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Home Explore Camp Kadima 2020 Brochure

Camp Kadima 2020 Brochure

Published by David Posnack JCC, 2019-12-16 16:25:10

Description: Camp Kadima 2020-booklet


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Voted best summer camp in Broward County by ABOUT US Broward Family Life magazine two years in a row. For 38 summers, the trained, professional staff at the award-winning Camp Kadima at the David Posnack JCC has provided a supervised and safe environment, allowing every camper to build self-confidence, develop socialization skills and be energized and enlightened through our age-appropriate programming, regardless of faith or race. Camp leadership team Chief Program Officer/ JKidz/JGirls/JTech Director JTheater Director Camp Administrator ARLENE ABRAMS has a bachelor’s degree in RACHEL KLEINMAN has been directing SHARI MAC KEEN has a bachelor’s degree from early childhood education from the University children in musical theater camps for more the University of Alabama and a master’s degree of Puerto Rico, a director credential and 23 years than17 years. Rachel holds a Bachelor of in human resource management from Nova experience in camp supervision. She is currently Fine Arts from UF’s New World School for the Southeastern University. She has worked at the the DPJCC children & family services director. Arts. When Rachel isn’t teaching voice she is DPJCC for 18 years and has been involved in all performing in professional productions around phases of programming. [email protected] South Florida. [email protected] Adventure/Extreme Director [email protected] JSprouts MICHAEL CHANAN has a bachelor’s degree Giborim (Special Needs) in recreation management and tourism from MICHAL HEN (JSprouts Director) has a Arizona State University, a director credential and SGCROETETNDHEARWMTE(RAs(sDisitraencttoDr)ir&ecRtoAr)ChHaEveL director’s credential in early childhood education more than 20 years experience in leadership bachelor’s degrees in special education with and more than 10 years of camp experience at positions with summer camps. more than 40 years combined experience. Scott Camp Kadima. She is currently a DPJCC early and Rachel have directed our Giborim camp childhood assistant director. [email protected] together for more than 26 years. [email protected] JHoops & JSports Director [email protected] JAMIE BENES (JSprouts Unit Leader) WILL CROUD has a bachelor’s degree from Special Events Director has a bachelor's degree from UCF in inter- University of Central Florida with a major in disciplinary studies education and is certified in behavioral science. He played professional DALE MCLEAN is the owner of early childhood education, 3-8 year olds. She baseball and co-owned an after-school BCPS and has been part of the has worked here in Camp Kadima for 10 years all-sports enrichment program. He is currently entertainment industry for more than 20 years. as a counselor and unit head and is currently a the DPJCC assistant sports & wellness director/ You may also know him as the official “in-arena DPJCC early childhood assistant director. athletics and oversees the JHoops Basketball host” for the Miami Heat. He has coached soccer Program. for the JCC Maccabi Games® Fort Lauderdale [email protected] team for more than 14 years. Dale looks forward [email protected] to his fifth summer at Camp Kadima. JUDITH ROSE (Early Childhood Director) has a master’s degree in early childhood education [email protected] and more than 35 years of early childhood camp experience. This is her fourth summer serving JSprouts at the J where she currently is the DPJCC early childhood director. [email protected] The best flagpole in south Florida featuring Mike & Dale #TeamMike Campers start every morning together in our Orlove Auditorium enjoying music, singing, #TeamDale cheering and dancing. Campers and counselors are split into two teams - #TeamMike and #TeamDale. Teams compete in daily challenges throughout the summer with one team being crowned flagpole champion. Mike and Dale bring energy and create a unique experience for every camper making our flagpole one of a kind. Flagpole helps get the campers and counselors in the camp spirit and is a centerpiece of Camp Kadima culture.

