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Home Explore 2020-2021 Annual Report

2020-2021 Annual Report

Published by JACF, 2021-09-23 16:26:18

Description: 2020-2021 Annual Report


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Strength in Uncertain Times The story of our organization’s journey during the Because of recession planning that began in 2021 fiscal year* has been filled with ups and 2019, conservative budgeting, and very loyal and downs — as the personal stories for many of committed donors, our financial performance was you may also have been. far better than anticipated this year. As a result, we have been able to strengthen our financial position When it became clear that the pandemic and and begin to make investments in our future, which the resulting financial uncertainty could throw will generate all kinds of new possibilities. a shadow over our mission, we launched a plan to keep our organization healthy, strong, and We were not alone in showing this toughness and well-positioned to continue our investment in capacity to recover quickly from difficulties. Our those we serve. This plan called for a degree associate camps dug deep just to be able to reopen of financial conservatism and required a their doors. Our community partners adapted demonstration of resiliency. programming to meet the changing needs of students and families. The young people we serve WE BELIEVE IN THE and the families to which they belong overcame POWER OF CA MP myriad economic and social challenges. And you, our supporters, remained tough and steadfast in your belief in what we do and why we do it. During a period of uncertainty, rather than focusing on merely weathering the storm, we responded with positivity and creativity. We placed a focus on renewal—renewal of our Campership Program, shuttered in 2020, and renewal of our commitment to expand support to those we serve. Camp remains central to what we do and who we are, but we are keen to find ways to make the experience for our campers even better and extend beyond their final summer at camp. By crafting a new Programs Vision we are making important progress toward redefining ourselves as a youth development organization, and one that has a growing awareness of our responsibilities to meet the needs of our constituents. This work is important, necessary, and very exciting and we look forward to sharing details in our electronic newsletters over the coming months. Be sure to sign up on our website if you don’t already receive those! *July 1, 2020 – June 30, 2021

Resiliency and renewal have been themes of this A Gift of a past year and it is perhaps fitting that these are Lifetime also traits developed within the young people in our Campership Program. We are so proud of In Remembrance of the response of our organization, our partners, Barbara Elaine Emmons our supporters, and those we serve, and we are energized by what lies ahead. Barbara Elaine Emmons loved the outdoors. Growing up, Barb spent her summers at Gus Euston Tim Lucas the family cottage at Diamond Lake in Board Chair Executive Director Cassopolis, Michigan, where she excelled in water skiing, swimming and sailing. She and Barbara Elaine Emmons her father, Norris Emmons, competed as a 1942 - 2021 team in sailboat races and she eventually taught sailing at Camp Eberhart in Jones, Michigan. But the mountains and horses of Colorado had called to her ever since she attended Cheley Colorado Camps in Estes Park as a teen. Barb spoke about the importance of camp in every conversation. She could not stress enough how life-changing the experience is for kids who get to go to camp year after year. She truly believed that her experience at Cheley Colorado Camps changed her life and made her who she was as an adult. Her belief in our mission was so powerful that she dreamed of sending kids to camp through the Foundation long after she was gone. Upon her death, that dream became a reality as Barb left us a legacy gift that will help shape the future of our organization. It is with this extraordinary gift that the Foundation will be able to impact the lives of so many of the kids that we serve for years to come… and for that, we are eternally grateful. If you are interested in leaving a legacy gift and making a lasting impact like Barb, contact us today at 720.981.2532 or visit our website at

