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Home Explore 2019-2020 Annual Report

2019-2020 Annual Report

Published by JACF, 2020-10-02 11:49:04

Description: 2019-2020 Annual Report


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2019-2020 ANNUAL REPORT A YEAR UNLIKE Othurromuigschsaitomrnapnisesfxtooprecmrhiaeatnnicvgeeessk.uidmsm’ liever s ANY OTHER

A Year Unlike Any Other Every year has its opportunities, successes and For an organization that sends kids out for a challenges, but rarely do we see a 12-month stretch summer of adventure, memories and lessons that as remarkable as the year that ended June 30, 2020. will last a lifetime, the idea that these youth would We enjoyed record fundraising from individual spend a summer under lockdown could have been donors, launched our new identity, and celebrated an excuse to take time off. 30 years of making a difference in the lives of the youth we support. Instead, our staff and trustees turned on a dime and created a brand-new summertime program designed Just as we were about to congratulate ourselves to meet the needs of the families we serve, not just on a successful year, a global pandemic swept the children. You can find the details elsewhere the nation. The decision to cancel our Campership in this report, but we are especially proud of the Program this year, for the first time in our history, way our organization embraced this challenge and was heartbreaking. All told, the good and the bad, worked fast to rescue the summer. this was a year unlike any other. We encourage you to spend some time with this report. We would point you to the adoption of our new identity - A Thousand Summers. This was an important step that will help our organization continue to grow, deepen our impact, and reach even greater numbers of campers. We would also highlight coverage of our 30th anniversary, which reconnected us with old friends, introduced us to new ones, and set the scene for an exciting next chapter. Finally, we want to thank you for supporting A Thousand Summers over the last 12 months. You are making a difference. Gus Euston Tim Lucas Board Chair Executive Director WE BELIEVE IN THE POWER OF CAMP

AcosnptercibiaultTeCHdaAmtoNptKehrYesOhAiUnpnFtoKunuedhv.enrEynodnoewwehdo A Special Remembrance The Ann Kuhn Endowed Campership Fund Ann Kuhn was born and raised in Indianapolis, the youngest of four children. She first arrived at Cheley Colorado Camps in 1974 in Lower Chipeta. Beloved by campers and counselors alike, Ann had a warm smile and wonderful laugh. Her spirit and energy connected a large group of former campers who are still sharing in the ways that Ann brought them together, creating a lifetime of friendship. Ann’s family and friends came together in 2019 to fund an endowed campership in her memory. This fund will send a female camper to one of our associate camps every summer to experience the joys of camp and friendship as Ann did. Her friends and family are honored to provide such a wonderful opportunity to a camper in Ann’s memory. “My brothers and I have been so touched by the friends our sister loved over 40 years ago. Cheley Camps brought together wonderful girls that Annie cherished. Cheley was a very important part of Annie’s life and we can’t believe that they have never forgotten their 15-year-old friend.” - Holly Kuhn Lee If you are interested in establishing a fund similar to the Ann Kuhn Endowed Campership Fund, contact us today at 720.981.2532 or visit our website at

A Year of Celebration 2019-2020: A Pivotal Time for the John Austin Cheley Foundation This year marked the 30th anniversary of the John Austin Cheley Foundation and it has been a year of celebration! We marked important milestones in our organizational history and highlighted many wonderful people and their great work over the last 30 years that have made us who we are today. Through small local events, a 30th Anniversary Video History series, and a special edition of our newsletter we reconnected, shared memories, and celebrated the power of camp. Thirty years after our founding, our roots and purpose continue to shape and guide us. Staying true to those roots, we underwent an et“nhIjowaytaeysdocumrusyseshneetlf.dTw-whiTtahhonemtknhayceosaaumDcfoptomivrwiiatnalilegstsucheiaanznttcyheoeluecdhaabrevuept adI hcokanaveeg.”e organizational rebranding to create an exciting new identity. We believe this new identity will convey the During our 2019-2020 fiscal year we received the long-term significance of a high-quality summer camp greatest total donor contributions in any 12-month experience and position us to attract the necessary period in our history - definitely worthy of celebration! support to increase our overall impact. Though definitely not something we want to celebrate, the unexpected COVID-19 crisis presented us with an opportunity to adjust how we allocate resources to our Campership Program. This will allow us greater security and clearer planning for the distribution of these critical program resources next year and into the future, something that we have been aspiring to achieve since the early years of our organization. “yInoiumswytroweumillddeernsedtaodcurhes!alEymliasspeIpldor-ievdEecnlsii’asthetaeeHnrdtaaiarccrnitipsdivaiwtteyilbtl hboexelauenvsdeeldtthowewischehilecyc.h”k This year we would have been celebrating our 30th summer facilitating the growth and development of young people from all across the United States via our Campership Program. We issued awards to over 100 boys and girls between the ages of 10 and 17, but sadly, because of COVID-19, none were able to attend camp. We faced a summer unlike any other in our 30-year history and, like so many others, we had to adjust.

