The VisionMahatma Gandhi said, “Be the change that you We have invested in our infrastructure and staff.wish to see in the world.” The John Austin Cheley We have watched the foundation, formed withFoundation (JACF) has spent the last 29 years being such passion and optimism, continue to raise morethat change by providing over 1,200 transformative money and send more kids to camp than ever before.summer camp experiences to youth from around As we look at our strategic plan for the next tenthe country. Our founders understood the power of years, we are in a unique position to be a leadingcamp when they formed our organization in 1989, advocate for youth development through theand we continue that vision today, sending 104 kids camping experience.to extended-stay wilderness camps in 2018—morethan we have ever sent in a single summer before. Through a detailed planning process, we identified two challenges that we face in the coming years:Change takes on a new meaning for our (1) we must expand our support to communitiesorganization as we look toward our 30th summer in who do not yet understand our value, and (2) our2019. Our mission of changing kids’ lives through current business model no longer serves as ancamp is constant, but the way we approach our adequate base for growth in the future. In 2017,mission is evolving. Over the last few years, JACF we adjusted our model to share costs betweenhas developed a national footprint by expanding ourselves and our partners and began a processto nine camps across the country. We have formed of examining how we better communicate who wepartnerships with numerous youth development are, what we do, and most importantly why we doorganizations whose missions align with our own. it. We believe these changes, through adjusting our The Mission The mission of the John Austin Cheley Foundation is to change kids’ lives through transformative summer camp experiences.
position and brand, will lead to a broader impact The Supportas we look to send over 250 kids to camp by 2027.We believe that investment in our youth is a critical The Brown Familysocial endeavor and responsibility. Our founderssought to change the world by sending kids to We are proud to support the John Austincamp unplugged, unencumbered, and embracing Cheley Foundation in its mission tonature. The John Austin Cheley Foundation will provide high-quality camp experiences forcontinue to invest in youth, grow the foundation, families who otherwise could not affordand be the change we wish to see in the world. this amazing opportunity for their kids. It is exciting to note great momentum Kirstin Sullivan as the foundation granted the most Chair of the Board of Trustees camperships ever this past year! –bTtroh“ioomfeWratgodheLareeungarcirpazaienmaassie,tzptiEmaoa2xtncbe9it.oocWonyuldevteteieaovnrrcesahetDchdeaherinrbiideselyhocvlttneotohghorceekotsenfhtrotrimisrantwt.uo”eaergrydidcastvnuoidcsgcihoerenossrwfitoaiannrggdoeur Our two daughters have been fortunate to be campers, and then counselors, for a combined 20+ years—and we know firsthand how transformative the experience can be. We also applaud the foundation in creating a new strategic direction, which we have no doubt will set JACF apart as one of the foremost providers of camperships in the US. I urge you to consider supporting JACF as we do. It is a gift that truly will keep on giving via the lifetime contributions of the kids who are fortunate enough to be impacted by these transformative camp experiences. Christine, Ali, Dani and Dave Brown
The KidsThanks to our wonderful supporters and partners, We believe these highly-relevant skills can changethe summer of 2018 was a landmark year for JACF as the trajectory of their lives for the better.it funded 104 young people to attend nine camps. In addition to sending more kids to camp thanWe are incredibly proud of all of our 2018 campers ever before, the Foundation also had an 83%and the personal growth and development that each return rate of our campers. The board and staffof them has achieved. They were able to develop of the JACF strongly believe in investing in eachcritical life and career skills including independence, child for the lifetime of his or her campershipresponsibility, problem-solving and teamwork. (10 – 17 years of age). This commitment ensuresBecause all this takes place away from their home, that our campers can continue to develop,they own their successes and failures entirely, which maximizing their learning and growth over theis vital for their journey towards maturity. numerous summers that they spend at camp. Cassidy – Colvig Silver Camps “I can say without a doubt that camp has made me feel better about myself. Even my friends have noticed a big, positive change.” Cassidy attended Colvig Silver Camps once again last summer. This was Cassidy’s third time as a JACF camper. She is 13 years old and lives in Durango, CO. Zahir – Camp Thunderbird “I learned to be less of an individual and more part of the group. At camp I had to work with my cabin and get along with them and I learned to compromise and agree on things that I might not have agreed with before camp.” Zahir returned to Camp Thunderbird for Boys as a JACF camper. 2018 was his second summer at camp. Zahir is 14 years old and lives in Chicago, IL. Valaria – Friendly Pines Camp “I have grown in my ability to solve problems on my own rather than depend on my parents.” Valaria attended Friendly Pines Camp during the summer of 2018. Valaria has been a JACF camper for five years, is 14 years old and lives in Aurora, CO.
