Class Guide Enriching Lives by David Posnack Jewish Community Center Connecting People WINTER 2017/2018
EXECUTIVE OFFICERS & STAFF CENTER HOURSJim Mazur, Board Chair AdministrativeCindy Schneider, Vice Chair Adult Services/Cultural Arts Monday – Friday .............................................9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.Barry Wilen, Esq., Vice Chair BuildingHeather Gilbert, Vice Chair Children and Family Services MembershipLaurie Suskind, Vice Chair Fundraising Monday – Thursday........................................8:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.Jared Blaut, Vice Chair Membership and Marketing Friday ................................................................9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.Adriane Rosen, Vice Chair Personnel Sunday..............................................................8:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.M. Scott Kleiman, Esq., Vice Chair Sports and WellnessJared Kornfeld, Treasurer Fitness CenterDebby Eisinger, Secretary Monday – Thursday........................................5:30 a.m. – 10:30 p.m.Lee Kadin, Immediate Past Board Chair Friday ................................................................5:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.Scott Ehrlich, MA, Chief Executive Officer Saturday...........................................................8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.Elaine M. Turner, CPA, Chief Financial Officer Sunday..............................................................7:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.Shari Mac Keen, Chief Program OfficerMark Sherman, Executive Director Emeritus Pool & Spa Hours Monday – Thursday .......................................7:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.BOARD OF DIRECTORS Randy Paul Friday ................................................................7:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. Robert Pomerantz, M.D. Saturday...........................................................9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.Lauren Alperstein, Esq. Reuven Porges, M.D. Sunday .............................................................9:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.Tina Babos Kevin Riggott, CPA, CMABunny Blattner Paul Rosenberg, Esq. HOLIDAY HOURSEinav Cabrera, Ph.D. Ilisa SarbeyBernard Cohen, Esq. Barry Shacter, CPA Thanksgiving Day | Thursday, November 23David Drobner, Esq. Ilyssa Shacter Sports & Wellness is OPEN 8:00 a.m. – NoonRichard Drucker, M.D. Jason Steinman, Esq. Administration is CLOSEDLynda Farber, M.A.Ed. Susan SuidMarissa Feig Leonard Suskind Thanksgiving Day After | Friday, November 24Cheryl Frost Fran Vaupen Sports & Wellness is OPEN 8:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.Larry W. Genet Hillary Waksman Administration is CLOSEDDana Konhauzer Sara WaltersScott Liebman William Wildstein Christmas Eve | Sunday, December 24Missy Longman Sports & Wellness is OPEN 7:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.Tony Milian, MBA, ATC, LATJared Morgenstern Christmas Day | Monday, December 25 Sports & Wellness is OPEN 8:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.HONORARY BOARD MEMBERS Administration is CLOSEDSteve Becker Nat & Dina Sedley* New Year’s Eve | Sunday, December 31Lou Brickman Ben & Dorothy Spencer* Sports & Wellness is OPEN 7:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.Robert Klausner, Esq. New Year’s Day | Monday, January 1 Sports & Wellness is OPEN 8:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.PAST PRESIDENTS Margo Golos Administration is CLOSED Laurence A. Greenberg, Esq.Daniel Newman, Esq. Nancy R. Brizel* SECURITY POLICYJeffrey A. Sophin, CPA, CISA Joel Schneider, M.D.Amy Rosenberg L. Michael Orlove The safety and security of our members and guests are ourAnne Sopshin Brenda Greenman highest priority. The DPJCC reserves the right to check vehicles,Craig Konhauzer Samuel M. Meline, D.M.D. backpacks, lunchboxes and other types of sealed or closedCarolyn Frieman Shapir Hon. Ronald J. Rothschild containers. Weapons are not permitted on campus. The JCCLori Green *Deceased consults regularly with the Broward Sheriff’s Department, theBernie Friedman, Esq. Town of Davie and the Anti-Defamation League to continuallyMartin Schwartz, Esq. update its security measures. UPDATED POLICY: Please do not leave ANY bags unattended.IN THIS ISSUE Unattended bags are subject to removal by security. All bags should have an ID tag attached. Early Childhood Enrichment & Sports Classes ...............................3 The security systems in place on the campus include: Children & Teens’ Enrichment Classes .............................................5 • A private security company with rotating surveillance Children & Teens’ Sports & Fitness Classes.....................................6 • Surveillance cameras and monitors located throughout the Adult Enrichment Classes.................................................................10 Adult Sports & Fitness.......................................................................11 building and outdoor areas Giborim U Winter Classes .................................................................13 • Controlled electronic access at selected entrances Membership Information .................................................................14 • Emergency alarm system directly connected to police andSTATEMENT OF PURPOSE fire departmentsEnriching lives by connecting people • A security fence surrounding the campus • Barriers protecting building entrancesMISSION STATEMENT – The David Posnack JCC enriches lives by • Photo ID required to enter the JCC facilitiesconnecting people through cultural, educational, social, recre- • Parking tags identifying individuals entering campusational and wellness programs in an environment of fun, friend-ship and unity. The J is open to all and proudly guided by Jewishvalues. 2
EARLY CHILDHOOD ENRICHMENT & SPORTS Early Childhood Enrichment & Sports For Boys and Girls Ages 2 to Pre-Kindergarten Child must be toilet trained to attend 3’s and Pre-K classesBUILD & CREATE Taught by Dance Through the AgesLITTLE PICASSOS Ages 3-Pre-K This dance program is dedicated to teaching the highest quality dance instruction in a fun positive atmosphere where students willDay Time Start Date # Member/Community Code learn technique, vocabulary and skills. All dancers will have the opportunity to participate in a yearly dance recital in May.W 3:00-3:45 pm Dec. 6 12 $140/$170 ECART2 Appropriate dance attire must be worn. Students must meet age specifications by September 30, 2017. For information andBring out the artist in your child in this creative class. registration call 954-260-4409 or visit www.DanceTTA.comInstructor: Miss Iris Call 954-434-7038.LITTLE WIZARDS SCIENCE Ages 3-Pre-K PEE WEE DANCEDay Time Start Date # Member/Community Code Age 2Th 3:00-3:45 pm Dec. 7 12 $140/$170 ECWIZD Day Time Start Date # Member/Community CodeThis class is the perfect way to introduce your child to science. Th 2:30-3:00 pm Dec. 7 12 $195/$255 HCRDTAPWIt features experiments, songs, stories and crafts with science In this introductory class young dancers learn the basics — point-themes. The concepts are presented in a fun and playful way. ing, flexing, marching, turning, while using props such as scarves,Instructor: Miss Shlima Call 954-434-7038. maracas and princess/prince crowns and wands. Upbeat music keeps students motivated and interacting with both the instructorLEGO MINI ROBOTICS Ages 3-Pre-K and other dancers. Proper dance attire/ballet shoes required.Day Time Start Date # Member/Community Code KIDS GROOVE COMBO BALLET/TAP Ages 3 & 4F 2:45-3:45 pm Dec. 8 11 $262/$303 ECROBO Day Time Start Date # Member/Community CodeKids build amazing Lego robots that move, spin and roll using Lego Age 3technical parts and