A Summer of Adjustment How We Supported Our Kids 59 106 To ensure that the summer was not a bust and to provide VIRTUAL ACTIVITY enrichment and a sense of community, we created a CAMP-TO-CAMP BOXES summer program for our campers centered around a care package. Every one of our 2020 campers received HIKERS DISTRIBUTED a summer care package that included an activity box full of fun items and access to “how-to” videos for camp $38,545 4,682 activities, crafts, and sports encouraging them to spend time outside and be active. A step counter enabled our IN SUMMER ACTIVITY kids to participate in a 3,367-mile virtual Camp-to-Camp SUPPORT MILES Hike from Maine to Colorado, with stops at each of our CHECKS associate camps along the way including virtual campfires ISSUED LOGGED hosted by our camps. How We Supported Our Families Recognizing that the cancellation of camp would have unintended and challenging consequences for the families of the kids we serve, we responded with some financial support according to each family’s level of household income. Our Board authorized a one-time Summer Support Check for each of our campership families to alleviate some of the unanticipated costs of feeding and providing care for their child(ren) for the four weeks that they were supposed to be at camp. “My kids just opened their boxes and were completely blown away! What a treat and what a generous gift box! We are so blessed to have you all in our lives! We also received a check which brought me to tears to know how much you all care! We are beyond blown away! My biggest thank you and appreciation is for putting a smile on my kids’ faces!!” – Cyndi Amstutz, parent of Allison and Ryan A Commitment to Our Kids We are dedicated to sending all of the kids who missed out on a summer campership because of COVID-19 to camp in the summer of 2021. With your support, we can provide a powerful summer of growth for kids when they may need it more than ever before.

30 Years of Impact For the past 30 years we have been making a real social and emotional learning and establishes a difference in the lives of young people all across the platform for future success. We have also contributed United States. Repeated engagement in high-quality significantly to the creation of more diverse and residential summer camp experiences promotes inclusive communities for our associate camps. 1990-2020 DENSITY MAP WHERE OUR CAMPERS COME FROM 1 20 40 60 100 140 180 250 350 400 30 YEARS OF FUNDRAISING 900k 25 30 800k 2020 700k 20 600k 15 500k 5 400k 300k 10 200k 100k 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015

30 YEARS OF CAMP PARTNERSHIPS 30 1,313 1,313 YEARS OF AWARDING CAMPERSHIPS AWARDED TOTAL AWARDS CAMPERSHIPS SINCE 1989 15 Anderson Camps 84% 6 Brush Ranch Camp OF ALUMNI INDICATED THAT CAMP 588 Cheley Colorado Camps POSITIVELY INFLUENCED THEIR LIVES* 16 Clearwater Camp *Data provided by our Alumni Board 233 Colvig Silver Camps MORE THAN 31 Friendly Pines 72 Kawanhee $7,100,000 20 Kooch-I-Ching 11 Ogichi Daa Kwe AWARDED IN CAMPERSHIPS AND 249 Sanborn Western Camps ASSOCIATED PROGRAM DISTRIBUTIONS 64 Thunderbird 8 Trails Wilderness School “It has been a privilege to stand side-by-side with the John Austin Cheley Foundation as it has grown from humble beginnings into a wide-reaching organization that has provided over a thousand high-quality wilderness summer camp experiences to young people from across the country over the past 30 years.” - Don Cheley, Director Emeritus, Cheley Colorado Camps $8,729,801 RAISED IN TOTAL DONOR CONTRIBUTIONS

A Chance to Make Help us get OUR kids a Difference to camp in 2021 We truly appreciate your investment in the future of our youth. Here are ways you can make a significant impact on our campers: $150,000 Endowed Campership $2,500 Half Campership Deliver the summer camp experience for Your funding will pay half the expenses one camper per year in perpetuity for one summer camper $50,000 Power of Ten $1,000 Young Explorer This generous sponsorship level makes it Provide an introductory camp experience possible for ten campers to attend camp for a young camper for one summer $500 Transporter $25,000 Adopt a Camper Provide travel expenses for A one-on-one relationship between the one camper sponsor and a camper for his/her entire camp career $250 Outfitter $10,000 Double Campership Provide equipment for one camper Your generosity will fund two campers $100 Piggy Banker for a summer Fund a camper’s bank account during $5,000 Full Campership his/her stay The summer of a lifetime for one lucky camper Leave Your Join Our Legacy Trailblazer Program Leave your legacy by including the John Austin Cheley Did you know that if you join the Trailblazers, our Foundation (FEIN #48-1077337) in your estate plans. recurring giving program, you can make a significant For more information on leaving an impactful gift in impact on a camper’s summer? Just $25 a month will your will or naming the Foundation as a beneficiary provide a camper with equipment and help fund their on your life insurance policy or retirement fund, camp store account. What a wonderful gift! contact Alyssa Street at 720.981.2532 x 100 or at Make your monthly pledge today: [email protected].