Celebrating the Personal Growth of Our Campers Learning and Leading Each year, A Thousand Summers is honored to have some of our campers selected to prestigious leadership positions and programs at our associate camps. Our campers are regularly recognized for their strength of character, their positive contributions to the camp community, and their leadership potential. Some are hired to return to camp as staff members, giving them the opportunity to give back and provide a fun and personally enriching experience for younger campers. This year is no exception. We are excited to introduce you to three members of the A Thousand Summers family who leapt into leadership roles this summer and took the next step of their camp journey. We hope you enjoy the quotes that they shared with us before they left for camp in anticipation of their upcoming leadership opportunities and summer adventures. Meet Tomas Tomas, Camp Kawanhee • 10th grade, 16 years old • Lives in Miami Beach, Florida • Attended Camp Kawanhee for 3 years as a camper (2017-2019) • Enrolled in the Camp Kawanhee Leadership Training Program (2021) “I have seen counselors from the Leadership Program and how they inspire younger campers. It is amazing to be chosen…Being a leader at camp is a pressure, but a good kind of pressure. I know I am now going to be able to have a positive impact on younger campers.” – Tomas Jade, Clearwater Camp for Girls Meet Jade • 11th grade, 17 years old • Lives in Chicago, Illinois • Attended Clearwater Camp for Girls for 3 summers as a camper (2017-2019) • Enrolled in the Clearwater Camp for Girls Leadership Program (2021) “I’m willing to put the kids first… to give them a memorable experience. I think it’s fun to be around kids, and I want to be a positive role model, encourage them when they might be down or need a boost.” – Jade

Meet Branden Branden, Camp Kawanhee • 21 years old, sophomore at Bradley University • Lives in Chicago, Illinois • Attended Camp Kawanhee for 3 years as a camper (2015-2017) • Worked as a counselor at Camp Kawanhee for Boys (2021) “I love the idea that younger Hispanic campers will see me and know that they can be a leader someday. I want to be a role model for them. I will bring a unique perspective because of my diverse background. It feels like an honor.” – Branden A Thousand Summers Campers in 2021 Leadership Programs Congratulations to all of our A Thousand Summers campers and alums in leadership positions this past summer! We are so proud of our campers, their achievements, and their strong leadership skills. Carter Gabby Sage Kamilla Savian (staff) Mariah Stella (staff) Willow (staff) Jade Sydney Bashwyn John Bodhi (staff) Tomas Grace Kelly Kai (staff) Lupita Branden (staff) Savannah Scan the QR code to read the entire story online about some of these amazing campers.

A Summer of Perseverance A Thousand Summers partners with exceptional this year than ever before. The kids that we sent summer camps across the country to provide to camp showed how resilient they can be as they positive environments and amazing opportunities navigated the unique obstacles of the past year to for the youth that we serve, and we were excited make it to camp where they celebrated their many that they were all able to open safely in 2021. achievements. It was through no small effort that these camps Here is some information on the campers we served were able to reopen their doors, driven by their in the summer of 2021 and the cumulative impact of commitment to help young people thrive once more. your giving over the years: We might argue that camp was more important 31 1,408 MORE THAN YEARS OF AWARDING CAMPERSHIPS AWARDED $8,000,000 CAMPERSHIPS SINCE 1989 CAMPERSHIPS AND ASSOCIATED PROGRAM DISTRIBUTIONS AWARDED SINCE 1989 ALL EIGHT OF OUR ASSOCIATE CAMPS OPENED FOR SUMMER 2021 95 HAPPY CAMPERS AT CAMP IN 2021 8 HIGH QUALITY ASSOCIATE CAMP PARTNERSHIPS 1990-2021 DENSITY MAP WHERE OUR CAMPERS COME FROM 1 20 40 60 100 140 180 250 350 400

RACE/ETHNICITY 48% 52% WHITE RECEIVE FREE 24% LATINX AND REDUCED LUNCHES 20% BLACK 4% ASIAN ABOUT 46% OUR 2021 CAMPERS FROM SINGLE PARENT FAMILIES GENDER 14% 55% MALE LIVE AT OR BELOW 45% FEMALE POVERTY LEVEL Become an Ambassador Promoting the mission and supporting our youth We need your help! If you believe in the power of the summer camp experience and the work of A Thousand Summers, we ask you to share our story with others. It’s as easy as telling your friends about our program, sharing this annual report with someone you think may be interested in what we do, sharing our social media posts, or helping us connect with potential new campers or community partners. We are looking to broaden our support base to help us achieve our objectives and impact the lives of more amazing kids from around the country. You can play an integral role in that success. Please contact us at with any questions or to learn more.