Joshua – Cheley Colorado Camps“I was incredibly eager to learn about becoming a more effective leaderat camp. Through the Camper in Leadership Training (CILT) program, I’velearned that in order to be an effective leader I need the people I’m leadingto trust me and to think of me as their friend. I’ve learned to achieve this bybeing open and honest about myself and who I am.”Joshua attended Cheley Colorado Camps as a (CILT) last summer.Joshua has been a JACF camper for five years, is 16 years old andlives in Salisbury, CT.Jade – Clearwater Camp for Girls“Before I came to camp, I wasn’t good at opening up to my friends.I got better opening up to them and trusting them.”Jade attended Clearwater Camp for the second time last summer.She is 14 years old and lives in Chicago, IL.Oliver – Camp Kooch-i-ching“At camp, I did things I had never done before and pushed myselfto new limits. That gave me a lot more confidence knowing thatI can do hard things.”Oliver attended Camp Kooch-i-ching. This was Oliver’s first year asa JACF camper. He is 11 years old and lives in Denver, CO.Olivia – Ogichi Daa Kwe“Camp teaches you how to choose friends wisely and how to value eachother. It shows you how to accept people for who they are.”Olivia was a first time JACF camper at Ogichi Daa Kwe Camp duringthe summer of 2018. She is 13 years old and lives in Hastings, NE.Kyle – Camp Kawanhee for Boys“I feel that I can do so much more on my own now. Camp also made me abetter team player and a better leader.”Kyle attended Camp Kawanhee for Boys during the summer of 2018.Kyle has been a JACF camper for three years, is 15 years old and livesin Eldridge, IA.Krystal – Sanborn Western Camps“I now think more about problems and the best way to deal with them.When I talk to my mom about things that are bothering me I can talkrespectfully about the issue and have it solved.”This summer, Krystal attended Sanborn Western Camps for thethird summer as a JACF camper. Krystal is 15 years old and livesin Cripple Creek, CO.
The Kids Are At The Heart Of Our MissionJACF serves children from economically underserved highly-impactful enrichment experiences are outbackgrounds. We firmly believe that summer of reach for the populations we serve, JACF workscamp plays a critical role in youth development, to remove the barriers and make accessible thestrengthening and reinforcing learning, and allowing significant growth that camp provides. The camperschildren to thrive. Because these types of we serve are: 41% 28% 19% 11% 1% Multi-Racial White Latino Black/African Asian American83% 104 57% 20 RETURN RATE CAMPERS SINGLE PARENT THE NUMBER OF SUPPORTED FAMILIES STATES IN WHICH OUR THIS YEAR CAMPERS RESIDENUMBER OF YEARS IN THE PROGRAM: 43% GIRLS1 YEAR 36% 57% BOYS2 YEARS 27%3 YEARS 20%4 YEARS 4%5 YEARS 7%6 YEARS 5%7 YEARS 1%
The PartnershipsWhat we do is only made possible through DONORSstrong and committed relationships with ourmany partners. JACF would not have been COMMUNITYable to send more kids to camp than ever PARTNERSbefore without our donors, Associate Camps,community partners, mentors, volunteers and ASSOCIATE VOLUNTEERScampers’ families all working together. CAMPS MENTORSIt takes a TEAM. CAMPERS’ FAMILIESOur partnership model combines andleverages the power of high-qualityresidential summer camps with respectedyouth mentoring organizations to promotethe success of young people across the UnitedStates. This model maximizes the growthand development that a child experiencesduring his or her time at camp throughoutthe entire school year. These high-qualitywilderness camps enroll our campers fromages 10-17 and provide challenging programsin environments conducive to social andemotional growth and development. JACF awards Over HALF A Key partners We partner with 49% of ourcamperships to around the campers travel MILLION DOLLARS country support NINE high-quality out of state tokids from across in Camperships were awarded our mission residential adventure attend camp the country this year camps locatedFsadoaewtsevrbtoeveiuslveredibaelt-veoeylreTnnlpotoirtimoeafbgsvloehewleyyountoeavrtJwraareksoerictslftikudv,hnksdJeieeAotaeriayCnnrnlt,eFqtettCissuaomhshamtaiioeclnesi,atfshapbimtetTaeieaslvprcelsleasaneii.msnnntJtmrAdtepoaCna!OnusFkcksrfeififnisilo,scltgarseuhm—nrdietda-eslptpunMrioeictvnAssshe.TgsilAaieCibtensxHhlnpdeleecEeofeardoui—duerrecntrhacstaehitsoipn, across the country: Arizona, Colorado, Maine, Minnesota and Wisconsin