A Glimpse at the Finances Unaudited Financial Information 7/1/2019 – 6/30/2020 All of our efforts, whether they are typically geared INVESTMENT RETURNS toward camperships or, as was the case this year, toward alternative experiences, are only possible CALCULATED ON A CALENDAR YEAR BASIS because of your continuing support. Working together we are able to do so much more to support the social 10-YEAR 5-YEAR 1-YEAR and emotional growth of the young boys and girls we 7.3% 5.8% 18.3% serve. For that, we are sincerely grateful. Below is a financial snapshot of our 2019-2020 fiscal year. 33% 27% TOTAL ASSETS 67% TOTAL DONOR 73% CONTRIBUTIONS $2,822,814 $813,454 ENDOWMENTS UNRESTRICTED GIFTS UNRESTRICTED RESTRICTED GIFTS A Record Year Thanks to Our Donors In the 2019-2020 fiscal year (July 2019 - June 2020) $813,454 we received the greatest support through donations and grants that we have ever received in a 12-month TOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS time frame. The dedication of our supporters and their passionate belief in our mission added to the impact we were able to make as an organization. *Previous contribution totals have included donations and grants as well as program contributions (camp tuition discounts, partner fees and family contributions), none of which were collected in FY 19/20 due to the suspension of our Campership Program as a result of COVID-19. FY 19/20 represented a record year for donations and grants.

2020 Volunteer of the Year: Jenn Tipton Jenn Tipton has been a trustee since 2014. When plans for camp changed this summer, Jenn stepped in and dedicated countless hours helping to create a virtual program for our campers and providing an activity box for them that helped them to learn and grow. Thank you for everything, Jenn! “I believe that the Foundation’s commitment to helping build confidence, character, grit and soul - for a lifetime - reaches well beyond each camper we get to know and winds its way deep into their families and communities. If only every child could experience the challenging, joyful, awesome experience of attending a fantastic wilderness camp, our world would be changed for the better.” - Jenn Tipton FormeVriPcerTo-rCugrshataemires2SC0ino18cm-ePm2r0iet1st4eenetChair A Thousand Summers For the John Austin Cheley Foundation, the past 30 years have brought new partnerships, new initiatives, new definitions of ‘success’, and a vision to serve many more young people in the future. We have grown and evolved and we have created a new identity for our organization. A Thousand Summers builds off our founding purpose and the vision of Jack Cheley and helps us extend our reach, attract new supporters, and expand our impact. Although we have a new identity, we are still the same organization at heart. We will always remain the John Austin Cheley Foundation – founded to honor the vision of Jack Cheley and the dream that sparked over a thousand summers of camp for the young people we serve. We look forward to the next thousand summers! VISIT OUR NEW WEBSITE AT WWW.ATHOUSANDSUMMERS.ORG!

Board Updates The Team We are pleased to welcome Greg “Gus” Euston Volunteers as our new Board Chair. Gus lives in Marietta, Georgia, with his wife, three teenagers and an Thank you to our volunteers. incorrigible dog. His kids are third-generation We couldn’t do it without you! Sanborn campers. A Thousand Summers is also proud to welcome Board of Trustees four new trustees to the Foundation Board: Sam Carkuff (Aurora, CO), Kim Kittle (Dallas, Dave Brown Casey Pettit TX), Ann McCollum (Albuquerque, NM), and Ridgefield, CT Boston, MA Terry Taylor (Denver, CO). The following trustees left the Board in July Mike Brower Kathy Scheu after many years of service: Leigh Fatzinger, Allenspark, CO North Hampton, NH Mara Friedman, Kate Verlaan, Jeff Nichols, and former Board Chair, Kirstin Sullivan. We offer Gregory Euston Hillary Shaw our sincere thanks for their dedication and Marietta, GA Atlanta, GA support of our mission. Leigh Fatzinger* Kirstin Eddings We are Proud Denver, CO Sullivan* to Partner With: Ames, IA Mara Friedman* ASSOCIATE CAMPS Phoenix, AZ Jennifer L. Tipton Denver, CO PARTNERS Sara Gilbertson Bethesda, MD Kate Verlaan* Denver, CO Sally LaBahn Kubly Whitefish Bay, WI Ellen Weingarten Wagnon Todd Lebor Houston, TX Niwot, CO Jeff Nichols* Houston, TX Staff Members Tim Lucas Karen Smith Alyssa Street Executive Programs Development Director Director Director *Outgoing trustees (completed their service in June 2020)

