Annual report2013 & short year 2014 John Austin Cheley Foundation Because CampMatters
Report from the Board Chair, Board Chair, Debbie LeiboldDebbie Leibold JACF Trustee NewsThis past year was transformative for JACF. We shiftedfrom an all-volunteer organization to a professionally After two terms as a Trustee serving on the Finance,staffed organization with a governing Board. The hiring Development, and Alumni Committees, John McCollumof Buffie Berger as our full-time Executive Director rotated off the JACF Board in 2013. John continues toin May of 2013 positively impacted our fundraising, serve as JACF’s investment manager, and we thank himprofessionalism, and sustainability. The Board’s work for his excellent work and commitment to help JACFnow centers on mission, policy, strategic planning, and protect and maximize its investments. JACF welcomedfiduciary responsibility, rather than the daily operations of John Boylan from Houston, Buddy Arnheim from Losthe Foundation. Altos Hills, Sebastian de Atucha from Denver, Tim Lucas from Denver, and Todd Lebor from Chicago as newTo that end, the Board revised our mission and vision Trustees in 2013.statements to more clearly define who we are, what wedo, and the impact of the camp experience. We created Priscilla Engeln rotated off the JACF Board in 2014 aftera new strategic plan for 2014-2016 with the end goal two terms as a Trustee and serving as the Vice Chairof JACF having “solid infrastructure and sustainable of Campership. Priscilla’s positive spirit and passionfunding to support future growth opportunities.” We for JACF’s mission guided us through a period ofhave made great strides in 2013 and early 2014 unparalleled growth and touched the lives of many JACFin putting the framework in place to be poised for campers and their families. JACF welcomed Jenniferdeliberate and significant growth in the future. Tipton of Denver, Julie Van de Zande of Austin, and Phil Sanborn Perry of Denver as new Trustees beginningJACF also changed its fiscal year to end on June 30 July 1, 2014.instead of December 31. This new fiscal year will alignmuch more closely with our revenue and expense cycle.As a result of the shift, JACF had a “short year” fromJanuary 1-June 30, 2014. You will see that short yearreflected in the financials.This past year has been full of transition, but thechanges have strengthened JACF and put us on agreat path for the future. I am extremely proud of ouraccomplishments in 2013 and am excited about wherewe are headed in 2014 and beyond.More than anything else, I am inspired by the passionand commitment of our donors, volunteers, Trustees,and staff members to help provide a summer campexperience for some amazing kids around thecountry. An extended-stay, wilderness summer campexperience has the power to transform children’s lives.Conversations with JACF campers and their familiesconsistently confirm that belief. With your support andthe youth development expertise of our six associatecamps, JACF campers are developing into resilient andcompassionate young leaders ready to take on the world.Thank you for your unwavering support and for sharingour belief that “Camp Matters.” “An activity that I never thought I was going to do is climb a mountain. What I liked about hiking a mountain is that I got to climb Pikes Peak. Ithought that it was going to be easy to climb it, but it wasn’t. It was difficult to climb. I wanted to quitand give up but the counselor didn’t give up on me. She always had my back. When I made it up to the mountain, I felt alive and proud of myself.”