The OpportunitiesThe John Austin Cheley Foundation truly appreciates your investment in the future of our youth. Here are waysyou can make a significant impact on our campers by supporting JACF: $150,000 Endowed Campership Deliver the summer camp experience for one camper per year in perpetuity $50,000 Power of Ten This generous sponsorship level makes it possible for ten campers to attend camp for one summer $25,000 Adopt a Camper A one-on-one relationship between the sponsor and a camper for his/her entire camp career (usually five years) $10,000 Double Campership Your generosity will fund two campers for a summer $5,000 Full Campership The summer of a lifetime for one lucky camper $2,500 Half Campership Your funding will pay half the expenses for one summer camper $1,000 Cultivator Provide an introductory camp experience for a young camper $500 Transporter Provide travel expenses for one camper $250 Outfitter Provide equipment for one camper $100 Piggy Banker Fund a camper’s bank account during his/her stay
The ImpactThe founders of JACF understood in their hearts that camp has a profound effect upon the trajectory of kids’ lives and desiredto share this powerful opportunity with others.Inspiring summer camp experiences are proven to build confidence and competence through the development of skills andattributes that are highly relevant in today’s world. The data we collected from our campers this summer shows that theirtime at camp increased their social and emotional growth as well as their environmental awareness.Our campers ranked their TOP 5 OUTCOMES in terms of the skills or attributes that CHANGED THE MOST because ofattending camp: #1 Interest in Exploration #2 Affinity for Nature #3 Teamwork #4 Responsibility #5 Perceived CompetenceMany of these outcomes align with the criticalskills necessary for today’s youth to thrive in aworld in which change is constant and learningnever stops. These outcomes prove to beformative and influential in future decisions andopportunities for the youth that we serve.
2018 JACF Volunteer of the Year: Craig BowerCraig is an amazing volunteer, and his impact on JACF’s campersand mentors has been significant. He is a retired teacher whowas on staff at Colvig Silver Camps in Durango, Colorado forseveral years. In addition to mentoring campers, Craig has beeninstrumental in developing the Capstone Advisor and CapstoneCoach role within the Capstone Program. JACF is proud to honorCraig for his long-time dedication to our campers, mentors andmission. Thank you, Craig!“I believe very strongly in both the camp experience and communityservice. I am happy to coach the mentors who make theseexperiences possible for older youth.” – Craig BowerJoin Our Monthly Giving ProgramDid you know that if you join our monthly giving program for only $25 a month, you can provide the equipmenta camper needs to go to camp as well as help fund their camp bank account for the summer? What an impact!Make your monthly pledge today at: www.cheleyfoundation.org/donate Leave a Legacy Many of our supporters have decided to leave a gift to the John Austin Cheley Foundation (FEIN #48-1077337) in their wills or estate plans so that they can have an even greater long-term impact on a child’s life. We ask that you consider doing the same. If you would like more information on leaving an impactful gift in your will or naming JACF as a beneficiary on your life insurance policy or retirement fund, please contact Alyssa Street at 720.981.2531 or at [email protected].