Donor List We would like to express our sincere thanks to those individuals, wAhsoEpncedoconiawtlreiTbdHuCAteaNdmKtpoYetOrhsUehitJpoaFceukvneCdrhy.eolneey businesses and organizations that have partnered with us to send so many underserved youth to camp. We couldn’t have done it without you ENDOWED CAMPERSHIPS and would like to recognize all donors who contributed to the Foundation from July 1, 2019 to June 30, 2020. Reverdie & Jean Ater Memorial Campership Brown Family Campership Fund GIFTS MADE IN HONOR OF Rory & Ryan Wood Jack Cheley Endowed Campership Fund Julia & Laura Zarcone #HikeThePike Dr. Vincent P. Zarcone, Jr. (campaign in progress) Camden Andrews Sis Cheley Memorial Endowment Fund Sally Blevins Al & Sara Zimmerman Craig I. Colvig Fund Zach Bookoff Carol Hershey Periard Family Fund John Boylan GIFTS MADE IN MEMORY OF John T. Jackson Campership Fund - Boone & Cooper Bracket The Marriage of Madeline Brooks Abraham Akaka & Mary Louise John T. Jackson Foundation Jeffrey “Jeff” Akaka Anna Belle Kritser Memorial Fund & Justin Pomerance Ann Kuhn Endowed Campership Fund The Wedding of Blakelee Brownd Ernie & Wendy Altick Kundtz-Tuohy Endowed Campership Patricia Bennett John C. Lebor Memorial Campership Fund - & Josh John John Blevins Don & Carole Cheley John Boylan Lebor Family Foundation Jack Cheley Teddy Boyle The Livingston Family Fund Josh Cole Laird & Nancy Campbell Laura Naugle Sanborn & Mary Colvig Thor Collins Jack & Sis Cheley Charlie Cope Jack Cheley Miller Campership William Deschner Frances Chubb Cox Robert Perkins Campership Fund Shannon & Leslie Elkins Jay Cox, Wrangler - Main Camp 1950’s Mary E. Satter Endowment Fund Sam Frostman Charlie Ehlert Williams Family Campership Fund Sue & Tom Frostman Norris N. Emmons Sara Gilbertson Jared Escobar CURRENT ADOPT A Barbara Hall Homer Evans CAMPER FUNDS Marilyn Hill Harleigh Fatzinger The Hiner Family Bill Fuller Sebastian & Kristina de Atucha Mary McArthur Juarez, Lisa Juarez Jerry Gottshall Fletcher Family Colette Helbock Mary Christine (née Boylan) Lytle Sadowski & Emily Juarez Don Holder Emmie & John Scully Ann Blair Kennedy Claire Holmes Randy Shure Ann Kuhn Charles Hood Kirstin & Patrick Sullivan Debbie Leibold Peter Dodge Horne Lifelong camp friendships! Nancy Taylor Hushek LEADERSHIP CIRCLE - $20,000 Cecilia Loughlin Anna Belle Kritser AND ABOVE Aaron Mallinger’s accomplishment at camp Ann Kuhn Roger Marks & Bob Fletcher Walt & Nancy Kuhn Anonymous John Matous Jack Lamkin Butler Family Foundation Camper Holden McComb & his September Elda Matous Elizabeth A. Gard & Thomas J. Furlong Brent Parker Mayo L & M Charitable Foundation, Inc. 12 Cheley Wedding & Jeff Cheley for My brother who should have been Gregory & Barbara Rosston making it happen Emmie & John Scully Holden McComb a Cheley camper Marcus & Joan Sessel Erin & Mayla Montgomery Nathaniel The Estate of Charlotte H. Stafford** My three “camping” sons Edward Nielsen Mark & Geoff Periard Barbara Porter Pray CAMPERSHIP LEVEL - Lily Mae Petitt William Raley $5,000 - $19,999 Ben Ritter Jan Rufien & Marilee Long-Saxe Susan Campbell Roper Louis C. Sass, Jr. & Virginia Sass Anonymous Louis Carl Sass, Jr. Linda Pigg Schroeder Amy Blevins & Phil Bickler Marty Schmitz Allen “Moe” Sigaloff Margaret D. Booth Shea, Shaw & Dean Sevin James B. Simmons Chris & Allison Bovard Hillary “Brewster” Shaw Patricia Tuohy Bill & Tandy Brandt Alyssa Street Herbert J. Ullmann Wendy Zimmerman Thorpe Francille Walker To those I met at Lower Chipeta in 1969 Barbara Moore Weber Meredith Vincent Thomas A. Weil Melissa Wilson

