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Home Explore Class Guide Winter 2019-2020

Class Guide Winter 2019-2020

Published by David Posnack JCC, 2019-10-31 14:07:13

Description: David Posnack JCC Class Guide for Winter 2019. Schedule and course descriptions of enrichment classes for preschoolers to adults.


Read the Text Version Class Guide David Posnack Jewish Community Center WINTER 2019–2020 Enriching Lives by Connecting People

EXECUTIVE OFFICERS & STAFF CENTER HOURS Diane Wilen, Ph.D., Board Chair Jared Blaut, Vice Chair Adult Services/Cultural Arts Administrative M. Scott Kleiman, Esq., Vice Chair Building Monday – Friday .............................................9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Adriane Rosen, Vice Chair Children & Family Services Ilisa Sarbey, Vice Chair Membership & Marketing Membership Scott Liebman, Vice Chair Personnel Monday – Thursday*......................................8:30 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. Larry W. Genet, Vice Chair Philanthropy Friday** ............................................................9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Debby Eisinger, Vice Chair Sports & Wellness Sunday..............................................................8:30 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Kevin Riggott, CPA, CMA, Treasurer *Last tour at 6 p.m. **Last tour at 4 p.m. Heather Gilbert, Secretary Jim Mazur, Immediate Past Board Chair Fitness Center Laurie Suskind, Executive Member-at-Large Monday – Thursday........................................5:30 a.m. – 10:30 p.m. Jason Steinman, Esq., Executive Member-at-Large Friday ................................................................5:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Scott Ehrlich, MA, Chief Executive Officer Saturday...........................................................8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Elaine M. Turner, CPA, Chief Financial Officer Sunday..............................................................7:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Shari Mac Keen, MS, Chief Program Officer Mark Sherman, Executive Director Emeritus Pool & Spa Hours Monday – Thursday .......................................7:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. BOARD OF DIRECTORS Randy Paul Friday ................................................................7:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. Lauren Alperstein, Esq. Robert Pomerantz, M.D. Saturday...........................................................9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Bunny Blattner Ran Regev Sunday .............................................................9:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. Einav Cabrera, Ph.D. John Rinella Lynda Farber, M.A.Ed. Paul Rosenberg, Esq. HOLIDAY HOURS Marissa Feig Ilyssa Shacter Cheryl Frost Leonard Suskind Thanksgiving Day | Thursday, November 28 Lori Green Fran Vaupen Sports & Wellness is OPEN 8:00 a.m.-Noon Craig Greene, Esq. Hillary Waksman Administration is CLOSED Craig Konhauzer William Wildstein Day After Thanksgiving | Friday, November 29 Dana Konhauzer Barry Wilen, Esq. Sports & Wellness is OPEN 8:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. Jared Kornfeld Jackie Borenstein, PTO Co-president Administration is CLOSED Missy Longman Sarah Verchow, PTO Co-president Christmas Eve | Tuesday, December 24 Tony Milian, MBA, ATC, LAT JCC CLOSES at 5:00 p.m. Christmas Day | Wednesday, December 25 HONORARY BOARD MEMBERS Sports & Wellness is OPEN 8:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. Administration is CLOSED Steven Becker Nat & Dina Sedley* New Year’s Eve | Tuesday, December 31 Lou Brickman* Ben & Dorothy Spencer* JCC CLOSES at 5:00 p.m. Robert Klausner, Esq. New Year’s Day | Wednesday, January 1 Sports & Wellness is OPEN 8:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. PAST PRESIDENTS/BOARD CHAIRS Administration is CLOSED Lee Kadin Margo Golos SECURITY POLICY Daniel Newman, Esq. Laurence A. Greenberg, Esq. The safety and security of our members and guests are our highest priority. The DPJCC reserves the right to check vehicles, Jeffrey A. Sopshin, CPA, CISA Nancy R. Brizel* backpacks, lunchboxes and other types of sealed or closed containers. Weapons are not permitted on campus. The JCC Amy Rosenberg Joel Schneider, M.D. consults regularly with the Broward Sheriff’s Department, the Town of Davie and the Anti-Defamation League to continually Anne Sopshin L. Michael Orlove update its security measures. Craig Konhauzer Brenda Greenman UPDATED POLICY: Please do not leave ANY bags unattended. Unattended bags are subject to removal by security. All bags Carolyn Frieman Shapir Samuel M. Meline, D.M.D. should have an ID tag attached. Lori Green Hon. Ronald J. Rothschild The security systems in place on the campus include: • A private security company with rotating surveillance Bernie Friedman, Esq. *Deceased • Surveillance cameras and monitors located throughout the Martin Schwartz, Esq. building and outdoor areas • Controlled electronic access at selected entrances IN THIS ISSUE • Emergency alarm system directly connected to police and Early Childhood Enrichment & Sports Classes ..............................3 fire departments Children & Teens Enrichment ..........................................................6 • A security fence surrounding the campus Maccabi Tzair ........................................................................................8 • Barriers protecting building entrances Children & Teen Sports & Fitness ....................................................9 • Photo ID required to enter the JCC facilities Aquatics ..............................................................................................13 • Parking tags identifying individuals entering campus Adult Enrichment Classes................................................................14 Adult Sports & Fitness......................................................................16 Giborim U (Special Needs) ..............................................................19 Membership Fees ..............................................................................20 FYI Phone Numbers ..........................................................................20 Parking Pass Form ............................................................................22 JLegacy................................................................................................23 STATEMENT OF PURPOSE Enriching lives by connecting people MISSION STATEMENT – The David Posnack JCC enriches lives by connecting people through cultural, educational, social, recreational and wellness programs in an environment of fun, friendship and unity. The J is open to all and proudly guided by Jewish values. 2

EARLY CHILDHOOD ENRICHMENT & SPORTS Early Childhood Enrichment & Sports For Boys and Girls Ages 2 to Pre-Kindergarten Note: A minimum number of children must be registered to run class. Child must be toilet trained to attend 3’s and Pre-K classes. Only ONE trial class per child per session. ART Taught by DANCE THROUGH LITTLE PICASSOS Ages 3-Pre-K THE AGES Day Time Start Date # Member/Community This dance program is dedicated to teaching the highest quality dance instruction in a W 3:00-3:45 pm Nov. 20 12 $180/$240 fun positive atmosphere where students learn technique, vocabulary and skills. All Miss Iris loves to inspire your child dancers have the opportunity to partici- pate in a yearly dance recital in May. who loves all things art! When your Appropriate dance attire must be worn. Students must meet age specifications by child joins this class, you will re- September 30, 2019. For information call 954-260-4409 or visit ceive beautiful, keepsake art pieces To register call 954-434-0499, ext. 319. showing your child’s sense of color, style and artistry. Media used in- cludes: watercolor, tempera paint, collage. Every class ends with a completed masterpiece. Call 954-434-7038. COOKING LITTLE CHEFS COOKING Age 2 & Ages 3-Pre-K Day Time Start Date # Member/Community Code M 3:00-3:45 pm Nov. 18 11 $165/$220 ECOOK Tu 3:00-3:45 pm Nov. 19 12 $180/$260 ECOOK Creative and healthy cooking fun. Instructor: Miss Nathalie Call 954-434-7038. DANCE PEE WEE DANCE Age 2 Taught by HIP-HOP KIDZ® Day Time Start Date # Member/Community Code This nationally-known dance program will teach boys and girls all Th 2:30-3:00 pm Nov. 21 12 $200/$260 HCRDTAPW the latest moves from their favorite music videos with Camp Kadima Hip-Hop Kidz In this introductory class young dancers learn the basics — point- instructor, Michael Thompson, and creative directors, Suzy Stone and Ali Rae. ing, flexing, marching, turning, while using props such as scarves, Children/teens will have the opportunity to participate in a year-end recital and amazing community performances. For registration and fees call 305-233-3555 or visit maracas and princess/prince crowns and wands. Upbeat music PEE WEE HIP-HOP KIDZ Ages 3 & 4 keeps students motivated and interacting with both the instructor Day Time Start Member/Community and other dancers. Proper dance attire/ballet shoes required. W 2:45-3:30 pm Ongoing Call for fees KIDS GROOVE COMBO BALLET/TAP Ages 3 & 4 Does your little one love music and movement? This fun hip-hop dance class was created just for the young child using popular Day Time Start Date # Member/Community Code Disney and Nickelodeon hip-hop dance music. Age 3 Th 3:00-4:00 pm Nov. 21 12 $245/$320 HCRDTAKG Day Time Start Date # Member/Community Code Age 4 Th 3:00-4:00 pm Nov. 21 12 $245/$320 HCRDTAKG FITNESS KIDS YOGA WITH COOKIE Ages 3-5 Day Time Start Date # Member/Community Code W 2:45-3:25 pm Nov. 20 12 $200/$225 HCWYOGA1 A fun and safe exercise program. Kids learn poses and stretches that tone muscles, increase flexibility and strength. Call 954-434-0499, ext. 319. 3