The FinancesUnaudited Financial Information 7/1/2017 - 6/30/2018To support the necessary infrastructure and to build year) and our biggest program year ever—seeingout our new business model, the Board elected to a record 104 camperships issued (a 14% increasemake a short-term investment using funds from over the previous year). By implementing our newour reserves. This decision to invest in our new approach to shared funding, we have been able toapproach is paying off handsomely. In the 2018 reduce what we pay to send kids to camp to levelsfiscal year, we oversaw our second most successful not seen in many years.fundraising year (bettered only by our 2017 fiscal IN SUMMARY, OUR FUNDRAISING IS INCREASING, OUR COSTSARE DECREASING AND OUR INVESTMENT IN INFRASTRUCTURE IS MOVING US IN A POSITIVE DIRECTION. Support & Revenue Expenses1% 2% 1% 5% 9% 13%20% 59% 12% 78%Individuals................................ $496,646 Program....................................$716,882Family Foundations/Trusts....$103,549 Fundraising..............................$122,638In-Kind Camp Contributions..$164,274 General & Administrative......$77,086Grants..............................................$5,000 Total.........................................$916,606Special Events.............................$12,918Community Partners................... $7,350Other.............................................$45,830Corporate & Businesses............ $1,450 Total........................................$837,017
The Champions yloaitf7ruhecea0t.ehI.hInYyawIyg-donacelaieunagvnaTstrnederoansu’ddtntatihsonhnndtginhoekennyirawiinugnyrlCto.a.ekfiarCowBulaablohntery,ioufsesgictunralaoofeeWtoualb.yJdtrseGAohvehcwtaCieoaatvorFhedmsceiferea,brJgptnwmJeAeyeAemcCaIpnrCoafysFaeifeuFh,ritrwxnsksioompetpieuadmwedaeIyssrwKlnsaeaiyt,eknthNa!fhonetrraOodircctavWewost&eo.daCFgrtiirflthhireaofvacaeenenaattlrdeegnewgvfyn-iieucnettcChtliaefemalaatlkuominncseneogdaplndanaet,ecttotykelnereinonivnrribiuo,noedcuInrwshmtlagieefionyocdfpnatrgletimtytfhnrhoeosepoeouofyraoontuehnn’rsr!adeJACF would like to express our sincere thanks to those individuals, businesses,and organizations that have partnered with us to send so many underserved youthto camp in 2018. We couldn’t have done it without you!GIFTS MADE IN HONOR OF GIFTS MADE IN MEMORY OF ENDOWED CAMPERSHIPSBruce G. Allen Abraham Akaka & Mary Louise Reverdie & Jean Ater MemorialLiz Baker Jeffrey “Jeff” Akaka CampershipAmy Blevins Ernie Altick, Granny May, Doralie Flutcher Anna Belle Kritser Memorial FundAmy Blevins, Chris Bovard, Miller (Flutch), Nettie Cheley, Sandie Miller, Brown Family Campership Fund Geoff Euston & John Boylan Polly Sargent Flobeck, Dr. Jerry Anderson Sis Cheley Memorial FundDottie Bond Steve Barkley Craig I. Colvig FundChris Bovard Ellie Pryor Booher Carol Hershey Periard Family FundChris & Allison Bovard Jack Cheley John T. Jackson Memorial FundDon & Carole Cheley Jack & Sis Cheley - John T. Jackson FoundationSebastian de Atucha Dorothy Deitchler Kundtz-Tuohy EndowedDeparting JACF Trustees Norris N. Emmons CampershipAnnalise Fox Dr. Emmett M. Essin, Jr. John C. Lebor MemorialAli Frick Homer Evans Campership FundSam Frostman Bill Fuller, Bess Fuller & Richard Fuller - Lebor Family FoundationSue and Tom Frostman Richard Fuller The Livingston Family FundBecky Garland & Xan Tanner William Goodwin Laura Naugle Sanborn & MaryGirls Trails End of Cheley Colorado Camps Jerry Gottshall Colvig Miller CampershipMargaret Frame Hill Janet Fletcher Graham Robert Perkins Campership FundPeter and Pat Horne Bob Hahn Mary E. Satter Endowment FundMary McArthur Juarez, Lisa Juarez Sadowski Allen Frame Hill Williams Family Campership Fund and Emily Juarez Catharine Corley HurleyThe Kittle Family Nancy Hushek CURRENTADOPTA CAMPER FUNDSTed Kornish Marcia Stafford JorgensenSally Kubly G. Kent Keller Amy Blevins & Phil BicklerThe Leetmae Family Dorothy King Sebastian & Kristina de AtuchaDebbie Leibold Scott Knapp Sondra G. EddingsTim & Kimm Lucas & Family Anna Belle Kritser Fletcher FamilyPeggy Mallinger Haynes, Andy Mallinger, Susan Pain LaBahn Former Trustees Jamie Mallinger and Families John Tucker Lamkin Debbie LeiboldErin, Mike, Mayla & Ash Montgomery James E. Lightbody Randy ShureWilliam W. Orrison, Jr. Charles (Carl) Birney Marquis, Jr. Kirstin and Patrick SullivanRobert, Price & Will Peeler Elda MatousBarbara Baxter Pillinger John Love McKown LEADERSHIPAnne Shingler Diana Dowell Memos CIRCLE - $20,000 and AboveDebi Sule and Syd Jones William W. Orrison, Jr.Ginny Stafford Andrew R. Pfeiffenberger Elizabeth A. Gard & Thomas J. FurlongJohnathon Stark William RaleyKate Stiles Nancy H. Rinderknecht Andy and Toby LivingstonSusan Taylor Lara RogersFrancille Walker Laura & Sandy Sanborn Martha D. LivingstonCarol Watt Louis Carl Sass, Jr.Barbara Moore Weber Linda Pigg Schroeder Gregory & Barbara RosstonMelissa, Joe & Walker Wilson James Boyd SimmonsLeo Patmore-Zarcone & Simon Vincent Evans Starzinger Marcus & Joan Sessel Patmore-Zarcone Patricia TuohyDr. Vincent P. Zarcone, Jr.
