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Home Explore Annual-Report-2016


Published by JACF, 2018-03-20 14:47:36

Description: Annual-Report-2016


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Message from the Board Chair and Executive DirectorTurning the dream of a summer camp experience into a brighter futureTwenty-seven years ago, a few ambitious individuals, Along with our camps, we work with amazing communitydetermined to honor the vision and memory of John “Jack” organizations, volunteers, donors, trustees and staff, all ofAustin Cheley, set their sights on creating an organization whom believe in our campers and recognize the value of ato send young people who wouldn’t otherwise be able to multi-year wilderness experience. Our campers inspire us,afford it to residential, wilderness-based camp. With the leaving their homes and families – often for the first time –continued hard work and generous support of individuals to conquer the challenges presented to them, contribute tono less visionary or motivated than our founders, the John their camp communities and return home as leaders whoAustin Cheley Foundation (JACF) has perpetuated their are stronger, more confident young men and women.remarkable legacy by funding more than 1,000 life-altering Looking back, we would like to acknowledge the three yearscamperships to date, providing experiences which re-define of Buffie Berger’s service as the Foundation’s Executivewhat is possible in a young person’s life. Director. Buffie was an extremely committed leader whoIncreasingly, in today’s complicated world, our work has guided us toward creating a strong, professional andgreater importance than ever before. At camp, we can plant sustainable organization, keeping us true to our mission andthe seeds of lasting character and resiliency in young people setting the groundwork for future growth. We owe Buffie afrom all walks of life, and teach the skills of independence, debt of gratitude and wish her well in her future endeavors,teamwork, leadership and citizenship. And through strategic both personal and professional.alliances with the highly respected camps that are the Looking forward to the year ahead, the Board of Trustees andcore of our program, that is exactly what we are doing. staff will embrace the challenge of developing a strategic plan toWe possess the unique formula that brings a network guide the Foundation through the next phase of our growth.Thisof parents, teachers, mentors, camp directors and staff plan will be driven by our mission and will address ways for us totogether to leverage the potential for growth that our expand our impact and serve more children and their families.campers will experience during their days at camp.“yOtoahucunoerh-ndpigwglTpadoioosarmarerdlcltnduiLiutsluiniatzmtcisneotaandywssgs,aeshiEonuneoxfecdechctahhcaeauiceevflctiudderiovrtv–tmeuehanrpDerepigleoiicfrrsirueoolhslscnowemtcfndoioediarnwmneltltniyom.t”,chcueponartomimotfipebegessiots;tiieotooonnunt,staelilneyt,o

We can never say thank you enough to all of the many people “ioonYcwOfhouachorWhtimatuu-eimhulmamrolDepcrreatoeraieptsciaeahckcmsisoaonscaoer.pnpenenmpHalgaepao’nsetnaicapelssphtrniiltnsdezayeihspfdipderlibhratslanssdyotlawnaOhreoahrevktih…enneeurphneoladcsyewehdatrcuiaosvdaenahhgmphualx,vdaahoithpemcmentetbheetneghbahu,hraoneelei,seiileolustdt3tldcinsergwgarvaeihtcndnehlienneiehgng!seysgw”oaeeenwttacprsshhaohthueroeehsi.osenniiB.tltvieynueg.twho make what we do possible – our generous donors,tireless volunteers, dedicated board, committed staff, as wellas our associate camps, community alliance organizations andbusiness supporters. All that we have done and all that wewill do emanates from our shared passion for Jack Cheley’svision. We believe, as he did, that from these wildernessplaygrounds will emerge tomorrow’s leaders and advocates –for themselves, for us and for our world.Our past is to be celebrated. Our value is great.Our future is bright.John Boylan, Board Chair Tim Lucas, Executive Director Mission nTeheedJ-obhanseAdusctainmCpheerlsehyipFsoutondhaigtiho-npportoevnitdieasl psyuoomsuittmhiveetrolycaaitmmteppnasdcttheinaxtgtehynaovdueethda-dpsetraovyev,elownpirmledceeonrrntd.esosf