Report from the Executive Director, Buffie BergerBy original trade, I’m an educator. I am interested in organizations that help children and youth learn, especiallyin meaningful and powerful ways. That’s why I was attracted to the position of Executive Director for JACF. Thisimpact is the foundation for our major accomplishments in 2013 and continuing through the first half of 2014(our short year).We have made major progress in defining our impact, sharing its stories and quantifying our results. We are payingcareful attention to aligning our organization from Strategic Plan to Vision to Mission to Programs based on boththe strong belief and the growing evidence that Camp Matters greatly in developing productive contributors tosociety. We are interested in the long-term and thus have committed to serving low income, underserved youthfor the lifespan of their camp years. We have identified that outcomes for our program fall into the categories of character, nature and leadership, and it is through growth in these three domains that we make a positive difference in children’s lives. Think of these accomplishments as shifting from an organization that sends kids who can’t afford it to camp, to an organization that provides transformative youth development opportunities with a higher purpose. None of this could happen without JACF having committed to the development of a governing board and a day to day operational structure with professional staff. We are laying the groundwork with intention to maximize our impact on a national scale, which includes more than doubling the number of youth we serve over the next five to ten years. Our BoardBuffie Berger, center, with JACF campers, DeJuan Shattock, left, focuses on policy, strategic direction and and Luis Ochoa, right, and JACF Associate Camp Evaluation the future while our staff of three now Team at Sanborn Western Camps develops programs, manages associate camp relationships and oversees camperapplication and enrollment procedures. While organizations are cautioned generally about citing organizationalinfrastructure development as a key accomplishment, we believe it is important to report because the investmentof time and resources to it over the last year and a half is making JACF more sustainable and prepared for growth.Though we have left behind the days of being an all volunteer organization, the tradition of volunteerism remainsstrong. We have just come off our 25th Anniversary Gala, “Starry Nights”, a celebration with 400 guests, managedin large part by a volunteer committee of ten and Chair and Co-Chair, William LaBahn and Amy Blevins. In manyways an event of this scale and sophistication should have been beyond the ability of a small organization withlimited staff, but thanks to our volunteers who believe so passionately in our mission, we were successful beyondour vision.“Seeing constellations in the night sky and beautiful sunrises and sunsets really changed me. Because when I saw these things for the first time, I believed in something that I had never believed in before and this helped me to conquer my fears.”
Adopt A Camper Program EnsuresMulti-year Camp ExperienceRoger Davis-Jahnel (pictured below right) learned many Leah Attai, right, concentrating on a teamimportant life lessons this summer at Cheley Colorado sewing project at Friendly Pines Camp inCamps. Roger lost his father when he was five, whichhe describes as “the most difficult thing he has had to Prescott, Arizonalearn to do.” For support, Roger’s mother, Amy, signedhim up for Big Brothers and Big Sisters of North Texas, “I have grown by learning things that will help mewhich through a growing partnership with JACF, is how even after I am too old for Friendly Pines Camp. IRoger learned about camp. Says Roger, have learned how to use a sewing machine, how to shoot a bow and arrow, how to survive in the “My mom cried when she heard about the scholarship. She works really hard to take wilderness, and many more skills that I will be care of me, but this is not something she could using forever. Last year was the first year I had ever used a sewing machine and this year I have ever afford to do for me.” improved my skills by learning new patterns and tricks. I even used a Serger! Ever since the kind people at Friendly Pines taught me how to sew, I have been taking a shot at making more pillows and pincushions and even Halloween costumes.”Roger was selected as one of JACF’s first Adopt A “The activities that I tried at camp thisCampers, which guarantees his camp funding for the summer that I have never tried before arenext several years. Upon returning from camp, Roger mountain climbing and white water rafting.reflected, The significance is that they allowed me to experience something that very few city“I really liked the improved fitness that I had in just dwellers get to experience. For one there are a few weeks at Cheley. When I got home, no mountains in Chicago. And in order to white water raft, I would most probably have to leave I decided to keep that up. I took sodas and junk the state. This experience affected me by giving food out of my diet, and I’ve been charting my me a sense of how beautiful the American fitness plan daily in a notebook. I am stronger landscape truly is.” and my lung function has improved. I’m excited to see where I’ll be a year from now.”Roger is one of three very grateful and changedcampers funded through the Adopt A Camper program.
About Our Campers 99 10599 Attended in 2014 16750 Boys 49 Girls Total Applied: 100% Total Accepted: 69% Total Attended: 59% Campers by Recruitment SourceWebsite Camps/ Volunteer 41% Community Partners Recruiter 39% 21% Campers by Associate CampCheley Colvig Silver Camps Sanborn 39% 22% 20%Camp Thunderbird Camp Kawanhee Friendly Pines 8% 7% 4% “My child left home for the first time to sleep away camp and flew on the plane for the first time by himself. When I went to pick up my son from the airport from coming back from camp, he was soexcited and actually said to me that it wasn’t enough time and he wished he could have stayed longer. That just brought tears of happiness and joy to my eyes.”