Early Childhood Enrichment & Sports GYMNASTICS AQUATICS NEW Taught by For information on the JCC’s Aquatics program that includes group and private lessons for all ages, swim teams and adult and master’s MARQUEE RHYTHMIC GYMNASTICS swimming see pages 13 and 14. In rhythmic gymnastics individuals or small BASEBALL groups manipulate one or two pieces of equipment: rope, hoop, ball, clubs and WITH BROWARD BASEBALL ACADEMY ribbon, or freehand. It combines elements of ballet, Academy director Wayne Stofsky has played and coached gymnastics, dance and apparatus at every level including manipulation. Marquee Rhythmic professional baseball. He participated in Gymnastics professionally offers its two College World Series with LSU and students the highest quality classes and elite team was named pre-season All American by training. Marquee is the home of Olympians, state, ESPN. He is the current athletics director at regional and national champions. For registration call the David Posnack Jewish Day School. For all things baseball con- 847-648-6666, email [email protected] tact Wayne at or visit 954-683-7747 or [email protected] NOTE: A yearly registration fee of $55 is charged for each class. PRIVATE/SEMI-PRIVATE LESSONS PRE-SCHOOL BEGINNER CLASSES Ages 2-3 FOR ALL AGES Day Time Start Date # Member/Community Lessons are perfect for all levels of play and are available by Tu 3:00-3:45 pm Ongoing 4 $115/$125 per month appointment. Private lessons are 30 or 60 minutes long; semi- Th 3:00-3:45 pm Ongoing 4 $115/$125 per month private or small group lessons contain up to four in the group and These classes introduce the young child to the basics of gymnastics are 60 minutes long. and build a familiarity with all the apparatus (ribbon, hoop, ball, rope). HAL’S POWER ALLEY BATTING ADVANCED PRE-SCHOOL CLASSES Ages 3-4 FACILITY Day Time Start Date # Member/Community The Alley, a 4,000 square foot covered hitting facility with three batting cages, pitching M & W 3:00-3:45 pm Ongoing 8 $225/$235 per month machines, batting tees and indoor pitching mounds, is the perfect place for players of all Children learn coordination, gymnastics skills and flexibility. ages to train year-round. The Alley may be rented by individuals or teams for batting practice, special occasions and/or community and BEGINNER GYMNASTICS CLASSES Ages 4-6 corporate events. Day Time Start Date # Member/Community BASKETBALL M 4:00-5:00 pm Ongoing 4 $125/$135 per month W 4:00-5:00 pm Ongoing 4 $125/$135 per month JHOOPS BASKETBALL M & W 4:00-5:00 pm Ongoing 8 $235/$245 per month ACADEMY This class develops coordination, dance and ballet skills, flexibility and apparatus technique. Recommended: twice a week. JHoops at the J is a comprehensive basketball program offering classes to enhance skills, teamwork and sportsmanship for boys Taught by DANCE THROUGH and girls starting at age 4. The young athletes gain knowledge of THE AGES the game, learn fundamentals and drills, improve skills, and learn game strategies. The program is coordinated and coached by Dance Through the Ages offers a gymnastics pro- Jason Stura, who has more than 20 years professional basketball gram in which students learn proper tumbling experience and has conducted numerous clinics worldwide. techniques, balance, flexibility, body positions For information call 954-434-0499, ext. 100 and safety. They focus on building a solid founda- or visit tion of tumbling skills and continued progression of skills. Appropriate gymnastics attire must be PEE WEE Ages 4-5 worn. Students must meet age specifications by September 30, 2019. For information call 954-260- Day Time Start Date # Member/Community* Code 4409 or visit To register call 954-434-0499, ext. 319. Jazz shoes required. M 2:45-3:15 pm Nov. 18 11 $170/$220 HCMJH1 Tu 2:45-3:15 pm Nov. 19 13 $210/$275 HCTJH1 STAR TUMBLERS Ages 3 & 4 *Note: There is a $10 registration fee for all Academy classes. No make-ups for missed Day Time Start Date # Member/Community Code class offered at its scheduled time. Tu 2:45-3:30 pm Nov. 19 13 $265/$345 HCTSGYM SPANISH LET’S SPEAK SPANISH Ages 3s, Pre-K Day Time Starting Date # Member/Community Th 3:00-3:45 pm Nov. 21 11 $165/$220 Spanish: the second most spoken language in the entire world and a GREAT advantage for everyone in south Florida! Children will sing, hear stories and practice their Spanish skills in all kinds of fun ways with Miss Laura who is one of the master teachers in our preschool. If you speak Spanish at home, this class enhances; if not, this class introduces. Miss Laura looks forward to sharing her native language with our youngest learners. Call 954-434-7038. 4

MARTIAL ARTS TENNIS Early Childhood Enrichment & Sports PRESCHOOL KARATE ITP TENNIS ACADEMY WITH SENSEI HARRISON HUNTER Ages 3-5 ITP is an international tennis academy/training program for children, juniors and adults. ITP founder, Day Time Start Date # Member/Community Code Assaf Ingber, has over 25 years of experience in managing tennis academies. For more information or M 2:45-3:15 pm Nov. 18 11 $115/$145 HCMKAR1 to register for any of our programs or classes call/text 954-999-9487, email [email protected] W 2:45-3:15 pm Nov. 20 12 $125/$160 HCWKAR1 or visit SALE: 3 privates lessons for ONLY $99 for every new ITP Player. Th 2:45-3:15 pm Nov. 21 12 $125/$160 HCRKAR1 Offer valid through February 29 and be used only one time. Your children will learn self-defense and develop listening skills and self confidence in a fun, non-competitive environment. Sensei Harrison Hunter, a third-degree black belt, is a member of the USA Goju Federation Karate. To register call 954-434-0499, ext. 319. For information call Sensei Harrison at 954-536-1415 or email PRESCHOOL LESSONS Ages 3-5 [email protected]. Day Time Start Date # Member/Community M 2:45-3:30 pm Nov. 18 11 $220/$286 Tu 2:45-3:30 pm Nov. 19 13 $260/$338 W 2:45-3:30 pm Nov. 20 12 $240/$312 Th 2:45-3:30 pm Nov. 21 12 $240/$312 These fun-time tennis classes enhance coordination, basic techni- cal skills and focus for young children. • Yearly registration fee: $35 – Includes tennis shirt and 1 tennis item (racket, balls, grips, tennis bag). • Sibling discount – 5% off the second child’s fee. • Make-ups – Any weekday available on request. For more information or to register call/text to 954-999-9487, email [email protected] or visit TINY TOTS – WEEKEND CLASSES Ages 3-5 Day Time Start Date # Member/Community Sat 9:00-9:45 am Ongoing 1 $20/$30 Sun 9:00-9:45 am Ongoing 1 $20/$30 These fun-time tennis classes enhance coordination, basic techni- cal skills and focus. SPORTS/VARIETY PRIVATE/SEMI-PRIVATE LESSONS PRESCHOOL SPORTS A 60-minute private tennis lesson will allow your child to learn the fundamentals of tennis and to find his/her comfort zone. WITH COACH TARA EVANS Ages 3-Pre-K Price depends upon coach selected. Day Time Start Date # Member/Community Code For more information or to register call/text 954-999-9487, email [email protected] or visit Soccer M 3:00-3:30 pm Nov. 18 11 $165/$215 HCMSOCCER Super Sports NEW CLAY COURTS Tu 3:00-3:30 pm Nov. 19 13 $195/$255 HCTSPORTS Our four new CLAY tennis courts are available for play. The courts must be reserved in advance. Basketball Cost: Members $5 / Community $12 Call 954-999-9487, email [email protected] or visit W 3:00-3:30 pm Nov. 20 12 $180/$235 HCWBBALL T-Ball NEW PICKLEBALL Th 3:00-3:30 pm Nov. 21 12 $180/$235 HCRTBALL ITP welcomes you to play on our new pickleball courts. Pickleball is a paddleball sport for all ages and skill levels, has simple rules and Give your young athlete a taste of sports in these fun-filled classes is easy for beginners to learn. We even offer private and group les- sons. For more information call 954-999-9487, that teach the basics of each sport. Your child will also develop email [email protected] or visit coordination and listening skills. Child must be toilet trained. Call 954-434-0499, ext. 319. 5

Children & Teens’ Enrichment CHILDREN & TEENS’ ENRICHMENT For Boys and Girls Ages 5 and Up Only ONE trial class per child per session. BUILD & CREATE STOP-MOTION ANIMATION Grades K-5 Day Time Start Date # Member/Community Code HOBBY QUEST’S AIRPLANE FLYERS Grades K & Up W 3:45-4:45 pm Nov. 20 12 $275/$310 ANIMATION Day Time Start Date # Member/Community Code Have you ever wanted to see your child’s stories come to life? Kids will learn to create a story using stop-motion animation. Similar to M 3:45-4:45 pm Nov. 18 11 $275/$335 CHFLY making a flip book, students take digital pictures and group them to- gether in time-sequence to produce a motion video. The videos will Does your child love flying machines — airplanes, gliders, helicop- be completed with a group of friends. Call 954-434-0499, ext. 202. ters, slingshots? Children will learn important principles of aviation and the science of flight in this STEM program. They will build and YOUNG ENGINEERS Grades K-5 actually fly our high-soaring models. How far will it go? How high? Why does it fly? The best part —each cycle features new airplane Day Time Start Date # Member/Community Code models, so they can enjoy flying fun year round. Minimum of 8 stu- dents required for class to run. Call 954-434-0499, ext. 202. Th 3:45-5:00 pm Nov. 21 12 $300/$395 CHSTEM JAZZY ART WITH MISS TARA Grades K-5 Young Engineers is an Israeli STEM (Science, Technology, Engineer- ing, and Mathematics) education company with locations in over 40 Day Time Start Date # Member/Community Code countries. By using LEGO building bricks, motors and other parts, M 4:00-4:45 pm Nov. 18 11 $220/$280 ECART2 Young Engineers teaches scientific principles in a fun and interac- tive way that have children not only willing to learn, but excited for Art classes are all about learning to enjoy, appreciate and create the next lesson. There is a maximum of 16 children per class. art. While building fine motor skills, students explore color, tex- Call 954-434-0499, ext. 202. ture, shapes and different types of art. Children discover their inner Picasso talents through a variety of amazing masterpieces COOKING under the guidance of Miss Tara. Maximum of 12 children per class. Call 954-434-0499, ext. 202. BEGINNER COOKING Grades K-5 HOBBY QUEST’S WEARABLE FASHIONS Grades 1-8 Day Time Start Date # Member/Community Code M 3:45-4:45 pm Nov. 18 11 $220/$280 CHCOOK Day Time Start Date # Member/Community Code Children can learn basic cooking skills with Shlima. They will enjoy making culinary kid-friendly recipes. At the end of each session, Tu 3:45-4:45 pm Nov. 19 13 $325/$385 CHFASHION each child will bring home the recipes created in class. Maximum of 12 children per class. Call 954-434-0499, ext. 202. Kids will learn to use trend-setting fashion ideas to create their own wearable garments. Each session will focus on designing a dif- ferent outfit. But regardless of when the “designers” join, they’ll learn all they need to know — from garment design and creation, DANCE from choosing a design and sketching, to final fitting! Suitable for Taught by HIP-HOP KIDZ® beginner to advanced-level designers, because we sew by hand. This nationally-known dance program will teach boys and girls all the latest moves from their favorite music videos, with Camp Participants wil display their designs in a fashion show for friends Kadima Hip-Hop Kidz® instructor, Michael Thompson, and creative directors, Suzy Stone and Ali Rae. Children and teens will have and family. Keep designs at the end of each session. Minimum of the opportunity to participate in a year-end recital and amazing community performances. For registration and fees call 8 students required for class to run. Call 954-434-0499, ext. 202. 305-233-3555 or visit LOGISCHOOL CODING Grades 1 & Up Day Time Start Date # Member/Community Code Tu 3:45-4:45 pm Nov. 19 13 $390/$450 CHCODE Children learn coding through creative and fun exercises in a gami- fied learning platform that integrates visual coding with text- based programming for all skill levels. Participants learn logical, algorithmic thinking and important principles of programming nat- urally through a “gamified” learning process. Call 954-434-0499, ext. 202. NEW ADVANCED LOGISCHOOL CODING Grades 3 & 4 Day Time Start Date # Member/Community Code F 3:00-4:00 pm Nov. 22 12 $360/$420 CHCODE2 Intensive advanced programming. Students will learn the basics of StageScript, our own proprietary written programming language; also the fundamentals of programming with the help of Scoolcode. Students will create their own computer games, 3D game design and more. Call 954-434-0499, ext. 202. Day Time Start LEGO ROBOTICS Grades K-5 M/W 4:00-5:00 pm Ongoing Ages 5-12 Day Time Start Date # Member/Community Code Tu 5:30-7:30 pm Ongoing W 3:45-4:45 pm Nov. 20 12 $275/$310 LEGOROB Performance Troupe-Kids & Teens Kids build Lego robots that move, spin and roll using Lego technical Tu 7:30-9:30 pm Ongoing parts and motors. Each creation has a unique mechanism bringing Production Company-Kids & Teens the robots to life. Call 954-434-0499, ext. 202. Tu 8:00-9:30 pm Ongoing Cast Crew-Kids & Teens 6