What We DoJACF provides life-changing opportunities to children and mentor to enhance the overall growth andfrom economically under-served populations to attend development potential of the child.high-quality, high-impact, accredited residential summer • JACF commits to funding campers for as long as theycamps. We are committed to supporting children for the remain eligible, because repeated engagement in thefull lifespan of their camp experience, thereby creating the camp program results in the greatest outcomes forstrongest outcomes and the greatest long-term impact. the camper. We achieve this by building a network of support for the camper, significantly increasing• JACF raises funds from individuals, foundations and re-engagement in the program. businesses to support the award of camperships to qualifying applicants nominated by individual Our alliance model leverages the power of residential camps mentors and community alliance organizations. and youth development organizations to promote the success of young people across the country. This approach allows• Mentors support and guide our campers, preparing us to maximize the personal development achieved during them for a meaningful summer experience and the summer by building upon it in collaboration with these building upon the outcomes achieved. partners throughout the entire year.• JACF funding covers camp tuition, travel, equipment, What we do is made possible through strong and committed and camp bank credit, ensuring that all financial relationships with our allies: our donors, our associate camps, barriers are removed. our community alliance organizations, our mentors, our volunteers and our camper families.• Associate camps enroll our campers and provide highly impactful programs in environments It takes a TEAM. conducive to personal growth and development.• JACF collects outcome data from the camper’s experience, sharing with each camper, their familyWho We Serve77% RETURN RATE 51% 20% 18% 11%96 CAMPERS SUPPORTED THIS YEAR White Latino African American Multi-Racial$39,000 MEDIAN HOUSEHOLD INCOME The children served by JACF come from economically 45% under-served backgrounds. We firmly believe that BOYS 55% summer camp plays a critical role in youth development, strengthening and reinforcing learning and allowing GIRLS children to truly thrive. In order to be awarded a JACF campership, applicants must: • Be between 10 and 17 years old • Meet family income eligibility guidelines • Agree to comply with the registration procedures and rules and regulations of the chosen camp • Complete a campership application and undergo screening by JACF to determine their level of desire, motivation and readiness to attend camp Who we serve is at the heart of our mission.

We Do It Because Camp MattersThe founders of JACF understood in their hearts that camp Many of these outcomes align with critical skills identified byhad a profound effect upon the trajectory of their lives and the Partnership for 21st Century Learning as being necessarydesired to give this powerful opportunity to others. for today’s youth to thrive in a world in which change isData shows that high-quality camp programs foster increased constant and learning never stops. This experience provesself-esteem, independence, leadership, friendship skills and highly impactful upon future decisions and opportunitiesenvironmental awareness, allowing for significant personal for our campers.growth and development.Your Support Matters!The board and staff at the John Austin Cheley Foundation truly appreciate your investment in the future of the youth that we support. What doyour donor dollars go toward? Here are a few things that some of our most popular levels of support provide our campers every year.$150,000 Endowed Campership $1,000 CultivatorDeliver the summer camp experience Provide an introductory camp experience for a young camperfor one camper per year in perpetuity $500 Transporter$50,000 Power of Ten Provide travel expenses for one camperThis generous sponsorship level makes itpossible for ten campers to attend camp $250 Outfitter 97%for one summer Provide equipment for one camper of campers are more$25,000 Adopt a Camper responsible $100 Piggy BankerA one-on-one relationship between the sponsor and a camperfor his/her entire camp career (usually 5 years) Fund a camper’s bank account during his/her stay$10,000 Double Campership 98% 97% 99%Your generosity will fund two campers for a summer of campers gained of campers increased their of campers gained a greater teamwork skills perceived competence sense of family citizenship$5,000 Full CampershipThe summer of a lifetime for one lucky camper$2,500 Half CampershipYour funding will pay half the expensesfor one summer camper97% 100% 95% 100% 100% of campers gainedof campers gained an of campers gained an of campers gained greater of campers gained a greater friendship-making skills affinity for nature interest in exploration problem solving skills sense of independence Would you like more information? Visit our website at