Celebrating 25 Years at JACF and Sanborn camper, Luis OchoaJACF’s “Starry Nights” Gala Excerpts from Luis Ochoa’s SpeechEven though JACF’s 25th Anniversary Gala, “StarryNights”, took place in late September during our “Throughout my life I have lived in the same house2014-2015 fiscal year, we didn’t want to wait to share with my two brothers, my parents and occasionallythe great times. 400 wonderful guests attended the my grandparents. I was born into poverty. My motherreception and dinner held under the stars at the Denver maintained a job as a janitor at my old middle schoolBotanic Gardens. Camp directors, former Trustees and while my father desperately tried to find a job. From thecamp alums from all six of JACF’s Associate Camps background I am coming from, something as luxuriousattended as did over 150 supporters from out of town. as a month away at one of the best camps in AmericaThe program was highlighted by the powerful life story was not something I could ask for. One Wednesday,of JACF camper, Luis Ochoa, and the words of Rue I was informed that I was having an interview with aMapp, founder and CEO of Outdoor Afro and American representative of the John Austin Cheley Foundation.Camp Association Board Member. The Foundation I fell in love with the idea of going away for a monthalso honored the foresight of its founding Trustees. We and being in the outdoors to do amazing things….I’llare grateful for the stellar support we received for our tell you the big picture: my experience at camp wouldmission, and are delighted to report that we raised over have me going home with a greater sense of who I$250,000 in one single evening! was. Before I went to Sanborn, I didn’t realize who I was as a person or how to express myself. Camp gave Founding Trustees, Ginny Stafford, me the confidence to talk, which for going to a school Jack Chalender and Pat Tuohy now (Phillips Exeter Academy) where every class is a discussion has been huge. Not only has camp given Gala MC, Jason Ritter, with featured me the time of my life, it has also helped in the long run speaker, Rue Mapp with grades, class participation, meeting new friends and living a healthy lifestyle. Without camp, I can’t say that I would be where I am today.”“My biggest challenge at camp this summer wasdealing with people who were different than me. I overcame this by trying to put myself in the other person’s shoes and see how they may be thinking in that particular situation.”
JACF Commits to Increasing Endowment Growth overEndowment Funding Last Five YearsJACF is fortunate to have had several individuals and Endowded Funding Growth, 2010-2014groups of individuals make large donations to theFoundation that have been restricted for the purpose 2,500,000 $2,279,220 $2,327,926of providing campership funding in perpetuity. The 2,000,000 $1,735,847 $1,735,730funds are invested by our investment advisor, with the 1,500,000goal of producing income each year that covers the fullcost of tuition, travel and equipment for one camper. 