David & Christine Brown Robert & Victoria Goldson PATRONS - $500 - $999 John & Jacolyn Bucksbaum Houston Giving Fund of the Greater Jeff & Erika Cheley Graham Allen Sebastian & Kristina de Atucha Houston Community Foundation Anonymous John T. Donohue Margaret Weatherly Hall & Dr. Thomas Barry & Ruth Bucher Anna Engeln Steve & Susan Bell Geoffrey Euston B. Hall III Fund Russell S. Bonds Gregory E. Euston, Jr. Barbara Hall James C. & Anne D. Boyce Melinda Mayo Finley Timothy S. Hershey Madeline Brooks Fliesbach Family Foundation Laura E. Hess Peter Brown & Lisa Holderness Brown Jim & Susie Fuller Lillian Hobart Gary Brownd Donald E. & Julie V. Gardner Ellen Hornady Camp Thunderbird The H-N Raisler Fund Thomas F. & Kathryn Hornbein Kimberly Cantor Haughey Family Foundation Robert D. Jamieson & Sumi K. Bitner Paul Casey John Hodder Andrew J. Jorgensen Phil & Lela Collins The Jay Whipple Family Foundation Kanter Kallman Foundation Inc. Community First Foundation Jockey Hollow Foundation Anne Lamkin Kinder Joshua Davis Tom, Karen, Michael & Mina Kuhn Kurt B. & Brooke Cheley Klebe The Dean Family Lebor Family Foundation Joy S. Klein Trust** William H. & Lois Deschner Sally Brown McInnes & John Peter C. Klekamp Laurie Dows Karol A. Koon Tris Dows McInnes Charitable Trust Billie Kubly Loyal Durand Sharon McLin Michael W. & Sarah LaBahn Kubly Jesse & James Eisenberg David C. Miller Lucy Langer Grant Faulconer Allan Neustadt Mark N. & Kathy Ryden Larson Tacie Fox George & Judy Penner Holly Lee Chris Francoeur David H. & Betty N. Street Greg & Debbie Leibold Ford C. & Ann B. Frick Randy & Holly Street Martha D. Livingston Tom & Sue Fuller Kirstin & Patrick Sullivan MacGill 1969 Trust Gretchen Gagel Andy & Nancy Thompson John W. & Yancey McCollum B. Kent & Susan Garlinghouse Thomas J. & Georgene E. McGonagle Jennifer & John Gates Foundation Marilyn McNeish Thomas R. Giltner Cynthia Beck Tomlinson Marya J. McNeish Jim & Laura Hahn Andrew & Amy Trueblood Judith H. Melly John & Beverly Hepburn Mike & Mary Trueblood Jason L. Michel Shannon Roper Howard Mary L. Vanier Gary & Bev Nelson Karol Ann Johnson Ren Nelson Brad & Kim Kittle BENEFACTORS - $1,000 - $4,999 The Tessa & David Nicholson John Kundtz & Thomas Amon William R. LaBahn Anonymous (2) Family Fund of The Pittsburgh JoAnne Lacey Ed S. Arias Foundation Kathleen & Christopher Loughlin Ralph L. & Julie L. Arnheim II The OAK Foundation Tim & Kimberly Lucas Alan L. & Jill Ater Marty & Ginger Burner Ovens Carol Feuerstein & Anne Mattson Matt & Donna Baker Ronald W. & Carol Hershey Periard Jerry McNeish Mark & Beth Best Palmer & Andy Quaroni Messenger, LLC David & Gretchen Black Anne Ritter Richard D. & Carol G. Minker Lori Brackett Lang Rogers Family Foundation Douglas S. Moore & Rebecca A. Beall-Moore Scott Brandt Rose Community Foundation Nelson Family Foundation Betsy Moog Brooks John K. Rutledge D. W. Wells Obrecht Mike Brower Carol Ann Sass JoAnn Raley The Buettner Family Foundation Tom & Peggy Sass Dave Roberto Jason & Rachel Schmidt Duncan & Eileen Rolph for Leigh & Al Buettner Schoellerman Foundation Peter Rosston Jan Burke Jim Schroeder Nan A. Ryan Donald S. & Carole Cheley Jane Miller Bell Scott Barbara Hoss Saye Laura Colhouer & Riz Chand Hillary Shaw Anne Holmes Schuerger Edward M. & Barbara A. Corley Ellen M. Smith Sean & Hilary Scott The Cynthia Elkins Foundation Jessica Starr & Michael Mcevoy Richard A. & Mary Lou Smith Ed Diffendal Suzanne Ullmann Stein Thomas & Wendy Thorpe Leslie Case Donner Jeffrey D. & Rachel L. Street Tipton Cinkosky Family Jody & Bob Dorweiler Jeffrey R. & Amy C. Swartz Town Hall of Denver, Inc. Ken & Sally Dulin Three Bears Fund George G. & Linda J. Trebbi Sondra Eddings Ginny Troyer & David Zicarelli David & Kathryn VanDerWege Matt Edgar Madeline Truettner Daniel Wagner The Eliot Family The Tyree Family Brenda Walker Diane Elliott-Lee & Gus Lee Nancy D. Ullmann Weiler Family Jay T. & Priscilla W. Engeln Devadas & Vaneeta Varma John & Kathy Enlund Robert & Ellen Wagnon FRIENDS - $250-$499 Karla H. Evans George H. Warrington Mrs. Homer Evans Carol W. Watt Alaska Airlines Robert P. & Lynn Fletcher Wiggle Bug Foundation Anonymous (3) Mara Friedman Tandy (Craig) Wood Cynthia S. Anthony Frosty & Sam Frostman Ali Frick & Drausin Wulsin Douglas & Marguerite Brown Meg Garlinghouse Steve Yale Ann Garner Alfred C. & Sara Zimmerman Nancy Gilbert