DANCE MAGIC Children & Teens’ Enrichment HOBBY QUEST’S MAGIC MAKERS Grades K-2 Day Time Start Date # Member/Community Code Tu 3:45-4:45 pm Nov. 19 13 $325/$385 CHMAGIC2 Psst…we have a secret! Sign your children up for Magic Makers and they will learn how famous magicians perform the magic tricks that keep audiences guessing. They will learn important perform- ance and story-telling skills, and then, share their new skills with friends and family, in a real magic show! Each session features new tricks and because they get to keep them all, your children can build a collection for more fun at home. It’s magical! Learn it! Per- form it! Keep it! Minimum of 8 students required for class to run. Call 954-434-0499, ext. 202. Taught by DANCE THROUGH THE AGES This dance program is dedicated to teaching the highest quality dance instruction in a fun positive atmosphere where students learn technique, vocabulary and skills. All dancers have the opportunity to participate in a yearly dance recital in May. Appropriate dance attire must be worn. Students must meet age specifications by September 30, 2019. For information call 954-260-4409 or visit To register call 954-434-0499, ext. 319. ULTIMATE DANCING FEET BALLET/TAP/JAZZ Ages 5-6 Day Time Start Date # Member/Community Code Th 4:15-5:15 pm Nov. 21 12 $245/$320 HCRDTADF ASPIRING MAGICIANS Grades 3-5 This “workshop” class allows students to experience a variety of Day Time Start Date # Member/Community Code dance styles. Dancers learn technique and terminology in ballet, W 3:45-4:45 pm Nov. 20 12 $300 /$390 CHMAGIC tap and jazz, with a concentration on how all the forms of dance Calling all aspiring magicians! Time to take your skills to the next level by learning how to create magic from a real magician! You connect. Upbeat music and an emphasis on “fun” allow students will learn secrets you need to become a real illusionist. Your friends and family will be baffled by the fascinating feats you mas- to explore their own love of dance. Ballet & tap shoes required. ter. Show them your spell-binding skills at an end-of-the-session magic show performance! Minimum of 8 students required for BALLET/TAP/JAZZ Ages 7-10 class to run. Call 954-434-0499, ext. 202. Day Time Start Date # Member/Community Code Th 4:15-5:15 pm Nov. 21 12 $245/$320 HCRDTABT This class is perfect for beginners or young dancers who have taken dance before. The class concentrates on the fundamentals of ballet, tap and jazz and incorporates a variety of music and THEATER rhythms that children love. Ballet & tap shoes required. JTHEATER WITH RACHEL KLEIN Grades 2 & Up Day Time Start Date # Member/Community Code SUPPORT FOR ACADEMICS W 4:00-6:00 pm Jan. 8 18 * $500/$540 CHTHEATER GRASP LEARNING This class is a wonderful introduction to theater. Your budding young actor will learn stage presence, group Grasp is a personalized after-school dynamics and gain confidence while working on a fun play academic support program. Students as a finale, directed by Rachel Klein, head of the J’s attend 90-minute sessions guided by summer theater camp. This class ends with a performance Grasp-certified learning coaches and of Annie, Jr. on Wed., May 13. complete their day-to-day homework Call 954-434-0499, ext. 202. while acquiring study skills. Parents may *Fee includes 2 tickets per family for performance. choose from select days and times for grades pre-k through Additional tickets may be purchased. grade 8. Individual tutoring also is available. For fees, information and registration call 954-434-0499, ext. 202. Upon registration Grasp will contact each parent to schedule a goals conference. Note: Due to a partnership with Grasp Learning, we do not provide space for individual tutors during after-school hours. We encourage our after-school students to utilize Grasp Learning for any tutoring needs. 7

MACCABI TZAIR Saturdays from 2:00-5:00 p.m. Maccabi Tzair, a branch of Maccabi World Union, teaches leadership, encourages social interaction and creativity, enhances Jewish identity and provides a sense of belonging. Our groups contain every age level with age-appropriate activities within each group. School of Madrichim (SOM) — Grades 9-10 In the SOM skills are taught through informal education to train this age group to be- come madrichim in the Tnua (youth movement). They will learn about culture and gain leadership skills that enable the soon-to-be madrichim to become well-rounded individuals with strong values. Par- ticipants in this program are awarded a leadership cer- tificate along with service hours (at least 150 per year). For information on our Maccabi Tzair program, email Perla Sananes at [email protected]. Perla Sananes, Maccabi Tzair director, with Sabrina Sigal, winner of the DPJCC’s Maccabi Tzair Young Leadership Award 8

CHILDREN & TEENS’ SPORTS & FITNESS Children & Teens’ Sports & Fitness For Boys and Girls Ages 5 and Up Note: A minimum number of children must be registered to run class. Only ONE trial class per child per session. AQUATICS BASKETBALL For information on the JCC’s Aquatics program that includes group JHoops Basketball Academy and private lessons for all ages, swim teams and adult and master’s swimming see pages 13 and 14 . JHoops at the J is a comprehensive basketball program offering classes to enhance skills, teamwork and sports- BASEBALL manship for boys and girls starting at age 5. The young athletes gain knowledge of the game, learn fundamentals and drills, im- With Broward Baseball Academy prove skills, and learn game strategies. The program is coordi- nated and coached by Jason Stura, who has more than 20 years Academy director Wayne Stofsky has played professional basketball experience and has conducted numerous and coached at every level including clinics worldwide. For information call 954-434-0499, ext. 319 or professional baseball. He participated in visit two College World Series with LSU and was named pre-season All American by ROOKIES Grades K-2 • Ages 5-7 ESPN. He is the current athletics director at the David Posnack Jewish Day School. Contact Wayne at 954-683-7747 or Day Time Start Date # Member/Community Code [email protected] M 3:45-4:30 pm Nov. 18 Tu 3:45-4:30 pm Nov. 19 11 $175/$225 HCMJH2 W 3:45-4:30 pm Nov. 20 Th 3:45-4:30 pm Nov. 21 13 $210/$275 HCTJH2 MINORS Ages 5-10 12 $190/$245 HCWJH2 Day Time Start Date # Member/Community Code 12 $190/$245 HCRJH2 Th 3:45-4:30 pm Nov. 21 12 $210 / $270 HCRBBA FUTURE STARS Grades 3-5 • Ages 8-11 This baseball class is geared toward beginners and intermediate Day Time Start Date # Member/Community Code players who want to enhance their skills in hitting, fielding and M 3:45-4:30 pm Nov. 18 11 $175/$225 HCMJH3 throwing. The fundamentals will be taught in a relaxed and fun set- Tu 3:45-4:30 pm Nov. 19 13 $210/$275 ting. Players will use Hal’s Power Alley and the athletic fields for HCTJH3 drills and games. For more information call Wayne Stofsky at W 3:45-4:30 pm Nov. 20 12 $190/$245 HCWJH3 954-683-7747 or email [email protected]. Th 3:45-4:30 pm Nov. 21 12 $190/$245 HCRJH3 *Note: There is a $10 registration fee for all Academy classes. There is PRIVATE/SEMI-PRIVATE LESSONS no make up for a missed class that was offered at its scheduled time. FOR ALL AGES JHOOPS BASKETBALL LEAGUES Lessons are perfect for all levels of play and are available by JHoops offers a variety of youth leagues from recreational to appointment. Private lessons are 30 or 60 minutes long; semi- highly competitive levels. Participants receive a team jersey, private or small group lessons contain up to four in the group and weekly practice, 8 games and playoffs. The winter session starts are 60 minutes long. Contact Wayne at 954-683-7747 or Sunday, Dec. 15, 2019 through Sunday, Feb. 23, 2020. [email protected] HAL’S POWER ALLEY BATTING FACILITY EVALUATION/DRAFTS The Alley, a 4,000 square foot covered hitting League Grade Time Date Code facility with three batting cages, pitching Nov. 25 HCJHACC machines, batting tees and indoor pitching ACC (co-ed) K- 2 6:00 pm Nov. 26 HCJHSEC mounds, is the perfect place for players of all Dec. 3 HCJHTEN ages to train year-round. The Alley may be rented SEC 3-4 6:00 pm Dec. 4 HCJHEAST by individuals or teams for batting practice, See below HCJHBIG12 special occasions and/or community and Big 10 5-6 6:00 pm Dec. 8 HCJHWNBAJR corporate events. Contact Wayne at 954-683-7747 or Dec. 8 HCJHWNBASR [email protected] Big East 7-8 6:00 pm Big 12 (co-ed)* 9-12 See below WNBAJR (girls) 3-5 1:00 pm WNBASR (girls) 6-8 4:00 pm Note: Some games may be played during the week. (First round playoffs are on Sunday, Feb. 9, 2020). No games on Dec. 22, 29, Jan. 5. *Big 12 division is comprised of pre-formed teams. You must already be on a roster of a pre-formed team to be eligible to register in the Big 12 (high school) division. Call 954-434-0499, ext. 330 or ext. 112 for details. League Fees Member $170 / Community $210 No refunds will be given after game 1. A $75 cancellation fee will be charged if requesting a refund after draft is complete (teams are selected) and before game 1. Register early. Don’t let your child be left out because of late registration. 9