2016 Capstone Campership ProgramThe Capstone Campership Program allows JACF campers awrpcebhpogsoyidlmrpcgyloJodhdorAimwnnoeenCigwessrustFihincsgbfttohaohiniahtlfmarrniyiefontr.teidpeyurghTredgdslaehaerhniewsesnradvoddtiwlpetmheeohrliiaeroortmesgdohpjChepaeuomtaicnlrrfphepstieaoezmhssnesauktiomsteptorioilpnanolpytcpsttrenohiitoaanwauaaSitrlgntisehtenhisuiirzanecklnveteadigshiilsmctlesetpsyelerhpervaartorPsavionbogcrdiaiduonermlesiagjgcrtepoamhsuyctrxuhlhotsttmiri,eho.mjpecwiie,rnfaiciziuhmtarcneriotidcctpenmtahheeshmpetmrepwhsreprueiindcomtnieodhervixpneivthadpiasneeoeieclrcdsmoserte.eipp,Toeeorohnufarircnttshedisesthe opportunity to maximize the impact of personaldevelopment attained through their camp experiences bychallenging them to create and implement a high-qualityservice project that serves their home community.This service project:• Strengthens the camper’s community and provides an opportunity to give back• Promotes personal growth and civic responsibility• Provides a camper with professional experience and an opportunity to test out a potential career• Accrues service hours which may count towards school community service requirements• Enhances a camper’s leadership program (CILT/CIT/ JC/Pathfinding) applicationSadie Vik was one of JACF’s 2016 Capstone Campershiprecipients. She has attended Girls’ Trail’s End (GTE) atCheley Camps for three years. She is 16 years old andlives with her mother in Estes Park, Colorado, where sheattends Estes Park High School.For her Capstone Service Project, Sadie tutoreddevelopmentally delayed twin boys at the elementaryschool in Estes Park. Sadie worked under the direction ofthe school OT, Carol Chop, and their first grade teacher,Edie Keller, who is also Sadie’s JACF Mentor. Organizingthe twins’ schedules improved Sadie’s time managementas well as communication skills.“I feel like my Capstone Project helped me at camp becauseI now have a greater level of patience and understanding ofpeople who may be different from me. Being a positive leaderand a motivating role model for the younger kids is a big partof the camp experience.” ~ SadieFor each of her 2-3 weekly sessions with the boys, Sadieprepared lesson plans to include reading, handwritingpractice and conversation. She exercised flexibility asshe worked to accommodate their high energy and lowattention spans. Sadie logged over 40 hours throughouther time working with the twins.After completing her Capstone Service Project and then hersummer at camp, Sadie applied for the Counselor in LeadershipTraining (CILT) program at Cheley Camps. We were so proudwhen Sadie and her mom called to report that Sadie hadbeen accepted as a 2017 Cheley CILT. Way to go Sadie!

Financial PerformanceUnaudited Financial Information 7/01/2015 - 6/30/2016 Expenses Support & Revenue81% 9% 3% 1% 1% 0% 10% 18% 81% 46% 31%of expenses go Program...................................$649, 201 Individuals...............................$235,825 Fundraising................................$80,515 Family Foundations/Trusts...$157,794DIRECTLY General & Administrative......$70,753 In-Kind Camp Contributions..$92,012 Total.........................................$800,469 Other...........................................$14,709 to programs Special Events.............................$5,990 Grants............................................$5,000*No net investment income due to market performance Corporate & Businesses...........$1,700 Total.........................................$513,030Katherine E. Gannett Honored as2016 JACF Volunteer of the YearKatherine has been involved with JACF since 1992 and has as secretary for 34 years forworked tirelessly to help 29 children attend camp for an amazing the Housatonic Alumni FFA1,638 days! The youth she sponsored went to various camps for and is still involved with themultiple summers, some becoming Counselors in Leadership oldest American Field ServiceTraining (CILT), junior counselors and eventually counselors. chapter in the country.Katherine grew up in St. Louis, MO and attended college atDePauw University in Greencastle, Indiana, graduating with Katherine is justifiablya degree in education and counseling. In the late 50’s, she proud of all her sponsoredbecame assistant director in Chipeta at Cheley Colorado campers, but is especiallyCamps, then assistant director in Senior Chipeta, and finally fond of her very firstdirector of Senior Chipeta. one, Rebecca Echols,After receiving her Masters from Columbia University in 1961, with whom she remains inshe became the assistant dean of students at Cornell. She was contact. Rebecca continuedmarried to Michael, a retired foreign service officer, and they working year-round at Cheleyeventually settled in West Cornwall, Connecticut. Camps for several years in variousAlways interested in youth and education, Katherine was a capacities, then went on to earntrustee of the John Austin Cheley Foundation from 1995-2003, her nursing degree, and moved tothen served as a member of the Campership Committee for Alaska. She is currently an ER nursemany years after that. She sponsored her first camper in 1993 in Albuquerque, New Mexico.and has continued each year since. She also has served onseveral local and regional boards of education; has served Congratulations and heartfelt thanks to Katherine Gannett, our Volunteer of the Year!