motors. Call 954-434-7038. Th 3:00-4:00 pm Dec. 7 12 $205/$265 HCRDTAKGCOOKING Day Time Start Date # Member/Community Code Age 4LITTLE CHEFS COOKING Age 2 & Ages 3-Pre-K Th 3:00-4:00 pm Dec. 7 12 $205/$265 HCRDTAKGDay Time Start Date # Member/Community Code This class incorporates the use of props (scarves, maracas, crowns,Ages 3-Pre-K wands) while teaching basic terminology and technique. WithM 3:00-3:45 pm Dec. 4 11 $130/$160 ECOOK qualified instructors, students learn in a fun, positiveDay Time Start Date # Member/Community Code atmosphere. Ballet & tap shoes required.Age 2Tu 3:00-3:45 pm Dec. 5 12 $140/$170 ECOOK FITNESSCreative and healthy cooking fun. Instructor: Miss NathalieCall 954-434-7038. KIDS YOGA WITH COOKIE Ages 3-5 Day Time Start Date # Member/Community CodeBUBBIE & ME COOKING Ages 2-Pre-K W 2:45-3:25 pm Dec. 6 12 $180/$224 HCWYOGA1Day Time Start Date # Member/Community Code A fun and safe exercise program. Kids learn poses and stretchesTh 3:00-3:45 pm Dec. 7 12 $140/$170 ECBUBBECK that tone muscles, increase flexibility and strength.Remember how much fun cooking with grandma could be? This Call 954-434-0499, ext. 105.hands-on class with bubbe and grandchild guides the pair througheach recipe, learning concepts like measuring, cutting, peeling, GYMNASTICSsautéing and baking. Call 954-434-7038. Taught by Dance Through the AgesDANCE Dance Through the Ages offers a gymnastics program in which students learn proper tumbling techniques, balance, flexibility,Taught by Hip-Hop Kidz body positions and safety. They focus on building a solid founda- tion of tumbling skills and continued progression of skills. Appro-This nationally-known dance program will priate gymnastics attire must be worn. Students must meet ageintroduce your young child to the rhythms specifications by September 30, 2017. For information and regis-and moves of hip-hop dance with Camp tration call 954-260-4409 or visit www.DanceTTA.comKadima Hip-Hop Kidzinstructor, Michael Thompson. Children STAR TUMBLERS Ages 3 & 4will have the opportunity to participatein a year-end recital. For registration and fees call 954-499-7729 or Day Time Start Date # Member/Community Codevisit Tu 2:45-3:30 pm Dec. 5 12 $205/$265 HCTSGYMNEW PEE WEE HIP-HOP KIDZ Ages 3 & 4Day Time Start Member/CommunityW 3:00-3:45 pm Ongoing Call for feesDoes your little one love music and movement? This fun hip-hopdance class was created just for the young child using popularDisney and Nickelodeon dance music. 3
Early Childhood Enrichment & Sports AQUATICS SPORTS/VARIETY For information on the JCC’s Aquatics program that includes group PRESCHOOL SPORTS and private lessons for all ages, swim teams and adult and master’s swimming see pages 8, 9 & 11. WITH COACH TARA EVANS Ages 3-Pre-K Day Time Start Date # Member/Community Code BASEBALL Soccer With Broward Baseball Academy M 3:00-3:30 pm Dec. 4 11 $160/$210 HCMSOCCER Academy director Wayne Stofsky has played and coached Super Sports at every level including professional baseball. He participated in Tu 3:00-3:30 pm Dec. 5 12 $175/$225 HCTSPORTS two College World Series with LSU and was named pre-season All American by Basketball ESPN. He is the current athletics director at the David Posnack Jewish Day School. For all things baseball contact W 3:00-3:30 pm Dec. 6 12 $175/$225 HCWBBALL Wayne at 954-683-7747 or [email protected] T-Ball Th 3:00-3:30 pm Dec. 7 12 $175/$225 HCRTBALL Give your young athlete a taste of sports in these fun-filled classes that teach the basics of each sport. Your child will also develop coordination and listening skills. Child must be toilet trained. Call PRIVATE/SEMI-PRIVATE LESSONS 954-434-0499, ext. 105. FOR ALL AGES TENNIS Lessons are perfect for all levels of play and are available by appointment. Private lessons are 30 or 60 minutes long; semi- ITP Florida Tennis Academy private or small group lessons contain up to four in the group and are 60 minutes long. ITP is an international tennis company which provides management/training programs for HAL’S POWER ALLEY BATTING FACILITY children, juniors and professional players. ITP founder Assaf Ingber has over 25 years of experi- The Alley, a 4,000 square foot covered hitting ence in managing tennis academies. He is a certified facility with three batting cages, pitching executive ITF coach. machines, batting tees and indoor pitching mounds is the perfect place for players of all AFTER-SCHOOL TENNIS Ages 3-5 ages to train year-round. The Alley may be rented by individuals or teams for batting practice, Days Time Start Dates special occasions and/or community and corporate events. M-Th 2:45-3:30 pm Dec. 4, 5, 6, 7 Monthly Fee – Member/Community Based on # of Classes per Week* BASKETBALL 1-$80/$100 2-$160/$200 3-$240/$300 4-$320/$400 JHoops Basketball Academy *Sibling Discount – Discount is offered for families with more than one JHoops at the J is a comprehensive child enrolled (3 or 4 times a week): 10% off the second child’s fees; 5% off basketball program offering classes to enhance skills, teamwork and sportsmanship for additional children. boys and girls starting at age 3. The young athletes gain knowl- edge of the game, learn fundamentals and drills, improve skills, These fun-time tennis classes teach coordination, basic technical and learn game strategies. The program is coordinated and coached by Jason Stura, who has more than 20 years professional skill and focus. Register at 954-999-9487. basketball experience and has conducted numerous clinics world- wide. For information call 954-434-0499, ext. 100 or visit www.j- NEW WEEKEND CHILDREN’S GROUP CLASSES Day Time Fees* Sat. or Sun. 9:00 a.m.-Noon $20/60 minutes $35/120 minutes *Per player Call 954-999-9487. PEE WEE Ages 3-4 DECEMBER SALE for Private Lessons — Only Day Time Start Date # Member/Community* Code during December 2017, ITP will offer three introductory private lessons for ONLY $99. Limited quantity of lessons at this price M 2:45-3:15 pm Dec. 4 10 $150/$195 HCMJH1 are available. Call 954-999-9487. Tu 2:45-3:15 pm Dec. 5 12 $180/$235 HCTJH1 *Note: There is a $10 registration fee for all Academy classes. No make-ups for missed class offered at its scheduled time. KARATE PRESCHOOL KARATE WITH SENSEI HARRISON HUNTER Ages 3-5 Day Time Start Date # Member/Community Code M 2:45-3:30 pm Dec. 4 10 $105/$135 HCMKAR1 W 2:45-3:30 pm Dec. 6 12 $125/$160 HCWKAR1 Th 2:45-3:30 pm Dec. 7 12 $125/$160 HCRKAR1 Your children will learn self-defense and develop listening skills and self confidence in a fun, non-competitive environment. Sensei Harrison Hunter, a third-degree black belt, is a member of the USA Goju Federation Karate. To register call 954-434-0499, ext. 105. For information call Sensei Harrison at 954-536-1415 or email [email protected]. 4
CHILDREN & TEENS’ ENRICHMENT Children & Teens’ Enrichment For Boys and Girls Ages 5 and UpACADEMIC SUPPORT LEGO ROBOTICS Grades K-5 GRASP LEARNING Day Time Start Date # Member/Community Code Grasp is a personalized after-school W 3:45-4:45 pm Dec. 6 12 $285/$330 LEGOROB academic support program. Students attend 90-minute sessions guided by Kids build Lego robots that move, spin and roll using Lego techni- Grasp-certified learning coaches, and complete their day-to-day homework while cal parts and motors. Each creation has a unique mechanism bring- acquiring study skills. To register your childcall 954-434-0499, ext. 202. Upon registration Grasp will contact ing the robots to life. Call 954-434-0499, ext. 202.each parent to schedule a goals conference. STOP-MOTION ANIMATION Grades K-5Grades Pre-K-5 | Choose days and timesMonday-Thursday: 3:00-4:30 p.m. | 4:30-6:00 p.m. Day Time Start Date # Member/Community CodeFriday: 3:00-5:00 p.m. W 3:45-4:45 pm Dec. 6 12 $285/$330 ANIMATION Have you ever wanted to see your child’s stories come to life? Kids will learn to create a story using stop-motion animation. Similar to making a flip book, students take digital pictures and group them to- gether in time-sequence to produce a motion video. The videos will be completed with a group of friends. Call 954-434-0499, ext. 202.Grades 6-8 | Choose days of attendance CHESS Grades K & UpMonday-Thursday: 4:30-6:00 p.m. | Friday: 3:00-5:00 p.m. Day Time Start Date # Member/Community CodeIndividual Tutoring Monthly Fees (Pre-K-8): Th 4:00-5:00 pm Dec. 7 12 $260/$305 CHESSFor students needing individual attention and for whom agroup setting is not appropriate, Grasp offers one-to-one tutoring: Your child will learn the basics, tactics and strategies of chess.1 session/week: $2002 sessions/week: $400 Call 954-434-0499, ext. 202.3 sessions/week: $575 COOKINGGroup Monthly Fees (Pre-K-8): JCC Members Community BEGINNER COOKING Grades K-51 session/week $125 $1552 sessions/week $245 $275 Day Time Start Date # Member/Community Code3 sessions/week $365 $3954 sessions/week $485 $515 M 3:45-4:45 pm Dec. 4 9 $140/$175 CHCOOK Children can learn basic cooking skills with Shlima. They will enjoy making culinary kid-friendly recipes. At the end of each session, Sibling discounts: 10% off second enrollment each child will bring home the recipes created in class. Call 954-434-0499, ext. 202.