Tom & Molly Casey Richard & Carol Bliss Carole M. Finkelmeier Douglas S. Hynden Lorry Cashatt Linda C. Bonnem Laura & John FitzGerald Don & Debby Isaacs Claire Peterson Caudill Steven & René Bookoff Timothy Flacke & Melisa Poulos Benji Jacobson Scott Coors & Dr. David Hurt Kim Boyd Melanie Flint Amy & Roger Jahnel Travis L. Durand Sandra L. Boyer Tyler Florence The John & Patricia Couzins Ben L. Flint Courtney Boyle Seamus Foley Catharine Gibson Brian A. & Sarah W. Bracco Melissa Foster Foundation William Grant Adam & Christa Brady John E. Frick Alexandra & Sierra Johnson David & Ana Hill Rita Bradley Jacob Fries Carol E. Johnson Adam & Alyssa Katz Laurie Branch Shirley Frostman Kendall Jones Timothy J. Latham Ann Brandon Greg Frye The Kaiser Family Sheila Leewens Charlotte Ann Brooks Tim & Kitty Fulnecky Joey Kaufman Pam Lundgren Sarah E. Brourink Paul Fury K. A. Kimbrough Andy Milewski Michelle Elizabeth Brown Pamela Gagel Robert O. & Mary I. Klebe Mary Miller The Gordon Brunner Family Megan Garrett Estate of Robert E. Knight Carol & Jim O’Reilly Coulter Bump Margie Gater Mary Kay Knorr James A. Paul Emily Burnham Gates Industrial Corporation Christine Koets Henry Safford Peacock Maria H. Burquest Ashley S. Kohnen J. Sanford & Alice R. Bushman Foundation Michiko Kono Foundation Julia Bess Smith Butler Mary Geiger Alexander Kontos Steven C. & Ruth Peeters Camargo Pharmaceutical Nancy K. Geiser Caleb Kramer The Perl Family Laura Gerdes Ehrhart Barbara J. Kripps Roesler Family Services Leslie Gerome Larry J. & Kathy Kripps Marty Stokely Tyler & Debby Campbell Sara Gilbertson Allison Kropp Betsy Kassab Taylor Joy Campbell Hannah Golub Ashley Krueger Paul Tesser Carrington Family Anna Gordon Kimberly Kube Tom Thomas Ashley Carter Jeremy Gottshall William H. Kuhlman Sonya Turner Charlotte Caudill Drew A. & Elizabeth S. Graham Julia Lackner Robert Wham Emily Chaleff Irvin & Becky Greer Sophie Lackner Dotty Biram Widmann Taylor Champlin W.B. Martin Gross Jenny Laidlaw Joyce Zarcone Randy Chapman Ann Guhman Madeleine Laidlaw Connor Charpentier Sarah Chubb Gummersall Bridget Lally PARTNERS - GIFTS UP Kim & John Chenevey John W. & Delia Haefeli Greg & Patricia S. LaLonde TO $250 Thomas & Joan Cochran Eric & Laura Hafer Clayton William Lamkin Catherine H. Coleman Eric Hahn Walter R. Lamkin Lee Adler & Robert Marks Betsy Coles Tom & Bitsey Hail Bob & Elizabeth Lazzeri Brad & Beth Agin Stewart & Elinor Comer Daniel Hall Shari Leach & Ryland