily. Popular games in PE include football, netball, hockey, rounders, athletics and cricket. CHRIS JOE 27
CRISTIANO RONALDO: THE MAN, MYTH, LEGEND Widely regarded as one of the greatest football players of all time, Cristiano Ronaldo is a Portuguese superstar who currently plays for the Italian outfit Juventus and captains the Portuguese national football team. A prolific goal-scorer, Cristiano holds lots of records on the football pitch, but it doesn't stop there. Off the pitch, Ronaldo holds the record of being the most followed person on the social media platform Instagram with over 203 million followers. The Brand Cristiano Ronaldo first came to limelight when he was signed by Sir Alex Ferguson’s Manchester United side. Ever since, Cristiano has put in match-winning performances day in and day out and developed himself as a serial winner. What separates him from the herd is his unrivalled persistence, dedication and, love for the game. While most players can’t make it past the age of 30 in top-flight football, Cristiano Ronaldo is in contention to become the best football player on the planet at 35. Cristiano’s sparkling career on the pitch comes bearing gifts. Besides his colossal salary, Ronaldo has bagged whopping endorsement deals from some of the biggest brands in the game, namely, Nike, Herbalife and Electronic Arts(the creators of the football game FIFA), etc. While these monetary achievements are more than what any individual would imagine, Cristiano Ronaldo’s biggest non-football achievements are his business investments. The Family One of the cutest families on the gram, Cristiano has four kids, the most popular being his eldest son Cristiano Jr., who resembles his father in every aspect. Sharing pictures with family allows him to express himself at a deeper level. He is an ideal father. 28
The Teacher One of the reasons why Cristiano is loved and respected so much is because he uses social media and his superstar status to help and motivate everyone out there in need of it. He makes massive charitable donations and helps those in need as and when he can. Cristiano might have a bronze statue in Portugal, but he has a heart of gold. Conclusion Cristiano’s superstar status means he’s photographed and recorded everywhere he goes. This leaves little scope for his personal life and privacy however he does his best to maintain it for himself and his family. His communications by himself or his partner brands are spot on and don’t leave any scope for reasonable complaint for the humongous fan base that he has. However, given the fact he’s “Cristiano Ronaldo” the fans always want more. Whatever is missed by him or his partners is covered by one of the million fan accounts that exist for this legend 29 SIDDHARTH SAJU
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