Private Basketball Training with Jason Stura NEW MIDDLE SCHOOL YOGA Grades 6-8 Children & Teens’ Sports & Fitness Training with Jason Stura is a “slam dunk,” for your Day Time Start Date # Member/Community kids. Jason has more than 20 years professional basketball experience playing in Argentina and Th 5:00-6:00 pm Nov. 21 12 $210/$265 Italy and has conducted numerous clinics world- wide. His training emphasizes the fundamentals, This is a traditional yoga class created specifically for middle personal skill development and application in a game-like setting. Classes are adjusted according school students. Each class will consist of classic yoga poses, to the player’s needs and personal comfort level. For information or scheduling call Jason at 786-354-4820. breath awareness and meditation. Call 954-434-0499, ext. 319. KIDSFIT WITH PROFESSORFIT Ages 6-10 Day Time Start Date # Member/Community Code GROUP TRAINING SCHEDULE Th 3:45-4:45 pm Nov. 21 12 $160/$210 HCRFIT Maximum: 15 participants per class Your kids can train with a JCC certified personal trainer. With interest in kids’ fitness at an all-time high, we offer the perfect Day Time Start Date # Member/Community class and a variety of ways for kids to get in shape, stay fit, and learn to live a healthy life. Your kids will learn the basics of fitness; Grades 8-12 to exercise on treadmills and rowers; and run through an obstacle W 4:45-6:00 pm Ongoing 10 $210/$270 Grades 5-8 F 4:00-5:00 pm Ongoing 10 $210/$270 course. Each class will start with a warm up, followed by different exercises each week. Call 954-434-0499, ext. 319. Maximum of 8 Grades 5-7 students F 5:00-6:00 pm Ongoing 10 $210/$270 Grades K-2 GYMNASTICS Sat 9:30-10:30 am Ongoing 10 $210/$270 NEW Taught by Grades 3-5 MARQUEE RHYTHMIC GYMNASTICS Sat 10:30-11:30 am Ongoing 10 $210/$270 In rhythmic gymnastics individuals or small groups manipulate one or two pieces of (Daily rate: Members $27/Community $32) equipment: rope, hoop, ball, clubs and ribbon, or freehand. It combines ele- PRIVATE TRAINING ments of ballet, gymnastics, dance and apparatus manipulation. Marquee 1 Hour: Member $50 / Community $65 Rhythmic Gymnastics professionally offers its students the highest quality GROUP TRAINING classes and elite team training. Marquee is the home of Olympians, state, regional and national 5 Sessions: Member $125 per person / Community $150 per person champions. For registration call 847-648-6666, email [email protected] FITNESS or visit NOTE: A yearly registration fee of $55 is charged for each class. TEEN GROUP PERSONAL TRAINING Age 13+ Day Time Start Date # Member/Community Code W 4:00-4:50 pm Nov. 20 12 $245/$320 HCWGTEEN Teens will love this energetic, power-packed total body workout with a certified personal trainer. Students will learn to use the BEGINNER GYMNASTICS CLASSES Ages 4-6 strength and conditioning equipment in a safe and effective way, learning proper technique and fitness tracking. This knowledge Day Time Start Date # Member/Community will carry teens through their entire adult fitness life. Limited to 6 students per class. XPRESS ZONE Grades 6-12 M 4:00-5:00 pm Ongoing 4 $125/$135 per month Day Time Start Date # Member/Community Code W 4:00-5:00 pm Ongoing 4 $125/$135 per month M 4:30-5:20 pm Nov. 18 11 $140/$180 HCMXPRESS M & W 4:00-5:00 pm Ongoing 8 $235/$245 per month This high-intensity interval training (HIIT) class is divided into This class develops coordination, dance and ballet skills, flexibility intervals of strength and cardiovascular training. It builds strength, improves endurance, increases energy, burns calories and fat. Each and apparatus technique. Recommended: twice a week. 50-minute workout utilizes treadmills, rowing machines, Spin bikes and more. Call 954-434-0499, ext. 319 to register. Maximum of 8 CLASSES FOR BEGINNERS Ages 7+ students. Day Time Start Date # Member/Community M 5:00-6:00 pm Ongoing 4 $125/$135 per month W 5:00-6:00 pm Ongoing 4 $125/$135 per month KIDS YOGA WITH COOKIE Ages 3-5 & Ages 6 & Up M & W 5:00-6:00 pm Ongoing 8 $235/$245 per month Day Time Start Date # Member/Community Code It’s never too late to learn gymnastics! This class is for kids with Ages 3-5 dance, ballet and gymnastics experience. Recommended: twice a W 2:45-3:25 pm Nov. 20 11 $200/$255 HCWYOGA1 week. Ages 6 & Up W 3:45-4:45 pm Nov. 20 11 $200/$255 HCWYOGA2 ADVANCED GYMNASTICS CLASS Ages 6+ A fun and safe exercise program. Kids learn poses and stretches Day Time Start Date # Member/Community that tone muscles, increase flexibility and strength. T & Th 4:00-5:15 pm Ongoing 8 $255/$265 Call 954-434-0499, ext. 319. This is an advanced class and enrollment is by invitation only. It is a preparation program for the competitive team. YOGA WITH COOKIE Ages 8 & Up COMPETITIVE TEAM Day Time Start Date # Member/Community Code Competitive team enrollment is by invitation only. Levels 2-10 Th 3:45-4:45 pm Nov. 21 12 $205/$260 HCRYOGA This class is specifically for kids who have at least 3 years yoga experience. It will explore more advanced poses that incorporate balance and form and includes meditation as part of each session. Call 954-434-0499, ext. 319. 10

GYMNASTICS CONT. KIDS CLASSES Taught by DANCE THROUGH THE AGES WITH MESTRE DELEI Ages 5-8 Children & Teens’ Sports & Fitness Dance Through the Ages offers a gymnastics program Day Time Start Date in which students learn proper gymnastics/tum- bling techniques, balance, flexibility, body posi- M 3:45-4:45 pm Ongoing tions and safety. With instructors highly trained in both dance and gymnastics, DTTA of- Tu 3:45-4:45 pm Ongoing fers a unique class experience with a focus on skill-building and training in a fun, positive, F 3:20-4:20 pm Ongoing non-competitive atmosphere, while construct- ing a solid foundation of tumbling, acro, dance Per Class: $20 Per Month: $130 (2x/week) | $150 (3X/week) and rhythmic progressions. Classes include the use of hula hoops, ribbons, scarves and additional JUNIOR CLASSES WITH MESTRE DELEI Ages 9-12 props/equipment. Appropriate gymnastics attire must be worn. Jazz shoes are required. Students must meet age specifications by Day Time Start Date September 30, 2019. For information call 954-260-4409 or visit To register call 954-434-0499, ext. 319. M 4:45-5:45 pm Ongoing W-F 5:00-6:00 pm Ongoing Per Class: $20 Per Month: $130 (2x/week) | $150 (3x/week) TEEN & ADULTS CLASSES WITH MESTRE DELEI Ages 13+ DYNAMIC GYMSTERS LEVELS I–II Ages 5-6 Day Time Start Date Day Time Start Date # Member/Community Code M-Tu-Th 8:00-9:15 pm Ongoing Tu 3:45-4:35 pm Nov. 19 13 $265/$345 HCTDGYM Per Class: $20 Per Month: $130 (2x/week) | $150 (3x/week) ALL STAR GYMNASTICS LEVELS I-II Ages 7-10 SOCCER Day Time Start Date # Member/Community Code NEW JSOCCER ACADEMY Tu 4:45-5:35 pm Nov. 19 13 $265/$345 HCTAGYM Join us on the NEW TURF FIELDS! Your young athlete will learn to play soccer with the licensed, professional coaches of Central FC KARATE Soccer Academy. The focus for your child will be on developing soccer skills, individual/team tactics and sportsmanship. For infor- CHILDREN’S KARATE mation call 954-434-0499, ext. 319 or visit WITH SENSEI HARRISON HUNTER Ages 6 & Up Day Time Start Date # Member/Community Code M 3:45-4:45 pm Nov. 18 11 $115/$145 HCMKAR2 ROOKIES Grades K-2 / Ages 5-7 W 3:45-4:45 pm Nov. 20 12 $125/$160 HCWKAR2 Day Time Start Date # Member/Community Code Advanced Students Only M 3:45-4:30 pm Nov. 18 11 $175/$225 HCMFC2 Th 3:45-4:45 pm Nov. 21 12 $125/$160 HCRKAR2 Tu 3:45-4:30 pm Nov. 19 13 $210/$275 HCTFC2 Your children will learn self-defense and develop listening skills W 3:45-4:30 pm Nov. 20 12 $190/$245 HCWFC2 and self confidence in a fun, non-competitive environment. Sensei Harrison, a third-degree black belt, is a member of the USA Goju Th 3:45-4:30 pm Nov. 21 12 $190/$245 HCRFC2 Federation Karate. To register call 954-434-0499, ext. 319. For in- formation call Sensei Harrison at 954-536-1415 or email FUTURE STARS Grades 3-5 / Ages 8-11 [email protected]. Day Time Start Date # Member/Community Code MARTIAL ARTS M 3:45-4:30 pm Nov. 18 11 $175/$225 HCMFC3 CAPOEIRA Tu 3:45-4:30 pm Nov. 19 13 $210/$275 HCTFC3 Capoeira is a Brazilian martial art that W 3:45-4:30 pm Nov. 20 12 $190/$245 HCWFC3 combines elements of dance, acrobatics and music. The uniqueness of Capoeira will give Th 3:45-4:30 pm Nov. 21 12 $190/$245 HCRFC3 your body physical strength, power and flexibility and your mind self-confidence, concentration, Note: A $25 registration fee is charged for all academy classes courage and creativity. For more information call 954-998-6249. To register call 954-434-0499, ext. 319. (includes a shirt). No make-ups for missed classes offered at the scheduled time. COMPETITIVE SOCCER TRAVEL TEAM Competitive travel teams are available. The program is an inte- grated curriculum of soccer and futsal following the methodology of the elite European clubs. Please call James at 305-989-3544 or visit for information. PRIVATE SOCCER TRAINING Increase your child’s love of soccer by developing a proper founda- tion taught by the licensed, professional coaches of Central FC Soccer Academy. Individual and group training are available. Train- ing sessions are targeted to the player’s skill level and areas of need with a focus on elite skill development and position specific tactics. Please call James at 305-989-3544 or visit to set up a training session. 11