*NOTE: Due to the DPJCC partnership with Grasp Learning, we no DANCElonger provide space for individual tutors during after-school hours.We encourage our after-school participants to join Grasp Learning Taught by Hip-Hop Kidzfor any tutoring needs. This nationally-known dance program will teach boys and girls allBUILD & CREATE the latest moves from their favorite music videos with Camp Kadima Hip-Hop Kidz instructor, Michael Thompson. Children willJAZZY ART WITH MISS TARA Grades K-5 have the opportunity to participate in a year-end recital and per- form at a Miami Heat game. For registration and fees callDay Time Start Date # Member/Community Code 954-499-7729 or visit www.hiphopkidz.netM 4:00-4:45 pm Dec. 4 9 $140/$175 ECART2Children create art using a variety of media including mosaics, Day Time Startdrawing, painting and ceramics. Call 954-434-0499, ext. 202. M/W 4:00-5:00 pm OngoingNEW RUBE GOLDBERG MACHINES Grades K-5 Ages 5-12Day Time Start Date # Member/Community Code Tu 5:30-7:30 pm OngoingTu 3:45-4:45 pm Dec. 5 12 $285/$330 CHRUBE Performance Troupe-Kids & TeensThis class is a perfect way to learn physics and engineering. Using Tu 7:30-9:30 pm Ongoingthe machine, students will learn various physics principles like Production Company-Kids & Teensaction-reaction, gravity force and more in order to make the entire Tu 8:00-9:30 pm Ongoingcreation work. Participants will gain hands-on engineering Cast Crew-Kids & Teensexperience by working in small groups to construct a RubeGoldberg machine. Call 954-434-0499, ext. 202.NEW BASIC ELECTRONICS Grades K-5Day Time Start Date # Member/Community CodeTu 5:00-6:00 pm Dec. 5 12 $285/$330 CHELECTRONICSThis program will teach the basics of electronics, so if kids have aninterest in building circuits, they can hit the ground running. Theclass is a short overview into practical electronics and does not godeeply into the science of electrical engineering. By the end of thesessions students should be able to read a schematic and build acircuit using standard electronic components. Call 954-434-0499,ext. 202. 5
Children & Teens’ Sports & Fitness Children & Teens’ Enrichment Taught by Dance Through the Ages ULTIMATE DANCING FEET This dance program is dedicated to teaching the highest quality BALLET/TAP/JAZZ Ages 5-6 dance instruction in a fun positive atmosphere where students will learn technique, vocabulary and skills. All dancers will have the Day Time Start Date # Member/Community Code opportunity to participate in a yearly dance recital in May. Appropriate dance attire must be worn. Students must meet age Th 4:15-5:15 pm Dec. 7 12 $205/$265 HCRDTADF specifications by September 30, 2017. For information and registration call 954-260-4409 or visit This “workshop” class allows students to experience a variety of dance styles. Dancers learn technique and terminology in ballet, tap and jazz, with a concentration on how all the forms of dance connect. Upbeat music and an emphasis on “fun” allow students to BALLET/TAP/JAZZ Ages 7-10 explore their own love of dance. Ballet & tap shoes required. Day Time Start Date # Member/Community Code NEW SUZUKI PIANO CURRICULUM Th 4:15-5:15 pm Dec. 7 12 $205/$265 HCRDTABT Grades K & Up This class is perfect for beginners or young dancers who have taken dance before. The class concentrates on the fundamentals Day Time Start Date # Member/Community Code of ballet, tap and jazz and incorporates a variety of music and Th 3:45-4:40 pm Dec. 7 12 $165/$205 CHPIANO rhythms that children love. Ballet & tap shoes required. Th 4:45-5:30 pm Dec. 7 12 $165/$205 CHPIANO This class will be taught using the World Wide Suzuki Piano Curriculum. The Suzuki method leads toward beautiful concerts with the incorporation of chamber music and orchestra. This method “nurtures” parent and child. Participants must bring their own keyboard (instructor approved). For guidance/information on where to rent a keyboard, call 954.986.9802. For registration call 954-434-0499, ext. 202. CHILDREN & TEENS’ SPORTS & FITNESS For Boys and Girls Ages 5 and Up AQUATICS HAL’S POWER ALLEY BATTING FACILITY For information on the JCC’s Aquatics program that includes group The Alley, a 4,000 square foot covered hitting and private lessons for all ages, swim teams and adult and master’s facility with three batting cages, pitching swimming see pages 8, 9 & 11. machines, batting tees and indoor pitching mounds is the perfect place for players of all BASEBALL ages to train year-round. The Alley may be rented by individuals or teams for batting prac- With Broward Baseball Academy tice, special occasions and/or community and corporate events. Contact Wayne at 954-683-7747 or Academy director Wayne Stofsky has played [email protected] and coached at every level including professional baseball. He participated in BASKETBALL two College World Series with LSU and was named pre-season All American by ESPN. He is the current JHoops Basketball Academy athletics director at the David Posnack Jewish Day School. Contact Wayne at 954-683-7747 or JHoops at the J is a comprehensive basketball [email protected] program offering classes to enhance skills, teamwork and sports- manship for boys and girls starting at age 3. The young athletes MINORS BASEBALL Ages 5-8 gain knowledge of the game, learn fundamentals and drills, im- prove skills, and learn game strategies. The program is coordi- Day Time Start Date # Member/Community Code nated and coached by Jason Stura, who has more than 20 years professional basketball experience and has conducted numerous Tu 3:45-4:30 pm Dec. 5 12 $180/$235 HCTBACBT clinics worldwide. For information call 954-434-0499, ext. 100 or visit Players will learn the fundamentals of hitting a pitched ball, catching and throwing. We’ll also teach drills and play some games. MAJORS BASEBALL ROOKIES Grades K-2 • Ages 5-7 Ages 9-11 Day Time Start Date # Member/Community Code M 3:45-4:30 pm Dec. 4 Day Time Start Date # Member/Community Code Tu 3:45-4:30 pm Dec. 5 10 $150/$195 HCMJH2 W 3:45-4:30 pm Dec. 6 Tu 3:45-4:30 pm Dec. 5 12 $180/$235 HCTBAPTT Th 3:45-4:30 pm Dec. 7 12 $180/$235 HCTJH2 In this more advanced baseball class, we’ll focus on drills to im- 12 $180/$235 HCWJH2 prove a player’s hitting and fielding skills. Pitching instruction will 12 $180/$235 HCRJH2 also be offered. PRIVATE/SEMI-PRIVATE LESSONS FUTURE STARS Grades 3-5 • Ages 8-11 FOR ALL AGES Day Time Start Date # Member/Community Code Lessons are perfect for all levels of play and are available by appointment. Private lessons are 30 or 60 minutes long; semi- M 3:45-4:30 pm Dec. 4 10 $150/$195 HCMJH3 private or small group lessons contain up to four in the group and are 60 minutes long. Contact Wayne at 954-683-7747 or Tu 3:45-4:30 pm Dec. 5 12 $180/$235 HCTJH3 [email protected] Tu 4:45-5:30 pm Dec. 5 12 $180/$235 HCTJH3A W 3:45-4:30 pm Dec. 6 12 $180/$235 HCWJH3 Th 3:45-4:30 pm Dec. 7 12 $180/$235 HCRJH3 *Note: There is a $10 registration fee for all Academy classes. There is no make up for a missed class that was offered at its scheduled time. 6