An Opportunity For Growth Would you like to invest in the kids that we serve and provide them with an opportunity for growth, development, and an experience of a lifetime? Here are a few ways that you can make a significant impact on our campers: $150,000 Endowed Campership $2,500 Half Campership Deliver the summer camp experience for Your funding will pay half the expenses one camper per year in perpetuity for one summer camper $50,000 Power of Ten $1,000 Young Explorer This generous sponsorship level makes it Provide an introductory camp experience possible for ten campers to attend camp for a young camper for one summer $500 Transporter $25,000 Adopt a Camper Provide travel expenses for A one-on-one relationship between the one camper sponsor and a camper for his/her entire camp career $250 Outfitter $10,000 Double Campership Provide equipment for one camper Your generosity will fund two campers $100 Piggy Banker for a summer Fund a camper’s bank account during $5,000 Full Campership his/her stay The summer of a lifetime for one lucky camper Leave Your Join Our Legacy Trailblazer Program Leave your legacy by including A Thousand Did you know that if you join the Trailblazers, Summers (the John Austin Cheley Foundation - our recurring giving program, you can make a FEIN #48-1077337) in your estate plans. For more significant impact on a camper’s summer? information on leaving an impactful gift in your will Just $25 a month will provide a camper with or naming the Foundation as a beneficiary on your equipment and help fund their camp store life insurance policy or retirement fund, contact account. What a wonderful gift! Make your Alyssa Street at 720.981.2532 x 100 or at monthly pledge today: [email protected].

A Glimpse at the Together we were able to provide them with a slice Finances of magic once again this year, supporting their social and emotional growth. We are grateful for your Unaudited Financial Information 7/1/2020 – 6/30/2021 partnership and shared belief in our mission and the kids we serve. Below is a financial snapshot of our Because of your unwavering support, we were able 2020-2021 fiscal year: to navigate the uncertain economic landscape of the past year and provide the kids that we serve with a summer disconnected from technology and stress and reconnected with nature, friends, and adult role models, where they could concentrate on just being kids. 30% 41% INVESTMENT RETURNS TOTAL TOTAL DONOR CALCULATED ON A CALENDAR YEAR BASIS NET ASSETS CONTRIBUTIONS $1,269,062 10-Y E A R $4,037,044 70% 59% 8.6% 5-Y E A R 12.5% RESTRICTED UNRESTRICTED GIFTS 1-Y E A R UNRESTRICTED RESTRICTED GIFTS 24.9% $583,726 IN PROGRAM SERVICES DELIVERED Health of the Foundation Because of pre-emptive recession planning that began in 2019, a conservative approach to budgeting, and the generosity of our very loyal donors, our financial performance was far better than we anticipated this year. By managing and building the organization’s assets effectively we are positioning ourselves for a future where we are able to serve many more kids with increasing opportunities. With your continuing support, the dedication of our loyal donor base, and the expansion of that base, our organization will grow ever stronger and will move forward with the confidence to realize that vision.

2021 Volunteer of the Year: Susan (Sam) Frostman Susan (Sam) Frostman has volunteered with A Thousand Summers since 2004. Sam served on the Board of Trustees from 2004-2010 and worked tirelessly as the Chair of the Campership Committee to get our kids to camp at a time when we were still an all-volunteer organization. She was also the first trustee to serve on the board who was affiliated with Colvig Silver Camps. Since Sam rotated off the board in 2010, she has continued to ServedCahsaCirTaromufsCpteaermesfhprieoprmMsh2ei0pn0tCo4or-m2fo0mr107itCteaempers play a very active role. She has been a Campership Mentor for seven campers. She helped to develop the Capstone Program in 2012 and has served as a Capstone Coach. Sam is also a member of the Campership Application Review Team. In 2020-2021, Sam additionally volunteered to serve on our Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee. We are proud to recognize Sam for all that she continues to do for our organization! Double the Impact of Your Investment Many employers sponsor matching gift programs and will match charitable contributions made by their employees and sometimes employees’ spouses and/or retirees. They are a great way to maximize personal contributions to A Thousand Summers and the John Austin Cheley Foundation and increase the impact of a gift. By taking advantage of your company’s matching gift benefit, you may be able to double or even triple the amount of your contribution. To find out if your company has a matching gift policy, please contact your employer’s Human Resources Department or scan the QR code with your phone’s camera. SCAN THE QR CODE OR VISIT: ATHOUSANDSUMMERS.ORG/SUPPORT/OPPORTUNITIES/#MATCHING