WHAT WE OFFER New Field Trips • Lifelong Memories • Personal Growth • Camp bag & glatt kosher menu provided to each camper • Camp family nights • Exciting field trips on air-conditioned buses • Daily activities may include: flag football, yoga, tennis, (Kindergarten and up) arts & crafts, science, cooking, music, hip-hop, XZone® Fitness, • On-site swimming pool and splash pad soccer, pickleball & more • Air-conditioned activity space, including two gymnasiums, • Weekly special events may include: bounce houses, water-slide days, karaoke Wednesdays, game shows, food court day, aerobic studios, racquetball courts spirit & dress-up days, Israeli programs, Shabbat, color war • Two playgrounds for children of all ages (Maccabiah) & Zimriah (songfest) • NEW clay tennis courts • On-campus security and a full-time health care professional • NEW turf field and batting cages on-site CONFIDENCE CHARACTER We emphasize the group experience for children to: • Our qualified staff are trained to encourage children to reach their individual potential. • become more confident and increase their self-esteem • Our staff’s talent, love, leadership and devotion are the • develop increased social skills heart and soul of camp. • be adventurous and try new things • We provide lifelong memories, built on tradition. CAMP OPTIONS JSprouts JKidz For Boys & Girls Ages 18 Months–4 Years For Boys & Girls Entering • All activities for this age Kindergarten • Our program provides an group are held on-site on the JCC campus. exciting transition from • Special events include preschool to kindergarten. in-house shows, petting • All campers enjoy field trips, zoos, bounce houses color war (Maccabiah), Zimriah and events like PJ (songfest), special events, Library Goes to Camp. water days, game shows and a • JSprouts camp-wide mitzvah project. offers full-day options • Campers enjoy weekly field for all ages. trips on air-conditioned buses to local attractions within Broward County. Adventure SPIRIT DAYS SPECIAL EVENTS FIELD TRIPS For Boys & Girls Grades 1-5 • Campers are grouped according to the grade they will enter in the fall; however, grades may be combined. • All campers enjoy field trips, color war (Maccabiah), Zimriah (songfest), special events, water days, game shows and a camp-wide mitzvah project.

premier Camps JGirls Grades 1-2, Grades 3-4 • Our campers receive a well-rounded camp experience that includes dancing, arts, weekly events, field trips, special events and girl empowerment. • Campers also participate in camp-wide activities and special events. JTech For Boys & Girls, Grades 2-6 JTech introduces campers to the amazing worlds of science, technology, engineering, arts and math through a familiar and amazing cooperative online tool. Campers learn through: • Computer-aided design • Chemistry • Math concepts using basic arithmetic • G ame design • Logiscool programs and geometry • Circuitry JTheater For Boys & Girls, Grades 3-8 • Sing, act and dance in TBD (session 1) and Broadway Revue (session 2), directed by Rachel Kleinman (18 years of experience directing musical theater camps). • Campers will learn techniques to develop their performance skills in a positive atmosphere that encourages team-building and builds self-esteem. • Campers must be enrolled for a consecutive 4-week session (weeks 1-4 and/or weeks 5-8). • Performance will be at the end of each session. SPORTS Camps JSports Grades 1-6 JHoops Grades 1-3, Grades 4-6 • Young athletes will learn about a variety of sports • Young athletes will learn the including basketball, soccer, baseball, tennis, flag football fundamentals of playing basketball. and volleyball. • Daily activities include drills to learn • Daily activities focus passing, dribbling and shooting. on sport-specific fundamentals. • Campers will participate in challenges with other local JCCs. • Campers will participate in challenges with other local JCCs.

Tween and teen camps Extreme Leaders-in-Training (LIT) For Boys & Girls For Boys & Girls Grades 6-8 Grade 9 • Campers are grouped • This program is the first according to the grade level in the transition from they will enter in the camper to counselor. fall; however, grades may be combined. • During part of each week, • Extreme campers go these teens work side-by- on field trips twice side with experienced camp a week within the counselors and specialists, tri-county area. These training to be future Camp exciting trips may Kadima staff members. include Wynwood Walls, flowrider • Training includes a surfing and many mandatory training session more surprises. with instruction in junior first aid, CPR and junior water safety. • Trip options and some in-house activities are offered for the LIT program. CAMP GIBORIM Ben & Dorothy Spencer Special Services Division For Boys & Girls | Ages 3-22+ • G iborim, which means heroes in Hebrew, is a special needs program that serves campers with autism, Down syndrome, developmental delays and various other disabilities. • All campers participate in a variety of camp activities. Most groups participate in two field trips per week. • New campers must have an intake interview. The DPJCC cannot provide one-on-one supervision. Continuous aggressive behaviors may result in dismissal of the camper from the program. • Inclusion program: A limited number of campers with mild disabilities are included in the general camp population. • Camp for ages 3 and 4 requires an 8-week commitment. Register today! cDapmjcpck.aodrigm/a