List of DonorsJACF would like to express our sincere thanks to those individuals, businesses and organizations that have partnered with us to send so manyunder-served youth to camp in 2016. We couldn’t have done it without you!GIFTS MADE IN HONOR OF LEADERSHIP CIRCLE - $20,000 Jeff & Erica Conlon Community First FoundationBruce G. Allen Chris & Allison Bovard Ken & Sally DulinBuffie BergerJim Beblavi CAMPERSHIP LEVEL - $5,000 – $19,999 John & Kathy EnlundAmy BlevinsSally Blevins Ralph L. & Julie L. Arnheim II Helen Spidell EvansChris Bovard Elizabeth N. BergerThor Collins Phil Bickler & Amy Blevins Homer & Peggy EvansJennifer & Brian Fisher John P. Boylan Faegre Baker Daniels FoundationSam & Frosty Frostman John & Jacolyn Bucksbaum Family FoundationJACF Former Trustees Butler Family Foundation Mary Joy Allaert FeeneyMarriage of Anne Mattson & Carol Feuerstein Jeff & Erika CheleyReagan McNeil Sebastian & Kristina de Atucha Robert P. & Lynn FletcherSara Osburn Sondra EddingsCarol Hershey Periard Anna Engeln Thomas O. & Sam FrostmanSara & Sophie Pike Geoffrey EustonLang Rogers Thomas J. Furlong & Elizabeth A. Gard Katherine E. GannettLouis Sass Jr. Haughey Family FoundationAnn Shingler Jason & Ellen Hornady Donald E. & Julie V. GardnerJohnathon Stark Jockey Hollow Foundation Ann GarnerKirstin Sullivan Karol KoonAl & Sara Zimmerman L&M Charitable Foundation, Inc. Barbara Cooper Hall Melinda Mayo Finley Frank J. & Cynthia HerrGIFTS MADE IN MEMORY OF The Harris K. & Lois G. Timothy S. HersheyErnie Altick Oppenheimer Foundation Gregg & Mary HigginsSusie Austin Sam Price Family Foundation Maridan KassabMary C. Boylan Lytle Geary Rimmer Vincent Wolf FoundationJack Cheley Tim Rogers Brad & Kim KittleSis Cheley Gregory & Barbara RosstonCraig Colvig David & Betty Street Kurt Klebe & Brooke Cheley-KlebeDoralie Flutcher Miller Jeffrey R. SwartzBill Fuller Cynthia B. Tomlinson William R. LaBahnCharles Godwin Julie van de ZandeJerry Gottshall Robert & Ellen Wagnon Andrew W. & Toby LivingstonAlan Frame Hill Wells Fargo Foundation Elizabeth D. LivingstonDr. & Mrs. Harvey A. Humphrey The Jay Whipple Family FoundationMary Jo Jacobs Adele Williams Martha D. LivingstonKent KellerJohn Kennedy BENEFACTORS - $1,000 – $4,999 Debra E. LeiboldJohn C. LeborLinda Pigg Schroeder Anonymous (10) John W. & Yancey McCollumJohn Love McKown Sue Eckles AndersonTom Moore Alan & Jill Ater Thomas J. & Georgene E. McGonagleJan Rufien George E. BergerNancy Taylor Hushek David & Gretchen Black Judith H. MellyFrancille Walker The Boylan Family TrustBarbara Moore Weber Betsy Moog Brooks Jason L. MichelEric Weidmann Camp Thunderbird Allan NeustadtJim Wilson Donald S. & Carole Cheley Tessa Nicholson Kevin Nissen Nicholas S. & Susan B. Noyes Ronald W. & Carol Hershey Periard Jeff Roberts Douglas M. Rood Jim Schroeder Marcus & Joan Sessel Virginia Stafford Jeffrey & Rachel Street Randall & Holly Street J. Patrick & Kirstin Sullivan Megan Weidmann Sustar Jill & John Svoboda Three Bears Fund Jennifer Tipton J. Andy & Nancy Thompson Jim & Cathy Tyree & Family