CAMPERSHIP LEVEL - $5,000 – $19,999 Jim and Susie Fuller Jay T. & Priscilla W. Engeln Gregory E. Euston, Jr.Anonymous (1) Donald E. & Julie V. Gardner Mary Joy Allaert FeeneyAmy Blevins & Phil Bickler Ann Garner J. Mark Fisher The H-N Raisler Fund Larry & Sarah FlynnChris and Allison Bovard The Furmaniak Family Barbara Hall Susan & Kent Garlinghouse Fund - TopekaButler Family Foundation Robert W. Hayden Community FoundationCatherine Manley Gaylord Foundation Timothy S. Hershey Jenney Spare GillikinThe Dayton Family Thomas R. Giltner The Jay Whipple Family FoundationSebastian & Kristina de Atucha Andrew J. Jorgensen Robert & Victoria Goldson Marcee Kinning - RK FoundationSondra Eddings Brooke Cheley Klebe James Hahn Robert E. Knight EstateAnna Engeln Michael W. & Sarah LaBahn Kubly Thomas HigleyGeoffrey Euston William R. LaBahn Wyandt HolmesMelinda Mayo FinleyFliesbach Family Foundation Greg & Debbie Leibold Thomas F. & Kathryn HornbeinAnna Belle Kritser II Foundation Martin & Jane DumlerHaughey Family Foundation Karol Koon McArthur Peter D. & Pat Horne John W. & Yancey McCollum Sudnya Shroff and Nickhil JakatdarJockey Hollow Foundation Daniel & Sarah MeaderWells Fargo Foundation Judith H. Melly Elizabeth JonesChris Francoeur Anne Lamkin Kinder Jason L. Michel Brad & Kim KittleJason & Ellen Hornady Mark N. & Kathy Ryden Larson Microsoft Corporation Tim & Kimberly LucasJohn & Jacolyn Bucksbaum Family Foundation Anne Mattson & Carol FeuersteinL & M Charitable Foundation, Inc. Allan Neustadt The Tessa & David Nicholson Family Fund Thomas J. and Georgene E. McGonagleLebor Family Foundation of The Pittsburgh Foundation Janet Bauer MillerEric Michael Lee Margaret J. Peak Mary MillerMacGill 1969 TrustJeff Nichols Ronald W. & Carol Hershey Periard Douglas S. Moore & Rebecca A. Beall-MooreThe OAK Foundation Andy and Palmer Quaroni Stephanie Morrison Jesus Quinonez Randolph MossSam Price Family Foundation Robert F. Reklaitis Nelson Family Foundation Tim RogersDavid H. & Betty N. Street John K. Rutledge Gary & Bev Nelson Jim SchroederKirstin and Patrick Sullivan Jeffrey and Rachel Street Nicholas S. & Susan B. Noyes Randy & Holly Street D. W. Wells ObrechtCynthia Beck Tomlinson Jeffrey R. & Amy C. Swartz Sarah G. OlsenRobert & Ellen Wagnon TEW FoundationSteve Yale Marty & Ginger Burner OvensAlfred C. & Sara Zimmerman J. Andrew & Nancy Thompson JoAnn Raley The Tyree FamilyBENEFACTORS - $1,000 – $4,999 Tom Sass Nancy D. UllmannSue Eckles Anderson Kathleen B. Walgreen Anne Holmes SchuergerAnonymous (1) Michael Schultz George H. Warrington Doug & Karen SmithThe Best Family Carol W. Watt Francisco & Carlos Somoza Louisa G. Weix David W. & Cindy SpenceDavid & Gretchen Black & Robin Black Jon WhelanEd & Lori Brackett Ann D. & Lee Williams Suzanne Ullmann SteinRichard & Sally Braugh Ali Frick & Drausin Wulsin Julie van de Zande Bob A. & Pamela StreetMike & Betsy Brooks James Tanner and Catherine AllegraAl & Leigh Buettner & the Buettner PATRONS - $500 – $999 Family Foundation Jennifer Tipton & Michael CinkoskyJan Burke Anonymous (1) Devadas and Vaneeta VarmaCamp Thunderbird Donnaann VisneskiNancy Campbell Alan L. & Jill Ater Earl Ward Susanne Small