JHOOPS BASKETBALL LEAGUES FITNESS Children & Teens’ Sports & FitnessJHoops offers a variety of youth leagues from recreational to GUIDE TO YOUTH BOXING Grades 6-12highly competitive levels. Participants receive a team jersey,weekly practice, 8 games and playoffs. The winter session starts Day Time Start Date # Member/Community CodeSunday, Dec. 10, 2017 through Sunday, Feb. 25, 2018. M 4:00-4:50 pm Dec. 4 10 $150/$200 HCMBOX This is your child’s guide to learning basic boxing skills andEVALUATION/DRAFTS techniques: stance, guard, movement, jab, cross, hook. BoxingLeague Grade Time Date Code increases strength and improves endurance. The class will include Nov. 27 HCJHACCACC (co-ed) 1- 2 6:00 pm Nov. 28 HCJHSEC cardio calisthenics, shadow boxing, bag work, partner drills, pad Nov. 29 HCJHTENSEC 3-4 6:00 pm Nov. 30 HCJHEAST work and core strengthening exercises. These skills will give kids See below HCJHBIG12 Dec. 3 HCJHWNBAJR self-defense tools, self-confidence and help keep them physically Dec. 3 HCJHWNBASRBig 10 5-6 6:00 pm fit. The 80 lb. heavy bags and sparing with the trainer are theBig East 7-8 6:00 pm primary focus of the class. Call 954-434-0499, ext. 105 to register.Big 12 (co-ed)* 9-12 See belowWNBAJR (girls) 3-5 1:30 pm XPRESS ZONE Grades 6-12WNBASR (girls) 6-9 4:30 pm Day Time Start Date # Member/Community CodeNote: Some games may be played during the week. M 4:00-4:50 pm Dec. 4 10 $130/$170 HCMXPRESSNo games on Dec. 24, Dec. 31, Jan. 7. W 4:00-4:50 pm Dec. 6 12 $155/$200 HCWXPRESS This high-intensity interval training (HIIT) class is divided into*Big 12 division is comprised of pre-formed teams. You must intervals of strength and cardiovascular training. It builds strength,already be on a roster of a pre-formed team to participate in theBig 12 (high school) division. Call 954-434-0499, ext. 330 or ext. improves endurance, increases energy, burns calories and fat. Each112 for details. 50-minute workout utilizes treadmills, rowing machines, Spin bikes and more. Call 954-434-0499, ext. 105 to register. TEEN/YOUNG ADULT POWER ABSLeague Fees Day Time Start Date # Member/CommunityMember $165 / Community $205 Tu 6:00-6:30 pm Ongoing 1 Free/$17No refunds will be given after game 1. Th 6:00-6:30 pm Ongoing 1 Free/$17A $75 cancellation fee will be charged ifrequesting a refund after draft is complete Teens and young adults love this energetic, power-packed abdominal(teams are selected) and before game 1.Register early. Don’t let your child be workout with fitness master ProfessorFit. A fun way to get in shape.left out because of late registration. KIDS YOGA WITH COOKIE Ages 3-5 & Ages 6 & Up Day Time Start Date # Member/Community Code Ages 3-5Private Basketball Training with Jason Stura W 2:45-3:25 pm Dec. 6 12 $180/$235 HCWYOGA1Training with Jason Stura is a “slam dunk,” for your kids. Jason has Ages 6 & Upmore than 20 years professional basketball experience playing inArgentina and Italy and has conducted numerous clinics worldwide. W 3:45-4:45 pm Dec. 6 12 $180/$235 HCWYOGA2His training emphasizes the fundamentals, personal skill develop-ment and application in a game-like setting. Classes are adjusted A fun and safe exercise program. Kids learn poses and stretchesaccording to the player’s needs and personal comfort level. Forinformation or scheduling call Jason at 786-354-4820. that tone muscles, increase flexibility and strength. YOGA WITH COOKIE Ages 8 & Up Day Time Start Date # Member/Community Code Th 3:45-4:45 pm Dec. 7 12 $200/$260 HCRYOGALARGE GROUP TRAINING SCHEDULE This class is specifically for kids who have at least 3 years yoga experience. It will explore more advanced poses that incorporateMaximum: 15 participants per class balance and form and includes meditation as part of each session.Day Time Start Date # Member/CommunityGrades 8-12 KIDSFIT WITH SHIRA Ages 6-10W 4:45-6:00 pm Ongoing 10 $200/$260 Day Time Start Date # Member/Community CodeGrades 5-8 Th 3:45-4:45 pm Dec. 7 12 $160/$210 HCRFITF 4:00-5:00 pm Ongoing 10 $200/$260 Your kids can train with a JCC certified personal trainer. WithGrades 5-7 interest in kids’ fitness at an all-time high, we offer the perfectF 5:00-6:00 pm Ongoing 10 $200/$260 class and a variety of ways for kids to get in shape, stay fit, andGrades K-2 learn to live a healthy life. Your kids will learn the basics of fitness;Sat 9:30-10:30 am Ongoing 10 $200/$260 to exercise on treadmills and rowers; and run through an obstacleGrades 3-5 course. Each class will start with a warm up, followed by differentSat 10:30-11:30 am Ongoing 10 $200/$260 exercises each week.(Daily rate: Members $25/Community $30)SMALL GROUP TRAININGMaximum: 4 players per sessionMember $35 / Community $45 (per person for 1 session)Member $310 / Community $410 (per person for 10 sessions)One-on-One training also available. Please call Jason to schedule. 7
Children & Teens’ Sports & Fitness GYMNASTICS CHAMPS CLASSES – ALL LEVELS Ages 10 & Up Taught by Dance Through the Ages Days: M-Th Times: Dance Through the Ages offers a gymnastics program in which 60-min. Classes: 4:00 pm / 5:00 pm / 6:00 pm / 7:00 pm / 8:00 pm students learn proper tumbling techniques, balance, flexibility, 90-min. Classes: 4:30-6:00 pm / 6:00-7:30 p.m. body positions and safety. They focus on building a solid Monthly Fees – 60 min. Member/Community foundation of tumbling skills and continued progression of skills. Based on # of Classes per Week: Appropriate gymnastics attire must be worn. Students must meet 1-$100/$120 2-$180/$200 3-$255/$280 age specifications by September 30, 2017. For information and Monthly Fees – 90 min. Member/Community registration call 954-260-4409 or visit Based on # of Classes per Week: 1-$150/$165 2-$290/$320 3-$430/$480 4-$550/$610 DYNAMIC GYMSTERS LEVELS I–II Ages 5-6 Register at 954-999-9487. Students are introduced to all basic tennis and coordination skills. Day Time Start Date # Member/Community Code The focus of this class is to have fun, learn the rules and scoring. Mini-tennis, an understanding of ball colors and the stages of Tu 3:45-4:35 pm Dec. 5 12 $205/$265 HCTDGYM tennis will be taught. ALL STAR GYMNASTICS LEVELS I-II Ages 7-10 Day Time Start Date # Member/Community Code FUTURE HITTERS Tu 4:45-5:35 pm Dec. 5 12 $205/$265 HCTAGYM Age Days Times 7-9 years M-Th 3:30-5:00 pm KARATE 10-12 years M-Th 5:00-6:30 pm CHILDREN’S KARATE 14-16 years M-Th 6:30-8:00 pm Fee Based on # of Classes per Week: WITH SENSEI HARRISON HUNTER Ages 6 & Up 2-$290/$320 Unlimited-$350/$380 Day Time Start Date # Member/Community Code The classes develop all tennis strokes and physical skills. Young M 3:45-4:45 pm Dec. 4 10 $105/$135 HCMKAR2 athletes participate in exciting drills in a fun game atmosphere. W 3:45-4:45 pm Dec. 6 12 $125/$160 HCWKAR2 Match play is featured, and the student’s competitive nature is Advanced Students Only encouraged. Th 3:45-4:45 pm Dec. 7 12 $125/$160 HCRKAR2 Your children will learn self-defense and develop listening skills HIGH PERFORMANCE Ages 12+ and self confidence in a fun, non-competitive environment. Sensei Days: M-Th Harrison, a third-degree black belt, is a member of the USA Goju Times: 10:00 am-Noon / 2:00-4:00 pm / 4:00-6:00 pm Federation Karate. To register call 954-434-0499, ext. 105. For in- Fee Based on # of Classes per Week: formation call Sensei Harrison at 954-536-1415 or email 2-$380/$420 3-$510/$570 4-$650/$720 [email protected]. High Performance students are the ITP top players of the future. SOCCER The classes develop all the player’s technical, mental and physical skills, plus tactics and strategy. Mental workshops are also taught. WITH COACH RAMON Ages 6-10 The athletes will develop advanced coordination and follow a holis- tic approach to tennis. Day Time Start Date # Member/Community Code Tu 3:45-4:45 pm Dec. 5 12 $145/$190 HCTSOCCER NEW WEEKEND CHILDREN’S Coach Ramon Mompo of the Levante UD Academy has coached for GROUP CLASSES the last 12 years. The class will teach basic and fundamental skills, Day Time Fees* footwork, positioning, dribbling, juggling, passing and shooting. Sat. or Sun. 9:00 a.m.