Nancy Ullmann Claire P. Caudill Patricia Simmons Mary Virginia W. Coffman Ashley SmithGeorge H. Warrington Francisco & Carlos Somoza Stewart & Elinor Humphrey Comer G. Nanette Sparle-KayCarol Westerman Watt Lynn Speed Joe K. Creviston Leigh & Monica Surfaro SpigelmanPATRONS - $500 – $999 Dakota Ridge Homeowners Association Ayla Staelin-Lefsky Jodee D’Avignon Charlotte H. StaffordAnonymous (2) Joellen D’AvignonR. Burton Baldridge Robert & Suzanne Ullmann SteinMargaret A. Berger & Michael D. Friedman Bob & Jody R. Dorweiler Ann Stevens Kris & Jan StilesGerald & Sue Bergeron Peter & Elizabeth Dumanian Marty StokelyNita Bitner Julie A. StrehlowJames C. Boyce Gus Lee & Diane Elliott-Lee Anita Stulc Ben L. Flint Tracey SuitsEdward M. & Barbara Corley Ali Frick & Drausin Wulsin Stephen Surfaro Keri Meeks SweetHarriet V. Daigle Thomas R. & Georgia Sue Fuller David & Kathryn VanDerWege Katherine W. FulneckyWilliam H. & Lois Deschner Ben & Jennifer Furmaniak PARTNERS - Gifts up to $250Loyal Durand Drew A. & Elizabeth S. Graham Anonymous (10) Andrew Grasso Jane AbramsJay & Priscilla Walker Engeln Robert & Nancy Hayden Jose Luis AcostaGregory E. Euston, Jr. Rev.Abraham Kahu Akaka Ministries FoundationLeigh Fatzinger Harry C. Hershey Chip Holder Melissa AllenJim & Susie Fuller Anne E. Holmes Federico C. AlvarezKent & Susan Garlinghouse AmazonSmile FoundationCharles M. Godwin Peter D. & Pat Horne Michael H. Horner Kathleen AmbronJim & Laura Hahn Ruston M. & Julie L. Hunt Mark K. Apel Joe & Kathy Hushek Robin Arnheim-SohnThomas Higley Matthew Hushek Emily Arvola Dan Jaspar Frank F. AtwoodWyandt Holmes Patrick Jones Gary Aus Memorial Fund Frederic S. Kahn Clara BakerThomas F. & Kathryn Hornbein Betsy Kassab Vivek Balasubramian & Janet LegareTom & Eve Hushek Steve BarkleyJules Kapoor Larry J. & Kathy Kripps Sarah BartoshDuncan & Katherine Kennedy Michael W. & Sarah LaBahn Kubly Bonnie BassJason & Lucy Langer John T. Lamkin Ellen BayerLinkedIn Matching Gifts Program Janet BattistaTim & Kimberly Lucas Anne Lamkin Kinder Chris Beavers Joye Ashton McKusick Korey BednarzJeanne M. McLaughlin Charles H. & Sarah W. McCollum Elizabeth BenoitMary Miller Jackson McNeil Microsoft Corporation Gimo BerryDouglas S. Moore & Rebecca Beall-Moore Brent Miller Priscilla Bertling Richard D. & Carol G. Minker Barbara BettsGary & Beverly Nelson Jay & Kimberly Mohr Kim & Kenny BettsNorth Scott Community School District Terri S. Morrison Deb BialeschkiD. W. Wells Obrecht Chris & Kristie Blackwood James W. Mytton Tara A. BlancMarty & Ginger Burner Ovens Nelson Family Foundation Bob & Margaret BlandGeorge & Judy Penner Rod & Anne BoatrightTony Perez Henry Safford & Betty Peacock Janna BoehmPhil Perry Steven & Ruth Peeters James BoehmePalmer & Andy Quaroni Erin BolingJoyce Raymes Mark & Barbara Periard Margaret D. BoothDon & Rose Reynolds, Jr. Mary Ellis Bowler Jane Sanborn Brian & Sarah BraccoBob Allen & Pamela Street Martha Pratt Scharfenberg Richard & Sally BraughCarolyn Taylor Kathy Lebor Scheu Suzanne BrayerJane Thornton Lauren SchoefferAnn Weidmann Fred & Pat Schonwald, Jr.Tandy Craig Wood Nora SchuchatDevadas & Vaneeta Varma Rose Schuchat Michael J. SchultzFRIENDS - $250 – $499 Billie Seeger Cliff ShawCharlie Abramson Cheryl SheaLee R. Adler William R. Shover Harrison ShureGail M. AlbersErin Barham William R. BeckleanMark & Beth BestCharles M.**& Joan BovardElizabeth Brady