Bergeron and Jerry Bergeron Tandy (Craig) WoodDonald S. & Carole Cheley Joan Bovard FRIENDS - $250 – $499Jeff & Erika Cheley James C. & Anne D. BoyceCommunity First Foundation Peter O. & Melanie C. Boylan Lee R. Adler Peter Brown & Lisa Holderness BrownWilliam H. & Lois Deschner Gail M. AlbersEd Diffendal Edward M. & Barbara A. Corley Anonymous (1)Ken and Sally Dulin J. Marc Cottrell Andrew BernsteinJohn & Kathy Enlund Joe Creviston John P. BoylanKarla H. Evans Gerald Bryant & Kristina BrandnerMrs. Homer Evans Loyal Durand Claire P. CaudillLeigh Fatzinger Barbara E. Emmons Christopher Rowley & Amanda DakeJohn S. Fletcher Wiggle Bug FoundationRobert P. & Lynn FletcherMara Friedman Stewart & Elinor Humphrey ComerFrosty & Sam Frostman
Jody & Bob Dorweiler PARTNERS - Gifts up to $250 Derek T. Day Richard T. & Carol HoppeTimothy Stuart Durst Jennifer Horne Andrew H. & Madeline R. Adam Jim Deister William C. HorneGus Lee & Diane Elliott-Lee Rev. Abraham Kahu Akaka Tim & Lori Diebel Donald H. & Dorothy K. HouglandRob Fairbank Ministries Foundation Barbara M. Dietrich Dwight HudsonMiles Farmer Alaska Airlines TJ Dillon, Jr. Meredith S. HuntJack & Krista Feldman Roger & Ann Marie Alford Martha A. Dodson Carolyn HushekBen L. Flint Ellie DorschDavid Forsberg Missy & Ed Allen Amy & Roger JahnelDavid and Debbie Fosdick Jennifer Almquist Denis Duman & Alexandra Shafer John & Jackie NorrisThomas R. and Georgia Sue Fuller Travis L. Durand Bruce & Marie JohnsonDrew & Betsy Graham Federico C. Alvarez Patrick Durham Carolyn Cheley JohnsonGreater Houston Community Janice Durrett Judy M. Johnston Foundation AmazonSmile Foundation Jim and Lisa Eby Nancy KahlRussell & Deborah Hall Anonymous (6) The Kali InstituteHarry C. Hershey Cynthia S. Anthony Carolyn Echols Betsy KassabLaura E. Hess Katie Averdick Elkhorn RanchAna Hill Doug & Charlene Balfour Bob Essin & Dara Anderson Janet G. KellerMichael H. Horner Jeff Ballard John Estabrook Ali KittleJames Bovard Wayne & Dodie Bauman Travis Fasching & Robert O. & Mary I. KlebeBob & Rossell Kelley Bill Beall Chris Perschbacher Christie Ward KlosJaime Kellogg Joshua Fatzinger Alex Kluge Joanne S. Becker First National Bank Christie KoetsLarry J. and Kathy Kripps Ben Beinfeld Brett Forrest Gimo & Candy Berry Margaret Lee Franklin Jim & Laura KornishJohn Kundtz & Thomas Amon BlackRock, Inc. Richard B. & Judy L.S. FritzTimothy J. & Sue Ellen Latham Gloria Bohan Shirley Frostman Barbara J. KrippsLinda Family Sandra F. Boles Andy, Tracy, Owen & Grant Fuller Sarah KublyBill & Michelle Lockhart Margaret D. Booth Carolyn Fung Ferd & Ann LaBrunerieRobert & Mary Lupo Damien Boynton Pamela Gagel Mike Lamair Sarah Wallace Bracco Mary Jo Ganske Lauren LammJeanne M. McLaughlin Alan & Marsha Bramowitz Stan Gengler Mary W. LamyDee Dee Giles Miller Anne H. Brinsmade Rich & Kathryn GoodRichard D. & Carol G. Minker Ben Gorman Bob & Elizabeth LazzeriErin Montgomery James C. & Mary Claire Brothers The Gottschalk Family Dylan Lederer Ali Brown Dottie Gottshall Isabel Lamy LeeJim Mytton Caren Browning Graves Family Joann LeetmaeKenneth R. & Jacqueline Oldham Amanda Bryson Eldon & Judith Greiman Douglas E. Lieb Lindsey Buehler Tierney Grist