1,000,000Endowing a campership is a great way to remember, $719,027honor or celebrate someone. It also ensures that eachyear our annual fundraising goals and the number of 500,000campers we send to camp will be augmented by anestablished campership. We are aiming to achieve a 0 2010 2011 2012 2013 SY 201475% Annual Fundraising and 25% Investment Incomeblend by 2017. Where do we stand today? Currently, 201085% of our total revenue comes through AnnualFundraising and 15% through Investment Income. • Camperships: 68When JACF first introduced endowed camperships, • Funded through Endowment: 7$100,000 was adequate to underwrite such anendeavor. As the cost of camp increases, new • Average Campership Cost: $4,118endowments have similarly increased. Currently,to endow a campership costs $150,000. Some of 2014those who previously set up an endowment, like theLebor Endowed Campership, have responded to the • Camperships: 99change by increasing their endowments to reach thisnew amount. We welcome all new endowments, and • Funded through Endowment: 22would be happy to speak with you about establishingone. Please help us ensure that we have sustainable • Average Campership Cost: $4,342campership funding for many years to come.Our Endowed Camperships “I have grown, improved, or changed as a person because of camp in the area ofReverdie & Jean Ater Memorial Endowed Campership taking on risk and challenge more readily,Sis Cheley Memorial Endowed Campership without hesitation. This change was evidentCraig I. Colvig Memorial Endowed CampershipAnna Belle Kritser Memorial Endowed Campership to me during my rock climbing trip inKundtz/Tuohy Endowed Campership Massachusetts. I chose to climb one of theJohn C. Lebor Memorial CampershipCarol & Ron Periard Family Campership hardest paths on the rock face. AndRobert Perkins Campership while white water rafting, I accepted theSanborn/Miller Endowed CampershipJ.T. Jackson Endowed Campership—NEW in 2013 challenge of swimming in the rapids.”Mary Wolfe Satter Endowed Campership—NEW in 2014
Financial SummaryThis year’s Annual Report spans two fiscal years. The first one is for January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013.The second one is for the Short Year, January 1, 2014 through June 30, 2014. Why the two years in one report?The Board of Trustees approved a change in our fiscal year so that our finances better match our programmaticactivities. The Short Year has set us up going forward for a July 1 through June 30 fiscal year beginning July 1, 2014.Revenues, January 1 - December 31, 2013 (Audited) Revenues, January 1- June 30, 2014 (Audited) Individual: $313,180 Individual: $163,963Foundations & Trusts: $258,587 Foundations & Trusts: $24,750Investment Income: $329,840 Investment Income: $113,595Corporate, Business & Other: $13,750 Corporate, Business & Other: $85TOTAL: $915,358 TOTAL: $302,393 Revenues, Gains and Other Support Revenues, Gains and Other Support As of December 31, 2013 As of December 31, 2014Investment Individual Investment Individual Income 34% Income 54% 36% 38% Corporate, Foundations & Foundations & Business & Trusts Trusts 28% 8% Other 2% Functional Expenses, 2014Functional Expenses, 2013Program Services--Camperships: $472,138 Program Services--Camperships: $400,556Fundraising: $61,252 Fundraising: $36,461Management & General: $38,223 Management & General: $18,802TOTAL: $571,613 TOTAL: $455,819 Functional Expenses Functional Expenses As of June 30, 2014 As of December 31, 2013 Program Services/Management & Management & Camperships General 88%General 4%7% Fundraising Program Services/ 8%Fundraising Camperships 11% 82%