Elizabeth Britt Tom Eshelman & Jeanne Finan Robert M. Holmes Connie Lindstrom Mary H. Eylar Laura Honnold Rob LissJim & Mary Claire Brothers Lindsay Facknitz Kathleen Hooper Deborah LodiceAlison Brown Elizabeth FeinbergJason Brown Mylinda Fine Louise Hopkins Robert & Kathryn LohrKate Brownlee Morgan Forsythe Shelbie Loonam-HesserMeggie Buikema Edward R. & Miriam Tomasek Freiter William C. & Mary Horne Susan, Katie, Marilee & Marie LongCoulter Bump Molly Fritz Jim Horst Ashley LopezThomas Burk Shirley Frostman Dick & Terri Howden John & Teresa LucasKevin Burke Susan Fugger Lindsay Hudson Pam LundgrenNatalia Burke Pamela Gagel Lauren Hulbert Mike MacDonaldBarb Burkhardt Marian Gansler Meredith S. Hunt Karen MacGeeKristen Burney Ryland Gardner & Shari Leach Catharine Corley Hurley Alexis MagillJonathan D. & Alice Jackson Bush Matthew Garlinghouse Amy Hushek John A. & Jennifer W. MahoneyBrigitte Bushnell Stan Gengler David Hushek Andrew F. MallingerW. J. Bushnell Kirstin Gillespie Judy Hutchison Bernard A. MallingerJulia Smith Butler Tim & Jean Ginsbach Rachel Ives Andrew ManaleDan Byrne Geoffrey Gist Elaine Jacobs Roger MarksJoy Campbell Sarah Glasser Amy Jahnel Emma MarshallSandy Campbell & Sharon Coleman Robert J. & Tory Goldson Bob Jamieson & Sumi Bitner Laurie Dale MarshallJ. Tyler Campbell Joan C. Grabau Bruce D. & Sue A. Jamieson Missy Martin Lynda M. Grasso Ruth Janjic Catherine T. MartinezYmkje Carrington Sally Griffeth Ronald & Marjorie Joekel Peter MasonJimmy Carroll Sally Guenther Alexandra Johnson Heather Mast & Courtney WalkerTabetha Casas Ann Guhman Kaitlin Johnson Bebe Brown May Adriana Gutierrez Lauren Johnson Abby MayoLorry Cashatt Jordan Jones Brent P. & Patricia MayoBev Clayton & Kimberly Harris John W. & Delia F. Haefeli Emily Keane Billy McCallSusan A. Clifford Nedra Hale Dan & Sue Kenealy Karen McCall Sarah Hamdorf Emily J. KennedyNicholas B. Clinch** Sarah McCuePeter L. Coffey & Christine H. Cleary Bill & Toni Hamill G. Kent & Janet Keller McDonald’s CorporationNadine Coffin Christian Hamiter Juliet N. KerstenCatherine H. Coleman Kathy, Chris & Miles Khoury William C. McGehee Andrew & Christine M. Hancock Ali Kittle Caitlin McGonagleDavid D. Cone Foundation Vic & Linda Hanick Mary Kay Thompson Knorr Morgan McGonagleJosh & Deborah Copito Michael KoernerAllison Cruthis Catherine Hansen-Stamp Paula Konieczny Robert L. McGrathGary L. Cukjati & Elizabeth A.Tuohy Sarah Hargis Cynthia McGuireHilary Cushing-Murray Henry A. & Muffy Harmon Ronald Kornish II Rebecca McHollandJean Davis Jamie Harriman Mary Ann Korey Peter O. McKownKristen Davis Ronald H. Harten Todd Korey Kristin McLerranNatalie