Register today! Groups close out fast. Don’t let your child miss out on a fun-filled summer. EARLY BIRD RATES ARE GOOD THROUGH FEBRUARY 28, 2020. If you register your child and pay in full by December 31, 2019, you save the $150 registration fee. NEW ONLINE REGISTRATION THIS YEAR! CAMP DATES We have moved to a new online registration system. June 8 – July 31, 2020 Camp Kadima is excited to offer you an 4, 5, 6, 7 & 8-week registration is available. Enrollment is limited. easier registration process. Camp fees available for DPJCC members & community. Advance registration is mandatory. All families must register through the online portal. • Camp will be closed on Friday, July 3. • Color war (Maccabiah) is during Week 6. S'more JSummer Days Post Camp will be available based on the Broward County school schedule. SAVE THE DATES IMPORTANT NUMBERS NEW PARENT Orientation DPJCC 954.434.0499 For parents only - Orlove Auditorium JSprouts: Ages 18 months – 4 years Camp Registration: Eileen Neidorf Tuesday, May 26, 2020 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. Come and meet our administrative staff and have your questions Ext. 344 answered. Meet the Counselor Night JKidz/Adventure/ JGirls/JTech/JTheater: Ages 5-14 Monday, June 1, 2020 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. Extreme/LIT JSports/JHoops Campers and parents are invited to meet the summer camp staff Camp Registration: Lisa Lundy and pick up their camp T-shirts. Giborim (Special Needs) First Day of Camp Camp Director: Scott Dermer Ext. 202 Monday, June 8, 2020 [email protected] Ext. 202 Ext. 110 Last Day of Camp Membership Information Friday, July 31, 2020 Membership Associate: Jane Hesse Note: There will be NO EXTENDED DAY CARE on the last day of camp. Camp Hours Morning car pool - All camps 8:45 – 9:00 a.m. Afternoon car pool - All camps 3:45 – 4:00 p.m. Extended Camp Hours (all campers must be pre-registered for extended care) Morning care 7:30 – 8:45 a.m. After-care 4:00 – 6:00 p.m. FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE In case of serious financial need, financial assistance is possible. Packets are available at the front desk or by calling 954.434.0499. In order to ensure a space in camp, you must register for camp and submit a financial assistance application as soon as possible. All financial information must include 2018 tax forms, 2019 W2 and/or 1099 forms and must be submitted by March 23, 2020. Only complete applications will be reviewed by the Financial Assistance Committee with response to the family by April 24, 2020. If you complete your packet after March 23, 2020, and there are still funds available, the response to the family will be as soon as possible. Applicant must make monthly payments toward the camp fee(s). After scholarship is applied, any overpayments will be refunded. Funds are limited; apply and complete your packet early. Our financial assistance fund is financed primarily through the generous donations of our members. Contributions can be made by calling Rozana Vasserman at 954.434.0499, ext. 320.