Karla Van Drunen LittooyHenry Safford Peacock Foundation Coulter Bump Fell Ann GuhmanKittye & Bill Peeler Barb Burkhardt Robert H. & Kathryn M. Lohr David Busiek & Laura Sands John W. & Delia L. Haefeli Dan & Chris LorenzSteven C. & Ruth Peeters Julia Bess Smith Butler Suzanne Hall Lisa Brock Lowe Tyler & Debby Campbell Michael & Julie LowenbergMark B. & Barbara Periard Joy Campbell Toni Hamill & FamilyPhil Perry The Carleton Family Kirstie LowerRoesler Family Andrea Carney Andrew & Christine M. Hancock Pam Lundgren Ben Hankins Karen MacGeeJane Sanborn Carrington Family Henry & Muffy Harmon Cara Short MagersCharles E. Saul, Jr. Ashley Carter Robert D. Harmon Andrew F. MallingerBarbara Hoss Saye Susan and John Carter Molly HarrisMartha Pratt Scharfenberg Carolyn J. Hastings Dr. Bernard MallingerThe Shiflet Family Lauren M. Cashatt Elaine Hazlewood Stacey K. MandelJay & Caroline Smith Henry C. & Diana Cashen II Carol Hearn Jon & Beth MartindaleDavid W. Spell Charlotte Caudill Brittany Hecht Abigail MayoThe Stewart Family Alice Chue Brent P. & Patricia Mayo Jessica Clarke John & Beverly Hepburn Richard McEwanMarty Stokely Rob Clements The Herndon Family Morgan McGonagleOlivia Swartz Yehonathan Cohen Matthew Heyl Kelly McKennaKeith Testa Kelsey Knapp Hickok Peter O. McKownKathryn Ferguson Theis Catherine H. Coleman Mark Higgins Brit & Sharon McLinGinny Troyer & David Zicarelli Judith V. Corley Shawn Hils Claire McRedmondCarol Vance Kody Crider Kara MeechanMr. & Mrs. Peter Wells Mary Watts Crutchfield Leslie Hock Mike Mellman Melina Cundy Perry Hodgkins Jones Rosie MertzPeter L. & Jane White Joellen d’Avignon Kimberly Hokanson Steven H. & Christa MeyersJoyce & Vincent Zarcone Chip HolderMichael & Sasha Zolik Harriet Daigle Susan Holman Rhonda L. Mickelson Orion Danjuma J. David & Pamela Holt Mary Carol Millsap Julie Davi Louise M. Hopkins Molly Hood Monette David D. Cone Foundation Nick Davis
Sharon Lang Monson Ann Swanberg Did You Know... Taylor Family FundNancy M. Moor Rebecca Taylor Renowned psychologists have done Terry Taylor numerous studies which have shown thatTim Moor Joseph Thomas the summer camp experience increasesRachel Moore Christopher S. & a child’s sense of self by up to 30%,Joyce A. Mueller Heather Thompson meaning that they feel more confident,Luigi Horne Mumford successful and smarter than they didAdam & Elizabeth Murphy Thomas & Wendy Thorpe before attending camp. This social andMary S. Nelson Sherri Tuggle emotional development provides aCharlie Nicholson Elizabeth Tuohy foundation for safe and positive learningDarby O’Connor Rein & Jan Van West and enhances a child’s ability to succeed Robert & Nancy Varettoni in school, career, and life.Carol Parker O’Reilly Jennifer K. VaubelThe Off Road Body Shop Kate VerlaanEllen Olsen Anne VickeryMary Lainson OlsenZiki Omonde Al M. & Ruthie WaldropReid Openshaw Les Goss & Melissa WalkerChris C OrrisonLouis Ott** Henry WarringtonSally Pagnucco Michael WasherJulia L. Zarcone & Kimberly Wells David W. Patmore Robert WhamDan Penoyer Susan Weinmann &Anna Perks Michael WilcoveAlex Petkas Fawn WolfLindsay Kowalski Phelan Emily YuskoBrian Phillips Justin ZahnBarbara Baxter Pillinger Bruno