Board Updates The Team Each year the make-up of our board changes Volunteers as trustee terms end and new ones begin. The cadence of this renewal presents us with both Thank you to our many volunteers from across opportunity and challenge in equal measure. This the country. We couldn’t do it without you! year brought notable renewal and we were proud to welcome six new trustees to the board on July Trustees Ann McCollum 1, 2021. John Ceraolo (Boca Raton, FL), Natasha Albuquerque, NM El-Scari (Kansas City, MO), Sarah Erickson Dave Brown (Fairlee, VT), Sara Littleton (Kennebunk, ME), Ridgefield, CT Casey Pettit* Lindsay Nyquist (Durango, CO), and Francesca Boston, MA Sally (Atlanta, GA) come to us with a wealth of Mike Brower experience and share a great passion for summer Allenspark, CO Kathy Scheu camp and youth development. North Hampton, NH Sam Carkhuff* The challenge is always saying goodbye to friends Aurora, CO Hillary Shaw and loyal servants whose board service comes Atlanta, GA to an end. The following trustees left the board Gregory Euston in June of 2021, after many combined years of Marietta, GA Terry Taylor service: Jenn Tipton, Ellen Wagnon, Casey Pettit, Denver, CO Todd Lebor, and Sam Carkhuff. We offer our Sara Gilbertson sincere thanks to all of them for their service, Carbondale, CO Jennifer L. Tipton* their dedication, and their support of our mission. Denver, CO Kim Kittle We are Proud Dallas, TX Ellen Weingarten to Partner With: Wagnon* Sally LaBahn Kubly Houston, TX ASSOCIATE CAMPS Whitefish Bay, WI PARTNERS Todd Lebor* Niwot, CO Staff Karen Smith Alyssa Street Programs Development Tim Lucas Director Director Executive Director *Outgoing trustees (completed their service in June 2021)

Donor List We would like to express our sincere thanks to those individuals, businesses, and organizations who partnered with us to send so many underserved youth to camp this past summer. We couldn’t have done it without you and would like to recognize all donors who contributed to the Foundation from July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021. GIFTS MADE IN HONOR OF Dave Kukielka Polly Sargent Flobeck, Sue Eckles Timothy J. Latham II & Sarah H. Anderson, Gordon Duff and Polly All of the Sanborn JACF Campers Cleaver Jane Bell Scott & Bob Bell ‘Campers Latham Patricia Baker Debbie Leibold Jason Ball & Counselors’ My parents who sent me to camp: Teddy Boyle Amie Podolsky Bryant David Campbell Thomas & Grace Burk Jim & Donna Lightbody Charley Carter Camp Thunderbird Martha Livingston & Marlee Jack Cheley Carole Cheley John Matous In memory of Jack Cheley & Ernie Jack Cheley Anna & Patrick Meehan Altick & in honor of my The Cheley Family Joseph Melvin granddaughter Avery Bell Nathan & Jacy Colvig Jake Miller currently working on staff as Jeff Crocker Mary Stanley Murray, my grandmother counselor Megan Doherty Girls Main Camp in Lower Chipeta Elaine DuPuy Harder who started this incredible camp Sharon Coleman Elaine DuPuy Harder & Michele Gee tradition for our family 3 Kathleen Collins Loyal Durand generations ago Craig Colvig Geoff & Greg Euston Nola Jane Berger Oshman Mac Corley, Kelsey Hickok, and Mary Parker Fox Barbara Baxter Pillinger Lou Smith Rob & Connie Friesen Geary Ryder Spencer Dent Front Line Medical Workers Sanborn Western Camps Jared Escobar Sue & Tom Frostman Hillary Shaw Homer Evans The 50th Anniversary of Susie & Jim Fuller The wonderful summer of 2000! William Fuller Laura Gaul The great experiences our children & Jerry Gottshall Sydney Greenblatt grandchildren have had at Cheley Matt & Tyler Hajosy Barbara Hall Jennifer Tipton Elaine DuPuy Harder Drew Hansen & Annie Carruthers Sara Zimmerman Claire Holmes Clyde & Maxine Haynes Al & Sara Zimmerman Peter Dodge Horne Matt, Alissa, Lola, & Gemma Joblon Nancy Hushek Steve Koets GIFTS MADE IN MEMORY OF Frances “Foohey” Kidwell Sally Kubly Anna Belle Kritser Rev. Abe & Mrs. Mary Louise Jeffrey Jack Lamkin “Jeff” Akaka Robert I. Love Mary Christine (nee Boylan) Lytle Cheley Counselors in 1942 Ernie Altick, Elda Matous Granny May, Doralie Flutcher Miller Jeanne T. Mytton (Flutch), Nettie Cheley, Sandie Miller, ForCmheerleOJywaCcnokelCroarhaneddleoDyCiraemctposr of A SPECIAL THANK YOU Thank you to everyone who contributed to the Jack Cheley Endowed Campership Fund and, in particular, to the Street Family who stepped forward with the $45,000 Bob Allen Street Family Challenge Match. A complete donor listing will be provided in next year’s annual report as the endowment funding was completed during the 2021-2022 fiscal year. Many thanks to everyone who realized this special opportunity for some of our Cheley campers!