List of ContributorsNames in bold are donors who have given to JACF for five consecutive years. Did you know that...• 25% of our current donors have given consistently over the last five years.• 19 current donors have contributed 25 consecutive years. Memorial David H. & Betty N. Street Bob Allen & Pamela Street Cynthia Beck Tomlinson Foundation Holly & Randy Street Charles & Nelda Jean Jamieson Kirstin & Pat Sullivan Bob Johnson Alice Dodge Wallace J. Andy & Nancy Thompson Charles Jamieson Benefactors J. Andy & Nancy Thompson Gerald Jones James B. Tyree & Family Sue I. Leonard Gifts of $1,000 to $4,999 Robert I. Love Sue Eckles Anderson George H. Warrington Carol Westerman Watt Dean McCormick Jr. Arnheim Family Philanthropic Fund Diana Dowell Memos Alan & Jill Ater Nancy D. Ullmann Buffie Berger Julie Van De Zande David Moulton The Jay Whipple Family Foundation Earl Reum George E. Berger Al & Sara Zimmerman Amy Blevins & Phil Bickler Opal Schmidt & Billie Frank Patrons Linda Pigg Schroeder Ellen Bowden Francille Walker Peter Boylan Gifts of $500-$999 Barbara Moore Weber Betsy Moog Brooks Marcus Aaron Butler Family Foundation Anonymous Jeanette Hopp Westerman Jeff & Erika Cheley Anonymous Jim Wilson The Chinook Foundation Alan & Jill Ater Jeff & Erica Conlon Honorary Country Club Bank Susanne Small Bergeron & Jerry Bergeron Michael D. Cummings Nita Bitner Alan Ater Harriet Daigle Margaret Berger Sebastian de Atucha David & Gretchen Black Ken & Sally Dulin Janice & Lackland Bloom Amy Blevins Jay T. & Priscilla W. Engeln Edward M. & Barbara Corley Sally Blevins John & Kathy Enlund Edward M. & Barbara Corley Joan Borel Homer & Peggy Evans William H. & Lois-M arie Deschner Colvig Silver Camps Faegre Baker Daniels Foundation Erika Cheley Mary Joy Allaert Feeney Bob & Sharon Doran III Sophie Collins First Bank Community Fund Sarah Downey Thor Collins Bob & Lynn Fletcher Loyal Durand Kyle Von Eiff Chris Francouer Loyal Durand Homer Evans Thomas O. & Sam Frostman S.G. Eddings Pat Fansler Jim & Susie Fuller Janet M. Elliot Ali Frick & Drausin Wulsin Richard H. Fuller Sue and Tom Frostman Katherine E. Gannett Barbara E. Emmons Donald E. & Julie V. Gardner Anna Engeln Bill Fuller Ann Garner Pete & Thelma Gabel Barbara Hall John & Debbie Evangelakos Timothy E. Hershey Helen Spidell Evans Ed Guleke John Hodder Camille Feltner Sierra Johnson The Robert E. Hopper Family Fund Allison Fultz Thomas F. & Kathryn Hornbein Pamela Gagel Leadership Circle Catharine C. Hurley Karol A. Johnson Donald E. & Julie V. Gardner Gifts of $20,000 and above Robert & Rossell Kelley B. Kent & Susan Garlinghouse Amy Blevins & Phil Bickler Katherine Kennedy B. Kent & Susan Garlinghouse Jonathan and Karen Citow Debbie & Greg Leibold S.G. Eddings Andrew W. & Toby Livingston Charles M. Godwin Lebor Family Foundation Elizabeth D. Livingston Juliana Kindel Guenther Martha D. Livingston John T. Jackson Foundation Martha D. Livingston Jim & Laura Hahn Anna Belle Kritser Foundation John and Yancey McCollum Frank J. & Cynthia Herr Thomas J. & Georgene E. McGonagle Mary E. Satter Judith H. Melly Wyandt Holmes Jason L. Michel Jason & Ellen Hornady Campership Level Microsoft Corporation Allan Neustadt Charitable Trust Peter D. & Pat Horne Gifts of $5,000 to $19,999 North Scott Community School District Tom & Julie Hull Chris and Allison Bovard Nicholas S. & Susan B. Noyes John P. Boylan Rowan O’Riley Precor Incorporated Don & Carole Cheley Ronald W. & Carol Hershey Periard Michael W. & Sarah LaBahn Kubly Jeff & Erika Cheley James M. Perkins & Family Michael W. & Sarah LaBahn Kubly Melinda Mayo Finley Stuart Pohl Jeff Roberts William R. LaBahn Haughey Family Foundation Marcus & Joan Sessel Jeff & Laura Loebl The Kapp Family Foundation Patrick Spain Tim & Kimm Lucas Virginia Stafford Emily & Will Masters The Seattle Foundation Vincent E. Starzinger Jeanne M. McLaughlinJohn & Jacolyn Bucksbaum Family Foundation