TENNIS FUTURE HITTERS Ages 10 & up Children & Teens’ Sports & Fitness ITP TENNIS ACADEMY Day Time Start Date # Member/Community ITP is an international tennis academy/training M 6:00-7:30 pm Nov. 18 11 $415/$539 program for children, juniors and adults. ITP founder, Assaf Ingber, has over 25 years of experience in man- Tu 6:00-7:30 pm Nov. 19 13 $487/$633 aging tennis academies. For more information or to register for any of our programs or classes call/text 954-999-9487, W 6:00-7:30 pm Nov. 20 12 $450/$585 email [email protected] or visit SALE: 3 privates lessons for ONLY $99 for every new ITP Player. Th 6:00-7:30 pm Nov. 21 12 $450/$585 Offer valid through February 29 and be used only one time. These students are our future hitters. The players will develop NEW CLAY COURTS their technical, mental and physical skills and focus on tactics and Our four new CLAY tennis courts are available for play. The courts must be reserved in advance. strategy. These are 90-minute classes. Cost: Members $5 / Community $12 Call 954-999-9487, email [email protected] or visit • Participants in this program must have a personal tennis racket. • Yearly registration fee: $35 – Includes tennis shirt and tennis bag. NEW PICKLEBALL • Sibling discount - 5% off the second child’s fee. ITP welcomes you to play on our new courts. Pickleball is a paddle- ball sport for all ages and skill levels, has simple rules and is easy • Make-ups: Any weekday available upon request. for beginners to learn. We even will offer private and group lessons. For more information call 954-999-9487, WEEKEND TENNIS CLASSES email [email protected] or visit ALL LEVELS Ages 6-10/Ages 10 & up This fun-time tennis class enhances coordination, basic technical skills and focus. Day Time Start Date # Member/Community Sat 9:00-9:30 am Ongoing 1 $40/$50 Sun 10:00-10:30 am Ongoing 1 $40/$50 FRIDAY PLAY MATCH LESSON We offer a special program every Friday between 3:45 pm and 5:15 pm at a subsidized price ONLY FOR ITP PLAYERS (ages 6 & up). The objective of the lesson is to improve competitive tennis skills and for our players, who show high motivation, to play. AFTER-SCHOOL TENNIS PROGRAM Ages 6-10 PRIVATE/SEMI-PRIVATE LESSONS FOR CHILDREN Day Time Start Date # Member/Community A private tennis lesson will allow your child to learn the fundamen- M 3:45-4:30 pm Nov. 18 11 $220/$330 tals and find his/her comfort zone. If your child already is an ac- complished tennis player, we will help him/her refine his/her game. M 4:30-5:30 pm Nov. 18 11 $275/$357 Private (60 min.): $60/$80 | Semi-private (60 min.): $80/$105 M 4:30-6:00 pm Nov. 18 11 $415/$539 Tu 3:45-4:30 pm Nov. 19 13 $260/$338 Tu 4:30-5:30 pm Nov. 19 13 $325/$422 Tu 4:30-6:00 pm Nov. 19 13 $487/$633 W 3:45-4:30 pm Nov. 20 12 $240/$280 W 4:30-5:30 pm Nov. 20 12 $300/$380 W 4:30-6:00 pm Nov. 20 12 $450/$530 Th 3:45-4:30 pm Nov. 21 12 $240/$280 Th 4:30-5:30 pm Nov. 21 12 $300/$380 Th 4:30-6:00 pm Nov. 21 12 $450/$530 These fun-time tennis classes enhance coordination, basic techni- cal skills and focus. • Yearly registration fee: $35 – Includes tennis shirt and 1 tennis item (racket, balls, grips, tennis bag). • Sibling discount - 5% off the second child’s fee. • Make-ups: Any weekday available upon request CHAMPS CLASSES – ALL LEVELS Ages 10 & up Day Time Start Date # Member/Community M 4:30-5:30 pm Nov. 18 11 $275/$357 M 4:30-6:00 pm Nov. 18 11 $415/$539 Tu 4:30-5:30 pm Nov. 19 13 $325/$422 Tu 4:30-6:00 pm Nov. 19 13 $487/$633 W 4:30-5:30 pm Nov. 20 12 $300/$390 W 4:30-6:00 pm Nov. 20 12 $450/$585 Th 4:30-5:30 pm Nov. 21 12 $300/$390 Th 4:30-6:00 pm Nov. 21 12 $450/$585 Students are introduced to all basic tennis and coordination skills. The focus of this class is to have fun and learn the rules of scoring. Mini-Tennis is the understanding and meaning of tennis ball colors and the stages of tennis. • Yearly registration fee: $35 – Includes tennis shirt and 1 tennis item (racket, balls, grips, tennis bag). • Participants in this program must have a personal tennis racket. • Sibling discount - 5% off the second child’s fee. • Make-ups: Any weekday available upon request. 12

AQUATICS AZURA PRE-TEAM Aquatics–Children, Teens & Adults Taught by AZURA – Practices four times per week JCC SWIM SCHOOL & SWIM The pre-team group stresses fundamental swimming skills: sculling, turns, pacing, efficiency, “underwater works,” and finalizes For Children & Teens the execution of all four strokes. Drowning is a leading cause of Monday – Thursday death for children and adults. 3:45-4:45 pm | 5:15-6:15 pm Azura/JCC Swim School says it doesn’t have to be that way. AZURA SWIM TEAM Ages 12 & Under Gianluca Alberani, an international competitor and coach at Bronze Group World and Olympic games and Ricardo Monasterio, an Olympic competitor in multiple games and Masters world record holder are Workouts are offered four days a week. dedicated to teaching the skills needed to stay safe and enjoy the water. For information/registration call 954-296-1434. Pre-team swimmers move up to this group. Swimmers are Email [email protected] competent in all four strokes and continuously improve their technique. Training sessions revolve around the individual medley and introduction of race techniques. Monday-Thursday 3:45-5:15 pm or 5:15-6:45 pm Members $125 per month / Community $140 per month Silver & Gold Group Ages 14 & Under Workouts are offered four days a week. Bronze swimmers move up to these groups. Athletes must swim all four strokes well and maintain good technique on low intensity interval sets. Athletes transition to race training along with technical training. Monday-Thursday 3:45-5:15 pm or 5:15-7:00 pm Members $125 per month / Community $140 per month Teen Group Ages 15 & Over Practices offered four times per week. Azura Teen Group focuses on training athletes to develop their LESSONS - SKILL LEVELS technique in all four strokes. They will alternate technique work A mandatory evaluation is required to establish swim level, if with aerobic training. never enrolled in Azura’s programs. Level 1 & 2 – Starfish* | Level 3 & 4 – Sea Turtles Monday-Thursday 5:15-6:45 pm Level 5 & 6 – Dolphins *Starfish by appointment only Members $125 per month / Community $140 per month AZURA MASTER’S SWIMMING/ GROUP LESSONS SESSION 2 SELECT-A-DAY ADULT SWIMMING Monday No class Dec. 23, 30, Jan. 20, Feb. 17 Azura masters and adult swimming classes are for adults of all 3:45-4:25 pm Dolphins 3:45-4:25 pm Sea Turtles abilities and ages. Competitive swimmers, triathletes and begin- 4:35-5:15 pm Dolphins ners are welcome. The program is designed to improve swimming 11 classes – Members $180 / Community $220 technique, health, fitness and competitive skills. Day Time Start Date Fees (See below) Tuesday No class Dec. 24, 31 M Noon-1:00 pm Nov. 18 3:45-4:25 pm Dolphins 3:45-4:25 pm Sea Turtles Tu 6:00-7:00 am Nov. 19 4:35-5:15 pm Dolphins Tu 7:00-7:45 am Nov. 19 Learn to swim 13 classes – Members $215 / Community $280 W Noon-1:00 pm Nov. 20 Wednesday No class Nov. 27, Dec. 25, Jan. 1 Th 6:00-7:00 am Nov. 21 3:45-4:25 pm Dolphins 3:45-4:25 pm Sea Turtles Th 7:00-7:45 am Nov. 21 Learn to swim 4:35-5:15 pm Dolphins F 6:00-7:00 am Nov. 22 12 classes – Members $195 / Community $245 F Noon-1:00 pm Nov. 22 Thursday No class Nov. 28, Dec. 26, Jan. 2 Sat 8:00-9:30 am Nov. 23 3:45-4:25 pm Dolphins 3:45-4:25 pm Sea Turtles 4:35-5:15 pm Dolphins Monthly fees based on number Member/Community 12 classes – Members $195 / Community $245 of practices per week: Friday No class Nov. 29, Dec. 27, Jan. 3 Unlimited $85/$100 4:35-5:15 pm Dolphins 3:45-4:25 pm Sea Turtles 3 per week (only mornings or only afternoons) $65/$75 12 classes – Members $195 / Community $245 Saturday only $35/$45 Saturday (By Reservation Only) Adult Learn to Swim $95/$115 No class Nov. 30, Dec. 21, 28, Jan. 4 Please note: An additional $50 registration fee will be required 9:30-10:00 am Baby Fish (Parent & Me) at time of sign up and includes the team uniform. Also required is 10:00-10:30 am Starfish a mandatory $42 United States Master Swimming (USMS) annual 10:30-11:10 am Sea Turtles registration online at 11:10-11:50 am Dolphins 11 classes – Members $180 / Community $225 For registration and information call 954-296-1434; email [email protected] or visit For registration information call 954-296-1434 or email [email protected] or visit 13