Nathaniel Catherine Manley Gaylord Foundation Nancy Gilbert Richard & Mary O’Riley John T. Donohue Barbara Hall William Raley Anna Engeln Mark T. Hartman Jan Rufien & Marilee Long-Saxe Geoffrey Euston John & Beverly Hepburn Louis Carl Sass, Jr. Gregory E. Euston, Jr. Timothy S. Hershey Linda Pigg Schroeder Fliesbach Family Foundation Wyandt Holmes & Family Mary Lou Smith Jim & Susie Fuller Ellen Hornady Herbert J. Ullmann Donald E. & Julie V. Gardner Thomas F. & Kathryn Hornbein Thomas S. Van Alyea, Jr. Robert & Victoria Goldson Andrew J. Jorgensen Francille Walker Haughey Family Foundation Vanessa Kendrick Barbara Moore Weber John Hodder Mary Ann Kundtz Thomas A. Weil Richard Allyn Hosley William R. LaBahn Ben F. Weir, Jr. The Jay Whipple Family Foundation Lucy Langer Jockey Hollow Foundation Timothy J. & Sue Ellen Latham ENDOWED CAMPERSHIPS Brad & Kim Kittle Greg & Debbie Leibold Michael W. & Sarah LaBahn Kubly LinkedIn Matching Gifts Program Reverdie & Jean Ater Memorial L & M Charitable Foundation, Inc. David List Campership Lebor Family Foundation Martha D. Livingston Allan Neustadt Charitable Trust Lumina Foundation Brown Family Campership Fund George & Judy Penner Anne Mattson & Carol Feuerstein Jack Cheley Endowed Campership Richard Raisler Jeanne M. McLaughlin Hillary Shaw Clare Meysenburg Fund David H. & Betty N. Street Jason L. Michel Sis Cheley Memorial Endowment Fund Randy & Holly Street Albert R. & Deirdre G. Miller Craig I. Colvig Fund Kirstin & Patrick Sullivan Mary Miller Carol Hershey Periard Family Fund Cynthia Beck Tomlinson Philip Murray John T. Jackson Campership Fund - John Andrew & Amy Trueblood Nelson Family Foundation Michael C. & Mary Trueblood Gary & Bev Nelson T. Jackson Foundation Tracy Valentine Tessa Nicholson Anna Belle Kritser Memorial Fund Mary L. Vanier James O’Riley Ann Kuhn Endowed Campership Fund Steve Yale Rowan O’Riley Kundtz-Tuohy Endowed Campership Marty & Ginger Burner Ovens John C. Lebor Memorial Campership BENEFACTORS - $1,000 - $4,999 Ronald W. & Carol Hershey Periard Jennifer Plane Fund - Lebor Family Foundation Anonymous (2) Palmer & Andrea Quaroni The Livingston Family Fund The Arnheim Family Tim Rogers Laura Naugle Sanborn & Mary Colvig Alan L. & Jill Ater Peter Rosston Matt & Donna Baker John K. Rutledge Miller Campership The Best Family Carol Ann Sass Robert Perkins Campership Fund David, Gretchen & Robin Black Tom & Peggy Sass Mary E. Satter Endowment Fund Mike Brooks & Betsy Moog Brooks Peter & Kathy Scheu Williams Family Campership Fund Mike Brower Jason & Rachel Schmidt The Buettner Family Foundation for Schoellerman Foundation CURRENT ADOPT A Jim Schroeder CAMPER FUNDS Leigh & Al Buettner Jane Miller Bell Scott Jan Burke Ellen M. Smith Fletcher Family Brooke Cheley-Klebe & Kurt Klebe Riley Stewart Mary Christine (née Boylan) Lytle Jeff & Erika Cheley Jeffrey D. & Rachel L. Street Emmie & John Scully Mary Virginia W. Coffman Jennifer Tipton Randy Shure Kong Company Neil Toor Kirstin & Patrick Sullivan Caitlin Crump Nancy D. Ullmann The Cynthia Elkins Foundation Jay Vinsel LEGACY GIFT - $500,000 Sebastian & Kristina de Atucha Henry Vinton William H. & Lois Deschner VMware Foundation Barbara Elaine Emmons** Ludie & Robert Dickeson Robert & Ellen Wagnon Leslie Case Donner Janet Warburton LEADERSHIP CIRCLE - $20,000 Ken & Sally Dulin Lee Ward & Elizabeth DePirro AND ABOVE Sondra Eddings George Warrington & H. Drewry Gores Eliot Charitable Trust Carol W. Watt The Boylan Family Trust John & Kathy Enlund Jon Whelan Anna Belle Kritser II Foundation Gregory E. Euston Ali Frick & Drausin Wulsin Margaret K. Harrison Charitable Karla H. Evans Al & Sara Zimmerman Mrs. Homer Evans Remainder Trust Melinda Mayo Finley PATRONS - $500 - $999 Gregory & Barbara Rosston Robert P. & Lynn Fletcher Marcus Sessel Frosty & Sam Frostman Anonymous Michele Gee CAMPERSHIP LEVEL - $5,000 - $19,999 Anthony Family Foundation Chris & Allison Bovard Bill & Tandy Brandt David & Christine Brown John & Jacolyn Bucksbaum Butler Family Foundation