-Noon $20/60 minutes Class is held outdoors. Call 954-434-0499, ext. 105 to register. *Per player $35/120 minutes TENNIS DECEMBER SALE for Private Lessons — Only Taught by ITP Florida Tennis Academy during December 2017, ITP will offer three introductory private lessons for ONLY $99. Limited quantity of lessons at this price ITP is an international tennis company which provides are available. Call 954-999-9487. management/training programs for children, juniors and professional players. ITP founder Assaf Ingber has AQUATICS over 25 years of experience in managing tennis academies. He is a certified executive ITF coach. Taught by Azura – JCC Swim School & Swim AFTER-SCHOOL TENNIS Ages 6-10 For Children & Teens Days Time Start Dates Drowning is a leading cause of death for children and adults. M-Th 3:45-4:30 pm Dec. 4, 5, 6, 7 Azura/JCC Swim School says it doesn’t have to be that way. Monthly Fee – Member/Community Gianluca Alberani, an interna- tional competitor and coach at Based on # of Classes per Week* World and Olympic games and Ricardo Monasterio, an Olympic competitor in multiple games and Masters world record holder are 1-$80/$100 2-$160/$200 3-$240/$300 4-$320/$400 dedicated to teaching the skills needed to stay safe and enjoy the water. For information/registration call 954-434-0499, ext. 105 or *Sibling Discount – Discount is offered for families with more than one child 954-296-1434. Email [email protected] enrolled (3 or 4 times a week); 10% off the second child’s fees; 5% off additional children. These fun-time tennis classes teach coordination, basic technical skill and focus. Register at 954-999-9487. 8
LESSONS - SKILL LEVELS Children & Teens’ Sports & FitnessA mandatory evaluation is required to establish swim level, ifnever enrolled in Azura’s programs.Level 1 & 2 – Starfish | Level 3 & 4 – Sea TurtlesLevel 5 & 6 – Dolphins | Level 7 – Sharks (Pre-team)GROUP LESSONS SESSION 2 SELECT-A-DAYMonday Sea Turtles Dolphins3:00-3:30 pm Starfish 3:45-4:25 pm3:45-4:25 pm Dolphins 4:35-5:15 pm10 lessons – Members $160 / Community $200Tuesday3:00-3:30 pm Starfish 3:45-4:25 pm Sea Turtles4:35-5:15 pm Dolphins12 lessons – Members $190 / Community $240Wednesday3:00-3:30 pm Starfish 3:45-4:25 pm Sea Turtles4:35-5:15 pm Dolphins12 lessons – Members $190 / Community $240 AZURA SWIM TEAMThursday Bronze Group Ages 12 & Under3:00-3:30 pm Starfish 3:45-4:25 pm Sea Turtles Workouts are offered five days a week. Dolphins3:45-4:25 pm Dolphins 4:35-5:15 pm Pre-Team swimmers move up to this group. Swimmers are12 lessons – Members $190 / Community $240 competent in all four strokes and are continuously improving theirFriday technique. Training sessions revolve around the individual medley3:00-3:30 pm Starfish 3:45-4:25 pm Sea Turtles and introduction of race techniques.4:35-5:15 pm Dolphins Monday-Thursday 3:45-5:15 pm or 5:15-6:45 pm12 lessons – Members $190 / Community $240 Friday 4:00–5:30 pmSaturday (by reservation only) Members $100 per month / Community $120 per month9:30-10:00 am Starfish 10:00-10:40 am Sea Turtles Silver & Gold Group Ages 14 & Under10:40-11:20 am Dolphins Workouts are offered six days a week.12 lessons – Members $190 / Community $240Sunday (by reservation only) Bronze swimmers move up to these groups. Athletes must swim all10:00-10:30 am Baby Fish (Parent & Me) four strokes well and maintain good technique on low intensity11 lessons – Members $175 / Community $220 interval sets. Athletes transition to race training along with technical training.An additional $50 registration fee will be required at time of Monday-Thursday 3:45-5:15 pm or 5:15-6:45 pmsign up and includes a T-shirt and silicon cap. Friday 4:00-5:30 pm Saturday 9:30-11:00 amAZURA PRE-TEAM Ages 10 & Under Members $120 per month / Community $130 per monthPractices 3 times per week Teen Group Ages 15 & OverThe pre-team group stresses fundamental swimming skills: Practices offered 6 times per week.sculling, turns, pacing, efficiency, “underwater works,” and finalizes Azura Teen Group focuses on training athletes who are looking tothe execution of all four strokes. develop their technique in all four strokes. They will alternateGroup 1 | White Group technique work with aerobic training.Monday-Wednesday 3:45-4:45 pm | Friday 4:00-5:00 pm Monday-Thursday 3:45-5:15 pm or 5:15-6:45 pmGroup 2 | Royal Blue Group Friday 4:00-5:30 pmMonday-Wednesday 5:00-6:00 pm | Friday 4:00-5:00 pm Saturday 9:30-11:00 amGroup 3 | Navy Blue Group Members $120 per month / Community $130 per monthTuesday-Thursday 3:45-4:45 pm | Friday 4:00-5:00 pmGroup 4 | Sapphire Blue Group AQUATICSTuesday-Thursday 5:00-6:00 pm | Friday 4:00-5:00 pm PRIVATE SWIM LESSONS Taught by Julie SevillaMembers $95 per month / Community $115 per month Available by appointment for all ages starting at six months Julie Sevilla, JCC aquatics coordinator, has over 27 years teaching experience in south Florida and has taught thousands of every age to swim or overcome their fears in and around water. One of Julie’s specialties is working with children with special needs. She also offers lifeguard and CPR/AED first aid classes. Julie recommends starting infant survival lessons as early as six months old. To make an appointment for private lessons call Julie at 954-434-0499, ext. 360. Fees: 30-minute individual instruction for children starting at age 6 months 8 Lessons: Members $250 / Community $325 12 Lessons: Members $400 / Community $520 9
Adult Enrichment Classes ADULT ENRICHMENT CLASSES ART CURRENT EVENTS At the Jean Leighton Art Studio Day Time Start Date # Member/Community Ann Wolkowitz and Linda Altshuler run the studio and teach Tu 10:30 am-Noon Ongoing Ongoing Free classes in drawing, oil painting, acrylics, watercolor, pastels, mixed media and collage. Students have the opportunity to exhibit their In this popular and lively discussion class learn about what is going work during showings at the J. Call 954-434-0499, ext. 336. on in today’s world and talk about topics that are directly from newspapers at home and abroad. 954-434-0499, ext. 370. Facilitator: Peter Levine INTERMEDIATE DRAWING, WATERCOLOR DUPLICATE BRIDGE & COLLAGE *Materials fee not included. Day Time Start Date # Member*/Community* Day Time Start Dates # Member*/Community* Tu 7:00-10:00 pm Ongoing Ongoing $7/$10 With instructor Linda Altshuler Th 7:00-10:00 pm Ongoing Ongoing $7/$10 Tu 10 am-Noon Jan. 23, Mar. 13, 7 $90/$115 A competitive, stratified ACBL sanctioned duplicate bridge game. Apr. 24 Come play bridge in a relaxed environment; bring a friend or make a new one. Partners may be arranged. For more information, con- STUDIO CLASS *Plus a one-time $10 materials fee. tact T.J. Singer at [email protected] or Day Time Start Dates # Member*/Community* 954-399-1222. Instructor: T.J. Singer W 10:30 am-2:30 pm Jan. 24, Mar. 14, 7 $180/$230 *Fees are per class. Prepay for 10 entries and get one for free. Apr. 25 ISRAEL AND THE MIDDLE EAST Th 10:30 am-2:30 pm Jan. 25, Mar. 15, 7 $180/$230 Day Time Start Date # Member/Community Apr. 26 Th* 10:30-11:30 am Ongoing Ongoing Free ARTFUL MORNINGS Requires a minimum of 5 attending. Israel and the Middle East — the history, politics, religion, ethnic- Day Time Date Member/Community ity, water, oil and current events — are all discussed in this lively, F 9:30-11:30 am Jan. 26, Feb. 23, $25/$30 open-discussion class with Dr. Steve Schoenbaum. Expression of Mar. 30, Apr. 27 all viewpoints is encouraged. For information call 954-434-0499, ext. 370. *1st & 3rd Thursday of the month VARIETY KNITTING GROUP AGELESS GRACE Southeast Chapter