Gardner Rev. Abraham Kahu Akaka Tom & Nancy Conlon Julie Hall Marybeth Mount Leahy Catherine Connor Russell & Deborah Hall Lily Lederer Ministries Foundation Richard Cooper Toni Hamill Joann Leetmae George & Laura S. Akel Catherine Louise Corcoran Andrew & Christine M. Hancock Clarissa Leighou John Alexander Mary Lou Corrigan Keila Hand & Nick Diamond Brian Scott Levine Carol Alf Alice Courtright Ben Hankins Richard C. Lewis Ras Alfini Melissa Cox Catherine Hansen-Stamp Monica Lindberg Mark Alford Joe Creviston Reuben Hansen Hana Lindsey Mary Ellen Allen Lee Crooks Henry & Muffy Harmon Bart & Carol Lindsley Missy & Ed Allen Mary Watts Crutchfield Robert Harris Harriett J. Lindstrom Federico C. Alvarez Hannah Curtis The Harty Family The Lissner Family AmazonSmile Foundation Jean d’Avignon Carolyn J. Hastings Fred Littooy & Karla van Suzanne Amonsen Ingrid Daoud George T. Haynes Anonymous (8) David D. Cone Foundation Elaine Hazlewood Drunen Littooy The Anthony Family Foundation Louise Davies Denise Healy Robert H. & Kathryn M. Lohr Kristin Appelhans Jim Deister Margaret Hemp LOTH Holdings John & Meredith Arms Kimberly Deobald Julie & Dave Hendricks Leisa Ebeling Lowrey Vanessa Armstrong John Deschner Rachel Henley Ana Luna Marley Asplundh Amy Dosser Larry & Jane Herbold Wade Macklem Gretchen & James Athas Lorraine Downing Jazlyn Hernandez Carol O. Madsen Danielle Avedon Monica Drane Diane Herndon Robert & Cara Magers The Averbuch Family Denis Duman & Alexandra Shafer Harry C. Hershey John & Susan Maier Donald & Dianne Bahr Patrick Durham Matthew Heyl Alisa Mallinger Doug & Carol Baily Lori & Greg Dyer Shawn & Tammy Hill Dr. Bernard Mallinger Elizabeth S. Baker Nicole Ebel Sharon L. Himes Kirk & Christina Maness Raegan Ball James C. Eby Leslie Hock Mike Maples Thomas Ball Carolyn Echols Stuart & Ricki Hodesh Keith & Shirley Marden Loretta Barker Lisa J. Egan Chip Holder Terry & Barbara Marty Joanne S. Becker Tod & Judy Egan Anne Holmes Amy Schaaf Massey Avery Bell Barbara E. Emmons J. David & Pamela Holt Emily & Will Masters Meghan Bellamy Kendra L. Ensor Laura & Scott Honnold Andrea Mattingly Larry & Jane Bennett Rex & Peggy Fairfield Brucie & Bill Hopkins Jack Maud Dallas Bentley Robert Farmer William C. Horne Abigail Mayo Amy Berger Leigh Fatzinger Thomas Hunt Nicholas McCall Gimo Berry Ben Feinzimer Patrick Hussey Ann B. McCollum Barbara Ann Blake Jack & Krista Feldman Andrew Hyman Elizabeth McCoy Ernie Blevins Thomas McDonagh