The Bell Family Fund at Andrew Belsito Ministries Foundation Lora Farmer the Chicago Community Peter H. Beren Gail M. Albers Kara Felson Foundation Susanne Small Bergeron Missy & Ed Allen Rachel Felson Federico C. Alvarez Sheila Ferguson Brian A. & Sarah W. Bracco & Jerry Bergeron AmazonSmile Foundation Tyler Florence Peter Brown & Lisa Courtney Boyle Anonymous (7) Martha Hartzell Fosdick Debbie & Marc Bruell Athena Anderson Melissa Foster Holderness Brown Lorry Cashatt Dolly Anderson, Michael JD Friedman Millard B. Byrne Claire Peterson Caudill Richard Fritz Ian Laird Campbell Nancy Clusiau & Kelly Moore Pamela Gagel Community First Community First Commercial Liz Arnold Nathan Gaul Thomas Crabb Nancy Arroyo Mary Geiger Foundation Bruce Crocker Elizabeth S. Baker Sara Gilbertson Joe Creviston Robert Kennedy Dickson Doug & Charlene Balfour Anthony Gonzalez Natalie Diller Cara Donovan Joanne S. Becker Sarah Jeannette Goodfriend Loyal Durand Jody & Bob Dorweiler Robert H. Bell Geoff Goodwin Jay T. & Priscilla W. Engeln Travis L. Durand Lorella Berard Anna Gordon Sarah Motley Fischer Jesse & James Eisenberg Amy Berger David Gregory Ford C. & Ann B. Frick Diane Elliott-Lee & Gus Lee Gimo Berry Jennie Greimann Mayfield Fund Jack Feldman Lindsay Betz Nancy Lipscomb Groth B. Kent & Susan Michael Fry Frank & Sue Boberek Stan Gunn Tom & Sue Fuller Kari Lorence Boberek Haddon Garlinghouse Catharine Gibson Margaret D. Booth Robert N. Hagnauer The Garner Family W.B. Martin Gross Mary Ellis Bowler Robin Halloran Thomas R. Giltner John W. & Delia Haefeli Sandra L. Boyer Toni & Bill Hamill Nicholas Goodling Elaine Hazlewood Zach Philip Brady Victor C. & Linda G. Hanick Drew A. & Elizabeth S. Michelle Smith Hendry Rich Braugh Catherine Hansen-Stamp Harry C. Hershey Will Bright-Frare Drew Hansen & Annie Graham Eric Introligator Tracy Brown Jim & Laura Hahn Claire Joblon Paul Buchmann Carruthers Margaret Weatherly Hall & Carol E. Johnson C. Edward Buffington Elizabeth Harris Duncan & Katherine Coulter Bump Susan Hart Dr. Thomas B. Hall III Fund Debra Burgess Carolyn J. Hastings Russell & Deborah Hall Kennedy The Burk Family Denise Healy Andrew & Christine M. Kit Klepinger Jonathan Burk Sharon L. Himes Christine Koets Brigitte