Aquatics–Children, Teens & Adults AQUATICS PRIVATE & SEMI PRIVATE SWIM LESSONS Coordinated by JULIE SEVILLA FEES: Classes are a 1:1 or 2:1 ratio 30-minute individual instruction for children starting at age 6 months Available by appointment for all ages starting at six months • 8 private lessons: Members $250/ Community $325 Julie Sevilla, JCC aquatics coordinator, has over 27 years teaching • 8 semi-private lessons : Members $175/Community $250 experience in south Florida and has taught thousands of every age • 12 private lessons: Members $360/ Community $425 to swim or overcome their fears in and around water. One of • 12 semi-private lessons: Members $285/Community $360 Julie’s specialties is working with children with special needs. For more information or to register for lessons call 954-434-0499, She also offers lifeguard, CPR/AED and first aid classes. Julie ext. 360. recommends starting infant survival lessons as early as six months old. To make an appointment for private lessons call Julie at 954- AMERICAN RED CROSS 434-0499, ext. 360. LIFEGUARD TRAINING COURSE JULIE’S SWIM LESSONS AT THE DPJCC The JCC always looks to add to its aquat- Being able to swim is an essential life-saving skill and the only ics team of lifeguards and certified sport that can save your child’s life. Your children need the chance water safety instructors. Contact Julie to learn to swim. Drowning is one of the most common causes of Sevilla, aquatics coordinator, at 954- accidental death in children under the age of four. 434-0499, ext. 360, if interested in tak- ing the course. Four Weeks | Monthly Sessions Open to DPJCC Members & Community The course provides entry-level participants with the knowledge Ages 3 & 4 | 3:30-4:00 pm | Min. 2/Max. 3 and skills to prevent, recognize and respond to aquatic emergen- Ages 4 & 5 | 4:00-4:30 pm | Min. 3/Max. 4 cies and to provide care for breathing and cardiac emergencies, in- Ages 5 & 6 | 4:30-5:00 pm | Min. 3/Max. 4 juries and sudden illnesses until EMS personnel take over. Ages 6 & up | 5:15-5:45 pm | Min. 3/Max. 4 Prerequisites: Minimum age 15 years; swim 300 yards continu- ously; tread water for 2 minutes using only the legs; complete a Monday & Wednesday | Session Dates timed event within 1 minute, 40 seconds by starting in the water, November 11-December 11 swimming 20 yards, surface dive to a depth of 7 to 10 feet to re- January 13-February 4 trieve a 10-pound object, return to the surface and swim 20 yards February 10-March 4 on back to return to the starting point, exit the water without using steps or a ladder. Tuesday & Thursday | Session Dates Participants who successfully complete the lifeguarding course November 12 - December 12 receive an American Red Cross certificate valid for 2 years for January 14-February 5 lifeguarding/first Aid/CPR/AED. February 11-March 5 Fee for full course: $340 per person 8 Lessons: Members $150 / Community $185 Call 954-434-0499, ext. 360 for dates and times. • No classes the week of Thanksgiving and Winter Break • There are no refunds • Children not toilet-trained must be in a swim diaper • Classes registered for must be completed within one year from date of payment • Classes canceled due to inclement weather or other pool closures will be rescheduled For more information call Aquatics at 954-434-0499, ext. 360. Adult Enrichment Classes ADULT ENRICHMENT CLASSES AT THE JEAN LEIGHTON ART STUDIO VARIETY Ann Wolkowitz and Linda Altshuler run the studio and teach BEREAVEMENT GROUP classes in drawing, oil painting, acrylics, watercolor, pastels, mixed media and collage. Students have the opportunity to exhibit their Day Time Start Date # Member/Community work during showings at the J. Call 954-434-0499, ext. 336. Tu 10:30 am-Noon Ongoing Ongoing Free This support group, facilitated by experienced counselors, is for in- INTERMEDIATE DRAWING & WATERCOLOR dividuals who have lost a loved one. The group is free and open to the community. It is run in collaboration with Catholic Hospice. *Plus a $15 supply fee per year. Please call before first time attendance. With instructor Linda Altshuler Contact: 954-434-0499, ext. 370 Day Time Start Date # Member*/Community* BRAIN GAMES Tu 10 am-12:30 pm Nov. 5 6 $150/$200 Day Time Start Date # Member/Community Single classes (by reservation only) $25/$30 W 10:00 am Ongoing Ongoing Free STUDIO CLASS *Plus $15 supply fee per year. Do you enjoy the challenge of daily word games? Does the idea of Day Time Start Date # Member*/Community* beating your previous score motivate you? Join Shayna for interac- W 10:30 am-2:30 pm Nov. 6 6 $200/$250 tive Brain Games held in a small, group setting where you will exer- cise your mind, meet people with similar interests and have some Th 10:30 am-2:30 pm Nov. 7 6 $200/$250 fun, too! Questions? Call 954-434-0499, ext. 370. Single classes (by reservation only) $35/$40 14

COFFEE TALK KNITTING GROUP Adult Enrichment Classes Day Time Start Date # Member/Community Southeast Chapter of Florida Head Huggers Thursdays | 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. | Free Sun 10:30 am-Noon Ongoing Ongoing $3/$5 If you like to knit or crochet or would like to learn, this amazing dedicated group wants you. Every week they get together to This is not your mother’s coffee klatch! Adults 55+ are invited to a knit/crochet caps, wraps and blankets that will be donated to adult and children cancer patients undergoing treatment in the lively “young at heart” discussion group. Topics range from funny tri-county area. Contributions and donations of yarn are always needed and may be dropped off at our reception desks. to provocative. The group also has speakers and plans social out- Questions? Call Aline Zucker at 954-610-2981. ings. Call Barbara Diamond for information at 954-442-0574. CURRENT EVENTS Day Time Start Date # Member/Community Th 10:30 am Ongoing Ongoing Free Issues of the day. Facilitator: Jordan Sissler MAH-JONGG & CANASTA DUPLICATE BRIDGE Day Time Start Date # Member/Community M 12:30 pm Ongoing Ongoing $5 per class*+ Day Time Start Date # Member*/Community* Th 12:30 pm Ongoing Ongoing $5 per class*+ Tu 7:00-10:00 pm Ongoing Ongoing $7/$10 Learn mah-jongg basics or just come to play. This is an ongoing class A competitive, stratified ACBL sanctioned duplicate bridge game. so you may join at anytime. Instruction is available if needed. Come Come play bridge in a relaxed environment; bring a friend or make by yourself to learn or bring your mah-jongg group to play. For more a new one. Partners may be arranged. For more information, con- information call Nancy Alberts at 954-648-9784. tact T.J. Singer at [email protected] or Instructor: Nancy Alberts *Plus card fee of $8 +Beginner lessons $10 per class 954-399-1222. Instructor: T.J. Singer *Fees are per class. Prepay for 10 entries and get one for free. NEW FELIZ 60+ “OUR BELIEFS” — NOTE: Film/Program is in Spanish A PILLARS OF JUDAISM CLASS Facilitator: Miriam Moussatche-Wechsler, LCSW With Sandra Lilienthal Day Time Dates # Member/Community Day Time Dates # Member/Community Tu 12:15 pm Ongoing Ongoing $2 donation Tu 12:30–2:00 pm *See below 12 $20/per class is recommended includes lunch** Lunch included / Must RSVP RSVP required. Certain movies have an impact on our life and make us think. Join What do Jews believe in? Who/what is God? What happened at us and share this experience with others. You will watch a movie; Mount Sinai? Will there be a Messianic Era? What is and what would discuss it and meet nice people. We relate the theme of the movie that look like? Why are we connected to the Land of Israel? Do mir- with our everyday life, emotions, relationships, values, culture and acles exist? Do we believe in Satan? What happens after we die? much more. Call Perla Sananes at 954-434-0499, ext. 203. Call Kim Lerner at 954-249-8290. GROWING WISER *Dates: Nov. 19, 26; Dec. 3, 10, 17; Jan. 7, 14, 21, 28 ** Lunch served during the class is sponsored through a partnership with the Day Time Start Date # Member/Community David Posnack Jewish Community Center, the State of Florida Department of M 10:30 am Ongoing Ongoing Free Elder Affairs and the Aging Disability Resource Center. Live your later years with wisdom and joy. Join us to make valuable PEACE OF MIND connections, boost your happiness and discover new ways to thrive. Questions? Call 954-434-0499, ext. 370. Day Time Start Date # Member/Community ISRAEL, THE MIDDLE EAST & F 10:00 a.m. Ongoing Ongoing Free THE JEWISH WORLD Join us to learn tips and strategies for improving your mood, man- aging stress and promoting wellness. Questions? Day Time Start Date # Member/Community Call 954-434-0499, ext. 370. Th* 10:00-11:30 am ** Free Israel and the Middle East — the history, politics, religion, ethnic- WORLD NEWS ity, water, oil and current events — are all discussed in this lively, Day Time Start Date # Member/Community open-discussion class with Dr. Steve Schoenbaum. Expression of Tu 10:00 am-Noon Ongoing Ongoing Free all viewpoints is encouraged. For information call 954-434-0499, In this popular and lively discussion class learn about what is going ext. 370. on in today’s world and talk about topics that are directly from * Jan. 16, Apr. 16 newspapers at home and abroad. 954-434-0499, ext. 370. JEWS OF THE CARIBBEAN Facilitator: Peter Levine With Bruce Greenberg YIDDISH CLASS Institute of Jewish Knowledge and Learning Day Time Start Date # Member/Community Day Time Dates # Member/Community Tu 10:30 am-Noon Ongoing Ongoing Free W 12:30–2:00 pm *See below 12 $15/per class Appreciate the Yiddish language by exploring literature and cul- includes lunch** RSVP required. ture through classroom discussion. All levels from beginner to The Inquisition banished Jews from Spain and Portugal in the 15th philosophers are welcome. For information contact Jay Riazanow century. They eventually made their way to the Caribbean from at 954-835-0532. Instructor: Jay Riazanow both Sephardic and Ashkenazic locales, and there is an active Jew- ish community on many of the islands today. We invite you to tour the Caribbean in search of Jewish life. Call Kim Lerner at 954-249-8290. *Dates: Nov. 6, 13, 20; Dec. 4, 11, 18; Jan. 8, 5, 22, 29 ** Lunch served during the class is sponsored through a partnership with the David Posnack Jewish Community Center, the State of Florida Department of Elder Affairs and the Aging Disability Resource Center. 15

Adult Enrichment Classes SAVE THE DATE Wednesday, January 15, 2020 DAY OF LEARNING at DAVID POSNACK JCC Sponsored by Humana® Featuring: Marcia Zerivitz, author of Jews of Florida and founder of the Jewish Museum of Florida; Sylvia Gurinsky and Dr. Missy Dore For information/registration call 954-262-8471. Presented by the David Posnack Jewish Community Center, Nova Southeastern University Lifelong Learning Institute, Chai Care of Jewish Federation of Broward County and the Institute for Jewish Knowledge and Learning Join Us for Lunch Served Monday-Friday at Noon For anyone age 60+ The DPJCC offers a daily special of a hot, nutritious lunch every weekday. NOW, a cold lunch op- tion is also available plus some fun, topical and interesting classes that change all the time. The J is a great place to socialize and meet new friends and see friendly familiar faces. Reservations are required for the hot and cold lunches. When making your reservation, please specify if you will be enjoying the “daily hot special” or the “cold option.” Reser- vations must be made by 11:00 a.m. the day prior. Call 954- 434-0499, ext. 370 or register online at A $2 donation is recommended. This lunch program is sponsored through a partnership with the David Posnack Jewish Community Center, the State of Florida Department of Elder Affairs and the Aging Disability Resource Center. Adult Sports & Fitness ADULT SPORTS & FITNESS BASEBALL Wayne Stofsky, the award-win- PRIVATE/SEMI-PRIVATE LESSONS ning coach of FOR ALL AGES our JCC Maccabi Games©, is the Lessons are perfect for all levels of play director of the and are available by appointment. Private Broward Base- lessons are 30 or 60 minutes long; semi- ball Academy at private or small group lessons contain up to four in the group and the David are 60 minutes long. Contact Wayne at Posnack JCC. 954-683-7747 or [email protected] Wayne’s passion is all about HAL’S POWER ALLEY BATTING FACILITY baseball. He has a master’s degree in sports administration, is the The Alley, a 4,000 square foot covered athletics director of the David Posnack Jewish Day hitting facility with three batting cages, School and has played and coached at every level pitching machines, batting tees and indoor including professional baseball. Wayne partici- pitching mounds is the perfect place for pated in two College World Series with LSU and was players of all ages to train year-round. The named Pre-Season All American by ESPN. Alley may be rented by individuals or teams for batting practice, special occasions and/or community and cor- porate events. Contact Wayne at 954-683-7747 or [email protected] 16