McKown-Heng Charitable Fund Mary Russell Roberson Les Goss & Melissa Walker GIFTS IN KIND Jeanne M. McLaughlin Phil & Jackie Roberto Joseph Walsh Scott & Sheri McMurray Shannon Robeski Brittany Waltermire Camp Kawanhee for Boys Margaret McWilliams Douglas & Terry Robinson Jane Ward Camp Thunderbird for Boys Rowan Meredith Richard L. Roeding, Jr. Paula Warzon Camp Thunderbird for Girls John B. Mesirow, Esq. Peter & Rachel Ross Stuart S. Way Camping Education Foundation Tremont & Susan Miao Lauren Runquist Molly Wear CampMinder Rhonda L. Mickelson Nick Russ Mary Lou Weber Cheley Colorado Camps Microsoft Corporation Joshua Saipe Rob Weidner Clearwater Camp for Girls Ethan & Sarah Miley Jane Sanborn Frank Weil Colvig Silver Camps Dee Dee Giles Miller Sandy Sarmiento-Suarez Grace Weiler The Eliot Family John Miller Jennifer Sass WePay Gus Euston Barbara S. Mills John F. Sass Peter L. & Jane White Michael Geminder Kelly Misleh Kendall B. Savage-Wilson Chamisa Wilkinson Sara Gilbertson Elizabeth Molsen Jessica Savage Gary & Robin Williams John M. & Beverly Hepburn Jerry & Cathie Momper Peter & Kathy Scheu Hilda Williams Judson Design Molly Hood Monette Darlene Noerenberg Schille William & Karen Wolff Trisha Klyber Sharon Lang Monson Kyle Schmitz Angela Wilson William R. LaBahn Erin & Mike Montgomery Linda Schneewind Myrna R. Wilson Debbie Leibold Philip & Sue Montgomery Ed & Penny Schneider Stefanie Winfield Merchant & Gould Nancy M. Moor Pat & Fred P. Schonwald, Jr. Judith E. Wolter Office Evolutions Timothy S. Moor Heather & Gene Schultz Deborah French Wright Racery Abigail Moore Michael Schultz Joe Wyzkoski, Jr. Gregory & Barb Rosston Rachel Moore Harry & Nancy Senger Jake Bennett Yount Sanborn Western Camps Elizabeth Mills More Mike & Audrey Seybold Julia L. Zarcone Hillary Shaw Stephanie Morrison Hallie Shaw Krystal L. Zell Kirstin Sullivan J’lene Mortimer Mr. & Mrs. Henry Shaw Mitchell Zelle Jennifer Tipton The Mott Family Linda S. Silvati Theodore Zicarelli The Weiler Family Joyce A. Mueller Wayne Smith Lou Zimet Turbine Labs Maggie Mullins Barry M. Smyth Sasha & Mike Zolik Luigi Horne Mumford Kiri Snell Kieran Murphy Jessie Spehar co-“mIN’mmatisatolmiegeKrnaotttetaofkut(lhmfoeorbtyhigoeruporifccKtrauerrauetn!iavTaithnyadanDnkadnyioeul)!” Virginia M. Murray David W. Spell Jim Mytton Michelle Spidell Names in bold are donors who have given to the John Austin James G. & Cynthia Neighbor Ellen M. Staelin Cheley Foundation for five consecutive years. Elyse Newman Katherine & Tim Stautberg **Passed Away Stuart J. Newsome Nancy C. Steeper Please accept our sincere apologies for any unintentional mistakes Hank Niehaus Christoph Stefes or omissions. We have listed only donations that were received David Nocenti Bob & Jan Steiner during the fiscal year of 7/1/2019 to 6/30/2020. Please contact our Samuel Norton Hilary Nicholas Steinert office at 720.981.2532 x 100 to report any omissions or errors. Shana Novak David Steinhart Casey O’Neal Mr. & Mrs. H.A. Stermer John O’Neill Diane Steward Ken & Jacqueline Oldham Mary Allen Stifler Marilil Olive Jeanette Stokes Nancy H. Olsen Bonnie Stowell Sarah G. Olsen Alyssa Street Nikki Orlov Paul Stroka Abigail Page Zoe Ann Lundgren Summers Annabel Parker Drew Swanwick Simon Patmore-Zarcone The Swetnams Barbara & David Patterson Graham Tallian PayPal Giving Fund Elise Tangedal Mark B. & Barbara Periard The Tanner Family The Perkins Family Dave & Michelle Thatcher Casey Pettit Margaret Theobald Lindsay Kowalski Phelan Allan Thomas Barbara Baxter Pillinger Carter Thomas Lauren Pitstick Alex Thompson Deborah Polan Christopher S. & Heather Madie Pray Barbara Price Thompson Michael Queenan Bob & Betsy Thorpe Karen Quigley Margaret N. Tinsman Paymon Rafian Lynn Tipton Megan Rash Karen Farnsworth Toomey Marlene Raynor Rein & Jan Van West Scott Reamer Carol Vance Robert D. Richards, MD Villa Madonna Academy Joanna Riffelmacher Annie & Dayton Voorhees Devin Riggs Ariel Wagner-Randall Richard Rigley Jeff Wagner Al M. & Ruthie Waldrop

NON-PROFIT ORG U.S. POSTAGE PA I D DENVER, CO PERMIT NO. 2882 1420 N. Ogden St, Suite 102 Denver, CO 80218 A Thousand Summers Annual Report Volume 2019/2020, Issue 1 of 1 Published Annually by the John Austin Cheley Foundation WORKING TOGETHER TO NAVIGATE UNCHARTED WATERS Would you like more information on how you can positively impact a child’s life today? Visit our website at or call us at 720.981.2532.

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