Bushnell Hock Family Hancock Larry J. & Kathy Kripps Julia Bess Smith Butler Chip Holder Pat Horne John Kundtz & Thomas Joy Campbell Ruthann I. Holle Carolyn Cheley Johnson Tyler & Debby Campbell Anne Holmes Jaime Kellogg Amon Diane Chandler-Mulvey J. David & Pamela Holt Abigail Kendall Walter R. Lamkin Dorothy Cheairs Louise M. Hopkins Nancy Kornblum & Dewey George K. & Janet Metzger Catherine H. Coleman Richard T. & Carol Hoppe Andrew & Angela Milewski James Colvig William C. Horne Schreiner Joyce A. Mueller Richard Cooper John & Ruth Hughes Nelson Littrell Elyse Newman Mary Lou Corrigan Meredith S. Hunt Tim & Kimberly Lucas Stuart Janvrin Newsome Gemma Cremers Carolyn Hushek Jerry McNeish Catherine D. Nix Stephen A. Crump Cole Introligator Richard D. & Carol G. Minker Carol Parker O’Reilly Mary Watts Crutchfield Amy & Roger Jahnel Douglas S. Moore & Matthew & Cydney Padon David D. Cone Foundation Jane Dumler Henry Safford Peacock Nicholas Davis Brenda Johnson Rebecca A. Beall-Moore Justin Richfield Deye David Kahn Stephanie Morrison Foundation Chris deZevallos Maureen Keilty Adrienne Nevola Mark B. & Barbara Periard Tyler Dixon Kenneth Kratzer & Tara Steven C. & Ruth Peeters Nan A. Ryan Michael Doherty Denise & Mike Pope Jane Sanborn Megan Doyle Barnes Kratzer JoAnn Raley David W. Spell Melinda Duff Evan Kestenbaum Jill Pervere Saper Marty Stokely Denis Duman & Alexandra King Soopers (Kroger) Pat & Fred P. Schonwald, Jr. Betsy Kassab Taylor Ali Kittle Anne Holmes Schuerger Sonya Turner Shafer Robert O. & Mary I. Klebe Michael Schultz Albert Van Alyea Gigi & Tim Durand Estate of Robert E. Knight Patti Smith Robert Wham Patrick Durham The Kornish Family Richard A. Smith Chamisa Wilkinson Ecolab Barbara J. Kripps Elizabeth & Jeff Spaulding Steve & Kitchel Woods Christine Eddington Betty Kuhl Suzanne Ullmann Stein Julia Zarcone Shannon Leigh Elkins Kathleen Kukielka Terry Taylor Kendra L. Ensor Gail Lauter Devadas & Vaneeta Varma PARTNERS - GIFTS UP Aaron Estep Shari Leach & Ryland Katherine Brooks Wood TO $250 Faegre Drinker Foundation The Yount & Stoller Family Gardner Stephanie Carter Adanguidi Giving Fund Rev. Abraham Kahu Akaka FRIENDS - $250-$499 Lee Adler & Robert Marks Alaska Airlines Anonymous (3)