Rebecca A Beall-Moore & Douglas S. Moore Gary & Bev Nelson Elizabeth A. Gard & Thomas J. Furlong Ginger & Marty Ovens Sudnya Schroff & Nickhil Jakatdar Jane Schorr Penoyer Jockey Hollow Foundation Robert F. & Patricia L. Maher Brooke Cheley Klebe & Kurt Klebe L & M Charitable Foundation, Inc. Brian K. Sohn William R. LaBahn Minyoung Sohn Karla H. MacMahon Steve Spangler Science Marcus & Paula Martin Charlotte H. Stafford Microsoft Corporation Mark & Liz Standen Nancy & Steve Owen (Patrons Continued on Next Page) James M. Perkins & Family Gregory & Barbara Rosston Sam Price Family Foundation Jim Schroeder
Contributors continued (Patrons Continued) Dave & Cathy Van der Wege Terrell Curtis Vincent E. Starzinger Dorothy Biram Widmann Hilary Cushing-Murray Street Family Gift Fund Mary Pat Woodward James Swift Jodee D’Avignon Partners Joellen D’Avignon Yvette Teofan VaneetaDevadas and Varma Beatriz Palomino Young Gifts up to $250 Jennifer Dailey Marcus Aaron Jane Davis Zachary Weinstock Nick Davis Peter L. & Jane White Rev. Abraham Kahu Akaka Ministries Foundation Gail M. Albers Elizabeth DeGrood Tandy Craig Wood Gail M. Albers Marna Deines Gerry & Martha Wyrsch Anna Albonetti Jim Deister Friends James N. & Carolyn J. Alexander Royal & Sue Ellen Denning Laura & Jeff Alexander John Deschner Gifts of $250-$499 Melissa Allen Charlie Abramson Isa Almy Angela Niemann & Chris Devcich Teri Akin Kathleen Ambron Mr. & Mrs. J.C. Donovan Federico C. Alvarez Ann Holt Angel Alexandra Shafer Anonymous Anonymous Jay Dumanian Mark & Beth Best Anonymous Doug & Marge Blatt Anonymous Peter & Elizabeth Dumanian Jeff Blattner Fund Anonymous Travis Durand Charles M. Bovard Anonymous Vivian Campbell Anonymous Charles Van Dusen Claire P. Caudill Anonymous Andrew Eaton Donald C. Apeland Rebecca Echols Stephanie V. Chestnut Emily Arvola Allison Edwards Constance Coleman Joe & Kerri Assell Alan & Jill Ater Barbara E. Emmons Joe K. Creviston Gary Aus Memorial Fund Anna Engeln Jody & Bob Dorweiler Charles F. Axelson Hillary English Debra Babcock Craig Enlund Laura Edwards Baldpate Inn Gus & Diane Elliott-Lee Larry Ballin Tom & Jeanne Finan Eshelman Margaret Berger & Michael Friedman Jenna Banks Bob & Dara Essin Susie Banning General Mills Nancy Barber Mary Lou Falkenstein Jennifer & Ben Furmaniak William Bartholomay Lana & Herbert Farnsworth Drew A. & Elizabeth S. Graham Erica Bartlett Henry Safford Peacock Foundation Joanne S. Becker Philip Farnsworth Henry Safford Peacock Foundation Earl & Dot Benner Jessica Feltner Thomas R. & Georgia Sue Fuller Elizabeth Benoit Gimo & Candy Berry Patricia Lynn Flint Harry C. Hershey Gimo & Candy Berry Heidi Flood Thomas Higley Mary Lou Blair Robert D. & Sumi K. Bitner Jamieson Kathy Blodig Heather Florance Gloria Bohan Lauren Foster Bill Kalbac Anne Lamkin Kinder James C. & Anne D. Boyce Elizabeth Quinn Fregulia Andy & Mary Kinzer Mark Boyce Ford C. & Ann B. Frick Bradley D. & Kimberly Williams Kittle Elizabeth Brady Lance & Carrie Fritz Joy S. Klein Elizabeth Brady Richard B. & Judy L.S. Fritz R.D. Leavitt Alan & Marsha Bramowitz John & Patricia Leibold Rich & Sally Braugh Shirley Frostman Joye Ashton McKusick Thomas O. & Sam Frostman Molly Hood Monette Trey Brooks Dan Jaspar Madeline Brooks Andy & Tracy Fuller James Mytton Matthew Brooks Stuart & Hazel A. Knutson James G. & Cynthia Neighbor James C. & Mary Claire Brothers Matthew Garlinghouse Nelson Family Foundation Stephany Brown Mariam C. Noland Meggie Buikema Elaine Gates Trudi O’Riley Robert & Donna Lloyd