ZicarelliDustin PippinMary H. Poulson GIFTS IN KINDTom PrestonAtticus Proctor Chris & Allison BovardPueblo Medical Imaging and Camp Kawanhee for Boys Radiology Associates of Nevada Camp Thunderbird for BoysMegan Rash Camp Thunderbird for GirlsThe Reed Family Camping Education FoundationCale Rice CampMinder Cheley Colorado CampsPatricia Pease Rice Clearwater Camp for GirlsDevin Riggs Colvig Silver CampsDana Rinderknecht Geoffrey EustonJames W. Roberts Ali Frick & Drausin WulsinPeter Rosston Friendly Pines CampElizabeth Roush John and Kim KinzerJoseph Ruwitch Michael W. & Sarah LaBahn KublySally R. Rynott William R. LaBahnJoe Sansalone Richard McEwanElizabeth Saylor Merchant & GouldEd & Penny Schneider Sanborn Western CampsMarc Schreiber Karen SmithRichard & Jo Ann Schreiber Sterling-Rice Group, Inc.Jane Miller Bell Scott Kirstin and Patrick SullivanJohn & Nancy Shingler Jennifer TiptonPatrick Smith Kate VerlaanRichard A. and Mary Lou Smith Names in bold are donors who haveMichelle Spidell given to JACF for five consecutive years. | **DeceasedVirginia StaffordStanley & Mary Siberell Please accept our sincere apologies forMary Allen Stifler any unintentional mistakes or omissions.Trent & Carolyn Stiles We have listed only donations that wereJames Straus received during the fiscal year of 7/1/2017Alyssa Street to 6/30/2018. Please contact our office at 720.981.2532 x 100 to report anyZoe Ann Lundgren Summers omissions or errors.Amanda Sursely
NON-PROFIT ORG U.S. POSTAGE PA I D DENVER, CO PERMIT NO. 28821420 N. Ogden St. Suite 102Denver, CO 80218John Austin Cheley Foundation Annual ReportVolume 2017/2018, Issue 1 of 1Published Annually by John Austin Cheley FoundationThe TeamBoard of TrusteesAmy Blevins* Ali Frick Kirstin Eddings We Are Proud to Partner With:Larkspur, CA New York, NY SullivanJohn P. Boylan PMhaoreanFirxi,eAdZman Ames, IA ASSOCIATE CAMPSHouston, TX SWahlliyteLfiasBhaBhany,KWubI lyDCharllisatso, TpXher M. Bovard* NToiwddotL,eCbOor JDeennnviefer,rCLO. TiptonDSeebnavsetri,aCnOde Atucha DLiettblreatoGna,rCdOner LeiboldCGheoicfafrgeoy, IELuston* Jeff Nichols DKaetnevVere,rClaOanLeigh Fatzinger Houston, TXDenver, CO Phillip S. Perry Ellen Weingarten Denver, CO Wagnon Houston, TX Steve Yale Truckee, CA *Outgoing trustees (completed their service in June 2018)Board UpdatesJACF is excited to welcome three new Trustees to our board asof July 1, 2018. Gregory Euston (Marietta, GA), Sara Gilbertson(Bethesda, MD) and Casey Pettit Babcock (Denver, CO) bring awealth of non-profit management, marketing, alumni, leadershipand fundraising experience to the Foundation.In other news, Amy Blevins, Chris Bovard and Geoff Euston rotatedoff the board in June of 2018. John Boylan completed his term asboard president and was succeeded by Kirstin Sullivan. We greatlyappreciate all of the time and investment that these Trustees putinto the Foundation and the campers that we serve.Staff Members COMMUNITY RS PARTNETim Lucas Karen Smith Alyssa StreetExecutive Director Director of Programs Development DirectorVolunteers ALLIANCEThank you to our hundreds of volunteers. We couldn’t do it without you!
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