Lauralee LeBlanc Ed & Penny Schneider Coming Together Again Joann Leetmae Colleen Schwartz Michael Lefsky Deirdre Carr Scott Developing Trusting Brenda Lightbody Mike & Audrey Seybold Relationships Linda Family Henry & Sharon Shaw Fred Littooy & Karla Van Brenda Shea Working as a Team Stan Siefer, MD Bold-faced type represents donors who have given to the Drunen Littooy Jessie Spehar John Austin Cheley Foundation for five consecutive years. Robert H. & Kathryn M. Lohr Matt & Michelle Spidell **Deceased Pam Low Elizabeth Spilotro Please accept our sincere apologies for any unintentional Pam Lundgren Nancy C. Steeper mistakes or omissions. We have listed only donations Scott MacGee Mr. & Mrs. H.A. Stermer that were received during the fiscal year of 7/1/2020 to Robert & Cara Magers Mary Allen Stifler 6/30/2021. Please contact our office at 720.981.2532 x 100 to Alisa & Andy Mallinger Carol & Mark Stilwell report any omissions or errors. Sarah Alley Manges Alyssa Street Ann B. McCollum Zoe Ann Lundgren Summers Bridget McFail Mack Taylor Peter O. McKown Christopher S. & Heather Brit & Sharon McLin Scott & Sheri McMurray Thompson Mary Meehan David Thorpe Dolores Melvin Thomas & Wendy Thorpe Betty D. Meyer Lynn Tipton Rhonda L. Mickelson Rein & Jan Van West Microsoft Corporation Carol Vance Betsy Castillo Sherryl Viars Ethan & Sarah Miley Al & Ruthie Waldrop Bruce Miller Melissa Walker & Les Goss Chris Mixon Paula Warzon Erin Simmons Montgomery Weber Family Nancy M. Moor Jack T. Weiford Tim Moor Trinity & Jake Wells Ginna Morgan Kim Wilson Luigi Horne Mumford Richard Wilson Nichole Murphy Jason Wong Jim Mytton Stacey Wright James G. & Cynthia Neighbor Willo Wright Chad Nichols Tonya Wyles Carrie Nicholson Vivian Yeh Jon-Claud A. Nix Yount Family Lindsay Nyquist Lori Oh GIFTS IN KIND Mary Lainson Olsen Nancy H. Olsen Camp Kawanhee for Boys Jennyfer Owensby Camp Thunderbird for Boys Kathleen B. Parish Camp Thunderbird for Girls Walker Peacock Camping Education Anna G. Perks Casey Pettit Foundation Lindsay Kowalski Phelan CampMinder David Philo Cheley Colorado Camps Kristen Pierce Clearwater Camps for Girls Barbara Baxter Pillinger Colvig Silver Camps Ping Identity Catherine Hansen-Stamp Dina Poole Merchant & Gould Christy Pratt Gary & Bev Nelson Sean Prell Racery Project Wayfinder Sanborn Western Camps Abby Rabinowitz Hillary Shaw Karey L. Rawitscher Greg Smith Glen Morel Renner Kirstin Sullivan Patricia Pease Rice Robert Richmond Peter Roesch Patricia L. Rogowski Mark Rosenthal Frank & Barbara Rowbotham

NON-PROFIT ORG U.S. POSTAGE PA I D DENVER, CO PERMIT NO. 2882 1420 N. Ogden St, Suite 102 Denver, CO 80218 A Thousand Summers Annual Report Volume 2020/2021, Issue 1 of 1 Published Annually by the John Austin Cheley Foundation WELCOMING OUR CAMPERS BACK! Would you like more information on how you can positively impact a child’s life today? Visit our website at or call 720.981.2532.

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