George Ken & Jackie Oldham Coulter Bump Steve Peeters Britty Buoncore Ralph W. Gilbertsen Mark B. & Barbara Periard Barb Burkhardt Kurtis Golding Ken & Cathryn Pippus Sandy & Alice Bushman Dottie Gottshall Sandra Ives & William A. Powel III Julia Bess Smith Butler Rachel Goyette Mrs. John C. Pritzlaff Cecilia Greer David Rawitscher Ryan Camp David Gregory Pat & Fred P. Schonwald Jill & Larry Campbell Marlene Griffith Anne Schuerger Paul & Deborah Campbell W.B. Martin Gross Jane Miller Bell Scott Ann Guhman Schlesinger Family Philanthropic Fund Eleanor Cannon Kristin Guthrie Francisco & Carlos Somoza Gabreille Carrier Charlotte H. Stafford Carrington Family Robert & Susan Guthrie Gary Singer Lauren M. Cashatt Delia & John Haefeli Philip H. Stark Teresa & Jeffory Castledine Laura & Jason Haim Jeffrey D. & Rachel L. Street Will Whipple Leslie Shaw Margaret Weatherly & Thomas B. Hall III Kirstin & Pat Sullivan Alex Clay Joan Beth & Pam Hall Jennifer Tipton Deborah Atkins Hall Margaret Weatherly & Thomas B. Hall III Nicholas B. Clinch Bill & Toni Hamill Catherine H. Coleman Christian Hamiter Andy & Chris Hancock Erin Collins Colorado Business Group on Health Victor C. & Linda G. Hanick Dr. & Mrs. Stewart Comer (Elinor Humphrey Comer) Catherine Hansen-S tamp Elaine H. Harvey Kim Conrad Carolyn J. Hastings David D. Cone Foundation Denise Healy Sarah Henderson Deborah Copito Lynn Hendrickson Michael Henriques & Betsy Paine John M. Hepburn Sara Herring Frances A. Hess Katie Hickey Brandon Hidaka Catherine Higgins (Partners Continued on Next Page)
(Partners Continued) Contributors Charlotte & Gene Schindler Jane Hilberry concluded Anne & Craig Schmidling Sarah Hillyer Andrew F. Mallinger Jon Brock Schneider Susan & William Hinckley Ross & Eleanor Markle Anne-Christin Schulze Bill & Bonnie Hiner Robert & Mary Seymour Jacob Hines Justin Marshall John & Nancy Shingler Alan Hirsh Rebecca Ruth Marshall The Hock Family Harrison Shure Andy Hoke Nancy Mitchell Mary Susan Simpson Jeff & Jenni Hole Martin Maria Mastracchio Charlie & Becca Sloan Barbara R. Holle Elizabeth E. & Steven S. Smith Ruthann I. Holle Brent P. Mayo Jay R. & Caroline L. Smith Ruthann I. Holle Karen Lewis McClure Jay R. & Caroline L. Smith Susan Holman Richard A. & Mary Lou Smith Sarah McCue Richard A. & Mary Lou Smith J. David & Pamela Holt William C. & Virginia L. McGehee Keri & Jason Hone Rosemary Snow Caitlin McGonagle Steve Spangler Science Laua Honnold Robert L. McGrath Louise M. Hopkins David & Lisa Merenbach Michelle Spidell George K. & Janet Metzger John & Jill Spiegleman Courtney Horne Brennan Metzler Emily Horne Max & Marge Meuli Nancy C. Steeper Rhonda L. Mickelson Lauren Stegman William C. & Mary Horne David & Julie Corley Robert A. & Suzanne Ullmann Stein Houston Family Foundation Sarah & Ethan Miley Robert A. & Suzanne Ullmann Stein Doralie Flutcher Miller Mary Allen Stifler Meredith S. Hunt Larry & Jeanette Miller Carolyn Hushek Trent Stiles Judy Hutchison Kate Mimken Martha T. Stokely Mary Clara Hutchison Dawn Monroe Lora Farmer Stoppel Fred & Mildred Irwig Erin Montgomery Joyce Wexler Isaacs Nancy M. Moor Tamra Strano Barbara & Bob Iskra Timothy Moor Zoe Ann Lundgren Summers Corey S. & Nancy Joekel William G. & Barbara C. Moore Alexandra Johnson Terri Morrison Jon & Stacy Swanson Carol E. Johnson Susan Taylor Jacob Johnson Emily Moss Terry Taylor Dave & Aurora Jones Joyce A. Mueller Roberta Terrell Russell & Myra Jones Luigi Horne Mumford Scott & Sue Jones Thomas Nadzieja Andy & Betsy Thamert Kate