of Florida Head Huggers Thursdays | 10:00 a.m. – Noon | Free Day Time Start Date # Member/Community If you like to knit or crochet or would like to learn, this amazing dedicated group wants you. Every week they get together to W 11:00 am Ongoing Ongoing Free knit/crochet caps, wraps and blankets that will be donated to adult and children cancer patients undergoing treatment in the A dynamic fitness program for seniors in which the brain is stimu- tri-county area. Contributions and donations of yarn are always needed and may be dropped off at our reception desks. lated by everyday natural and organic movements that increase Questions? Call Aline Zucker at 954-610-2981. cognitive function. All exercises are performed in a chair. Call 954-434-0499, ext. 370. Instructor: Lana Gelb BEREAVEMENT GROUP Day Time Start Date # Member/Community MAH-JONGG (Plus Canasta on Mondays) Tu 10:30 am-Noon Ongoing Ongoing Free Day Time Start Date # Member/Community M 12:30 pm Ongoing Ongoing $5 per class*+ This support group, facilitated by experienced counselors, is for in- Th 12:30 pm Ongoing Ongoing $5 per class*+ dividuals who have lost a loved one. The group is free and open to the community. It is run in collaboration with Catholic Hospice. Learn mah-jongg basics or just come to play. This is an ongoing class Please call before first time attendance. so you may join at anytime. Instruction is available if needed. Come Contact: 954-434-0499, ext. 370 by yourself to learn or bring your mah-jongg group to play. For more BRAIN GAMES information call Nancy Alberts at 954-322-2581. Day Time Start Date # Member/Community Instructor: Nancy Alberts *Plus card fee of $8 +Beginner lessons $10 per class M* 11:00 am Ongoing Ongoing Free MEDITATION BY VITAS Do you enjoy the challenge of daily word games? Does the idea of beating your previous score motivate you? Join Shayna for interac- Day Time Start Date # Member/Community tive Brain Games held in a small, group setting where you will exer- M 12:30 pm Ongoing Ongoing Free cise your mind, meet people with similar interests and have some Join our facilitator, Esther Cohen, from VITAS for a 45-minute medita- fun, too! Questions? Call 954-434-0499, ext. 370. tion session to quiet your mind, relax, and renew for the rest of your *1st & 3rd Monday each month day. COFFEE TALK POLITICAL SCIENCE AND ECONOMICS Day Time Start Date # Member/Community Day Time Start Date # Member/Community Sun 10:30 am-Noon Ongoing Ongoing $3/$5 Th* 10:30 am Ongoing Ongoing Free This is not your mother’s coffee klatch! Adults 55+ are invited to a In this discussion class you will explore systems of government and lively “young at heart” discussion group. Topics range from funny analyze the current political activity and behavior. You will explore to provocative. The group also has speakers and plans social out- current political events and learn how the general principles ings. Call Janet for further information at 954-475-8080. surrounding the world of politics work. Facilitator: Peter Levine *2nd & 4th Thursday each month 10
YIDDISH CLASS DANCE WITH IRENE Adult EnrichmentDay Time Start Date # Member/Community Irene J. Marshall has been a professional ballroom dance instruc- tor for over 20 years. She is well-versed in both traditional andTu 10:30 am-Noon Ongoing Ongoing Free Latin dances and her style of teaching reflects the philosophy that anyone can learn to dance. The only thing you need to bring withAppreciate the Yiddish language by exploring literature and cul- you is a partner! For information call 954-613-9006 or email [email protected] through classroom discussion. All levels from beginner tophilosophers are welcome. For information contact Jay Riazanowat 954-835-0532. Instructor: Jay Riazanow NEW DISCO Start Date # Member/Community Day Time Jan. 10 6 $72/$90 W 7:30-9:00 pm SALSA AND WALTZ Day Time Start Date # Member/Community 6 $77/$95 Th 7:30-9:00 pm Jan. 11 # Member/Community RHUMBA AND MERENGUE 6 $77/$95 Day Time Start Date Th 7:30-9:00 pm Jan. 11 ADULT SPORTS & FITNESS Adult Sports & FitnessAQUATICS HAL’S POWER ALLEY BATTING FACILITYAZURA MASTER’S SWIMMING/ The Alley, a 4,000 square foot covered hitting facility with three batting cages, pitchingADULT SWIMMING machines, batting tees and indoor pitching mounds is the perfect place for players of allAzura Masters and adult swimming ages to train year-round. The Alley may beare for adult swimmers of all rented by individuals or teams for batting prac-abilities and ages. Competitive tice, special occasions and/or community andswimmers, triathletes and corporate events. Contact Wayne at 954-683-7747 orbeginners are welcome. The pro- [email protected] is designed to improveswimming technique, health, fitness and competitive skills.Day Time Start Date BASKETBALLM Noon-1:00 pm Dec. 4 ADULT BASKETBALL LEAGUESTu 6:00-7:00 am Dec. 5Tu 7:00-7:45 am Dec. 5 Learn to swim Play basketball with players at your level.W Noon-1:00 pm Dec. 6 JHoops offers a variety of adult leaguesTh 6:00-7:00 am Dec. 7 from recreational to highly competitive levels.Th 7:00-7:45 am Dec. 7 Learn to swim Every participant receives a team jersey, 8 games, playoffs andF 6:00-7:00 am Dec. 8 team awards.F Noon-1:00 pm Dec. 8S 8:00-9:30 am Dec. 9 Day Time League Member/Community Code Sun 8:00 am Mello Yellow $115/$145 or $165* HAJHMYSMonthly fees based on number Members/Community (Half-court) (Age 35+) per personof practices per week: *For $165 you get pick-up game privileges on league dayUnlimited $80/$95 M 8:00 pm Monday $565/Team HAJHMON3 per week (only mornings or only afternoons) $60/$70 M 8:00 pm Synagogue $565/Team HAJHSYNSaturday only $30/$40Adult Learn to Swim $95/$115 Tu 7:00 pm Mello Yellow $95 or $120 HAJHMYT (Full Court) per personPlease note: An additional $50 registration fee will be required attime of sign up and includes the team uniform. Also required is a Tu 8:00 pm Tuesday $565/Team HAJHTUEmandatory $42 United States Master Swimming (USMS) annualregistration online at Th 7:00 pm Mello Yellow $115/$145 HAJHMYR (Half-Court)For registration and information call 954-296-1434. Th 8:00 pm Thursday $565/Team HAJHTHUREmail [email protected] / visit www.azuraquatics.comBASEBALL PICK-UP BASKETBALL FOR MEMBERSPRIVATE/SEMI-PRIVATE LESSONS Pick up times vary from month to month.FOR ALL AGES For more information on available times, call 954-434-0499, ext. 100.Lessons are perfect for all levels of playand are available by appointment. Privatelessons are 30 or 60 minutes long; semi-private or small group lessons contain up tofour in the group and are 60 minutes long. Contact Wayne at954-683-7747 or [email protected] 11
Adult Sports & Fitness FITNESS PARKINSON’S FITNESS PROGRAM CLASSES FOR ALL LEVELS & INTERESTS Day Time Class Whether you are working out as a beginner, a die-hard fitness fa- M *See below AquaFit natic or fall somewhere in-between, we offer close to100 classes a week for you to pick from. M 11:00 am-Noon Tai Chi On land or in the pool, with machines or on the walking track, in M Noon-12:45 pm Ageless Grace dance, XZone™ and hot yoga studios – the JCC is the “center” of fitness. Our fitness schedule comes out monthly with new classes Tu 1:00-1:45 pm Yoga offered all the time. You may pick up a schedule at the Sports & Wellness desk and in various places throughout the center. Some Tu 1:45-2:30 pm Voice Therapy classes require reservations. Have questions? Call 954-434-0499, ext. 100 or visit W * See below AquaFit W 10:15-11:00 am Boxing W 1:15-1:45 pm Spinning F *See below AquaFit F 1:30-2:15 pm Ageless Grace *Visit Sports & Wellness desk for schedule The Parkinson’s Fitness Program is sponsored by the DPJCC and a grant from the Parkinson’s Foundation. The FREE classes are open to anyone in the community who has the disease. The physical exercise classes help in slowing down the progression of the disease. For more information call Bob Schwartz at 954-805- 1800. MARTIAL ARTS CUONG NHU ORIENTAL MARTIAL