BASKETBALL XZONE® HIIT Adult Sports & Fitness ADULT BASKETBALL LEAGUES This high intensity interval training (HIIT) Play basketball with players at your level. JHoops offers a variety group class is divided of adult leagues from recreational to highly competitive levels. into intervals of Every participant receives a team jersey, 8 games, playoffs and strength and cardiovas- team awards. cular training. It is structured to build strength, improve endurance, increase Day Time League Member/Community Code energy, maximize calorie burn, burn fat and get results. Each workout features: Sun 8:00 am Mello Yellow $125/$155 HAJHMYS heart rate monitors, treadmills, rowing per person machines. Advance registration re- (Half-court) (Age 35+) quired. Call 954-434-0499, ext. 100. Fees: M 8:00 pm Monday $580/Team HAJHMON Individual monthly payments: Members $40/Community $65 Tu 7:00 pm Mello Yellow $110 or $140 HAJHMYT Individual 6-month pre-paid package: (Full Court) per person $180 (25% savings) Individual classes (per class): Members: Tu 8:00 pm Tuesday $580/Team HAJHTUE $12/Community $16 W 7:00 pm Mello Yellow $125/$155 HAJHMYW PERSONAL TRAINING (Half-Court) The JCC offers both one-on-one and group personal training with Th 8:00 pm Thursday $580/Team HAJHTHUR highly qualified, enthusiastic and knowledgeable trainers. Work- ing with a personal trainer is a great way to jump start any fitness regimen. Your trainer will provide the motivation, education and the tools to help you achieve your health and fitness goals. For in- formation about our trainers including their certifications visit To schedule an appointment with a trainer call 954-434-0499, ext. 118. PARKINSON’S FITNESS PROGRAM Day Time Class M 8:00-9:00 am AquaFit M 10:15-11:15 am Boxing PICK-UP BASKETBALL FOR MEMBERS M 11:15 am-12:15 pm Tai Chi Pick up times vary from month to month. For more information on M 12:15-1:15 pm Ageless Grace available times, call 954-434-0499, ext. 100. Tu 10:30 -11:15 am Voice Therapy+ Tu 1:00-2:00 pm Yoga FITNESS W 8:00-9:00 am AquaFit CLASSES FOR ALL LEVELS & INTERESTS W 1:00-2:00 pm Spinning Whether you are working out as a beginner, a die-hard fitness fa- F 9:00-10:00 am AquaFit natic or fall somewhere in-between, we offer close to100 classes a week for you to pick from. F 10:00-11:00 am Box-A-Raté On land or in the pool, with machines or on the walking track, in F 11:00 am-Noon Dance & Motion dance, XZone™ and hot yoga studios – the JCC is the “center” of fitness. Our fitness schedule comes out monthly with new classes F 1:30-2:30 pm Ageless Grace offered all the time. You may pick up a schedule at the Sports & Wellness desk and in various places throughout the center. Some +Off campus–at Oakmonte Village (8201 Stirling Rd., Davie) classes require reservations. Have questions? Call 954-434-0499, ext. 100 or visit The Parkinson’s Fitness Program is sponsored by the DPJCC and a grant from the Parkinson’s Foundation. The FREE classes are open to anyone in the community who has the disease. The physical ex- ercise classes help in slowing down the progression of the disease. For more information call Bob Schwartz at 954-805-1800. MARTIAL ARTS AGELESS GRACE CUONG NHU ORIENTAL MARTIAL ARTS Day Time Dates # Member/Community Day Time Start Date # Member/Community Code M Noon Ongoing Ongoing Free M 6:30-7:45 pm Ongoing 11 $140/$180 HAMCN Tu 9:00 a.m. Ongoing Ongoing Free Th 6:30-7:45 pm Ongoing 12 $150/$195 HARCN W 11:00 a.m. Ongoing Ongoing Free Cuong Nhu (Vietnamese for hard/soft) oriental martial arts, com- F 1:30 p.m. Ongoing Ongoing Free bines seven different styles: shotokan, karate, aikido, judo, boxing, A dynamic fitness program for seniors in which the brain is stimu- tai chi, wing chun kung fu and vovinam. The physical training in- lated by everyday natural and organic movements that increase cludes empty hand, leg and weapons techniques, as well as ancient cognitive function. All exercises are performed in a chair. Ques- forms or kata. Cuong Nhu training promotes high ethical and moral tions? Call 954-434-0499, ext. 370. Instructor: Lana Gelb standards and a strong physical and mental foundation. Taught by Sensei Rich Browdy. To register or for questions, contact Rich at 954-559-5951 or email [email protected] 17

Adult Sports & Fitness TENNIS INTERMEDIATE/ADVANCED ADULT DOUBLES NEW CLAY COURTS CLINIC (90 Minutes) Our four new CLAY tennis courts are available for play. Day Time Start Date # Member/Community The courts must be reserved in advance. Cost: Members $5 / Community $12 M-Th 7:30-9:00 pm Ongoing 1 $35/$45 per day Call 954-999-9487, email [email protected] or visit Sat 9:00-10:30 am* Ongoing 1 $35/$45 NEW PICKLEBALL Sat 10:30 am-Noon Ongoing 1 $35/$45 ITP welcomes you to play on our new pickleball courts. Pickleball is Sun 9:00-10:30 am* Ongoing 1 $35/$45 a paddleball sport for all ages and skill levels, has simple rules and is easy for beginners to learn. We even will offer private and group Sun 10:30 am-Noon Ongoing 1 $35/$45 lessons. For more information call 954-999-9487, email [email protected] or visit No partner? No problem. We will match you up with one. Clinic extensively covers the intricacies of doubles tactics. The core elements include proper stroking techniques on all shots and an in- troduction to basic court positioning and shot selection. Please regis- ter in advance. *When parents play the open clinic class (90 min./9:00-10:30 am) at the same time the child is at the Tiny Tot’s weekend class, ITP will provide 45 min. of arts & crafts –only on Saturdays and Sundays. MEN’S & WOMEN’S ROUND ROBIN (120 minutes) Day Time Start Date # Member/Community W 7:30-9:30 pm Ongoing 1 $20/$25 Competition in which players rotate to play with a variety of players. Min. of 6 couples per court to open the weekly tournament, please register in advance. PRIVATE/SEMI-PRIVATE LESSONS Don’t worry if you have never picked up a racket before. A 60-minute private tennis lesson will help you learn the fundamentals and find your comfort zone. If you already are an accomplished player, we will help you refine your game. Private: $60/$80 | Semi Private: $80/$105 ITP Tennis Academy DID YOU KNOW … ITP is an international tennis academy/training pro- As we approach the holiday season, the J has gram for children, juniors and adults. ITP founder, many ways to help keep you fit and energized, so Assaf Ingber, has over 25 years of experience in man- your holidays are happy ones! aging tennis academies. For more information or to register for any of our programs or classes call/text • Weekdays our doors open at 5:30 a.m. and close at 10:30 954-999-9487. Email [email protected] or visit p.m.; we also have weekend hours. SALE: 3 privates lessons for ONLY $99 for every new ITP Player. • Our pool is heated by a geo-thermal system, so the tem- perature is comfortable all year long. Offer valid through February 29 and be used only one time. • Our tennis courts are lighted, so you may play in the WOMEN’S TENNIS - MORNING (60 Minutes) evening. Day Time Start Date # Member/Community • We have personal trainers offering a one-on-one expe- rience tailored to your needs. (just make an appointment) M 7:00-8:00 am Ongoing 1 $25/$30 • Our state-of-the-art fitness center is equipped with ma- M 8:00-9:00 am Ongoing 1 $25/$30 chines to work every part of your body. Tu 7:00-8:00 am Ongoing 1 $25/$30 • There are many TVs and free Wifi. Tu 8:00-9:00 am Ongoing 1 $25/$30 • Free babysitting is available for Family and Parent Plus memberships. (Ages 3months to 5 years) W 7:00-8:00 am Ongoing 1 $25/$30 • We have a walking track, so you may walk in air-condi- W 8:00-9:00 am Ongoing 1 $25/$30 tioned comfort. Th 7:00-8:00 am Ongoing 1 $25/$30 • We have indoor, air-conditioned racquetball and hand- ball courts. Th 8:00-9:00 am Ongoing 1 $25/$30 • Our aquatics center is the perfect place for a family out- F 7:00-8:00 am Ongoing 1 $25/$30 ing — a pool, splash pad, tables, lounge chairs, awnings, umbrellas, outdoor whirlpool, locker rooms, steam rooms, F 8:00-9:00 am Ongoing 1 $25/$30 saunas, café. There aren't many sports where you can start playing at age four and • We have Spinning®, XZone HIIT, XZone, Zumba, hot yoga, circuit training, TRX®, Ageless Grace, AquaFit, low play well until your 80s, meet new friends and actually play against impact, power fitness, aroma yoga, Tai Chi, Cuong Nhu Oriental martial arts, chair yoga, SilverSneakers® classes, them. With tennis, you can! So, are you ready to pick up a racket? Parkinson’s fitness program and so much more. BEGINNERS ADULT CLINIC (60 Minutes ) Day Time Start Date # Member/Community F 8:00-9:00 am Ongoing 1 $25/$30 Sat 8:00-9:00 am Ongoing 1 $25/$30 Sun 8:00-9:00 am Ongoing 1 $25/$30 These clinics are for novices looking to learn or improve the basics of their tennis game in a fun environment. Get up to speed quickly and join a group to play. Please register in advance. 18