Naramore David & Laura Thiel Emily Juarez Stuart Newsome Kristen Thomas Peter O. Kane Ann K. Neimann & Charlotte G. Niemann William Keaster Denise & James Niemann Christopher S. & Heather Thompson William Keaster Wendy & Tom Thorpe Amy Keding Jamie Niemie Carolyn Tillotson Kent & Janet Keller Nick Nissen Alice J. Tinker Jaime Kellogg Carol P. O’Reilly Jim Tipton Carol P. O’Reilly Lynn Tipton Elise Kiely Helen Oexmann Liz Tuohy Kerin Kimbrough Mary Lainson Olsen Pat Tuohy Kind Coffee Louis Ott Cabell & Mary Tutwiler Louis & Carolyn Klemp Evangeline & Nicholas Pappas Nancy D. Ullmann Julia L. Zarcone & David W. Patmore Arla Klimesh Alan & Becky Upchurch Christie Klos Denise Peachey Michele & Greg Van Hare Robert & Rebecca Kohl Simone Pendleton The Kornish Family Joanne VanSlyke Theodore & Claire Korolchuk Natalie Person Nancy Jean Vaugh & Family Jim & Annette Koweek Gary Peterson Dea Kreisman Andrew R. & Bernadetta B. Pfeiffenberger Anne Vickery Barbara J. Kripps Lucas E. Pfeiffenberger Jane Vitta Larry J. Kathy Kripps Scott Phelan John Kundtz Judy B. Phillips Katherine Wade Shelene LaCombe Judy B. Phillips Al M. & Ruthie Waldrop Paul Lamborn Barbara Baxter Pillinger Melissa Walker & Lee Goss Bradley Lankler Mary Plath-Rice Graham Larson Brock Warner Lauren & Karen Larson David Ferer Henry Warrington Bob & Carol Lashley Barbara A. Podschun Carol Westerman Watt Troy Lavelle Mary Heinecke Poulson Michael & Nancy Wedel Bob & Elizabeth Lazzeri Wayne & Jerre Powers Melisa WesswickLeavenworth County Development Corporation Ashley Whipple Levi Strauss Foundation Barbara P. Pray Kimberly Whipple Levi Strauss Foundation Tom Preston Ivana Lhota Tim Rames Sara Whipple Julian & Sue Lifschiz Melissa Lyon Randall Ann White David Linda Jim & Beverly Reed David & Laura Lippert Patricia Pease Rice Thomas & Cynthia White Frederic Kahn & Cathy Lipton Robert & Donna Ricklefs Stephen Whitmore Karla Van Drunen Littooy & Fred Littooy Cathy Rihanek Julia Wickman Robert & Kathryn Lohr Devin Riggs Hans & Sandra Wiik Shelbie Loonam-Hesser Patricia C. Roberts Jim & Amy Wiles Alexander Lovejoy Ron & Jean Romig Trinity Ludwig Darlene & Kenneth Wilk William Ludwig Kelli Root Angela Wilson Pamela K. Lundgren Peter Rosston Ann Wilson Kelly & Charles MacKean Nathan Wilson Alex Rowe Daniel & Julie Sachse Peter & Karen Winkelman Alexandra de Witt Jane Sanborn Tom Sass John D. & Beth A. Zakrasek Mike Saybo The Foundation sincerely thanks any donor Claire Scates whose name may have been inadvertently Michael Scheriger left off this list. Please contact Development 720-981-2532 to report omissions and errors. Parker Schiffer
Because CampMatters 802 East 19th Avenue Denver, Colorado 80218 Board of Trustees, 2013 & Short Year 2014 Ralph L. “Buddy” Arnheim (Los Altos Hills, CA) | Alan L. Ater (Solvang, CA) Buffie Berger (Denver, CO) | Amy Blevins (Larkspur, CA) John P. Boylan (Houston, TX) | Christopher M. Bovard (Dallas, TX) Sebastian de Atucha (Denver, CO) | Priscilla Walker Engeln (Silverthorne, CO) Todd N. Lebor (Chicago, IL) | Debbie Gardner Leibold (Littleton, CO) Martha D. Livingston (Columbus, OH) | Tim Lucas (Denver, CO) John McCollum (Atlanta, GA) | Jeffrey Roberts (Denver, CO) Barbara Aaron Rosston (Menlo Park, CA) | Kirstin Eddings Sullivan (Ames, IA) Our MissionWe fund need-based camperships for high potential youth toattend extended-stay wilderness summer camps that have aproven track record of positively impacting youth development. Stay Connected
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