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Home Explore Preschool 2021 brochure_final_Jan 21 open

Preschool 2021 brochure_final_Jan 21 open

Published by David Posnack JCC, 2021-01-05 19:07:09

Description: 2021 Baer Early Childhood Learning Center


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Tuition 2021+ ADMINISTRATION Adventure20s21 in Early Childhood Make checks payable to the David Posnack JCC Beth Hickman Early Childhood Site Director APPLE AFFILIATED • GOLD SEAL CERTIFICATION • VPK Director Credential – State of Florida • Over 30 years experience in early 9-3 9-12:30* 9-6 9-3 $1,400 childhood teaching and administration 9-6 $1,490 Toddlers Judith Rose, MS Ed. & Two's Early Childhood Director M-F • Master’s degree in early childhood M-F M-F education administration M-F • VPK Advanced Director Credential – State of Florida • Over 30 years experience in early childhood, elementary and middle school levels and administration Three's 9-3 FACULTY M-F • All lead faculty hold early childhood M-F 9-6 credentials. M-F • All faculty complete professional growth annually. Four's & Pre-K No Cost to Parent VPK ONLY** Value is $2,400 • All faculty are certified and competent 9-3 in CPR, infant/toddler first aid, Epi Pen Reimbursed by the State of Florida administration, and fire extinguisher usage. Wrap-Around VPK** 3**-6 • All faculty and volunteers are cleared through the Sexual Predator Offender Databank and have undergone a Level II Fingerprint background screen. Wrap-Around VPK** LEADERSHIP Bonnie Rayman, M. Ed. 7:30-9** Chief Community Officer Scott Ehrlich, MA Wrap-Around VPK** Chief Executive Officer 7 - 9 & 3 - 6** Elaine M. Turner, CPA **Must be registered for VPK program. Chief Financial Officer *Enrollment limited for half-day programs. + Membership at Temple Bat Yam and full-time security included in 5151 NE 14th Terrace A coOtmopmtehnuenity tuition Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33324 David Posnack Early Care Option available 7:30 -9:00 am David Posnack JCC JCC After-school program for grades K-5 available 2:00 - 6:00 pm Preschool at OF BROWARD COUNTY Temple Bat Yam Late Fees The Baer Family Early Childhood Learning Center closes promptly at 6:00 p.m. A late The David Posnack JCC serves all residents of the community fee of $10 for every five (5) minutes will be charged, payable immediately. regardless of faith, ethnicity, age or disability. Payments- Make checks payable to the David Posnack JCC A non-refundable (and non-transferable to any other program) one-time fee of $275 per child is a required matriculation fee. A non-refundable (and non-transferable) annual registration fee of $100 per child is required to hold a spot for each child. Infants is a month-to-month program. Toddlers, Two's, Three's and Four's/Pre-K are 10-month programs billed monthly. All programs require a 30-day written notice if vacating a space in preschool; failure to do so will result in a penalty of one month tuition. VACCINATION POLICY Only children who are immunized will be accepted into the preschool program. • Form 680 (the State of Florida Immunization form) MUST be turned in prior to child’s attendance and will be kept on file at the J. • This program does not accept children with religious exemptions from vaccination. • Medical exemptions will be decided on a case-by-case basis. For information or to register: Lic.#50250 Telephone: 954-351-5544 REGISTER: or 954-351-5544

USABOUT The Baer Family Early Childhood Learning Center, a David Posnack JCC Preschool, has amenities that are unsurpassed by other preschools. Our REGISTER educational and recreational facilities include: classrooms equipped with developmentally appropriate materials, the state-of-the-art, age-appropriate outdoor playgrounds, technology activities and a kids’ kitchen. Licensed, certified, professional faculty use the JCCA Sheva dOpNjbcLaIcNe.orErAgT/ framework of Jewish values as a guiding principle for curriculum development. Our security systems and procedures put parents’ minds at ease. INFANT CENTER INFANTS PROGRAM TODDLERS PROGRAM TWO-YEAR-OLD PROGRAM THREE-YEAR-OLD PROGRAM PRE-KINDERGARTEN Ages 2-12 months Child must be 13-24 months by Child must be 2 years old by Child must be 3 years old by Child must be 4 years old by • Classes limited to 9 infants September 1, 2020. September 1, 2020. September 1, 2020 and should be September 1, 2020 and must be • Year-round, month-to-month program. • Developmentally appropriate curriculum includes • Classes limited to 10 students • This program encourages independence toilet-trained. toilet-trained (no .exceptions) and introduces children to a child- • Developmentally appropriate curriculum centered school environment. • This program encourages independence We offer the Florida State sponsored includes music, water play, indoor and and introduces children to a child- Voluntary Pre-K Program (VPK). music, water play, indoor and outdoor playgrounds, outdoor playgrounds, storytelling and • Students learn through sensory centered school environment. • Morning VPK program storytelling and arts and crafts. arts and crafts. exploration in an environment that (9:00 a.m.-3:00pm) offers experiences in • Children are grouped by development and mobility. encourages individual growth and abilities. • Students learn through sensory early literacy, math readiness, • Toddlers learn beginning social skills exploration in an environment that pre-writing skills, music, indoor and • Housed in our early childhood learning center, and educational concepts, offering a • Developmentally appropriate encourages individual growth and abilities. outdoor playgrounds, library, art, the Infant Care Center offers a safe and loving wonderful preschool experience. curriculum includes science, social science, computers and Judaica. environment for your child. studies, water play, holidays, early math, • Developmentally appropriate curriculum • Half-day program includes a snack language skills and Judaica, as well as includes early literacy, math readiness, • Afternoon activities include music, • Infant maximum ratio – 1 adult: 3 children and lunch. drama, music and indoor and outdoor pre-writing skills, music, indoor and creative arts, karate, yoga, technology playgrounds. outdoor playgrounds, library, art, (iPads), physical education and indoor • Convenient and flexible hours for working parents. • Class limited to 12 students. science, technology (iPads), and Judaica. and outdoor playgrounds. • Infant Center classes limited to 12 babies/toddlers. • Half-day program includes a snack • Children enrolled in the 9-12:30 and lunch. program stay for lunch. FUN!LEARNISING EDUCATION Sensory and skill-based, child-centered learning experiences • STEM and technology activities • Kids’ Kitchen • Butterfly & vegetable gardens • Occupational and speech/language therapy available PHYSICAL Gross motor skills development • JCATCH Kid Fitness Program • Music, karate, gymnastics, creative movement and yoga • Two developmentally appropriate playgrounds EDUCATION JEWISH Sheva – JCCA’s early childhood learning framework rooted in Jewish tradition and culture • Weekly Shabbat • Holiday celebrations • Judaica activities EDUCATION MAFOSRKCSHAILNRDDREEOQNLD2UEYRIERAERSD EENARRLICYHCMAREEN,TACFTLAERSS-EFSUN & Our center follows the CDC and The Baer Early Childhood Center offers the highest quality early care for your Department of Health's rules and regulations. Masks are required at all child if your work day starts before 9:00 am and after-fun programs if you work times by both staff and children over 2 years old (except while eating or later in the day. Full-time faculty members are on-hand to greet your child coming drinking). Children will be assigned to a small group and will not mix with to the center prior to regular preschool class hours. Feel free to send in breakfast other groups. if your child didn’t eat before school. After-fun is staffed by both adult faculty members and after-school counselors. We offer a variety of optional enrichment classes during after-fun geared toward the interests and developmental skills of young children.

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