GIBORIM U WINTER SESSION Giborim U — Winter Session For Children, Teens and Adults with Special Needs Serving Youth Ages 6+ and Adults 18+ | Open to Entire Community JCC membership is not required. Classes start November 17. Giborim U, a nationally award-winning, year-round program for children, teens and adults with special needs, kicks off its winter session with courses that focus on the arts, sports and wellness, socialization and life skills. Giborim U also features “Sunday Socials,” where participants enjoy activities that may take place on the J campus or off site. Transportation from the J and back is provided when the activity takes place at off-site venues. Populations served: • Individuals diagnosed with developmental disability, including but not limited to autism spectrum disorder, Down syndrome, cerebral palsy, Angelman syndrome, Smith-Magenis syndrome and other disabilities. • Ability to participate in and stay with a group, be actively engaged, follow basic instructions. Exclusions apply. Class Sampling: • Basketball, golf, boxing, yoga, fitness, tennis, swimming, karate • Hip hop dance, music, arts/crafts, drama with Exceptional Theater Company, movie club • Life skills: finance, cooking for daily living, transition to adulthood Sunday Socials: • Crafts, candles, cooking • Brightline train trip • Family social - Big Game Kickoff • Sensory-sensitive performances at Broward Center for the Performing Arts For winter session class registration call Debbie Lombard at 954-434-0499, ext. 208 or visit First-time applicants must meet the DPJCC and Giborim U admissions requirements as determined by a completed intake process. 19

Membership David Posnack JCC Membership David Posnack JCC membership benefits individuals, couples and families of all ages. The DPJCC welcomes and serves all residents of the community regardless of faith, age, ethnicity or disability. Value of Membership Membership Fees* (Fees listed are per month) • FREE use of our XZone fitness center, weight room, Family* $94 swimming pools, two gymnasiums, 5 lighted tennis courts, racquetball/handball courts, sauna and steam Couple and all children under 25 years of age room Parent Plus* $74 • FREE group exercise classes (excluding Hot Yoga and select XZone Fitness classes) One adult and all children under 25 years of age • FREE babysitting (Ages 3 months to 5 years with Family Young Adult $49 or Parent Plus membership) Individual 18-35 years of age who is not a full-time • FREE JKidz Club - Saturday & Sunday (Ages 6-12 with Family or Parent Plus membership) student • Access to \"members only\" programs Individual $59 Individual 36-59 years of age • Discount on preschool, after-school care, summer camp, vacation and mini camps and enrichment classes Couple $84 Couple without any children residing at home • Reduced prices on room rentals including the Orlove Auditorium and Brickman Theatre Senior Couple $69 • Guest privileges at more than 350 JCC facilities world- Couple with at least one individual 60 years of age or wide through the JCC network older • Discounts and special offers from local businesses through our jrewards member perks program Individual Senior $49 Individual 60 years of age or older • WOM (Word of Mouth) benefit: Earn a free month of membership for every new member referred Student* $39 Full-time student 13-25 years of age with a current valid student I.D. College Student Summer/vacation memberships available. Contact the membership office for fees. *13 and 14-year-old members are required to take the free JFit orientation class in order to utilize the fitness center. Children under age 13 are not permitted in the fitness center. At initial enrollment there is an additional non-refundable registration fee for all categories. This is a one-time fee with continuance of membership. F.Y. I . IMPORTANT PHONE NUMBERS Ext. 313 Children and Family Services Ext. 326 Ext. 307 Arlene Abrams, Director Ext. 203 Main Number: 954-434-0499 Ext. 111 Perla Sananes, Maccabi Tzair & Latin Initiatives Ext. 202 Administration Ext. 321 Lisa Lundy, Administrative Assistant Scott Ehrlich, MA, Chief Executive Officer Ext. 305 Ext. 368 Elaine M. Turner, CPA, Chief Financial Officer Ext. 309 Adult Services/Cultural Arts Ext. 106 Shari Mac Keen, MS, Chief Program Officer Ext. 311 Debbie Hochman, Director Ext. 370 Beverly S. Bachrach, MS, Director of Philanthropy Lea Shani, Assistant Director Ext. 336 Avi Zuri, Director of Campus Operations Maya Harvey, Adult Program Coordinator Donny Sztulwark, IT Director Linda Kirschenbaum, Administrative Assistant Ext. 118 Dianne Thorne, Executive Assistant Ext. 199 Sports and Wellness Ext. 112 Membership Ext. 107 Spencer Linden, Director Ext. 117 Laura Eisenstein, Membership Director Ext. 110 Ralph Ramirez, Assistant Director/Fitness Ext. 120 Jane Hesse, Membership Associate Will Croud, Assistant Director/Athletics Ext. 319 Rachel Benjamin, Membership Associate/ Ext. 304 Ysaac Kaplan, Fitness Coordinator Ext. 112, 330 Ext. 105 Risa Spevack, Sports & Wellness Associate 954-999-9487 Branding Manager Elexis Kaptaine, Registrar 954-683-7747 Matti Shorr, Membership Associate JHoops, DPJCC Basketball 954-600-9810 ITP Tennis Marketing Wayne Stofsky, Broward Baseball Academy 954-296-1434 Audie Lam, SoFLO Volleyball Ext. 360 Cina Tucci, Marketing Director Ext. 109 369 Aquatics Nancy Stearn, Public Relations Director Ext. 360 Azura 561 Julie Sevilla Sean Miller, Social Media/Maccabi Games Coordinator Ext. Taylor Forman-Green, Marketing Coordinator Ext. Singer Early Childhood Learning Center 954-434-7038 Direct Line Ext. 340 Judith Rose, Director Ext. 333 Michal Hen, Assistant Director/Curriculum Jamie Benes, Assistant Director Ext. 344 Eileen Neidorf, Administrative Assistant 20

AGENCIES/ORGANIZATIONS/SPECIAL SERVICES Membership ON THE JEWISH COMMUNITY CAMPUS: BBYO (B’nai B’rith Youth Organization): BBYO provides meaningful social and leadership opportunities for Jewish teens in grades 6-12 in Broward and Palm Beach Counties. They offer a variety of fun and engaging community-based programs during the year and a wide array of amazing experiences during the summer. Contact: Randi Diamond at 954-252-1912 or [email protected] Conservatory Prep Senior High: A progressive, arts-integrated high school for grades 8-12. Contact: Wendy Weiner, prin- cipal, 954-680-5808 David Posnack Jewish Day School (DPJDS): The DPJDS offers a unique, challenging, educational experience, combining an intensive focused secular education with an innovative, exciting Jewish curriculum for grades K-12. Contact: Suzie Jack- owitz, director of admissions, 954-583-6100, ext. 234 or [email protected] Jewish Federation of Broward County: The Federation acts in concert with its network of beneficiary agencies to safe- guard and address local education and social service needs; perpetuate Jewish traditions and heritage and ensure the con- tinuity and survival of Israel and our global Jewish community. Sterling Kosher Catering: Whether planning a wedding, bar/bat mitzvah, corporate event, a dinner, home or office party, Ster- ling will cater to your every need—all under strict rabbinical supervision. Contact: 954-680-4787 and visit Little Flowers of Hope for Children with Special Needs: Educational center dedicated to children with various exception- alities. Contact: Amy Simcox, 305-298-9787 or visit LIFE Development Center: A weekday program for adults with special needs. Offers an array of daily activities, classes and life skills to equip LIFE students for jobs and everyday living. Contact: Noel Hall at 954-445-6797 or Lisa Suite at 954-257-8372. Victor Center (Not on campus but affiliated with DPJCC): The Victor Center for the Prevention of Jewish Genetic Diseases at Miami Children’s Hospital offers comprehensive genetic education, counseling services and affordable screenings for the 19 genetic diseases that occur with greater frequency within the Jewish population. Contact: 786-624-2671 or 786-897-9587 or visit Ira D. Farber, MPT — Advanced Sports Physical Therapy, Inc.: Ira Farber is a licensed physical therapist specializing in sports, general orthopedic and manual rehabilitation for all age groups. His office is located in the JCC’s Sports & Wellness area. He treats children and teens, adults and seniors and elite athletes. Contact: 954-556-8633 Have you saved with your jrewards today? Did you know … your membership at the DPJCC includes discounts and special offers from local businesses and restaurants around our community? To take advantage of these discounts, simply show your valid DPJCC membership card at the time of purchase. In our Sports & Wellness lobby is a display with brochures listing all our jrewards partners or visit and click on the “Membership” tab. You will find discounts for health/beauty, shopping, dining, family fun and services. Local business owners … we encourage you to become part of our jrewards program. You may also advertise your business on site through our banner program. Call 954-434-0499 to learn how. 21

PARKING TAGS MUST BE DISPLAYED IN YOUR CAR THE ENTIRE TIME YOU ARE ON CAMPUS. Please note: In order to complete this form and receive your tag, you MUST have with you, the LICENSE PLATE NUMBER of each vehicle to be registered, your DRIVER’S LICENSE and PROOF OF REGISTRATION. DPJCC Parking Tag Form 22

WHO ARE OUR LIFE AND LEGACY DONORS? • They are people just like you. • They are generous and community-minded. • They want to ensure that future generations enjoy a vibrant and thriving J. • They are committed to Jewish values. • They want to make a difference. Hon. Ron & Cheri Rothschild The Rothchilds have had the unique opportunity of being a committed part of the J family since its inception in the early 1980s, when Ron served as the JCC’s first president. Today, with many campaigns under our belt and many more in our future, a fabulous facility loved and utilized by thousands, programs for all ages and abilities and a huge community presence, we beam with pride. Now everyone has the chance to take a meaningful role in the J’s future. We invite you to join us as participants in the Life & Legacy program. Your involvement and generosity will ensure the continuation and growth of our J, which has been and will continue to be, a cornerstone for our local Jewish community. There are a total of 15 organizations participating in the LIFE & LEGACY program alongside the David Posnack JCC. These organizations will work together to improve and reaffirm their position in our community, and ensure that there will always be Jewish life and Jewish opportunities in Broward County. For more information please contact Beverly S. Bachrach at [email protected] 23

David Posnack Jewish Community Center Non-Profit On the Nina & Louis Silverman Campus Organization 5850 S. Pine Island Road • Davie, FL 33328 U.S. Postage 954.434.0499 | PAID Permit No. 340 MIAMI FL Coming to the DPJCC’s Orlove Auditorium MATISYAHU Thursday, January 16, 2020 7:30 p.m. TICKETS: General Admission $45 Reserved $65 VIP with Meet & Greet $100 Purchase tickets at For information call 954-434-0499, ext. 370

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