Davis Carolyn J. Hastings Cindy McShaneOliver Davis Daniel Havel Barbara J. Kripps Melissa MedwinJudith Dearasaugh April Hearne Miriam Krumholz Bryl & Betty Lou Meeks John Heineman Enrique MejiaJames M. Deister Douglas S. & Barbara Hellerich John Kundtz & Thomas Amon Carlos MeraGretchen de la Torre Heidi Lamar Alex MeyerJill Deutser John & Susan Hepburn Kurt Lammers Laura A. MeyerMartha E. Dexheimer Erica Hernandez Mary W. LamyThomas M. & Joanne M. Dixon Dulie Herr Connie Lanese Rhonda L. MickelsonMatthew Doerr Meg Herr Barbara A. Lannon Lindsay MillerJohn & Anne Donovan Katie Hickey Tim Latham Melissa D. MillerJohn Doolittle Gregg & Mary Higgins David & Stephanie Laudon Katie MilneLaurie Dows Cora Hill Bob & Elizabeth Lazzeri Susan MilneDallas Drewry Shawn Hils Todd & Christy Lebor Jennifer MitchellTaylor Driver Kevin & Val Hinds Walter Leible Lauren Mohr Jacob Hines Jaime Caicedo MontealegreDenis Duman & Alix Shafer David Hirsch John & Patricia LeiboldTravis L. Durand Alison Hix Terry & Anne Leija Nancy M. MoorJanice Durrett Cynthia M. LeonardCarolyn Echols Leslie Hock Jean Leshner Timothy S. MoorIan Edstrom Maia Hoelzinger Marisol Leto Amy MoseleyWeston Elder Jonathan Leverkuhn Linda MoserGina Engel Ruthann I. Holle Marilyn LevinHillary English David & Amy Holmes Dana Licata Emily MossClaire Ehernberger Jeff & Amanda Holmes Jade Lietz Margot Moulton Mountain Day Camp, Inc.

Joyce A. Mueller Michael & Brenda Staab John T. Jackson Memorial Fund “Every moment I spendLuigi Horne Mumford Laurel Starr - John T. Jackson Foundation at camp is a momentPatricia M. Murphy Nancy C. Steeper spent learning: how to bePosey Nash Mary Allen Stifler Anna Belle Kritser Memorial Fund a better person, how toAshley Nemiro Trent & Carolyn Stiles John C. Lebor Memorial respect mother nature inAmy Nicholson Alexander H. & Jill Stock her own back yard, andCarrie Nicholson Matthew Summers Campership Fund most importantly learningBethany Northcott Zoe Ann Summers - Lebor Family Foundation who I am deep inside andEric Nyquist Rachel Tanner Carol Hershey Periard Family Fund embracing that person -Daniel O’Brien & Ellie Solomon Wallace Taylor Robert Perkins Campership Fund thanks to you!” Chelsea Tegtman Laura Naugle Sanborn & Mary - StellaHelen Oexmann Raul Terrazas-Perez Colvig Miller CampershipJP O’Grady Elsa Tharp Mary E. Satter Endowment Fund Betsy Thornton Kundtz-Tuohy EndowedCarol Parker O’Reilly Christopher S. & Heather CampershipMary Lainson Olsen Thompson GIFTS IN KINDJulia OlssonLouis Ott Thomas & Wendy Thorpe Camp Kawanhee for BoysLori Owens Lynn Tipton Camp Thunderbird for BoysDavid W. Patmore & Julia L.Zarcone Emily Tucker Camp Thunderbird for GirlsDan Penoyer Garet Tucker CampMinderRoy & Susan Perry John & Anne Tuohy CBRE DenverSusan Pierce Sarah Ulizio Cheley Colorado CampsSara E.B. Pike Sonia M. Valdes Colvig Silver CampsBarbara Baxter Pillinger Rosalind P. Vara Faegre Baker DanielsJaq Poussot Patricia L. VanDevander Friendly Pines CampHoliday Powell Charles Van Dusen Gifford Ewing PhotographyTom