ARTS Day Time Start Date # Member/Community Code M 6:30-7:45 pm Dec. 4 10 $135/$175 HAMCN Th 6:30-7:45 pm Dec. 7 12 $160/$210 HARCN Cuong Nhu (Vietnamese for hard/soft) oriental martial arts, com- XZONE™ FITNESS bines seven different styles: shotokan, karate, aikido, judo, boxing, This high intensity interval training (HIIT) tai chi, wing chun kung fu and vovinam. The physical training in- group class is divided into intervals of strength and cardiovascular training. It is cludes empty hand, leg and weapons techniques, as well as ancient structured to build strength, improve en- durance, increase energy, maximize calorie forms or kata. Cuong Nhu training promotes high ethical and moral burn, burn fat and get results. Each workout features: heart rate monitors, treadmills, rowing machines. Advance registration re- standards and a strong physical and mental foundation. Taught by quired. Call 954-434-0499, ext. 100. Fees: Sensei Rich Browdy. To register or for questions, contact Rich at Individual monthly payments: Members $40/Community $65 Individual 6-month pre-paid package: $180 (25% savings) 954-559-5951 or email [email protected] Individual classes (per class): Members: $12/Community $16 TENNIS ITP Florida Tennis Academy ITP is an international tennis company which pro- vides management/training programs for all ages including professional players. PERSONAL TRAINING GROUP CLASSES FOR MEN & The JCC offers both one-on-one and group personal training with WOMEN highly qualified, enthusiastic and knowledgeable trainers. Working with a personal trainer is a greatway to jump start any fitness regi- Day Time # FEE men. Your trainer will provide the motivation, education and the tools to help you achieve your health and fitness goals. For infor- Women’s Group – 60-minute classes / Ages 21+ mation about our trainers including their certifications visit To schedule an appointment with a trainer call M-F 8:00-10:00 a.m. 1 $25/per class 954-434-0499, ext. 118. Men & Women’s Group – 60-minute classes / Ages 21+ M-Th 7:00-9:00 p.m 4 $80/4 classes Group size: 4-6. Part of adult group activity will be held on clay courts. Weekend “match play” available for additional fee. PREGNANCY FITNESS 60-MINUTE CARDIO TENNIS LESSONS Day Time Start Date # Members/Community Fee: $25 8 $200/$260 This high energy fitness class combines the best features of tennis M 9:00-9:45 am Ongoing 8 $200/$260 with cardiovascular exercise, delivering the ultimate full body, 8 $200/$260 calorie-burning aerobic workout. Call for 954-999-9487 to M 6:00-7:00 pm Ongoing 8 $200/$260 schedule. 8 $200/$260 W Noon-1:00 pm Ongoing W 6:00-7:00 pm Ongoing F 12:30-1:30 pm Ongoing Pregnancy personal training also available upon request. ADULT PRIVATE LESSONS This program empowers mothers to be fit and promotes the well- Maximum: 3 players (10% discount for current ITP tennis players) being of the pregnant woman and her child to have a safer, health- Call 954-999-9487. ier and easier delivery through guided fitness classes. Instructor: Nadia Auguste, BS, PTA (prenatal/postnatal exercise physiologist); DECEMBER SALE for Private Lessons — Only physical therapist assistant. For more information visit To register contact Nadia at during December 2017, ITP will offer three introductory private 954-709-2818 or [email protected] lessons for ONLY $99. Limited quantity of lessons at this price are available. Call 954-999-9487. 12
GIBORIM U Giborim U — Winter Session WINTER SESSIONGiborim U, a year-round program for children, teens and adults with special needs offerscourses in the arts, fitness, health and wellness, life skills, recreation and sports.Applicant must meet admission requirements as determined by a completed intake process. For enrollment information call 954-434-0499,ext. 347. Current Giborim campers are pre-approved.Populations served:• Youth (ages 6-17) and adults (ages 18 & up) unless otherwise stated.• Individuals with various developmental/physical disabilities• Individuals who can participate in small groups, stay with a group, be actively engaged and follow basic instructions.THE ARTS FITNESS / SPORTSDRAMA WITH EXCEPTIONAL CIRCUIT TRAINING Ages 13+THEATER COMPANY Ages 12+ & Ages 18+ Day Time Start Date # Member/CommunityDay Time Start Date # Member/Community M 5:00-5:50 pm Dec. 4 9 $120/$145Ages 12+ W 5:00-5:50 pm Dec. 6 12 $150/$175Sun 10:00-11:30 am Jan. 21 8 $130 This class uses the fitness track and constant motion to help fineInstructor: Debbie Rivera tune the entire body. Participants will improve strength, muscle tone and balance. Instructor: Risa SpevackAges 12+M 4:30-5:45 pm Jan. 22 9 $140 HIP HOP DANCE PARTY Youth & AdultsInstructor: Evelyn Richard Day Time Start Date # Member/CommunityAges 18+ M 5:00-5:50 pm Dec. 4 9 $140/$165M 4:30-5:45 pm Jan. 22 9 $140 This fun dance class includes hip hop moves and all your favoriteInstructor: Debra Lombard follow-alongs and line dances like the Electric Slide and manyThis class teaches theater to those with physical and developmen- more. Dancers will improve coordination, agility and body aware-tal disabilities. The classes enhance verbal skills, improve move- ness. Instructor: Michael Thompsonment, build self-confidence and socialization while stimulating freethinking. The actors help pick a theme and write a script for the BASKETBALL Youth & Adultsclass’ end of session performance. Day Time Start Date # Member/CommunityARTSY-CRAFTSY Youth (Ages 6-17) Age 5 & Youth & Adults M 6:00-6:50 pm Dec. 4 9 $120/$145Plus one-time materials fee: $25 Adults (Ages 18+)Day Time Start Date # Member/Community W 3:00-3:50 pm Dec. 6 12 $150/$175Age 5 This comprehensive class enhances skills, teamwork and sports-W 4:00-4:50 pm Dec. 6 12 $150/$175 manship for all ages. Students will learn skills in shooting, passingYouth & Adults and dribbling and techniques in offense and defense.Th 4:00-4:50 pm Dec. 7 12 $150/$175 Instructor: Jason SturaStudents will work on creative projects using paints, chalk, pastels,glue and a variety of materials. Enhances coordination and motor BOXING Ages 13+skills, encourages self-expression, choice-making and following di- Day Time Start Date # Member/Communityrections. Completed works will be displayed in an art show near Tu 4:00-4:50 pm Dec. 5 12 $150/$175the end of the session. Instructor: Tara Evans This non-impact class covers basic skills such as stance, guard,DELICIOUS FUN IN THE KITCHEN Youth & Adults movement, jab, cross and hook. It will include cardio calisthenicsPlus one-time materials fee: $50 and core strengthening exercises. Participants will improveDay Time Start Date # Member/Community strength and balance and gain self-confidence.Th 4:30-5:45 pm Dec. 7 12 $175/$200 Instructor: Ysaac KaplanThis creative cooking class teaches in-depth, hands-on cooking INDOOR SPORTS ADVENTUREskills that include working with kitchen tools, preparing ingredi- Youth & Adultsents and measuring. Students will have fun following recipes and Day Time Start Date # Member/Communitysharing their creations with family. Chef Maritza has created Tu 4:00-4:50 pm Dec. 5 12 $150/$175recipes with visual aids for the students to take home and share Keep your cool indoors while still getting your game on. Activitieswith family. Instructor: Maritza Douglas include racquetball, table tennis and gaga ball. Instructor: Risa SpevackLET’S MAKE A MOVIE...STARRING U! Ages 13+Day Time Start Date # Member/Community WEIGHTS IN MOTION Ages 13+Th 6:00-6:50 pm Dec. 7 12 $150/$175 Day Time Start Date # Member/CommunityThis fun and creative class explores the magic of movies and music Tu 5:00-5:50 pm Dec. 5 12 $150/$175videos. Students will be the “star of the show” as they participate Th 5:00-5:50 pm Dec. 7 12 $150/$175in the creation and production of a short video. Making movies In the J’s fitness center students use weight and cardio machineswith new friends encourages socialization and speech. Students to build strength, stamina and self-esteem. Instructor: Risa Spevackwill develop and review their scripts, which aids in comprehensionand fluidity. A completed film will be shown at the end of the ses-sion. Instructor: Amy Simcox 13