CAMP KADIMA EARLY BIRD RATES THROUGH FEBRUARY 28, 2020 PLUS AN ADDITIONAL $50 OFFTHE REGISTRATION FEE. CAMP KADIMA EARLY BIRD RATES THROUGH FEBRUARY 28, 2020 4 Weeks 5 Weeks 6 Weeks 7 Weeks 8 Weeks Member Fee Camp Fee Member Fee Camp Fee Member Fee Camp Fee Member Fee Camp Fee Member Fee Camp Fee Variety Camps $2,707 $3,107 JSprouts, JKidz, Adventure $1,440 $1,640 $1,764 $2,014 $2,074 $2,374 $2,394 $2,744 Sports Camps $1,520 $1,720 $1,862 $2,112 $2,190 $2,490 $2,527 $2,877 $2,858 $3,258 JSports, JHoops Premier Camps JGirls, JTech $1,600 $1,800 $1,960 $2,210 $2,304 $2,604 $2,660 $3,010 $3,008 $3,408 JJTThheeaatetrecra mpers must be enrolled for a consecutive 4-week session (week$s11,-640a0nd /or w$e1e,k8s050-8 ) $3,008 $3,408 Extreme Camp $1,600 $1,800 $1,960 $2,210 $2,304 $2,604 $2,660 $3,010 $3,008 $3,408 LIT - Leaders-in-Training $1,120 $1,320 $1,372 $1,622 $1,613 $1,913 $1,862 $2,212 $2,106 $2,506 Camp Giborim $1,580 $1,780 $1,936 $2,186 $2,275 $2,575 $2,627 $2,977 $2,970 $3,370 CAMP KADIMA RATES BEGINNING FEBRUARY 29, 2020 5 Weeks 7 Weeks 8 Weeks 4 Weeks 6 Weeks Member Fee Camp Fee Member Fee Camp Fee Member Fee Camp Fee Member Fee Camp Fee Member Fee Camp Fee Variety Camps JSprouts, JKidz, Adventure $1,480 $1,680 $1,813 $2,063 $2,131 $2,431 $2,460 $2,810 $2,782 $3,182 Sports Camps $1,560 $1,760 $1,911 $2,161 $2,246 $2,546 $2,593 $2,943 $2,933 $3,333 JSports, JHoops Premier Camps JGirls, JTech $1,640 $1,840 $2,009 $2,259 $2,362 $2,662 $2,727 $3,077 $3,083 $3,483 JJTThheeaatetrecra mpers must be enrolled for a consecutive 4-week session (week$s11,-644a0nd /or w$e1e,k8s450-8 ) $3,083 $3,483 Extreme Camp $1,640 $1,840 $2,009 $2,259 $2,362 $2,662 $2,727 $3,077 $3,083 $3,483 LIT - Leaders-in-Training $1,160 $1,360 $1,421 $1,671 $1,670 $1,970 $1,929 $2,279 $2,181 $2,581 Camp Giborim $1,620 $1,820 $1,985 $2,235 $2,332 $2,632 $2,693 $3,043 $3,046 $3,446 SEE ALL CAMP RATES AND REGISTER ONLINE AT NOTE: A $50 fee will be charged for any changes made after registration is processed. DPJCC.ORG/CAMPKADIMA GLUTEN-FREE OPTION: Available for a $20 per week fee. Plus a non-refundable registration fee of $150 per camper. Register today and save! A 4-week minimum is EXTENDED DAY 7:30-8:45 a.m. and 4:00-6:00 p.m. required. Weeks need not be consecutive unless otherwise noted. ALL CAMPERS MUST BE PAID-IN-FULL All camps—$25 per week a.m. and $35 per week p.m. BY MAY 29, 2020. TRANSPORTATION (minimum 10 riders per week required) For Grades K & Up Weston: $45 per week

David Posnack Jewish Community Center Non-Profit Organization On the Nina & Louis Silverman Campus U.S. Postage 5850 S. Pine Island Road • Davie, FL 33328 PAID 954-434-0499 • Fax: 954-434-1741 • Permit No. 340 MIAMI FL (On the corner of Stirling and Pine Island Roads) nMoetmrbeeqrusihriepd DPJCC Board Leadership & Staff Diane Wilen, Ph.D. Board Chair Adriane Rosen Vice Chair Children and Family Services Melissa Levine and Monique Shafir Camp Committee Co-Chairs Scott Ehrlich, MA Chief Executive Officer Elaine M. Turner, CPA Chief Financial Officer Shari Mac Keen, MS Chief Program Officer A beneficiary agency of the OF BROWARD COUNTY The David Posnack Jewish Community Center enriches lives by connecting people through cultural, educational, social, recreational and wellness programs in an environment of fun, friendship and unity. The J is open to all and proudly guided by Jewish values.

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