Preston Jason Van Hare Kind CoffeeLinda Pullinsi Michele & Greg Van Hare Lewis Roca Rothgerber ChristieWilliam Putnam Anne Vickery Sanborn Western CampsKathy Pyner Brenda Voloshin Southwest AirlinesLuke Quibell Robert VorsangerAnne Marie Quinlan Jamie Vorwald Please accept our sincereAmy Raffa Ron, Sue & Ryan Wagner apologies for any unintentionalAdriana Redondo mistakes or omissions. We haveMike Reitano Al M. & Ruthie Waldrop listed only donations that wereRichard & Jennifer Rigley Henry Warrington received during the fiscal yearJames Riley of 6/30/2015 to 7/1/2016.Meghan Riviello Melisa Wesswick Please contact our office at Molly Westlund 720.981.2532 x 100 to reportJames W. Roberts Tanya Whiteford any omissions or errors.Patsy Carter Roberts Julia WickmanBenjamin Robinson Matthew WiebeLiesl Roesch Mary WildStephen & Elizabeth Roesler Becky WilliamsAriella Rogge Gemma WilliamsAnn N. Root The Willneff FamilyKelli Root Angela WilsonSharon Ross Dianna WoistmanPeter Rosston Roger & Mary WolfeLenny & Susan Rubin Irene WoodTom Sass Stacey YorkBarbara Jean Saye John & Beth ZakrasekClaire Scates Alice K. ZenisekNancy Schaefer Jeanne ZwiebelMadison SchehlChristie Schmidt ENDOWED CAMPERSHIPSMichael SeyboldJohn & Nancy Shingler Reverdie & Jean Ater Memorial CampershipRichard A. & Mary Lou SmithJessie Spehar Sis Cheley Memorial Fund Craig I. Colvig FundNames in bold are donors who have given to JACF for five consecutive years.**Deceased

802 E. 19th Ave., Denver, CO 80218 NON-PROFIT ORG U.S. POSTAGEJohn Austin Cheley Foundation Annual ReportVolume 2015/2016, Issue 1 of 1 PA I DPublished Annually by John Austin Cheley Foundation DENVER, COBoard of Trustees PERMIT NO. 2882Ralph L.“Buddy” Geoffrey Euston Barbara Aaron Community Alliance OrganizationsArnheim Chicago, IL RosstonLos Altos Hills, CA Todd N. Lebor Menlo Park, CA Associate CampsAlan L. Ater Niwot, COTacoma, WA Debra Gardner Leibold Kirstin EddingsAmy Blevins Littleton, CO SullivanLarkspur, CA Martha D. Livingston Ames, IAJohn P. Boylan Columbus, OHHouston, TX Phillip S. Perry Jennifer L. TiptonChristopher M. Bovard Denver, CO Denver, CODallas, TX Jeffrey RobertsSebastian de Atucha Denver, CO Ellen WeingartenDenver, CO Wagnon Houston, TX Julie van de Zande Austin, TXBoard UpdatesJACF is excited to welcome three new Trustees to our board on July 1,2016. Sally LaBahn Kubly (Madison, WI) brings a wealth of non-profitmanagement, leadership and fundraising experience. Ali Frick (NewYork, NY) is an attorney with a strong communications background.Sha-Kayla Crockett (Austin, TX) is a JACF alum with a real estateand sales/marketing background.In other news, Jeff Roberts rotated off of the board. Jeff servedas the JACF Audit Chair. We greatly appreciate Jeff’s talentedcontributions over the past six years.Staff MembersTim Lucas Karen Smith Buffie BergerExecutive Director Campership Former Executive Program Director DirectorThank you to our hundreds of volunteers. We couldn’t do it without you!

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