Giborim U — Winter Session YING YANG YOGA Age 5 & Youth & Adults KARATE Youth & Adults Day Time Start Date # Member/Community Day Time Start Date # Member/Community Age 5 F 4:00-4:50 pm Dec. 8 12 $150/$175 Tu 3:30-4:10 pm Dec. 5 12 $135/$160 This fun, non-competitive, self-defense class helps develop listen- Youth & Adults ing skills and self-confidence. Students will improve hand-eye Tu 5:00-5:50 pm Dec. 5 12 $150/$175 coordination, balance, body awareness and focus. Youth & Adults Instructor: Sensei Harrison Hunter Sun 11:40 am-12:30 pm Dec. 10 8 $100/$125 LIFE SKILLS Learn how to relax the body and mind through breathing, move- Life skills courses are supported by a grant from the Jewish Federation of Broward County ment and stretches. The traditional poses will help improve bal- ance, flexibility, strength and focus. Instructor: Dianne “Cookie” Billig ZUMBA® Youth & Adults LIFE SKILLS: THE FUNDAMENTALS Adults Day Time Start Date # Member/Community Day Time Start Date # Member/Community W 4:00-4:50 pm Dec. 6 12 $150/$175 M 4:00-4:50 pm Dec. 4 9 $75 This is the ultimate dance-fitness party where students “play it This hands-on class focuses on basic skills to help students become loud” with age-appropriate music, rock with friends and begin their more independent in taking care of themselves and their home. journey to a healthy future. This class will help with self-esteem, They will learn to do household chores, how to choose and care for coordination and socialization. Instructor: Joan Gdasi clothing, use money, shop, learn about their community and basic job skills. Instructor: Abel Garza A TASTE OF SPORTS Youth LIFE SKILLS: Day Time Start Date # Member/Community W 4:40-5:30 pm Dec. 6 12 $150/$175 TRANSITIONS TO ADULTHOOD Ages 16+ Th 4:40-5:30 pm Dec. 7 12 $150/$175 Day Time Start Date # Member/Community This class teaches the skills for multiple sports including basket- Tu 5:00-5:50 pm Dec. 5 12 $75 ball, soccer and kickball. Players will build stamina, agility and coor- This class incudes hands-on activities to help students learn life dination while learning the new skills. Instructor: Will Croud skills necessary for self-sufficiency and success as an independent LET’S DANCE Youth & Adults member of society. Activities include managing finances, decision Day Time Start Date # Member/Community making, seeking vocational opportunities, finding a job and learn- W 5:00-5:50 pm Dec. 6 12 $150/$175 ing the skills and habits needed for work. Instructor: Amy Simcox This class is for all levels. Enhances gross motor skills and an under- COOKING FOR DAILY LIVING Adults standing of rhythm. Dancers will participate in group and individual activities using a variety of props (scarves, maracas, crowns, wands, *Plus one-time materials fee: $50 tambourines & more). The class will include ballet & jazz and incor- Day Time Start Date # Member/Community porate creative movement and theater principles. W 4:00-4:50 pm Dec. 6 12 $150/$175 Instructor: Gabriela Dreyfuss This hands-on cooking class focuses on basic life skills like planning SPECIAL OLYMPICS FIT 5 Youth & Adults and preparing simple meals for daily living. Students will receive Day Time Start Date # Member/Community recipes with a visual aid and a short list of ingredients. The stu- W 5:00-5:50 pm Dec. 6 12 FREE dents will have fun while learning to use kitchen appliances and Fit 5, created by the Special Olympics, will help participants tools and making meals that can be replicated in their home. improve their health and fitness through physical activity, Instructor: Maritza Douglas nutrition and hydration. Limited spots.Membership David Posnack JCC Membership David Posnack JCC membership benefits individuals, couples and families of all ages. The DPJCC welcomes and serves all residents of the community regardless of faith, age, ethnicity or disability. Value of Membership Membership Fees* (Fees listed are per month) • FREE use of our fitness center, weight room, swimming pools, Family* $89 two gymnasiums, 5 lighted tennis courts, racquetball/handball courts, sauna and steam room Couple and all children under 25 years of age • FREE group exercise classes (excluding Hot Yoga and XZone Parent Plus* $69 Fitness) One adult and all children under 25 years of age • FREE babysitting (Ages 3 months to 5 years with Family or Parent Plus membership) Individual $54 • FREE JKidz Club - Saturday & Sunday (Ages 6-12 with Family or Individual 36-59 years of age Parent Plus membership) Young Adult $49 • Access to \"members only\" programs Individual between the ages of 18-35 years of age • Discount on preschool, after-school care, summer camp, vacation and mini camps and enrichment classes who is not a full-time student • Reduced prices on room rentals including the Orlove Auditorium Couple $79 and Brickman Theatre Couple without any children residing at home • Guest privileges at more than 350 JCC facilities worldwide through the JCC network Senior Couple $64 • Discounts and special offers from local businesses through our Couple with at least one individual 60 years of age or older jrewards member perks program Individual Senior $44 • WOM (Word of Mouth) benefit: Earn a free month of membership for every new member referred Individual 60 years of age or older Student* $39 Full-time student 13-25 years of age with a current valid student I.D. College Student Summer/vacation memberships available. Contact the membership office for fees. *13 and 14-year-old members are required to take the free JFit orientation class in order to utilize the fitness center. Children under age 13 are not permitted in the fitness center. At initial enrollment there is an additional non-refundable registration fee for all categories. This is a one-time fee with continuance of membership. 14
phi•lan•thro•pynoun: the desire to promote the welfare of others, expressed especially by thegenerous donation of money to good causes.synonyms: benevolence, generosity, humanitarianism, charity, public-spiritedness,kindheartedness, compassionAs a J philanthropist, you support programs and services that:• Help the elderly live a vital and more productive lifestyle• Enable our preschool to provide scholarships to families-in-need with high quality, safe early childhood programs• Enable our after-school program to provide a nurturing, secure environment for children of working families• Provide children and adults who have special needs with summer camp and enrichment programs that enhance their lives socially and behaviorally while they gain independence and communication skillsIMAGINE A WORLD MADE BETTER, BECAUSE YOU ARE A PART OF IT ALLPlease make your presence count and make a difference by joining the JPillars or JLegacy campaigns.For further information on how you can make a difference please contact:Beverly S. Bachrach, Director of Philanthropy954.434.0499, ext. [email protected]“We are worth what we are willing to share with others.” – Rabbi Jonathan Sacks15
David Posnack Jewish Community Center Non-ProfitOn the Nina & Louis Silverman Campus Organization5850 S. Pine Island Road • Davie, FL 33328 U.S. Postage954.434.0499 | PAID Permit No. 340 MIAMI FL Maccabi Tzair Saturdays from 2:00-5:00 p.m. Having more fun than one can imagine are the kids from Maccabi Tzair. This Jewish youth movement meets weekly on Saturdays at the JCC for lots of fun, trips, sleep-overs, conventions, fundraising and so much more. Maccabi Tzair, whose pur- pose is to pass on Jewish culture and traditions and strengthen Jewish identity and connection to Israel, is open to boys and girls in kinder- garten through eighth grade. For information on joining Maccabi Tzair, call director, Perla Sananes, at 954-434-0499, ext. 203.
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